2008 Annual Report - Queensland Police Service - Queensland ...

2008 Annual Report - Queensland Police Service - Queensland ...

2008 Annual Report - Queensland Police Service - Queensland ...


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Department For NOTES the TO year AND of ended <strong>Police</strong> FORMING 30 June PART <strong>2008</strong>OF THE FINANCIAL REPORT<br />

Notes For the to year and ended forming 30 part June of <strong>2008</strong> the Financial <strong>Report</strong><br />

as at 30 June <strong>2008</strong><br />

(e) Output Revenue/Administered Revenue<br />

(e) Output Revenue/Administered Revenue<br />

Appropriations provided under the <strong>Annual</strong> Appropriation Act are recognised as revenue when received.<br />

Appropriations receivable provided under and unearned the <strong>Annual</strong> appropriation Appropriation revenue Act are are recognised recognised as at revenue 30 June when as approved received. by<br />

<strong>Queensland</strong> Appropriations Treasury. receivable and unearned appropriation revenue are recognised at 30 June as approved by<br />

<strong>Queensland</strong> Treasury.<br />

Amounts appropriated to the department for transfer to other entities in accordance with legislative or other<br />

requirements Amounts appropriated are reported to the as department 'administered for item' transfer appropriations. to other entities in accordance with legislative or other<br />

requirements are reported as 'administered item' appropriations.<br />

(f) User Charges, Taxes, Fees and Fines<br />

(f) User Charges, Taxes, Fees and Fines<br />

User charges and fees controlled by the department are recognised as revenues when invoices for the related<br />

services User charges are issued. and fees User controlled charges by and the fees department are controlled are recognised by the department as revenues where when they invoices can be for deployed the related for<br />

the services achievement are issued. of departmental User charges objectives. and fees are controlled by the department where they can be deployed for<br />

the achievement of departmental objectives.<br />

Taxes, fees and fines collected, but not controlled, by the department are reported as administered revenue.<br />

Refer Taxes, to fees Note and 31. fines collected, but not controlled, by the department are reported as administered revenue.<br />

Refer to Note 31.<br />

(g) Grants and Contributions<br />

(g) Grants and Contributions<br />

Grants, contributions, donations and gifts that are non-reciprocal in nature are recognised as revenue in the<br />

year Grants, in which contributions, the department donations obtains and gifts control that over are non-reciprocal them. in nature are recognised as revenue in the<br />

year in which the department obtains control over them.<br />

Where grants are received that are reciprocal in nature, revenue is accrued over the term of the funding<br />

arrangements.<br />

Where grants are received that are reciprocal in nature, revenue is accrued over the term of the funding<br />

arrangements.<br />

Contributed assets are recognised at their fair value.<br />

Contributed assets are recognised at their fair value.<br />

Contributions of services received free of charge or for nominal value are recognised only if the services would<br />

have Contributions been purchased of services if they received had not free been of charge donated or for and nominal their fair value value are can recognised be measured only reliably. if the services Where would this<br />

is have the been case, purchased an equal amount if they had is recognised not been donated as revenue and and their as fair an value expense. can be measured reliably. Where this<br />

is the case, an equal amount is recognised as revenue and as an expense.<br />

(h) Cash and Cash Equivalents<br />

(h) Cash and Cash Equivalents<br />

For the purposes of the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow Statement, cash assets include cash on hand, all<br />

cash For the and purposes cheques of receipted the Balance but not Sheet banked and the at 30 Cash June Flow as Statement, well as deposits cash assets at call include with financial cash on institutions. hand, all<br />

cash and cheques receipted but not banked at 30 June as well as deposits at call with financial institutions.<br />

(i) Receivables<br />

(i) Receivables<br />

Trade debtors are recognised at the nominal amounts due at the time of sale or service delivery. Settlement of<br />

these Trade amounts debtors are is required recognised within at the 30 nominal days from amounts invoice due date. at the time of sale or service delivery. Settlement of<br />

these amounts is required within 30 days from invoice date.<br />

The collectability of receivables is assessed periodically with provision being made for impairment. All known<br />

bad The collectability debts were written-off receivables as at is 30 assessed June. Increases periodically in the with provision provision for being impairment made for are impairment. based on loss All known events<br />

as bad disclosed debts were in Note written-off 30. as at 30 June. Increases in the provision for impairment are based on loss events<br />

as disclosed in Note 30.<br />

Other debtors generally arise from transactions outside the usual operating activities of the department and<br />

are Other recognised debtors generally in the same arise way from as transactions other receivables. outside the usual operating activities of the department and<br />

are recognised in the same way as other receivables.<br />

Page 8<br />

Page 8<br />

Financial statements 2007-08<br />

With honour we serve 99

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