elative intensity of Ar [a.u.] 9 6 3 0 Ti - HiPIMS Cu - HiPIMS dual-HiPIMS hybrid-dual-HiPIMS dual-HiPIMS: f = 100 Hz T a = 100 s T d = 15 s HF discharge: f = 94 kHz T a = 3 s T d = 7 s p = 3.0 Pa = 811.5 nm (Ar) 0 100 200 300 time [ s] relative intensity Ti [a.u] 7 Ti - HiPIMS Cu - HiPIMS 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ti, hybrid-DH Ti, DH Cu, hybrid-DH Cu, DH dual-HiPIMS: f = 100 Hz T a = 100 s T d = 15 s HF discharge: f = 94 kHz T a = 3 s T d = 7 s p = 3.0 Pa = 327.4 nm (Cu) = 453.3 nm (Ti) 0 100 200 300 time [ s] 22 19 15 11 7 4 0 relative intensity Cu [a.u.] Fig. 3.7: Time resolved optical emission measurements of Ar line λ Ar = 811.5 nm. Fig. 3.8: Time resolved optical emission measurements of λ Cu = 327.4 nm and λ Ti = 453.3 nm. the electrons. In this way the deposition rate on the substrate is reduced and the anode can be contaminated (covered) by the cathode material [VII]. Hence, some fraction of Ti vapour is deposited on the inactive Cu anode during the Ti-HiPIMS pulse and it has to be sputtered first at the beginning of the (second) Cu-HiPIMS pulse (and vice-versa for reversed polarity of Ti-Cu electrodes). The second source of the emission observed might be represented by ions still persisting in the cathode vicinity from previous pulse when it served as anode (see the explanation given above). A more probable explanation is the first one, based on target contamination. The reasons are as follows: A well-pronounced emission of different materials at the beginning of HiPIMS pulses is observable only for dual-HiPIMS mode despite the fact that the intensity of Cu emission at the beginning of the Ti pulse is much lower, see Fig.3.8 (this effect corresponds with the low sensitivity of the iCCD chip which is needed for measurement of massive sputtering during the Cu-HiPIMS pulse). When the hybrid dual- HiPIMS discharge is operated, the emission of only Ti is observed during Cu-HiPIMS. The absence of Cu emission at the beginning of the Ti-HiPIMS pulse is caused by the operation of an MF-discharge in the idle time of HiPIMS pulses which provides a "cleaning effect". To study the discharge expansion dynamics and target contamination, the fast optical emission imaging was employed [IV,VIII]. Images for both Ti-driven (right side of images) and Cu-driven (left side of images) discharges in hybrid-dual-HiPIMS configuration are shown in Fig.3.9. The total light emission 5 is presented in Fig.3.9. The Ti-pulse is ignited first (T a =0µs) and the emission in the vicinity of Ti target is immediately detected. This 5 Measurements with optical filters for particular (Ar, Ar + , Ti, Ti + , Cu, Cu + ) wavelengths were also done to verify the origin of imaged light emission. The function of automatic iCCD chip sensitivity adjustment was activated during all recording of time-resolved image sequences since the emission intensity dynamically varies in time. In other words, the iCCD chip sensitivity was adjusted automatically by the gain (G=1-255) of the amplifier to obtain optimal images. 24

