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Spectral responsivity interpolation of silicon CCDs<br />

A. Ferrero, J. Campos and A. Pons<br />

Instituto de Física Aplicada, CSIC, Madrid, Spain<br />

Abstract. An interpolation procedure for CCD<br />

responsivity that takes into account physical considerations<br />

about the pixel is presented. The procedure has been<br />

applied to the responsivity values of a CCD and the results<br />

are shown.<br />

Introduction<br />

After the radiometric calibration of any detector, it may be<br />

necessary to interpolate in order to estimate responsivity<br />

values between the calibration wavelengths. A typical<br />

spectral responsivity feature of a front illuminated CCD<br />

cannot be accurately approximated by a single<br />

mathematical function because of its shape. Then a<br />

different approach must be followed to interpolate.<br />

The spectral responsivity has to be based on the<br />

absorption and charge collection in the pixels, therefore an<br />

interpolation procedure, based on estimating the pixels’<br />

reflectance and internal quantum efficiency, is proposed in<br />

this work. Such an interpolation allows to predict<br />

responsivity changes in changing the parameters and vice<br />

versa. Its feasibility has been proved by applying it to<br />

experimental responsivity values of a CCD calibrated in<br />

our laboratory, whose results have been presented in<br />

previous works. 1,2<br />

Pixel responsivity <br />

According to the international vocabulary of<br />

Illumination 3 , the responsivity of a pixel (R) is the ratio<br />

between the response and the radiant exposure. So, R can<br />

be written as:<br />

R<br />

() <br />

i<br />

=<br />

() 1<br />

()<br />

)<br />

(<br />

0<br />

Khc<br />

Where h is the Planck´s constant, c is the light´s velocity,<br />

K is the conversion factor e - /counts, 0 is the vacuum<br />

wavelength, is the pixel reflectance, A is the pixel<br />

sense area, and i is the pixel internal quantum efficiency.<br />

This last quantity can be expressed for a front-illuminated<br />

CCD as 4 :<br />

= <br />

i<br />

opt<br />

exp<br />

where is the silicon absorption coefficient, W is the<br />

depletion region depth, X PSi is the width of the polisilicon<br />

layer, opt is the optical efficiency (that accounts the<br />

responsivity variation due to the incidence angle variation),<br />

and is a factor that represents the non ideality of the<br />

charge collection and charge transfer processes, whose<br />

value is close to 1.<br />

Interpolation procedure<br />

A<br />

() 1<br />

( ) [ 1<br />

exp( W)<br />

] (2)<br />

X PSi<br />

The interpolation procedure consists of fitting equation 1<br />

to the experimental spectral responsivity values, using<br />

equation 2 for the internal quantum efficiency. The<br />

variables involved in the fitting would be A, K, , opt , ,<br />

X PSi and W. The absorption coefficient and physical<br />

constants values can be obtained from the literature. opt<br />

can be taken as unity for the purpose of this work. In a first<br />

approach and to simplify the fitting, the discussion can be<br />

restricted to scientific CCD, then, A can be considered as a<br />

constant for all the pixels and a typical value given by the<br />

CCD manufacturer can be taken for it as well as for K. <br />

can also be assumed to be unity for this kind of CCD and<br />

therefore the fitting variables are reduced to , X PSi and W.<br />

X PSi and W can be assumed to be equal for all the pixels,<br />

but the reflectance may change from one to another in<br />

addition of being a function of wavelength, radiation solid<br />

angle, polarization, etc.<br />

Since is difficult to measure because the pixels are<br />

very small and difficult to predict because the CCD is a<br />

very complex system from the reflectance point of view,<br />

an iterative method can be used to obtain physically<br />

significant reflectance values:<br />

1. From typical values for W and X PSi spectral quantum<br />

efficiency values can be calculated for every pixel (eq.<br />

2) at the wavelengths the responsivity is known.<br />

2. From those values, spectral reflectance can be<br />

calculated from equation 1. If those values are<br />

physically significant, they are taken as the actual<br />

reflectance values, if not, new values are calculated<br />

from a different set of W and X PSi .<br />

To conclude the interpolation of the responsivity, it is<br />

necessary to interpolate the reflectance values obtained<br />

previously. Unlike the case of a single detector, the CCD<br />

responsivity interpolation has to take into account the large<br />

amount of pixels involved. So it is important for the<br />

interpolation procedure to be simple and because of that a<br />

linear interpolation of is done.<br />

The result of this interpolation procedure is a<br />

responsivity expression for each pixel, based on pixel’s the<br />

physical parameters.<br />

Reflectance<br />

0.48<br />

0.46<br />

0.44<br />

0.42<br />

0.40<br />

0.38<br />

0.36<br />

0.34<br />

0.32<br />

450 500 550 600 650 700<br />

Wavelength (nm)<br />

Figure 1: Calculated for the average responsivity of a CCD.<br />

Proceedings NEWRAD, 17-19 October 2005, Davos, Switzerland 129

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