THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive

THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive
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' 192 The Hope of Israel: What Is It? No one, we are sure, could read this passage in 2 Peter with an open mind, and in simple confidence that the word of God is written to enlighten and not to mislead, without being convinced that, at the end of this present day of salvation, Christ will come again; and that His coming will be followed immediately by the day of judgment, the destruction of the present creation by fire, and the ushering in of the new heavens and new earth. And we say, moreover, that there is not a passage anywhere in the Bible that teaches, or that fairly implies, anything to the contrary; while there are not a few that confirm it. It is appropriate at this point to turn back a few pages to the Book of Hebrews, and to recall once more that the fathers of Israel were taught, even as the saints of the present era are taught, to look not for a glorified earth, whereof the earthly Jerusalem is to be the metropolitan city and the religious center, but "for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God," and for "a better country, that is an heavenly" (Heb. 11:10 and 16). Peter's concluding exhortation reiterates the main doctrine of the passage, namely, that "the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation"; thus evincing a desire to impress upon the reader's mind that the lapse of time before the fulfilment of the promise of His coming is due to the solemn fact that His coming marks the very end of the day of salvation. And Peter continues without a break or a new sentence, saying, "even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him, hath written unto you; as also in all his epistles, speaking of these things." Let us beware, therefore, of those who would make it appear that Paul, in his Epistles, teaches anything

The Hope of Israel: What Is It? 193 not in perfect harmony with what Peter declares in the passage we have been considering. And let it be recalled at this point that, as has been already shown, Paul also, in his foretelling of the second coming of Christ, gives prominence to the fact that it will be attended by the destruction of the world by fire, and the judgment and perdition of ungodly men. For Paul too looks on to the end of the present order of things ; to the time when God will recompense tribulation to them who now trouble His people, and to those who now are troubled rest with His apostles ; and according to Paul, that will be "when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall be punished with with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power." And once more we are told that this will be "When, He shall come to be glorified in His saints and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day" (2 Thess. 1 :6-10) . Thus we see that, as in Peter's account, so likewise in Paul's the conspicuous features of the events that will attend the coming again of the Lord Jesus Christ from heaven, are the flaming fire, and the everlasting punishment of the ungodly. Paul identifies these as they "that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ" ; which words make it evident that the events he describes that is, the awarding of "rest" to God's people and "tribulation" to their enemies will take place at the end of this day of GOSPEL salvation. "That day" of vengeance will follow next after this day of the gospel.

<strong>The</strong> Hope of Israel: What Is It? 193<br />

not in perfect harmony with what Peter declares in<br />

the passage we have been considering. And let it be<br />

recalled at this point that, as has been already shown,<br />

Paul also, in his foretelling of the second coming of<br />

Christ, gives prominence to the fact that it will be attended<br />

by the destruction of the world by fire, and<br />

the judgment and perdition of ungodly men. For Paul<br />

too looks on to the end of the present order of things ;<br />

to the time when God will recompense tribulation to<br />

them who now trouble His people, and to those who<br />

now are troubled rest with His apostles ;<br />

and according<br />

to Paul, that will be "when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed<br />

from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming<br />

fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God<br />

and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,<br />

who shall be punished with with everlasting destruction<br />

from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory<br />

of His power." And once more we are told that this<br />

will be "When, He shall come to be glorified in His<br />

saints and to be admired in all them that believe (because<br />

our testimony among you was believed) in that<br />

day" (2 <strong>The</strong>ss. 1 :6-10)<br />

. Thus we see that, as in Peter's<br />

account, so likewise in Paul's the conspicuous features<br />

of the events that will attend the coming again of the<br />

Lord Jesus Christ from heaven, are the flaming fire,<br />

and the everlasting punishment of the ungodly.<br />

Paul<br />

identifies these as they "that know not God, and that<br />

obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ" ; which<br />

words make it evident that the events he describes<br />

that is, the awarding of "rest" to God's people and<br />

"tribulation" to their enemies will take place at<br />

the end of this day of GOSPEL salvation. "That day"<br />

of vengeance will follow next after this day of the<br />


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