Plymouth Community Homes Tenancy Allocation Policy Including ...

Plymouth Community Homes Tenancy Allocation Policy Including ...

Plymouth Community Homes Tenancy Allocation Policy Including ...


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<strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Homes</strong><br />

<strong>Tenancy</strong> <strong>Allocation</strong> <strong>Policy</strong><br />

<strong>Including</strong> mutual exchange,<br />

succession and assignment<br />

Version 1.4 / August 2012

<strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Homes</strong><br />

<strong>Tenancy</strong> <strong>Allocation</strong> <strong>Policy</strong><br />

Purpose<br />

This policy outlines the <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Homes</strong> (PCH) approach to letting<br />

homes and dealing with transfers within the stock. PCH aims to treat prospective and<br />

existing tenants in a way which is fair, consistent and accountable whilst ensuring<br />

that best use is made of the available housing stock.<br />

Definitions<br />

‘<strong>Allocation</strong>s’ - the process providing new tenancies to successful applicants for<br />

housing.<br />

‘Transfers’ - requests from existing tenants who wish to move from their PCH<br />

property to another PCH property or to a property managed by another Registered<br />

Social Landlord.<br />

‘Devon Home Choice’ - the new choice-based system of assessing housing need<br />

and allocating properties that is being adopted by RSLs and Local Authorities across<br />

the County of Devon from December 2009.<br />

‘Succession’ – the transfer of a tenancy (not a property) to a qualifying person<br />

following the death of the tenant.<br />

‘Assignment’ – the transfer of a tenancy (not a property) to a qualifying person by a<br />

still living tenant.<br />

‘Spouse’ – a husband or wife.<br />

‘Civil Partnership’– a legal union between couples of the same sex (available from<br />

21 December 2005).<br />

‘Statutory’ – a right granted by act/s of legislation and not subject to the consent of<br />

the landlord.<br />

‘Contractual’ – a right granted by a contract (tenancy agreement) between the<br />

tenant/s and landlord.<br />

‘Immediate Family’ – parent (including step), child (including step), partner (of either<br />

sex), sibling, uncle, aunt, niece or nephew. Also unrelated full time carers of the<br />

tenant who reside permanently at the premises can be identified as a family member.<br />

<strong>Policy</strong> sections<br />

Page<br />

1 Devon Home Choice 4<br />

2 Sheltered and other older persons’ housing 5<br />

3 Transfers 7<br />

4 Local lettings plans and sensitive lets 9<br />

5 Succession 9<br />

6 Assignment 10<br />

7 PCH charitable status 10<br />

8 Mutual exchanges 10<br />

9 Equality and diversity 11<br />

10 Review and monitoring 11

1. Devon Home Choice<br />

1.1 PCH has opted to join the Devon Home Choice scheme to be our main system of<br />

allocating properties. Devon Home Choice is a choice-based letting (CBL) scheme<br />

that will cover the whole of Devon. The aims of the scheme are:<br />

To provide choice for people seeking housing and the ability to move within<br />

Devon<br />

To develop a common scheme across Devon that is transparent, easy to<br />

understand and accessible to all<br />

1.2 The Devon Home Choice policy explains how local authority and housing<br />

association homes across Devon will be let. The <strong>Policy</strong> sets out:<br />

How to apply for housing<br />

Who is eligible for housing<br />

How applicants will be assessed and prioritized<br />

All applications are assessed in the same way, using the rules to ensure fairness<br />

and consistency.<br />

1.3 Under Devon Home Choice there will be a common:<br />

Application form<br />

Housing register<br />

Approach to assessing housing need and awarding priority<br />

Approach to advertising available properties<br />

1.4 PCH will:<br />

Advertise all available general needs and sheltered housing homes in <strong>Plymouth</strong><br />

through Devon Home Choice<br />

Support and apply the Devon Home Choice <strong>Policy</strong><br />

Ensure staff are fully trained in accordance with the Devon Home Choice policy<br />

