THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive

THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive
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174 The Hope of ^Israel: What Is It? lutely excludes the possibility of the salvation after His coming of any who have rejected the gospel previously. 2 Peter 3:1-10. The apostle Peter speaks plainly in this passage concerning the scoffers of the last days who deride the warnings of judgment to come ; and he declares that the day of wrath will come suddenly, when the earth, and the works therein shall be burned up. Moreover, what he says about the reason for God's long delay (v. 9) precludes the idea of there being any opportunity for repentance after that day begins. This important passage will be considered more in detail in a subsequent chapter. Revelation 6:12-17. This vision clearly depicts the great day of the wrath of the Lamb. It has no place in it for the salvation of any racial or other group. Moreover, the captains of industry, the magnates and other great ones of the earth are under no illusions whatever as to the doom that is about to overwhelm them. Revelation 19:11-21. This passage describes a vision of the things that are to happen at the second coming of Christ. John says : "And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war." The vision shows what Christ will do from the moment He issues forth from the opened heaven down to the complete overthrow of all His enemies, the casting of the beast and the false prophet into the lake of fire, the binding of Satan in the bottomless pit, and the setting up of the thrones of His everlasting Kingdom. He comes to "judge and make war." And in keeping with this purpose, His eyes are as a flame of fire, and out of His mouth goeth

The Hope of Israel: What Is It? 175 a sharp two-edged sword, that with it He should smite the nations. John sees also an angel standing in the sun, who cries with a loud voice to all the fowls of the air, saying, "Come and gather yourselves to the great supper of God, that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men." There is nothing here (and it would be here if anywhere) concerning any group of people whom Christ converts and saves after His coming. The separation is complete from the moment of His appearing; and the children of men are either in the armies of heaven which "followed Him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean," or they are in that other company which includes "the beast and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him that sat on the horse, and against His army." For there are no neutrals in that war. Those that are not for Him are against Him. And the end of those who are not with Him is described in these words: "And the remnant were slain with the sword of Him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of His mouth; and all the fowls were filled with their flesh" (v. 21). The two edged sword is the symbol of the Word of God (Heb. 4:12). So we have here a description in symbolic language of the fulfilment of Christ's own prophecy: "And if any man hear My words, and believe not, I judge him not; for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejecteth Me, and receiveth not My words, hath one that judgeth him; the word that I have spoken (the sword of His mouth) the same shall judge him in the last day" (John 12:47, 48). For His word is to them that hear it either a word of eternal life, or a word of eternal

174 <strong>The</strong> Hope of ^Israel: What Is It?<br />

lutely excludes the possibility of the salvation after<br />

His coming of any who have rejected the gospel<br />

previously.<br />

2 Peter 3:1-10. <strong>The</strong> apostle Peter speaks plainly in<br />

this passage concerning the scoffers of the last days<br />

who deride the warnings of judgment to come ;<br />

and he<br />

declares that the day of wrath will come suddenly,<br />

when the earth, and the works therein shall be burned<br />

up. Moreover, what he says about the reason for God's<br />

long delay (v. 9) precludes the idea of there being any<br />

opportunity for repentance after that day begins. This<br />

important passage will be considered more in detail<br />

in a subsequent chapter.<br />

Revelation 6:12-17. This vision clearly depicts the<br />

great day of the wrath of the Lamb. It has no place in<br />

it for the salvation of any racial or other group. Moreover,<br />

the captains of industry, the magnates and other<br />

great ones of the earth are under no illusions whatever<br />

as to the doom that is about to overwhelm them.<br />

Revelation 19:11-21.<br />

This passage describes a vision<br />

of the things that are to happen at the second coming<br />

of Christ. John says<br />

: "And I saw heaven opened, and<br />

behold, a white horse; and He that sat upon him was<br />

called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He<br />

doth judge and make war." <strong>The</strong> vision shows what<br />

Christ will do from the moment He issues forth from<br />

the opened heaven down to the complete overthrow<br />

of all His enemies, the casting of the beast and the<br />

false prophet into the lake of fire, the binding of Satan<br />

in the bottomless pit, and the setting up of the thrones<br />

of His everlasting Kingdom. He comes to "judge and<br />

make war." And in keeping with this purpose, His<br />

eyes are as a flame of fire, and out of His mouth goeth

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