INC9 REPORT.pdf - Rotterdam Convention

INC9 REPORT.pdf - Rotterdam Convention

INC9 REPORT.pdf - Rotterdam Convention


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UNEP/FAO/PIC/INC.9/21<br />

D. Organization of work<br />

29. At its opening meeting, the Committee decided, on the basis of the scenario note prepared by the<br />

Chair (UNEP/FAO/PIC/INC.9/3), to pursue its work in plenary and to establish open-ended sessional<br />

working groups, as necessary.<br />

30. The Committee established an open-ended working group on compliance, chaired by<br />

Mr. Alistair McGlone (United Kingdom).<br />



31. Introducing the item, the representative of the secretariat drew attention to the documentation<br />

prepared on the subject (see annex I) and reported on the work of the secretariat during the period 2001-<br />

2002, including support to the implementation of the interim PIC procedure, support to the<br />

Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee and the Interim Chemical Review Committee, and facilitation of<br />

implementation and ratification. In reporting on the expenditure report for 2001 and the proposed budget for<br />

2004, he noted that they had been reformatted with additional details, in line with the request expressed by<br />

the Committee at its eighth session. The increase in the budget for 2004, he explained, was a result of a<br />

projected increased workload, the proposed holding of workshops in 2004, and the 13 per cent support costs<br />

to the United Nations. He noted that the 2004 budget might be revisited at the next session of the<br />

Committee, taking into account the proximity of the entry into force of the <strong>Convention</strong> and the first meeting<br />

of the Conference of the Parties.<br />

32. Making reference to the financial pledges and contributions, he announced that further contributions<br />

had been received from Norway for 100,000 Norwegian Kroner, Austria for €15,000, from Madagascar for<br />

$958 and from Switzerland for $210,000. He added that the Government of Switzerland had offered to host<br />

the next session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee and make a financial commitment to that<br />

session. Pointing to the decrease in the financial contribution of UNEP for 2002 and 2003, he explained that<br />

it was a result of a decision of the twenty-first session of the UNEP Governing Council to decrease the<br />

budget to the UNEP Chemicals programme.<br />

33. The Committee expressed appreciation for the documentation and the clear explanation of how the<br />

budget had been prepared. The representative of Japan noted his Government’s intention to contribute<br />

$100,000 to the Trust Fund in 2002. The representative of the United Kingdom reported that his<br />

Government would make a contribution of £80,000 for 2002. The representative of Belgium said that his<br />

Government would make a contribution of $100,000 for 2003. The representative of Finland said that her<br />

Government would make a contribution of €10,000 for 2002. The representative of the European<br />

Community said that, subject to the appropriate budgetary approvals, a contribution of €100,000 would be<br />

made for 2002 and again for 2003.<br />

34. During the course of discussions, a number of countries supported retaining facilitation of<br />

implementation and ratification as a high priority. The representatives of Cuba and of Egypt offered to host<br />

workshops in their respective regions.<br />

35. The Committee noted the in-kind contribution of €343,000 made by the Government of Germany to<br />

cover local costs associated with hosting the current session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating<br />

Committee in Bonn.<br />

36. The need for an informal process by which to obtain additional information or clarification from the<br />

Secretariat on issues related to the budget was noted. Representatives requested further clarification on a<br />

number of items, including the proposed increase in the 2004 budget, financial reporting, and the budget<br />

format. The possibility of preparing a 2003-2004 biennium budget in anticipation of budget formats that<br />

might be used once the <strong>Convention</strong> entered into force was also suggested. The Committee agreed to set up a<br />


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