and procedures<br />

Ensure that its policy does not inhibit transparency and equal access<br />

Label homes in line with the agreed procedures within Devon Home Choice<br />

Contribute to the continuous improvement and advancement of Devon Home<br />

Choice, including participating in project work as necessary<br />

Promote the scheme to our own tenants and applicants<br />

Where a home is proving difficult to let, it may be re-advertised with wider<br />

eligibility criteria. If this is still not successful, PCH may market such homes<br />

outside Devon Home Choice to let them as soon as possible.<br />

1.5 Local authorities (including <strong>Plymouth</strong> City Council) will have the main role in<br />

handling applications to join the Devon Home Choice Housing Register.<br />

1.6 PCH will be expected to support applicants in applying to join the Devon Home<br />

Choice housing register<br />

1.7 When a property is advertised, PCH can label the property to state who is eligible<br />

to bid for it. Labelling must be in line with the Devon Home Choice policy and<br />

procedures, and be verified by the local authority where the property is located. This<br />

will ensure that any local conditions (such as local <strong>Allocation</strong> policies, Section 106<br />

agreements) are complied with.

1.8 <strong>Homes</strong> can be labelled to state:<br />

The household size the property is suitable for<br />

Any age restrictions on the property<br />

Any relevant local connection criteria on the property<br />

If a local lettings policy is in place<br />

Any adaptations to the property, and any mobility criteria that apply<br />

Any restrictions on pets<br />

Any groups of applicants that are being given preference for the property.<br />

This may be as a result of PCH’s own policies or following a request from a<br />

local authority<br />

1.9 Please see the Devon Home Choice <strong>Policy</strong> for details.<br />

2. Sheltered and older persons’ housing<br />

2.1 <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Homes</strong> (PCH) has a range of different types of housing<br />

specifically designed for older people, usually those aged 60 years and over.<br />

<br />

<br />

Sheltered housing schemes – this accommodation has staff based on site to<br />

support and assist tenants, a 24-hour emergency alarm system, and generally,<br />

communal facilities. Some sheltered schemes have been extended to include<br />

bungalows in the near vicinity. PCH has 439 homes for rent in this category,<br />

comprising 284 flats and 155 bungalows.<br />

Older persons’ bungalows – these are mostly linked to the alarm system through<br />

which residents can receive assistance in the event of an emergency. These<br />

homes will, very occasionally, be used to meet a specific need from an applicant<br />

under the age of 60. PCH has 1,248 such homes for rent.<br />

2.2 The alarm system is operated by an independent organisation, CarelineUK, who<br />

provide a highly regarded service of routine checks and emergency responses. PCH<br />

is one of numerous providers of specialist housing that have contracted with<br />

CarelineUK for this service.<br />

2.3 PCH does not currently have any ‘extra care’ schemes, which provide homes for<br />

frail older residents who have significantly higher support needs. There are, however,<br />

a number of such schemes in <strong>Plymouth</strong> which are owned by other social landlords.<br />

2.4 Demand for PCH’s sheltered housing and older persons’ bungalows far exceeds<br />

supply, though it can sometimes be difficult to find new tenants for smaller sheltered<br />

bedsits and bungalows which have poor access.<br />

Allocating sheltered housing and bungalows<br />

2.5 People who wish to express a desire to move into sheltered housing or an older<br />

person’s bungalow owned by a social landlord in <strong>Plymouth</strong> must apply to go onto the<br />

Council’s Housing Register. From December 2009 this is managed as part of Devon<br />

Home Choice, the Devon-wide choice-based letting scheme covering all areas and<br />

all significant registered social landlords.<br />

2.6 Applicants will be sent information by the Council about eligibility for sheltered<br />

housing in <strong>Plymouth</strong> along with an application form. Applicants will be required to<br />

complete a self assessment form as part of this process, which will identify whether<br />

they are likely to meet the support needs requirements of PCH

2.7 Although anyone can apply, only applicants with a clear, demonstrable need for<br />

sheltered or older persons’ accommodation will be housed through the Register.<br />

2.8 To be eligible for PCH sheltered housing, applicants must be over 60 years of<br />

age, or 55 and over if registered disabled and/or in receipt of Disability Living<br />

Allowance. Other factors that will be taken into account when assessing applicants'<br />

suitability for sheltered housing include:-<br />

All applicants - the applicant’s need for support and wish for sheltered housing<br />

