KADOKA PRESS - Pioneer Review

KADOKA PRESS - Pioneer Review

KADOKA PRESS - Pioneer Review


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Belvidere News … September 20, 2012 • Kadoka Press • Page 3<br />

Lookin’ Around<br />

by Syd Iwan<br />

Confidence<br />

I unclogged the drain on the<br />

bathroom sink earlier this week. It<br />

had been getting worse and worse<br />

over the last month to six weeks<br />

until it had become very slow to<br />

empty. Using it required a bit more<br />

patience than I had. It was time or<br />

past time to fix things.<br />

Accordingly, I rounded up the<br />

big pliers-like tool I bought ages<br />

ago after seeing plumber Lloyd<br />

using one like it to good effect<br />

many times. A couple of screwdrivers<br />

were grabbed as well. Then<br />

I cleaned out the vanity under the<br />

sink just in case I made an unmitigated<br />

mess which was somewhat<br />

likely going on past experience.<br />

Taking a deep breath, I adjusted<br />

the pliers to the size of the nut on<br />

the plastic pipe and tentatively<br />

gave it a turn. It moved easily.<br />

“Oh, good!” I said. The nut on the<br />

other side of the trap moved just as<br />

easily. I could unscrew both of<br />

them by hand from there on.<br />

Oddly enough, the trap was<br />

completely clear. The problem had<br />

to be farther up. I probed up there<br />

with a big screwdriver and<br />

brought some stuff out, but the<br />

clog seemed to be higher still.<br />

Standing up, I considered how to<br />

get the drain plug out since some<br />

of those are connected by complicated<br />

screw contraptions that have<br />

completely defeated me in the<br />

past. When I gave a tug, though,<br />

the plug came right out. “That was<br />

easy,” I said in relief. From there I<br />

could see the obstruction, and the<br />

screwdriver soon had it out. It was<br />

a nasty glob of hair and unidentifiable<br />

slime. It only took a minute<br />

or two to remove it and flush the<br />

pipe into the pail I had under the<br />

drain below. Mission accomplished<br />

except for reconstruction.<br />

Luckily, the plug snapped right<br />

back in, and the trap went back on<br />

about as easily as it had come off.<br />

I tightened things with the pliers<br />

and tested my work by running<br />

some water through. No leaks. Excellent!<br />

A few wipes with a couple<br />

of paper towels and the job was<br />

done. “That was easy,” I said to<br />

myself. “Why didn’t I do that<br />

weeks ago?”<br />

“Because you don’t have any<br />

confidence in your plumbing<br />

skills,” was my immediate reply to<br />

myself. And that is so. It is not an<br />

area where I shine. I can do such<br />

things, but natural talent, aptitude<br />

and experience are somewhat<br />

lacking. As a result, I would rather<br />

put up with the inconvenience of a<br />

slow drain than actually try to fix<br />

it.<br />

Belvidere News<br />

Bob Fortune spent from Thursday<br />

evening until Sunday in Rapid<br />

City attending the Stockgrowers<br />

Convention. Since Bob is vice-president<br />

of the organization, he kept<br />

fairly busy with meetings and<br />

such. He said there was a good<br />

turnout, and it was a good meeting.<br />

The fundraising auction went well<br />

as did the awards banquet on Saturday<br />

evening. The main convention<br />

ended Saturday evening, but<br />

there was a board of directors<br />

meeting on Sunday that Bob also<br />

had to stay for. Bob’s wife, Ruth,<br />

came from Wyoming to spend the<br />

weekend in Rapid City with Bob at<br />

the convention.<br />

Kenny and Roxie Fox also spent<br />

the weekend at the Stockgrowers<br />

Convention in Rapid City. Wade<br />

Fox went up on Saturday for the<br />

day. Kenny was president of the organization<br />

for the usual two-year<br />

term which ended last year. Past<br />

presidents, however, immediately<br />

go onto the board of directors for<br />

ten years, so he had to stay<br />

through Sunday afternoon to attend<br />

the board meeting. Kenny<br />

said it was nice to get home, however,<br />

and get back out on the<br />

prairie, check the cows, and do the<br />

usual things. Mark DeVries also attended<br />

the convention.<br />

Chuck and Merry Willard attended<br />

the Stockgrowers Convention<br />

