Oriente antiguo 41 - Pórtico librerías

Oriente antiguo 41 - Pórtico librerías Oriente antiguo 41 - Pórtico librerías

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AVANCES de PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS Fundada en 1945 Responsable de la Sección: Carmen Alcrudo Muñoz Seca, 6. 50005 Zaragoza (España) P.O. Box 503. 50080 Zaragoza (Spain) www.porticolibrerias.es Fax (+34) 976 353 226 Tel.: 976 557 039 • 976 350 303 • 976 357 007 1074 4 diciembre de 2012 Dirige: José Miguel Alcrudo ORIENTE ANTIGUO 41 01 Abraham, K. / J. Fleishman, eds.: Looking at the Ancient Near East and the Bible through the Same Eyes. Minha Leahron. A Tribute to Aaron Skaist 2012 – xv + 382 pp. € 70,00 ÍNDICE: Preface: The publications of Aaron Skaist — History: A. Altman: Reflections on the Alalah text AT 456 — Y. Cohen: Ahi-malik: the last «overseer of the land» in the city of Emar — M. Garsiel: The battle of Michmans (I Samuel 13-14). History, historiography, poetics, and theology combined — S. Vargon: The Riv with the inhabitants of Judea in the time of Ahaz (Micah 6: I-8) — D. B. Weisberg: Making sense of «garbled legend»: the case of Nebuchadnezzar — The Legal System: J. Fleishman: Biblical laws of marriage visà-vis seduction and rape: Exodus 22:15-16 and Deuteronomy 22:28-29 — M. Stol: Payment of the old babylonian brideprice — K. R. Veenhof: Last wills and inheritance of old assyrian traders with four records from the archive of Elamma — N. Wasserman: A field purchase contract from Nippur dated to the reign of Warad-Sin — Social and Economic Issues: A. Demsky: Jacob’s herds in light of ancient near eastern sources — G. Galil: The socio-economic status of the people enumerated in sales of «land and people» in the neo-assyrian period — M. Malul: The family hearth in the ancient Near East and the social-legal significance of light and darkness — Literature: Y. Levin: The family of man: the genre and purpose of Genesis 10 — Y. Sefati / J. Klein: Two Domuzi-Inanna love songs: Dumuzi-Inanna Q and an unidentified song — Philology: On the use of akkadian in biblical hebrew philology — A. Radzyner: Fifty sheqels of silver: on the mishnaic use of the term qenas. 02 Adam, K.-P. / F. Avemarie / N. Wazana, eds.: Law and Narrative in the Bible and in Neighbouring Ancient Cultures 2012 – xvii + 414 pp. € 87,40 ÍNDICE: C. Wunsch: Legal Narrative in the Neo-Babylonian Trial Documents: Text Reconstruction, Interpretation, and Assyriological Method — W. Oswald: Die Exodus- Gottesberg-Erzählung als Gründungsurkunde der judäischen Bürgergemeinde — U.



Fundada en 1945<br />

Responsable de la Sección: Carmen Alcrudo<br />

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Tel.: 976 557 039 • 976 350 303 • 976 357 007<br />

1074<br />

4 diciembre de 2012<br />

Dirige: José Miguel Alcrudo<br />

ORIENTE ANTIGUO <strong>41</strong><br />

01 Abraham, K. / J. Fleishman, eds.: Looking at the Ancient Near East<br />

and the Bible through the Same Eyes. Minha Leahron. A Tribute to Aaron<br />

Skaist<br />

2012 – xv + 382 pp. € 70,00<br />

ÍNDICE: Preface: The publications of Aaron Skaist — History: A. Altman: Reflections on<br />

the Alalah text AT 456 — Y. Cohen: Ahi-malik: the last «overseer of the land» in the city<br />

of Emar — M. Garsiel: The battle of Michmans (I Samuel 13-14). History, historiography,<br />

poetics, and theology combined — S. Vargon: The Riv with the inhabitants of Judea in the<br />

time of Ahaz (Micah 6: I-8) — D. B. Weisberg: Making sense of «garbled legend»: the<br />

case of Nebuchadnezzar — The Legal System: J. Fleishman: Biblical laws of marriage visà-vis<br />

seduction and rape: Exodus 22:15-16 and Deuteronomy 22:28-29 — M. Stol: Payment<br />

of the old babylonian brideprice — K. R. Veenhof: Last wills and inheritance of<br />

old assyrian traders with four records from the archive of Elamma — N. Wasserman:<br />

A field purchase contract from Nippur dated to the reign of Warad-Sin — Social<br />

and Economic Issues: A. Demsky: Jacob’s herds in light of ancient near eastern<br />

sources — G. Galil: The socio-economic status of the people enumerated in sales<br />

of «land and people» in the neo-assyrian period — M. Malul: The family hearth<br />

in the ancient Near East and the social-legal significance of light and darkness —<br />

Literature: Y. Levin: The family of man: the genre and purpose of Genesis 10 —<br />

Y. Sefati / J. Klein: Two Domuzi-Inanna love songs: Dumuzi-Inanna Q and an<br />

unidentified song — Philology: On the use of akkadian in biblical hebrew philology<br />

— A. Radzyner: Fifty sheqels of silver: on the mishnaic use of the term qenas.<br />

02 Adam, K.-P. / F. Avemarie / N. Wazana, eds.: Law and Narrative in the<br />

Bible and in Neighbouring Ancient Cultures<br />

2012 – xvii + <strong>41</strong>4 pp. € 87,40<br />

ÍNDICE: C. Wunsch: Legal Narrative in the Neo-Babylonian Trial Documents: Text<br />

Reconstruction, Interpretation, and Assyriological Method — W. Oswald: Die Exodus-<br />

Gottesberg-Erzählung als Gründungsurkunde der judäischen Bürgergemeinde — U.

PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1074 — <strong>Oriente</strong> <strong>antiguo</strong> <strong>41</strong><br />

2<br />

Rüterswörden: Gesetz und Erzählung anhand der Josephsgeschichte — N. Wazana: «For an<br />

Impaled Body is a Curse of God” (Deut 21:23): Impaled Bodies in Biblical Law and Conquest<br />

Narratives — K.-P. Adam: A Didactic Case Narrative on Homicide Law: 1 Samuel 26 — R.<br />

Magdalene: The Reader as Judge in the Book of Job: Interpretation and the Narrativity of Case<br />

Law — J. Hengstl: Rechtliche Anliegen in biblischen Schilderungen. Methodische<br />

Gesichtspunkte — S. Gödde: Recht ohne Gesetz? Szenarien der Rechtssprechung bei Homer,<br />

Hesiod und Aischylos — S. Krauter: Rechtsnorm und Beispielerzählung im Dienste der<br />

Überzeugung. M. Tullius Cicero, De domo sua ad pontifices — B. Ego: «Diejenigen, welche<br />

die Wahrheit tun, werden Gelingen haben in ihren Werken» (Tob 4,6). «Law» und «narrative»<br />

im Buch Tobit — C. Werman: Narrative in the Service of Halakha: Abraham, Prince Mastema,<br />

and the Paschal Offering in Jubilees — L. Doering: Reinheit und Tempel. Ein Beitrag zum<br />

Verhältnis von Law und Narrative im Jubiläenbuch — T. Ilan: Babatha the Killer-Wife:<br />

Literature, Folk Religion and Documentary Papyri — C. Hezser: Orality, Textuality, and<br />

Memory in the Transmission of Rabbinic Legal Narratives — L. Bormann: Das<br />

Lukasevangelium als tragische Geschichtserzählung vom Zusammenbruch der<br />

Rechtsgemeinschaft des Judentums in Galiläa und Judäa — D. A. Hume: «Sharing All Things<br />

in Common”: Narrative, Alienation, and the Friendship Ethos in Acts 2:<strong>41</strong>–47 and 4:32–35 —<br />

E. Regev: The Gradual Conversion of Gentiles in Acts and Luke’s Paradox of the Gentile<br />

Mission — F. Avemarie: The Apostolic Decree and the Jewishness of Luke’s Paul: On the<br />

Narrative Function of Acts 15:23–29.<br />

03 Altman, A.: Tracing the Earliest Recorded Concepts of International<br />

Law. The Ancient Near East (2500-330 BCE)<br />

2012 – xxvi + 254 pp. € 113,40<br />

ÍNDICE:Introduction — I The Early Dynastic Period in Southern Mesopotamia (2900-2350<br />

BCE) — II The Old Akkadian and Ur III Periods in Mesopotamia (2350-2004 BCE) — Part I.<br />

The Old Akkadian Period — Part II. The Ur III Period — III The Near East in the Old Babylonian<br />

Period (2003-1595 BCE) — IV The Near East in the Late Bronze Age (1600-1200 BCE) — V<br />

The Near East 1200 – 330 BCE — Concluding Remarks.<br />

04 Aula orientalis. Revista de estudios del Próximo <strong>Oriente</strong> <strong>antiguo</strong>, XXIX/<br />

2 — julio 2011<br />

2011 – 167 pp., fig. € 46,90<br />

ÍNDICE: Estudios: D. Barreyra Fracaroli: The chronology of Zimri-Lim’s reign — A.<br />

Cantera: Breve tipología e historia de los manuscritos avésticos de la liturgia larga — G.<br />

del Olmo Lete: KTU 1.82: another miscellaneous incantation/anti-witchcraft text against<br />

snakebite in ugaritic — J. L. Montero Fenollós & al.: Tell Qubr Abu al- c Atiq: a middle<br />

assyrian fort in the gorge of Khanuqa. 6 th season report — J. Peterson: Nanna/Suen convenes<br />

in the divine assembly as king — J. Vidal: La captura de tres militares de Biblos. Apuntes<br />

prosopográficos (2) — Notas: H. Amer: L’ampoule à décor végétal — D. Arnaud: Deux<br />

dédicaces privées en néo-assyrien et en néo-babylonien — G. del Olmo Lete: KTMW, his<br />

‘soul’ and his funerary ‘chapel’ — E. Nissan: Lo schema onomasiologico di due paia lessicali<br />

dell’ebraico biblico: ṣ c fî’îm vs. ṣfî c ot, e ṣe’eṣâ’îm vs ṣô’â o ṣê’â — Recensiones.