Owner occupiers – the amount of financial equity they have in their home (see the<br />

section below on financial circumstances).<br />

Financial resources of applicants<br />

2.9 The financial resources of applicants will be taken into account when the initial<br />

eligibility assessment is undertaken. PCH will not accept applicants with assets<br />

(property or savings) in excess of £180,000. It is felt that applicants with more than<br />

this can generally meet their needs through private sector sheltered housing<br />

providers, such as McCarthy and Stone. Other registered social landlords with<br />

sheltered housing may operate different equity levels locally.<br />

Prioritisation of applicants<br />

2.10 If an applicant meets the criteria for sheltered housing, their application will be<br />

assessed and prioritised based on their housing need. This may involve the<br />

consideration of the application by the Council’s older persons’ special needs<br />

housing panel.<br />

2.11 The support need will be the primary factor in deciding an application’s ranking<br />

against other competing applications, taking into account any pressing housing need.<br />

2.12 The secondary factor in ranking competing applications will be the length of time<br />

that the application has been placed in its priority group<br />

Bidding for sheltered housing<br />

2.13 In common with applicants for other types of housing, those wanting sheltered<br />

housing are required to ‘bid’ for homes that they want to be considered for through<br />

Devon Home Choice. It is understood that this might be difficult for some applicants,<br />

and assistance and support is available with bidding to ensure that these people are<br />

not disadvantaged.<br />

Confirmation of eligibility<br />

2.14 Following a successful bid and prior to the offer of accommodation, the<br />

applicant will be visited by a PCH Sheltered Housing Officer who will verify their<br />

support needs and other application details. They will also complete a pre-tenancy<br />

support plan with the applicant.<br />

2.15 An offer may not be made, or may even be withdrawn, if the support needs of<br />

the applicant are such that PCH deems that the applicant will be unable to maintain<br />

an independent tenancy. In these circumstances, it may, though, be possible to<br />

proceed if a tailored care package or floating support can be organised to ensure that<br />

the tenancy is likely to be successfully maintained.

Priority levels that can be awarded to applicants<br />

2.16 1. Urgent priority (A)<br />

This is the highest level of priority and is awarded where there is:<br />

an urgent need for support and the client’s independent living is at risk<br />

a risk of homelessness<br />

re-housing is required due to demolition or regeneration works in an area.<br />

2.17 2. High priority (B)<br />

This is awarded where the client has been assessed as housebound, or they are<br />

suffering high levels of isolation, or their independent living is at risk.<br />

2.18 3. Medium priority (C)<br />

This level of priority can be awarded where there is low support needs and no risk to<br />

the client in their current home.<br />

2.19 4. Low priority (D)<br />

All other applications which have a support need, but which do not fall within the<br />

above categories, will have this ranking. Within this category the length of time of the<br />

application or the length of time at their current address will determine their position.<br />

Applications showing a support and housing need, but where the applicant’s financial<br />

resources exceed the limit, will also be placed in this band.<br />

2.20 5. No Need (E)<br />

This will be for applications which do not have any support need.<br />

Local Letting Initiatives<br />

2.21 Local Letting Initiatives (LLI) will be developed from time to time to enable<br />

specific sustainability issues to be addressed. For example, an LLI may be needed<br />

where there is low demand for a particular area or property type. All LLls will be<br />

approved by the Head of Housing Choices. Applicants will be informed of any LLIs in<br />

the applicant information pack.<br />

Mutual exchanges to and from sheltered housing<br />

2.22 The criteria for acceptance of applications for a mutual exchange involving a<br />

sheltered housing unit, along with the process to be followed, are detailed in PCH’s<br />

<strong>Allocation</strong>s <strong>Policy</strong>.<br />

3. Offers of accommodation<br />

3.1 All offers of accommodation will be subject to satisfactory verification of<br />

applicants’ eligibility, housing need and identity. All offers made will be provisional<br />

until confirmed. PCH reserves the right to not proceed with an offer where there is<br />

insufficient evidence to support an application, there has been a previous or current<br />

history of tenancy breaches or any offered tenancy is likely not to be sustainable.<br />

3.2 Where an applicant is made an offer which is then subsequently withdrawn, for<br />

example following verification, eligibility or other checks, we will notify the applicant in<br />

writing of the decision and include the reasons why the offer will not proceed. We will<br />

advise them how they can have this decision reviewed.