this weekend. Their daughter,<br />

Niki Kleinsasser, came from Hot<br />

Springs to look after things at the<br />

ranch while they were gone. Merry<br />

just got home from spending about<br />

three weeks with her daughter,<br />

Coleen, and family at Pinedale,<br />

WY. Coleen came here first for a<br />

couple of weeks with her daughter,<br />

Frankie, during which they entertained<br />

the flu. Then Merry, Coleen<br />

and Frankie visited Casey Willard<br />

in Nebraska overnight before going<br />

to Pinedale with a stopover of a<br />

night at Casper, WY. At Pinedale,<br />

Merry played with Frankie quite a<br />

bit which she enjoyed. She also<br />

helped some with the hunting<br />

camp Coleen and Billy run as outfitters.<br />

While there, everyone took<br />

a four-plus hour drive to Salt Lake<br />

City, Utah. Merry also got to meet<br />

Billy’s grandma whom she hadn’t<br />

met previously since the grandma<br />

Syd Iwan • 344-2547<br />

As you know, a lack of confidence<br />

can inhibit our attempts to<br />

do various things. We might kind<br />

of want to do various jobs or activities<br />

but don’t because we aren’t<br />

sure we can pull it off. Dealing<br />

with electrical matters certainly<br />

falls into that category with me.<br />

I’m not very confident when it<br />

comes to plumbing, but double or<br />

triple that with electricity. You<br />

might make a big mess if you goof<br />

up in plumbing, but you could end<br />

up dead through a mistake with<br />

electricity. I’m not sure that will<br />

ever change with me so I am not<br />

hesitant to call in an actual electrician<br />

if things look somewhat beyond<br />

me. I plan to continue that<br />

practice.<br />

In other areas, though, I can accomplish<br />

what I want to do if I<br />

work at it. About the first thing I<br />

need to do, however, is relax. If<br />

you’re all tensed up, you can’t do<br />

much. This I learned in part<br />

through playing complicated musical<br />

pieces in public. If you’re too<br />

tense, your music won’t be very<br />

good or you’ll scramble the hard<br />

parts. I have to just tell myself<br />

that, yes, there is a chance I’ll goof<br />

up and embarrass myself, but,<br />

what the heck. So be it. I’m going<br />

to give it a shot anyway and try to<br />

have a good time in the process. A<br />

lot of practice beforehand, of<br />

course, will make public performance<br />

easier.<br />

Public speaking is another instance<br />

of where one needs to consciously<br />

relax. Seeing all those<br />

eyes watching you could possibly<br />

make one tense. I don’t have much<br />

of a problem with that anymore,<br />

but it was harder to do earlier in<br />

life when I’d had no experience<br />

with it.<br />

You know, when Joshua was<br />

about to lead the Israelites into the<br />

Promised Land, God repeatedly<br />

told him, “Be strong and courageous.<br />

Be strong and courageous.”<br />

This was possible for Joshua because<br />

God had promised to be with<br />

him and help him. God promises to<br />

do the same for us if we trust him,<br />

even in everyday matters like<br />

plumbing.<br />

Oh dear! Wife Corinne just informed<br />

me that another drain in<br />

the house is having problems and<br />

could use some work. Perhaps I’d<br />

better deal with that while my triumph<br />

over the first drain is still<br />

fresh in my mind. As the little<br />

train says in the childhood story<br />

about climbing a steep hill, “I<br />

think I can. I think I can. I think I<br />

can.”<br />

wasn’t able to come when Billy and<br />

Coleen got married. Merry said it<br />

was nice to be back home.<br />

Francie Davis and her three<br />

sons just got back from spending<br />

two weeks near Sioux Falls. They<br />

were house and horse sitting for<br />

some friends who went to Korea for<br />

a brother’s wedding. On Saturday,<br />

they attended the Bad River<br />

Buckaroo 5K walk/ride/run at Midland.<br />

The boys opted to ride their<br />

bikes but Francie ran. Chad had to<br />

work and did neither.<br />

John and Samantha Addison attended<br />

the horse sale in Philip on<br />

Saturday. They came home with a<br />

couple of pretty little colts. Samantha’s<br />

dad, Gordon Flesner, of<br />

Milesville was also at the sale. Son<br />

