POLJOPRIVREDA - Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku

POLJOPRIVREDA - Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku

POLJOPRIVREDA - Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku


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UDK 63 ISSN 1330-7142<br />

<strong>POLJOPRIVREDA</strong><br />

znanstveno - stru~ni ~asopis<br />

Svezak 9; Broj 1; Lipanj, 2003.<br />

SADR@AJ<br />

Z. Zduni}, D. [imi}, I. Brki}, A. Jambrovi}, Renata Zduni}, Tatjana Leden~an<br />


LINIJA KUKURUZA I [EST GENERACIJA KRI@ANJA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5<br />

Manda Antunovi}, V. Kova~evi}, Mirta Rastija, Z. Zduni}<br />

UTJECAJ TLA I GENOTIPA NA SADR@AJ MIKROELEMENATA U KUKURUZU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9<br />

V. Kova~evi}, I. Brki}<br />


B. [imi}, V. Kova~evi}, Zorica Jurkovi}<br />


Mira Kne`evi}, Marija \urki}, I. Kne`evi}, K. Hajba<br />


A. Kristek, Zvjezdana Magud, Manda Antunovi}, Suzana Kristek<br />


OSJETLJIVOSTI NA CERKOSPORU (Cercospora beticola Sacc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31<br />

T. ^upi}, S. Popovi}, Marijana Tucak, M. Stjepanovi}, Sonja Grlju{i}<br />

PROCJENA STABILNOSTI PRINOSA ZRNA GRA[KA (Pisum sativum L.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37<br />

T. Karadeniz, A. Kazankaya, T. Yarilgaç<br />

ODRE\IVANJE POMOLO[KIH ZNA^AJKI BADEMA (Prunus amygdalus Batsh) U MALATYI (TURSKA) . . . . . . . . 42<br />

M.Yercan, S. Engindeniz<br />

PROFITABILNOST PROIZVODNJE SUHIH SMOKAVA (PRIMJER U TURSKOJ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46<br />

P. Miji}, I. Kne`evi}<br />

NOVI NA^IN VREDNOVANJA KRAVLJEG MLIJEKA U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52<br />

\. Sen~i}, Marcela [peranda, Z. Antunovi}, T. [peranda<br />

TOVNOST I MESNATOST SVINJA NEKIH DVOPASMINSKIH KRI@ANACA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56<br />

T. Rastija, Z. Antunovi}, Mirjana Baban, I. Mandi}<br />


1 OSIJEK<br />

2003.<br />

Sv. 9

Glavni i odgovorni urednik<br />

Editor-in-Chief<br />

Dra`enka Jurkovi}<br />

Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u <strong>Osijeku</strong>, <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u <strong>Osijeku</strong>, Hrvatska<br />

Ure|iva~ki odbor<br />

Editorial Board<br />

Franc Habe, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical<br />

Faculty, Dom`ale, Slovenia<br />

Viktor Jej~i}, Agricultural Institute, Ljubljana,<br />

Slovenia<br />

Geza Kuroli, University of West Hungary Faculty of<br />

Agricultural and Food Sciences, Mosonmagyarovar,<br />

Hungary<br />

Istvan Rajcan, University of Guelph, Ontario,<br />

Canada<br />

Zdenko Rengel, University of Western Australia<br />

Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences,<br />

Crawley, Australia<br />

Jon Tollefson, Iowa State University, Ames, USA<br />

Ivan Brki}, <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> institut Osijek, Hrvatska<br />

Marija Ivezi}, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja<br />

Strossmayera u <strong>Osijeku</strong>, <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u<br />

<strong>Osijeku</strong>, Hrvatska<br />

Sonja Jovanovac, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja<br />

Strossmayera u <strong>Osijeku</strong>, <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u<br />

<strong>Osijeku</strong>, Hrvatska<br />

Zorica Jurkovi}, <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> institut Osijek<br />

Goran Ku{ec, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja<br />

Strossmayera u <strong>Osijeku</strong>, <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u<br />

<strong>Osijeku</strong>, Hrvatska<br />

Alojzije Lali}, <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> institut Osijek, Hrvatska<br />

Svetislav Popovi}, <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> institut Osijek,<br />

Hrvatska<br />

Tihana Tekli}, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja<br />

Strossmayera u <strong>Osijeku</strong>, <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u<br />

<strong>Osijeku</strong>, Hrvatska<br />

Marija Vratari}, <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> institut Osijek,<br />

Hrvatska<br />

Mate Vuj~i}, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera<br />

u <strong>Osijeku</strong>, <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u <strong>Osijeku</strong>, Hrvatska<br />

Tehni~ki urednici<br />

Technical Editors<br />

Manda Antunovi}<br />

Danica Han`ek<br />

Lektura<br />

Language Editing<br />

Branka Horvat<br />

Anica Perkovi}<br />

Prijevodi<br />

Translation<br />

Anica Perkovi}<br />

Tisak<br />

Print<br />

Grafika d.o.o. Osijek

UDK 63 ISSN 1330-7142<br />

<strong>POLJOPRIVREDA</strong><br />

znanstveno - stru~ni ~asopis<br />

Svezak 9; Broj 1; Lipanj, 2003.<br />

Izdava~i<br />

Published by<br />

<strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u <strong>Osijeku</strong><br />

The Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek<br />

31000 Osijek, Trg Sv.Trojstva 3<br />

Republika Hrvatska / The Republic of Croatia<br />

Tel. ++385 31 224 200<br />

Fax: ++385 31 207 017<br />

<strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> institut Osijek<br />

Agricultural Institute Osijek<br />

31000 Osijek, Ju`no predgra|e 17<br />

Republika Hrvatska / The Republic of Croatia<br />

Tel. ++385 31 500 685<br />

Fax: ++385 31 503 404<br />

Osijek, 2003.

"<strong>POLJOPRIVREDA</strong> znanstveno-stru~ni ~asopis" je sljedbenik ~asopisa »ZNANOST I PRAKSA U POLJOPRIVREDI<br />

I PREHRAMBENOJ TEHNOLOGIJI«, koji je izlazio od 1975. do 1994. godine / The Journal of «AGRICULTURE<br />

Scientific and Professional Review» is continuator the Journal of «RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN AGRICULTURE AND<br />

FOOD TECHNOLOGY» that has been published from 1975 to 1994 year.<br />

^asopis izlazi dva puta godi{nje u nakladi od 300 primjeraka / The Review is published twice a year in 300 copies.<br />

"<strong>POLJOPRIVREDA</strong> znanstveno-stru~ni ~asopis" citira se u sljede}im bazama podataka / "AGRICULTURE Scientific<br />

and Professional Review" is cited by the database:<br />

1. CAB International<br />

3. Nacionalna i sveu~ili{na hrvatska biblioteka / National and University Croatian Library<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 631.524.5+631.527.5:633.15<br />




Z. Zduni} (1) , D. [imi} (1) , I. Brki} (1) , A. Jambrovi} (1) ,<br />

Renata Zduni} (2) , Tatjana Leden~an (1)<br />

SA@ETAK<br />

Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak<br />

Original scientific paper<br />

Procjena genetskih efekata za svojstva od interesa sastavni je dio ve}ine oplemenjiva~kih<br />

programa na Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek. Ovaj se rad bavi procjenom prihvatljivosti<br />

(adequacy) aditivno/dominantnog modela naslje|ivanja te procjenom i usporedbom<br />

genetskih efekata za visinu biljke na dva odabrana specifi~na para inbred linija<br />

(A672´Va99 i A672´Os6-2) i njihovih {est osnovnih generacija kri`anja (P1, P2, F1, F2,<br />

BCP1 i BCP2). Provedena su dvogodi{nja istra`ivanja na dva lokaliteta u isto~noj<br />

Hrvatskoj. Pokusi su se sastojali od 121 ~lana razli~itog stupnja inbridinga dobivenih<br />

parcijalnim dialelnim kri`anjem, zatim samooplodnjom i povratnim kri`anjem. U obje<br />

godine istra`ivanja kori{ten je nepotpuni blokni (jednostavni latis - lattice) raspored.<br />

Rezultati goodnes of fit testa ukazali su da aditivno/dominantni model nije mogao objasniti<br />

sva variranja me|u srednjim vrijednostima istra`ivanih generacija. Digeni epistatski<br />

model pokazao se prihvatljivim kod oba para barem u jednoj godini istra`ivanja.<br />

Procjene i usporedbe genetskih efekata za izdvojene specifi~ne parove i {est generacija<br />

kri`anja otkrili su prevladavaju}e dominantne u~inke gena u odnosu na aditivne.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: kukuruz, visina biljke, analiza srednjih vrijednosti generacija, genetski efekti<br />

UVOD<br />

U oplemenjivanju sila`nog kukuruza visina biljke<br />

predstavlja va`no kvantitativno svojstvo, ~ija je ekspresija<br />

uvjetovana razli~itim djelovanjem poligena, njihovom<br />

interakcijom s okolinom i okolinskim utjecajem.<br />

Melchinger, Geiger i Schnell (1986.) opisuju kako poznavanje<br />

prirode aktivnosti gena otvara mogu}nost oplemenjiva~ima<br />

kukuruza za bolje optimiziranje oplemenjiva~kih<br />

programa.<br />

Procjena genetskih efekata koji su uklju~eni u kontroliranje<br />

visine biljke mo`e se izvr{iti pomo}u analize<br />

srednjih vrijednosti generacija (generation means analysis),<br />

Hayman (1958.). Budu}i da se ta analiza zasniva<br />

na srednjim vrijednostima svojstva od interesa, a ne<br />

varijancama, njezina osjetljivost i preciznost mogu imati<br />

izvjestan utjecaj na oplemenjiva~ke programe. Za detektiranje<br />

epistati~kih efekata, me|utim, ta analiza predstavlja<br />

bolji test od ispitivanja komponenata varijanci<br />

(Fenster i sur., 1997.). Kumar i Gangashetti (1998.)<br />

utvrdili su kod pet prou~avanih genotipova zna~ajne aditivne<br />

i neaditivne genetske efekte za visinu biljke. Mahto<br />

i Ganguli (2001.) procijenili su zna~ajne i ve}e dominantne<br />

nego aditivne efekte, kao i zna~ajne aditivneaditivne<br />

i dominantnedominantne digenetske epistatske<br />

interakcije. Procjena aditivnihaditivnih i dominantnihdominantnih<br />

interakcija bila je ve}a nego aditivnihdominantnih<br />

interakcija.<br />

Nedostatak genetskih informacija o visini biljke u<br />

doma}oj literaturi bio je dodatni motiv za to istra`ivanje.<br />

Cilj ovog istra`ivanja bio je procijeniti i usporediti genetske<br />

efekte uklju~uju}i i digenetske nealelne interakcije<br />

(epistaze) za visinu biljke kod dva specifi~na para inbred<br />

linija i njihovih {est osnovnih generacija.<br />

(1) Dr.sc. Zvonimir Zduni}, dr.sc. Domagoj [imi}, dr.sc. Ivan Brki}, dr.sc.<br />

Antun Jambrovi} i dr.sc. Tatjana Leden~an – Odjel za oplemenjivanje i<br />

genetiku kukuruza, <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> institut Osijek, Ju`no predgra|e 17,<br />

31000 Osijek, (2) Renata Zduni}, dipl. ing., zn. novak – Sveu~ili{te<br />

Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u <strong>Osijeku</strong>, <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u <strong>Osijeku</strong>,<br />

Zavod za za{titu bilja, Trg Svetog Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

6<br />



Provedeno je dvogodi{nje istra`ivanje na dva lokaliteta<br />

u isto~noj Hrvatskoj. Kri`anci uklju~eni u<br />

istra`ivanje izabrani su iz seta od ukupno 28 kri`anaca,<br />

stvorenih 88 polovi~nim dialelnim planom kri`anja<br />

(Zduni}, 2001.). Oni predstavljaju najvi{e kori{ten heteroti~ni<br />

koncept BSSS × Lancaster u klasi~nom oplemenjivanju<br />

kukuruza. [est osnovnih generacija kri`anja<br />

(P1, P2, F 1<br />

, F 2<br />

, BCP1 i BCP2) posijane su prema jednostavnom<br />

latis (lattice) planu pokusa. Za sve generacije<br />

i na svakom lokalitetu podaci su uzimani na individualnoj<br />

osnovi (po biljci), s veli~inom uzorka od najmanje<br />

80 biljaka za uniformne generacije i 240 biljaka<br />

za segregiraju}e generacije kri`anja. Da bi se izbjegao<br />

efekt kompeticije redova me|u generacijama s<br />

razli~itim stupnjem inbridinga, podaci nisu uzimani iz<br />

dva rubna reda svake parcelice. Za odabrane kri`ance<br />

provedena je analiza srednjih vrijednosti generacijâ,<br />

koriste}i model koji su detaljno opisali Mather i Jinks<br />

(1982.). Notacija genetskih efekata m, a, d, aa, dd, i ad<br />

preuzeta je od Gamblea (1962.). Prikladnost (adequacy)<br />

additivno/dominantnog modela naslje|ivanja<br />

testirana je 2 testom (goodness of fit test), a<br />

zna~ajnost genetskih parametara t-testom.<br />


Srednje vrijednosti visine biljke sa standardnim<br />

pogre{kama (SE) kroz {est generacija kri`anja za dva<br />

kri`anca i dvije godine istra`ivanja prikazani su u Tablici<br />

1. Roditeljske generacije razlikovale su se u visini biljke<br />

kod oba istra`ivana kri`anca i u obje godine. F 1<br />

generacija<br />

kri`anja je zbog ekspresije heterozisa o~ekivano<br />

ostvarila najvi{e prosjeke kod oba kri`anca u obje godine<br />

istra`ivanja. Promatraju}i segregiraju}e generacije,<br />

F 2<br />

generacija je ostvarila najvi{e prosjeke kod<br />

A672×Va99 kri`anca u obje godine, dok je kod<br />

A672×Os6-2 kri`anca F 2<br />

generacija bila najvi{a u<br />

1998., a BCP2 generacija u 1999. godini istra`ivanja.<br />

Kod procjene prikladnosti odre|enog modela naslje|ivanja,<br />

2 test pokazao se signifikantnim kod oba<br />

kri`anca u najmanje jednoj godini istra`ivanja, {to ukazuje<br />

da glavni efekti nisu mogli u potpunosti objasniti<br />

variranja me|u prosjecima generacija kri`anja (podaci<br />

nisu prikazani). Lamkey et al. (1995.) nagla{avaju da<br />

uvo|enje digenih epistatskih efekata u nekim slu~ajevima<br />

mo`e pobolj{ati fit modela za odre|ena svojstva ~ak<br />

i kada c2 ostaje signifikantan. Prema rezultatima goodnes<br />

of fit testa u ovom istra`ivanju, kod prvog istra`ivanog<br />

kri`anca A672×Va99 aditivno/dominantni model<br />

naslje|ivanja nije uspio objasniti variranja u visini biljke<br />

kod razli~itih generacija kri`anja u 1998. godini.<br />

Me|utim, model se pokazao adekvatnim u 1999. godini.<br />

Nasuprot tomu, kod A672×Os6-2 kri`anca additivno/dominantni<br />

model nije bio zadovoljavaju}i niti u jednoj<br />

godini istra`ivanja.<br />

U 1998. godini rezultati procjene glavnih i interakcijskih<br />

(epistatskih) efekata kod prvog istra`ivanog<br />

kri`anca A672×Va99 ukazuju na pozitivne signifikantne<br />

aditivne efekte, dok su dominantni efekti bili pozitivni i<br />

nesignifikantni (Tablica 2.). Procjenjeni su i negativni<br />

signifikantni dominantnidominantni interakcijski efekti<br />

(epistaze), kao i negativni nesignifikantni additivniadditivni<br />

i additivnidominantni efekti (Tablica 2.). Takvi<br />

rezultati ukazuju da su ovdje interalelne interakcije (epistaze)<br />

odigrale va`nu ulogu u naslje|ivanju visine biljke.<br />

Pozitivne odnosno negativne procjene dominantnih i<br />

aditivno×dominantnih efekata nisu bile zna~ajne. U<br />

1999. godini procijenjeni su pozitivni nesignifikantni aditivni<br />

te signifikantni dominantni efekti (Tablica 3.).<br />

Kod A672×Os6-2 kri`anca u obje godine<br />

istra`ivanja procjenjeni su pozitivni signifikantni aditivni<br />

efekti (Tablice 2 i 3). Procjene additivnih additivnih, kao<br />

i dominantnih ×dominantnih interakcijskih efekata bile<br />

su negativne i signifikantne u 1998. godini (Tablica 2.). U<br />

1999. godini procjenjeni su i pozitivni dominantni efekti,<br />

dok su kod samo dominantni ×dominantni interakcijski<br />

efekti bili zna~ajni i negativni (Tablica 3.). Iz navedenih je<br />

rezultata vidljivo da su kod oba istra`ivana specifi~na<br />

Tablica 1. Srednje vrijednosti i standardne pogre{ke (cm) u 1998. i 1999. godini<br />