A G = 233 T = 13 s Ti-HiPIMS pulse B G = 31 T = 64 s Ti-HiPIMS pulse C G = 255 T = 109 s HiPIMS pulse delay D G = 240 T = 123 s Cu-HiPIMS pulse D G = 180 T = 171 s Cu-HiPIMS pulse E G = 255 T = 276 s Ti-MF pulse F G = 255 T = 280 s Cu-MF pulse Fig. 3.9: Time resolved images of Ti-Cu hybrid-dual- HiPIMS discharge. Images: A and B - Ti HiPIMS pulse (0 - 100µs), C - delay between pulses (100 - 115µs), D and E-Cu HiPIMS pulse (115 - 215µs), F-MF pulse of Ti, G - MF pulse of Cu (MF driven in the idle time of HiPIMS). Ti magnetron is shown on the right and Cu on the left-hand side of images, respectively. The gain of iCCD amplifier G was automatically varied in range 0 - 255. light is mostly produced by Ar ∗ (verified by measurements with optical filters and measurements with OES). However, after a few microseconds, T a ∼1-3µs, visible emission in neighborhood of Cu electrode is observed as well. It becomes more pronounced in the vicinity of Cu-target and creates well-defined bond between Cu (anode) and Ti (cathode), Fig.3.9 A. This effect is due to magnetic (reversed polarity of magnets) and electric (anode-cathode) confinements. Electrons, repelled from the cathode ϕ Ti ≃-800V (Fig.2.6), move along the magnetic field line towards the anode, due to |ϕ Ti - ϕ Cu | ∼ 800 V, and cause electron impact ionization of Ar gas. Apparent bonding between electrodes is somewhat similar to the edge of a virtual tubular-like anode of dual magnetron system. However, bounding between sputtering sources, represented by emission of Ar ∗ and Ar + , between electrodes disappears after full propagation of the Ti-HiPIMS pulse, see Fig.3.9 B. This is not true because the emission of sputtered Ti gradually exceeds the intensity of Ar ∗ and Ar + lines and the sensitivity of iCCD chip is automatically decreased. After 25- 30µs, massive sputtering of Ti is dominant and a larger cloud is formed nearby Ti target. The cloud, formed mainly by neutral Ti and Ar (with some fraction of Ar + and Ti + ), propagates downwards with a speed roughly about 2-3mm/µs. Measured speed some- 25

A<br />

G = 233<br />

T = 13 s<br />

Ti-HiPIMS pulse<br />

B<br />

G = 31<br />

T = 64 s<br />

Ti-HiPIMS pulse<br />

C<br />

G = 255<br />

T = 109 s<br />

HiPIMS pulse delay<br />

D<br />

G = 240<br />

T = 123 s<br />

Cu-HiPIMS pulse<br />

D<br />

G = 180<br />

T = 171 s<br />

Cu-HiPIMS pulse<br />

E<br />

G = 255<br />

T = 276 s<br />

Ti-MF pulse<br />

F<br />

G = 255<br />

T = 280 s<br />

Cu-MF pulse<br />

Fig. 3.9: Time resolved images of Ti-Cu hybrid-dual-<br />

HiPIMS discharge. Images: A and B - Ti HiPIMS pulse<br />

(0 - 100µs), C - delay between pulses (100 - 115µs), D and<br />

E-Cu HiPIMS pulse (115 - 215µs), F-MF pulse of Ti, G -<br />

MF pulse of Cu (MF driven in the idle time of HiPIMS). Ti<br />

magnetron is shown on the right and Cu on the left-hand<br />

side of images, respectively. The gain of iCCD amplifier G<br />

was automatically varied in range 0 - 255.<br />

light is mostly produced by Ar ∗<br />

(verified by measurements with<br />

optical filters and measurements<br />

with OES). However, after a few<br />

microseconds, T a ∼1-3µs, visible<br />

emission in neighborhood of Cu<br />

electrode is observed as well. It<br />

becomes more pronounced in the<br />

vicinity of Cu-target and creates<br />

well-defined bond between Cu (anode)<br />

and Ti (cathode), Fig.3.9 A.<br />

This effect is due to magnetic<br />

(reversed polarity of magnets)<br />

and electric (anode-cathode) confinements.<br />

Electrons, repelled<br />

from the cathode ϕ Ti ≃-800V<br />

(Fig.2.6), move along the magnetic<br />

field line towards the anode, due<br />

to |ϕ Ti - ϕ Cu | ∼ 800 V, and cause<br />

electron impact ionization of Ar<br />

gas. Apparent bonding between<br />

electrodes is somewhat similar to<br />

the edge of a virtual tubular-like<br />

anode of dual magnetron system.<br />

However, bounding between<br />

sputtering sources, represented by<br />

emission of Ar ∗ and Ar + , between<br />

electrodes disappears after<br />

full propagation of the Ti-HiPIMS<br />

pulse, see Fig.3.9 B. This is not<br />

true because the emission of sputtered<br />

Ti gradually exceeds the intensity<br />

of Ar ∗ and Ar + lines and<br />

the sensitivity of iCCD chip is automatically<br />

decreased. After 25-<br />

30µs, massive sputtering of Ti is<br />

dominant and a larger cloud is<br />

formed nearby Ti target. The<br />

cloud, formed mainly by neutral<br />

Ti and Ar (with some fraction of<br />

Ar + and Ti + ), propagates downwards<br />

with a speed roughly about<br />

2-3mm/µs. Measured speed some-<br />


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