Koye attended the parade and<br />

other festivities in Midland this<br />

weekend and had lots of fun. He<br />

was taken by his grandmother and<br />

great grandmother, Diana and<br />

Marie. Sam said it was possible<br />

that Koye ate a little too much<br />

candy during his outing since he<br />

was a bit high when he got back<br />

home. Samantha also said that, of<br />

the five siblings in her family, four<br />

are twins and Sam is one of them.<br />

Sam’s mom was also a twin, but the<br />

twinning tendency hasn’t passed<br />

down to the next generation yet.<br />

Ronda and Rick Dennis went to<br />

Rapid City on Saturday to work on<br />

Dana’s deck. They spent the night,<br />

returning home Sunday afternoon.<br />

Larry, Jo and Jenny Johnston<br />

attended the parade and pancake<br />

supper in Kadoka and football<br />

game in Philip Friday night. Saturday<br />

night they went to the dance in<br />

Midland.<br />

Greg and Dana Badure and kids<br />

took in the homecoming festivities<br />

in Kadoka this weekend. The kids<br />

had suffered with the flu during<br />

the week, and Greg was having<br />

some trouble with that on Sunday<br />

evening as well as having some<br />

back trouble during the week. Greg<br />

said that Brisa is scheduled to be<br />

on KOTA TV on October 10 when<br />

she will paint a pumpkin on Paula<br />

Vogelsang’s Pennywise show.<br />

Dana’s mom came from Sheridan,<br />

WY, last week in her yellow Mustang<br />

convertible. She worked as a<br />

nurse in Sheridan for many years<br />

but retired last year. She occasionally<br />

likes to run around in her<br />

sporty little car. Greg said brother<br />

Bax and his wife, Carol, were in<br />

Rapid City this weekend. He also<br />

said their daughter, Brianna, has<br />

recently started working at the VA<br />

in Hot Springs. She plans to continue<br />

her college work but will do it<br />

mostly over the Internet.<br />

Mike and Marlene Perault took<br />

in the homecoming parade, pancake<br />

supper and such in Kadoka on<br />

Friday. On Saturday, they went to<br />

the fireman’s feed and dance over<br />

at Midland. Lonny Johnston, Herman<br />

Bork, and their band, Westbound,<br />

provided the music for the<br />

dance. Marlene said she especially<br />

enjoys it when the local band plays.<br />

Painting was on the schedule for<br />

Sunday to atone for having fun the<br />

previous two days. That evening,<br />

Bud and Valene Perault came for<br />

supper. Earlier in the week, Mike<br />

and Bert helped fight the big fire<br />

over at Okaton. It was a fast moving,<br />

slightly scary blaze, especially<br />

when the fire truck they were<br />

using quit, possibly from a lack of<br />

oxygen. The truck had to be just deserted<br />

while the men on it escaped<br />

to safer quarters. Although the fire<br />

burned all around the truck, the<br />

truck itself didn’t suffer any damage.<br />

When they went back to reclaim<br />

it, the revolving light on top<br />

was still going around and the<br />

doors were open just like they left<br />

it. Colter Carlson and Cole Hindman<br />

also helped fight the fire and<br />

weren’t that fond of it.<br />

Frost was reported at several<br />

low-lying areas on Saturday night.<br />

One place was at Lee Addison’s on<br />

Brave Bull Creek.<br />

Frank Carlson and Toni Romero<br />

added another son to their family<br />

on the September 10 when Stetson<br />

Loyd was born to them at Pierre.<br />

He joins older brothers, Trey and<br />

Sage. Stetson seems to be doing<br />

fine. His middle name was also the<br />

middle name of Frank’s dad,<br />

Lonny, and spelled the same way<br />

with only one “L.” Frank attended<br />

the big horse sale in Philip on Saturday<br />

and the horse sale in Ft.<br />

Pierre on Sunday. He came home<br />

with a two-year-old from Philip,<br />

and a colt and six-year-old gelding<br />

from Pierre. Some of the new stock<br />

is owned in partnership with Joe<br />

Pavlas. Frank likes to have new<br />

horses to train and possibly sell<br />

later on.<br />

“More truth is found in digging<br />

for facts than jumping to<br />

conclusions.” Capsule Sermons<br />

Jan Rasmussen, Amy Lehman,<br />

Dawn Rasmussen, and Kevin and<br />

Kris Hachmeister all traveled to<br />

Minneapolis, MN, recently to enjoy<br />

