ateam - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

ateam - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

ateam - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research


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ATEAM final report Section 5 and 6 (2001-2004) 78<br />

Sabaté S., Gracia C. A., Pla E., Sánchez, A., Vayreda J. 2003. Aplicación del modelo Gotilwa+ a la<br />

previsión de los efectos del Cambio Climático en los bosques europeos. En: Proceedings of the VII<br />

Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre; España ante los<br />

compromisos del Protocolo de Kyoto: Sistemas Naturales y Cambio Climático.<br />

Schröter, D., S. Zaehle, S. Schaphoff, W. Lucht, and W. Cramer. 2003. Modelling global change effects<br />

on vegetation and exploring our vulnerability. In R. E. Green, M. Harley, L. Miles, J. Scharlemann,<br />

A. Watkinson, and O. Watts (eds.); Global <strong>Climate</strong> Change and Biodiversity Conference Report,<br />

Tyndall Centre <strong>for</strong> <strong>Climate</strong> Change <strong>Research</strong>, University of East Anglia, April 8-10, 2003, Norwich,<br />

UK, pp. 4-6.<br />

Sitch, S., Smith, B., Prentice, I.C., Arneth, A., Bondeau, A., Cramer, W., Kaplan, J.O., Levis, S., Lucht,<br />

W., Sykes, M.T., Thonicke, K. & Venevsky, S. 2003. Evaluation of ecosystem dynamics, plant<br />

geography and terrestrial carbon cycling in the LPJ Dynamic Global Vegetation Model. Global<br />

Change Biology 9:161-185.<br />

Smith P, Ambus P, Amézquita MC, … Ewert, F et al. 2003. Greenhouse gas emissions from European<br />

croplands. CarboEurope GHG Specific Study Number 2. Clermont-Ferrand, France, 80 pp.<br />

Thuiller, W., J. Vaydera, J. Pino, S. Sabaté, S. Lavorel, and C. Gracia. 2003. Large-scale environmental<br />

correlates of <strong>for</strong>est tree distributions in Catalonia (NE Spain). Global Ecology and Biogeography<br />

12:313-325.<br />

Thuiller, W. 2003 BIOMOD: Optimising predictions of species distributions and projecting potential<br />

future shifts under global change. Global Change Biology 9, 1353-1362<br />

Thuiller, W., Araújo, M. B. & Lavorel, S. 2003 Generalized Models versus Classification Tree Analysis: a<br />

comparative study <strong>for</strong> predicting spatial distributions of plant species at different scales. Journal of<br />

Vegetation Science 14, 669-680.<br />

Thuiller, W., Vaydera, J., Pino, J., Sabaté, S., Lavorel, S. & Gracia, C. 2003 Large-scale environmental<br />

correlates of <strong>for</strong>est tree distributions in Catalonia (NE Spain). Global Ecology & Biogeography 12,<br />

313-325.<br />

Van Ittersum MK, Donatelli M, Rowe EC, Jetten TH, Ewert F. 2003. Towards an integrated system <strong>for</strong><br />

ecological and agro-economic modelling (SEAMLESS) in Europe. Abstract <strong>for</strong> the Annual Meetings<br />

of the American Society of Agronomy. 2-6 November 2003, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A..<br />

Wang, H., A. J. Pitman, M. Zhao, and R. Leemans. 2003. The impact of land cover modification on the<br />

June meteorology of China since 1700, simulated using a regional climate model. International<br />

Journal of Climatology 23:511-527.<br />

2.1.5 2002 peer-reviewed journal articles<br />

Araújo, M.B. & Densham, P.J. Environmental diversity as a surrogate <strong>for</strong> species diversity: good idea<br />

but poor empirical support. Ecography. In press.<br />

Araújo, M.B. & Williams, P.H. 2001. The bias of complementary hotspots toward marginal populations.<br />

Conservation Biology 15: 1710-1720.<br />

Araújo, M.B. 2002. Biodiversity hotspots and zones of ecological transition. Conservation Biology 6:<br />

1662-1663.<br />

Araújo, M.B., Densham, P.J., Lampinen, R., Hagemeijer, W.J.M., Mitchell-Jones, A.J., Gasc, J.P. &<br />

Humphries, C.J. 2001. Would environmental diversity be a good surrogate <strong>for</strong> species diversity?<br />

Ecography 24: 103-110.<br />

Araújo, M.B., Williams, P.H. & Fuller, R. 2002. Dynamics of extinction and the selection of nature<br />

reserves. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B269: 1971-1980 (editors choice, Science, Vol.<br />

298, No 5592, Issue of 11 October 2002).

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