June Minutes - Plymouth Hospitals

June Minutes - Plymouth Hospitals

June Minutes - Plymouth Hospitals


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Item 2<br />

Present:<br />

In Attendance:<br />

<strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Hospitals</strong> NHS Trust<br />

<strong>Minutes</strong> of the Trust Board meeting held<br />

on 28 <strong>June</strong> 2007<br />

in the Conference Room, Level 7, Derriford Hospital<br />

9.00 am - Opportunity for Questions<br />

D<br />

Angela Edmunds, Director of Professional Practice (AE)<br />

John Bull, Chairman (JB)<br />

Lesley Darke, Acting Director of Planning (LD)<br />

Terence Lewis, Medical Director (CTL)<br />

Vera Mitchell, PPI Forum Representative (VM)<br />

Paul Roberts, Chief Executive (PDR)<br />

R<br />

Gill Hunt, PA to Chairman (GH)<br />

JB welcomed members of the public to the Trust Board meeting and invited<br />

questions.<br />

A<br />

A member of the public referred to the Board's approval at their May 2007 to<br />

the purchase of a modular operating theatre and queried whether a penalty<br />

clause had been negotiated on which the Trust could claim should the theatre<br />

not be delivered on time. PDR responded that no doubt there would be such<br />

a clause but the Trust was bound by a procurement procedures which<br />

governed the purchase of<br />

F<br />

such items and the contract had not yet been<br />

placed.<br />

The same member of the public referred to the Infection Control Annual<br />

Report, which had been circulated with the papers for the meeting, and asked<br />

about seasonal trends for D&V, reported on page 25 of this report. AE<br />

confirmed that such trends<br />

T<br />

were the result of an air-borne virus and affected<br />

not only hospitals, but also schools, nurseries, indeed, any environment in<br />

which large numbers of people gathered and interacted.<br />

The same member of the public referred to item 15, Audit Committee<br />

Meetings minutes, 11 <strong>June</strong> 2007, which had been circulated with the papers<br />

for the meeting, and was concerned by the comments made by a Non<br />

Executive Director regarding "sloppiness and inattention to detail on the part<br />

of the Trust" when discussing internal audit reports. PDR agreed and<br />

advised the questioner that he had met with the Non-Executive Director<br />

concerned. As a result, the NED would be inviting more middle managers to<br />

appear before the Audit Committee.<br />

Referring again to the Audit Committee meetings, the same member of the<br />

public asked how much the hospital lost to fraud each year. PDR advised<br />

that this was a trivial amount. It was, however, important to investigate<br />

thoroughly as doing so sent the right message to the organisation.<br />


Item 2<br />

Referring to the HR Director's report, circulated in the papers for the meeting,<br />

the same member of the public referred to a comment that appeared on page<br />

14 regarding the re-instatement of proper lunch breaks. She was surprised<br />

that they had ceased. PDR responded that, from personal experience, he<br />

was aware that busy staff sometimes chose to work through their lunch<br />

breaks but this was not encouraged.<br />

With the ban on smoking in public places shortly to come into effect, VM<br />

raised the matter of Trust staff<br />

D<br />

who smoked and felt that as members of the<br />

public may recognise individual staff members, employees should be<br />

discouraged from smoking as this set a poor example. It was recognised that<br />

this was a matter of personal choice and impossible to police.<br />

VM advised that the Forum had received numerous comments from patients<br />

regarding the citing of the smoking<br />

R<br />

shelter in close proximity to the pedestrian<br />

crossing which gave access to the main hospital reception. Patients were<br />

advising the Forum that they did not wish to have to pass quite so closely to<br />

the groups of smokers using the shelter in order to gain access to the<br />

crossing. LD noted VM's comments and consideration would be given to<br />

relocating this shelter.<br />

A<br />

F<br />

T<br />


Item 2<br />

<strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Hospitals</strong> NHS Trust<br />

