Landcover Delineation of Bukit Tigapuluh Landscape ... - Planet Action

Landcover Delineation of Bukit Tigapuluh Landscape ... - Planet Action

Landcover Delineation of Bukit Tigapuluh Landscape ... - Planet Action


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YEAR 2011<br />

REPORT<br />

by: Paska Ariandy Iswanto* & Oktafa Rini Puspita**<br />

* GIS Consultant, World Wildlife Fund – Indonesia<br />

** GIS Officer, Frankfurt Zoological Society<br />

0<br />

©<strong>Bukit</strong> TIgapuluh National Park (flickr.com)

I. Introduction<br />

Sumatra, in Indonesia, is the sixth largest island in the world which is home to a rich variety <strong>of</strong> flora and<br />

fauna. Amongst 11 national parks <strong>of</strong> Sumatra, <strong>Bukit</strong> <strong>Tigapuluh</strong> National Park is unique because it<br />

comprises hilly lowland forest landscape that is separated from <strong>Bukit</strong> Barisan Mountain range, creating<br />

an ecosystem not found in other national parks. The 144,223 hectares national park is actually only<br />

small representation <strong>of</strong> the much larger continuous forest landscape, such as 651,232 hectares (KKI<br />

WARSI, Frankfurt Zoological Society, Eyes on the Forest, WWF-Indonesia, 2010) used as baseline area<br />

here (Figure1).<br />

Figure1. Location <strong>of</strong> baseline area relative to Sumatra Island and zoom-in map (baseline area with altitude information)<br />

Since the New Order regime, Indonesian government had granted several concessions to selectivelylogged<br />

the forest landscape, even inside the current national park boundary. This situation worsened<br />

when the selective logging concessions ceased their operation in early 21th century where the high<br />

conservation value forests that are still left were granted to be cleared by pulp & paper, oil palm, and<br />

mining companies. The landscape baseline area lost 50% <strong>of</strong> its original natural forest cover between<br />

1985 & 2010 (KKI WARSI, Frankfurt Zoological Society, Eyes on the Forest, WWF-Indonesia, 2010).<br />


In 2010, slightly more than 50% <strong>of</strong> natural forests were located outside the protection areas. Most <strong>of</strong><br />

them were either owned or applied for non-conservation purposes (KKI WARSI, Frankfurt Zoological<br />

Society, Eyes on the Forest, WWF-Indonesia, 2010). If this is allowed to continue, some endangered<br />

endemic flora and species will be doomed to extinction in the near future. Therefore, as environmental<br />

NGOs concern with the forest degradation and deforestation in <strong>Bukit</strong> <strong>Tigapuluh</strong> <strong>Landscape</strong>, World<br />

Wildlife Fund – Indonesia and Frankfurt Zoological Society are planning to apply for a multi-blocks<br />

ecosystem restoration concessions in area where there are no legal owners. This effort at least will halt<br />

and stop illegal and legal forest destruction in some <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bukit</strong> <strong>Tigapuluh</strong>’s crucial areas.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the requirements to apply for such concession is a landcover map. Because <strong>of</strong> the rapid changes<br />

<strong>of</strong> landcover in the landscape, a new and accurate existing landcover map is needed. This is very<br />

important for making decisions on future spatial planning and also making us aware <strong>of</strong> the main agents<br />

and future threats <strong>of</strong> deforestation and forest degradation in the area <strong>of</strong> interest. The following<br />

discussion will discuss about the methodology and analysis <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bukit</strong> <strong>Tigapuluh</strong> <strong>Landscape</strong> landcover<br />

delineation for year 2011.<br />


II.<br />

Methodology<br />

Satellite images have been heavily utilized for forest monitoring around the world. The 2011<br />

landcover delineation discussed here took advantage <strong>of</strong> the freely available Landsat data from<br />

United States Geological Survey (USGS) and SPOT data from FZS 2010-2011 <strong>Planet</strong> <strong>Action</strong> project.<br />

First <strong>of</strong> all, all available January – July 2011 Landsat 7+ ETM images were scanned for the image<br />

quality (clouds), and eight images from three different paths/rows were selected and downloaded.<br />