3.3 Applicants have the right to ask for a review of any decision relating to their<br />

application for an offer of accommodation with PCH. Requests for a review should be<br />

put in writing, within 7 calendar days of the date of the decision letter, advising the<br />

reasons for the request. The review will be undertaken by an officer of PCH<br />

independent of the original decision. The review request will be responded to in<br />

writing within 21 calendar days.<br />

4. Transfers<br />

4.1 Transfer applications are given priority for allocation of housing on the same<br />

basis as other Devon Home Choice applications, each application being awarded a<br />

banding priority according to housing need. This takes into consideration both the<br />

statutory requirement to give reasonable preference to particular groups, and the<br />

locally established additional preferences.<br />

4.2 It is anticipated that a proportion of properties available for letting will be allocated<br />

to existing tenants seeking to transfer. This will ensure over time that a reasonable<br />

balance will be struck between the statutory duties of the Council, the needs of the<br />

wider community, and the aspirations of existing tenants.<br />

4.3 No transfer offer will be made unless the transfer applicants have conducted their<br />

tenancy in a reasonable manner over the preceding six months, or 12 months for<br />

demoted tenancies. This would usually include having maintained a rent account that<br />

has not fallen into arrears and there not being evidence of nuisance or anti-social<br />

behaviour relating to the tenancy.<br />

4.4 In applying this provision, care will be taken to ensure that previous arrears<br />

arising out of circumstances beyond the tenant’s control should not prejudice the<br />

right to consideration of transfer, taking all individual circumstances into account.<br />

4.5 Before a transfer offer of alternative accommodation can be confirmed the current<br />

property will be inspected to ensure that the property has been maintained by the<br />

tenant to an acceptable standard and that there is no damage beyond fair ‘wear and<br />

tear’.<br />

4.6 For a property to be eligible to be placed on the transfer register, it will need to<br />

meet the following criteria. These standards are also applicable for a notice to quit.<br />

Good decorative order.<br />

All damages caused by the tenants, their family or guest, will be the<br />

responsibility of that tenant to repair.<br />

Alterations - only acceptable if permission was sought.<br />

All PCH fixtures and fittings should be left clean and unmarked. This includes;<br />

Windows, work surfaces, sanitary ware, kitchen units, sink tops and floors etc.<br />

All window and door locks must be working correctly.<br />

Electrical fittings should be as standard clean and undamaged.<br />

Heating appliances should be as standard and undamaged.<br />

Plumbing services should be as standard and undamaged.<br />

Any damaged or missing doors /door furniture must be repaired/replaced. Where the<br />

property is deemed to be in poor condition due to acts or omissions by the tenant, the<br />

offer will be withdrawn unless the conditions relating to the property are remedied<br />

within an agreed timescale or there are agreed exceptional circumstances.

Emergency transfers<br />

4.7 Emergency transfers will be considered in circumstances in which violence or the<br />

threat of violence may cause a tenant to become homeless, including domestic<br />

abuse and hate crime/harassment.<br />

4.8 Before granting an emergency transfer all other means of resolving the situation<br />

will first be considered (including seeking the support and assistance of the Police,<br />

<strong>Plymouth</strong> City Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour Team, or other remedies prior to a<br />

transfer being granted.<br />

4.9 Emergency transfers will be considered where there is a risk that the person<br />

concerned is suffering from the violence or threats of violence that are likely to be<br />

carried out.<br />

4.10 Emergency transfers are similar in priority to that of a homeless applicant, and<br />

will assist in ensuring that a PCH tenant should not become homeless for this<br />

reason.<br />

4.11 PCH usually require the support of the Police or have evidence before<br />

authorising an emergency transfer.<br />

4.12 If an emergency transfer is agreed the application will be placed in ‘emergency<br />

housing need band A’ of the Devon Home Choice allocations scheme.<br />

4.13 Emergency transfers will not be refused because of rent arrears or condition of<br />

the property: the safety of the applicant will be considered the highest priority.<br />