time with Lewis Hachmeister, Cam<br />

and Paul Rogers, Mary Hansen,<br />

Dawn’s parents and her son, Jesse,<br />

and his son, Brandon, of Minneapolis<br />

and Jan Northrup, who came<br />

from New York to meet with them<br />

there. Wednesday Dawn and her<br />

folks left for Custer and the arts<br />

festival and other activities connected<br />

with the Buffalo roundup,<br />

while Kevin and Kris also headed<br />

back home. Jan and Amy left Friday,<br />

stopping in Brookings to visit<br />

Jason on the way home. Blake<br />

Lehman kept them up to date on<br />

the exciting homecoming game<br />

with its double overtime between<br />

New Underwood and White River<br />

as they motored home.<br />

Kevin and Kris are preparing for<br />

their move to Vancouver, Canada,<br />

where Kevin’s engineering job is<br />

taking him.<br />

Last Monday Twila Trask, her<br />

sister and her niece visited Maxine<br />

Allard. Thursday June Ring made<br />

a brief stop and delivery at Cliff<br />

and Pam Allard’s and then continued<br />

on to visit with Maxine and<br />

have lunch with her. Saturday<br />

morning Stan, Ivy and Sharon Allard<br />

arrived for a visit with Maxine,<br />

stayed to have lunch with her,<br />

and left again in the afternoon for<br />

their homes in Rapid City and<br />

Spearfish.<br />

Sunday, September 16, Rodney<br />

and Cora Lookabill and Dennis and<br />

Sena Lauritsen visited at the Jean<br />

Kary home, comparing notes on<br />

collecting antiques. Wednesday<br />

Jean rode in with June and Jessie<br />

Ring to donate blood in White<br />

River. Then it was back into White<br />

River again on Friday for the Mellette<br />

County Cattlewomen meeting.<br />

Jean was hostess and served a<br />

‘Cowboy Lunch’ to Rose West and<br />

library helper Kim, June Ring,<br />

Morgan Taft and Donna Adrian.<br />

Rev. Glenn Denke was in Pierre<br />

September 11 for the Circuit Pastors’<br />

Conference. On the 14th he<br />

Gant: Absentee ballot options<br />

Registered South Dakota voters<br />

have the option of absentee voting<br />

by mail or in person. Secretary of<br />

State Jason Gant said absentee<br />

voting opens Friday for the Nov. 6<br />

General Election.<br />

“To vote absentee by mail, voters<br />

must complete an absentee ballot<br />

application, sign it and either have<br />

it notarized or provide a copy of<br />

their photo identification card before<br />

returning it,” Gant said,<br />

adding that applications are available<br />

in the offices of county auditors<br />

as well as online at sdsos.gov.<br />

“The auditor will then mail a paper<br />

ballot to the voter to complete and<br />

return.”<br />

Residents may also vote absentee<br />

in person beginning Sept. 21 by<br />

visiting the office of their county<br />

auditor. There they may confirm<br />

voter registration, complete an application<br />

for an absentee ballot and<br />

then vote the ballot and return it to<br />

the auditor.<br />

In the case of military and overseas<br />

voters, applications can be<br />

transmitted via fax or e-mail as<br />

well as by postal mail. If the application<br />

is for a Primary, General or<br />

other statewide election, uniformed<br />

and overseas voters may request to<br />

have their ballots sent to them<br />

electronically.<br />

“Our website provides general<br />

absentee voting guidelines as well<br />

as a Military and Overseas Citizens<br />

section, which offers specific<br />

step-by-step instructions,” Gant<br />

said. “Voters can also check their<br />

registration status online at<br />

sdsos.gov through the Voter Information<br />

Portal, which is a tool allowing<br />

voters to view a sample of<br />

their ballots and check on polling<br />

locations.”<br />

Applications can be returned at<br />

any time, but absentee voting begins<br />

46 days prior to an election. In<br />

South Dakota, election officials<br />

must receive applications for absentee<br />

ballots no later than 3 p.m.<br />

on Election Day. Once an absentee<br />

ballot is completed, a voter may return<br />

it to the county auditor in person<br />

or by mail.<br />

A qualified voter who is confined<br />

due to sickness or disability may<br />

apply in writing for an absentee<br />

ballot via authorized messenger.<br />

An authorized messenger delivers<br />