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3<br />

05 Aula orientalis. Revista de estudios del Próximo <strong>Oriente</strong> <strong>antiguo</strong>,<br />

XXX/1 — 2012<br />

2012 – 209 pp., fig., tabl. € 46,90<br />

ÍNDICE: Estudios: G. del Olmo Lete: Los caballos en Ugarit. Un estudio lexicográfico<br />

(ṣmd(m), ḥrṣ, aḥd(m)) — M. L. Mangado & al.: Estudio tomográfico en momias egipcias<br />

de animales — E. Pirart: Les trois nuits dans le Vîdaêuu-dât — A. Rahmouni: The epithets<br />

of the Kôtaraâtu goddesses at Ugarit — G. Takacs: Afroasiatica XII — M. Vianó: The<br />

economy of Emar II — Artículos recensión: P. Dardano: Miscellanea anatolica — J. Padró:<br />

La ciudad del pez de nariz puntiaguda — Notas: D. Arnaud: Une amulette néo-assyrienne<br />

contre l’impuissance — M. Molina: Two Ur III tablets in the Museo nacional de<br />

las culturas, ciudad de México — Recensiones.<br />

06 Balogh, C.: The Stele of Yhwh in Egypt. The Prophecies of Isaiah 18-<br />

20 Concerning Egypt and Kush<br />

2011 – xviii + 394 pp. € 133,15<br />

07 Baratova, L. / N. Schindel / E. Rtveladze: Sylloge nummorum sasanidarum<br />

Usbekistan. Sasanidische Münzen und ihre Imitationen aus<br />

Bukhara, Termes und Chaganian<br />

2012 – 199 pp., 47 lám. € 71,76<br />

08 Belli, O., ed.: I. International Symposium of Mount Ararat and Noah’s<br />

Ark / I. Uluslararasi Agri Dagi ve Nuh’un Gemisi Sempozyumu<br />

2007 – xxii + 610 pp., lám.col. € 100,25<br />

09 Bermejo Rubio, F. / J. Montserrat Torrents, eds.: El maniqueísmo. Textos<br />

y fuentes<br />

2008 – 563 pp. € 25,00<br />

10 Bernabé, A. / J. A. Álvarez-Pedrosa, eds.: Historia y leyes de los hititas.<br />

Texto del reino medio y del imperio nuevo<br />

2004 – 323 pp. € 21,40<br />

11 Bernabé, A. / J. A. Álvarez-Pedrosa, eds.: Historia y leyes de los hititas.<br />

Textos del imperio <strong>antiguo</strong>. El código<br />

2000 – 255 pp. € 16,00<br />

12 Biga, M. G. / A. M. G. Capomacchia: Il politeismo vicino-orientale.

PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1074 — <strong>Oriente</strong> <strong>antiguo</strong> <strong>41</strong><br />

4<br />

Introduzione alla storia delle religioni del Vicino <strong>Oriente</strong> antico<br />

2008 – 526 pp., fig. € 74,00<br />

ÍNDICE: Le tematiche storico-religiose e il Vicino <strong>Oriente</strong> antico — Popolazioni, lingue e<br />

scritture del Vicino <strong>Oriente</strong> antico — Dal IV millennio a.C. al periodo proto-dinastico — Le<br />

culture siriane nel III millennio — I periodi di Akkad, di Gudea di Lagash e di Ur III (2350-<br />

2000 a.C.) — La I metà del II millennio a.C. — L’Anatolia del II millenio: gli ittiti — La<br />

presenza dei hurriti in alta Mesopotamia, Anatolia siria nel II millennio — La II metà del II<br />

millennio — Dall’età del bronzo tardo alla prima età del ferro — Il periodo neo-assiro — Dal<br />

periodo neo-babilonese ad Alessandro.<br />

13 Bottero, J. / S. N. Kramer, eds.: Cuando los dioses hacían de hombres.<br />

Mitología mesopotámica<br />

2004 – 765 pp. € 48,10<br />

14 Bryce, T.: The World of the Neo-Hittite Kingdoms. A Political and Military<br />

History<br />

2012 – xiii + 356 pp., 20 fig. € 97,50<br />

ÍNDICE: Introduction — Part I. Setting The Scene: The End of an Era — The Hittite Empire<br />

s Anatolian Successors —Defining the Neo-Hittites — The Biblical Hittites — Part II. The<br />

Iron Age Kingdoms and Dynasties: The Neo-Hittite Kingdoms in the Euphrates Region —<br />

The Neo-Hittite Kingdoms in the Anti-Taurus and Western Syrian Regions — The Neo-Hittite<br />

Kingdoms in Southeastern Anatolia — The Aramaean States — Other Peoples and Kingdoms<br />

— Part III. The Neo-Hittite Kingdoms in Their Historical Context: The Kingdoms Evolve<br />

(12 th -11 th centuries) — Subjection to Assyria (10 th -9 th centuries) — Absorption by Assyria (8 th<br />

century) — Afterword — Appendices: Transliterating the Inscriptions — Neo-Hittite and<br />

Aramaean Rulers and Dynasties a Summary List — The Kings of Late Bronze Age Hatti —<br />

The Neo-Assyrian Kings.<br />

15 Bumazhnov, D. / H. R. Seeliger, eds.: Syrien im 1.-7. Jahrhundert<br />

nach Christus. Akten der 1. Tübinger Tagung zum christlichen Orient (15.-<br />

16. Juni 2007)<br />

2011 – viii + 284 pp. € 66,60<br />

ÍNDICE: L. Abramowski: Der Bischof von Seleukia-Ktesiphon als Katholikos und Patriarch<br />

der Kirche des Ostens — Y. Arzhanov: Syrische Quellen zur Geschichte des Christentums und<br />

des Judentums im vorislamischen Südarabien — D. F. Bumazhnov: Qyâmâ before Aphrahat.<br />

The Development of the Idea of Covenant in Some Early Syriac Documents — T. Engelmann:<br />

Monastisch geprägter Theologe oder theologisch gebildeter Mönch? Das Zentrum der Theologie<br />

Babais des Großen — H. Gaube: The Umayyad „Desert Castles“. Some political and economical<br />

considerations concerning their origin — C. Horn: Women, Prostitution, and Violence in the<br />

Syriac Martyrdom of the Mimes — N. Kavvadas: Der Geist Gottes und die Vergöttlichung des<br />

Menschen bei Isaak von Ninive — J. Loopstra: Jacob of Edessa and Patristic Collections in the<br />

„Syriac Masora“: Some Soundings — A. M. Schwemer: Die ersten Christen in Syrien — Hans

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5<br />

Reinhard Seeliger: Die Erforschung der spätantiken Bischofssitze des syrisch-palästinischen<br />

Raumes und ihrer Bauten — F. Thome: Gottes Liebe zur verlorenen Menschheit. Die<br />

Abrahamerzählung in der Auslegung Narsais von Edessa — J. Tubach: Zur Interpretation des<br />

Perlenliedes. Exegetische Prämissen und ihre Schlussfolgerungen.<br />

16 Cantera Ortiz de Urbina, J.: Ester, Judit, Rut. Tres mujeres del Antiguo<br />

Testamento<br />

2005 – 180 pp. € 15,00<br />

17 Carr, D. M.: The Formation of the Hebrew Bible. A New Reconstruction<br />

2011 – xii + 524 pp. € 58,50<br />

ÍNDICE: Introduction: The Oral-Written Model and the Formation of the Hebrew Bible<br />

— Part One: Methodological Prologue: Textual Transmission in the Ancient World and<br />

How to Reconstruct It: Memory Variants and Evidence of Oral-Written Transmission of<br />

Israelite Literature — Documented Cases of Transmission History — Part 1. Two Cases<br />

— Documented Cases of Transmission History — Part 2. Broader Trends: From Documented<br />

Growth to Method in Reconstruction of Growth — Part 3. Excavating the History of the<br />

Formation of the Hebrew Bible: The Hasmonean Period: Finalization of Scripture in an<br />

Increasingly Greek World — The Hellenistic Period up to the Hasmonean Monarchy:<br />

Priestly and Diaspora Textuality — The Persian Period: Textuality of Persian-Sponsored<br />

Returnees — The Babylonian Period: Trauma, Exile and the Transition to Post-Monarchal<br />

Textuality — Bible for Exiles: The Reshaping of Stories about Israel’s Earliest History<br />

— Textuality Under Empire: Reflexes of Neo-Assyrian Domination — From the Neo-<br />

Assyrian to Hasmonean Periods: Preliminary Conclusions and Outlook — Part 3. The<br />

Shape of Literary Textuality in the Early Pre-Exilic Period: Early States in the Highlands<br />

of Judah-Israel and Evidence for Literary Textuality in Them — Royal Psalms: Locating<br />

Judah and Israel’s Early Pro-Royal Literature — Proverbs and Israel’s Early Oral-Written<br />

Curriculum — Other Supposedly Solomonic Books: Song of Songs and Qohelet — Other<br />

Biblical Texts Potentially from the Early Monarchal Period: Toward a New Picture of<br />

Early Monarchal Texts in the Hebrew Bible — Afterword.<br />

18 Chaieb, M.-L., ed.: Elites contestées et contestataires dans le monde<br />

biblique. Figures paradoxales. Édition par l’équipe de recherche La Bible<br />

et ses lectures<br />

2012 – 200 pp. € 55,00<br />

ÍNDICE: Introduction; J. Riaud — NB 25 et les luttes pour le pouvoir dans la Judée achéménide;<br />

M. Bertrand — Deux femmes d’élite en Israël: Débora et Yaël (JG 4-5); J. Roux — Le prophète<br />

contesté jusqu’à mourir: Elie, Jonas, Jésus; C. Pichon — Les stratégies littéraires du maître de<br />

justice pour affirmer son autorité contestée dans les hymnes du maître; V. Triplet-Hitoto — La<br />

contestation prophétique d’Hérode Antipas par Jean le Baptiseur et Jésus; X. Levieils — Vers<br />

une reconnaissance des ministères comme élite incontestable: les lettres de Cyprien de Carthage<br />

concernant les lapsi; M.-L. Chaieb.

