THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive

THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive THE HOPE OF ISRAEL - The Preterist Archive
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118 The Hope of Israel: What Is It? For what war- very weak effort of the imagination. rant have we for supposing that God would require any memorial of those sacrifices in which, even in the time when they were needed, He had had no pleasure? And how preposterous is the idea that He would require the slaughter of innumerable creatures merely to revive the memory of those other defective sacrifices which could never take away sins! Surely they who advance this idea have forgotten the Scripture, which they all apply to the Millennium, and which says, "They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain" (Isa. 11:9). But the passage itself completely refutes this idea; for it plainly declares that the sacrifices there specified were not at all for a remembrance or a memorial, but were for the very different purposes of sin offerings, trespass offerings, peace offerings, etc. ; also for cleansing the house, making reconciliation both for the princes of Israel and for the people, and the like. All the five offerings of the levitical system are mentioned by name (40:39, 42:13, 43:27; 45:17; 46:20); and provision is made for sprinkling the blood of the sin offering upon the corners of the altar, upon the posts of the house and court in order to cleanse them (43 :20 ; 45:18, 19). In a word the sacrifices are the levitical sacrifices, and they are expressly declared to be for the identical purposes thereof. Hence it is impossible to locate this temple, as an actual structure (apart from the spiritual signification thereof), in any other era than that of the law. THE PURPOSE OF THE VISION What then was the immediate purpose of this vision? We think this question admits of a simple answer in

The Hope of Israel: What Is It? 119 the light of the passage itself and that of other Scriptures. Ezekiel prophesied during the captivity. That captivity was to be of seventy years duration, as predicted by Jeremiah. At its end the captives were to return and re-build the city and the temple. This new temple was to serve as the sanctuary of God until Christ should come. God's plan had always been to give to His people the exact pattern of the sanctuary they were to build for His Name. To Moses He had shown the pattern of the tabernacle, giving him at the same time the strictest injunctions to make every detail in exact accordance with that pattern. Likewise to David God had revealed the pattern of the temple which was to be built at Jerusalem, with all its appointments, vessels of service, etc. "All this," said David, "the Lord made me understand in writing by His hand upon me, even all the works of this pattern" (1 Chr. 28:11-19). And now again a house was about to be built for the Name of the Lord in Jerusalem. Therefore, having in mind His invariable method in such case, we should expect to find at this period a revelation from heaven of the pattern to be followed in the building of that house. And just here we do find the revelation from God of the complete pattern and appointments of temple, with directions to the prophet to show the same to the house of Israel. Furthermore we find that even as Moses was admonished to make all things like unto the pattern shown him "in the mount," so Ezekiel was taken to "a very high mountain" where this pattern was shown him ; and he was bidden to set his heart upon all that a

118 <strong>The</strong> Hope of Israel: What Is It?<br />

For what war-<br />

very weak effort of the imagination.<br />

rant have we for<br />

supposing that God would require<br />

any memorial of those sacrifices in which, even in the<br />

time when they were needed, He had had no pleasure?<br />

And how preposterous is the idea that He would require<br />

the slaughter of innumerable creatures merely<br />

to revive the memory of those other defective sacrifices<br />

which could never take away sins! Surely they<br />

who advance this idea have forgotten the Scripture,<br />

which they all apply to the Millennium, and which<br />

says, "<strong>The</strong>y shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy<br />

mountain" (Isa. 11:9).<br />

But the passage itself completely refutes this idea;<br />

for it plainly declares that the sacrifices there specified<br />

were not at all for a remembrance or a memorial,<br />

but were for the very different purposes of sin offerings,<br />

trespass offerings, peace offerings, etc. ;<br />

also for<br />

cleansing the house, making reconciliation both for the<br />

princes of Israel and for the people, and the like. All<br />

the five offerings of the levitical system are mentioned<br />

by name (40:39, 42:13, 43:27; 45:17; 46:20); and<br />

provision is made for sprinkling the blood of the sin<br />

offering upon the corners of the altar, upon the posts<br />

of the house and court in order to cleanse them (43 :20 ;<br />

45:18, 19). In a word the sacrifices are the levitical<br />

sacrifices, and they are expressly declared to be for<br />

the identical purposes thereof. Hence it is impossible<br />

to locate this temple, as an actual structure (apart<br />

from the spiritual signification thereof), in any other<br />

era than that of the law.<br />

<strong>THE</strong> PURPOSE <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> VISION<br />

What then was the immediate purpose of this vision?<br />

We think this question admits of a simple answer in

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