VOL. 2 - Phoenix Source Distributors

VOL. 2 - Phoenix Source Distributors

VOL. 2 - Phoenix Source Distributors


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friendly or unfriendly, are unavoidable. To win the game, or, more politely, to hold contact with<br />

unfriendly nations bent on destroying our country and to outwit and out-general them; or to win<br />

them over to our way of thinking, is the name of the game or the objective towards which the C.F.R.<br />

is striving. Both contestants are endeavoring each to win its own goal without God. One is definitely<br />

Antichrist; the other, at the utmost, is neutral but does not expect help from Christ. Who will win?<br />

Satan's Kremlin will win. [H: Because it becomes the SAME THING, without specific<br />

geographical location.]<br />

This is the contest which should preoccupy the attention of the episcopal world. Already the<br />

Catholic Church has been rejected by the Kremlin and is merely tolerated by the C.F.R. and the<br />

United Nations. At present it is not a serious combatant because its bishops are attempting to<br />

compete for leadership by sheathing the sword of Truth and oneness and abdicating their throne of<br />

miracles.<br />

Thus, we Americans who still strive to survive, even though our churches become empty tombs,<br />

must do some solid thinking both as nationals as well as christians.<br />

To do so, it is a "moral-must" on the part of the bishops to take up where Christ left off, namely<br />

to oppose the tax-exempted foundations which control well over $300-billion of dividend-earning<br />

assets. Christ initiated this campaign when He castigated the Pharisees for devouring the homes of<br />

widows and orphans, thus taxing them into abject poverty. He got Himself murdered for having<br />

done this as well as for driving the moneychangers from the temple. Possibly a few bishops can get<br />

themselves "murdered" in the press and in Congress for following up this policy.<br />

Tom Paine, the insurgent Englishman who encouraged our forefathers to fight "taxation without<br />

representation" said, "It is not only our duty to fight tyranny but also to fight tyrants". That, too, was<br />

the philosophy of the Fathers of the Church who not only fought heresy but also heretics by name.<br />

It is my opinion that there is no recovery of prestige, respect or influence for the Church in<br />

America until this campaign is launched. Too many informed lay persons are too resolute to tolerate<br />

episcopal silence on this subject.<br />

Per se, neither a sound christian nor American can oppose private ownership of oil or bank<br />

interests as long as the owner pays taxes on his open or hidden wealth which increases by way of<br />

dividends. Nor can an American, now beyond the point of confusion and disgust with the impotency<br />

of democracy, complain too much if an oligarchy seeks control of the nation's foreign policies.<br />

Fifteen hundred expert non-christians or ex-christians of high intellectual powers and highest news<br />

media and press control are superior to the rioters, revolutionaries and mob-minded philosophers.<br />

Regard this suggestion only as a temporary intervention in these days when politics are debased<br />

and organized minorities of a revolutionary type are endangering the life of our country.<br />

A contest between Moscow and Washington is inevitable. Who will win? The Kremlin, of<br />

course. The victory of the Kremlin, however, will be short-lived--very short-lived. The second<br />

coming of Jesus Christ is as certain as tomorrow's sunrise and will endure for eternity without<br />

another intervention or disturbance. [H: WRONG! GOD WILL RETURN AND THE "IDEA"<br />


OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Eternity without another intervention or disturbance? No,<br />

no, and NO. That becomes mere wishful thinking and fantasizing. It is not even worthy of<br />

GOD's thinking people.]<br />

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