102 Natura Montenegrina, 6/2007 INTRODUCTION Common Toad has a large distribution and popultes mainly the entire palearctic area. It populates almost the entire Europe, with the exception of far north, Ireland, Corsika, Sardinia, Balear's Islands, Malta, Crete, as well as some smaller islands (B o r k i n and V e i t h , 1997). It also populates the northwestern Africa (P a s t e u r and B o n s , 1959). Although common at lower altitudes, it may also be found also on altitudes exceedeing 2500 m and on Iberian Peninsula (A n g e l , 1946; B o r k i n and V e i t h , 1997). In Montenegro it is mainly widely distributed. Owing to wide distribution, climatic conditions in various parts of areal of distribution are very different. Thus, in northern part of the areal the winters are long, cold and humid, so that the period favorable for growth is rather short (J o h a n n e s s e n , 1970). On higher altitudes the conditions are even more extreme. On the other hand, southern populations of this species are exposed to much more favorable conditions of outer environment; therefore the period favorable for growth is much longer. Species Bufo bufo is a polytypic one. From the scope of this species a taxon from the Far East has been separated on the level of species Bufo gargarizans (A n a n j e v a et al. 1998, K u z m i n 1999a, 1999b), and the character of polytype is determined to it in addition to nominotype subspecies three other ones B. b. grediscola, B. b. verrucosissimus, B. b. spinosus. If we recognize the fact that Caucasus Toad (Bufo verrucosissimus) is a separate species (e.g. O r l o v a & T u n i y e v 1989, A n a n j e v a et al. 1998), than the taxonomic differentiation in scope of Common Toad is even more limited. Nominotype subspecies is the most widely distributed (Northern and Southern Europe). The two first subspecies have a limited geographical area (mountains Gredos and Caucasus), nominotype subspecies is the most widely distributed (Northern and Central Europe), whereas the areal of subspecies B. b. spinosus is limited to the region of Mediterranean (northwestern parts of Africa, southeast Europe, southern Switzerland, Italy as well as the southern parts of France and Spain). MATERIAL AND METHODS A total of 41 specimens has been analyzed, 26 males and 15 females. The largest part of the material has been collected in mating period. The material has mainly been manually collected and meredov (a net with a handle) has also been used. The samples belong to herpetological collection of the Natural History Museum of Montenegro; they are kept in 70 % alcohole. Morphometric analysis has been done on 21 traits which determine size and form of body and head of tailless amphibians. Measured traits are: L – longthe of body

103 Čađenović & Vukov: MORPHOLOGICAL TRAITS OF COMMON TOAD BUFO BUFO . . . from the top of head to the opening of the cloaca; Lpa – length of front exstremity; F – length of femur measured fromxthe opening of cloaca to knee joint; T – lengthj of tibiofibula from knee joint to tibiotarsal joint; P – distance from tibiotarsal joint to the tip of the longest finger (IV); n – length of metatarsus from the internal metatarsal ridgelet to the tip of the longest finger (IV); DpPa – length of the first finger off front exstremity; DpPp – length of the first finger of back extremity; Cint – the biggest length of the internal metatarsal ridgelet; Lc – length of head from the top of head to jaw joint; Ltc – width of head measured between the jaw joints; Spp – betweeneyes space between the internal edges of eye lids; Lc – lengh of head from the top of head to jaw joint; Ltc – width of head measured between jaw joints; Spp – betweeneyes space between the internal edges of eye lids; Spi – distance betwnn the outer nasal openings; Spcr – distance between front angles of eye openings; Lo – the largest length of eyeball; Ltp – the largest width of upper eye lid; Dro – distance from the top of head to the eye edge; Dno- distance of nasal opening from eye; Lh - length of cutaneous folds on heels; Lg - length of partoid salivary glands; Wg - width of salivary glands and weight. Three qualitative traits (Table 1) with three conditions on four body regions of toad: head part - dorsal side, dorsal part-dorsal side, head part -ventral side, abdominal part-ventral side. The conditions of qualitative traits have been coded in the following manner: Dorsal side – head part: 1a - round warts, 1b - oval warts, 1c – kidneylike warts; 2a – very protuberant warts, 2b – protuberant warts, 2c – drawn in warts; 3a – very marked thornlike ends of warts; 3b – medium marked thornlike ends of warts; 3c – weakly marked thornlike ends of warts; Dorsal side - dorsal part: 4a - round warts, 4b - oval warts, 4c - kidneylike warts; 5a – very protuberant warts, 5b – protuberant warts, 5c – drawn in warts; 6a – very marked thornlike ends of warts; 6b – medium marked thornlike ends of warts; 6c – weakly marked thornlike ends of warts; Ventral side – head part: 7a - round warts, 7b - oval warts, 7c - kidneylike warts; 8a – very protuberant warts, 8b – protuberant warts, 8c – drawn in warts; 9a – very marked thornlike ends of warts; 9b – medium marked thornlike ends of warts; 9c – weakly marked thornlike ends of warts;