Table 1. Means and standard errors for plant height (cm) in 1998 and 1999<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


7<br />

Tablica 2. Procjene genetskih efekata i njihove standardne pogre{ke u 1998. godini<br />

Table 2. Estimates of genetic effects with their standard errors for plant height in 1998<br />

ns = nesignifikantno - no significant, ** signifikantno na razini vjerojatnosti 0,01<br />

*, ** t-test significant at P

8<br />


7. Lamkey, K.R., Schnicker, B.J., Melchinger, A.E. (1995):<br />

Epistasis in an Elite Maize Hybrid and Choice of<br />

Generation for Inbred Line Development. Crop Sci. 35:<br />

1272-1281.<br />

8. Lübberstedt, T., Melchinger, A.E., Schön, C.C., Utz, H.F.,<br />

Klein, D. (1997): QTL mapping in testcrosses of<br />

European flint lines of maize .1. Comparison of different<br />

testers for forage yield traits Crop Sci. 37(3):921-931.<br />

9. Mahto, R.N., Ganguli, D.K. (2001): Generation means<br />

analysis for grain yield and its components in maize.<br />

Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding,<br />

61(2):165-166.<br />

10. Mather, K., Jinks, J.L. (1982): Biometrical Genetics.<br />

Chapman Hall, London.<br />

11. Melchinger, A.E., Geiger, H.H., Schnell, F.W. (1986):<br />

Epistasis in maize. 2. Genetic effects in crosses among<br />

early flint and dent inbred lines determined by three<br />

methods. Theor. Appl. Genet. 72: 231-239.<br />

12. Zduni}, Z. (2001.): Optimalna procjena oplemenjiva~ke<br />

vrijednosti linija kukuruza (Zea mays L.). Doktorska<br />

disertacija. Agronomski <strong>fakultet</strong> Sveu~ili{ta u Zagrebu.<br />




Estimation of genetic effects on economically important traits is a common procedure in the most breeding programmes<br />

at Agricultural Institute Osijek. This paper deals with estimation of adequacy over additive/dominance<br />

model of inheritance as well as estimation and comparison of genetic effects on plant height for two specific pairs<br />

of inbreds (A672Va99; A672Os6-2), and its six basic generations (P2, F 1<br />

, F 2<br />

, BCP1 and BCP2). Two year investigation<br />

was carried out at two locations in eastern Croatia. The trails consisted of 121 entries of different inbreeding<br />

level derived by partial diallel mating design followed by selfing and back crossing. Simple lattice experimental<br />

design was used in both investigated years. Goodness of fit test results indicated the additive/dominance model failed<br />

to explain all differences among generation means. Digenic epistatic model appeared to be adequate in both<br />

investigated pairs of inbreds at least in one of the investigated years. Estimations and comparisons of genetic effects<br />

for selected pairs of inbreds and basic generations revealed prevailing dominance effects when compared to additive.<br />

Key words: maize, plant height, Generation mean analysis, genetic effects<br />

(Primljeno 9. travnja 2003.; prihva}eno 16. svibnja 2003. - Received on 9 April 2003; accepted on 16 May 2003)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 633.15:631.524.6<br />



Manda Antunovi} (1) , V. Kova~evi} (1) , Mirta Rastija (1) , Z. Zduni} (2)<br />

Original scientific paper<br />

Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak<br />


Ten corn hybrids were grown on two soil types of Drava Valley in Slatina area (alluvial<br />

soil and pseudogley) during two growing seasons (1998 and 1999). The ear-leaf at the<br />

beginning of silking stage was taken for chemical analysis. Micronutrient concentrations<br />

in corn leave samples were measured by ICP-AES after their microwave digestion using<br />

concentrated HNO 3<br />

+H 2<br />

O 2<br />

. Mobile fraction of these elements in soils was also determined<br />

by ICP-AES after their extraction by ammonium acetate-EDTA. In both year of the<br />

testing, corn yields on acid soil were about 25% lower in comparison with alluvial soil.<br />

Mean concentrations of tested elements in corn leaves found in our investigations (mg<br />

kg -1 ) were 30.4 (Zn), 129.4 (Mn) and 190.0 (Fe), respectively. In general, significant<br />

influences of growing season, soil type and genotype on Zn, Mn and Fe status in corn<br />

were found. For example, in the first year of testing higher Zn and Mn were found, as<br />

well as lower Fe concentrations in comparison with the second year. Corn growing on<br />

alluvial soil occurred due to lower Zn and Mn as well as higher Fe concentrations in<br />

plants compared to growing on pseudogley. However, these findings are not in coincidence<br />

with status of mobile fractions of Zn and Mn in the experimental plots. We presume<br />

that pH value near to neutral on alluvial soil could be responsible factor because low<br />

availability of Zn and Mn for plants occured under these conditions. An important role of<br />

heredity factors on Zn, Mn and Fe status in corn was found in our study because differences<br />

among the hybrids (mean values for two growing seasons and two soil types)<br />

under identical environmental conditions were in ranges (mg kg -1 ) from 26.8 to 36.0<br />

(Zn), from 98.6 to 150.4 (Mn) and from 168.2 to 222.4 (Fe), respectively. It is very indicative<br />

that the first-ranged hybrid concerning grain yield (OsSK458exp: 12.34 t ha -1 ) is<br />

in the group characterizing low concentrations of Zn, Mn and Fe in leaves.<br />

Key-words: corn hybrid, zinc, manganese, iron, pseudogley, alluvial soil, yield<br />


Soils in the Eastern Croatia have very different properties<br />

including nutritional status. Calcaric chernozem<br />

and eutric cambisol are major soil types in Vukovar and<br />

Osijek area, while pseudogley prevails in Donji Miholjac<br />

and Slatina area, near the Drava bank, the Sava and the<br />

Danube river have more fertile alluvial soils (Kova~evi}<br />

and Ba{i}, 1997). In general, usual fertilization practice<br />

includes application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium<br />

fertilizers, while micronutrients supplies are mainly<br />

adequate for normal growth of field crops although its<br />

availability is related to soil pH reaction. However, under<br />

conditions of the Eastern Croatia sporadically have been<br />

found examples of zinc (Zn) deficiencies in maize<br />

(Kova~evi} et al. 1986, 1988, 1989, 1998). Zn availability<br />

was reduced affected by liming (Mu{ac et al., 1974,<br />

1976, 1982). Effects of Zn fertilization on corn yields<br />

were different depending on soil and growing season<br />

characteristics (Josipovi} et al., 1998; Kova~evi} et al.,<br />

1998; Rastija, 2001). Also considerable influences of<br />

inheritance on Zn status in corn were found. General<br />

aspects of factors promoting micronutrient deficiencies<br />

were reported by Lucas and Knezek (1972), Bergmann<br />

(1992), Mengel and Kirkby (2001). As micronutrient problems<br />

could become a limiting factor of some field crops<br />

growing, we tested zinc, manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe)<br />

status in ten maize hybrids grown on two soil types.<br />

(1) Ph.D Manda Antunovi}, Associate Professor, Ph.D Vlado Kova~evi},<br />

Full Professor, MSc Mirta Rastija - Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of<br />

Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture, Trg Sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek; (2) Ph.D.<br />

Zvonimir Zduni} - Agricultural Institute, Ju`no predgra|e 17, 31000<br />

Osijek<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

10<br />



The field experiments<br />

Ten corn hybrids were grown on two soil types of<br />

Drava Valley in Slatina area during two growing seasons<br />

(1998 and 1999). The field trials were sown by pneumatic<br />

sowing machine in four replicates (exp. plot 14<br />

m 2 ). Planned plant density (PPD) depended on the<br />

hybrids and it was 71428, 63493 or 58310 plants ha -1<br />

(seed distance in row: 20.0, 22.5, or 24.5 cm: inter-row<br />

spacing 70 cm). The remaining soil crop management<br />

practices were in competency of own choice of farmer.<br />

Fertilisation was the same on both localities: 120 kg ha -<br />

1 N, 80 kg ha -1 P 2<br />

O 5<br />

, 120 kg ha -1 K 2<br />

O (200 kg ha -1 UREA<br />

and 400 kg ha -1 NPK- 10:20:30). For this reason,<br />

results of these trials are reflection of the real status in<br />

fields. Corn was harvested by hand in the first decade<br />

of October. Grain yields were calculated for 14% moisture<br />

and 90% realization of PPD basis.<br />

The ear-leaf at the beginning of silking stage (the<br />

second decade of July) was taken for chemical analysis<br />

(about 25 leaves in the mean sample) from each plot.<br />

Mean soil sample was taken by auger to 30 cm depth<br />

from each experimental plot in autumn 1997. The total<br />

amount of Zn, Mn and Fe in corn leaves and soil samples<br />

was measured by ICP-AES technique after their<br />

microwave digestion using concentrated HNO 3<br />

+H 2<br />

O 2<br />

.<br />

Mobile fraction of these elements in soils was also<br />

determined by ICP-AES technique after their extraction<br />

by ammonium acetate-EDTA (pH 4.65) solution by<br />

Lakanen and Ervio method (1971). Plant and soil analysis<br />

was made in the laboratory of Research Institute for<br />

Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry (RISSAC),<br />

Budapest.<br />

Table 1. Some soil properties of the Sopje experimental fields<br />

Tablica 1. Svojstva tla pokusnih parcela u Sopju<br />

Table 2. Weather data for Slatina<br />

Tablica 2. Vremenske prilike u Slatini<br />

1 approx. air - distance from Sopje: 10 km toward south – zra~ne linije od Sopja: 10 km ju`no<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


11<br />

Characteristics of the Experimental Fields<br />

Choice of two typical soils of the Slatina area was<br />

made for experimentation. Alluvial soils are mainly<br />

situated near the river Drava bank, while pseudogley is<br />

dominant soil type in the remaining part of the area. In<br />

general, alluvial soil is more fertile in comparison with<br />

pseudogley. Both soils are near Sopje village and they<br />

are about 2 km apart from each other. Alluvial soil reaction<br />

is neutral and contains considerable higher levels of<br />

total and mobile fractions of calcium (Ca), magnesium<br />

(Mg) and phosphorus (P), as well as lower levels of<br />

potassium in comparison with pseudogley (Table 1).<br />

Weather Characteristics<br />

The growing seasons 1998 and 1999 were favourable<br />

for corn growing under Eastern Croatia conditions<br />

(Table 2).<br />


Considerable influences of the growing season,<br />

soil and heredity on yields and ear-leaf composition of<br />

maize were found by our investigations (Table 3 and 4).<br />

Mean grain yield was 11.71 and 10.86 t ha -1 , for<br />

the 1998 and 1999 growing season, respectively. In<br />

both year of testing, corn yields on acid soil were<br />

about 25% lower in comparison with alluvial soil.<br />

Table 3. Influences of the growing season, soil and hybrids on corn properties<br />

Tablica 3. Utjecaj godine, tla i hibrida na svojstva kukuruza<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

12<br />


Table 4. Influences of the growing season, soil and hybrids on corn properties - AC and BC interactions<br />

Tablica 4. Utjecaj godine, tla i hibrida na svojstva kukuruza – interakcije AC i BC<br />

Higher yields (2-year means) on alluvial soil were<br />

obtained by 3 hybrids (OsSK554, OsSK458 and<br />

OsSK568exp.: mean 14,01 t ha -1 ), while OsSK444<br />

yielded only 11,31 t ha -1 . The high yields (above 10 t<br />

ha -1 ) on acid soil were obtain by four corn hybrids<br />

(OsSK 332, OsSK 444, OsSK458 and OsSK490exp.<br />

(mean 10,84 t ha -1 ), while under 9 t ha -1 yielded<br />

OsSK413, OsSK382, OsSK425exp. and OsS425exp.<br />

(mean 8,76 t ha -1 ).<br />

Mean concentrations of tested elements in corn<br />

leaves found in our investigations (mg kg -1 ) were 30.4<br />

(Zn), 129.4 (Mn) and 190.0 (Fe), respectively. In general,<br />

significant influences of growing season, soil type<br />

and genotype on Zn, Mn and Fe status in corn were<br />

found (Tables 3 and 4). For example, in the first year of<br />

testing higher Zn and Mn, as well as lower Fe concentrations<br />

were found in comparison with the second year.<br />

Growing of maize on pseudogley soil resulted in<br />

56% higher ear-leaf Zn concentrations and more than<br />

double higher Mn concentrations in comparison with<br />

plants on alluvial soil. At the same time, differences in<br />

ear-leaf Fe concentrations were only about 10%.<br />

However, these findings were not in accordance with<br />

status of total and mobile fractions of these elements in<br />

tested soils. We presume that acid reaction and lower<br />

Ca and Mg in pseudogley (Table 1) could be responsible<br />

factors for these differences.<br />

In our study an important role of heredity factors<br />

was found on Zn, Mn and Fe status in corn because differences<br />

among the hybrids (mean values for two growing<br />

seasons and two soil types) under identical environmental<br />

conditions were in ranges (mg kg -1 ) from<br />

26.8 to 36.0 (Zn), from 98.6 to 150.4 (Mn) and from<br />

168.2 to 222.4 (Fe), respectively (Table 3). It is very<br />

indicative that the first-ranged hybrid concerning grain<br />

yield (OsSK458exp: 12.34 t ha -1 ) is in the group characterizing<br />

low concentrations of Zn, Mn and Fe in leaves<br />

(Table 3).<br />

Mengel and Kirkby (2001) cited data concerning<br />

appraisal of the nutrient status of the ear-leaf at flowering<br />

stage of corn: adequate status (mg kg -1 ) are from<br />

20 to 70 (zinc), from 20 to 200 (manganese) and from<br />

10 to 300 (iron), respectively. Bergmann (1992) reported<br />

adequate nutritional status (mg kg -1 ) of corn (leaves<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


13<br />

opposite ear) from 25 to 70 (zinc) and from 40 to 200<br />

(manganese). Based on these criterions normal status<br />

of zinc, manganese and iron were found in our investigations<br />

in corn.<br />

Zn deficiency mainly occurs on soils with high pH,<br />

especially calcareous soils (Kova~evi} et al., 1986;<br />

Rastija et al., 2002). Also, cultivars of the same species<br />

may differ markedly in their potential to exploit soil Zn<br />

(Cakmak et al., 1996). Similar findings are achieved for<br />

Mn and Fe availabilities (Bergmann, 1992; Mangel and<br />

Kirkby, 2001).<br />


Mainly considerable influences of growing season,<br />

soil type and inheritance on corn yields and the ear-leaf<br />

micronutrients (Zn, Mn and Fe) status were found by our<br />

study. However, low connection was found between yields<br />

and nutritional status of corn probably because concentrations<br />

of these elements in corn leaves were in an adequate<br />

range. The first-ranged hybrid concerning grain yield<br />

(OsSK458exp: 12.34 t ha -1 ) is in the group characterised<br />

by low concentrations of Zn, Mn and Fe in leaves.<br />


1. Bergmann, W. (1992): Nutritional disorders of plants -<br />

development, visual and analytical diagnosis. Gustav<br />

Fischer Verlag Jena, Stuttgart, New York.<br />

2. Cakmak, I., Sari, N., Marschner, H., Ekiz, H., Kalayci, M.,<br />

Yilmaz, A., Braun, H.J. (1996): Phytosiderofore release<br />

in bread wheat and durum wheat genotypes differing in<br />

zinc efficiency. Plant and Soil 180,183-189.<br />

3. Josipovi}, M., Kova~evi}, V., Bavec, F. (1998):<br />

Response of maize genotypes to foliar fertilization with<br />

zinc sulphate. In “Fertilization for Sustainable Plant<br />

Production and Soil Fertility” (Editors: O. van Cleemput,<br />

S. Haneklaus, G. Hofman, E. Schnug and A.<br />

Vermoesen), Proceedings of the 11 th World Fertilizer<br />

Congress of CIEC (International Scientific Centre of<br />

Fertilizers), 7-13 September 1997, Ghent, Belgium ,<br />

Volume I, p. 270-276.<br />

4. Kova~evi}, V., @ugec I., Berti}, B. (1986.): Poreme}aji<br />

mineralne ishrane biljaka na tlima Slavonije. Savremena<br />

poljoprivreda 34(3-4):133-150.<br />

5. Kova~evi}, V., @ugec, I., Berti}, B., Katu{i}, V. (1988):<br />

Growth retardation and chlorosis due to zinc deficiency<br />

under the conditions of Eastern Croatia. Tagungsbericht<br />

- Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften der<br />

DDR, No. 267, p.379-386.<br />

6. Kova~evi}, V. (1989.): Pregled poreme}aja mineralne<br />

ishrane kukuruza na tlima Slavonije i njihovo rje{avanje.<br />

Zbornik referata XXIII seminara agronoma, Kupari, 10.-<br />

18.02., <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong>, Institut za ratarstvo i<br />

