ateam - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

ateam - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

ateam - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research


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ATEAM final report Section 5 and 6 (2001-2004) 55<br />

positive impacts low AC gives less bright green. The last element of the HSV colour code, the Value,<br />

was kept constant <strong>for</strong> all combinations. Figure 44 illustrates the approach based on wood production in<br />

the Forestry sector in 2080, considering climate and land use based on A1 HadCM3 . In the visual<br />

overlay, the relationship between ∆PI and AC is not specified beyond high ∆PI and low AC result in<br />

high vulnerability. Furthermore, the scale has no unit – the map identifies areas to guide further<br />

analyses of the underlying data.<br />

Figure 45 shows a set of vulnerability maps based on the ecosystem service “Farmer livelihood”, sector<br />

agriculture. The maps are based on changes in potential impacts on farmer livelihood relative to 1990<br />

and the adaptive capacity index <strong>for</strong> the different scenarios and time slices (drivers were climate<br />

scenarios based on the general circulation model HadCM3 and the respective land use change <strong>for</strong> the<br />

storylines A1f, A2, B1, and B2). Do these maps provide useful in<strong>for</strong>mation to answer the questions that<br />

drove our assessment (see introductory section Background):<br />

• Which regions in Europe are most vulnerable to global change?<br />

• Which scenario is the least harmful <strong>for</strong> a sector within Europe such as agriculture, <strong>for</strong>estry, etc.?<br />

• Which sectors are the most vulnerable in a certain European region?<br />

The maps depict the agricultural sector in the Mediterranean region as vulnerable under most scenarios<br />

starting at different time slices, depending on the scenario. The A scenarios anticipate greater<br />

vulnerability throughout. Different storylines represent different choices about our future socio-economic<br />

pathway. The B2 scenario seems to be least harmful <strong>for</strong> farmer livelihood. Comparing these maps with<br />

vulnerability maps <strong>for</strong> other sectors would yield answers to the third question, which sectors are most<br />

vulnerable in a specific region. Even though the vulnerability maps indicate some answers to the<br />

questions above, the answers remain unspecific. Further analyses of the underlying indicators is<br />

necessary to understand possible causes of vulnerability, to analyse results in terms of absolute<br />

changes. The conclusions we draw from our research project are rather based on a thorough analyses<br />

of potential impacts than on the final vulnerability maps alone (see below).<br />

Vulnerability is a dynamic outcome of both environmental and social processes occurring at multiple<br />

scales (O'Brien et al. 2004). When the maps of vulnerability presented here depict problematic regions,<br />

further attention should be directed to these regions to analyse their vulnerability in the context of<br />

nested scales and on higher and lower resolution than the 10’x10’ latitude longitude grid. The<br />

vulnerability maps show vulnerable areas per sector and ecosystem service, and per future time slice.<br />

Currently no model of the human-environment system exists that reflects all the interactions between<br />

ecosystem services and sectors <strong>for</strong> a range of nested scales. The ATEAM vulnerability maps are<br />

there<strong>for</strong>e not maps of total European vulnerability, but of essential aspects constituting the overall<br />

vulnerability. These maps can be used to anticipate vulnerability of different sector based on specific<br />

ecosystem services, as a basis <strong>for</strong> discussion of interactions between these sectors and ecosystem<br />

services. For example, as stakeholders from the carbon storage sector have pointed out, planting<br />

<strong>for</strong>ests to sequester carbon has implications <strong>for</strong> the aesthetic value of a landscape, and there<strong>for</strong>e <strong>for</strong> the<br />

tourism sector, as well as <strong>for</strong> the runoff in a particular region, and there<strong>for</strong>e <strong>for</strong> the water sector. In our<br />

vulnerability mapping tool all ecosystem services are presented in a common dimension which<br />

facilitates the examination of such interactions.<br />

In this vulnerability assessment, the supply of ecosystem services is used as a measure of human wellbeing<br />

under the influence of global change stressors, similar to the approach suggested by Luers et al.<br />

(2003). Perceived well-being, as well as anticipated vulnerability, is always based on a value judgement.<br />

Stakeholders from different sectors may base their value judgement on different assumptions – in other<br />

words, some aspects of vulnerability are individual. In our stakeholder dialogue, it became apparent that<br />

many stakeholders are rather interested in potential impacts than in generic vulnerability maps.<br />

Stakeholders used their individual values to judge the severity of a potential impact. Furthermore,<br />

stakeholders often wished to account <strong>for</strong> their own individual adaptive capacity when interpreting<br />

potential impacts. The generic adaptive capacity index we developed may have in<strong>for</strong>med them of the

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