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<strong>NATURA</strong> <strong>MONTENEGRINA</strong>, <strong>PODGORICA</strong>, 2, <strong>2003</strong>, 9-<strong>17</strong><br />

UDK 581.9:582.321(497.1)(045)=111<br />



Snežana DRAGIĆEVIĆ 1) , Milan VELJIĆ 2)<br />

Petar D. MARIN 3) , Branimir PETKOVIĆ 4)<br />

S y n o p s i s<br />

During the three days’ rafting in the Tara River Canyon, we have collected 71 species<br />

of mosses, out of which 57 proper mosses and 14 liverworts.<br />

The liverwort Porella arboris-vitae (With.) Grolle is a new species for the flora of<br />

Montenegro.<br />

Sinopsis<br />


U toku trodnevnog splavarenja kanjonom rijeke Tare sakupili smo ukupno 71 vrstu mahovina,<br />

od čega 57 pravih mahovina i 14 jetrenjača. Jetrenjača Porella arboris-vitae (With.)<br />

Grolle je nova vrsta za floru Crne Gore.<br />

1) Mr Snežana DRAGIĆEVIĆ, Natural History Museum of Montenegro, Podgorica, Trg Nikole<br />

Kovačevića 7, <strong>PODGORICA</strong>, CRNA GORA.<br />

2) 3) 4)<br />

Dr Milan VELJIĆ, Prof. Dr Petar D. MARIN Prof. Dr Branimir PETKOVIĆ, Institut za<br />

botaniku i botanička bašta “Jevremovac”, BEOGRAD, SRBIJA.

10 Natura Montenegrina, 2/<strong>2003</strong><br />


The Tara River is the longest river in Montenegro, since, from its fountainhead in the<br />

foothill of Komovi and Žijovo to the place where it joins the Piva, it flows in its entire course<br />

of 150 km, through Montenegro (Map 1). The Tara River’s drainage basin surface area<br />

amounts 2,040 km 2 , its average altitude is 1,390 m, whereas the fall is very pointed, 1,215 m<br />

at the fountainhead and 435 m at the mouth. Downstream of the Bistrica, the Tara flows<br />

through a deep valley, which from that spot to Šćepan polje (Field), in length of 78 km, has<br />

canyon character. Nearby the Obzir, on the right bank and Durmitor, on its left bank, the sides<br />

of the canyon descend almost vertically for 1,200-1,300 m (F u š t i ć , 2000).<br />

For its specific traits, primarily water quality and a unique biota, the Tara was included<br />

in 1977 in the Program “Man and Biosphere " and listed in the ecological reserve of biosphere<br />

of the World, and that way protected by the internationally recognized Convention<br />

(Nikolić , 2000).<br />

Tara as the deepest and the sharpest river valley in Europe, (C e r o v i ć , 1984), belongs<br />

to bryologically insufficiently studied areas. The mosses of this canyon were studied by<br />

Grgić (1989), who investigated the "participation of bryophytes in the composition of<br />

predominantly thermophilous forest associations (Fagetum moesiace montanum Bleč. et<br />

Lakušić 1970, Carpino orientalis-Quercetum cerris Lakušić 1975, Querco-Ostryetum<br />

carpinifoliae Ht 38, Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum moesiace Blečić et Lakušić, 1970), of some<br />

rock associatios developed within or along the riverbed, periodically or permanently under the<br />

powerful action of the river stream".<br />

The material has been collected on the following localities:<br />

- Radovan luka (the left bank),<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca (the left bank),<br />

- The Rivulet Ljutica, right confluent of Tara river,<br />

- Bijela vrela (karstic spring – water that found the passage from Crno jezero (Black<br />

Lake) by the underground flow to the sheer rocks on the rights side of the Tara<br />

canyon) and<br />

- Bailovića sige (Stalactites) (fig. 1) (from the Cave Bučavice the water falls from<br />

some thirty meters in form of almost 150 m long water curtain. The background is composed<br />

of thick layers of travertine densely overgrown by mosses).<br />

On the localities: Radovan luka, The Rivulet Ljutica, Bijela vrela (springs) and<br />