<strong>Minutes</strong> of the Trust Board meeting held at<br />

9.30am on 28 <strong>June</strong> 2007<br />

in the Conference Room, Level 7, Derriford Hospital<br />

Present:<br />

In Attendance:<br />

Apologies:<br />

D<br />

Lesley Darke, Acting Director of Planning (LD)<br />

John Bull, Chairman (JB)<br />

Tony Beecher, Non Executive Director (TB)<br />

Ian Douglas, Non Executive Director (ID)<br />

Angela Edmunds, Director of Professional Practice (AE)<br />

David Edwards, Director of Operations (Emergency Services) (DE)<br />

Louise Hardy, Non Executive Director (LH)<br />

Terence Lewis, Medical Director (CTL)<br />

R<br />

Christine Lloyd Jennings, Director of Human Resources (CLJ)<br />

Vera Mitchell, PPI Forum Representative (VM)<br />

Lee Paschalides, Non Executive Director (LP)<br />

Tony Rice, Director of Operations (Specialist Services) (TR)<br />

Paul Roberts, Chief Executive (PDR)<br />

Margaret Schwarz, Non Executive Director (MS)<br />

A<br />

Nick Thomas, Director of IM&T (NT)<br />

Paula Vasco-Knight, Deputy Chief Executive (PVK)<br />

John Yarnold, Finance Director (JDY)<br />

Gill Hunt, PA to Chairman<br />

F<br />

(GH)<br />

Amanda Nash, Head of Communications (AN) – part meeting<br />

Andy Ibbs, Director of Planning (AI)<br />

T<br />

The Chairman noted that AI would be attending the Trust Board later in<br />

the day.<br />

83/07 Apologies<br />

Action<br />

In order to accommodate staff delayed by other commitments, some<br />

papers were taken in an alternative order to that set out on the agenda.<br />

84/07 <strong>Minutes</strong> of the meeting held on 24 May 2007<br />

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true and<br />

accurate record.<br />

85/07 Matters Arising<br />

In response from a query from TB, the Board noted that no decision had<br />

yet been received in respect of the rollover of underspent CRL.<br />

86/07 Review of Actions<br />

It was noted that the timetables of other agencies had affected some<br />


Item 2<br />

delays to scheduled papers. With regard to the delayed Workforce<br />

Plan, JDY advised that this had not yet been signed off at Directorate<br />

level, despite continued pressure by the Executive team.<br />

87/07 Organisational Culture Change Programme Vision and Values<br />

CLJ introduced her report to the Board. This provided a comprehensive<br />

overview of the initial action taken to kick-start the organisational culture<br />