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6<br />

19 Charpin, D.: Hammu-Rabi de Babylone<br />

2003 – 312 pp., <strong>41</strong> fig., 2 map. € 21,50<br />

20 Cingano, E. / A. Ghersetti / L. Milano, eds.: Animali tra zoologie, mito<br />

e letteratura nella cultura classica e orientale. Atti del convegno, Venezia,<br />

22-23 maggio 2002<br />

2005 – vii + 373 pp., fig. € 71,00<br />

ÍNDICE: P. F. Ghetti: Il ruolo dei proverbi sugli animali nella cultura contadina — E. Rova:<br />

Animali ed ibridi nel repertorio iconografico della glittica del periodo di Uruk — P. Corò: Il<br />

«bestiario» di Mari. I. Le valenze simboliche — L. Milano: Il nemico bestiale. Su alcune<br />

connotazioni animalesche del nemico nella letteratura sumero-accadica — E. M. Ciampini: Il<br />

coccodrillo e il cosmo in un testo tardo-ramesside — F. Carinci: Scimmie egee — A. Camerotto:<br />

Cinghiali eroici — E. Cingano: Il cavallo «aiutante magico» nella Grecia eroica — A. Furlanetto:<br />

I linguaggi degli animali in storie di iniziazione profetica — C. O. Pavese: Il gatto in greco —<br />

C. Carpinato: Topi nella letteratura greca medievale — S. De Vido: Belve, scimmie, uomini<br />

nella Libia erodotea — A. Marinetti: Cavalli veneti — C. Franco: L’animale e l’eletto: segni di<br />

regalità nel mondo antico — G. Cresci Marrone / F. Rohr Vio: Muli e mulattieri tra pregiudizi<br />

sociali e polemiche politiche — A. Savio: L’evoluzione degenerativa della raffigurazione animale<br />

nei Plagia barbarorum — L. Sperti: Un bestiario in marmo: le protomi colossali da Palazzo<br />

Valentini al Museo nazionale romano — M. Geymonat: Pecore e capre nella ‘Bucoliche’<br />

virgiliane — L. Cadili: Il mondo animale tra realtà e mito nelle Georgiche di Virgilio — L.<br />

Morisi: Transizioni metonimiche in Virgilio: dall’animale all’uomo (e viceversa) — G. Canova:<br />

Il cavallo nella tradizione e nell’epica araba — A. Ghersetti: Animali e intelligenza: il cane<br />

nella letteratura d’Adab — R. Dorigo: Sull’asino e le sue virtù, nella letteratura araba — M. P.<br />

Pedani: Convergenze mediterranee: la rotta del leone.<br />

21 Civil, M.: The Lexical Texts in the Schøyen Collection<br />

2010 – xxi + 285 pp., fig. € 96,00<br />

22 Cook, S.: On the Question of the Cessation of Prophecy in Ancient Judaism<br />

2011 – xi + 226 pp. € 82,20<br />

23 Corriente, F. & al., eds.: Dialectology of the Semitic Languages. Proceedings<br />

of the IV Meeting on Comparative Semitics, Zaragoza, 6-9/11/2010<br />

2012 – viii + 156 pp. € 40,00<br />

ÍNDICE: Dialectology of the Semitic Languages: F. Corriente: Ethiopic hallävä «to be»<br />

and its arabic cognates. Some thoughts on the close ties between rhetorical interrogation,<br />

emphatic affirmation and negation — G. del Olmo Lete: Ugaritic and old(-south)-arabic:<br />

to WS dialects? — O. Kapeliuk: The enrichment of the verbal systems in peripheral neosemitic<br />

— G. Khan: Remarks on the historical development of the copula in neo-aramaic<br />

— J.Martínez Delgado: Some biblical verbs using different roots — J. P. Monferrer-Sala:

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7<br />

Comparative semitics as inventive for textual and literary analyses in the arabic framework<br />

— J. Sanmartín: Etymologie, Etymographie und Sprach-Tektonik: das Glossary of old syrian<br />

— W. G. E. Watson: Ugaritic terms for containers in the light of comparative semitics —<br />

Afro-Asiatic Perpective: G. Takács: Semitic fauna terminology and afro-asiatic — M. Tosco:<br />

What terminal speakers can do to their languages: the strange case of Elmolo — A. Zaborski:<br />

Problems of the reconstruction of hamitosemitic articles.<br />

24 Costa, B. / J. H. Fernández, eds.: Los santuarios fenicio-púnicos en<br />

Iberia y su influencia en los cultos indígenas. XIV jornadas de arqueología<br />

fenicio-púnica (Eivissa, 1999)<br />

2000 – 217 pp., fig., lám. € 21,88<br />

25 Crawford, H., ed.: The Sumerian World<br />

2012 – 688 pp.<br />

Precio de prepublicación hasta 31.03.2013 € 162,50 • Después € 195,00<br />

ÍNDICE: Introduction — Part 1. The background: Physical geography — Irrigation and<br />

water management — Sumerian Agriculture and Land Management — The end of prehistory<br />

and the Uruk period — The Sumerian language — History and Chronology — Part 2.<br />

Sumerian Society: the Material Remains: Patterns of Settlement in Sumer and Akkad —<br />

The organisation of a Sumerian town: the physical remains of ancient social systems —<br />

Public buildings, palaces and temples — Kings and Queens: Representation and Reality<br />

— Sacred Marriage — In the service of the gods: the ministering clergy — Part 3. Systems<br />

of Government: Democracy and the rule of law, the assembly and the first law code —<br />

Administrators and Scholars: The first scribes and their ethos — Calendars and counting<br />

— Seals and Sealings in the Sumerian World — Part 4. Life and Death: Archaeology of<br />

the Sumerian Home: Reconstructing Sumerian daily life — Women and agency: A Survey<br />

from Late Uruk to the End of Ur III — A note on Sumerian fashion — Sumerian Industries<br />

and Their Makers: Crafting Textiles — Death and burial — Sumerian Mythology — Part<br />

5. The Neighbours: Trade in the Sumerian World — North Mesopotamia in the 3 rd millennium<br />

BC W. Syria, Umm al Marra, Hamoukar — Sumer, Akkad, Ebla and Anatolia — The Kindgom<br />

of Mari — Ebla — Part 6. The Ends of the Sumerian World: Iran and its neighbours —<br />

The Sumerians and the Gulf — Mesopotamia, Meluhha, and Those In Between — Egypt<br />

and Mesopotamia Postscript: The Mesopotamian Marshlands, a Personal Recollection.<br />

26 Croucher, K.: Death and Dying in the Neolithic Near East<br />

2012 – xxi + 372 pp., 45 fig. € 106,50<br />

ÍNDICE: 1: Introduction: death and dying — 2: The Neolithic Near East: an overview — 3:<br />

Interpretation and practice — 4: Plastered skulls, ancestors and the skull cult — 5: Gender —<br />

6: Personhood, identity and the dead — 7: Conclusion.<br />

27 Curtis, J. / St J. Simpson, eds.: The World of Achaemenid Persia. History,<br />

Art and Society in Iran and the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of a

PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1074 — <strong>Oriente</strong> <strong>antiguo</strong> <strong>41</strong><br />

8<br />

Conference at the British Museum, 29 th September-1 st October 2005<br />

2010 – xvii + 626 pp., fig. € 84,50<br />

ÍNDICE: 1. History and Historiography: P. Briant: The theme of «persian decadence» in<br />

eighteenth-century european historiography: remarks on the genesis of a myth — R. N. Frye:<br />

Cyrus the Mede and Darius the Achaemenid? — T. Harrison: Reinventing achaemenid Persia<br />

— P. Loloi: Portraits of the achaemenid kings in english drama: sixteenth-eighteenth centuries<br />

— A. Joisten-Pruschke: Light from aramaic documents — C. Tuplin: All the king’s men — M.<br />

Waters: Cyrus and the medes — 2. Religion: O. Basirov: The achaemenian practice of primary<br />

burial: an argument against their zoroastrianism? Or a testimony of their religious tolerance?<br />

— A. de Jong: Ahura Mazdâ the Creator — B. Jacobs: From gabled hut to rock-cut tomb: a<br />

religious and cultural break between Cyrus and Darius? — P. G. Kreyenbroek: Zoroastrianism<br />

under the achaemenians: a non-essentialist approach — A. Soudavar: The formation of<br />

achaemenid imperial ideology and its impact on the Avesta — 3. Gender Studies: M. Brosius:<br />

The royal audience scene reconsidered — J. A. Lerner: An achaemenid cylinder seal of a<br />

woman enthroned — L. Llewellyn-Jones: The big and beautiful women of Asia: picturing<br />

female sexuality in greco-persian seals — 4. Art and Architecture: H. D. Baker: The social<br />

dimensions of babylonian domestic architecture in the neo-babylonian and achaemenid periods<br />

— H. Gopnik: Why columned halls? — S. Maras: A reassessment of brick motifs and brickbuilding<br />

techniques at achaemenid Susa — C. L. Nimchuk: Empire encapsulated: the Persepolis<br />

