ateam - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

ateam - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

ateam - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research


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ATEAM final report Section 5 and 6 (2001-2004) 77<br />

model RHESSys. Ecosystems. Submitted.<br />

Zierl B, Bugmann H. 2004. On the Simulation of Global Change <strong>Impact</strong> on Carbon Cycling in the<br />

European Alps. in preparation.<br />

2.1.4 2003 peer-reviewed journal articles<br />

Araújo, M.B. 2003. The coincidence of people and biodiversity in Europe. Global Ecology and<br />

Biogeography12: 5-12.<br />

Araújo, M.B., Densham, P.J. & Humphries, C.J. 2003. Predicting species diversity with environmental<br />

diversity: the quest <strong>for</strong> evidence. Ecography 26: 380-384.<br />

Capistrano, D., S. R. Carpenter, K. Chopra, A. Cropper, G. Daily, P. Dasgupta, R. Hassan, R. Leemans,<br />

R. May, H. Mooney, P. Pingali, W. V. Reid, C. Samper, B. Scholes, R. Watson, and Z. Shidong.<br />

2003. Introduction and conceptual framework. In Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Ecosystems<br />

and human well-being: a framework <strong>for</strong> assessment. Island Press, Washington DC, USA, pp. 26-<br />

48.<br />

Leemans, R. 2003. Anthropogenic land-use and land-cover changes. In P. Kabat, M. Claussen, P. A.<br />

Dirmeyer, J. H. C. Gash, L. B. de Guenni, M. Meybeck, R. A. Pielke, Sr., C. J. Vörösmarty, R. W. A.<br />

Hutjes, and S. Lütkemeier, (eds.) Vegetation, Water, Humans and the <strong>Climate</strong>. A new perspective<br />

on an interactive system. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 502-509.<br />

Leemans, R. 2003. Klimaatmodellen en wat ze ons leren. De Levende Natuur 104:119-121.<br />

Leemans, R., B. J. Eickhout, B. Strengers, A. F. Bouwman, and M. Schaeffer. 2002. The consequences<br />

<strong>for</strong> the terrestrial carbon cycle of uncertainties in land use, climate and vegetation responses in the<br />

IPCC SRES scenarios. Science in China, Series C. 45:126-136.<br />

Leemans, R., E. Lambin, A. McCalla, G. Nelson, P. Pingali, H. Simons, R. Watson, and M. Zurek. 2003.<br />

Drivers of change in ecosystems and their services. In Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.<br />

Ecosystems and human well-being: a framework <strong>for</strong> assessment. Island Press, Washington DC,<br />

USA, pp. 245.<br />

Lindner M., Lasch P., Sabaté S., Gracia C., Fürstenau C., Badeck F. W. and Suckow F. 2003.<br />

Assessing the potential of <strong>for</strong>est management strategies in European <strong>for</strong>ests <strong>for</strong> Carbon mitigation.<br />

Annual meeting of the Society <strong>for</strong> Experimental Biology, April 2003, Southampton, UK in<br />

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Vol 134A, number 3.<br />

Liski, J., Nissinen, A., Erhard, M., Taskinen, O. 2003. Climatic effects on litter decomposition from arctic<br />

tundra to tropical rain<strong>for</strong>est. Global Change Biology 9 (4): 575-584.<br />

Lobo, J.M. & Araújo, M.B. 2003. La aplicación de datos faunísticos para el diseño de redes de reservas:<br />

el caso de los anfibios y reptiles de la Península Ibérica. Graellsia 59: 399-408.<br />

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. 2003. Ecosystems and human well-being: a framework <strong>for</strong><br />

assessment. Island Press, Washington DC, USA, 245 pp.<br />

Pla E., Rodà F., Gracia C. A. 2003. Modelización de la dinámica de combustibles en ecosistemas arbustivos<br />

mediterráneos. En: Proceedings of the VII Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Ecología<br />

Terrestre; España ante los compromisos del Protocolo de Kyoto: Sistemas Naturales y Cambio Climático.<br />

Polsky C., D. Schröter, A. Patt, S. Gaffin, M. L. Martello, R. Neff, A. Pulsipher, and H. Selin. 2003.<br />

Assessing Vulnerabilities to the Effects of Global Change: An Eight-Step Approach. Belfer Center<br />

<strong>for</strong> Science and International Affairs Working Paper 2003-05, Environment and Natural Resources<br />

Program, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.<br />

pp. 17.<br />

Reginster, I. and Rounsevell, M.D.A. 2003. Land use change scenarios <strong>for</strong> Europe. LUCC Newsletter, 9,<br />


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