S338 – Unit 11 Redox

S338 – Unit 11 Redox

S338 – Unit 11 Redox


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<strong>S338</strong> – <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>11</strong><br />

GER<br />

LEO<br />

<strong>Redox</strong><br />


20-1 Practice Problems<br />

1. What is the oxidation number of each element in: 6. What is the oxidation number of each element in:<br />

a. H 2 SO 4 a. Mg 3 N 2<br />

b. H 2 S 2 O 7 b. FeCl 3<br />

c. SO 3 c. BaSO 4<br />

2. What is the oxidation number of each element in: 7. What is the oxidation number of each element in:<br />

a. H 3 PO 4 a. NaH 2 PO 4<br />

b. P 4 O 6 b. Na 3 PO 4<br />

c. KH 2 PO 4 c. H 3 BO 3<br />

3. What is the oxidation number of each element in: 8. What is the oxidation number of each element in:<br />

a. Ca(H 2 PO 4 ) 2 a. ZnCO 3<br />

b. CaSO 4 b. Ag 2 CO 3<br />

c. KMnO 4 c. BaF 2<br />

4. What is the oxidation number of each element in: 9. What is the oxidation number of each element in:<br />

a. Be(OH) 2 a. Mg(OH) 2<br />

b. B(OH) 3 b. MgCl 2<br />

c. Si(OH) 4 c. CrCl 3<br />

5. What is the oxidation number of each element in: 10. What is the oxidation number of each element in:<br />

a. NH 3 a. Co(OH) 2<br />

b. SCl 2 b. HAuCl 4<br />

c. Sr(OH) 2 c. HgSO 4<br />


<strong>11</strong>. Identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing 16. Identify the element that is oxidized and the<br />

agent in the following reaction:<br />

element that is reduced in the following<br />

reaction:<br />

C + 2Cl 2 CCl 4 2Al + 3Br 2 2AlBr 3<br />

12. Identify the element that is oxidized and the 17. Identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing<br />

element that is reduced in the following<br />

agent in the following reaction:<br />

reaction:<br />

H 2 + Cl 2 2HCI Pb + 2HCl PbCl 2 + H 2<br />

13. Identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing 18. Identify the element that is oxidized and the<br />

agent in the following reaction:<br />

element that is reduced in the following<br />

reaction:<br />

2P + 3Cl 2 2PCI 3<br />

SiO 2 + 2C Si + 2CO<br />

14. Identify the element that is oxidized and the 19. Identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing<br />

element that is reduced in the following<br />

agent in the following reaction:<br />

reaction:<br />

C + H 2 O CO + H 2 CO 2 + 2Mg 2MgO + C<br />

15. Identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing 20. Identify the element that is oxidized and the<br />

agent in the following reaction:<br />

element that is reduced in the following<br />

reaction:<br />

2Fe + 3Cl 2 2FeCl 3 H 2 SO 4 + Zn ZnSO 4 + H 2<br />


Balancing <strong>Redox</strong> Equations<br />

Balance the equation using half reactions and oxidation numbers.<br />

1. ___ HNO 3 + ____HI ____NO + ____I 2 + _____H 2 O<br />

2. ____HNO 3 + ____I 2 ____HIO 3 + _____NO 2 + ____H 2 O<br />

3. ____S + ____HNO 3 ____SO 2 + ____NO + _____H 2 O<br />

4. ____SO 3 -2 + _____MnO 4 + _____H + ____SO 4 -2 + _____Mn +2 + _____H 2 O<br />

5. ____NO 3 -1 + ____I 2 + ____H + ____IO 3 -1 + ____NO 2 + ____H 2 O<br />

6. ____HCl + ____KMnO 4 + ____H 2 C 2 O 4 ___CO 2 + ____MnCl 2 + ___KCl + __H 2 O<br />

7. ____H + + ____MnO 4 -1 + ____H 2 C 2 O 4 ____CO 2 + ____Mn +2 + ____H 2 O<br />


Name____________________<br />

Activity Series Lab<br />

Oxidation-Reduction reactions, also known as redox reactions, make up an extremely important area of study in<br />

chemistry. These reactions provide energy in electrochemical cells, and have a variety of commercial uses in<br />

batteries and solar cells. In addition, oxidation-reduction reactions are involved in rusting, cleaning agents,<br />

photography and many other processes.<br />

<strong>Redox</strong> reactions can be thought of as reactions in which electrons are exchanged between one species that is<br />

oxidized and another that is reduced. Reduction involves the gain of electrons, while oxidation involves the loss<br />

of electrons. A reduction reaction for a metal ion can be written in the following manner:<br />