the ballot from the election official<br />

to the qualified voter and then returns<br />

the marked ballot.<br />

Breakdown of absentee voting in<br />

South Dakota:<br />

1. Verify status as registered<br />

voter in South Dakota (register to<br />

vote or update registration through<br />

county auditor if needed; registration<br />

deadline is 15 days prior to an<br />

election).<br />

2. Obtain absentee ballot application<br />

from County Auditor or online.<br />

3. Fill out application, sign and<br />

have notarized or provide copy of a<br />

photo identification card (ID requirement<br />

waived only for overseas<br />

voters).<br />

4. Return application in person,<br />

via authorized messenger or by<br />

mail (uniformed and overseas voters<br />

may also submit applications<br />

by fax or e-mail).<br />

5. Fill out absentee ballot upon<br />

receipt and return to election official<br />

in person, via authorized messenger<br />

or by mail.<br />

Fall Hours<br />

Monday - Thursday<br />

10 a.m. to 11 p.m.<br />

Friday & Saturday<br />

9 a.m. to Midnight<br />

Sunday<br />

1 p.m. to 10 p.m.<br />

344-2210<br />

ATM<br />


Norris News<br />

June Ring • 462-6328<br />

visited Marilyn Heinert at her<br />

home.<br />

Friday, September 14 Jessie<br />

Ring took Risa to Pierre for her<br />

dental appointment. The older children<br />

spent the day with Bruce<br />

helping with farm work, while<br />

Reno and Riley spent the day with<br />

Braeden and Bradley Huber at<br />

their home.<br />

As it was homecoming week this<br />

past week, the children dressed accordingly<br />

throughout the week,<br />

and then were in the homecoming<br />

parade on Friday in Kadoka. Braeden<br />

and Bradley went with Jessie<br />

and the children. Reno, Riley and<br />

Braeden took part in the Punt,<br />

Pass and Kick competition, and<br />

then they all attended the pancake<br />

supper afterward.<br />

Early Sunday morning, Bruce,<br />

Jessie and children and June Ring<br />

headed for Parker, SD, to attend a<br />

farewell meal for Gert Ring at their<br />

church in Parker. After the meal<br />

and visiting at the church, they<br />

went over to Bud and Margaret<br />

Bousfield’s home for more visiting<br />

with Gert, as she is staying with<br />

them for the next few days. Jessie<br />

took the children to play in a<br />

nearby park, while Bud took Bruce<br />

out to the farm to view his restored<br />

tractor collection and other sights.<br />

Gert will be flying to her new home<br />

in McKinney, TX, on Wednesday.<br />

Larry, Judy and Ryan Wissner had<br />

driven up from Texas on Friday,<br />

rented a U-Haul truck, filled it<br />

with Gert’s belongings, and headed<br />

back to Texas on Saturday, with<br />

Ryan driving the truck and Larry<br />

and Judy following in their car.<br />

Cliff and Pam Allard were<br />

among those helping with branding<br />

at Ed Ferguson’s on Saturday.<br />

Braeden Huber was all excited<br />

Saturday, as his parents, David<br />

and Nicole, just about had his room<br />

ready for him to move into downstairs.<br />

Anne Heinert is one of the ladies<br />

attending the “Annie’s Project” at<br />

the museum in White River on<br />

Wednesdays.<br />

Friday Gary and Anne attended<br />

the homecoming football game in<br />

White River. Saturday they<br />

watched and listened as all three of<br />

their children had a part in the<br />

broadcasting of the USF football<br />

game on KDLT. Paul was doing the<br />

announcing at the game, while<br />

Alex was doing the play by play for<br />

the television, and Erin was at<br />

work with the crew selecting the<br />

best shots to show of the action.<br />

Gary had helped with cattle work<br />

at the Ferguson’s, but got home in<br />

time to watch the game.<br />

Tuesday Gale, JoAnn, Bill and<br />

Marjorie Letellier were in Winner<br />

on business.<br />

Wednesday JoAnn Letellier was<br />

among the members of the Birthday<br />

Club holding their meeting at<br />

the nursing home in Kadoka.<br />

Saturday Dave, Colleen, Jhett<br />

and Duncan Letellier arrived at<br />

Gale’s for a visit, as well as Jhett’s<br />

friend from Hulett.<br />

Julie Letellier was a guest at her<br />

parent’s home last Sunday. Monday<br />

Jim and Marjorie were in White<br />

River to watch the middle school<br />

