Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Biosphere - WBGU

Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Biosphere - WBGU

Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Biosphere - WBGU


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XXV<br />

FCCC<br />

FSC<br />

GATT<br />

GBA<br />

GBIF<br />

GEF<br />

GISP<br />

GMO<br />

GNP<br />

GOALS<br />

GOOS<br />

GPP<br />

GROMS<br />

GTI<br />

GTZ<br />

HEAR<br />

HIPC<br />

IBOY<br />

ICBG<br />

ICCAT<br />

ICDP<br />

ICES<br />

ICSU<br />

IFF<br />

IGBP<br />

ILO<br />

IMA<br />

IMF<br />

IMO<br />

INBio<br />


IPBD<br />

IPCC<br />

IPF<br />

IPPC<br />

IRRI<br />

ISSG<br />

IUBS<br />

IUCN<br />

IUFRO<br />

IUPGR<br />

JGOFS<br />

KfW<br />

LMOs<br />

LPJ<br />

MAB<br />

MAT<br />

MFCAL<br />

MVP<br />

NASA<br />

NBP<br />

NCI<br />

NEP<br />

NGO<br />

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change<br />

Forest Stewardship Council, Canada<br />

General Agreement on Tariffs <strong>and</strong> Trade<br />

Global Biodiversity Assessment (GEF, UNEP)<br />

Global Biodiversity Information Facility (OECD)<br />

Global Environment Facility (United Nations)<br />

Global Invasive Species Program (IUCN, SCOPE, UNEP, UNESCO)<br />

Genetically modified organisms<br />

Gross National Product<br />

Global Ocean-Atmosphere-L<strong>and</strong> System (CLIVAR)<br />

Global Ocean Observing System (WMO)<br />

Gross Primary Production<br />

Global Register on Migratory Species<br />

Global Taxonomy Initiative<br />

Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (German Society on Development<br />

Cooperation)<br />

Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk Project<br />

Highly Indebted Poor Countries Initiative (IWF, World Bank)<br />

International Biodiversity Observation Year (DIVERSITAS)<br />

International Cooperative Biodiversity Group Programme (NIH)<br />

International Commission on <strong>the</strong> <strong>Conservation</strong> <strong>of</strong> Atlantic Tuna<br />

Integrated <strong>Conservation</strong> Development Projects<br />

International Council for <strong>the</strong> Exploration <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sea<br />

International Council <strong>of</strong> Scientific Unions<br />

Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (United Nations)<br />

International Geosphere <strong>Biosphere</strong> Programme (ICSU)<br />

International Labour Organization<br />

Interministerieller Ausschuss der Bundesregierung (Interministerial Commission<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Federal Government)<br />

International Monetary Fund<br />

International Maritime Organization<br />

Instituto Naçional de Biodiversidad, Costa Rica<br />

International Association for Ecology<br />

Intergovernmental Panel on Biological Diversity (recommended)<br />

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (WMO, UNEP)<br />

Intergovernmental Panel on Forests (United Nations)<br />

International Plant Protection Convention (FAO)<br />

International Rice Research Institute, Philippines<br />

Invasive Species Group (IUCN)<br />

International Union <strong>of</strong> Biological Sciences (UNESCO, SCOPE)<br />

The World <strong>Conservation</strong> Union<br />

International Union <strong>of</strong> Forestry Organizations<br />

International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources (FAO)<br />

Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (IGBP)<br />

Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau<br />

Living Modified Organisms<br />

Lund Potsdam Jena Model (global dynamic vegetation model)<br />

Man <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Biosphere</strong> Programme (UNESCO)<br />

Mutually Agreed Terms<br />

Multifunctional Character <strong>of</strong> Agriculture <strong>and</strong> L<strong>and</strong> Approach (FAO)<br />

Minimum Viable Population<br />

National Aeronautics <strong>and</strong> Space Administration, USA<br />

Net Biome Productivity<br />

National Cancer Institute, USA<br />

Net Ecosystem Productivity<br />

Non-Governmental Organization

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