Bailovića sige (stalactites) we have sampled the materials from the swater and its closer<br />

surrounding. Along the road from Radovan luke to the village Tepca, the material was being<br />

collected in one part in a beech-oak tree forest, in other along the very trail towards the<br />

vilage.<br />

The following biological literature has been used for the determination: P a v l e t i ć<br />

(1968), P e t r o v (1975), S m i t h (1978, 1990). The nomenclature has been arranged accord-

DRAGIĆEVIĆ, S. et al.: A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Moss Flora 11<br />

ing to G r o l l (1983), for the liverworts, and according to C o r l e y et al (1981) and C o r l e y<br />

and C r u n d w e l l (1991) for the proper mosses. The list of recorded species has by the Alphahabetical<br />

order both for the proper mosses and for the liverworts.<br />

The herbarium is situated in the moss collection of the Natural History Museum in<br />

Podgorica.<br />

Map 1. Studied<br />

area<br />


Investigating the moss flora of the Tara River Canyon on the five previously mentioned<br />

localities we have recorded 71 species from the classes Bryopsida and Marchantiopsida. The<br />

group of the proper mosses is composed of 57 species, and 14 liverworts. The holarctic species<br />

are mainly presented, although there also are sub cosmopolitans, cosmopolitans and<br />

other.<br />

Making an insight into the moss lists for Serbia and Montenegro by S a b o v l j e v i ć<br />

(1998) and S a b o v l j e v i ć & Stevanović (1999) we have stated that Porella arboris-vitae

12 Natura Montenegrina, 2/<strong>2003</strong><br />

(With.) Grolle, (** in the table) collected in Radovan luka from the ground, is a new species<br />

for the bryoflora of Montenegro.<br />

By the moss flora investigation in the Tara River Canyon there have been recorded as<br />

many as 99 taxons. The best represented from the class Bryopsida are the genera Bryum,<br />

Neckera, Thuidium and Tortella with 4 each, whereas the genera Anomodon, Brachythecium,<br />

and Eurhynchium have 3 representatives each. The most numerous liverworts are those of the<br />

genus Porella (3 taxons), than Frullania, Metzgeria and Pellia with 2 representatives each.<br />

By the previous investigations by G r g i ć (1989) there were recorded 47 taxons of the<br />

proper mosses and 8 of liverworts. The largest number of those taxons has been recorded also<br />

on the newly investigated localities, whereas 23 taxons of the proper mosses: Amblystegium<br />

sp., Anomodon attenuatus (Hedw.) Hub., Anomodon rugelii (C. Mull.) Keissl., Bryum weigelii<br />

Spreng., Campylium stellatum (Hedw.) J. Lange & C. Jens., Cinclidotus riparius (Brid.) Arnott.,<br />

Dicranella heteromalla (Hedw.) Schimp., Ditrichum cylindricum (Hedw.) Grout, Drepanocladus<br />

aduncus (Hedw.) Warnst., Eurhynchium crassinervium (Wils.) Schimp., E. pulchellum<br />

(Hedw.) Jenn., E. striatum (Hedw.) Schimp., Homalia webbiana (Mont.) Schimp.,<br />

Homalothecium philippeanum (Spruce) B., S. & G., Hymenostylium recurvirostrum (Hedw.)<br />

Dix., Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw., Neckera pennata Hedw., Orthotrichum sp., Pottia bryoides<br />

(Dicks.) Mitt., Pseudolescea incurvata B., S. & G., Tortella fragilis (Drumm.) Limpr.,<br />

Tortella nitida (Lindb.) Broth., Weissia triumphans (De Not.) M. Hill. and three liverworts:<br />

Frullania tamarisci (L.) Dum., Metzgeria furcata (L.) Dum., Porella platyphylla (L.) Pfeiff.<br />

have not been confirmed.<br />

The newly recorded species (41) on the Tara River have been designated in the table by<br />

asterisk (*).<br />

MUSCI<br />

*1. Aloina aloides (K. F. Schultz) Kindb.<br />

-Radovan luka; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

*2. Amblystegium serpens (Hedw.) B., S. & G.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luke to Tepca; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

3. Anomodon viticulosus (Hedw.) Hook. & Tayl.<br />

- Radovan luka; from the ground; beech-oak tree forest; Aug. 1998.<br />

- The River Ljutica; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

*4. Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P. Beauv.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

*5. Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schwaegr.<br />

- Bijela vrela (White springs); from a sandy substrate; Aug. 1998.<br />

*6. Barbula unguiculata Hedw.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

*7. Brachythecium glareosum (Spruce) B., S. & G.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the rocks; Aug. 1998.<br />

8. Brachythecium rivulare B., S. & G.<br />

- Bailovića sige; from the rocks; Aug. 1998.<br />

*9. Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostrum (Hedw.) Chen.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the ground; Aug. 1998.