As for SPOT images, because <strong>of</strong> the limitation from the grant’s quota, only 2 images could be<br />

obtained. Figure 2 illustrates the contribution <strong>of</strong> each image to the landcover delineation.<br />

Figure2. Satellite Coverage for <strong>Landcover</strong> <strong>Delineation</strong><br />

Groundtruthing data were taken from the survey report <strong>of</strong> Frankfurt Zoological Society patrol teams<br />

(Wildlife Protection Unit) that spanned from January to August 2011 (8189 points). The data mainly<br />

covers southern and western part <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bukit</strong> <strong>Tigapuluh</strong> <strong>Landscape</strong> (Figure3). Beside that, several<br />

ancillary data were also used for aiding landcover interpretation especially in the area where<br />

groundtruthing data were unavailable. These data are summarized in Table1.<br />


Table1. Ancillary Data used for assisting delineation process<br />

No Data Type Source(s) From Year(s)<br />

1 ALOS PALSAR <strong>Landcover</strong> Groundtruthing Survey Sata WWF Riau 2010<br />

JAXA<br />

2 <strong>Bukit</strong> <strong>Tigapuluh</strong> <strong>Landscape</strong> <strong>Landcover</strong> FZS 2010<br />

3 Riau <strong>Landcover</strong> WWF -Indonesia 2007<br />

4 Jambi <strong>Landcover</strong> WWF -Indonesia 2008<br />

5 Settlement Distribution <strong>Bukit</strong> <strong>Tigapuluh</strong> 2008-2010<br />

National Park Office<br />

FZS<br />


6 Former and Existing HTI and HPH Concessions Ministry <strong>of</strong> Forestry 2010-2011<br />

WWF- Indonesia<br />

FZS<br />


7 Existing Mining Concessions Ministry <strong>of</strong> Energy 2010-2011<br />

and Mineral<br />

Resources<br />

8 Existing Plantation Concessions WWF-Indonesia 2011<br />

9 National Park and Protected Forest Boundary <strong>Bukit</strong> <strong>Tigapuluh</strong> -<br />

National Park Office<br />

10 Road FZS<br />

2008-2011<br />


WWF-Indonesia<br />

11 River Bakosurtanal 1985<br />


Figure3. <strong>Landcover</strong> grountruthing data distribution<br />

Because multitemporal satellite images were used, normalization had to be undertaken to reduce<br />

the effect <strong>of</strong> atmospheric and radiometric disturbances. Corrections involved two steps, obtaining<br />

radiance value from raw digital number and surface reflectance value from radiance value. Radiance<br />

describes the amount <strong>of</strong> energy being emitted or reflected per unit solar angle and per unit time,<br />

usually expressed in n units <strong>of</strong> watts per square meter per steradian per micrometer<br />

(W/(m2*sr*µm)) ( (Tempfli, Kerle, Huurneman, & Jansen, 2009; ITT). The spectral radiance is<br />

calculated automatically in ENVI using the following formulas:<br />

1. For Landsat images: L <br />

<br />

where QCAL is the calibrated and<br />

quantized scaled radiance in units <strong>of</strong> digital numbers, LMIN is the spectral radiance at QCAL = 0,<br />

LMAX is the spectral radiance at QCAL = QCALMAX, and QCALMAX is the range <strong>of</strong> the rescaled<br />

radiance in digital numbers. LMIN and LMAX are derived from tables provided in the Landsat<br />

Technical Notes (August 1986) with the information provided through the TM Calibration<br />

Parameters dialog in ENVI (ITT).<br />

2. For SPOT images: L = (X/A) + B where L = the equivalent irradiance at the input <strong>of</strong> the<br />

instrument, , X = the count (0 to 255),, A = absolute calibration gain, for the considered spectral<br />

band, and B = absolute calibration <strong>of</strong>fset, for the considered spectral band.<br />

Reflectance is the portion <strong>of</strong> incident energy on a surface that is reflected. ENVI's Fast Line-<strong>of</strong>-sight<br />

