THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive

THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive
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74 The Hope of Israel: What Is It? It is recorded that, in the completeness of their apostasy and the depth of their degradation, "they sacrificed unto devils" (Deut. 32:7). And further to show the extent of their denial of God during the era of the Judges, we quote the following testimony from their own scriptures: "And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord, and served Baalim, and Ashtaroth, and the gods of Syria, and the gods of Zidon, and the gods of Moab, and the gods of the children of Ammon, and the gods of the Philistines, and forsook the Lord and served not Him" (Jud. 10:6). Finally, during the regency of Samuel, the last of the Judges and the first of the line of Prophets, the wickedness of the people culminated in their demand for a king. And notwithstanding that "the thing displeased Samuel," they persisted in that demand, saying, "Make us a king to judge us like all the nations" (1 Sam. 8:5, 6). This was a national sin of rebellion against Jehovah. Nevertheless, He did not cast them off, but directed Samuel to let them have their own way, saying : "Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee; for they have not rejected thee, hut they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them" (v. 7). And This was the origin of the earthly Kingdom of Israel, over which David and his descendants reigned, and which the carnally minded Jews were, and are, expecting their long looked for Messiah to restore. we see that, so far from being the Kingdom of God, that earthly Kingdom involved the repudiation of the Kingdom of God. Later on Samuel, by the Lord's command, gathered the people together, and after recalling what the Lord had done for them in days past, said :

The Hope of Israel: What Is It? 75 "And ye have this day rejected your God, _ who Himself ^ saved you out of all your adversities and your tribulations, and (1 Sam. ye have said unto Him, Nay, but set a king over us" 10:17-19). Finally when Samuel was about to die, he addressed "all Israel," reminding them of their grievous sin, and saying : "And when ye saw that Nahash the King of the children of Ammon came against you, ye said unto me, Nay, but a king shall reign over us, when the Lord your God was your King" And he went on to say : "Now therefore stand and see this great thing, which the Lord will do before your eyes. Is it not wheat harvest today? I will call unto the Lord, and He will send thunder and rain; that ye may perceive and see that your wickedness is great, which ye have done in the sight of the Lord, in asking you a king" (Sam. 12:6-17). These passages make it abundantly clear, even were there nothing else to enlighten us, that God regards that earthly kingdom with utter detestation, that He will never restore it, and that when John the Baptist preached to the Jewish people, saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," he was not announcing the setting up again of the earthly throne of David.

<strong>The</strong> Hope of Israel: What Is It? 75<br />

"And ye have this day rejected your God, _<br />

who Himself<br />

^<br />

saved you out of all your adversities and your tribulations, and<br />

(1 Sam.<br />

ye have said unto Him, Nay, but set a king over us"<br />

10:17-19).<br />

Finally when Samuel was about to die, he addressed<br />

"all Israel," reminding them of their grievous sin, and<br />

saying :<br />

"And when ye saw that Nahash the King of the children<br />

of Ammon came against you, ye said unto me, Nay, but a king<br />

shall reign over us, when the Lord your God was your King"<br />

And he went on to say :<br />

"Now therefore stand and see this great thing, which the<br />

Lord will do before your eyes. Is it not wheat harvest today?<br />

I will call unto the Lord, and He will send thunder and rain;<br />

that ye may perceive and see that your wickedness is great, which<br />

ye have done in the sight of the Lord, in asking you a king"<br />

(Sam. 12:6-17).<br />

<strong>The</strong>se passages make it abundantly clear, even were<br />

there nothing else to enlighten us, that God regards<br />

that earthly kingdom with utter detestation, that He<br />

will never restore it, and that when John the Baptist<br />

preached to the Jewish people, saying, "Repent, for<br />

the kingdom of heaven is at hand," he was not announcing<br />

the setting up again of the earthly throne of<br />


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