Ecological Replacements of Ozone-Depleting Substances

Ecological Replacements of Ozone-Depleting Substances Ecological Replacements of Ozone-Depleting Substances


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WACHOWSKI L., Ekologia w chtodnictwie, Nowoczesny<br />

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179. LIM J.S., PARK J.Y., LEE B.G., LEE Y.W., KIM J.D.,<br />

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J, Analysis <strong>of</strong> chlor<strong>of</strong>luorocarbons (CFC's) and their re<br />

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188. WIERSMA A, van de SANDT E.J.A.X, MAKKEE M,<br />

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sis, Pisa (Italy), May 1-5, pp.171-174, 1995.<br />


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190. Scientific Assessment <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ozone</strong> Depletion: 1994, Global

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