Atmospheric Analysis <strong>of</strong> Spectral Hypercubes (FLAASH) module were used to derive surface<br />

reflectance with input data such as: scaled radiance images to nanometer, scene center location,<br />


sensor type, sensor altitude (km), ground elevation (km), pixel size (m), flight data, flight time,<br />

atmospheric model (tropical), aerosol model (rural), initial visibility (km) from BMKG Muaro Jambi,<br />

etc. (Figure4)<br />

Figure4. FLAASH input parameters for 23 July 2011 image.<br />

Not all satellite images underwent the correction, for this case, only Landsat 7 ETM+ path/row<br />

126/61 and SPOT images were taken part. This is because other satellite images were in JPEG format<br />

and it was assumed that the coverage areas are too insignificant, thus can be ignored. Visual<br />

observations revealed that the correction results are fairly good to make the images directly<br />

comparable, especially inside the gap areas(Figure5)<br />

Figure5. Left: Raw Images before correction, Right: Images after correction.<br />


After correction processes were done, the images were ready to be delineated. All the images were<br />

visualized in RGB (Red: Shortwave Infrared, Green: Infrared, Blue: Red) with RGB adjustments when<br />

needed (usually Red: Infrared, Green: Red, Blue: Green) and the delineation scale was fixed at 1:50,000.<br />

All digitization and topology editing processes were done in ArcGIS 9.3 s<strong>of</strong>tware. <strong>Landcover</strong> class<br />

definition followed Anderson, Hardy, Roach, & Witmer (1976) with some modifications. Seven<br />

interpretation elements were considered in categorizing landcover classes: tone/hue, texture, pattern,<br />

size, shape, height/elevation, and location/association (Tempfli, Kerle, Huurneman, & Jansen, 2009).<br />

Diagram1 summarizes the landcover delineation processes.<br />

Landsat and SPOT Images<br />

Radiometric and Atmospheric<br />

Corrections<br />

View in RGB<br />

<strong>Delineation</strong> Process<br />

Ancillary Data<br />

Groundtruthing Data<br />

<strong>Landcover</strong> 2011<br />

Undirect Relationship<br />

Direct Relationship<br />

Diagram1. <strong>Landcover</strong> <strong>Delineation</strong> Process Tree<br />


III.<br />

Analysis<br />

After assigning each polygon with their respective landcover class, 17 landcover classes could be<br />

identified in the baseline area. Amongst them, there are three oil palm classes, two acacia classes, and<br />

four mosaic classes. A polygon is classified as mosaic where individual landcover couldn’t be separated<br />

at mapping scale and neither predominate each other. The landcover classes will be described in detail<br />

below.<br />

Forest<br />

Forests are stocked with trees capable <strong>of</strong> producing timber or other wood products, and exert an<br />

influence on the climate or water regime (Anderson, Hardy, Roach, & Witmer, 1976). Forest appears in<br />

the darkest shade <strong>of</strong> green compare to other vegetation features (Figure6). It can be found inside the<br />

conservation areas (national park and protection forest and also in the buffer zones.<br />

Figure6. Left: Forest in clear atmosphere inside <strong>Bukit</strong> Sosah Protection Forest, Right: Forest in hazy atmosphere inside and in the buffer<br />

zone <strong>of</strong> the National Park<br />

Acacia Plantation /Young Acacia Plantation<br />

Acacia can be easily identified with its apple green colour and association with Hutan Tanaman Industri<br />

(HTI) aka pulp and paper concessions. Because eucalyptus is usually planted side by side with acacia in<br />

insignificant amounts, it was included in the acacia class. While the spectral characteristics <strong>of</strong> young<br />

acacia may appear very similar to other vegetation features, especially shrub/forest regrowth, it is<br />

differentiated by its more compact size, uniform textures, and most likely either borders acacia classes<br />

or located inside newly licensed concessions. Both acacia and young acacia spectral characteristic can be<br />

seen in Figure7.<br />


Figure7. Left: Acacia in <strong>Bukit</strong> Batabuh Sei Indah Concession, Middle: Acacia in WKS District VIII concession, Right: Young Acacia in Tebo<br />

