108 Natura Montenegrina, 6/2007 LITERATURE ANANJEVA, N., BORKIN, L., DAREVSKIJ, I. & ORLOV, N. 1998: Zemnovodnie i presmikajuščiesja. - Enciklopedija prirodi Rosii. ABF, Moskva, pp. 574. ARNOLD, E.N., BURTON, J.A. 1978: A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Britain and Europe. – Collins, London ARAK, A. 1988: Sexual Dimorphism in Body Size: A Model and a Test. - Evolution 42: 820-825. ANDERSON, S. 1994: Sexual Selection. - Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. BERVEN, K.A. 1988: Factors Affecting Variation in Reproductive Traits within a Population of Wood Frogs Rana sylvatica. - Copeia, 1988: 605-615. BORKIN, L.J., VEITH, M.1997: Bufo bufo (Linnaeus, 1758). In: GASC, J. P., GABELA, A., CRNOBRNJA-ISAILOVIĆ, J., DOLMEN, D.,GROSSENBACHER, K., HAFFNER, P., LESCURE, J., MARTENS, H., MARTINEZ RICA, J.P., MAURIN, J., OLIVIERA, M.E., SOFIANIDOU, T.S., VEITH, M., ZUIDEREWIJK, A. (eds), 1997. Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe. Pp. 118-119. Societas Europaea Herpetologica & Muséum National d'Historie Naturelle (IEGB/SPN), Paris. CVETKOVIĆ, D., ALEKSIĆ, I., CRNOBRNJA – ISAILOVIĆ, J. 2003: Reproductive Traits in Common Toad Bufo bufo from the Vicinity of Belgrade. - Archives of Biological Sciences, Belgrade 55: 25P-26P. CUMMINS, C.P. 1986: Temporal and Spatial Variation in Egg size and Fecundity in Rana temporaria. - Journal of Animal Ecology 55: 303 – 316. DARWIN, C. 1871: The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex. – Murray, London. ĐUROVIĆ, E., VUKOVIĆ, T., POCRNJIĆ, Z. 1979: Vodozemci Bosne i Hercegovine. - Zemaljski muzej BiH, Sarajevo. GITTINS, S.P., PARKER, A.G., SLATER, F.M. 1980: Population Traits of the Common Toad (Bufo bufo) Visiting a Breeding Site in mid- Wales. - Journal of Animal Ecology, 49: 161-173. HALLIDAY, T.R., VERRELL, P.A. 1986: Sexual Selection and Body Size in Amphibians. - Herpetological Journal, 1: 86 – 92. HEMELAAR, A.S.M. 1988: Age, Growth and other Population Traits of Bufo bufo from Different Latitudes and Altitudes. - Journal of Herpetology, 22: 369-388. JOHANNESSEN, T.W. 1970: The Climate of Scandinavia. In: C. C. Wallen (ed), World KUZMIN, S.L. 1999a. Zemnovodnie bivšego SSSR. Tovariščestvo naučnih izdanij KMK, Moskva. KUZMIN, S.L. 1999b: The Amphibians of the former Soviet Union. Vol. I. - Pensoft, Sofia/Moscow.

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108<br />

Natura Montenegrina, 6/2007<br />


ANANJEVA, N., BORKIN, L., DAREVSKIJ, I. & ORLOV, N. 1998: Zemnovodnie i<br />

presmikajuščiesja. - Enciklopedija prirodi Rosii. ABF, Moskva, pp. 574.<br />

ARNOLD, E.N., BURTON, J.A. 1978: A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of<br />

Britain and Europe. – Collins, London<br />

ARAK, A. 1988: Sexual Dimorphism in Body Size: A Model and a Test. - Evolution 42:<br />

820-825.<br />

ANDERSON, S. 1994: Sexual Selection. - Princeton University Press, Princeton, New<br />

Jersey.<br />

BERVEN, K.A. 1988: Factors Affecting Variation in Reproductive Traits within a<br />

Population of Wood Frogs Rana sylvatica. - Copeia, 1988: 605-615.<br />

BORKIN, L.J., VEITH, M.1997: <strong>Bufo</strong> <strong>bufo</strong> (Linnaeus, 1758). In: GASC, J. P., GABELA,<br />



J., OLIVIERA, M.E., S<strong>OF</strong>IANIDOU, T.S., VEITH, M., ZUIDEREWIJK, A. (eds),<br />

1997. Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe. Pp. 118-119. Societas<br />

Europaea Herpetologica & Muséum National d'Historie Naturelle (IEGB/SPN),<br />

Paris.<br />

CVETKOVIĆ, D., ALEKSIĆ, I., CRNOBRNJA – ISAILOVIĆ, J. 2003: Reproductive<br />

Traits in Common Toad <strong>Bufo</strong> <strong>bufo</strong> from the Vicinity of Belgrade. - Archives of<br />

Biological Sciences, Belgrade 55: 25P-26P.<br />

CUMMINS, C.P. 1986: Temporal and Spatial Variation in Egg size and Fecundity in<br />

Rana temporaria. - Journal of Animal Ecology 55: 303 – 316.<br />

DARWIN, C. 1871: The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex. – Murray,<br />

London.<br />

ĐUROVIĆ, E., VUKOVIĆ, T., POCRNJIĆ, Z. 1979: Vodozemci Bosne i Hercegovine. -<br />

Zemaljski muzej BiH, Sarajevo.<br />

GITTINS, S.P., PARKER, A.G., SLATER, F.M. 1980: Population Traits of the Common<br />

Toad (<strong>Bufo</strong> <strong>bufo</strong>) Visiting a Breeding Site in mid- Wales. - Journal of Animal<br />

Ecology, 49: 161-173.<br />

HALLIDAY, T.R., VERRELL, P.A. 1986: Sexual Selection and Body Size in<br />

Amphibians. - Herpetological Journal, 1: 86 – 92.<br />

HEMELAAR, A.S.M. 1988: Age, Growth and other Population Traits of <strong>Bufo</strong> <strong>bufo</strong> from<br />

Different Latitudes and Altitudes. - Journal of Herpetology, 22: 369-388.<br />

JOHANNESSEN, T.W. 1970: The Climate of Scandinavia. In: C. C. Wallen (ed), World<br />

KUZMIN, S.L. 1999a. Zemnovodnie bivšego SSSR. Tovariščestvo naučnih izdanij<br />

KMK, Moskva.<br />

KUZMIN, S.L. 1999b: The Amphibians of the former Soviet Union. Vol. I. - Pensoft,<br />


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