Apadana foundation deposits — S. Razmjou: Persepolis: a reinterpretation of palaces and<br />

their function — M. Roaf: The role of the medes in the architecture of the achaemenids — N.<br />

V. Sekunda: Changes in achaemenid royal dress — 5. Archaeology: K. Abdi: The passing of<br />

the throne from Xerxes to Artaxerxes I, or how an archaeological observation can be a potential<br />

contribution to achaemenid historiography — B. Adjerloo: Cultural transition in iranian<br />

Azerbaijan through the iron age III-achaemenid period based on recent archaeological survey<br />

and excavations (abstract) — A. A. Chaverdi & al.: Archaeological evidence for achaemenid<br />

settlement within the Mamasani valleys, western Fars, Iran — M. H. Talebian: A review of<br />

research and restoration activities at Parsa-Pasargadae: analysis, evaluation and future<br />

perspectives — N. Tallis: The achaemenid army in a near eastern context — S. Yadollahi / A.<br />

Yalvaee: The origins of the achaemenids (abstract) — E. Yaghmaee: Excavations in Dashtestan<br />

(Borazjan, Iran) (abstract) — 6. Seals and Coins: M. Daryaie: An analytical investigation on<br />

the coin hoard of the Oxus treasure (abstract) — E. R. M. Dusinberre: Anatolian crossroads:<br />

achaemenid seals from Sardis and Gordion — M. B. Garrison: Archers at Persepolis: the<br />

emergence of royal ideology at the heart of the empire — D. Kaptan: Clay taggs from Seyitömer<br />

Höyük in Phrygia — Y. Lintz: The archer coins: a closed examination of achaemenid art in<br />

Asia Minor — V. S. Curtis: The Frataraka coins of Peresis: bridging the gap between achaemenid<br />

and sasanian Persia — 7. Gold, Silver, Glass, and Faience: B. R. Armbruster: Technological<br />

aspects of selected gold objects in the Oxus treasure — A. Caubet: From Susa to Egypt: vitreous<br />

materials from the achaemenid period — S. Ebbinghaus: Prestige drinking: Rhyta with animal<br />

foreparts from Persia to Greece (abstract) — D. Ignatiadou: Achaemenid and greek colourless<br />

glass — S. Shahbazi: Documentary aspects of Persepolis and the Oxus treasure (abstract) —<br />

St J. Simpson & al.: Achaemenid silver, T. L. Jacks and the Mazanderan connection — 8.<br />

Regional Studies: B. Anderson: Achaemenid Arabia: a landscape-oriented model of cultural<br />

interaction — L. S. Fried: Because of the dread upon them — A. R. George: Xerxes and the

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9<br />

tower of Babel — S. E. Holtz: Judges of the king in achaemenid Mesopotamia — A. Kuhrt:<br />

Xerxes and the babylonian temples: a restatement of the case — J. MacGinnis: The role of<br />

babylonian temples in contributing to the army in the early achaemenid empire — P. Magee /<br />

C. A. Petrie: West of the Indus—east of the empire: the archaeoilogy of the pre-achaemenid<br />

and achaemenid periods in Baluchistan and the north-west frontier province, Pakistan — D. T.<br />

Potts: Achaemenid interests in the Persian gulf — M. Wasmuth: Integration of foreigners-New<br />

insights from the stela found in Saqqara in 1994 — Wu Xin: Enemies of empire: a historical<br />

reconstruction of political conflicts between central asians and the persian empire.<br />

28 Daraki, M.: Las tres negaciones de Yahvé. Religión y política en el<br />

<strong>antiguo</strong> Israel<br />

2007 – 270 pp. € 22,10<br />

29 Ellerbrock, U. / S. Winkelmann: Die Parther. Die vergessene Grossmacht<br />

2012 – 287 pp., 55 fig. € 31,20<br />

30 Fernández Marcos, N.: Filología bíblica y humanismo<br />

2012 – <strong>41</strong>3 pp. € 22,88<br />

ÍNDICE: 1. Biblia griega y judaísmo helenístico: Las traducciones en la antigüedad — El<br />

judaísmo helenístico y la Biblioteca de Alejandría — The greek Pentateuch and the scholarly<br />

milieu of Alexandria — Rhetorical expansions of biblical traditions in the hellenistic period —<br />

The other Septuagint: from the letter of Aristeas to the letter of Jeremiah — La lectura helenística<br />

del Cantar de los cantares — The Septuagint reading of the Book of Job — 2. Religiosidad<br />

judía y entorno cultural: Profetismo y magia en el <strong>antiguo</strong> Israel — Interpretaciones helenísticas<br />

del pasado de Israel — La religión judía vista por los autores griegos y latinos — La Gehena<br />

de Jerusalén: geografía histórica y geografía mítica — Cosmovisión y religiosidad en el cambio<br />

de era — Los orígenes de la mística y cábala judías — 3. Hermenéutica bíblica en la España<br />

del Renacimiento: Políglotas y versiones: luces y sombras del biblismo español en el siglo<br />

XVI — Greek sources of the Complutensian polyglot — El Nuevo Mundo en la exégesis<br />

española del siglo XVI — Lenguaje arcano y lenguaje del cuerpo: la hermenéutica bíblica de<br />

Arias Montano — Las medidas del Arca de Noé en la exégesis de Arias Montano — De varia<br />

republica: política y biblia en Arias Montano — Una biblia para el humanismo — Abreviaturas:<br />

generales — De los libros bíblicos.<br />

31 Frame, G. & al., eds.: A Common Cultural Heritage. Studies on<br />

Mesopotamia and the Biblical World in Honor of Barry L. Eichler<br />

2011 – xx + 294 pp., fig. € 66,00<br />

ÍNDICE: Law and the Legal System: J. Barrabee: The king of justice: a reconsideration<br />

of the river ordeal in BM 456901 — S. E. Holtz: The prophet as summoner — M. Malul:<br />

Death-bed depositions in the hebrew Bible — K. M. McGeough: Ugaritic commercial practices<br />

and biblical law — M. R. Roth: A scandal in Larsa — J. H. Tigay: The role of the elders<br />

in the laws of Deuteronomy — Language and Literature: S. Z. Aster: The Exodus narra-

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10<br />

tive as an expression of the cosmic combat motif — A. Berlin: What is the Book of Job<br />

about? — P. Delnero: «Inana and Ebih» and the scribal tradition — J. Klein: A new look<br />

at the mesopotamian and biblical flood stories — M. Simon-Shoshan: Ain’t nothing but<br />

a hound dog? The meaning of the noun klb in northwest semitic languages in light of BT<br />

Rosh Hashanah 4a — R. C. Steiner: H > Ḥ in Assyria and Babylonia — History: Interaction<br />

Influence, and Exchange: M. P. Maidman: Tracing the course of the Arrapha-<br />

Assyria war: a proposal — C. E. Suter: Images, tradition, and meaning: the Samaria and<br />

other levantine ivories of the iron age — M. Waters: Notes on the Medes and their «empire»<br />

from Jer 25:25 to HDT 1.134 — Ritual and Practice: M. E. Cohen: Observations on the<br />

festivals and rituals of Dumuzi/Tammuz — N. S. Fox: Marked for servitude: Mesopotamia<br />

and the Bible — F. Rochberg: Divine causality and babylonian divination.<br />

32 Gadotti, A. / M. Sigrist: Cuneiform Texts in the Carl A. Kroch Library,<br />

Cornell University<br />

2011 – xix + 183 pp. + 29 lám., fig. € 88,40<br />

33 Garfinkle, S. J.: Entrepreneurs and Enterprise in Early Mesopotamia.<br />

A Study of Three Archives from the Third Dynasty of Ur (2112-2004 BCE)<br />

2012 – xi + 282 pp. € 133,60<br />

ÍNDICE: The ancient economy and the cuneiform record — Theoretical approaches to the<br />

ancient economy — «Private vs. public» and the Ur III period — Assembling the archives of<br />

entrepreneurs — The investments of SI.A-a the chief shepherd — Merchants and commerce:<br />

the case of Tûram-ilî, overseer of merchants — A picture at the center: Ur-Nuska, a merchant<br />

of Nippur — Institutional and non-institutional economies — Texts in the SI.A-a archive (texts<br />

1-77) — Texts in the Tûram-ilî archive (texts 78-138) — Texts in the Ur-Nuska archive (texts<br />

139-202) — Texts from Iri-sagrig related to the SI.A-a and Tûram-ilî archives (texts 203-210)<br />

— Index of personal names — Index of geographical names — Bibliography.<br />

34 Garfinkle, S. / H. Sauren / M. van de Mieroop: Ur III Tablets from the<br />

Columbia University Libraries<br />

2010 – xxv + 3<strong>41</strong> pp., fig. € 86,00<br />

35 Godoy, P.: Diccionario geográfico del Nuevo Testamento<br />

2010 – 140 pp., fig. € 18,00<br />

36 Grandpierre, V.: Sexe et amour de Sumerà Babylone<br />

2012 – 329 pp., fig. € 9,10<br />

37 Gros de Beler, A. / B. Marmiroli: Jardins et paysages de l’antiquité.<br />

Mésopotamie & Egypte. Edition préparée sous la direction d’A. Gros de

PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1074 — <strong>Oriente</strong> <strong>antiguo</strong> <strong>41</strong><br />

11<br />

Bêler<br />

2008 – 221 pp., lám.col. € 42,60<br />

ÍNDICE: Preface: The publications of David I. Owen — L. Allred: Getting the word out.<br />

Letter-orders and the administration of the third dynasty of Ur — A. Archi: Men at war in<br />

the ebla period. On the unevenness of the written documentation — M. G. Biga: Dates(?)<br />

in the ebla texts (Syria 24 th century BCE) — H. Brunke / W. Sallaberger: Aromata für<br />