Multi Agro Concession. HTI Concession boundaries are shown in red color.<br />

Cleared<br />

Cleared or barren land is an area <strong>of</strong> thin soil, sand, or rocks (Anderson, Hardy, Roach, & Witmer, 1976).<br />

Because no major settlement existed inside the baseline area, it was included in the cleared class.<br />

Cleared can appear in various shades <strong>of</strong> red color, from pink to purple, (Figure8) depend on how barren<br />

the area is, soil type, etc.<br />

Figure7. Left: Pink shade in the south <strong>of</strong> WKS District VIII concession, Middle: Pinkish Red in the east <strong>of</strong> National Park, Right: Pinkish purple<br />

inside <strong>Bukit</strong> Sosah-<strong>Bukit</strong> Limau Protection Forest.<br />

Dryland Agriculture<br />

Agricultural Land may be defined broadly as land used primarily for production <strong>of</strong> food and fiber<br />

(Anderson, Hardy, Roach, & Witmer, 1976). Only one dryland agriculture class was identified in the<br />

baseline area. There is no unique spectral characteristic belongs to this class (indistinguishable from<br />

shrubs/forest regrowth). The class was primarily assigned based on the extensive groundtruthing data<br />

and its location near a Talang Mamak settlement (Semarantihan) (see Figure8)<br />


Figure8. Dryland Agriculture near Semarantihan sub-village<br />

Mining<br />

Despite many coal mining licenses had been issued in the area, no evidence <strong>of</strong> open pit mining was<br />

found. Thus, the mining class here refers to sand extraction along big river that is common in the<br />

province. Sand mining appears in whitish pink and forms a long strip in both side <strong>of</strong> a river (Figure9).<br />

Figure9. Sand mining in both sides <strong>of</strong> Langsisip River<br />

Oil Palm Plantation/Young Oil Palm Plantation/Smallscale Oil Palm<br />

To delineate oil palm plantation and young oil palm plantation, oil palm concessions data were used as<br />

the guideline although most polygons didn’t precisely follow the plantation boundary. Oil Palm<br />

plantation class can be differentiated by its uniform undulating texture. Its green color is also a little<br />

brighter than it is in acacia class (Figure10Left). Young oil palm plantation appears in yellowish green and<br />

is identified by its location near oil palm plantation and presence <strong>of</strong> grid road network (Figure10Middle).<br />

Smallscale oil palm was delineated mostly from the groundtruthing data because it is hardly<br />

distinguishable from mosaic oil palm+rubber class. (Figure10Right).<br />


Figure10. Left: Oil Palm Plantation <strong>of</strong> Sumber Andalas Kencana, Middle: Obvious unknown largescale young oil palm plantation in the<br />

north <strong>of</strong> Ex Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper concession, Rigth: Smallscale oil palm plantation in the northern part <strong>of</strong> Ex Hatma Hutani HPH<br />

concessions<br />

Shrub/Forest Re-growth<br />

Shrub and forest re-growth were differentiated in Setiabudi (2006), although both appears in small<br />

coverage and sometimes mixed. Because the groundtruthing data took shrub and forest regwroth in one<br />

category and haze obstruct the view to clearly differentiate both features, they were combined as one<br />

class here. Shrubs/forest re-growth appears in the lightest green <strong>of</strong> the vegetation classes (Figure11). It<br />

is mostly associated with previously cleared areas (identified from historical landcover maps).<br />

Figure10. Left: Shrub between Artelindo Wiratama concession and <strong>Bukit</strong> Sosah Protection Forest, Right: Forest Regrowth in Ex Dalek<br />

Hutani Esa concession<br />

Smallscale Rubber<br />

No big rubber plantation existed in the landscape so that all rubber plantations were classified as<br />

smallscale rubber. Smallscale rubber has dense texture because <strong>of</strong> its canopy characteristics and<br />

appears in brownish green (Figure11). Its location is closer to settlement than other homogenous<br />

plantations.<br />


Figure11. Smallscale Rubber, southeast <strong>of</strong> Tebo Multi Agro concessions<br />