+n 0<br />

M + ne - M<br />

The oxidation reaction is written as:<br />

0 +n<br />

M M + ne -<br />

+n<br />

M is typically a metal with +n oxidation state, and n represents the number of electrons (e - )<br />

0<br />

gained. M is the metal in its reduced form.<br />

An activity series of metals is a list that puts in order, metals, according to their relative activity. Metals at the<br />

top of the list are oxidized most readily to their metallic ion. They<br />

+n<br />

tend to remain in ionic form (M). Conversely, metals at the bottom of the list are oxidized with difficulty. Their<br />

metallic ion is relatively active so they tend to be in their<br />

0<br />

reduced form (M). In this investigation, you will establish an activity series based on the ease with which<br />

metallic ions are oxidized. The ions to be studied are Cu +2 , Mg +2 , Zn +2 , Pb +2 , and Ag +1 . The metals to be studied<br />

are Cu, Mg, Zn, Pb, and Ag.<br />

Procedure:<br />

1. In your notebook, state your purpose for this lab activity. Will you support the activity series as it is? Or will<br />

you be bold enough to state that you will somehow find flaws in the existing activity series?<br />

2. Put on your goggles (and lab apron if you’d like).<br />

3. Place a paper towel on the microscope platform, then turn on the microscope.<br />


4. Take a strip of zinc and polish one entire side of it with a piece of steel wool. Then, lay it on the paper towel.<br />

5. Take the Magnesium solution contained in the dropper bottle and place one drop of the solution onto the Zinc<br />

strip. Note in your data table if a reaction occurs (write “Y” if a reactions occurs, write “NR” if no reaction<br />

occurs).<br />

6. Repeat step #5 with the remaining solutions (Mg +2 , Cu +2 , Pb +2 , Ag +1 ) making sure that the drops of solution<br />

do not come in contact together.<br />

7. Rinse the Zinc strip in the sink, dry it and set it aside.<br />

8. Repeat steps 4 through 7, but perform the procedure with the following metal and solution combinations…<br />

Mg strip with Zn, Cu, Pb and Ag solutions<br />

Cu strip with Zn, Mg, Pb and Ag solutions<br />

Pb strip with Zn, Mg, Cu and Ag solutions<br />

Ag strip with Zn, Mg, Cu and Pb solutions<br />

9. Once you are done with all the metal strips and the solutions, clean up your table, wash your hands, then<br />

return the Silver strip to your teacher.<br />

Data Table – Activity Series Lab<br />

Zn<br />

Mg<br />

Cu<br />

Pb<br />

Ag<br />

Zn +2 Mg +2 Cu +2 Pb +2 Ag +1<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />


1. Purpose: State your purpose for this lab.<br />

Activity Series Lab – Lab Report Details – what to include<br />

(typed):<br />

2. Data: Present your data in an organized form (re-create your data table with your results written in it. This<br />

can be easily done by using the table function in MS Word).<br />

3. Analysis:<br />

a. Go through step-by-step where each atom should be located in the activity series. Place the atoms in<br />

order from most easily oxidized to least easily oxidized (hint: the most easily oxidized atom is the one<br />

that likes to go into its ionic state. Example: Mg Mg +2 + 2e - Another hint: you need to look at<br />

reactivities to determine the order). This list will be your experimental activity series.<br />

b. Provide THOROUGH evidence for why you placed your atoms in the order you did for part 3a. For<br />

example – let’s say you placed Mg above all the other elements in your activity series. How do you<br />

know this? What experimental evidence do you have to support your answer?<br />

c. Write out a balanced redox equation for each of the reactions that took place. Remember that only<br />

half of the reactions will work, so you should have ten equations written.<br />

4. Conclusion:<br />

a. Restate your purpose.<br />

b. Restate your experimental activity series (the list you formulated from your data).<br />

c. Examine your experimental activity series and compare it to the actual activity series (this was given<br />

to you on a hand-out when we were studying types of reactions, remember? If you can’t find yours, then<br />

you can find it in your chemistry textbook). How do they compare?<br />

d. Did your experiment support your purpose of either confirming or contradicting the existing activity<br />

series? How so?<br />

e. Would you change anything about the procedure to improve your results? If so – what would you<br />

change and why? If not – why wouldn’t you change anything?<br />

(over) →<br />


5. Post Lab Questions:<br />

a. Would it be a good idea to store a copper metal ion solution (Cu(NO 3 ) 2 (aq), for example) in an<br />

aluminum can? Why or why not?<br />

b. Would it be a good idea to store an aluminum metal ion solution (Al(NO 3 ) 3 (aq), for example) in<br />

a copper can? Why or why not?<br />

5c. Although silverware is beautiful, it tarnishes with time. Tarnish results from a chemical reaction in which<br />

silver reacts with hydrogen sulfide and oxygen in the air to form silver sulfide:<br />