change programme within the Trust during the three months, March to<br />

May 2007. This cultural change<br />

D<br />

programme would address some of the<br />

concerns highlighted in the recent Staff Survey results. Staff alignment<br />

with, and engagement in, a shared core vision and values would be<br />

crucial to success as a Foundation Trust and was a matter which the<br />

Executive team and the Trust Board took very seriously.<br />

88/07<br />

Key to the success of this<br />

R<br />

programme would be the development and<br />

implementation of a more user-friendly appraisal scheme for staff. The<br />

Board agreed and discussed the Behaviours Framework as the basis for<br />

the 360 degree appraisal scheme proposed for senior managers. It was<br />

agreed that the staff concerned must be adequately prepared for this<br />

process in order to take on board the resulting feedback in a<br />

constructive manner. It was<br />

A<br />

noted that the scheme would require<br />

costing, as funds had not yet been earmarked for the current year.<br />

The Board noted the positive ideas that had emerged from staff<br />

consultation sessions and Executive members were able to give<br />

examples of feedback they had received as a result of ward visits,<br />

walkabouts and attending various<br />

F<br />

staff meetings and discussion fora. It<br />

was agreed that the Executive team would adopt a higher profile within<br />

the hospital and its associated sites by paying regular visits to clinical<br />

areas. CLJ, supported by AN, would give consideration to allocating an<br />

Executive and a Non Executive Board member to 'zones' within the<br />

Trust and would set up a visits schedule.<br />

T<br />

The Board supported the work so far carried out and agreed that it was<br />

imperative to be seen to follow-through on this scheme and to<br />

implement the many positive ideas that had emerged.<br />

Approval of new Standing Financial Instructions<br />

JDY presented revised draft SFIs which had been updated to reflect the<br />

model document published by the Department of Health in March 2006.<br />

In the build-up to Foundation Trust status, it was important that the<br />

Trust's SFIs complied with the new nationwide model. JDY would bring<br />

to the July Board revised draft Standing Orders and Scheme of<br />

Delegation for consideration and approval.<br />

The Board noted the accompanying Annex which summarised the<br />

amendments proposed. JB invited questions. ID asked how fixed<br />

assets were controlled and JDY confirmed this was through a dedicated<br />

register. The trigger figure for asset capitalisation was £5K. JB queried<br />

why the Finance Director should be responsible for the IT Risk<br />

CLJ<br />

JDY<br />


Item 2<br />

Assessment. JDY noted that this was illogical and would be amended.<br />

It was noted that there was incorrect referencing in Section 18 and JDY<br />

would amend this.<br />

Subject to these amendments, the Board agreed to approve the draft<br />

SFI's presented to them.<br />

89/07 Learning from Complaints: quarterly update<br />

D<br />

highlighted recent positive feedback from the Healthcare Commission<br />

regarding the manner in which the Trust dealt with complaints and<br />

asked the Board to note the specific learning points, detailed in her<br />

report, with which the HCC had been particularly impressed. She<br />

acknowledged that responding to complaints within the timeframe<br />

stipulated proved an ongoing<br />

R<br />

challenge and in order to improve the<br />

Trust's performance in this regard, each Directorate's performance<br />

would be measured and, where appropriate, challenged. HCC feedback<br />

on directorate involvement had been positive, as their involvement in<br />

complaint responses and their effective resolution improved the learning<br />

process for the Trust as a whole.<br />

A<br />

AE presented her report and the accompanying Annexes.<br />

The Board recognised and applauded the excellent work carried out by<br />

Mary Anderson, Complaints Manager, and her small team. CTL agreed,<br />

MA had been a revelation in the department and her team worked<br />

incredibly hard. The appointment of a Medical Advisor to Complaints<br />

had helped as this had facilitated the involvement of the consultant body<br />

in complaints responses and<br />

F<br />

resolution. TB and LH welcomed this.<br />

The Board noted the details contained in the Annexes to AE's report. It<br />

was agreed that priority must be the timely response to complaints and<br />

the Board noted the performance management of Directorates in this<br />

regard.<br />

T<br />

90/07 Elective Efficiency Projects<br />

James Palmer, Assistant Medical Director, (JP) attended to give a<br />

general update on the current status of four Elective Efficiency projects<br />

ongoing within the Trust. The Board noted the accompanying report<br />

and JP tabled progress reports each project; Bed Rebasing, Office<br />

Rebasing, Admission Pathway and Scheduling. Each report clearly<br />

identified the problem to be solved, its background, current condition,<br />

analysis, target condition, implementation plan, follow up action required<br />

and results report. The Board welcomed this format and the clarity it<br />

provided.<br />

Bed Rebasing<br />

The bed re-basing exercise carried out last year had left a number of<br />

residual problems that required corrective action. The Board noted that<br />

a bed rebasing exercise, of limited degree, was now envisaged at the<br />

start of each year.<br />

AE<br />


Item 2<br />

Office Rebasing<br />

The problem had been a long standing shortage of office space and JP<br />

explained the aims of the exercise. These concerned the requirement to<br />

ensure staff had offices close to their specialty; the provision of<br />

consistent, clear, affordable signage and the need to maximise the<br />

space temporarily available in Rowans. The Board noted that<br />

Neurosciences would move to this facility and as many patients for this<br />

regional specialty travelled considerable distances by car in order to<br />

attend clinics, the improved<br />

D<br />

access would be a great improvement for<br />

them. CTL agreed; office moves related to Plateau had been a<br />

significant improvement for patients and staff.<br />

Admission Pathway<br />

This problem resulted from the requirement to minimise day of surgery<br />

cancellation and was a particularly<br />

R<br />

important project for the Trust. JP<br />

explained the requirement to standardise admission processes and<br />

ensure zero wait from the time of clinic appointment to addition to the<br />

waiting list. The Board noted the steps taken to implement this and the<br />

improvements for patients that would ensue.<br />

The Board noted that, under<br />

A<br />

Choose & Book, should a patient at<br />

outpatient clinic opt not to be treated at the Trust, that patient would be<br />