Water Body<br />

The delineation <strong>of</strong> water areas depends on the scale <strong>of</strong> data presentation and the scale and resolution<br />

characteristics <strong>of</strong> the remote sensor data used for interpretation <strong>of</strong> land use and land cover (Anderson,<br />

Hardy, Roach, & Witmer, 1976). River feature is easy to be identifed and it appears in dark blue color<br />

(Figure 12).<br />

Figure11. Water Body (Sungai Pemotongan)<br />

Mosaic Classes<br />

There are five mosaic classes identified: Mosaic Acacia+Oil Palm, Mosaic Acacia+Shrub, Mosaic Oil<br />

Palm+Rubber, Mosaic Rubber+Dryland Agriculture, and Mosaic Shrub+Rubber. Mosaic classes have<br />

both features’ spectral characteristics; either appears side by side in small patches or fuses into<br />

intermediate colors (Figure13). Ancillary data plays a great role in determining mosaic classes especially<br />

in the extremely confusing areas.<br />


Figure13. In clockwise order, Mosaic Acacia+Oil Palm in Arian Multi Kawa concession, Mosaic Acacia+Shrub west od Artelindo Wiratama<br />

concession, Mosaic Oil Palm+Rubber inside <strong>Bukit</strong> Limau Production Forest, Mosaic Shrub+ Rubber in Tanah Datar-Tua Datai Talang Mamak<br />

Settlements.<br />

Above, the spectral characteristics and the terminology <strong>of</strong> each landcover class have been<br />

described. Here (Figure14) are shown the landcover classes’ photographs taken from the field that<br />

represents the landcover perception <strong>of</strong> the survey teams and the analysts.<br />

1 2<br />

5<br />

3<br />

4<br />


6<br />

7 8<br />

9 10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

Figure14. 1. Forest (WPU-FZS, 2011), 2. Acacia (GIS-FZS, 2009), 3. Cleared 1 (WPU-FZS,2011), 4. Cleared 2 (WPU-FZS,2011), 5. Dryland<br />

Agriculture (WPU-FZS,2011), 6. Oil Palm Plantation (GIS-FZS, 2010), 7. Young Oil Palm Plantation (WPU-FZS, 2011). 8. Smallscale Oil Palm<br />

Plantation (WPU-FZS, 2011), 9. Shrub (WPU-FZS, 2011), 10. Forest Regrowth (GIS-FZS, 2010), 11. Smallscale Rubber Plantation (WPU-FZS,<br />

2011), 12. Water Body (WPU-FZS,2011).<br />


Spatial Pattern and Area Sizes<br />

Figure15. Map showing delineation result<br />

Figure15 shows delineation result for the whole baseline area. Forest is dominant in the center,<br />

while mosaic oil palm+rubber is mostly visible in the periphery region. Forest forms three big<br />

patches in which the westernmost patch is already severely deforested characterized by many very<br />

small polygons. Mosaic shrub+rubber class can predominantly be found in the forest buffers, with<br />

the exception in the southern and southwestern part <strong>of</strong> the baseline area. Large scale homogenous<br />

plantations mostly follow their respective concessions boundary while smallscale homogenous<br />

plantation such as oil palm and rubber marks the landscape’s northern, eastern, and southern<br />

boundary. Large size <strong>of</strong> cleared areas is easily visible in the middle <strong>of</strong> forest patches near and inside<br />

the protection forest. Mining appears in southwestern part forming a strip feature along the river.<br />

Dryland Agriculture and Mosaic Rubber+Dryland Agriculture show up in only one polygon (both near<br />

Talang Mamak settlements) and both mosaic acacia classes appear in the northwestern part.<br />

Although there are a lot <strong>of</strong> small and big rivers flowing inside the landscape, only one water body<br />

polygon was delineated.<br />

In Block I <strong>of</strong> applied ecosystem restoration concession, forested area is absence in the middle part<br />

which is covered by mosaic shrub+rubber, smallscale rubber, cleared areas, and dryland agriculture.<br />