DRAGIĆEVIĆ, S. et al.: A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Moss Flora 13<br />

*10. Bryum capillare Hedw.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

11. Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) Gaertn., Meyer & Scherb.<br />

-Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

- Bailovića sige; from the ground; Aug. 1998<br />

*12. Bryum torquescens B. & S.<br />

- Radovan luka; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

13. Cinclidotus aquaticus (Hedw.) B. & S.<br />

- Bailovića sige; from the rocks; Aug. 1998.<br />

14. Cinclidotus fontinaloides (Hedw.) P. Beauv.<br />

- The Ljutica River; from the rocks in the water; Aug. 1998.<br />

*15. Climacium dendroides (Hedw.) Web. & Mohr.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luke to Tepca; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

*16. Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce<br />

- Bijela vrela; from the rocks by the water; Aug. 1998.<br />

<strong>17</strong>. Ctenidium molluscum (Hedw.) Mitt.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the rocks, ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

- Bailovića sige; from the rocks by the water; Aug. 1998.<br />

*18. Dicranella varia (Hedw.) Schimp.<br />

- Radovan luka; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

19. Dicranum scoparium Hedw.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from beech-oak tree forest; from the<br />

ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

*20. Didymodon falax (Hedw.) Zander<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

*21. Didymodon rigidulus Hedw.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the tree bark; Aug. 1998.<br />

*22. Ditrichum flexicaule (Schwaegr.) Hampe<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca;from the beech-oak tree forest; from<br />

the ground, a rotten tree; Aug. 1998.<br />

*23. Encalypta streptocarpa Hedw.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

*24. Entodon concinnus (De Not.) Par.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the rocks; Aug. 1998.<br />

*25. Eucladium verticillatum (Brid.) B., S. & G.<br />

- Radovan luka; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

*26. Eurhynchium hians (Hedw.) Sande Lac.<br />

-Radovan luka and along the road to Tepca; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

27. Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw.<br />

- Bijela vrela; from the rocks by the water; Aug. 1998.<br />

*28. Fissidens cristatus Wils. ex Mitt.<br />

- Bailovića sige; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

29. Grimmia pulvinata (Hedw.) Sm.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luke to Tepca; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

30. Homalothecium sericeum (Hedw.) B., S. & G.

14 Natura Montenegrina, 2/<strong>2003</strong><br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the beech-oak tree forest and<br />

outside it; from the ground, from a dry tree twig; Aug. 1998.<br />

31. Hygrohypnum luridum (Hedw.) Jenn.<br />

- Bailovića sige; from the ground; Aug 1988.<br />

- The Ljutica River; from the ground; Aug 1988.<br />

32. Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) B., S. & G.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luke to Tepca; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

33. Isothecium alopecuroides (Dubois) Isov.<br />

- Radovan luka; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

34. Leucodon sciuroides (Hedw.) Schwaegr.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luke to Tepca and in Radovan luka; from the ground<br />

and bark of a fallen tree; Aug. 1998.<br />

*35. Mnium hornum Hedw.<br />

- The Ljutica River; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

- Bailovića sige; from the rocky ground by the water, from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

36. Neckera complanata (Hedw.) Hub.<br />

- Along the road from Dragovića luka to Tepca, from beech-oak tree forest; from<br />

the rocks; Aug. 1998.<br />

37. Neckera crispa Hedw.<br />

- Bailovića sige; from the rocky ground by the water, from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

*38. Orthotrichum speciosum Nees<br />

- Along the road from Dragovića luka to Tepca; from the beech bark; Aug. 1998.<br />

39. Palustriella commutata (Hedw.) Ochyra<br />

- Bailovića sige; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

*40. Philonotis marchica (Hedw.) Brid.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

