THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive

THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive
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130 The Hope of Israel: What Is It? seems to be impressed upon us by this verse is that, during the accomplishing of the various ceremonies of the day of Pentecost, the disciples were not dispersed and mingled with the great crowds of worshippers, but kept together, and were with one accord in one place not scattered about. It can hardly be doubted, therefore, that at the moment the Spirit descended upon them they were all in one and the same place somewhere within the large area of the Temple, presumably in Solomon's Porch. Concerning the verse we are now considering (Acts 2:1), Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, in a letter to the author, said : "Personally, I believe that the statement that the day of Pentecost 'was being fulfilled' means far more than that they were observing its ritual. I am convinced that the meaning of Luke here is that all that was signified by that feast was finding its historic fulfilment." With the aid of this comment we can see a great wealth of meaning in these few words of Scripture. The coming of the Holy Spirit took place some little time before nine in the morning (see verse 15), just long enough for it to be "noised abroad" (2:6), and for an enormous crowd to congregate. There would be ample time for this between the morning services and nine o'clock. On reading attentively the record in verses 1-14 it will be seen that the events there narrated happened all in one and the same locality; for there is no change of location. Wherever the disciples were when they began to speak in other (feeteros-diiferent) tongues or languages, and where the astonished multitude assembled and listened to the first Gospel address ever preached "with the Holy Ghost come down from heav-

The Hope of Israel: What Is It? 131 en", that was the very same place where the Holy Spirit came upon them. Concerning the words of verse 6, "Now when this was noised abroad," Dr. Morgan, in the letter already quoted, says that this is not to be taken as meaning that a rumor of the marvellous event was spread abroad; for the verb rendered "noised broad" in the A. V. "is never used in the sense of a rumor. I believe the sound as of a mighty wind was heard by the entire city. That being so, your interpretation as to the place falls in with tremendous naturalness to me. The devout Jews would, at the hearing of some supernatural sound, rush to the Temple." In this connection the force of the words of Acts 2:2 should be specially noted : "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind (or Breath) and it filled all the house where they were sitting." It is important to note that in those days, and for a considerable period thereafter, the disciples were in "favor with all the people" (Acts 2:48); and hence they were permitted to enjoy, in common with all Jewish sects and parties, the privileges of assembling for the usual purposes, and as a distinct company or sect, in the Temple. It should also be specially noted that no pious Jews would be anywhere but in the Temple on that day. (See Acts 20:16). We conclude, therefore, that the material House of God served as the womb for the spiritual House, and that from it the Church was to come forth, and soon did come forth. For a little while the two were identified, as the true spiritual "Israel of God" was, for awhile, identified with "Israel after the flesh" spiritual seed of Abraham with his natural seed. this is in keeping with the revealed ways of God. the And

130 <strong>The</strong> Hope of Israel: What Is It?<br />

seems to be impressed upon us by this verse is that,<br />

during the accomplishing of the various ceremonies of<br />

the day of Pentecost, the disciples were not dispersed<br />

and mingled with the great crowds of worshippers, but<br />

kept together, and were with one accord in one place<br />

not scattered about. It can hardly be doubted, therefore,<br />

that at the moment the Spirit descended upon<br />

them they were all in one and the same place somewhere<br />

within the large area of the Temple, presumably<br />

in Solomon's Porch.<br />

Concerning the verse we are now considering (Acts<br />

2:1), Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, in a letter to the author,<br />

said :<br />

"Personally, I believe that the statement that the<br />

day of Pentecost 'was being fulfilled' means far more<br />

than that they were observing its ritual. I am convinced<br />

that the meaning of Luke here is that all that<br />

was signified by that feast was finding its historic fulfilment."<br />

With the aid of this comment we can see a great<br />

wealth of meaning in these few words of Scripture.<br />

<strong>The</strong> coming of the Holy Spirit took place some little<br />

time before nine in the morning (see verse 15), just<br />

long enough for it to be "noised abroad" (2:6), and for<br />

an enormous crowd to congregate. <strong>The</strong>re would be<br />

ample time for this between the morning services and<br />

nine o'clock.<br />

On reading attentively the record in verses 1-14 it<br />

will be seen that the events there narrated happened<br />

all in one and the same locality; for there is no change<br />

of location. Wherever the disciples were when they<br />

began to speak in other (feeteros-diiferent) tongues or<br />

languages, and where the astonished multitude assembled<br />

and listened to the first Gospel address ever<br />

preached "with the Holy Ghost come down from heav-

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