THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive

THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive
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172 The Hope of { Israel: What Is It? will come "in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power." Moreover, it is here declared that this sweeping judgment, embracing all who know not God arid obey not the Gospel, will be at the very time "He shall come to be glorified in His saints, and to be admired in all them that believe" (2 Th. 1:7-10). By this passage again we are assured that at our Lord's second coming "all them that believe" will be made sharers of His own glory, and all others will "be punished," by banishment away from His presence, to a place of "destruction" that shall be "everlasting." It has been already noted, and should be kept in mind, that the unconverted Jews have ever been foremost among the despisers of God's mercy, even in the preceding dispensation, and that they have been most conspicuously the rejectors of Jesus Christ and His gospel. For, by trampling upon the law of God, they brought upon themselves and their children all its curses and judgments. Moreover, from the very beginning they have had the Holy Scriptures which testify of Christ; they have heard every Sabbath day the voices of the prophets, which spake beforehand of His coming, and of all He was to do and suffer; they were the first to whom the risen Christ sent the glad tidings of free salvation through His chosen witnesses, who preached the gospel unto them with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; and even in these last days special efforts for their salvation have been made through societies organized and maintained for that sole purpose. How can it be supposed then that this

The Hope of Israel: What Is It? 173 passage, and other Scriptures which speak plainly to the same effect, have no application to those who are of "Israel after the flesh?" And what responsibility do we incur, if we preach a doctrine so contrary to that of Christ and His apostles, especially if thereby any should be encouraged to continue in unbelief, trusting the delusive hope of national salvation in the approaching day of wrath? This passage is most assuredly decisive of the question we are considering; for it declares, in language that is unmistakeably plain, what will happen at the end of this gospel era to them that have not obeyed the gospel ; and certainly, of all the people in the world, the Jews are most conspicuously those who have not obeyed the gospel. 2 Thessalonians 2:2-12. There are difficulties of a minor character in regard to certain details of this passage ; but with respect to the subject of our present inquiry it speaks with a certainty and clearness that leave nothing to be desired. For it plainly declares that, at the Lord's appearing in glory, "that man of sin, the son of perdition," "that Wicked one" (the antichrist) shall be consumed by the spirit (or breath) of His mouth, and destroyed by the effulgence of His presence (lit. the epiphany of His parousia) ; and further that they who would not receive the love of the truth, whereby they might have been "saved," will have been given over by God Himself to "strong delusion, that they should believe the lie" (the original has the definite article) ; to this end, namely (let the words be carefully observed) : "That they all might be damned, who believed not the truth (the gospel), but had pleasure in unrighteousness." This agrees perfectly with Christ's own words concerning the flood, "and took them all away." It abso-

<strong>The</strong> Hope of Israel: What Is It? 173<br />

passage, and other Scriptures which speak plainly to<br />

the same effect, have no application to those who are<br />

of "Israel after the flesh?" And what responsibility<br />

do we incur, if we preach a doctrine so contrary to<br />

that of Christ and His apostles, especially if thereby<br />

any should be encouraged to continue in unbelief,<br />

trusting the delusive hope of national salvation in the<br />

approaching day of wrath? This passage is most assuredly<br />

decisive of the question we are considering;<br />

for it declares, in language that is unmistakeably<br />

plain, what will happen at the end of this gospel era<br />

to them that have not obeyed the gospel ;<br />

and certainly,<br />

of all the people in the world, the Jews are most conspicuously<br />

those who have not obeyed the gospel.<br />

2 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 2:2-12. <strong>The</strong>re are difficulties of a<br />

minor character in regard to certain details of this<br />

passage ;<br />

but with respect to the subject of our present<br />

inquiry it speaks with a certainty and clearness that<br />

leave nothing to be desired. For it plainly declares<br />

that, at the Lord's appearing in glory, "that man of<br />

sin, the son of perdition," "that Wicked one" (the antichrist)<br />

shall be consumed by the spirit (or breath) of<br />

His mouth, and destroyed by the effulgence of His<br />

presence (lit. the epiphany of His parousia) ; and<br />

further that they who would not receive the love of the<br />

truth, whereby they might have been "saved," will<br />

have been given over by God Himself to "strong delusion,<br />

that they should believe the lie" (the original<br />

has the definite article) ;<br />

to this end, namely (let the<br />

words be carefully observed)<br />

: "That they all might<br />

be damned, who believed not the truth (the gospel),<br />

but had pleasure in unrighteousness."<br />

This agrees perfectly with Christ's own words concerning<br />

the flood, "and took them all away." It abso-

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