povrtlarstvo Novi Sad, str. 181.-189.<br />

7. Kova~evi}, V., Ba{i}, F. (1997): The soil potassium<br />

resources and the efficiency of potassium fertilizers in<br />

Croatia (Country Report 10). International Potash<br />

Institute, Coordinator Central/Eastern Europe, CH-4001<br />

Basel/Switzerland.<br />

8. Kova~evi}, V., Kadar, I., Brki}, I., Marketi}, M. (1998):<br />

Influence of inheritance and potash fertilization on zinc,<br />

manganese and iron status in corn (Zea mays L.). In:<br />

“Fifth Congress of ESA (European Society for<br />

Agronomy), 28 June - 2 July, 1998, Nitra, The Slovak<br />

Republic. Short Communications, Volume I (M. Zima<br />

and M. L. Bartosova, Editors), p. 191-192.<br />

9. Mengel, K., Kirkby, E.A. (1987): Principles of plant nutrition.<br />

Publ. International Potash Institute Bern, Schweiz,<br />

4. Auflage.<br />

10. Mu{ac, I., Juri}, I., Kova~evi}, V. (1974.): Utjecaj zahvata<br />

melioracijske obrade na promjene kemijskih svojstava<br />

sekundarnog pseudogleja isto~ne Slavonije. Zbornik<br />

radova Poljopr.inst.Osijek IV (1):101.-114.<br />

11. Mu{ac, I., Juri}, I., Kova~evi}, V., @ugec I. (1976.):<br />

Utjecaj agromeliorativne obrade tla Slavonije s nereguliranim<br />

vodozra~nim re`imom na kemijske promjene<br />

povr{inskog sloja i prinos kukuruza. Simpozij “Ure|enje<br />

zemlji{ta - osnova za intenzivnu proizvodnju kukuruza”,<br />

Osijek 18. i 19.10.1976, str. 227.-234.<br />

12. Mu{ac, I., Juri}, I., Kova~evi}, V., @ugec, I., Ma|ar, S.<br />

(1982): The productivity of pseudoglay in Slavonia and<br />

the chemical changes which occur in the surface layer<br />

after meliorative tillage. In: “Proceedings ISTRO” Ninth<br />

Conference of the International Soil Tillage Research<br />

Organization, Osijek, June 21, p. 26-32.<br />

13. Lucas, R.E., Knezek, B.D. (1972): Climatic and soil conditions<br />

promoting micronutrient deficiencies in plants.<br />

In: Micronutrients in Agriculture (Mortvedt J. J.,<br />

Giordano P. M. anf Lindsay W. L. editors). Soil Scie. Soc.<br />

America, Madison, p. 265-288.<br />

14. Rastija, M. (2001.): Reakcija samooplodnihg linija kukuruza<br />

na gnojidbu cinkovim sulfatom (magistarski rad).<br />

<strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> Sveu~ili{ta J. J. Strossmayera u<br />

<strong>Osijeku</strong>, Osijek.<br />

15. Rastija, M., Bukvi}, G., Josipovi}, M. (2002): Response<br />

of corn to zinc fertzilization. International Scientific<br />

Conference “Energy efficiency and agricultural engineering”<br />

4-6 April 2002, Rousse, Bulgaria (Conference<br />

Proceedings, Volume 1). p. 131-136.<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

14<br />




SA@ETAK<br />

Deset hibrida kukuruza uzgajano je na dva tipa tla (aluvijalno tlo i pseudoglej) slatinske Podravine tijekom dvije godine<br />

(1998. i 1999.). List ispod klipa u fazi svilanja uzet je za kemijske analize. Pristupa~na frakcija elemenata u tlu<br />

odre|ena je, tako|er, pomo}u ICP-AES nakon ekstrakcije otopinom amonijevog acetata-EDTA. Godine 1998. i 1999.<br />

bile su povoljne za uzgoj kukuruza u isto~noj Hrvatskoj. U obje godine istra`ivanja prinosi kukuruza na pseudogleju<br />

bili su za oko 25% ni`i od prinosa na aluvijalnom tlu. Prosje~ne koncentracije analiziranih elemenata u listu kukuruza<br />

dobivene na{im istra`ivanjima (mg kg -1 ) bile su 30,4 (Zn), 129,4 (Mn), odnosno 190,0 (Fe). Op}enito, ustanovljen<br />

je signifikantan utjecaj godine, tipa tla i genotipa na koncentracije Zn, Mn i Fe u listu. Tako su u prvoj godini<br />

istra`ivanja ustanovljene ve}e koncentracije Zn i Mn, a manje koncentracije Fe nego u sljede}oj godini. Uzgoj kukuruza<br />

na aluvijalnom tlu rezultirao je manjim koncentracijama Zn i Mn te ve}im koncentracijama Fe nego na kiselom<br />

tlu. Me|utim, takvo stanje nije u skladu s razinama mobilne frakcije tih elemenata u ta dva tla. Pretpostavljamo da<br />

bi reakcija tla blizu neutralne vrijednosti mogla biti odgovorna za slabije primanje Zn i Mn. Tako|er, u na{im<br />

istra`ivanjima ustanovljena je zna~ajna uloga nasljednih faktora na stanje tih elemenata, jer su razlike izme|u hibrida<br />

uzgajanih u identi~nim uvjetima u rasponima (mg kg -1 ) od 26,8 do 36,0 (Zn), od 98,6 do 150,4 (Mn), odnosno od<br />

168,2 do 222,4 (Fe). Vrlo je indikativno da je hibrid s najvi{im ostvarenim prinosom (OsSK458 exp.: 12,34 t ha -1 ) u<br />

grupi hibrida s niskim koncentracijama Zn, Mn i Fe u listu.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: hibridi kukuruza, cink, mangan, `eljezo, pseudoglej, aluvijalno tlo, prinos<br />

(Received on 20 March 2003; accepted on 21 May 2003 – Primljeno 20. o`ujka 2003.; prihva}eno 21. svibnja 2003.)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 631.526.325:633.15:631.832<br />



V. Kova~evi} (1) , I. Brki} (2) Preliminary communication<br />

Prethodno priop}enje<br />


Six corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids (OsSK 377; OsSK 382; OsSK 407; OsSK 552; OsSK 644<br />

and Bc 66-61) were grown on strong K-fixing soil during the growing season 1993.<br />

Increased K fertilization in KCl form was applied in spring of 1990 to level of 3250 kg<br />

K 2<br />

O ha -1 . Four rates were used for testing corn hybrids response (150, 1000, 1900 and<br />

3250 kg K 2<br />

O ha -1 ). Response of corn to K fertilization was very pronounced: grain yields<br />

were in range from 1.83 t h -1 (150 kg K 2<br />

O ha -1 ) to 7.04 t ha -1 (3250 K 2<br />

O ha -1 ). Differences<br />

of grain yields among corn hybrids were from 4.35 t ha -1 (Bc 66-61) to 5.31 t ha -1 (OsSK<br />

407). Significant differences of nutritional status among the hybrids were found as follows<br />

(mg kg -1 ): 18.9-26.5 (zinc), 14.4-17.4 (manganese), 120-144 (iron) and 18.2-23.2<br />

(copper), respectively. Zinc status in corn leaves was independent on applied fertilization,<br />

while the concentration of manganese, iron and copper was significantly decreased<br />

by application of the highest KCl rate (mg kg -1 : 17.4 and 12.6 Mn, 150 and 120 Fe, 21.5<br />

and 18.5 Cu, for the control and 3250 kg K 2<br />

O ha -1 , respectively). As affected by KCl fertilization<br />

there were found considerable differences in K and Mg status of corn leaves as<br />

follows: 0.31% K (acute K deficiency) and 1.18% K, as well as 1.08% Mg and 0.47% Mg,<br />

for the control and 3250 kg K 2<br />

O ha -1 , respectively.<br />

Key- words: corn, yield, hybrids, fertilization, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese,<br />

iron, copper, ear-leaf status<br />


Potassium deficiency in connections with K-fixation<br />

and magnesium excess are main reasons for reduced<br />

soil fertility of some gleysols of Croatia concerning<br />

corn growth (Kova~evi} and Ba{i}, 1997). Similar phenomenon<br />

is found in Hungary (Kadar et al., 1991).<br />

Fertilization by the enormous quantities of K was shown<br />

as acceptable solution, but by choice of more tolerant<br />

genotypes it is possible to contribute to overcoming of<br />

this problem (Kova~evi} and Vujevi}, 1994). Influenc of<br />

this fertilization on yield, potassium (K) and magnesium<br />

(Mg) status were elaborated in the previous study<br />

(Kova~evi} et al., 1996). As nutritional unbalances are<br />

possible due to ameliorative fertilization, we tested zinc<br />

(Zn), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe) and copper (Cu) status<br />

in six corn hybrids affected by KCl application on strong<br />

K-fixing soil. General aspects of Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu nutrition<br />

of plants were showed by Bergmann (1992),<br />

Mengel and Kirkby (2001), etc.<br />


The field trial with increased K fertilization (in KCl<br />

form up to level of 3250 kg K 2<br />

O ha -1 ) was conducted on<br />

strong K-fixing soil in spring of 1990. It was conducted<br />

by randomized block design in four replications. In the<br />

next three years, the trial was fertilized uniformly (ordinary<br />

fertilization related to soil nutrient status). In the<br />

fourth year of testing (the growing season of 1993) in<br />

total 12 corn hybrids grown on this field ordinary fertilization<br />

practice was applied as follows (kg ha -1 ): 240 N<br />

+ 125 P 2<br />

O 5<br />

+ 150 K 2<br />

O. Six corn hybrids (OsSK377,<br />

OsSK382, OsSK407, OsSK552, OsSK644 and Bc66-<br />

61) and four rates of KCl fertilization (150, 1000, 1900<br />

and 3250 kg K 2<br />

O ha -1 ) were chosen for leaf analyses<br />

(the ear-leaf at the beginning of silking stage: 30 leaves<br />

(1) Ph.D Vlado Kova~evi}, Full Professor – J.J. Strossmayer University of<br />

Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Trg Sv. Trojstva 3, HR-31000<br />

Osijek Croatia, (2) Ph.D Ivan Brki} - Agricultural Institute in Osijek, Ju`no<br />

predgra|e 17, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

16<br />


in mean sample, total 96 samples). Corn was sown in<br />

April 28, and it was harvested in September 24, 1993.<br />

Grain yields were expressed on the realized plant density<br />

with corrections for contribution of the female-sterile<br />

plants and 14 % moisture basis.<br />

Chemical analyses were made by ICP technique in<br />

the Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural<br />

Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,<br />

Budapest, Hungary.<br />

Soil was classified as drained gleysol on calcareous<br />

loess substrate. By the soil analyses (0-30 cm of<br />

depth) of the control treatment (ordinary K fertilization)<br />

values were found as follows: pH in 0.1 m KCl = 7.3;<br />

organic matter content = 2.4 %; carbonate content =<br />

14.9 %; exchangeable K by 1n NH 4<br />

-Acetate (pH = 7.0)<br />

solution = 5.6 mg K 100 g -1 ; lightly exchangeable Mg<br />

(CaCl 2<br />

-method) = 37.6 mg Mg 100 g -1 ; exchangeable<br />

calcium (NH 4<br />

-Acetate) = 603 mg Ca 100 g -1 .<br />

Micronutrient status in the soil sample was determined<br />

by extraction with NH 4<br />

-Acetate +EDTA (pH 4,65)<br />

according to Lakanen-Ervio (1971) method (mg kg -1 :<br />

0.57 Zn, 57 Mn, 305 Fe and 5.2 Cu, respectively).<br />

Weather conditions in the growing season of 1993<br />

were less favourable for corn growing mainly because<br />

of drought stress during the two-month period (July and<br />

August).<br />


Mean concentrations of tested nutrients found by<br />

our study were as follows (mg kg -1 ): 23.4 (zinc), 16.0<br />

(manganese), 131 (iron) and 19.8 (copper), respectively<br />

(Table 1). Golmick et al. (1970) reported appraisal<br />

of the nutrient status in the ear-leaf of corn at flowering<br />

stage and ranges (mg kg -1 ) from 20 to 70 (zinc), from<br />

20 to 200 (manganese) from 10 to 300 (iron) and from<br />

6 to 50 (copper) as adequate for normal growth of corn.<br />

According to this criterion low concentrations of Mn and<br />

moderate concentrations of Zn were found by our<br />

testing.<br />

As affected by applied KCl fertilization, the concentrations<br />

of Mn, Fe and Cu decreased in comparison to<br />

the control by 28%, 20% and 14%, respectively, while<br />

Zn concentrations were independent on applied fertiliza-<br />

Table 1. Residual effects of ameliorative fertilization with KCl (spring 1990) on Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu status in corn for<br />

the growing season 1993<br />

Tablica 1. Naknadni u~inci melioracijske gnojidbe s KCl (prolje}e 1990.) na sadr`aj Zn, Mn, Fe i Cu u kukuruzu vegetacije<br />

1993.<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


17<br />

tion treatments (Table 1). We presume that foliar spraying<br />

of corn with manganese and zinc (for example, two<br />

time application 0.75% solution of manganese- and zinc<br />

sulphate in early growth stage and about ten-day interval)<br />

could be a contribution to normalization of corn<br />

supplies with these elements.<br />

Also, considerable role of genotype on Zn, Mn, Fe<br />

and Cu status in corn was found by our study because<br />

the significant differences (mg kg -1 ) were found among<br />

the hybrids under identical environmental conditions:<br />

18.9-26.5 (zinc), 14.4-17.4 (manganese), 120-144<br />

(iron) and 18.2-23.2 (copper), respectively (Table 1).<br />

Table 2. Residual effects of ameliorative fertilization with KCl (spring 1990) on corn properties for the growing season<br />

1993 (Kova~evi} et al., 1996)<br />

Tablica 2. Naknadni u~inci melioracijske gnojidbe s KCl (prolje}e 1990.g) na svojstva kukuruza u vegetaciji 1993.<br />

(Kova~evi} i sur., 1996.)<br />

*100% (plants ha -1 ) = 68027 (OsSK377); 63492 (OsSK382, OsSK407 and OsSK552) and 54945 (OsSK644 and Bc66-61)<br />

* 100% (biljaka ha -1 ) = 68027 (OsSK377); 63492 (OsSK382, OsSK407 i OsSK552) i 54945 (OsSK644 i Bc66-61)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