103<br />

Čađenović & Vukov: <strong>MORPHOLOGICAL</strong> <strong>TRAITS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>COMMON</strong> <strong>TOAD</strong> BUFO BUFO . . .<br />

from the top of head to the opening of the cloaca; Lpa – length of front exstremity; F –<br />

length of femur measured fromxthe opening of cloaca to knee joint; T – lengthj of<br />

tibiofibula from knee joint to tibiotarsal joint; P – distance from tibiotarsal joint to the<br />

tip of the longest finger (IV); n – length of metatarsus from the internal metatarsal<br />

ridgelet to the tip of the longest finger (IV); DpPa – length of the first finger off front<br />

exstremity; DpPp – length of the first finger of back extremity; Cint – the biggest<br />

length of the internal metatarsal ridgelet; Lc – length of head from the top of head to<br />

jaw joint; Ltc – width of head measured between the jaw joints; Spp – betweeneyes<br />

space between the internal edges of eye lids; Lc – lengh of head from the top of head<br />

to jaw joint; Ltc – width of head measured between jaw joints; Spp – betweeneyes<br />

space between the internal edges of eye lids; Spi – distance betwnn the outer nasal<br />

openings; Spcr – distance between front angles of eye openings; Lo – the largest<br />

length of eyeball; Ltp – the largest width of upper eye lid; Dro – distance from the top<br />

of head to the eye edge; Dno- distance of nasal opening from eye; Lh - length of<br />

cutaneous folds on heels; Lg - length of partoid salivary glands; Wg - width of<br />

salivary glands and weight.<br />

Three qualitative traits (Table 1) with three conditions on four body regions of<br />

toad: head part - dorsal side, dorsal part-dorsal side, head part -ventral side,<br />

abdominal part-ventral side.<br />

The conditions of qualitative traits have been coded in the following manner:<br />

Dorsal side – head part:<br />

1a - round warts, 1b - oval warts, 1c – kidneylike warts; 2a – very protuberant<br />

warts, 2b – protuberant warts, 2c – drawn in warts; 3a – very marked thornlike ends of<br />

warts; 3b – medium marked thornlike ends of warts; 3c – weakly marked thornlike<br />

ends of warts;<br />

Dorsal side - dorsal part:<br />

4a - round warts, 4b - oval warts, 4c - kidneylike warts; 5a – very protuberant<br />

warts, 5b – protuberant warts, 5c – drawn in warts; 6a – very marked thornlike ends of<br />

warts; 6b – medium marked thornlike ends of warts; 6c – weakly marked thornlike<br />

ends of warts;<br />

Ventral side – head part:<br />

7a - round warts, 7b - oval warts, 7c - kidneylike warts; 8a – very protuberant<br />

warts, 8b – protuberant warts, 8c – drawn in warts; 9a – very marked thornlike ends of<br />

warts; 9b – medium marked thornlike ends of warts; 9c – weakly marked thornlike<br />

ends of warts;

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