THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive

THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive
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206 The Hope of Israel: What Is It? stanced some of the enormities they had committed, what was God's answer? "I have reserved to Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal." That "very small remnant" were all He owned as His people in that day; and Paul says, "EVEN SO" it is "at this present time also" ; and he had shown in the preceding chapter (9:25, 26) that "this present time" is the "that day" foretold of God through Hosea, in which He would disown His nominal people as "not My people," and would "call them My people which were not My people" (Hos. 1 :9 ; 2 :23) . There is no obscurity in the apostle's answer to his own question, "Hath God cast away His people?" the answer being in effect that God had in contemplation a people, "which He forekneiv," which were not the natural Israel (for only a small fraction of that nation were to be included among them) and these He had not cast away, but on the contrary they had obtained and were already in possession of that which the natural Israel had been vainly seeking for. And yet, in the interest of modern dispensationalism, this luminous explanation is not merely disregarded, but is reversed; and the passage is made to mean that the natural Israelites are God's people, and that as such they are to "obtain" in a future dispensation that which they have been "seeking for." THE KINGDOM OF GOD What Israel was seeking for was usually in those days designated by the then current expressions, "Kingdom of God" and "Kingdom of the heavens"; and the Holy Spirit has made use of those terms in the New Testament. Therefore, in closing this chapter,

The Hope of Israel: What Is It? 207 it is appropriate to call attention to the fact that, what Paul was inspired to reveal in detail in Romans and Galatians, had been briefly foretold by the Lord Himself in His last words spoken to chief priests and elders of the people just before His death. It is recorded by Matthew that, after speaking to those Jewish leaders the parable of the Wicked Husbandmen, the Lord put to them a question which led them to pronounce the doom of their nation. For, replying to His question "What will he [the lord of the vineyard] do to those wicked husbandmen ?" they said : "He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard to other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their season" (Mat. 21:33-41). Little did they imagine that, in so speaking, they were uttering a true prophecy of what was about to happen to that nation. But the next words of Jesus make this clear ; for He said : "Therefore I say unto you, The Kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof" (v. 43). What Christ declares in these words is the same thing in substance as what Paul afterwards stated, when he said: "Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for, but the election hath obtained it" ; for obviously, "the election" is that "nation" to which, according to the words of Christ, the kingdom of God (which Israel was seeking for) was to be given. The election is that "holy nation," which "in time past were not a people, but now are the people of God" (1 Pet. 2:9). Further discussion of the subject of the people of God, and particularly of the place which Gentiles have

<strong>The</strong> Hope of Israel: What Is It? 207<br />

it is appropriate to call attention to the fact that, what<br />

Paul was inspired to reveal in detail in Romans and<br />

Galatians, had been briefly foretold by the Lord Himself<br />

in His last words spoken to chief priests and elders<br />

of the people just before His death. It is recorded by<br />

Matthew that, after speaking to those Jewish leaders<br />

the parable of the Wicked Husbandmen, the Lord put<br />

to them a question which led them to pronounce the<br />

doom of their nation. For, replying to His question<br />

"What will he [the lord of the vineyard] do to those<br />

wicked husbandmen ?" they said :<br />

"He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let<br />

out his vineyard to other husbandmen, which shall render him<br />

the fruits in their season" (Mat. 21:33-41).<br />

Little did they imagine that, in so speaking, they<br />

were uttering a true prophecy of what was about to<br />

happen to that nation. But the next words of Jesus<br />

make this clear ;<br />

for He said :<br />

"<strong>The</strong>refore I say unto you, <strong>The</strong> Kingdom of God shall be<br />

taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits<br />

thereof" (v. 43).<br />

What Christ declares in these words is the same<br />

thing in substance as what Paul afterwards stated,<br />

when he said: "Israel hath not obtained that which<br />

he seeketh for, but the election hath obtained it" ;<br />

for<br />

obviously, "the election" is that "nation" to which,<br />

according to the words of Christ, the kingdom of God<br />

(which Israel was seeking for) was to be given. <strong>The</strong><br />

election is that "holy nation," which "in time past were<br />

not a people, but now are the people of God" (1<br />

Pet.<br />

2:9).<br />

Further discussion of the subject of the people of<br />

God, and particularly of the place which Gentiles have

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