18<br />


Three hybrids had considerably lower Zn concentrations<br />

(OsSK377, OsSK382 and OsSK407: mean<br />

21.0 mg Zn kg -1 ) in comparison with remaining three<br />

tested hybrids (mean 25.6 mg Zn kg -1 ). Especially low<br />

Mn concentrations were found in two hybrids<br />

(OsSK407 and OsSK552: mean 14.8 mg Zn kg -1 ),<br />

while in the other four hybrids they were higher (mean<br />

16.5 mg Zn kg -1 ). The hybrids Os377, Os382 and<br />

Bc66-61 had higher Fe concentrations (mean 140 mg<br />

Fe kg -1 ) than remaining three tested hybrids (mean 122<br />

mg Fe kg -1 ). Two hybrids (Os382 and OsSK552) were<br />

separated by higher Cu concentrations (mean 21.8 mg<br />

Cu kg -1 ) from the remaining hybrids (mean 18.7 mg Cu<br />

kg -1 ).<br />

However, K deficiency in corn was the main reason<br />

for application ameliorative rates of KCl in this experiment.<br />

As affected by ameliorative K fertilization, grain<br />

yield increased near fourfold in comparison with ordinary<br />

fertilization (Table 2). Differences of grain yields<br />

among the hybrids were in range from 4.35 t ha -1 (Bc<br />

66-61) to 5.31 t ha -1 (OsSK407). Degree of tolerance to<br />

soil stress conditions was estimated throughout grain<br />

yields achieved on the control. Corn hybrids OsSK377<br />

and OsSK382 could be designated as something more<br />

tolerant because their yield (on the average 2.31 t ha -1 )<br />

is on the average 44% higher compared to the other four<br />

tested hybrids (on the average 1.60 t ha -1 ). Potassium<br />

fertilization has been a factor of stabilization of grain<br />

yield in genotype function. For example, yield differences<br />

among corn hybrids were relatively higher when<br />

grown on the control treatment (range from 1.54 t ha -1<br />

to 2.47 t ha -1 ) compared to the highest rate of K fertilization<br />

(range from 6.56 t ha -1 to 7.73 t ha -1 ).<br />

Normalization of K nutrition was a considerable<br />

factor of plant density realization. For example, under<br />

soil stress conditions (the control treatment) plant density<br />

realization was on the average 32% lower in comparison<br />

with plan (theoretical plant density), while under<br />

normal conditions this reduction was on the average<br />

about 6% only (Table 2). We presume that dynamics of<br />

the early growth (especially root development) and<br />

overcoming of drought stress at the beginning of the<br />

plant development could be in connection with differences<br />

of plant density realization under different K supplies<br />

degrees. Connection between drought resistance and K<br />

nutrition was also found in corn by Mukherje (1982).<br />

Lodging at maturity stage is in close connection<br />

with soil K status. For example, it was on the average<br />

27% and 4% under soil stress and normal soil condition,<br />

respectively. However, considerable differences of<br />

lodging incidences were found among tested corn<br />

hybrids. Hybrids OsSK644 and Bc66-61 are more tolerant<br />

to lodging under soil stress conditions compared to<br />

OsSK382 and OsSK377 ones (Table 2). Also, grain moisture<br />

was 34% on the average at harvest time under soil<br />

stress conditions, while under normal conditions about<br />

25% only. Close relationship between corn status and<br />

lodging tolerance (disease resistance) was also found<br />

by other studies (Liebhardt and Murdock, 1965;<br />

Kova~evi} and Vukadinovi}, 1992).<br />

Acute K deficiency and oversupply of Mg<br />

(Bergmann, 1992) were found in corn under soil stress<br />

conditions. Also, antagonism between K and Mg (Ca)<br />

uptake was very expressed. Influences of KCl fertilization<br />

on K and Mg status in corn were elaborated in detail<br />

by Kova~evi} et al. (1996).<br />


Ameliorative fertilization with KCl influenced considerably<br />

decreasing Mn, Fe and Cu concentrations in<br />

corn leaves, while Zn concentrations were similar to the<br />

control. Also, considerable differences in Zn, Mn, Fe and<br />

Cu status in corn were found among the hybrids. In<br />

general, under soil stress conditions induced by K deficiency<br />

and Mg oversupply, corn grain yields were on the<br />

average 75% lower. Relations between K and Mg uptake<br />

by plants were normalized by the ameliorative K fertilization.<br />

As Mn concentrations in corn leaves were low,<br />

while concentrations of Zn were moderate, we presume<br />

that foliar application of these nutrients could be contribution<br />

to the higher efficiency of applied KCl fertilizer.<br />


1. Bergmann, W. (1992): Nutritional disorders of plants -<br />

Development, visual and analytical diagnosis. Gustav<br />

Fischer Verlag Jena.<br />

2. Golmick, F., Neubert P., Vielemayer H. P. (1970):<br />

Possibilities and limitations of plant analysis in estimating<br />

the nutrient requirement of crops.<br />

Fortschrittsberichte f. d. Landw. U.<br />

Nahrungsguterwirtschaft 8, H. 4, Berlin.<br />

3. Kadar, I., Csatho, P., Sarkadi, J. (1991): Potassium fertilization<br />

in Hungary - responses in maize and other<br />

crops. Acta Agron. Hung. 40, 295-317.<br />

4. Kova~evi}, V., Ba{i}, F. (1997): The soil potassium<br />

resources and the efficiency of potassium fertilizers in<br />

Croatia (Country Report 10). International Potash<br />

Institute, Coordinator Central/Eastern Europe, CH-4001<br />

Basel/Switzerland.<br />

5. Kova~evi}, V., Kadar, I., Brki}, I., Josipovi}, M. (1996):<br />

Response of corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids to potassium<br />

fertilization on strong K-fixing soil. In: Proceedings of the<br />

IX Intern. Coll. for Optimization of Plant nutrition<br />

(IAOPN), Prague, Czech Republic, 8-15 September<br />

1996, p. 458-461.<br />

6. Kova~evi}, V., Vukadinovi}, V. (1992): The potassium<br />

requirements of maize and soybean on a high K-fixing<br />

soil. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 9, 10-13.<br />

7. Lakanen, E., Ervio, R. (1971): A comparison of eight<br />

extractans for the determination of plant available micronutrients<br />

in soils. Acta Agr. Fenn. 123:223-232.<br />

8. Liebhardt, W.C., Murdock, J.T. (1965): Effect of potassium<br />

on morphology and lodging of corn. Agronomy<br />

Journal. 57, 325-328.<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


19<br />

9. Mengel, K., Kirkby, E.A. (2001): Principles of plant nutrition.<br />

Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht/Boston/<br />

London.<br />

10. Mukherjee, I. (1982.): Genotipische Unterschiede in der<br />

Reaktion auf Kalium und in der Anreicherung von Prolin<br />

in Mais im Verlauf des Welkens. Inter. Kali-Briefe, Fachg.<br />

9, Folge 49, 1.-5.<br />



SA@ETAK<br />

[est hibrida kukuruza (Zea mays L.: OsSK 377; OsSK 382; OsSK 407; OsSK 552; OsSK 644 i Bc 66-61) uzgajano je<br />

na tlu sa sna`nom fiksacijom kalija tijekom vegetacije 1993. godine. Rastu}e koli~ine kalijevog klorida (KCl) dodane<br />

su u prolje}e 1990. do razine 3250 kg K 2<br />

O ha -1 . ^etiri varijante (150, 1000, 1900 i 3250 kg K 2<br />

O ha -1 ) kori{tene su<br />

za testiranje reakcije kukuruza na gnojidbu. Reakcija hibrida kukuruza na gnojidbu bila je vrlo izra`ena, jer su prinosi<br />

zrna bili u rasponu od 1,83 t ha -1 (150 kg K 2<br />

O ha -1 ) do 7,04 t ha -1 (3250 K 2<br />

O ha -1 ). Razlike prinosa izme|u hibrida<br />

bile su od 4,35 t ha -1 (Bc 66-61) do 5,31 t ha -1 (OsSK 407). Utvr|ene su i signifikantne razlike izme|u hibrida u<br />

koncentracijama mikroelemenata (mg kg -1 ): od 18,9 do 26,5 (cink), od 14,4 do 17,4 (mangan), od 120 do 144 (`eljezo)<br />

i od 18,2 do 23,2 (bakar). Koncentracije cinka u listu kukuruza bile su neovisne o primijenjenoj gnojidbi, dok su<br />

koncentracije mangana, `eljeza i bakra zna~ajno smanjene primjenom najve}e koli~ine gnojiva (mg kg -1 : 17,4 i 12,6<br />

Mn, 150 i 120 Fe, 21,5 i 18,5 Cu, za kontrolu, odnosno 3250 kg K 2<br />

O ha -1 ). Tako|er, utvr|en je zna~ajan utjecaj KCl<br />

gnojidbe na koncentracije kalija i magnezija: 0,31% K (akutan nedostatak kalija) i 1,18% K, 1,08% Mg i 0,47% Mg<br />

na kontroli, odnosno varijanti s 3250 kg K 2<br />

O ha -1 ).<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: kukuruz, prinos, gnojidba, kalij, magnezij, cink, mangan, `eljezo, bakar, list ispod klipa<br />

(Received on 4 April 2003; accepted on 19 May 2003 - Primljeno 4. travnja 2003.; prihva}eno 19. svibnja 2003.)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 631.524.01:633.15:631.811+631.445.1<br />



B. Šimiæ (1) , V. Kovaèeviæ (2) , Zorica Jurkoviæ (1) Original scientific paper<br />

Izvorni znanstveni èlanak<br />


Growing seed-maize is more profitable than mercantile maize, but also riskier, especially<br />

under less favourable soil conditions because parents of maize hybrids are less<br />

tolerant than their progeny to environmental stress, including plant nutrition problems.<br />

For this reason, we conducted the field experiment with P and K fertilization and a range<br />

of maize genotypes (parents of seed-maize) on soil with moderate P and K supplies.<br />

Following application of 382 kg P and 726 kg K ha -1 , maize grain yields increased from<br />

1.93 t ha -1 to 2.86 t ha -1 (3-year means). High correlations were found between grain<br />

yields of maize genotypes and nutrient concentrations in ear-leaf at silking stage (r =<br />

0.82** for P and r = 0.90** for K). Based on these results, we could recommend the<br />

higher P and K fertilization of seed-maize crops on soils of similar chemical properties.<br />

Key-words: fertilization, maize, nutritional status, phosphorus, potassium, yield<br />


Environmental conditions for maize growing in<br />

Croatia, especially in the Eastern Croatia, are generally<br />

favourable. Possible problems in some growing seasons<br />

are connected with water shortage (Kovaèeviæ and<br />

Josipoviæ, 1998). In addition, low phosphorus and<br />

potassium supplies are limiting maize growth on some<br />

gleysols of Sava valley area (Kovaèeviæ and<br />

Vukadinoviæ, 1992; Kovaèeviæ et al., 1996). In general,<br />

it is more profitable to grow seed-maize than mercantile<br />

maize. However, growing seed-maize is accompanied<br />

by more risks in comparison with growing mercantile<br />

maize (hybrids) since parents of maize hybrids compared<br />

to their progenies are less tolerant to environmental<br />

stresses, including drought and unfavourable soil properties,<br />

mainly low pH and nutritional disorders. For this<br />

reason, we conducted the field experiment with<br />

increased rates of P and K fertilization and different<br />

maize genotypes (parents of seed-maize) on soil characterized<br />

by moderate K and P supplies. Country needs<br />

for maize seed stock has been covered by own seedmaize<br />

production. For example, seed-maize production<br />

in Croatia (Pucariæ, 1992) for the 10-year period (1981-<br />

1990) was 14 894 t annually (domestic consumption<br />

8503 t and export 6391 t).<br />


The field experiment<br />

Seven maize (Zea mays L.) parents of hybrids<br />

(inbred lines: Os36-16, Os2-48, Os84-44, Os138-9,<br />

Os89-9 Os84-49 and Os86-39) were grown under field<br />

conditions for three growing seasons (1993, 1994 and<br />

1995) on Orubica eutric gleysol. Fertilization treatments<br />

were as follows: a) control (standard fertilization: 180<br />

kg N + 52 kg P and 133 kg K ha -1 ), b) a + 382 kg P<br />

ha -1 as monoammonium phosphate (MAP: 23% P and<br />

12% N), c) a + 726 kg K ha -1 as KCl (50% K), d) a +<br />

382 kg P ha -1 + 726 kg K ha -1 . Ameliorative fertilization<br />

with phosphorus and potassium was made before<br />

maize was sown in the first trial year (March 22, 1993),<br />

while for the second and third year at the field trial the<br />

standard fertilization was applied (kg ha -1 ): 180 kg N +<br />

52 P + 133 K ha -1 (before sowing 200 kg ha -1 urea<br />

and 400 kg ha -1 NPK 10:20:30; top dressing with 200<br />

kg ha -1 calcium ammonium nitrate).<br />

(1) Ph.D Branimir [imi} and Ph.D Zorica Jurkovi} - Agricultural Institute,<br />

Ju`no predgra|e 17, 31000 Osijek, Croatia, (2) Ph.D Vlado Kova~evi},<br />

Full Professor - J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of<br />

Agriculture, Trg sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek, Croatia<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


21<br />

Additional quantities of urea (192 kg N ha -1 ) were<br />

used during ameliorative fertilization for the a and c treatments<br />

for equalization of nitrogen application. For this<br />

reason, total N quantity for ordinary fertilization in the first<br />

year of testing was 372 kg N ha -1 . The field experiment<br />

was set up in the split-plot design with four replicates<br />

then main plot (fertilization treatment) 300 m 2 and subplot<br />

(genotypes) 40 m 2 . Maize was sown at the end of<br />

April/beginning of May. Grain yields were calculated on<br />

theoretical plant density (66,027 plant ha -1 ) reduced by<br />

25% (49,520 plants ha -1 = share of mother parent in the<br />

seed-maize crop) and 14% grain moisture basis.<br />

50.6 K content for extraction at 20 and 80 o C, respectively<br />

(Table 1). The soil contain in the large proportion of<br />

clay (51.3%) is highly compacted. Lowland position in<br />

the landscape was disadvantageous during the period of<br />

water excess.<br />

Weather conditions<br />

In general, weather conditions during the three growing<br />

seasons were favourable for maize, with exception<br />

of 1995 when excess of water occurred at the early<br />

growth stage (194 mm in the May/June period). Rainfall<br />

Table 1. Chemical and physical properties of the Orubica soil<br />

Tablica 1. Kemijska i fizikalna svojstva tla kod Orubice<br />

Comment: very compacted clay soil - Komentar: jako zbijeno glinasto tlo<br />

Sampling and sample analysis<br />

Maize ear-leaf samples were collected at the start<br />

of silking (the middle of July) from each plot (25 leaves<br />

per sample). They were prepared for chemical analysis<br />

by drying (70 o C) and grinding. Plant material was digested<br />

using the wet-ashing procedure by concentrated<br />

sulfuric acid and catalyst Se (Holz, 1973). Potassium<br />

was determined by flame emission spectrometry, and P<br />

spectrophometricaly by molybdenum-vanadium complex.<br />

For soil analysis we used the surface soil layer (30<br />

cm deep) (soil sampling before ameliorative fertilization<br />

- March 10, 1993). Soil test was done by the EUFmethod<br />

(Nemeth, 1982).<br />

Soil properties<br />

Orubica eutric gleysol (before the trial: pH 1 N KCl<br />

= 5.30; humus 1.75% g) is located near Nova<br />

Gradiška, Eastern Croatia. Soil test (EUF method) showed<br />

low plant available phosphorus and potassium (mg<br />

kg -1 ) as follows: 5.28 and 4.18 P content; and 40.4 and<br />

in the 7-month period April-October (Nova Gradiška<br />

Weather Bureau) was 490 mm, 752 mm and 486 mm,<br />

for the growing seasons 1993, 1994 and 1995, respectively.<br />

Rainfall and mean air-temperatures in the critical<br />

period for maize (July + August) were adequate (total<br />

190 mm, 282 mm and 143 mm, as well as 22.7 o C,<br />

22.6 o C and 22.5 o C, for the 1993, 1994 and 1995,<br />

respectively). Excess rainfall in June and July 1994<br />

(total 390 mm) was useful for maize because of its<br />

increased needs for water in this period.<br />


Our results confirmed considerable influences of the<br />

growing season, fertilization and genotype on maize yields<br />

and its nutritional status (Table 2). For example, depending<br />

on the growing season mean grain yields ranged from<br />

1.33 t ha -1 to 3.40 t ha -1 . Especially low yields in the 1995<br />

growing season could be in connection with lowland position<br />

of the soil and excess of rainfall the beginning of<br />

maize growth (May and June rainfall 194 mm). In the pre-<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

22<br />


vious years of testing, grain yields were similar and considerably<br />

higher (2-year mean 3.29 t ha -1 ).<br />

In general, ear-leaf P and K status were considerably<br />

different among the growing seasons, applied fertilization<br />

and genotype (Table 2)<br />

As affected by ameliorative fertilization, maize<br />

grain yields were almost increased by 50% (3-year<br />

means: 1.93 t ha -1 and 2.86 t ha -1 , for the control and<br />

ameliorative fertilization, respectively). Analogous<br />

values for maize nutritional status (ear-leaf P and K concentrations<br />

at beginning of silking stage) were as follows:<br />

0.29% P and .43% P, 0.86% K and 2.04% K,<br />

respectively. Application of both elements in ameliorative<br />

quantities resulted by 56% increase of maize yield,<br />

while by individual addition of these elements yield<br />

increases were similar (for 45%).<br />

Table 2. Influences of the growing seasons, fertilization and genotype on maize properties<br />

Tablica 2. Utjecaj godine, gnojidbe i genotipa na svojstva kukuruza<br />

*for the 1993 growing season: a = control (372 kg N + 52 kg P and 133 kg K ha -1 ), b = a + 382 kg P ha -1 , c = a +<br />

726 kg K ha -1 , d = a + 382 kg P ha -1 + 726 kg K ha -1 . For the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons all treatments were fertilized uniformly<br />

in range of the control (nitrogen 180 kg N ha -1 ).<br />

** za 1993. godinu: a = kontrola (372 kg N + 52 kg P i 133 kg K ha -1 ), b = a + 382 kg P ha -1 , c = a + 726 kg K ha -1 , d = a + 382<br />

kg P ha -1 + 726 kg K ha -1 . Za 1994. i 1995. godinu svi tretmani gnojeni su jednako na razini kontrole (dušik 180 kg N ha -1 ).<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