41. Plagiomnium affine (Bland.) T. Kop.<br />

- Bijela vrela; from the sandy substrate; Aug. 1998.<br />

*42. Plagiomnium undulatum (Hedw.) T. Kop.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca and in Radovan luka; from the bark of a<br />

rotten tree, sfrom the ground in the forest; 1998.<br />

*43. Polytrichum juniperinum Hedw.<br />

- Bijela vrela; from the ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

*44. Pterigynandrum filiforme Hedw.<br />

- Bijela vrela; from a sandy substrate; Aug. 1998.<br />

- Radovan luka; from theground; Aug. 1998.<br />

45. Rhynchostegium riparioides (Hedw.) Card.<br />

- Bailovića sige; from the rocks; Aug. 1998.<br />

46. Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus (Hedw.) Warnst.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca, from the beech-oak tree forest and<br />

out of it, oak tree bark of a rotten tree; Aug. 1998.<br />

47. Schistidium apocarpum (Hedw.) B. & S.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luke to Tepca; from the stones; Aug. 1998.<br />

*48. Scleropodium purum (Hedw.) Limpr.<br />

- Bailovića sige; from the rocky ground by the water; Aug. 1998.<br />

*49. Thamnobryum alopecurum (Hedw.) Nieuwl.

DRAGIĆEVIĆ, S. et al.: A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Moss Flora 15<br />

- Bailovića sige; from the rocky ground; Aug. 1998.<br />

*50. Thuidium abietinum (Hedw.) B., S. & G.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca, from ther beech-oak tree forest; from<br />

the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

51. Thiudium erectum Duby<br />

- Radovan luka; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

*52. Thuidium philibertii Limpr.<br />

- Radovan luka; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

*53. Thuidium recognitum (Hedw.) Lindb.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

*54. Tortella flavovirens (Bruch.) Broth.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

55. Tortella tortuosa (Hedw.) Limpr.<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca, from beech -oak forest; from the<br />

rotten tree's bark, from the rocks; Aug. 1998.<br />

*56. Tortula marginata (B. & S.) Spruce<br />

- Radovan luka; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

57. Tortula ruralis (Hedw.) Gaertn., Meyer & Scherb.<br />

- Along the roaqd from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the rocks; Aug. 1998.<br />


1. Chiloscyphus polyanthos (L.) Corda<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the rotten tree's bark; Aug.<br />

1998.<br />

2. Conocephalum conicum (L.) Underw.<br />

- Bijela vrela; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

- Bailovića sige; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

3. Frullania dilatata (L.) Dum.<br />

- Radovan luka; from the beech bark; Aug. 1998.<br />

- Bailovića sige; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

*4. Marchantia polymorpha L.<br />

- Bijela vrela; from the sandy substrate; Aug. 1998.<br />

5. Metzgeria conjugata Lindb.<br />

- The Ljutica River; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

*6. Pellia endiviifolia (Dicks.) Dum.<br />

- Radovan luka; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

*7. Pellia epiphylla (L.) Corda<br />

- Bijela vrela; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

- Bailovića sige; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

8. Plagiochilla asplenioides (L. emend. Tayl.) Dum.<br />

- Radovan luka; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

- Thje Ljutica River; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

**9. Porella arboris-vitae (With.) Grolle<br />

- Radovan luka; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

*10. Porella obtusata (Tayl.) Trev.

16 Natura Montenegrina, 2/<strong>2003</strong><br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

*11. Preissia quadrata (Scop.) Nees<br />

- Radovan luka; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

*12. Radula complanata (L.) Dum.<br />

- Bailovića sige; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

- Radovan luka and along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca, from beech-oak<br />

tree forest and out of it, from the fallen tree’s bark; Aug 1998.<br />

*13. Reboulia hemispaerica (L.) Raddi<br />

- Radovan luka; from the ground; Aug.1998.<br />

14. Scapania aspera M. et H. Bern<br />

- Along the road from Radovan luka to Tepca, from the beech-oak tree forest; from<br />

the basrk of a rotten tree; Aug. 1998.<br />

Fig. 1.<br />

Bailovića sige, Tara river.<br />

foto: M. Karaman

DRAGIĆEVIĆ, S. et al.: A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Moss Flora <strong>17</strong><br />


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18 Natura Montenegrina, 2/<strong>2003</strong>

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