required to return his/her GP to progress their treatment.<br />

Scheduling<br />

JP advised that Kate Silvester was supporting work on this complicated<br />

project, which involved redesigning<br />

F<br />

the scheduling of patients into a<br />

more efficient model, benefiting both patients and the Trust. JP<br />

explained that underpinning this project was the principle that waiting<br />

equated to waste. Linking closely to this project were the Trust's<br />

pathway to FT, training implications for staff and the values work which<br />

CLJ had presented earlier to the Board.<br />

T<br />

The Board had received an update on this project last month. Progress<br />

was on target. Communications with staff were greatly improved and<br />

were ongoing on a regular basis.<br />

91/07<br />

Infection Control Annual Report, 2006/2007<br />

Peter Jenks, Director of Infection Prevention Control, (PJ), and Claire<br />

Haill, Lead Nurse Infection Control, (CH), attended for this item.<br />

The Board noted the annual report and the excellent improvements<br />

achieved by PJ and his team detailed in the report's executive summary;<br />

the Trust had become a centre of excellence for infection control. PJ<br />

explained that achieving further reductions in infection figures was a<br />

difficult task and focus would be applied to staff at directorate level to<br />

take this forward. AE agreed, it was important that the Board support<br />

PJ and his team in challenging practices that restricted further<br />

improvements. Junior doctors were a staff group that caused concern<br />

and the importance of infection control would be covered at induction. It<br />


Item 2<br />

was anticipated that increased awareness of the importance of infection<br />

control amongst graduates from the Peninsula Medical School would be<br />

noticeable. The Executive team would pay particular attention to Renalrelated<br />

services; PJ explained that screening in the haemodialysis unit<br />

had helped and the routine screening of all admissions to Carey ward<br />

would commence in August.<br />

On behalf of the Board, JB thanked PJ and his team for their excellent<br />

work, over a number of years,<br />

D<br />

in reaching such high standards which<br />

had transformed patient care. JB assured PJ that he had the full<br />

support of the Board in educating and training staff on the benefits of<br />

infection prevention and control throughout the Trust.<br />

92/07 Finance and Performance Report<br />

JDY introduced the new-style<br />

R<br />

finance and performance report to the<br />

Board. The report briefed the Board on performance against the<br />

business plan, explained variances to that plan and, where appropriate,<br />

set out corrective action. Some elements of the report had yet to be<br />

included in the new format and JDY invited constructive comments on<br />

improvements.<br />

A<br />

PVK presented the performance report. Progress against Standards for<br />

Better Health was green; progress against measured standards was<br />

amber.<br />

Cancelled Operations<br />

A continued problem and higher Fthan the national average. However,<br />

PVK asked Board members to consider this in the context of the<br />

ongoing theatre rebasing work.<br />

MRSA<br />

9 cases were identified in April, 6 through transfers from other health<br />

facilities. This would be addressed<br />

T<br />

with commissioners in order to raise<br />

awareness in the local health community.<br />

Thrombolysis<br />

Excellent performance in May after a poor start to the year in April.<br />

Access and Activity Targets<br />

The Board noted that there had been one breach of the 20 week wait,<br />

resulting from an administrative error. The Board noted the Trust's<br />

failure to meet the Cancer Waiting Times target, mostly due to the<br />

number of urology breaches. Recruitment for a fifth Urologist had<br />

commenced.<br />

A&E<br />

Performance had been 97.5% in the month of May. LH asked whether<br />

the Executive team were ready for the usual increase in A&E<br />

attendance during the summer months, coupled with the new rotational<br />

intake at this time. TR had been working closely with A&E staff in recent<br />


Item 2<br />

weeks; he could report that a PCT representative now attended daily<br />

bed meetings and good cooperation had resulted in a decreased<br />

number of delayed discharges. There was, however, a need to improve<br />

the minors stream in A&E and work was ongoing to this.<br />

The Board noted the performance report and no changes to the layout<br />

were requested by the Board.<br />

JDY presented the finance<br />

D<br />

section of the report. SLA income for the<br />

period was £45,804k, £1,380k less than plan. There was concern at<br />

shortfalls in outpatient and non-elective income, the latter resulting from<br />