23<br />

For estimation of nutritional status of maize plants,<br />

as reliable criterion is nutrient concentrations in ear-leaf<br />

at the beginning of silking stage. For example, critical<br />

concentrations (on dry matter basis) for high yields of<br />

maize are 0.25% P and 1.90% K (Melsted et al., 1969),<br />

while adequate ranges are from 0.25% to 0.35% P and<br />

from 1.75% to 2.25% K (Barber and Olson, 1968). By<br />

the other study, adequate ranges (leaf situated opposite<br />

the cob at the beginning of silking stage) are as follows:<br />

from 0.25% to 0.50% P and from 3.00 % to 4.50% K<br />

(Bergmann, 1992). In general, according to these criteria,<br />

potassium status of maize in our testing could be<br />

designated as moderate and phosphorus as adequate<br />

for maize growth. Also, acute K deficiency (less than<br />

1.0% K) and low P contents (less than 0.30% P) were<br />

found by maize growing on the control treatment, while<br />

ameliorative fertilization considerably improved both P<br />

and K status to normal levels.<br />

Nutritional status of maize is also under considerable<br />

influences of heredity because under identical environmental<br />

conditions differences were found among<br />

cultivars and hybrids (3, 7, 8). By our testing differences<br />

were found concerning genotype influences (3-year<br />

means) from 0.38 to 0.42% P and from 1.72 to 1.80%<br />

K and being highly significant. The highest concentrations<br />

of tested elements were found in the genotypes as<br />

follows: Os86-39 (phosphorus), Os84-44 and Os89-9<br />

(potassium).<br />

Considerably higher yields (mean 2.86 t ha -1 ) were<br />

found by the Os84-44 and Os138-9 genotypes compared<br />

to Os2-48 and Os84-49 (mean 2.42 t ha -1 ).<br />

Three year means of maize properties (genotype x<br />

fertilization) were tested by correlations (total 28 pairs)<br />

whereas very high connections between grain yields<br />

and ear-leaf composition were found as follows: r =<br />

0.82** (phosphorus) and r = 0.90** (potassium).<br />

Residual effects of application of high levels of fertilizer<br />

were also found by other investigations. For example,<br />

application of 130 kg P ha -1 in form of calcium<br />

superphosphate on calcareous soils resulted in wheat<br />

yield increase for 16% in the fourth testing year<br />

(Shaoling, 2000).<br />


Although environmental conditions in the eastern<br />

Croatia are mainly favourable for seed-maize growing,<br />

phosphorus and potassium nutritional problems could<br />

be a limiting factor of profitable yields. Considerable differences<br />

of maize yields depending on the growing season,<br />

applied fertilization and tested genotypes were<br />

found by our testing. As nutritional status of maize (earleaf<br />

P and K status) were in close connection with grain<br />

yields, based on our investigations, we could recommend<br />

application of more P and K fertilizers for seedmaize<br />

growing, especially on less favourable soils.<br />

Increased inputs as affected by recommend fertilization<br />

are covered by the higher yields of seed.<br />


1. Barber, S.A, Olson, R.A. (1968): Fertilizer use in corn. In<br />

Changing patterns in fertilizer use (Nelson L.B. Ed.). Soil<br />

Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin<br />

pp.163-188.<br />

2. Bergmann, W. (1992): Nutritional disorders of plants –<br />

development, visual and analytical diagnosis. Gustav<br />

Fischer Verlag Jena – Stuttgart – New York pp.343-362.<br />

3. Brkiæ, I., Kovaèeviæ, V., Vujeviæ, S., Kozumplik, V.<br />

(1997): Inheritance of potassium, calcium and magnesium<br />

status in maize (Zea mays L.) plants. In Plant<br />

Nutrition for Sustainable Food Production and<br />

Environment (Ando T., Fujita K., Mae T., Matsumoto H.,<br />

Mori S. and Sekiya J. Eds). Developments in Plant and<br />

Soil Sciences, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Printed in<br />

Japan, Vol. 78, pp.163-164.<br />

4. Holz, F. (1973): Die automatische Bestimmung des<br />

Stickstoffs als Indophenolgrun in Boden und Pflanzen.<br />

Landwirtsch. Forsch. 26:177.-192.<br />

5. Kovaèeviæ, V., Vukadinoviæ, V. (1992): The potassium<br />

requirements of maize and soyabeans on a high K-fixing<br />

soil. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 9(1):10-13.<br />

6. Kovaèeviæ, V. (1994): Investigation of genetic aspects of<br />

corn mineral nutrition in Agricultural Institute Osijek<br />

(1971-1992). Sjemenarstvo, 5: 327-349.<br />

7. Kovaèeviæ, V., Kadar, I., Brkiæ, I., Josipoviæ, M. (1996):<br />

Response of corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids to potassium<br />

fertilization on strong K-fixing soil, IX th International<br />

Colloquium for the Optimization of Plant Nutrition,<br />

Prague, Czech Republic, Sept 8-15, 1996, Prague,<br />

Czech Republic, pp.458-461.<br />

8. Kovaèeviæ, V., Josipoviæ, M. (1998): Weather and soil<br />

limitations for maize growing in the Eastern Croatia, In:<br />

Fifth Congress of European Society for Agronomy (ESA)<br />

Nitra, The Slovak Republic, June 28 – July 2, 1998; M.<br />

Zima and Bartosova M.L. Eds.; Short Communications,<br />

Volume II, pp.157-158.<br />

9. Melsted, S.W., Motto, H.L., Peck, T.R. (1969): Critical<br />

nutrient composition values useful in interpretation plant<br />

analysis data. Agronomy J. 61:17-20.<br />

10. Nemeth, K. (1982): Odreðivanje stvarne i potencijalne<br />

raspolo`ivosti hranjivih elemenata u zemljištu pomoæu<br />

metode elektroultrafiltracije (EUF). Jugoslavenski poljoprivredno<br />

šumarski centar Beograd.<br />

11. Pucariæ, A. (1992): Proizvodnja sjemena hibrida kukuruza,<br />

Institut za oplemenjivanje i proizvodnju bilja, Zagreb.<br />

12. Shaoling, J. (2000): Study on the residual effects of<br />

phosphatic fertilizer on calacareous soils. Volume of<br />

Abstracts, International Symposium on Phosphorus in<br />

the Soil-Plant Continuum, Beijing, China, Sept 17-23,<br />

2000; Fusuo Zhang, Ed., pp.37.<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

24<br />




SA@ETAK<br />

Uzgoj sjemenskog kukuruza profitabilniji je od uzgoja merkantilnoga kukuruza, ali i više riskantan, osobito na tlima<br />

slabije plodnosti. Razlog tome je u èinjenici da su roditelji hibrida kukuruza manje tolerantni od svoga potomstva<br />

prema stresu izazvanog okolišem, ukljuèujuæi i probleme s ishranom. Zato smo postavili poljski pokus gnojidbe fosforom<br />

(P) i kalijem (K) i genotipovima kukuruza (roditelji sjemenskog kukuruza) na tlu umjereno opskrbljenom s P i K.<br />

Primjenom 382 kg P i 726 kg K ha-1, prinos kukuruza je poveæan od 1,93 t ha-1 do 2,86 t ha-1 (3-god. prosjeci).<br />

Visoke su korelacije ustanovljene izmeðu prinosa zrna genotipova kukuruza i koncentracija P i K u listu ispod klipa<br />

u fazi svilanja (r = 0,82** za P and r = 0,90** za K). Na osnovu takvih rezultat, mogli bismo predlo`iti jaèe naglašenu<br />

gnojidbu fosforom i kalijem od uobièajene za sjemenski kukuruz na tlima sliènih kemijskih svojstava.<br />

Kljuène rijeèi: gnojidba, kukuruz, stanje hraniva, fosfor, kalij, prinos<br />

(Received on 25 February 2003; accepted on 7 April 2003 – Primljeno 25. veljaèe 2003.; prihvaæeno 7. travnja 2003.)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 631.51.023+632.954:632.51:633.16<br />



Mira Kne`evi} (1) , Marija \urki} (1) , I. Kne`evi} (1) , K. Hajba (2)<br />

Original scientific paper<br />

Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak<br />


The influence of different tillage variants and low herbicide doses of triasulfuron &<br />

chlortoluron mixture (Dicuran forte 80 WP) on weed populations and crop yield were<br />

studied in spring barley on lessive pseudogley soil in North-Eastern Croatia at the<br />

^a~inci locality in 1999. Tillage had no significant influence on annual broad-leaved<br />

weed biomass production, which was 22 kg ha -1 , on the average. Chisel ploughing and<br />

disk harrowing significantly increased perennial weed biomass by 21 and 44 times,<br />

respectively compared to mouldboard ploughing. The average efficacy of total weed biomass<br />

control was 95, 89 and 81% at full, one-half and one-quarter of the recommended<br />

herbicide dose, respectively and did not differ very much between tillage treatments.<br />

Both reduced herbicide doses ensured very good biomass control of the most abundant<br />

weed populations such as Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Chenopodium album L., Ch. polyspermum<br />

L. and Polygonum lapathifolium L. No significant tillage and herbicide dose<br />

effects were recorded in barley yields, which ranked from 4.93 t ha -1 in chisel ploughing<br />

to 4.48 t ha -1 in disk harrowing. These results suggested a possibility of mouldboard<br />

ploughing substitution with reduced tillage practices on lessive pseudogley soil and<br />

herbicide dose reduction of triasulfuron & chlortoluron mixture to 50% or more in spring<br />

barley.<br />

Key words: Spring barley, soil tillage, weed populations, weed dry biomass, crop yield<br />


Rational tillage systems and usage of low rates of<br />

environmentally safe herbicides are of the most importance<br />

in the development of integrated weed management<br />

systems (Swanton & Weise, 1991). Reducing the<br />

tillage practices for cereal crops under different environmental<br />

conditions is a general trend ( cf. Cannell, 1985;<br />

Butorac et al., 1986; Ko{uti} et al., 1998).<br />

The effects of tillage on weed population and crop<br />

performance were reported for spring barley on a clay<br />

and loam soil by Legere et al., 1990. The response of<br />

the weed flora in spring barley on three soil types<br />

(sandy loam, clay loam and silt loam) was described by<br />

Pollard and Cussans (1976) and discussed by Cussans<br />

(1976). The results of low herbicide doses application in<br />

spring cereals under Danish, Finnish, and Scottish conditions<br />

showed that a reduction of herbicide dose is feasible<br />

and successful with considerable economic and<br />

environmental influence (Kudsk, 1989; Salonen, 1992;<br />

Fisher et al., 1993).<br />

In total arable land of cereals in Croatia, barley<br />

covers about 45.000 ha or 7%, and grain production is<br />

125.000 t per year (Statisti~ki ljetopis, 2000). In most<br />

barley fields, chemical weed control is obtained by triasulfuron<br />

& chlortoluron mixture (Dicuran forte 80 WP)<br />

which is registered for broad-leaved weeds and some<br />

grasses at the rate of 15 g a. i. ha -1 at the pre-emergence<br />

or 11 g a. i. ha -1 at the post-emergence application<br />

(Maceljski et al., 2002).<br />

This paper reports the influence of different tillage<br />

practices and herbicide doses of triasulfuron & chlortoluron<br />

herbicide mixture lower than recommended, as<br />

well as their interaction on weed population and spring<br />

barley yield on a lessive pseudogley soil in northeastern<br />

Croatia.<br />

(1) Ph.D Mira Kne`eviæ, Full Professor, Ph.D Marija Ðurkiæ, Assistant<br />

Professor and Ph.D Ivan Kne`eviæ, Full Professor – Josip Juraj<br />

Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture, Trg sv. Trojstva<br />

3, 31000 Osijek, (2) Kazimir Hajba, B.Sc. – P.P. Orahovica d.d., R.J.<br />

Èaèinci, Croatia<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

26<br />



The stationary field trials started in the autumn of<br />

1996 on lessive pseudogley soil at the ^a~inci locality<br />

in north-eastern Croatia with a winter wheat - maize<br />

rotation. The experimental design was a split-plot with<br />

tillage as the main factor (T) and weed control as the<br />

sub-factor (W). Weed control plots (3.5 x 9 m) were<br />

replicated four times within each tillage plot. Soil tillage<br />

had been performed continuously during 1996-1999 in<br />

five treatments: MP - continuous mouldboard ploughing<br />

to 30-35 depth, disk harrowing, standard sowing; MP-<br />

DH - mouldboard ploughing every second year alternating<br />

with disk harrowing; DH-MP - disk harrowing every<br />

second year alternating with mouldboard ploughing; CPloosening<br />

with a chisel plough to 15-20 cm depth, disk<br />

harrowing ; DH - continuous disk harrowing to 8-10 cm<br />

depth. Spring barley (cv. Jaran) was sown on March 13,<br />

1999 after maize (instead of winter wheat, that could<br />

not be sown in the third year due to the wet Autumn of<br />

1998). Fertilisation was based on 120 kg ha -1 of N, 150<br />

kg ha -1 of P 2<br />

O 5<br />

and 100 kg ha -1 of K 2<br />

O. The top dressing<br />

with 27 kg N ha -1 was accomplished in April at the<br />

beginning of the forking stage of crop.<br />

Chemical weed control was subjected to herbicide<br />

treatments with triasulfuron & chlortoluron mixture with<br />

three ascending dose rates up to the highest recommended<br />

dose, which corresponded to 11.3 g & 1185 g<br />

a. i. ha -1 or 1.5 kg ha -1 of commercial herbicide of<br />

Dicuran forte 80 WP. Sub-plot treatments were: W0 =<br />

untreated control: W1 = one-quarter dose; W2 = onehalf<br />

dose; W3 = full recommended dose. The postemergence<br />

application of herbicide mixture was made<br />

when spring barley was at the tillering stage, corresponded<br />

to Zadoks scale 25-29. The time interval between<br />

sowing and herbicide spraying was 25 days.<br />

Herbicide was applied by knapsack sprayer “Solo” in<br />

300 l ha -1 of water volume at a pressure of 300 kPa.<br />

Weed samples were collected 54 days after the herbicide<br />

application by counting plant numbers and recording<br />

the air dry biomass of each weed species in a 0.25 m 2<br />

circle replicated four times per each sub-plot, i. e. 16<br />

replications totally per each weed control treatment. The<br />

phytotoxic effect of herbicides on crop plants was evaluated<br />

using the 1-9 scale. Spring barley was harvested<br />

on June 17, 1999. The crop yield was adjusted to 14%<br />

of the moisture content.<br />

The analysis of variance was used for testing the<br />

univariate differences between independent groups of<br />

observations. Dependent variables were: weed dry<br />

weight of botanical groups (annual broad-leaved weeds,<br />

perennial weeds, and total weeds), crop density and<br />

crop yield. Tillage and weed control treatments, as well<br />

as their interaction were groups in separate variance<br />

analyses. Particular group-to group differences were<br />

tested by the Fisher’s test (Ott, 1993) using the probability<br />

level of P=0.05. Linear regression analyses were<br />

performed to evaluate univariate correlations between<br />

weed dry weight, crop density and crop yield.<br />

Correlated values were sub-plot averages of repetitions<br />

of the respective variable. Correlation analyses were<br />

performed for total sample and for the each tillage treatment<br />

and each weed control treatments separately.<br />

Weather conditions during the experiment are presented<br />

in the Table 1.<br />

Table 1. Weather conditions during spring barley growing season in 1999 and the 10-year average (1991-2000) for<br />

the ^a~inci locality<br />

Tablica 1. Vremenske prilike u vegetacijskom periodu jarog je~ma u 1999. godini i u 10-godi{njem razdoblju<br />

(1999.-2000.) za lokalitet ^a~inci<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


27<br />


A total of 20 weed species were recorded in barley<br />

weed community, of which 7 were species in mouldboard<br />

ploughing (MP), 11 species were in both alternating<br />

tillage treatments with mouldboard ploughing and<br />

disk harrowing (MP-DH, DH-MP), 9 species in chisel<br />

ploughing (CP) and 17 species in disk harrowing (DH).<br />

Annual broad-leaved species dominated the weed flora<br />

with 12 species, compared to 8 perennials. Species<br />

composition and their dry weight in different tillage<br />

treatments are shown in Table 2.<br />

The proportion of annual broad-leaved weeds in<br />

total weed dry weight was the highest in MP (95%),<br />

medium and similar in MP-DH and DH-MP (76 and 80%,<br />

respectively), still lower in CP (60%) and the lowest in<br />

DH (49%). On the contrary, perennial weeds significantly<br />

increased their biomass proportion in DH-MP, CP and DH<br />

by 10, 41 and 54 times, respectively compared to MP.<br />

Several reports suggested differences in the weed community<br />

under deep mouldboard ploughing and shallow<br />

tillage practices. The reduced tillage generally favoured<br />

perennial species over annual broad-leaved species<br />

(Froud-Williams, 1988; Archad et al., 1995). However, in<br />

some studies, tillage had no influence on selectivity of<br />

the weed flora (Swanton et al., 1993).<br />

Chenopodium album, the characteristic species in<br />

mouldboard ploughing (Froud-Williams et al., 1988) in our<br />

trial had a higher biomass production in DH than in MP<br />

with the biomass reaching 22 kg and 4 kg ha -1 , respectively.<br />

Biomass responses of annual species of Ambrosia<br />

artemisiifolia and Polygonum lapathifolium to tillage intensity<br />

were inconsistent. On the other hand, Anagallis arvensis,<br />

Chenopodium polyspermum, Erigeron annuus and<br />

Matricaria inodora showed the tendency to increase plant<br />

densities and dry weight in CP, DH-MP and DH. Perennial<br />

weed species such as Plantago major, Equisetum arvense<br />

and Convolvulus arvensis clearly increased their dry<br />

weight in disk harrowing, whereas Sonchus arvensis species<br />

was associated only with CP. It is known that soil<br />

compaction increases the abundance of some perennial<br />

Table 2. Weed species composition and weed dry weight on untreated plots in spring barley after 3 years of the<br />

continuous tillage practices (1999, June)<br />

Tablica 2. Floristi~ki sastav i suha masa korova u netretiranom jarom je~mu nakon tri godine kontinuirane obrade tla<br />