and JV football game. Gilbert Morrison<br />

and Wyatt Krogman were<br />

helping referee the games, but<br />

when the game went into overtime,<br />

they had to turn their duties over<br />

to someone else, as they had to<br />

head for the coronation activity<br />

that evening.<br />

Full Service<br />

Mechanic<br />

Shop!<br />

We make hydraulic hoses &<br />

On-the-farm tire service!<br />


Cars for salvage, call today!<br />

HOURS:<br />

Mon - Fri: 7:30 to 5:30<br />

Saturday: 8 to Noon<br />

Tuesday Julie Letellier and Andrea<br />

Beckwith traveled to Lower<br />

Brule to watch the volleyball game<br />

with Sunshine Bible Academy.<br />

Wednesday Jim and Marjorie<br />

headed for Falkton to watch the<br />

middle school and JV cross country<br />

meet. Grandson Beaver Burma finished<br />

6th out of 41 runners.<br />

Friday they were at Sunshine<br />

for the homecoming coronation,<br />

where grandson DJ Beckwith was<br />

crowned prince, and Samantha<br />

Manna was crowned princess.<br />

They had planned to stay at Kimball<br />

overnight and go back for more<br />

activities the next day, but found<br />

the rooms all booked up with<br />

grouse hunters, so they came on<br />

home.<br />

Norris School News: School<br />

pictures are being taken on<br />

Wednesday, and then school will<br />

dismiss a little early, as the parentteacher<br />

mid-term progress report<br />

conferences will be held from 4:00<br />

p.m. to 8:00 p.m. that evening.<br />

Torey and Linda Ring made it<br />

up to Kadoka for the homecoming<br />

parade Friday. It got a little exciting<br />

as a fire call came and the fire<br />

trucks in the parade had to ease<br />

their way out of the parade and<br />

head for the fire west and south of<br />

town, which they did get put out.<br />

Louann Krogman and Tonya<br />

Boyd were in Ft. Pierre September<br />

11 for a counselors’ meeting.<br />

Saturday the 15th, Louann, Hilary,<br />

Ellen and Sis, Elaine, and<br />

Amber with baby Quinn were<br />

among those attending the baby<br />

shower for Adam and Jody’s baby<br />

who is to arrive soon.<br />

Glen Krogman came from Fargo<br />

to Murdo on the 14th, where he<br />

met his father, Richard, and<br />

watched the football game with<br />

White River there. On the 15th he<br />

helped his dad butcher old hens<br />

and a couple roosters while Noreen<br />

was at work. They all three had<br />

dinner with Clarence on the 16th,<br />

and then Glen left for Fargo.<br />

Richard attended the homecoming<br />

parade and bake sale on Friday.<br />

That evening he and Noreen took<br />

in the tailgate party and the football<br />

game.<br />

Sunday Noreen was in Mission<br />

for the DNP Quilting session.<br />

Pete and Marla Ferguson, and<br />

Ed and Carol Ferguson celebrated<br />

their respective anniversaries by<br />

going to the Rosebud Casino for<br />

supper on Wednesday evening.<br />

Irene Kaufman returned to her<br />

former home in Norris on Friday to<br />

get a few more of her possessions.<br />

She is getting settled in and really<br />

enjoys her new home in Valentine.<br />

The Fergusons had their branding<br />

on Saturday. Thirty-four<br />

helpers came from as far as Rapid<br />

City, Highmore, Weta and Long<br />

Valley along with those from the<br />

neighborhood.<br />

Nette Heinert stopped at Ferguson’s<br />

for a quick cup of coffee after<br />

church on Sunday.<br />

On Tuesday Dan and Susan Taft<br />

went into the White River middle<br />

school volleyball game against<br />

Winner. Their daughter, Morgan, is<br />

a member of the team. Susan and<br />

Morgan went in to White River on<br />

Thursday for the triangular volleyball<br />

games with Kadoka and Pine<br />

Ridge.<br />

Morgan was in White River to<br />

play in the pep band at the football<br />

game on Friday.<br />

Saturday afternoon, Susan's<br />

mom, Judy Simmons, picked up<br />

Susan and Morgan and they traveled<br />

to Onida to attend the fortieth<br />

wedding anniversary celebration<br />

that was held for Susan’s aunt and<br />

uncle. Judy was an overnight<br />

guests at the Taft home when they<br />

got home.<br />

J&S ReStore<br />

Kadoka, South Dakota<br />


We’re here for all your<br />

vehicle maintenance!<br />

Give us a call today!<br />


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