Deliberate worsening of circumstances<br />

4.14 Where the situation being investigated is a consequence of a deliberate act or<br />

omission by the person requesting the transfer, then they will not be eligible to<br />

receive an emergency transfer, for example the applicant has committed a deliberate<br />

assault upon another person and now feels unsafe if they return.<br />

4.15 Please see the PCH emergency transfer work instructions and procedures for<br />

more details.<br />

5. Local letting plans and sensitive lets<br />

Local lettings plans<br />

5.1 There will be occasions when PCH may elect to adopt a letting plan for a specific<br />

location to assist our tenancy management objectives. A letting plan may be required<br />

where there are issues that have occurred within an established community, and<br />

action is required to assist that community to become sustainable. There will be clear<br />

evidence of the need to vary the overall policy and a time limit for review must be set<br />

of not more than 1 year.<br />

5.2 Alternatively, this may be where a new estate has been built and will tackle the<br />

requirements of creating what will be a new community. This will require a mix of<br />

household profiles and may permit under-occupancy to allow further growth within<br />

households.<br />

5.3 The decision to undertake a lettings plan will be made by the partners involved<br />

including the Housing Choices team and the Housing Management team.

5.4 Whilst being designed to reflect local needs, local lettings plans will still be<br />

compatible with the aim of meeting housing need in <strong>Plymouth</strong> as well as the<br />

requirements of relevant ‘Codes of Guidance.’ The use of local letting plans should<br />

not lead to vulnerable households being disadvantaged but lead to increased<br />

tenancy sustainability.<br />

Sensitive letting – individual properties<br />

5.5 Occasionally there may be a requirement to assist in dealing with issues that<br />

impact on a small, specific location that may be only one dwelling within an estate.<br />

This may be to:<br />

reduce the concentration of certain needs groups which is impacting on housing<br />

management<br />

promote a more balanced community by seeking to select/not select households<br />

with particular characteristics.<br />

5.6 This will be agreed by a process between the PCH Housing Choices team and<br />

the PCH Housing Management team.<br />

5.7 The decision to apply particular requirements will be undertaken by PCH’s Head<br />

of Housing Choices.<br />

5.8 The success of this will be the sensitive matching of a household to the vacant<br />

property where some flexibility has been identified.<br />

6. Succession<br />

6.1. PCH is committed to dealing with applications for succession in an open and<br />

sensitive manner, ensuring staff are aware of personal requirements, relevant<br />

legislation and contractual obligations. PCH has a separate detailed Succession and<br />

Assignment <strong>Policy</strong>/Procedure.<br />

6.2. Where an application to succeed a tenancy is made by a spouse, partner<br />

(including same sex partners) or another family member, PCH will investigate the<br />

circumstances of the succession to determine if it would be permitted within the<br />

terms of the tenancy agreement.<br />

6.3. Where a succession is applied for in relation to a starter tenancy, the same<br />

people could succeed but they would only succeed to a starter tenancy during the<br />

probationary period.<br />

7. Assignment<br />

7.1. PCH will deal with all applications for assignment promptly, fairly and efficiently,<br />

following the appropriate legislation. PCH has a separate detailed Succession and<br />

Assignment <strong>Policy</strong>/Procedure.<br />

7.2 All applications for assignment will receive an acknowledgment within 2 working<br />

days and receive a decision within 20 working days.<br />

7.3. Where an application is made by a tenant wishing to assign their tenancy to a<br />

potential successor, PCH will investigate the circumstances of the assignee to<br />

determine if the assignment is permitted within the terms of the tenancy agreement.<br />

7.4. Where an application for assignment is agreed, PCH will make the necessary<br />

administrative changes promptly. Where an application is refused, we will inform the<br />

applicant in writing giving the reason for refusal.