Duftöl — M. E. Cohen: More sargonic administrative texts — J. L. Dahl: Naming Ur III<br />

years — R. K. Englound: BU! — A. Gadotti: A woman most fair. Investigating The message<br />

of ludingira to his mother — S. J. Garfinkle: The organization of knowledge in early<br />

Mesopotamia information, wealth, and archives in the Ur III period — M. Such-Gutiérrez:<br />

Die Königsinschriften des III. Jahrtausends im British Museum ein Erster Bericht und Fünf<br />

neue texte — W. Heimpel: Left to themselves: Waifs in the time of the third dynasty of Ur.<br />

— B. Lafont: Sur quelques dossiers des archives de Girsu — K. van Lerberghe / G. Voet:<br />

Kassite mercenaries at Abiešuh’s fortress — R. H. Mayr: The seal of ayalatum and the<br />

dynasty of Larsa — P. Michalowski: Where’s AL? Humor and poetics in the hyms to the<br />

hoe — M. Molina: Court records from Umma — M. Sigrist: Les noms d’année du règne<br />

du roi \\portico\datos\indices\52\521235.rtf<br />

38 Hays, C. B.: Death in the Iron Age II and in the First Isaiah<br />

2011 – xviii + 445 pp. € 134,20<br />

39 Ilan, T.: Lexicon of Jewish Names in Late Antiquity, I: Palestine 300<br />

BCE-200 CE<br />

2002 – xxvi + 484 pp. € 165,40<br />

40 Ilan, T.: Lexicon of Jewish Names in Late Antiquity, II: Palestine<br />

200-650<br />

2012 – xxviii + 621 pp. € 207,00<br />

<strong>41</strong> Ilan, T.: Lexicon of Jewish Names in Late Antiquity, III: The Western<br />

Diaspora, 330 BCE-650 CE. In collaboration with T. Ziem<br />

2008 – xxvi + 770 pp. € 207,00<br />

42 Ilan, T.: Lexicon of Jewish Names in Late Antiquity, IV: The Eastern<br />

Diaspora 330 BCE-650 CE. With the collaboration of K. Hünefeld<br />

2011 – xxi + 465 pp. € 186,20<br />

43 Jonker, L., ed.: Texts, Contexts and Readings in Postexilic Literature.<br />

Explorations into Historiography and Identity Negotiation in Hebrew

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12<br />

Bible and Related Texts<br />

2011 – xi + 317 pp. € 77,00<br />

ÍNDICE: Introduction: L. Jonker: Introduction. Reflecting on Historiography and Identity<br />

Negotiation — R. Vosloo: The Writing of History as Remedy or Poison? Some Remarks<br />

on Paul Ricoeur’s Reflections on Memory, Identity and «The Historiographical Operation»<br />

— Exploring Texts and Intertexts: G. Knoppers: Exile, Return, and Diaspora. Expatriates<br />

and Repatriates in Late Biblical Literature — L. Jonker: Engaging with Different Contexts.<br />

A Survey of the Various Levels of Identity Negotiation in Chronicles — E. B. Zvi: On<br />

Social Memory and Identity Formation in Late Persian Yehud. A Historian’s Viewpoint<br />

with a Focus on Prophetic Literature, Chronicles and the Dtr. Historical Collection — J.<br />

Cook: Contextuality in Wisdom Literature. The provenance of LXX Proverbs and Job as<br />

Case Studies — Exploring Contexts: J. Wieshöfer: The Achaemenid Empire. Major Phases<br />

in State Formation and Features of the State — O. Lipschits: A New Look on the Archaeology<br />

of Persian Period Judah — I. Cornelius: «A Tale of Two Cities». The Visual Symbol Systems<br />

of Yehud and Samaria and Identity / Self-understanding in Persian-period Palestine —<br />

Exploring Readings: G. Snyman: Why Asa was not Deemed Good Enough. A Decolonial<br />

Reading of 2 Chronicles 14-16 — M. Nzimande: Imbokodo Explorations of the Prevalence<br />

of Historical Memory and Identity Contestations in the Expulsion of the Nâðîm Nokriyyôt<br />

in Ezra 9-10 — Conclusion: L. Jonker: Conclusion. Chronicles as «Reforming History».<br />

44 Klawans, J.: Josephus and the Theologies of Ancient Judaism<br />

2012 – 352 pp. € 58,50<br />

ÍNDICE: Theology, Josephus, and Understandings of Ancient Judaism — Fate, Free Will<br />

and Ancient Jewish Types of Compatibilism — Afterlives and Noble Deaths — Torah,<br />

Tradition, and Innovation — Josephus and Judaism after 70 CE — Conclusion — Appendix:<br />

Essenes and Resurrection according to Hippolytus.<br />

45 Kleinerman, A. / J. M. Sasson, eds.: Why Should Someone Who Knows<br />

Something Conceal It? Cuneiform Studies in Honor of David I. Owen on<br />

his 70 th Birthday<br />

2010 – vi + 266 pp., fig. € 67,60<br />

ÍNDICE: Preface: The publications of David I. Owen — L. Allred: Getting the word out.<br />

Letter-orders and the administration of the third dynasty of Ur — A. Archi: Men at war in<br />

the Ebla period. On the unevenness of the written documentation — M. G. Biga: Dates(?)<br />

in the Ebla texts (Syria 24 th century BCE) — H. Brunke / W. Sallaberger: Aromata für<br />

Duftöl — M. E. Cohen: More sargonic administrative texts — J. L. Dahl: Naming Ur III<br />

years — R. K. Englund: BU! — A. Gadotti: A woman most fair. Investigating The message<br />

of Ludingira to his mother — S. J. Garfinkle: The organization of konwledge in early<br />

Mesopotamia. Information, wealth, and archives in the Ur III period — M. Such-Gutiérrez:<br />

Die Königsinschriften des III. Jahrtausends im British Museum. Ein erster Bericht und<br />

Fünf neue Texte — W. Heimpel: Left to themselves. Waifs in the time of the third dynasty<br />

of Ur — B. Lafont: Sur quelques dossiers des archives de Girsu — K. van Lerberghe / G.<br />

Voet: Kassite mercenaries at Abiešuh’s fortress — R. H. Mayr: The seal of Ayalatum and

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13<br />

the dynasty of Larsa — P. Michalowski: Where’s AL? Humor and poetics in the Hymn to<br />

the Hoe — M. Molina: Court records from Umma — M. Sigrist: Les noms d’année du<br />

règne du roi Šulgi — P. Steinkeller: More on the archaic writing of the name of Enlil/<br />

Nippur — H. Waetzoldt: Die Bedeutung von igi-saĝ/saĝ 5<br />

/sag 9<br />

/sag 10<br />

— A. Westenholz: Illicit<br />

cuneiform tablets. Heirlooms or stolen goods?<br />

46 Knohl, I.: El Mesías antes de Jesús. El siervo sufriente de los<br />

manuscritos del Mar Muerto<br />

2004 – 126 pp., 11 fig. € 13,00<br />

47 Labbe, G.: L’affirmation de la puissance romaine en Judée (63 a.C.-<br />

136 p.C.)<br />

2012 – 672 pp. € 75,00<br />

ÍNDICE: 1. Les princes amis ou alliés de Rome en Palestine (63 a.C.-100 p.C.): La Judée de<br />

Pompée à Hérode le Grand: de la stricte dépendance à la souveraineté limitée — Les héritiers<br />

d’Hérode le Grand — Les rois hérodiens en Palestine au I er siècle — 2. Le temps des gouverneurs<br />

de rang équestre (6-70 p.C.): La titulature des gouverneurs équestres de Judée d’après les<br />

documents latins — La titulature des gouverneurs équestres de Judée d’après les sources<br />

littéraires grecques — La situation et les pouvoirs des préfets de Judée et du procurateur de<br />

Iamnia jusqu’à l’avènement d’Agrippa I er (6-<strong>41</strong> p.C.) — La situation et les pouvoirs des<br />

gouverneurs romains de Judée de la mort d’Agrippa I er à l’intervention de Titus (44-70 p.C.)<br />

— 3. L’époque des gouverneurs de rang sénatorial (70-136): La Judée dans les années 70: la<br />

réduction des dernières résistances et l’organisation de la nouvelle province prétorienne —<br />

L’évolution institutionnelle de la Judée de la chute de Masada à la c´reation de la province de<br />

Syrie-Palestine (c. 73-c. 116) — Conclusion générale — Cartes — Tableaux généalogiques —<br />

Tableaux chronologiques — L’inscription de Pilate.<br />

48 Lahe, J.: Gnosis und Judentum. Alttestamentliche und jüdische Motive<br />

in der gnostischen Literatur und das Ursprungsproblem der Gnosis<br />

2011 – xxiv + 448 pp. € 148,75<br />

49 Lapin, H.: Rabbis as Romans. The Rabbinic Movement in Palestine,<br />

100-400 CE<br />

2012 – 272 pp. € 45,50<br />

ÍNDICE: Introduction — Setting the Stage: The Making of a Roman Province — Rabbis in<br />

Palestine: Texts, Origins, Development — The Formation of a Provincial Religious Movement<br />

— Provincial Arbitration: Cases and Rabbinic Authority — Romanization and Its Discontents:<br />

Rabbis and Provincial Culture — Epilogue: Rabbis in Palestine, Fifth to Eighth Century —<br />

Appendix: Rabbinic Cases.<br />

50 Lattes, J.-C.: Le dernier roi des juifs. Un oublié de l’histoire<br />

2012 – 313 pp. € 20,00

PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1074 — <strong>Oriente</strong> <strong>antiguo</strong> <strong>41</strong><br />