(lipanj, 1999.)<br />

MP = mouldboard ploughing; MP-DH and DH-MP = tillage treatments in alternation every second year; CP = chisel ploughing; DH =<br />

disk harrowing; + = weed dry weight < 0.01 g m-2<br />

MP = obrada leme{nim plugom; MP-DH i DH-MP = obrada u alternaciji svake druge godine; CP = obrada chisel plugom; DH = tanjuranje;<br />

+ = suha masa korova < 0,01 g m-2<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

28<br />


The analyses of variance detected a significant tillage<br />

x herbicide dose (T x W) interaction in DH tillage<br />

with one-quarter herbicide dose by 53 % of control efficacy.<br />

This result is due to an increase of perennial weed<br />

biomass on these tilled plots. Correlations between total<br />

weed biomass and barley yield were negative and poor<br />

in DH tillage (r 2 = -0.1978) and with one-quarter herbicide<br />

dose (r 2 = -0.0964). This suggested that weeds<br />

did not have any influence on barley yields.<br />

The groups are: tillage (T), weed control (W) and<br />

interaction of tillage and weed control (T x W). N is number<br />

of observations in the group, F is proportion of between-<br />

group and within group variance. The means, followed<br />

by the same letter within a column, are not significantly<br />

different at the 5% level.<br />

Table 3. Weed density (plants m -2 ) of selected annual broad-leaved species on untreated plots and efficacy of<br />

triasulfuron & chlortoluron mixture at reduced herbicide dose in spring barley (averaged over all tillage<br />

treatments according to an assessment in June 1999)<br />

Tablica 3. Broj biljaka m -2 nekih jednogodi{njih {irokolisnih korovnih vrsta u netretiranom je~mu i u~inkovitost triasulfuron<br />

& klortoluron herbicida u smanjenim dozama (prosjek od svih obrada prema ocjeni zakorovljenosti<br />

u lipnju, 1999. godine)<br />

weeds such as E. arvense (Bachthaler, 1985), but in our<br />

study it was a less competitive weed species.<br />

After three years of continuous tillage trials, the<br />

results indicated that tillage effect caused some changes<br />

in weed abundance and selection of weed species,<br />

but the time interval was still too short for the record of<br />

directional shifts and the selective tillage effects on<br />

weed composition in spring barley. The analysis of<br />

variance shows significant tillage effect only in DH with<br />

the highest total weed biomass of 57 kg ha -1 , corresponding<br />

to an increase of 149%, compared to MP.<br />

The herbicide efficacy, measured as a relative<br />

reduction in weed dry weight compared to untreated<br />

plots within each tillage, did not differ significantly between<br />

tillage treatments, with the exception of DH tillage.<br />

The average dry weight of total weeds was 108 kg in<br />

untreated and 13 kg in treated plots, respectively (Table<br />

4). Thus, the average control efficacy with this herbicide<br />

mixture was 88%. The best average herbicide efficacy<br />

occurred with the full recommended herbicide<br />

dose, which corresponded to 95% control. One-half and<br />

one-quarter of the recommended dose provided 89 and<br />

81% of the total biomass control, respectively, but still<br />

provided very good biomass control of dominant annual<br />

broad-leaved weeds (94-95%).<br />

The susceptibility of the annual broad-leaved<br />

weeds to low herbicide doses varied among species<br />

(Table 3). The best control efficacy with one-quarter and<br />

one-half herbicide doses were achieved against<br />

Ambrosia artemisiifolia (94-96%), Polygonum. lapathifolium<br />

(93-95%), Chenopodium polyspermum (88-<br />

93%), whereas herbicide efficacy against Matricaria<br />

inodora (79-84%) was improved by increasing the<br />

dose. In contrast, all three herbicide doses were unsuccessful<br />

in perennial weed control, as was anticipated<br />

considering the weed control spectrum of triasulfuron &<br />

chlortoluron mixture. No crop plant injury by this herbicide<br />

mixture has been observed.<br />

Barley yields were influenced by crop density,<br />

expressed in ears number m -2 . The ear numbers varied<br />

from 600 ears m -2 in CP to 573 ears m -2 in DH, with<br />

significant differences (Table 4). Correlations between<br />

crop density and crop yield have been strong, positive<br />

and significant in untreated crop (r 2 = 0.9235*) and in<br />

treated crop with one-quarter herbicide dose (r 2 =<br />

0.8948*). Weak crop competition in DH due to lower<br />

crop density probably influence on the inadequate efficiency<br />

of the lowest herbicide dose as was reported by<br />

Courtney (1991), Richards and Davies (1991) and Pallutt<br />

(1999). This was caused by unfavourable weather conditions<br />

in 1999. Namely, the barley growing season was<br />

extremely wet with 138 mm more precipitation in June,<br />

than the average of 89 mm in 1991-2000 (Table 1).<br />

In spite of that, tillage had no significant effect on<br />

barley yields, which ranked from 4.93 t to 4.72 t and<br />

4.48 t ha -1 in CP, MP and DH, respectively (Table 4).<br />

This result concurs with some earlier finding by other<br />

authors (Brown and North, 1984; Butorac et al., 1986;<br />

Ko{uti} et al., 1998) that suggested that reduction of tillage<br />

was not always associated with significant crop<br />

yield reduction. The same conclusion can be drawn<br />

regarding the influence of herbicide doses on barley<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


29<br />

Table 4. Influence of tillage, the herbicide doses and tillage x weed control interaction on weed biomass, crop density<br />

and grain yield of spring barley in 1999<br />

Tablica 4. Utjecaj obrade tla, herbicidnih doza i njihova interakcija na suhu masu korova, sklop i prinos jarog je~ma u<br />

1999. godini<br />

yields, which did not differ either between the treatments<br />

with the recommended and reduced doses or<br />

even between untreated controls.<br />

In conclusion, the results suggested a possibility of<br />

mouldboard ploughing substitution with reduced tillage<br />

practices on lessive pseudogley soil for spring barley.<br />

The reduced herbicide doses of triasulfuron & chlortoluron<br />

mixture to 50% or more provided adequate control<br />

of annual broad-leaved weeds in terms of barley yield,<br />

although the efficacy was lower than that obtained by<br />

the recommended doses. The efficacy of one quarter<br />

herbicide dose was not successful in controlling of<br />

perennial weed biomass after disk harrowing tillage but<br />

it had no influence on barley yields.<br />


1. Arshad, M.A., Gill, K. S., Coy, G. R. (1995): Barley,<br />

canola, and weed growth with decreasing tillage in a<br />

cold, semiarid climate. Agron. J. 87, 49-55.<br />

2. Bachthaler, G. (1985): Changes in the weed population<br />

of Bavaria. Comparison of the results of regional evaluations<br />

for survey periods 1948 -1955 and 1979-1980.<br />

Bayer. Landwirtsch. Jahrb. 62, 60-75.<br />

3. Brown, N.J., North, P.F. (1984): Tillage under controlled<br />

conditions its effect on emergence and yield of spring<br />

barley. J. Agric. Sci. 102, 181-189.<br />

4. Butorac, A., @ugec, I., Ba{i}, F. (1986.): Stanje i perspektive<br />

reducirane obrade tla u svijetu i u nas.<br />

Poljoprivredne aktualnosti 25, 159.-262.<br />

5. Cannell, R.Q. (1985): Reduced tillage in northwest<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

30<br />


Europe: a review. Soil Tillage Res, 5, 129-177.<br />

6. Courtney, A.D. (1991): The role of competition in developing<br />

an appropriate rate strategy for weed control in<br />

spring barley. Proc. Brighton Crop Protec. Conf.<br />

–Weeds, 1217-1224.<br />

7. Cussans, G.W. (1976): The influence of changing<br />

husbandry on weeds and weed control in arable crops.<br />

Proc. Brighton Crop Protec. Conf.- Weeds, 1001-1008.<br />

8. Fischer, N.M., Davies, D.H.K., Whytock, G.P. (1993):<br />

Reliability of broad-leaved weed control in cereals using<br />

low doses of herbicide. Proc. Brighton Crop Protec.<br />

Conf.- Weeds, 1223-1228.<br />

9. Froud-Williams, R.J., (1988): Changes in weed flora<br />

with different tillage and agronomic management<br />

systems. In (eds. Altieri M.A. & Liebman, M.) Weed<br />

Management in Agroecosystems: Ecological<br />

Approaches, pp. 213-236. CRC Press, Boca Raton.<br />

10. Ko{uti}, S., Filipovi}, D., Gospodari}, Z. (1998):<br />

Influence of different soil tillage systems on yield, energy<br />

and lobour requirement in spring barley production.<br />

Poljoprivreda 4, 67-75.<br />

11. Kudsk, P. (1989): Experiences with reduced herbicide<br />

doses in Denmark and development of the concept of<br />

factor adjusted doses. Proc. Brighton Crop Protec.<br />

Conf.- Weeds, 545-554.<br />

12. Légère A., Samson, N., Lemieux, C., Rioux, R. (1990):<br />

Effects of weed management and reduced tillage on<br />

weed populations and barley yields. Proc.7 th EWRS<br />

Symp. Integrated Weed Management in Cereals, 111-<br />

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13. Maceljski, M., Hrlec, G., Ostoji}, Z., Cvjetkovi}, B.<br />

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Glasilo biljne za{tite 2-3, 61.-177.<br />

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15. Pallutt, B. (1999): Possibilities and limits of using seed<br />

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and herbicide input in cereals. Proc. 11 th EWRS<br />

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16. Pollard, F., Cussans, G.W. (1976): The influence of tillage<br />

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Conf.-Weeds, 1019-1028.<br />

17. Richards, M.C., Davies, D.H.K. (1991): Potential for<br />

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SA@ETAK<br />

Utjecaj nekih varijanta reduciranih obrada tla i smanjenih doza herbicidnog pripravka Dicurana forte 80 WP na<br />

korovnu populaciju i prinos jarog je~ma ispitivan je na lesiviranom pseudogleju na lokalitetu ^a~inci u 1999. godini.<br />

Najbrojnije korovne vrste bile su iz skupine jednogodi{njih dvosupnica: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Chenopodium<br />

album L., Chenopodium polyspermum L. i Polygonum lapathifolium L. Obrada tla nije zna~ajno utjecala na produkciju<br />

suhe mase te korovne skupine, ~ija je prosje~na masa iznosila 22 kg ha -1 . Reducirane obrade tla (tanjuranje svake<br />

druge godine u izmjeni s oranjem, oranje s chisel plugom i kontinuirano tanjuranje) pove}ale su masu vi{egodi{njih<br />

korova za 10 do 54 puta prema konvencionalnoj obradi. Herbicidni pripravak u dozama od 100%, 50% i 25% preporu~ene<br />

doze postigao je dobru prosje~nu u~inkovitost od 95, 89 i 81%. Obrada tla i smanjenje herbicidnih doza nisu<br />

zna~ajno utjecali na prinose usjeva, koji su varirali u prosjeku od 4,93 t ha -1 u obradi s chisel plugom do 4,48 t ha -1<br />

u obradi kontinuiranim tanjuranjem, bez statisti~kih razlika. Rezultati su pokazali mogu}nost zamjene konvencionalne<br />

obrade s reduciranim oblicima obrada na pseudogleju uz uporabu smanjenih doza herbicidnog pripravka<br />

Dicurana forte 80 WP za 50% i vi{e u proizvodnji jarog je~ma.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: jari je~am, obrada tla, korovne populacije, suha masa korova, prinos je~ma<br />

(Received on 19 March 2003; accepted on 30 April 2003 - Primljeno 19. o`ujka 2003.; prihva}eno 30. travnja 2003.)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 631.111.2:633.63:632.26<br />



(Cercospora beticola Sacc.)<br />

A. Kristek (1) , Zvjezdana Magud (2) , Manda Antunoviæ (1) , Suzana Kristek (1) Izvorni znanstveni èlanak<br />

Original scientific paper<br />

SA@ETAK<br />

Proizvodne vrijednosti monogermnih CMS linija šeæerne repe i njihovu otpornost na C.<br />

beticolu istra`ivali smo u <strong>Osijeku</strong> tijekom dvije godine (2001., 2002.) u uvjetima prirodne<br />

infekcije i potpune zaštite fungicidima. Vrednovanje je izvršeno preko pokazatelja prinosa<br />

i kvalitete korijena te vizualnom ocjenom ošteæenja listova. U istra`ivanju je bilo 28<br />

CMS genetski divergentnih linija i 2 standarda. Rezultati istra`ivanja ukazuju na postignuti<br />

napredak u oplemenjivanju i obeæavajuæu vrijednost monogermnih CMS linija, koje<br />

je moguæe koristiti za dobivanje novih hibrida i daljnje genetsko unapreðenje. Tri ispitivane<br />

linije postigle su visok prinos korijena na razini standarda, a èak deset linija imalo<br />

je istu ili veæu digestiju od boljeg standarda. Utvrðeno je da je upotrebom fungicida u<br />

odnosu na nezaštiæene varijante prosjeèno poveæan prinos korijena za 7,09 t/ha (16%),<br />

digestija za 0,81% (rel. 5%) i prinos šeæera za 1,38 t/ha (22,8%). Mjere zaštite fungicidima<br />

više su utjecale na proizvodni rezultat kod osjetljivih linija na C. beticolu, a manje<br />

kod otpornijih linija.<br />

Kljuène rijeèi: šeæerna repa, prinos, kvaliteta korijena, Cercospora beticola<br />

UVOD<br />

Kontinuirana testiranja i ocjene stvorenih selekcijskih<br />

materijala šeæerne repe nu`an su put kojim nastojimo<br />

dostiæi oplemenjivaèke ciljeve. Za uspješnost selekcijskog<br />

postupka potrebno je utvrditi genetske parametre<br />

koji daju uvid u prirodu genetske varijabilnosti razlièitih<br />

selekcijskih materijala. Osim prinosa korijena,<br />

sadr`aja šeæera, kalija, natrija, alfa amino dušika, znaèajan<br />

interes oplemenjivaèa šeæerne repe predstavlja<br />

otpornost prema pjegavosti lista koju izaziva<br />

Cercospora beticola Saac. Ta bolest zastupljena je u<br />

svim proizvodnim podruèjima naše zemlje i redovito se<br />

javlja svake godine. Bolest ošteæuje listove, smanjuje<br />

lisnu površinu i asimilaciju CO2 (Nagel i Leonard,<br />

1940.), zbog èega opada prinos korijena i do 60%,<br />

sadr`aj šeæera mo`e biti ni`i 3-7%, a poveæava se udio<br />

štetnih elemenata (K, Na, AmN) u korijenu repe (Mariæ,<br />

1969., 1974.; Matiæ i Ðurðeviæ, 1970.; Smith i Ruppel,<br />

1973.; Yoshimura et al. 1992.; Smith i Campbell, 1996.;<br />

Lioviæ i sur., 1998.). Jaka epidemija mo`e izazvati gubitak<br />

prinosa šeæera i preko 42% (Smith i Ruppel, 1971.).<br />

Osim toga, korijen zara`enih biljaka te`e se èuva od<br />

korijena zdravih biljaka (Smith i Ruppel, 1971.).<br />

Smanjenje gubitaka izazvanih pjegavošæu lišæa<br />

šeæerne repe mo`e se postiæi korištenjem otpornih<br />

sorata i primjenom fungicida. Kao izvori otpornosti<br />

prema tom patogenu uglavnom se koriste sorte i linije<br />

stvorene u SAD i Italiji, koje su nastale kri`anjem šeæerne<br />

repe Beta vulgaris var. altisima s divljom repom Beta<br />

vulgaris ssp. maritima. Te sorte i linije posjeduju razlièiti<br />

stupanj otpornosti, a izvor imuniteta pronaðen je u<br />

repama iz sekcije Patellares. Meðutim, kri`anje tih biljaka<br />

s biljkama Beta vulgaris vrlo je teško, a i povezano s<br />

unošenjem velikog broja negativnih osobina, koje se<br />

tijekom selekcije teško eliminiraju.<br />

Prouèavajuæi genetsku osnovu otpornosti na C.<br />

beticolu, razni istra`ivaèi dobili su vrlo nejednake podatke.<br />

Tako Smith i Gaskill (1970.) navode da otpornost<br />

prema C. beticoli kontrolira veæi broj gena (4-5), a<br />

Lewelen i Whithney (1976.) jedan gen kod rase C2<br />

(1) Dr.sc. Andrija Kristek, red. prof., dr.sc. Manda Antunoviæ, izv.prof.,<br />

dr.sc. Suzana Kristek - Sveuèilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u <strong>Osijeku</strong>,<br />

<strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u <strong>Osijeku</strong>, Trg sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek, (2)<br />

Zvjezdana Magud, dipl.in`. - Institut za šeæernu repu d.d., M. Divalta 320,<br />

31000 Osijek<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

32<br />


Cercospora beticola, uz napomenu da taj gen nije efikasan<br />

prema rasi C1. Kako genetska osnova, tako se i<br />

rezultati o naèinu nasljeðivanja otpornosti prema pjegavosti<br />

lišæa šeæerne repe znaèajno razlikuju kod pojedinih<br />

istra`ivaèa. Lewelen i Whithney (1976.) opisuju da se<br />

otpornost u F1 generaciji nasljeðuje dominantno, a<br />

Kohls (1950.) recesivno. Hasegawa et al. (Kovaèev,<br />

1982.) navode da je nasljeðivanje po tipu nepotpune<br />

dominacije recesivnog roditelja, dok Smith i Gaskill<br />

(1970.) te Kovaèev (1982) naèin nasljeðivanja opisuju<br />

kao intermedijalni.<br />

U ovom radu analiziraju se vrijednosti stvorenih<br />

CMS monogermnih linija preko kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih<br />

pokazatelja (prinos korijena i šeæera, sadr`aj šeæera,<br />

K, Na, AmN), uzimajuæi u obzir otpornost na C. beticolu<br />

kao znaèajno svojstvo, va`no u proizvodnji te kulture.<br />

Na takav naèin dobit æe se va`ne informacije, koje æe<br />

poslu`iti pri izboru linija kao komponente za dobivanje<br />

F1 triploidnih hibrida.<br />


Kako bismo utvrdili proizvodnu vrijednost i otpornost<br />

monogermnih CMS linija šeæerne repe na C. beticolu, u<br />

2001. i 2002. godini postavili smo poljske pokuse u<br />

<strong>Osijeku</strong>. U pokusima se nalazilo 28 CMS monogermnih<br />

genetski divergentnih novostvorenih linija šeæerne repe<br />

Instituta za šeæernu repu i 2 hibrida, Os Sana i Kristal, kao<br />

standard. Istra`ivane linije izdvojene su kao bolji selekcijski<br />

materijal u preliminarnim istra`ivanjima na najva`nija<br />

proizvodna svojstva (prinos korijena i šeæera, sadr`aj<br />

šeæera). Najbolje linije poslu`it æe kao majèinska komponenta<br />

za dobivanje F1 triploidnih hibrida.<br />

Istra`ivanja su vršena u uvjetima prirodne infekcije<br />

cerkosporom, bez zaštite i potpune zaštite od cerkospore<br />

fungicidima. Ocjena proizvodnih vrijednosti i otpornosti<br />

prema pjegavosti lišæa šeæerne repe izvršena je preko<br />

pokazatelja prinosa i kvalitete korijena te vizualnom<br />

ocjenom ošteæenja listova, koristeæi skalu od 0 (nema<br />

bolesti) do 10 (potpuno sušenje lišæa).<br />

Izabrani genotipovi posijani su u dva odvojena poljska<br />

pokusa (tretirano i netretirano), prema shemi sluèajnog<br />

bloknog rasporeda u 6 ponavljanja, s velièinom<br />

osnovne parcele od 10 m2 u vaðenju. Tretiranje fungicidima<br />

obavljeno je u obje godine sredinom srpnja prvi<br />

puta (Brestanid 0,6 l/ha + Duet 0,7 l/ha), krajem<br />

srpnja/poèetkom kolovoza drugi puta (Brestanid 0,6 l/ha<br />

+ Rias 300 EC 0,5 l/ha) i u drugoj dekadi kolovoza treæi<br />

puta (Alto combi 0,4 l/ha). Završna vizualna ocjena cerkospore<br />

izvršena je u drugoj dekadi rujna, a vaðenje<br />

pokusa u zadnjoj dekadi listopada.<br />

Vremenske prilike u godinama izvoðenja pokusa<br />

razlikovale su se i utjecale su na tok porasta šeæerne<br />

repe i na razvoj C. beticole. Godinu 2001. u vegetaciji<br />

karakteriziraju prosjeène mjeseène temperature zraka<br />

(17,70 C) za ovo podruèje i poveæana kolièina oborina<br />

u vegetaciji. Meðutim, raspored oborina bio je nepovoljan,<br />

zbog izmjene suhih i vla`nih razdoblja. Tako je u<br />

kolovozu palo 7,1 mm kiše, a u lipnju èak 238,9 mm.<br />

Takve vremenske prilike pru`ale su uvjete za postizanje<br />

zadovoljavajuæe kvalitete, ali ne i prinosa korijena, dok<br />

optimalni uvjeti za razvoj C. beticole u drugom dijelu<br />

vegetacije nisu bili ispunjeni. Za 2002. godinu mo`e se<br />

ukratko reæi da je bila topla i vla`na, povoljna za dobar<br />

prinos korijena, ali i za razvoj C. beticole. Istovremeno,<br />

takvi uvjeti bili su nepovoljni za nakupljanje šeæera u<br />

korijenu repe - digestiju. U ovoj godini temperatura zraka<br />

je tijekom vegetacije bila prosjeèno za 1 0 C viša od<br />

dugogodišnjeg prosjeka, a mjeseèna kolièina oborina u<br />

vegetaciji iznosila je 50-70 mm, s izuzetkom svibnja, u<br />

kojem je palo 155,6 mm kiše.<br />


Rezultati provedenih poljskih pokusa, laboratorijskih<br />

analiza korijena šeæerne repe i statistièke obrade<br />

Tablica 1. Prinos i kvaliteta korijena šeæerne repe u uvjetima potpune zaštite od cerkospore i prirodne infekcije<br />

Table 1. Yield and quality of sugar beet root in the conditions of full Cercospora protection and natural infection<br />

** Signifikantno na razini P


33<br />

podataka izneseni su u Tablici 1. Iz prikazanih rezultata<br />

zapa`amo signifikantne vrlo znaèajne razlike u primjeni<br />

zaštite od C. beticole u svim ispitivanim svojstvima<br />

korijena šeæerne repe. Veæi prinosi korijena (51,43<br />

t/ha), veæa digestija (16,98%) i veæi prinosa šeæera<br />

(7,44 t/ha) ostvareni su pri potpunoj zaštiti šeæerne<br />

repe od C. beticole. Razlika izmeðu netretiranih i tretiranih<br />

varijanti iznosi u prinosu korijena 7,09 t/ha (16%),<br />

u sadr`aju šeæera 0,81% (rel. 5%) te u prinosu šeæera<br />

1,38 t/ha (22,8%). U uvjetima prirodne infekcije cerkosporom<br />

bez zaštite, prosjeèna ocjena napada bolesti<br />

bila je 7,4, što je visoko signifikantno više u odnosu na<br />

uvjete potpune zaštite fungicidima (1,9). Utvrðene<br />

su statistièki vrlo znaèajne razlike u rezultatima i izmeðu<br />

godina istra`ivanja. Znaèajno veæi prinos korijena<br />

(57,82 t/ha) i šeæera (7,79 t/ha) na razini P-0,01 dobiven<br />

je u 2002. godini, a veæa digestija (17,37%) i iskorištenje<br />

šeæera na repu (14,58%) u 2001. godini.<br />

Prosjeèna ocjena napada lišæa šeæerne repe cerkosporom<br />

u prvoj godini iznosila je 3,7, a u drugoj 5,6.<br />

Prinos korijena. Osim primjene fungicida i godine,<br />

prinos korijena zavisio je od istra`ivanih genotipova<br />

(Tablica 1. i 2.). Najveæi prinos (55,85 t/ha) u varijanti<br />

bez zaštite i 63,11 t/ha uz zaštitu od C. beticole, postignut<br />

je sa standardom Os Sana. Gotovo isti prinos bez<br />

statistièki opravdanih razlika dobiven je kod linije 25 (MS<br />

1028), linije 20 (MS 1461) i linije 21 (MS 864). Iako je<br />

zaštita od C. beticole znaèajno utjecala na prinos korijena<br />

(prosjeèno 16%), rang vrijednosti linija po prinosu<br />

korijena nije se znaèajnije mijenjao u varijantama sa i bez<br />

zaštite. Tako su najbolje tri linije dale najveæi prinos u<br />

varijantama bez zaštite i sa zaštitom šeæerne repe od C.<br />

beticole. Treba ipak istaknuti razlièito poveæanje prinosa<br />

korijena korištenjem fungicida, ovisno o osjetljivosti<br />

genotipova. Tako je najveæi porast prinosa kod primjene<br />

fungicida utvrðen kod linija osjetljivijih na C. beticolu.<br />

Tablica 2. Prinos i kvaliteta korijena šeæerne repe (prosjek 2001. i 2002.) u uvjetima prirodne infekcije cerkosporom<br />

bez zaštite<br />

Table 2. Yield and quality of sugar beet root (average 2001. and 2002.) in the conditions of Cercospora natural<br />

infection without protection<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

34<br />


Utvrðeno je da je kod osjetljive linije 1 poveæanje prinosa<br />

iznosilo 20% (s 39,02 t/ha bez zaštite na 46,82 t/ha uz<br />

zaštitu), odnosno 19% kod linije 16 te 18% kod linije 27.<br />

Kod najotpornijih linija na C. beticolu poveæanje prinosa<br />

iznosilo je 12% (od 38,65 t/ha na 43,29 t/ha) kod linije<br />

4, odnosno 13% kod linija 3, 8 i 25.<br />

Sadr`aj šeæera. Vrlo znaèajna osobina šeæerne<br />

repe, pored prinosa korijena, je sadr`aj šeæera, buduæi da<br />

od ta dva elemenata najviše zavisi prinos šeæera. Pored<br />

istaknute zavisnosti digestije od tretmana fungicidima i<br />

godine, iz podataka Tablice 2. i 3. uoèavamo zavisnost i<br />

od genotipa. Najveæa digestija iznosila je 16,66% bez<br />

zaštite i 17,65% uz zaštitu od C. beticole. Najmanja digestija<br />

bila je kod varijanata bez zaštite – 15,53%, a kod<br />

primjene fungicida 16,11%. Deset linija (18, 1, 17, 22,<br />

20, 21, 26, 27, 3, 2) imalo je veæu digestiju od boljeg<br />

standarda sorte Kristal. Meðutim, treba istaknuti da su u<br />

uvjetima bez zaštite razlike izmeðu veæine genotipova<br />

statistièki neopravdane. Samo dvije linije (25 i 8) te standard<br />

29 imali su statistièki znaèajno ni`u digestiju. Kod<br />

varijante zaštite od cerkospore, razlike izmeðu genotipova<br />

su veæe, pa je èetrnaest linija imalo znaèajno ni`u<br />

digestiju, na razini P-0,01. Tretiranje fungicidima doprinijelo<br />

je poveæanju digestije, osobito kod genotipova<br />

osjetljivih na C. beticolu. Tako razlike izmeðu tretiranih i<br />

netretiranih varijanti iznose od 0,54% (linija 8 – s 15,57<br />

na 16,11% i linija 13 – s 15,93 na 16,49%) kod otpornih<br />

linija na C. beticolu, do 1,08 (linija 1 – s 16,65 na<br />

17,37%) kod osjetljivih linija. Prosjeèna razlika u<br />

sadr`aju šeæera izmeðu tretiranih i netretiranih varijanti<br />

iznosi 0,81%.<br />

Prinos šeæera. Uzimajuæi u obzir èinjenicu da su<br />

istra`ivanja vršena s monogermnim linijama šeæerne<br />

repe, mo`e se istaknuti da je ostvaren visok prosjeèni<br />

prinos šeæera od 6,74 t/ha. Na visinu prinosa šeæera<br />

visoko signifikantan utjecaj imao je i genotip. Najveæi<br />

prinos u varijantama sa zaštitom od C. beticole (8,87<br />

t/ha) ostvarila je linija 20 (MS 1461). Nešto ni`i prinos,<br />

Tablica 3. Prinos i kvaliteta korijena šeæerne repe (prosjek 2001. i 2002.) u uvjetima potpune zaštite fungicidima<br />

Table 3. Yield and quality of sugar beet root (average 2001. and 2002.) in the conditions of full protection by fungicides<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