In Block II, deforested area in the western and southern parts is mainly covered by mosaic oil<br />


palm+rubber. There are also noticeable shrubs polygons intrude into the forested areas in the<br />

southeastern part. In Block III, smallscale oil palm can be seen in the northeastern part while mosaic<br />

shrub+rubber is visible in the southeastern areas. Riau Block I is more complicated to explain. The<br />

most dominant landcover class beside forest is mosaic oil palm+rubber and the block’s boundary<br />

also coincides with oil palm and young oil palm plantations.<br />

Graph1<br />

Graph1 shows the proportion <strong>of</strong> each landcover class according to its size. It is revealed that forest class<br />

is still the largest landcover class, accounts for 46% <strong>of</strong> the baseline area, followed by mosaic oil<br />

palm+rubber (28%). Forest cover losses since 2010 (KKI WARSI, Frankfurt Zoological Society, Eyes on the<br />

Forest, WWF-Indonesia, 2010) reaches almost 20,000 ha (6,2%) in just a year. This rate is a bit lower<br />

than 2009-2010 forest cover loss (6,7%) but it is most likely because the satellite images used in this<br />

landcover delineation is from the first half <strong>of</strong> year 2011 and the rate can be so much worse in the end <strong>of</strong><br />

year. Cleared, mosaic shrub+rubber, and acacia landcover classes presence in 8%, 6%, and 4% <strong>of</strong> the<br />

baseline area, respectively. Each <strong>of</strong> other landcover classes only constitutes less than 2% with dryland<br />

agriculture as the smallest size.<br />


IV.<br />

Conclusion and Reccomendation<br />

<strong>Bukit</strong> <strong>Tigapuluh</strong> <strong>Landscape</strong> landcover has been delineated for the year 2011 utilizing Landsat and SPOT<br />

satellite images and extensive grountruthing survey. It is more detail than the previous landcover maps<br />

ever produced for the region but still lacks accuracy checking for the un-surveyed areas, especially in the<br />

northern side and inside the national park where survey is highly inaccessible. It was found that forest<br />

and mosaic oil palm+rubber are the most noticeable landcover classes. It was also revealed that acacia,<br />

oil palm, and rubber are the most popular planted crops in which acacia and oil palm are highly<br />

preferred by corporate (big scale) plantations.<br />

Though originally this landcover data is aimed to apply for a restoration ecosystem concession (see<br />

Figure14 for concession extent), it can also be used for further studies especially those that want a new<br />

and moderately detail data on existing condition <strong>of</strong> <strong>Bukit</strong> <strong>Tigapuluh</strong> <strong>Landscape</strong>, such as the planned<br />

carbon calculation. Because <strong>of</strong> high difficulties in finding cloud-free images in the region, it was<br />

recommended to employ Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite images in the future, so that a<br />

consistent and automatic landcover classification can be implemented. The relationship between SAR<br />

images and landcover types should be extensively studied.<br />


Bibliography<br />

Anderson, J. R., Hardy, E. R., Roach, J. T., & Witmer, R. E. (1976). A Landuse and <strong>Landcover</strong> Classsification<br />

System for Use with Remote Sensor Data: Geological Survey Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Paper. Washington: United<br />

States Government Printing Office.<br />

ITT. (n.d.). Envi 4.5. Help.<br />

KKI WARSI, Frankfurt Zoological Society, Eyes on the Forest, WWF-Indonesia. (2010). Last Chance to Save<br />

<strong>Bukit</strong> <strong>Tigapuluh</strong>. KI WARSI, Frankfurt Zoological Society, Eyes on the Forest,.<br />

Setiabudi. (2006). Final Report: Analysis <strong>of</strong> 1990-1995-2000 and 2005 Landuse Dynamics in the Kampar<br />

Penisula - Tesso Nilo - <strong>Bukit</strong> <strong>Tigapuluh</strong> Conservation <strong>Landscape</strong>, Riau, Sumatra, Indonesia. WWF<br />

Indonesia Tesso Nilo Conservation Programme and Conservation Management Ltd.<br />

Tempfli, K., Kerle, N., Huurneman, G. C., & Jansen, L. L. (2009). Principles <strong>of</strong> Remote sensing; An<br />

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