VOL. 2 - Phoenix Source Distributors

VOL. 2 - Phoenix Source Distributors

VOL. 2 - Phoenix Source Distributors


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jockeying themselves into the position of citizens on tolerance. ...The Jews of America write<br />

themselves down as Communists--so be it". And this same Wise was reported in the New York City<br />

Press of Oct. 29, 1934, as telling a Jewish congregation assembled the day before in Carnegie Hall<br />

that the "United States needed a dose of the Reds, that the direction, plan and purposefulness of<br />

Russia had enabled that nation to achieve something no other nation has".<br />

Why don't we get Winchell (alias Lipschitz) to comment on this? Or do we have to use him to<br />

help get Americans into another war, this time against Russia, so Americans will be destroyed for<br />

good and all--for the benefit of the British whom, as you know, we Jews completely control. I'm<br />

afraid I don't like the Third World War they are brewing out of this.<br />

Twenty years ago, the London Jewish Chronicle, April 4, 1919, said: "The ideals of Bolshevism<br />

are at many points consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism". i.e., our domination of the gentiles.<br />


In the first World War millions of gentiles of English, German, French, American and Russian<br />

nationality liquidated each other to produce a Jewish dictatorship in Russia. World War II was<br />

likewise organized by Jews when the Sanhedrin entrapped the stupid Ribbentrop into an alliance<br />

with Russia to set their plans in action. Jewish papers refer to Ribbentrop as the betrayed betrayer.<br />

In view of all these facts, which could be multiplied, it is obvious that we Jews have lost our most<br />

effective weapon--the Conspiracy of Silence. Too much material is now commonly known which<br />

proves to the gentiles our heretofore hidden plan for world domination as well as our innate hatred<br />

of the goyim (gentiles).<br />

Jewish papers contemptuously speak of American gentiles as morons, mongrels or hodgepodge,<br />

phrases I have noted many times. Gentiles, however, are beginning to see that the Jews do not wish<br />

to join the American melting pot which is the first prerequisite for participating in true<br />

Americanism. These same papers state with pride that in the last one hundred and sixty years less<br />

than one percent of our race intermarried with gentiles. I married a gentile girl and my family<br />

ostracized me for this mortal sin. [H: Note that the Protocols INSIST ONLY IN THE<br />


What do we now observe? Hordes of semi-Asiatics--Jews--impelled by what Russian-born Judge<br />

Simon Rifkind (General McNary's "good right arm") now calls the "bugaboo" of a Jewish world<br />

conspiracy, are finding their way into Western Europe: From there, unknown thousands of them are<br />

making their way into this country where they are to find, according to President Truman's<br />

announcement: "a haven of refuge". At the same time the dignified gentile English General Morgan<br />

is ordered to the High Priest of UNRRA, Jewish banker Lehman, in New York, to crawl and then<br />

abjectly apologize for having stated the truth about the Jewish conspiracy. He is then reinstated after<br />

"long and searching" talks with Mr. Lehman who cleared him of the charge of anti-Semitism. How<br />

stupid, particularly from our own point of view, thus to expose our worldwide power over the<br />

gentiles!<br />

The term "Melting Pot", correctly used for more than a century, is now replaced by other terms<br />

such as "Acculturation", or, "Philharmony of Nations". This growth of Jewish immigration<br />

constitutes a swarm of human locusts just as foretold in the prophecy of the Old Testament in the<br />

second chapter of the Book of Joel. They destroy as they come and that is the purpose of having<br />

them come here. "These countryless Jews, unwilling to be assimilated, are impelled, not by any<br />

"bugaboo", but by a diabolical plot directed by very clever men--such men as expressed their plot in<br />

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