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Shogofa Ali was 18 when she set herself on fire.<br />

She didn’t do it to protest against her arranged marriage; she just didn’t want to live through the<br />

pain any longer.<br />

Shogofa, from Afghanistan, had been just 11 when she was part of a bride exchange agreement<br />

arranged by her father.<br />

Shogofa hadn’t wanted to marry so young. She wasn’t ready. Although she knew her father<br />

wouldn’t change his mind, she still begged him not to make this atrocious decision. Shogofa had to<br />

marry a man she had never seen before in her entire life, but there was nothing she could have<br />

done. From that moment, she knew that the life she had dreamed of was over.<br />

Everything changed the second Shogofa got married; her husband was interfering in every part of<br />

her life. Bad changes entered Shogofa’s life, including the fact that she wasn’t allowed to go to<br />

school.<br />

‘My husband’s family would beat me up every time I mentioned about school. It was like I was only<br />

half alive. A razor blade was hanging over my life,’ Shogofa said as tears fell from her eyes as she<br />

remembered the awful past.<br />

Shogofa told us why she eventually set herself on fire.<br />

‘I had suffered so much abuse from my husband and his family that I couldn’t take all the agony<br />

anymore. I thought it would be better off if I died rather than living in anguish but I wouldn’t have<br />

done this if I knew I would still be alive. I wanted to escape this misery.’<br />

It has now been almost a year since Shogofa left hospital. Her husband and his family never<br />

visited. She couldn’t be more delighted. Her life has now improved. However, every now and then,<br />

her appalling past appears in her head, a dark reminder of what happened.<br />

Considering that many other Afghanistan women have experienced a situation like this, Shogofa<br />

was fortunate to finally escape.<br />

A large number of women and girls around the world are still forced to marry as children or are<br />

trafficked into forced labor and sex slavery. They are often prevented from making personal<br />

choices in their private lives.<br />

Also, women and girls are often denied an education and political participation. Many are facing<br />

huge challenges and different kinds of violence, such as sexual violence, self abuse and domestic<br />

violence.<br />

Nobody should have to go through this.<br />

Life is iniquitous, but it is even more harrowing for women. All women deserve equality, dignity,<br />

freed from violence and discrimination. This is a right, not a reward.

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