VOL. 2 - Phoenix Source Distributors

VOL. 2 - Phoenix Source Distributors

VOL. 2 - Phoenix Source Distributors


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accorded him; and the "red flag of Communism flew over the buildings of the Holy See".<br />

Magnificent honor to the man whose government murdered thousands of Catholics. [H: And other<br />

nice people, too.]<br />

Fact three: The ILO (International Labor Organization) convened a worldwide meeting at<br />

Geneva, June 1970. One trustworthy American, George Meany, is my authority for stating that this<br />

organization "is an instrument of the Communists". Nevertheless, Pope Paul VI appeared before the<br />

assembled hierarchy of the ILO in June, 1971, and described this "instrument of Communism" as a<br />

"deserving and representative, international organism, so very congenial with our own mission of<br />

justice, of peace and of brotherhood". At the same time, our liberal United States Senate refused to<br />

sanction an annual donation from the American government to the ILO because of "its top-level<br />

Communist control".<br />

Fact four: The U.S. News and World Report for July 5, 1971, observed that "Pope Paul VI has<br />

espoused Red China's admission to the United Nations, and has made a number of conciliatory<br />

references to the Peking regime". "...The Review of the News for November 17, 1971, recorded<br />

further Vatican dealings with Red China, relating that, in return for Peking's "word" (words written<br />

on air) life would be better for the<br />

4-million Catholics enslaved in Communist China...".<br />

This essay does not pretend to be encyclopedic; nor could several volumes condense the<br />

multitude of once startling facts which have become so commonplace they no longer rate publicity;<br />

for since 1970, "off-beat" Catholicism has become the fifth mark of the Church which once boasted<br />

of its being "One, Holy, Catholic and apostolic". Flirtation with Communistic principles has become<br />

the "in-thing" as are disobedience to the Holy Father (GOD) and disloyalty to our beleaguered<br />

country, long since the target of Marxist mobsters and purchased propagandists.<br />

Now, may I attempt to rationalize the "Why" of some of these confusing facts: If Pope Paul<br />

hoists the flag of Communism when he receives in his own home and office a formal visitor from<br />

the Soviet government, can a true member of the Mystical Body of Christ applaud him? Yes! First<br />

because he, the Holy Father (Pope), has 60-million Catholic christians living in mortal peril behind<br />

the iron curtain. [H: Well there are more than that number into the millions living in mortal<br />

peril OUTSIDE the iron curtain--even back in 1971.]<br />

Most importantly: Paul is the Vicar of Christ. It was Christ who consorted with sinners because<br />

He came into the world to save neither the rich nor the poor but sinners. [H: No comment!] It was<br />

Christ who permitted a well known adulteress to wash His feet. It was Christ who, finally, from the<br />

pulpit of the cross, rationalized Paul's action when He said, "Father, forgive them for they know not<br />

what they do". [H: Do you REALLY think that's what was meant?]<br />

Stalin, Engles and their butchers [H: Khazarian Zionist One-Worlders, every one...] murdered<br />

21-million christians, seized their churches, nationalized their children and perpetrated the worst<br />

persecution on world record.<br />

If the blood of martyrs was the seed of christians under Nero, what will one say about the 21-<br />

million martyred Russians? Paul knows the words. Who knows the future with certainty? [H: And<br />

just WHO was this "Paul"? Ummnn Hummnn.]<br />

He has official contact with the Holy Spirit. Only to him, for the present, has been spoken the<br />

words, "He who heareth you, heareth Me". Therefore, it is not the business of a christian soldier to<br />

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