VOL. 2 - Phoenix Source Distributors

VOL. 2 - Phoenix Source Distributors

VOL. 2 - Phoenix Source Distributors


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will follow it, is the normal type of organization that should be expected to emerge from the ruins of<br />

christianity's false policies. No person or nation sits in a sinking vessel until it becomes submerged.<br />

[H: Well, today it is submerged!] At least recourse can be had to the lifeboats in which there might<br />

be some chance for survival. It is that principle which prompts men to abandon the Church, not<br />

because of Christ but because of its churchmen who failed to avoid the perils of the recent centuries.<br />

I hold no brief for the C.F.R. nor hope for its success, because history has proven that man, of his<br />

own ability, can neither save himself nor solve the problems of life with its thorns and thistles, its<br />

cancer and polio, its hatred and war. The lifeboats of naturalism, atheism and a Marxist One Worldism<br />

will never dock humanity on the shores of survival let alone raise man from the dead. Thus the<br />

C.F.R. and its captains of finance are fighting the Prince of this world who is immeasurably<br />

mightier. Him they can never conquer. He will use them and destroy them. [H: Yes, but a lot of<br />

misery will come between now and then.]<br />

Granted that the C.F.R., its associates and institutions are purely secular, still, as an organization,<br />

they are Antichrist, not by intent but by non-malicious design. The whole concept is a leaking ship<br />

which mean persons will board to seek safety.<br />

To form a better concept of the C.F.R. may I outline the prominence, power and efforts of one of<br />

its families.<br />

(B)<br />

The money and finance of this nation as we know is controlled by the Federal Reserve Bank<br />

System, a privately owned institution. James Warburg, a member of the C.F.R., comes from the<br />

family chiefly responsible for this Banks' creation; and it was he and his private banks who financed<br />

Trotsky and Lenin from his sources in<br />

New York and Frankfurt.<br />

On February 17, 1950, in addressing a Committee of the United States, Mr. Warburg said, "We<br />

shall have world government whether or not you like it--by conquest or consent". He and his<br />

successors are determined, successful gentlemen. And such is the program of the C.F.R.<br />

At a later date forty-seven members of the C.F.R. were present at San Francisco to dominate the<br />

founding of the United Nations. At the opening session Alger Hiss, the proven traitor, and a member<br />

of the C.F.R., was the Secretary General and with Leon Pasvolsky, also a member of the C.F.R.,<br />

was personally responsible for writing the Charter of the United Nations which, as moribund as the<br />

organization appears to be, nevertheless is very much alive. In fact it is now planning to create a tax<br />

power, an international court and a punitive army. It will be ready to display the total dimension of<br />

the present placid iceberg within four years.<br />

Today the Rockefeller family has succeeded the Warburgs, and exercises the major influence in<br />

the C.F.R. It is the same family under both David and Nelson who not only control the Chase<br />

Manhattan Bank, Chase National Bank and others, but also the many facets of the Standard Oil<br />

Corporation and a great percentage of the oil industry throughout the world. It is they who name<br />

operators for various foundations and heads of the Department of State in several governments.<br />

Particularly has this family controlled the Department of State in our Nation. With their cousins,<br />

Allen and John Foster Dulles, these men were among the founders of the C.F.R. Later on John<br />

Foster Dulles became the Secretary of State; Allen became a prominent partner of the law firm,<br />

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