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Kolloquium für Doktorand/inn/en (Kolloquium)<br />

1 SWS Wochenend-Blockveranstaltung: Ort u. Zeit n.V. Hartmut Lutz<br />

This colloquium is for doctoral candidates writing their dissertations with Prof. Lutz as their<br />

supervisor.<br />


The Gentleman and the Angel in the House: Gender and Victorian Literature (Seminar)<br />

4002053<br />

2 SWS ab 2. Sem. Mo 16-18 R 23 Andrew Mills<br />

Course description: see ‘Grundstudium’<br />

maximum participants: 30<br />

Between Fact, Fiction, and Factory: the Victorian Condition of England Novel (Seminar)<br />

4002046<br />

2 SWS ab 3. Sem. Di 12-14 R 34 Mascha Gemmeke Hansen<br />

Course description: see ‘Grundstudium’<br />

maximum participants: 35<br />

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg: Aufklärung und Kritik im England und Deutschland des<br />

18. Jahrhunderts (Seminar) 4002047<br />

2 SWS ab 2. Sem. Di 14-16 R 24 Jürgen Klein & Michael Astroh<br />

maximum participants: 20<br />

Henry Fielding: Tom Jones (Seminar) 4002049<br />

2 SWS ab 2. Sem. Di 16-18 R 34 James Fanning<br />

Course description: see ‘Grundstudium’<br />

maximum participants: 30<br />

“We are not safe, Clarence, we are not safe!”: William Shakespeare’s Second Tetralogy<br />

(1-3 Henry VI, Richard III) (Hauptseminar) 4002082<br />

2 SWS ab 5. Sem. Di 18-20 R 21 Jürgen Klein<br />

In his tetralogy Shakespeare gives us a fictional representation of the devastating period of the<br />

English Wars of the Roses. The chaos in the kingdom culminated in Henry VI’s reign, when<br />

the ambitious and Machiavellian Richard of Gloucester’s sequences of crimes and murders<br />

gained the throne for him as King Richard III. Richard’s reign comes to its end in the Battle of<br />

Bosworth (1485), won by his adversary Henry Tudor, the later Henry VII and the first<br />

monarch of the Tudor dynasty.<br />

Texts: Arden Shakespeare. Third Series.<br />

maximum participants: 20<br />

An Indian Dream: Salman Rushdie, Midnight’s Children (Hauptseminar) 4002083<br />

2 SWS ab 5. Sem. Mi 10-12 R 21 Jürgen Klein<br />

Salman Rushdie was born in 1947, the year in which India gained independence after<br />

Gandhi’s and Nehru’s long struggle to liberate the nation from the British Raj. In this novel<br />

he deals with a rising generation of Indians, including a group born during the very night of<br />


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