Ag (s) + H 2 S (g) + O 2(g) Ag 2 S (s) + H 2 O (l)<br />

Balance the equation using half-reactions and oxidation numbers. Label the half-reactions as either<br />

oxidation or reduction.<br />

Silver will also react with various sulfides found in rubber, egg yolks, and other substances, including some<br />

vegetables. There are always traces of hydrogen sulfide in the atmosphere. Thus, it is important you protect<br />

silver items by wrapping them in protective cloth or placing them in an environment containing substances that<br />

will absorb the hydrogen sulfide. If silverware does become tarnished, how can it be restored?<br />

• Get a glass baking dish. Line it with a piece of aluminum foil. Place your tarnished silver on top of<br />

the aluminum foil. It must be in contact with the foil for this to work!<br />

• Boil some water on a stove. Once in comes to a rolling boil, add about 1 cup of baking soda for every<br />

gallon of water. Be careful, though! The water tends to boil over quickly so add the baking soda slowly!<br />

• Pour the hot water/baking soda solution into the pan containing the aluminum foil and tarnished silver.<br />

Moderately tarnished pieces will be clean within seconds, while badly tarnished pieces might take over an hour<br />

to work.<br />

How does it work?<br />

The silverware is cleaned by an redox reaction in which silver sulfide produces elemental silver according to<br />

the following equation:<br />

Al (s) + Ag 2 S (s) + H 2 O (l) Ag (s) + Al(OH) 3(aq) + H 2 S (g)<br />

Balance the equation using half-reactions and oxidation numbers. Label the half-reactions as either<br />

oxidation or reduction.<br />

In the electrochemical process, the silver, surrounded by the electrolyte (NaHCO 3 , baking soda), forms<br />

one plate of an electric cell and the aluminum forms the other. The equation suggests that hydrogen sulfide gas<br />

(the gas produced in rotting eggs) is evolved in small quantities. If this reaction occurs, then you may be able to<br />

detect the odor of rotten eggs by removing part of the aluminum from a piece of silver as the reaction is<br />

proceeding.<br />


Name ______________________________________<br />

Voltaic Cells Lab<br />

Data and Analysis<br />

A. For each cell below, label the following on the diagram:<br />

1 & 2. The identity of the metal<br />

3. The reading on the voltmeter<br />

4. The direction of the electron flow through the wires of the voltmeter<br />

5. Label the metal that is the cathode and the metal that is the anode.<br />

6. Label the metal that is oxidizing and the metal that is being reduced<br />

7. Draw the direction in which each ion in the salt bridge moves.<br />

8. Calculate the electrical potential of the cell (show work)<br />

9. Write the half reactions and a balanced redox reaction for the cell.<br />

Zn/Zn +2 – Cu/Cu +2 Cell<br />

1<br />

.<br />

2<br />

.<br />

.<br />

3<br />

.<br />


Zn/Zn +2 – Pb/Pb +2 Cell<br />

1<br />

.<br />

2<br />

.<br />

3<br />

.<br />

Zn/Zn +2 – Mg/Mg +2 Cell<br />


1<br />

.<br />

2<br />

.<br />

Pb/Pb +2 – Mg/Mg +2 Cell<br />

3<br />

.<br />

1<br />

.<br />

2<br />

.<br />

3<br />

.<br />

Mg/Mg +2 – Cu/Cu +2 Cell<br />


1<br />

.<br />

2<br />

.<br />

3<br />

.<br />


Voltaic Cells Worksheet<br />

On each of the following diagrams, label: 1. the anode, 2. the cathode, 3. Direction of electron<br />

flow, 4. Direction of anion and cation flow through the salt bridge, and 5. Which electrode<br />

should be increasing in mass. Then write out the half-reactions, the overall reaction and<br />

calculate the net voltage of the cell.<br />

1)<br />

A = Cr B = Cr +3<br />

E = Fe D = Fe +2<br />

2)<br />

A = Sn B = Sn +2<br />

E = Al D = Al +3<br />

3)<br />

A = Ag B = Ag +1<br />

E = Cu D = Cu +2<br />


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