14<br />

51 Lim, T. H. / J. J. Collins, eds.: The Oxford Handbook of the Dead<br />

Sea Scrolls<br />

2012 – 808 pp., 9 fig. € 39,00<br />

ÍNDICE: Introduction: Current Issues in Dead Sea Scrolls Research — I. Archaeology of<br />

Khirbet Qumran and the Judaean Wilderness: E. Meyers: Khirbet Qumran and its Environs —<br />

R. Hachlili: The Qumran Cemetery Reassessed — II. The Scrolls and Jewish History: M. D.<br />

Goodman: Constructing Ancient Judaism from the Scrolls — M. O. Wise: The Origins and<br />

History of the Teacher’s Movement — T. Ilan: Women in Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls —<br />

III. The Scrolls and Sectarianism: J. J. Collins: Sectarian Communities in the Dead Sea Scrolls<br />

— J. E. Taylor: The Classical Sources on the Essenes and the Scrolls Communities — J.<br />

Jokiranta: Sociological Approaches to Qumran Sectarianism — S. Stern: Qumran Calendars<br />

and Sectarianism — J. C. VanderKam: The Book of Enoch and the Qumran Scrolls — IV. The<br />

Biblical Texts, Interpretation and Languages of the: R. S. Hendel: Assessing the Text-Critical<br />

theories of the Hebrew Bible after Qumran — T. H. Lim: Authoritative Scriptures and the<br />

Dead Sea Scrolls — M. Zahn: The Rewritten Scriptures — B. Nitzan: The Continuity of<br />

Biblical Interpretation in the Qumran Scrolls and Rabbinic Literature — J. Joosten: Hebrew,<br />

Aramaic and Greek in the Qumran Scrolls Religious Themes in the Scrolls — J. Klawans:<br />

Purity in the Dead Sea Scrolls — M. Knibb: Apocalypticism and Messianism — J. R. Davila:<br />

Exploring the Mystical Background fo the Dead Sea Scrolls — A. Lange: Wisdom Literature<br />

and Thought in the Dead Sea Scrolls — A. de Jong: Iranian Connections in the Dead Sea<br />

Scrolls — D. Lambert: Was the Dead Sea Sect a Pentitential Movement? — VI. The Scrolls<br />

and Early Christianity: J. Frey: Critical Issues in the Investigation of the Scrolls and the New<br />

Testament — L. Hurtado: Monotheism, Principal Angels, and the Background of Christology<br />

— G. J. Brooke: Shared Exegetical Traditions between the Scrolls and the New Testament The<br />

Scrolls and Later Judaism — A. Shemesh: Halakha between the Dead Sea Scrolls and Rabbinic<br />

Literature — D. Falk: The Contribution of the Qumran Scrolls to the STudy of ANcient Jewish<br />

Liturgy — S. Reif: Reviewing the Links between the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Cairo Genizah<br />

— VIII. New Approaches to the Scrolls: C. Newsom: Rhetorical Criticism and the Reading of<br />

the Qumran Scrolls — M. Grossman: Roland Barthes and the Teacher of Righteousness — H.<br />

L. MacQueen: The Scrolls and the Legal Definition of Authorship.<br />

52 López Pardo, F. / A. Mederos Martín: La factoría fenicia de la isla<br />

de Mogador y los pueblos del Atlas<br />

2008 – 457 pp., 130 fig. € 12,00<br />

ÍNDICE: Los fenicios en las costas marroquíes: historiografía — Los nombres de la isla de<br />

Mogador — Prestigioso intercambio entre fenicios y etíopes en Kérnê. Las tradiciones literarias<br />

— El poblamiento del territorio y sus recursos — La factoría — Los reseidentes de Mogador a<br />

través de los graffiti — Abandono e inestabilidad — La periferia meridional: el trayecto desde<br />

Mogador hacia las Islas Canarias — Conclusiones: Mogador o el comercio como acto sacro.<br />

53 Macchi, J.-D. / C. Nihan / T. Römer / J. Rückl: Les recueils prophétiques<br />

de la Bible. Origines, milieux et contexte Proche-Oriental. Textes<br />

édités par (...)<br />

2012 – 560 pp. € 42,00

PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1074 — <strong>Oriente</strong> <strong>antiguo</strong> <strong>41</strong><br />

15<br />

54 Malbran-Labat, F. / J. P. Vita: Manual de lengua acadia, 2 vols. (1:<br />

Gramática; 2: Glosario y ejercicios)<br />

2005-6 – 290 pp., fig., tabl. € 20,00<br />

55 Martínez García, J. / M. de Vaan: Introducción al avéstico<br />

2001 – 140 pp., cuadr. € 9,00<br />

56 Martos Rubio, A.: Breve historia de los sumerios<br />

2012 – 295 pp., fig. € 13,95<br />

57 McCorriston, J.: Pilgrimage and Household in the Ancient Near East<br />

2011 – 304 pp., 61 fig., 4 tabl. € 27,30<br />

ÍNDICE: 1. Introduction — 2. Why pilgrimage? — 3. Pilgrimage practice in Arabian antiquity<br />

— 4. The cattle shrine at Kheshiya and the origins of pilgrimage societies — 5. Household<br />

practice in Mesopotamian antiquity — 6. Neolithic houses and the scales of social practice —<br />

7. Landscape as habitus and the tempo of social practice — 8. Conclusions.<br />

58 Merz, A. / T. L. Tieleman, eds.: The Letter of Mara Bar Sarapion in<br />

Context. Proceedings of the Symposium Held at Utrecht University, 10-12<br />

December 2009 [September 2012]<br />

2012 – xiv + 250 pp. € 116,50<br />

ÍNDICE: A. Merz / T. Tieleman: General Introduction — M. A. Speidel: Making Use of<br />

History beyond the Euphrates: Political Views, Cultural Traditions, and Historical Contexts in<br />

the Letter of Mara bar Sarapion — M. John Versluys: Cultural Responses from Kingdom to<br />

Province. The Romanisation of Commagene, Local Identities and the Mara bar Sarapion Letter<br />

— M. Facella: Languages, Cultural Identities and Elites in the Land of Mara bar Sarapion —<br />

M. Blömer: Religious Life of Commagene in the Late Hellenistic and Early Roman Period —<br />

P. Pokorny: Jesus As the Ever-Living Lawgiver in the Letter of Mara bar Sarapion — A. de<br />

Jong: Mara’s God(s) and Time — C. Beentjes: Where is Wisdom to be found? A Plea in Favour<br />

of Semitic Influences in the Letter of Mara bar Sarapion Pancratius — D. Blank: Mara bar<br />

Sarapion and Greek Philosophy — A. Ntinti: The Deaths of Plato — P. W. van der Horst:<br />

Consolation from Prison: Mara bar Sarapion and Boethius — D. R. Ilaria / L. E. Ramelli: Mara<br />

bar Sarapion: Comments on the Syriac Edition, Translation, and Notes.<br />

59 Muñiz Álvarez, J. R., ed.: Ad <strong>Oriente</strong>m. Del final del paleolítico en el<br />

norte de España a las primeras civilizaciones del <strong>Oriente</strong> Próximo. Estudios<br />

en homenaje al profesor Juan Antonio Fernández-Tresguerres Velasco<br />

2012 – 504 pp., fig., fot. € 45,30<br />

ÍNDICE: Crónica de una vida. Juan Antonio Fernández-Tresguerres Velasco — Juan Antonio<br />

Fernández-Tresguerres Velasco (19<strong>41</strong>-2011). Obra escrita — M. J. Sanz Fuentes: Juan Antonio

PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1074 — <strong>Oriente</strong> <strong>antiguo</strong> <strong>41</strong><br />

16<br />

Fernández-Tresguerres Velasco. Mieres, 19<strong>41</strong>-Oviedo, 2011 — L. Gutiérrez Fernández-<br />

Tresguerres: Una aproximación bibliométrica a la obra de Juan Antonio Fernández-Tresguerres<br />

Velasco — F. Díaz García / L. Martínez Faedo: Juan Antonio Fernández-Tresguerres en Los<br />

Azules. La construcción de la nueva prehistoria en la Asturias del último franquismo (1967-<br />

1975) — J. Fernández Irigoyen: Los moluscos marinos del yacimiento de la cueva de Los<br />

Azules. Recurso bromatológico y elemento ornamental y simbólico — M. D. Garralda / L.<br />

Drak: El esqueleto de Los Azules I (Cangas de Onís, Asturias, España) en el contexto funerario<br />

del holoceno inicial en España — M. de la Rasilla & al.: El aziliense latente, o las consecuencias<br />

de ciertos procesos tafonómicos — J. A. Fernández de Córdoba Pérez: La exposición del<br />

aziliense en el Museo arqueológico de Asturias. De los matices del discurso científico al<br />

minimalismo del discurso museográfico — M. Menéndez Fernández: La prehistoria en la<br />

cuenca media del Sella y la evolución del poblamiento hasta época histórica — M. R. González<br />

Morales / L. G. Straus: Terminal magdalenian / azilian at El Mirón cave (Ramales de la Victoria,<br />

Cantabria) and the Río Asón valley — A. Neira Campos & al.: El nivel III de la cueva de La<br />

Uña (La Uña, Acebedo, León): industria lítica y elementos artísticos de un yacimiento mesolítico<br />

en la vertiente sur de la Cordillera Cantábrica — P. Utrilla & al.: El Esplugón: un abrigo<br />

mesolítico en el valle del Guarga (Huesca) — P. Arias Cabal: Después de Los Azules. Las<br />

prácticas funerarias en las sociedades mesolíticas de la región cantábrica — M. A. Fano / M.<br />

Cubas: Algunas reflexiones acerca del fiinal del asturiense — G. A. Clark: The cantabrian<br />

mesolithic and the epipaleolithic in the Levant - a brief comparison — M. A. de Blas Cortina:<br />

