VOL. 2 - Phoenix Source Distributors

VOL. 2 - Phoenix Source Distributors

VOL. 2 - Phoenix Source Distributors


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for the massacre of seventy-five thousand innocent gentiles". To gentiles it is incomprehensible that<br />

every year at the feast of Purim, when we celebrate this anniversary, we Jews still rejoice and<br />

commemorate such an event of 2500 years ago and this celebration is "covered" by the press of the<br />

world. If a formidable Jewess like Esther could murder 75,000 gentiles, reasoned the priest, one<br />

thousand powerful Jews who occupy positions of high authority in the Russian, French, British and<br />

American Governments, could easily liquidate a whole nation as we see being done in Germany<br />

today.<br />

[H: Or Iraq, whichever seems more timely to you.]<br />

This celebration of Purim coincides with the statement in the Encyclopedia Britannica, 1942,<br />

Vol. 8, p. 736, under "Esther" by the Reverend Thomas Kelly Cheyne, D.D., D.Litt., Oriel Professor<br />

of the Interpretation of the Scripture, Oxford University, and the Canon of Rochester, 1885-1908,<br />

author of the prophecies of Israel, etc., who says: "There are two very conspicuous blemishes; the<br />

lack of any religious element and the apparent delight in the wholesale slaughter of Gentiles".<br />

Deuteronomy, Chapter 2, verse 34, reads: "And we took all his cities at that time and utterly<br />

destroyed every inhabited city with the women and the little ones: we left none remaining". [H:<br />

And YOU can't see that that is EXACTLY what is planned for Iraq--babies and all! SHAME<br />


Churchill is Jew-blooded through his Jewish grandmother, and F.D. Roosevelt's Jewish ancestry<br />

is no longer secret to millions of American citizens after the astonishing revelation by the Carnegie<br />

Institute in Washington, D.C., published by the Washington, D.C. Star of February 29th, 1936.<br />

The Jewish Examiner of July 27, 1945, stupidly made the statement that the 1915 Year Book<br />

(The Howitzer, Ed.) of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point thus described "General Ike" as a<br />

member of the graduating class:<br />

"This is Dwight David Eisenhower, gentlemen, the terrible Swedish Jew". America Preferred,<br />

November 1945, page 12, commented on this as follows:<br />

"Perhaps a new 'law' transmitted to 'General Ike' by Ben Cohen for the destruction and ruination<br />

of Germany, is no racial stain on 'General Ike' after all. Perhaps our late Caesar knew exactly what<br />

he was doing when 'General Ike' was shuffled to top rank in the interval just before the 'sneak attack'<br />

on Pearl Harbor was arranged".<br />

---EDITOR'S NOTE: The New York Journal American of April 24, 1946, has this item: "Asked<br />

what the 'S' stands for in the name of President Harry S. Truman the Chief Executive explains its<br />

presence by saying it is the first initial of the names of his paternal and maternal grandfathers which<br />

were Shipp (Ed. Schiff?) and Solomon. That is certainly a quaint system of naming. Now that Mr.<br />

Truman has become President it seems he should expand his middle name initial so both his<br />

grandparents are fully honored. That is, his name should be Harry Solomon Shipp Truman". It is<br />

reported that President Truman is proud of his association with a Jewish partner in a short-lived<br />

haberdashery enterprise which was a failure.---<br />

Professor Jaeger in his book Discovery of the Soul, p. 247, says: "Baptism and interbreeding are<br />

of no avail; we remain, even in the hundredth generation Jews, as we were three thousand years ago.<br />

We never lose the odour of our race--no, not even by ten-fold crossing. And in every case our race<br />

dominates; young Jews result".<br />


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