7.5. Where a Court has ordered that the tenancy be assigned as a result of Court<br />

proceedings, PCH will accept the assignment as decreed by the Court and arrange<br />

for the assignment to be effective from the date decreed by the Court.<br />

8. PCH charitable status<br />

8.1 PCH is a charitable organisation. Notwithstanding anything contained in this<br />

policy or associated documents, PCH cannot be obliged to take any action or refrain<br />

from taking any action which is not permitted by or otherwise in accordance with its<br />

charitable objects from time to time.<br />

9. Mutual exchanges<br />

9.1 PCH will keep a register of tenants wishing to exchange homes and ensure<br />

tenants have access to this register.<br />

9.2 PCH will not normally refuse an application for exchange unless:<br />

Either a tenant is under a Notice Seeking Possession, or legal proceedings have<br />

begun following Notice;<br />

The property has special features or is designed around an area of disability and<br />

the new tenant does not need these features;<br />

Either property is too large or too small for either tenant;<br />

An application is made in relation to a starter tenancy.<br />

9.3 Provided the tenant is not excluded from exchanging tenancy because of their<br />

tenancy status but where a tenant is in rent arrears or has breached another<br />

condition of tenancy,<br />

PCH will give permission for an exchange to proceed subject to the arrears being<br />

cleared or any other breach of tenancy conditions remedied.<br />

9.4 PCH accepts responsibility for explaining to new tenants (who are transferring or<br />

exchanging from outside of PCH’s stock) the status of their proposed tenancy and<br />

particularly their rights.<br />

10. Equality and Diversity<br />

10.1 PCH recognises that it operates in a community within which there is wide social<br />

diversity, and are committed to providing equal opportunities and valuing diversity.<br />

10.2 Through the management of our housing stock we aim to treat all customers<br />

fairly, and with respect and professionalism regardless of their gender, race, age,<br />

disability, religion, sexual orientation and marital status.<br />

10.3 To enable all residents to have clear information and equal access to our<br />

available properties, PCH publishes information in a range of appropriate languages<br />

and formats and through a range of media. Feedback is also accepted through a<br />

variety of different routes to reflect individual customers’ preferences or needs.<br />

10.4 This policy has been designed to be fully inclusive regardless of the ethnicity,<br />

gender, sexuality, religious belief, or disability of service users or residents.<br />

10.5 The policy has been developed giving full consideration to the PCH Equality and<br />

Diversity policy.

11. Monitoring and review<br />

11.1 This policy will be reviewed regularly in accordance with PCH’s review timetable<br />

by the Customer Focus Committee.<br />

11.2 Procedures relating to this policy will also be periodically reviewed, taking into<br />

account any operational issues that arise.<br />

11.3 Review will take into account any changes in law and best practice.<br />

11.4 The reviews will include equality impact assessments to ensure that all of our<br />

policies encourage and support our determination to promote equality and eliminate<br />

unlawful discrimination.<br />

11.5 <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Homes</strong> will ensure that opportunities are provided for<br />

tenants and leaseholders to engage in the process of reviewing and monitoring this<br />

policy.<br />

11.6 Systems will be in place to monitor progress against agreed targets, and<br />

reported via the Customer Focus Committee to the Board on an annual basis.<br />

11.7 Monitoring will include the following elements<br />

assessments of tenant satisfaction with what is being done, making sure that<br />

methods of doing so take into account the access needs of all;<br />

regular reports to the board who have overall responsibility for ensuring that the<br />

policy delivers continuous improvement and value for money<br />

systems that identify performance issues and monitor the progress of actions to<br />

address them.<br />

Relevant legislation<br />

Housing Act 1985 and 1996<br />

Matrimonial Act 1973 and Matrimonial Causes Act 1973<br />

Land Compensation Act 1984<br />

Children Act 1989<br />

Homelessness Act 2002<br />

Rent Agricultural Act 1976<br />

Links to other policies and strategies<br />

<strong>Tenancy</strong> Management <strong>Policy</strong><br />

Equality and Diversity <strong>Policy</strong><br />

Anti-Social Behaviour/ Domestic Abuse /Harassment and Hate Crime Policies<br />

Social Inclusion and Anti-Poverty <strong>Policy</strong><br />

Void Management <strong>Policy</strong><br />

Resident Involvement <strong>Policy</strong><br />

Relationship Breakdown <strong>Policy</strong>

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