Beneficio y consagración de las cumbres: el caso de Los Fitos y la concurrencia neolíticobronce<br />

<strong>antiguo</strong> en el área megalítica de La Cobertoria, Asturias — J. B. Humbert: Juan Antonio<br />

Fernández-Tresguerres Velasco y su relación con la Escuela bíblica de Jerusalem — J. González<br />

Echegaray: Fernández-Tresguerres y su vocación orientalista — O. Requejo Pagés: Juan A.<br />

Fernández-Tresguerres Velasco y la actividad arqueológica española en Jordania (1987-2011)<br />

— R. Vega Piniella & al.: Jebel-Mutawwaq. Campaña 2009 — V. Álvarez Martínez & al.:<br />

Reconocimiento y censo de dólmenes en Jebel Khazua. Quneya 2011. Jordania — C. Nicolle:<br />

The mid-4th millennium gathering site of Mutawwaq in northern Jordan — J. L. Montero<br />

Fenollós: La expansión de la cultura de Uruk en el medio Éufrates sirio. Reflexiones sobre un<br />

modelo colonial arcaico — M. Molist & al.: Nota preliminar en torno a las decoraciones<br />

incisas sobre elementos macrolíticos del yacimiento neolítico de Tell Halula (valle del Éufrates,<br />

Siria) — M. Haïdar-Boustani & al.: Las necrópolis megalíticas de la región de HOms (Siria).<br />

60 Nam, R. S.: Portrayals of Economic Exchange in the Book of Kings<br />

2012 – xiv + 222 pp. € 103,00<br />

ÍNDICE: 1. The Economy of Ancient Israel — 2. Economic Anthropology — 3. Symmetrical<br />

Reciprocity in the Book of Kings — 4. Asymmetrical Redistribution in the Book of Kings —<br />

5. Price-Setting Markets in the Book of Kings — 6. A Social Analysis of Exchange in Ancient<br />

Israel — 7. Summary and Conclusions.<br />

61 Nielsen, H.: Medicaments Used in the Treatment of Eye Diseases in<br />

Egypt, the Countries of the Near East, India and China in Antiquity<br />

1987 – 76 pp., 11 fig. € 18,00

PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1074 — <strong>Oriente</strong> <strong>antiguo</strong> <strong>41</strong><br />

17<br />

62 Nocquet, D.: Le livret noir de Baal. La polémique contre le dieu<br />

Baal dans la Bible hébraïque et l’ancien Israël<br />

2004 – 402 pp. € 32,00<br />

63 Olyan, S. M.: Social Inequality in the World of the Text. The Significance<br />

of Ritual and Social Distinctions in the Hebrew Bible<br />

2011 – 250 pp. € 67,60<br />

64 Ozdogan, M. / H. Hauptmann / N. Basgelen, eds.: The Neolithic in<br />

Turkey. New Excavations & New Research, 1: The Tigris Basin<br />

2011 – 271 pp., lám.col. € 65,00<br />

ÍNDICE: M. Özdogan / N. Basgelen / P. Kuniholm: Introduction — N. Karul: Gusir Höyük<br />

— A. Erim-Özdogan: Sumaki Höyük. A New Neolithic Settlement in the Upper Tigris Basin<br />

— M. Rosenberg: Hallan Çemi — M. Rosenberg: Demirköy — V. Özkaya / A. Coskun:<br />

Körtik Tepe — Y. Miyake: Salat Cami Yani. A Pottery Neolithic Site in the Tigris Valley —<br />

H. Tekin: Hakemi Use. A Newly Discovered Late Neolithic Site in Southeastern Anatolia —<br />

I. Caneva: Til Huzur - Yayvantepe — A. Erim-Özdogan: Çayönü.<br />

65 Ozdogan, M. / N. Basgelen / P. Kuniholm, eds.: The Neolithic in Turkey.<br />

New Excavations & New Research, 2: The Euphrates Basin<br />

2011 – v + 282 pp., lám.col., fig. € 65,00<br />

ÍNDICE: J. Cauvin & al.: The pre-pottery site of Cafer Höyük — K. Schmidt: Göbekli tepe<br />

— B. Çelik: Sanliurfa – Yeni Mahalle — M. Özbasaran / G. Duru: Akarçay Tepe, A PPNB<br />

and PS settlement in middle Euphrates - Urfa — M. Özdogan: Mezraa - Teleilat — G. Willcox<br />

/ M. Savard: Botanical evidence for the adoption of cultivation in southeast Turkey.<br />

66 Ozdogan, M. / N. Basgelen / P. Kuniholm, eds.: The Neolithic in Turkey.<br />

New Excavations & New Research, 3: Central Turkey<br />

2012 – 279 pp. € 65,00<br />

ÍNDICE: I. Caneva: Mersin-Yumuktepe In the Seventh Millennium BC: an updated view —<br />

A. Öztan: Kösk Höyük A Neolithic Settlement in Nigde-Bor Plateau — N. Balkan-Atli / D.<br />

Binder: Neolithic Obsidian Workshop at Kömürcü-Kaletepe (Central Anatolia) — E. Biçakçi<br />

/ M. Godon / Y. G. Çakan: Tepecik-Çiftlik — M. Özbasaran: Asikli — M. Özbasaran & al.:<br />

Musular the 8 th Milleniem cal. BC Satellite Site of Asikli — D. Baird: P1narbasi: From Epi-<br />

Paleolithic Camp-Site to Sedentarising Village in Central Anatolia — D. Baird & al.: The<br />

Boncuklu Project: The Origins of Sedentism, Cultivation and Herding in Central Anatolia —<br />

I. Hodder: Renewed Work at Çatalhöyük.<br />

67 Ozdogan, M. / N. Basgelen / P. Kuniholm, eds.: The Neolithic in Turkey.

PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1074 — <strong>Oriente</strong> <strong>antiguo</strong> <strong>41</strong><br />

18<br />

New Excavations & New Research, 4: Western Turkey<br />

2012 – 236 pp., fig. € 65,00<br />

ÍNDICE: R. Duru: The Neolithic of the Lakes Region Hacilar - Kuruçay Höyük - Höyücek-<br />

Bademagaci Höyük — A. Peschlow-Bindokat / C. Gerber: The Latmos-Besparmak Mountains<br />

Sites with Early Rock Paintings in Western Anatolia — B. Horejs: Çukuriçi Höyük A Neolithic<br />

and Bronze Age Settlement in the Reggion of Ephesos — C. Lichter / R. Meriç: Dedecik-<br />

Heybelitepe Excavations at a Neolithic Settlement in the Torbali Plain — A. Çilingiroglu / Ö.<br />

Çevik / Ç. Çilingiroglu: Ulucak Höyük Towards Understanding the Early Farming Communities<br />

of Middle West Anatolia: Contribution of Ulucak — Z. Derin: Yesilova Höyük — H.<br />

Saglamtimur: The Neolithic Settlement of Ege Gübre — T. Efe / I. Gatsov / P. Nedelcheva:<br />

Keçiçayiri A Neolithic Settlement Near Seyitgazi, Eskisehir.<br />

68 Paléorient, 37/2 — 2011<br />

2012 – 219 pp., fig. € 52,00<br />

ÍNDICE: Articles: J.-F. Jarrige & al.: Shahr-i Sokhta and the chronology of the indo-iranian<br />

regions — F. Borrell & al.: New evidence concerning the neolithisation process of the central<br />

Syrian desert: the neolithic complex of Mamarrul Nasr — A.-M. Tillier & al.: Early hominid<br />

remains from Hayonim Cave (Israel) in the context of the late middle and upper pleistocene<br />

record from the Near East — A. Hauptmann & al.: Bronze age Kfar Monash, Palestine – A<br />

chemical and lead isotope study into the provenance of its copper — P. Tallet & al.: Metallurgical<br />

sites of south Sinai (Egypt) in the pharaonic era: new discoveries — Y. Nishiaki / K. Nagai:<br />

Obsidian Knappers at the late PPNB «consumer» settlement of tell Seker al-Aheimar, northeast<br />

Syria — R. Ekshtain & al.: Givat Rabi east, a new middle paleolithic knapping site in the<br />

lower Galilee (Israel) — T. Carter & al.: Marginal perspectives: sourcing epi-palaeolithic to<br />

calcolithic obsidian from the Öküzini cave (SW Turkey) — S. al Quntar & al.: Proto-urbanism<br />

in the late 5 th millennium BC: survey and excavations at Khirbat al-Fakhar (Hamoukar), northeast<br />

Syria — A. A. Vahdati: A preliminary report on a newly discovered petroglyphic complex near<br />

Jorbat, the plain of Jajarm, northeastern Iran — H. Ashkenazy & al.: Natufian bone artefacts<br />

from Nahal Oren, Mt. Carmel, Israel — Recensions.<br />

69 Palmer, U.: Ernst Sellin - Alttestamentler und Archäologe. Mit einem<br />

Beitrag von H. M. Niemann<br />

2012 – 163 pp., 5 fig. € 42,00<br />

70 Paoletti, P.: Der König und sein Kreis. Das staatliche Schatzarchiv<br />

der III. Dynastie von Ur<br />

2012 – 630 pp. + 28 lám., fig., tabl. € 43,00<br />

ÍNDICE: Einleitung — Das Schatzarchiv — Das Schuharchiv — Die Produktion der Güter<br />

und die interne Zirkulation des staatlichen Eigentums — Die Schatz- und Schuhverwaltung<br />

und ihre Verbindung zur Außenwelt: Einlieferungen und Ausgaben — Die königlichen<br />

Weihungen — Strategie und Prestige: die Ehrengeschenke des Königs — Rückblick — Texte<br />

in Umschrift und Übersetzung.

PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1074 — <strong>Oriente</strong> <strong>antiguo</strong> <strong>41</strong><br />

19<br />

71 Qimron, E. / J. Strugnell: Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, X: Qumran<br />

Cave 4.v. Miqsat Ma ‘Ase Ha-Torah<br />

1994 – xiv + 235 pp. + 8 lám. € 213,90<br />

72 Rilly, C. / A. de Voogt: The Meroitic Language and Writing System<br />

2012 – 284 pp., 14 fig., 3 map., 237 tabl. € 83,55<br />

ÍNDICE: Preface — 1. Introduction to history and texts — 2. Meroitic writing — 3. Linguistic<br />

affiliation — 4. Meroitic phonology: facts and reconstruction — 5. Grammar: facts and<br />

hypotheses — Conclusions.<br />

73 Rooke, D. W.: Zadok’s Heirs. The Role and Development of the High<br />

Priesthood in Ancient Israel<br />

2012 – 404 pp. € 40,00<br />

ÍNDICE: Introduction — I. Towards an Understanding of High Priesthood: 1: High Priesthood<br />

According to the Priestly Writer — II. High Priesthood to the End of Exile: 2: High Priesthood<br />

in the Deuteronomistic History — 3: Mysterious Melchizedek — 4: Ezekiel: A Vision of<br />

Hierocracy? — III. High Priesthood in the Persian Period: 5: High-Priestly Power in Haggai<br />

and Zechariah 1-8 — 6: Ezra and Nehemiah: The High Priesthood in Fifth-Century Judah<br />

— 7: The Elephantine Papyri — 8: High Priesthood in the Books of Chronicles — 9: After<br />

the Canon: the Later Persian Period — IV. High Priesthood from Alexander to Pompey:<br />

10: The Hidden Years: High Priesthood under the Ptolemies — 11: The Maccabean Conquest:<br />

Jonathan and Simon the Maccabees — 12: The Hasmonean Dynasty: John Hyrcanus and<br />

his Successors — Conclusion.<br />

74 Rosen-Zvi, I.: Demonic Desires. Yetzer Hara and the Problem of Evil<br />

in Late Antiquity<br />

2011 – 264 pp. € 59,20<br />

75 Ruiz López, I. D.: Circulación monetaria de las cecas fenicias de la<br />

Ulterior. Circulación de las monedas fenicio-púnicas y libiofenicias<br />

acuñadas en el sur peninsular<br />

2011 – 354 pp. € 82,20<br />

76 Scarpi, P. / M. Zago, eds.: Regalità e forme di potere nel Mediterraneo<br />

antico. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi Accademia galileiana di<br />

scienze lettere ed arti Padova, 6-7 febbraio 2004<br />

2007 – vi + 252 pp., fig. € 76,00<br />

ÍNDICE: U. Curi: Per non dimenticare il ritorno. Platone e la democrazia — G. Scandone<br />

Matthiae: La regalità nell’Egitto faraonico — M. Liverani: Ideologia della regalità in Assiria e<br />

Israele — P. Matthiae: Ideologia e politica della regalità nell’Assiria da Sargon II a Assurbanipal:

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20<br />

l’evidenza dell’arte monumentale — P. Carlier: Bourgades, royaumes et cités en Grèce de<br />

l’époque mycénienne à l’époque archaïque — P. Scarpi: L’anomalia «democratica» del<br />

politeismo greco — M. Menichetti: Metis e regalità nell’iconografia dei principi tirrenici di età<br />

arcaica. L’esempio di Dedalo e Medea — A. Bottini: Re e dinasti italici: il problema della<br />

documentazione archeologica — E. Di Filippo Balestrazzi: Tratti di regalità in area padanoveneta<br />

— F.-H. Massa-Pairault: L’ideologia monarchica e la sua espressione plastica a Pergamo<br />

— M. Torelli: La genesi dei simboli del potere nel mondo etrusco e romano — G. Filoramo: Il<br />

monaco-profeta e il sovrano: forme del potere a confronto nel cristianesimo tardo antico.<br />

77 Simpson, E.: The Gordion Wooden Objects, vol. 1: The Furniture from<br />

Tumulus Mm, 2 vols.<br />

2011 – lxxii + 559 pp., fig., 1 CD-ROM € 260,00<br />

78 Sivertsev, A. M.: Judaism and Imperial Ideology in Late Antiquity<br />

2011 – viii + 247 pp. € 65,50<br />

79 Stackert, J. / B. N. Porter / D. P. Wright, eds.: Gazing on the Deep.<br />

Ancient Near Eastern and Other Studies in Honor of Tzvi Abusch<br />

2010 – xi + 674 pp., fig. € 66,00<br />

80 Stern, S.: Calendars in Antiquity. Empires, States, and Societies<br />

2012 – 472 pp., 17 tabl. € 123,50<br />

ÍNDICE: Introduction — Part I. From City States to Great Empires: the Rise of the Fixed<br />

Calendars: 1: Calendars of ancient Greece — 2: The Babylonian calendar — 3: The Egyptian<br />

calendar — 4: The rise of the fixed calendars: Persian, Ptolemaic, and Julian calendars — Part<br />

II. The Empires Challenged and Dissolved: Calendar Diversity and Fragmentation: 5:<br />

Fragmentation: Babylonian and Julian calendars in the Near East, 3 rd century BCE 7 th century<br />

CE — 6: Dissidence and subversion: Gallic, Jewish, and other lunar calendars in the Roman<br />

Empire — 7: Sectarianism and heresy: from Qumran calendars to Christian Easter controversies<br />

— Conclusion.<br />

81 Taylor, J. E.: The Essenes, the Scrolls, and the Dead Sea<br />

2012 – 448 pp., 56 fig., lám.col. € 39,00<br />

ÍNDICE: I: The Essenes in Ancient Literature: 1: A Peculiar Problem : A Short History of<br />

Scholarship on the Essenes — 2: Philo of Alexandria — 3: Josephus — 4: The Herodians of<br />

the Gospel of Mark — 5: Pliny — 6: Dio Chrysostom, Synesius, and Julius Solinus — 7:<br />

Jewish and Christian Literature of the 2nd to 4th Centuries — 8: Conclusions: the Essential<br />

Essenes — II: The Dead Sea, the Essenes and the Scrolls: 9: The History of the Dead Sea —<br />

10: Essenes beside the Dead Sea: Qumran — 11: The Dead Sea Scrolls — 12: Roots, Remedies<br />

and Properties of Stones: Dead Sea Healing — Conclusions.<br />

82 Urman, D. / P. V. M. Flesher, eds.: Ancient Synagogues: Historical Analysis

PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1074 — <strong>Oriente</strong> <strong>antiguo</strong> <strong>41</strong><br />

21<br />

and Archaeological Discovery, 2 vols.<br />

1998 – il + 677 pp., fig., map. € 270,40<br />

ÍNDICE: ‘Ancient Synagogues: A Reader’s Guide.’ — I. The Origins of Ancient Synagogues:<br />

J.G. Griffiths, ‘Egypt and the Rise of the Synagogue.’ — L.L. Grabbe, ‘Synagogues in Pre-70<br />

Palestine: A Re-assessment.’ — P.V.M. Flesher, ‘Palestinian Synagogues before 70 C.E.: A<br />

Review of the Evidence.’ — A. Oppenheimer, ‘Babylonian Synagogues with Historical<br />

Associations.’ — II. The Development of Ancient Synagogues: D.E. Groh, ‘The Stratigraphic<br />

Chronology of the Galilean Synagogue from the Early Roman Period Through the Early<br />

Byzantine Period (ca. 420 C.E.).’ — Y. Tsafrir, ‘On the Source of the Architectural Design of<br />

the Ancient Synagogues in the Galilee: A New Appraisal.’ — G. Foester, ‘Dating Synagogues<br />

with a ‘Basilical’ Plan and an Apse.’ — A.T. Kraabel, ‘The Diaspora Synagogue: Archaeological<br />

and Epigraphic Evidence since Sukenik.’ — III. Synagogues And Settlements: Reports And<br />

Analysis: D. Amit, ‘Architectural Plans of Synagogues in the Southern Judean Hills and the<br />

‘’Halakah’.’ — S. Dar & Y. Mintzker, ‘The Synagogue of h#orvat Sumaqa, 1983-1993.’ — Z.<br />

Gal, ‘Ancient Synagogues in the Eastern Lower Galilee.’ — D. Urman, ‘Early Photographs of<br />

Galilean Synagogues.’ IV. The Synagogue’s Nature And The Jewish Community: Z. Safrai.<br />

‘The Communal Functions of the Synagogue in the Land of Israel in the Rabbinic Period.’ —<br />

A. Kasher, ‘Synagogues as ‘Houses of Prayer’ and ‘Holy Places’ in the Jewish Communities<br />

of Hellenistic and Roman Egypt.’ — I. Gafni, ‘Synagogues in Babylonia in the Talmudic<br />

Period.’ — D. Urman, ‘The House of Assembly and the House of Study: Are they One and the<br />

Same? — Z. Ilan, ‘The Synagogue and Study House at Meroth.’ — R. Reich, ‘The Synagogue<br />

and the miqweh in Eretz-Israel in the Second-Temple, Mishnaic, and Talmudic Periods.’ — V.<br />

The Synagogue’s Internal Aesthetics: A. Ovadiah, ‘Art of the Ancient Synagogues in Israel.’<br />

— J.R. Branham, ‘Vicarious Sacrality: Temple Space in Ancient Synagogues.’ — P.V.M. Flesher,<br />

‘Rereading the Reredos: David, Orpheus, and Messianism in the Dura Europos Synagogue.’<br />

— A. Ovadiah, ‘The Mosaic Workshop of Gaza in Christian Antiquity.’ — VI. D. Urman,<br />

Public Structures and Jewish Communities in the Golan Heights.<br />

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