the Trust's inability to increase capacity quickly enough. JDY drew the<br />

Board's attention to paragraph 4.1.3 which detailed the factors behind<br />

this. Reviews with Directorates in deficit at the end of month 2 reinforced<br />

the requirement for Executive<br />

R<br />

team focus on this.<br />

JDY reported that, overall, the Trust delivered a surplus of £1.4m in the<br />

first two months of the year but this was £1.341k behind plan for the<br />

period and unless the run rate improved, this level of performance would<br />

be insufficient to enable the Trust to meet the target set by the SHA of a<br />

surplus of £15.m at year end.<br />

A<br />

This position highlighted the risk attached<br />

to delivering surplus through service re-design; it was therefore vital to<br />

have further contingency plans in hand. The Board noted the position<br />

and reflected upon the situation.<br />

LP wished to be able to take a view next month on the optimistic<br />

elements of the CRES programme;<br />

F<br />

JDY would look again at projected<br />

savings through procurement, rostering and absence planning. PDR<br />

advised that a formal forecast for Quarter 1 would be undertaken;<br />

papers may not be ready in time for the Board but the Executive team<br />

would be in a position to give a view to the July Board. He counselled<br />

on the need for the Board to hold its nerve on the ongoing major<br />

projects.<br />

T<br />

The Board noted the finance report and the need to maintain pressures<br />

on delivery change. No changes to the layout were requested.<br />

93/07 Chief Executive's Report<br />

PDR did not wish to add anything to his previously circulated report,<br />

excepted to mention the forthcoming Hospital Ball on 1 September<br />

2007, which he encouraged Board members to support. The Trust's<br />

Deputy Director of Professional Practice, Madeleine Jephcott, was<br />

organising this.<br />

94/07 Human Resources Director's Report<br />

The Board noted this report.<br />

The Board briefly discussed procedures for consultant panels. CLJ was<br />

aware that these procedures required sharpening and was acting on<br />

various comments that had been brought to her attention. The<br />


Item 2<br />

procedure for the Workforce Panel was also discussed and the<br />

importance of maintaining strict controls on recruitment was noted; when<br />

all Directorates had had their workforce plans signed off and financial<br />

autonomy granted to those Directorates who had earned it, the<br />

requirement for the Workforce Panel would be reviewed. In the<br />

meantime, whilst the procedure may sometimes result in delays due to<br />

individuals failing to provide the information requested of them, it would<br />

continue.<br />

D<br />

95/07 Documents Signed and Sealed Report<br />

This was noted by the Board.<br />

96/07 <strong>Minutes</strong> of the Charitable Funds Committee meeting, 3 May 2007<br />

This was noted by the Board.<br />

R<br />

98/07 Any Other Business<br />

JB reported that Nigel Taylor's<br />

A<br />

term of office as NED had come to an<br />

end and he had now left the Trust. Consequently, there was a need to<br />

appoint a new deputy Chairman of the Trust Board. JB had asked<br />

Louise Hardy to take up this position and she had accepted. The Board<br />

approved this appointment.<br />

97/07 <strong>Minutes</strong> of the Audit Committee meeting, 11 <strong>June</strong> 2007<br />

JB invited MS to comment. MS requested PDR attend one meeting<br />

annually in order to comply with the Committee's Terms of Reference.<br />

There was no other business<br />

F<br />

and the meeting closed at 12.20 pm.<br />

99/07 Exclusion of the Public<br />

The Board has formally resolved to exclude the public from the next Part<br />

II of the meeting. The resolution is in accordance with Section 1, subsection<br />

2 of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, and<br />

with the Trust’s Standing<br />

T<br />

Orders: 3:1 and 3:2. The Part II agenda<br />

excludes the public on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to<br />

the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to<br />

be transacted.<br />

100/07<br />

Date of Next Meeting: Friday 27 July 2007<br />

Signed<br />

Date<br />


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