35<br />

ali bez statistièki opravdanih razlika za razinu P-0,01<br />

ostvarilo je još 10 linija (21, 25, 18, 13, 7, 24, 26, 12,<br />

17, 22) i dva standarda. Ostale linije postigle su statistièki<br />

opravdano ni`i prinos šeæera, a najni`i prinos je<br />

iznosio 6,18 t/ha i postignut je kod linije 3 (MS 1281).<br />

U varijantama s prirodnom infekcijom bez zaštite od C.<br />

beticole, najveæi prinos šeæera (7,2 t/ha) dao je standard<br />

Os Sana, a zatim linija 20. Ni`i prinos, ali bez statistièki<br />

znaèajnih razlika na razini P-0,01 postignut je još s 14<br />

linija i drugim standardom (Kristal). Najni`i prinos ostvaren<br />

je opet kod linije 3 i iznosio je 5,17 t/ha. Tretiranje<br />

fungicidima dalo je veæi uèinak u vidu poveæanja prinosa<br />

šeæera kod genotipova osjetljivih na C. beticolu.<br />

Najveæa utvrðena razlika iznosila je 27,3% kod linije 20<br />

(MS 1461). Najmanji uèinak zaštite od C. beticole, u<br />

visini od 18,7% dobiven je kod linije 8, koja je pokazivala<br />

veæu otpornost na C. beticolu.<br />

Pjegavost lišæa šeæerne repe. Ocjena otpornosti<br />

genotipova prema uzroèniku pjegavosti lista šeæerne<br />

repe (Cercospora beticola Sacc.) izvršena je vizualno<br />

po skali 0 (nema ošteæenja) do 10 (potpuno sušenje<br />

lišæa). U uvjetima prirodne infekcije, bez zaštite, jaèina<br />

zaraze na listovima ocijenjena je ocjenom 7,4, a uz<br />

potpunu zaštitu fungicidima 1,9. Meðu istra`ivanim<br />

linijama u uvjetima bez zaštite najosjetljivije linije ocijenjene<br />

su ocjenom 9,8 (linija 1); 9,6 (linija 27); 9,5<br />

(linija 19) i 9,3 (linija 18). Te linije prema ispitivanim<br />

kvalitativnim osobinama pripadaju grupi s veæim<br />

sadr`ajem šeæera, a s obzirom na prinos korijena, razlièito<br />

su rangirane. Linija 18 pripada najrodnijoj grupi,<br />

a linija 1 grupi s najni`im prinosom korijena. U varijanti<br />

bez zaštite fungicidima, najotpornija na C. beticolu, s<br />

ocjenom 4,2, bila je linija 8 i s 4,5 linija 25. Ti genotipovi<br />

po sadr`aju šeæera pripadaju lošijoj, a po prinosu<br />

korijena boljoj – rodnijoj grupi. U uvjetima potpune<br />

zaštite fungicidima, jaèina zaraze lišæa ocijenjena najveæom<br />

ocjenom zabilje`ena je kod linija 1 (4,2) i 20<br />

(4,0), dok je najzdravije lišæe, s vrlo malo ošteæenja,<br />

utvrðeno kod linije 8 (0,1) i 25 (0,2). Kod standarda 29<br />

(Os Sana) otpornost na C. beticolu bila je na razini<br />

prosjeka pokusa (1,8), a kod standarda 30 (Kristal)<br />

utvrðena je veæa osjetljivost (2,9).<br />


Na temelju dobivenih rezultata istra`ivanja vrijednosti<br />

genetski divergentnih genotipova šeæerne repe<br />

(28 monogermnih linija i 2 standarda), u uvjetima<br />

prirodne infekcije cerkosporom bez zaštite i uz zaštitu<br />

fungicidima, na lokaciji Osijek, u 2001. i 2002.<br />

godini, mogu se donijeti sljedeæi zakljuèci:<br />

- prinos korijena i šeæera, sadr`aj i iskorištenje<br />

šeæera zavisili su od genotipa, uvjeta proizvodnje<br />

i zaštite od C. beticole;<br />

- statistièki znaèajno ni`i prinos i kvaliteta korijena<br />

ostvareni su u uvjetima bez zaštite od C. beticole.<br />

Primjenom fungicida poveæan je prinos korijena<br />

za 7,09 t/ha (16%), digestija za 0,81% (rel.<br />

5%), iskorištenje za 0,78% (rel. 5,7%) te prinos<br />

šeæera za 1,38 t/ha (22,8%). Zaštita fungicidima<br />

više je utjecala na prinos i kvalitativna svojstva<br />

osjetljivih, a manje na ista svojstva kod genotipova<br />

otpornih na C. beticolu.<br />

- prema vizualnoj ocjeni, prosjeèno ošteæenje<br />

listova pjegavošæu lišæa šeæerne repe u uvjetima<br />

prirodne infekcije bez zaštite iznosilo je 7,4,<br />

a uz zaštitu fungicidima 1,9<br />

- od 28 istra`ivanih linija, izdvaja se deset s visokim<br />

sadr`ajem i iskorištenjem šeæera, tri s<br />

visokim prinosom, a po otpornosti na C. beticolu<br />

dvije. Najbolje linije bit æe ukljuèene u<br />

daljnji proces oplemenjivanja šeæerne repe.<br />


1. Kohls, H.L. (1950): A genetic study of 17 F1 hybrids and<br />

their inbred patents. J. Amer. Soc. Sugar Beet Techn,<br />

165-170<br />

2. Kovaèev, L. (1982.): Nasljeðivanje prema Cercospora<br />

beticola Sacc. kod F1 triploidnih hibrida šeæerne repe.<br />

Zbornik «Matica srpska» 62, 151.-155.<br />

3. Lioviæ, I., Kristek, A., Magud, Z., Mertz, R. (1998.):<br />

Osjetljivost linija i hibrida šeæerne repe u uvjetima umjetne<br />

i prirodne infekcije cerkosporom (Cercospora beticola<br />

Sacc.). Sjemenarstvo, 15(5):269.-281<br />

4. Lewellen R.T., Whitney, E.D. (1976): Inheritance of<br />

resistance to rase C2 of Cercospora beticola Sacc. In<br />

Sugar beet. Crop Sci., 16(4):558-561<br />

5. Mariæ, A. (1969.): Pegavost lišæa šeæerne repe.<br />

«Zadru`na knjiga» Beograd.<br />

6. Mariæ, A. (1974.): Bolesti šeæerne repe. Forum, Novi<br />

Sad.<br />

7. Matiæ, I., Ðurðeviæ, M. (1970.): Djelovanje jaèine napada<br />

cerkospore na sorte s razlièitom otpornošæu prema<br />

parazitu. Savremena poljoprivreda, 18:207.-214.<br />

8. Nagel, C.M., Leonard, O.A. (1940): The effect of<br />

Cercospora beticola on the chemical composition and<br />

carbon assimilation of Beta vulgaris. Phytopathology,<br />

30:659-666.<br />

9. Smith, G.A., Gaskill, J.O. (1970): Inheritance of<br />

Resistance to Cercospora Leaf Spot in Sugarbeet. J.<br />

Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Technol. 16:172-180.<br />

10. Smith, G.A., Ruppel, E.G. (1971): Cercospora Leaf Spot<br />

as a Predisposing Factor in Storage Rot of Sugar Beet<br />

Roots. Phytopathology, 61:1485-1487.<br />

11. Smith, G.A., Ruppel, E.G. (1973): Association of<br />

Cercospora Leaf Spot, Gross Sucrose, Percentage<br />

Sucrose, and Root Weight in Sugarbeet. Can. J. Plant<br />

Sci. 53:695-696.<br />

12. Smith, G.A., Campbell, L.G. (1996): Association between<br />

resistance to Cercospora and yield in commercial<br />

sugarbeet hybrids. Plant Breeding, 115:28-32.<br />

13. Yoshimura, Y., Abe, H., Ohtuschi, K. (1992): Varietal<br />

Difference in the Susceptibility to Cercospora Leaf Spots<br />

and its Effect on Yield and Quality of Sugar Beets. Proc.<br />

Japan soc. Sugar Beet Technol. 34: 112-116.<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

36<br />




(Cercospora beticola Sacc.) SUSCEPTIBILITY<br />


The producing values of monogerm CMS lines of sugar beet and their tolerance on cercospora leaf spot are investigated<br />

in Osijek during two years (2001, 2002) under the following conditions: natural infection and full protection<br />

with fungicides. The parameters for evaluation were root quality and yield, just as visual review of leaf damages.<br />

Twenty eight genetically divergent CMS lines and two standards were confirmed by the examinations. The test results<br />

indicate achieved progress in breeding and monogerm CMS lines value which can be used for obtaining new hybrids<br />

and further improvements. Three investigated lines achieved high root yield on the level of standards and even ten<br />

lines had the same or higher digestion than better standard. It was found out that in the case of fungicide apply, root<br />

yield increased on the average by 7.09 t/ha (16%), sugar content by 0.81% (rel. 5%) and sugar yield by 1.38 t/ha<br />

(22.8%). Protection measures with fungicides had higher influence on production results of line being susceptible to<br />

cercospora and compared to cercospora tolerant lines.<br />

Key-words: sugar beet, yield, root quality, Cercospora beticola Sacc.<br />

(Primljeno 23. travnja 2003.; prihvaæeno 21. svibnja 2003. - Received on 23 April 2003; accepted on 21 May 2003)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 635.07:633.358<br />


(Pisum sativum L.)<br />

T. ^upi} (1) , S. Popovi} (1) , Marijana Tucak (1) , M. Stjepanovi} (2) , Sonja Grlju{i} (1) Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak<br />

Original scientific paper<br />

SA@ETAK<br />

Cilj rada bio je utvrditi prinos i procijeniti stabilnost prinosa zrna gra{ka novostvorene<br />

linije JSG-1 (sorta u priznavanju) te je usporediti sa sortama stranog porijekla u agroekolo{kom<br />

podru~ju Isto~ne Hrvatske. Pokus je bio postavljen na pokusnom polju<br />

Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek po slu~ajnom blok rasporedu u ~etiri repeticije u razdoblju<br />

od pet godina (1998. – 2002.). U pokusu je kori{teno {est (pet stranih i jedna<br />

doma}a) sorti : Eiffil, Erbi, JP-5, JSG-1(u priznavanju), Törsz i Baccara. Parametri stabilnosti<br />

izra~unati su primjenom metode grupiranja po Francisu i Kannenbergu (1978.) i<br />

modelom individualnih procjena stabilnosti po Eberhart i Russel (1966.) metodi. Po<br />

Francis i Kannenberg metodi sorte Eiffil, Erbi, JSG-1 i Baccara bile su u grupi I, koja se<br />

odlikuje visokim prinosom i malim koeficijentom variranja svojstva te predstavljaju sorte<br />

stabilnog prinosa. Prema koeficijentu regresije i varijanci odstupanja od regresije najstabilnija<br />

je bila sorta JSG-1 (b i<br />

=1,06 i S 2 di<br />

=0,010), dok je najmanju stabilnost pokazala<br />

sorta Törsz (b i<br />

=0,67 i S 2 di<br />

=0,160). U skupinu nestabilnih sorti, adaptabilnih na<br />

visokoprinosne okoline, svrstana je Baccara (b i<br />

=1,22 i S 2 di<br />

=0,034 ).<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: gra{ak, prinos zrna, parametri stabilnosti<br />

UVOD<br />

Jari sto~ni gra{ak (Pisum sativum L.) je kultura<br />

koja se, zbog visoko vrijednih bjelan~evina u zrnu<br />

(Kolak, 1994.), ~esto koristi u hranidbi stoke (Kalivoda,<br />

1990.), a naro~ito svinja (^erny i sur., 1994.). Po<br />

sadr`aju bjelan~evina u zrnu nalazi se izme|u soje i `itarica<br />

(Gatel i sur., 1990.).<br />

Cilj ve}ine oplemenjiva~kih programa je kreiranje<br />

sorti visokog i stabilnog prinosa u razli~itim okolinama.<br />

Vrijednost neke sorte u proizvodnji ne ovisi samo o<br />

ekspresiji genetskog potencijala za prinos, ve} i o sposobnosti<br />

zadr`avanja vrijednih svojstava u razli~itim<br />

uvjetima okoline. Rezultat interakcije genotipa (sorte) i<br />

okoline odra`ava se u adaptabilnosti i stabilnosti sorte<br />

(Borojevi}, 1992.). Sorte {iroke adaptabilnosti daju stabilne<br />

prinose u {irokom uzgojnom podru~ju, dok one<br />

uske adaptabilnosti ostvaruju visoke prinose u povoljnim<br />

okolinama, a niske prinose u nepovoljnim (Oka,<br />

1967.). Postoji nekoliko metoda koje omogu}uju analizu<br />

prilagodljivosti genotipa okolinama (Linn i sur.,<br />

1986.), a temelje se na dva razli~ita koncepta stabilnosti<br />

(biolo{ki i agronomski), koje je definirao Becker<br />

(1981.). Stabilan genotip prema biolo{kom konceptu<br />

odlikuje se {to manjom varijancom u svim istra`ivanim<br />

okolinama, tj. varijanca mu je nula. Prema agronomskom<br />

konceptu, stabilan genotip odlikuje se {to manjim<br />

odstupanjem od prosje~ne reakcije okoline.<br />

U Republici Hrvatskoj ve} nekoliko godina raste<br />

interes za proizvodnjom jarog sto~nog gra{ka zbog relativno<br />

niskih tro{kova proizvodnje, kratke vegetacija i<br />

zadovoljavaju}eg prinosa zrna (Popovi} i sur., 2002.).<br />

Na sortnoj listi RH sve priznate sorte su introdukcije<br />

(Sortna lista 2002.), a u {iroj proizvodnji najzastupljenija<br />

je sorta Baccara. U 2002. godini prijavljena je proizvodnja<br />

sjemena te sorte na 95 ha (podaci Zavoda za<br />

sjemenarstvo i rasadni~arstvo RH). Klimatske prilike u<br />

isto~noj Hrvatskoj (regija uzgoja svinja) jako variraju, a<br />

(1) Mr sc. Tihomir ^upi}, dr.sc. Svetislav Popovi}, mr.sc. Marijana Tucak<br />

i mr.sc. Sonja Grlju{i} - <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> institut Osijek, Ju`no predgra|e<br />

17, 31000 Osijek, (2)Prof. dr.sc. Mirko Stjepanovi} – Sveu~ili{te Josipa<br />

Jurja Strossmayera u <strong>Osijeku</strong>, <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong>, Trg Sv. Trojstva 3,<br />

31000 Osijek<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

38<br />

T. Èupiæ i sur.: PROCJENA STABILNOSTI PRINOSA ZRNA GRAŠKA (Pisum stivum L.) ...<br />

time utje~u na visinu prinosa zrna, koja se kre}e od<br />

1,164 do 4,630 kg/ha (Popovi} i sur., 1985. i 1992.,<br />

Stjepanovi} i sur., 1996.). Jedan od osnovnih ciljeva<br />

oplemenjivanja gra{ka je visok prinos, koji ovisi o genetskom<br />

potencijalu sorte. Sorte najbolje iskori{tavaju<br />

genetski potencijal u uvjetima okoline kreiranja i selekcije<br />

te se mogu ciljano kreirati za odre|eno agroekolo{ko<br />

podru~je. Stoga smo u okviru programa oplemenjivanja<br />

gra{ka u ranim fazama selekcije izdvojili i testirali najperspektivniju<br />

liniju (JSG-1).<br />

Prinos zrna istra`enih sorti statisti~ki je obra|en<br />

analizom varijance kombiniranom po godinama<br />

istra`ivanja. Zna~ajnosti razlika prinosa izme|u sorata i<br />

godina testirane su LSD testom. Za procjenu parametara<br />

stabilnosti kori{tene su metoda grupiranja sorti po<br />

Francisu i Kannenbergu (1978.) i analiza regresije (koeficijent<br />

regresije b i<br />

i varijanca odstupanja od regresije<br />

S 2 di<br />

) po modelu Eberharta i Russella (1966.). Stabilne<br />

sorte po metodi grupiranja nalaze se u grupi I, dok su<br />

po modelu koeficijenta regresije stabilne sorte, kod kojih<br />

Tablica 1. Srednje mjese~ne temperature zraka ( °C) i koli~ina oborina (mm) po godinama istra`ivanja<br />

Table 1. Mean month air temperature ( °C) and rainfall amount (mm) for years<br />

Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi visinu i stabilnost prinosa<br />

zrna gra{ka novostvorene linije i usporediti je sa<br />

standardom Baccara i drugim sortama stranog porijekla<br />

u klimatskim uvjetima isto~ne Hrvatske.<br />


Istra`ivanje je provedeno na pokusnom polju<br />

Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek (tip tla eutri~ni kambisol),<br />

po slu~ajnom blok rasporedu u ~etiri ponavljanja, a trajalo<br />

je pet godina (1998., 1999., 2000., 2001. i 2002. godine).<br />

Veli~ina osnovne parcele bila je 10 m 2 (5 m x 2 m).<br />

Istra`ivano je {est sorti jarog sto~nog gra{ka iz<br />

razli~itih geografskih podru~ja. U pokusu su bile sorte:<br />

Eiffil (Francuska), Erbi (Austrija), JP-5 i Törsz<br />

(Ma|arska), JSG-1 (Hrvatska, u priznavanju) i Baccara<br />

(Francuska, standard u Hrvatskoj).<br />

je b i<br />

=1, a odstupanje od regresije S 2 di<br />

= 0, uz {to ve}i<br />

prosje~ni prinos sorte. Radi utvr|ivanja korelacije<br />

istra`ivanog svojstva i stabilnosti izra~unata je korelacija<br />

ranga (r).<br />

Klimatske prilike tijekom istra`ivanja<br />

Klimatski podaci (srednje mjese~ne temperature i<br />

koli~ina oborine) za razdoblje od 1998.-2002. godine,<br />

tijekom vegetacije gra{ka, prikazane su u Tablici 1.<br />

Prosje~na mjese~na temperatura zraka u o`ujku 2001.<br />

godine bila je vi{a nego u ostalim godinama, {to je<br />

omogu}ilo pravovremeno i brzo nicanje gra{ka. Koli~ina<br />

oborina tijekom perioda vegetacije gra{ka po godinama<br />

istra`ivanja jako se razlikovala, a posebno se isticala<br />

2000. godina kao izrazito su{na. Najvi{e oborina bilo je<br />

u 2001. godini, koja je ujedno imala i najbolji raspored<br />

oborina tijekom vegetacije gra{ka.<br />

Tablica 2. Rezultati analiza varijance kombinirane za jednu lokaciju u pet godina<br />

Table 2. Results of combined analysis variance for one location in five year<br />

*,** F-test zna~ajnosti na razini P=0,05, odnosno P=0,01. / *,** F- significancy test at P=0,05 and P=0,01 level<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

T. Èupiæ i sur.: PROCJENA STABILNOSTI PRINOSA ZRNA GRAŠKA (Pisum stivum L.) ...<br />

39<br />

Tablica 3. Prosje~ni prinos zrna gra{ka (t/ha) po sortama i godinama istra`ivanja<br />

Table 3. Mean pea grain yield (t/ha ) per cultivars and years<br />


Analiza varijance (Tablica 2.) pokazala je zna~ajnu<br />

fenotipsku varijabilnost za prinos zrna izme|u istra`ivanih<br />

sorti gra{ka. Zna~ajne razlike izme|u godina pokazuju<br />

da su godine u kojima su provedena istra`ivanja<br />

bile klimatski razli~ite. Analizom varijance utvr|eno je<br />

postojanje interakcije izme|u prinosa sorata i godina te<br />

je bilo mogu}e analizirati stabilnost prinosa zrna i adaptabilnost.<br />

Prosje~an prinos (Tablica 3.) zrna gra{ka za sve<br />

sorte u 1998. godini iznosio je 2,545 t/ha, a po sortama<br />

se kretao od 1,410 t/ha (Törsz ) do 3.205 t/ha (Erbi).<br />

U 1999. godini prosje~an prinos zrna gra{ka iznosio je<br />

1,623 t/ha, dok je prinos sorti varirao od 0,990 t/ha<br />

(Törsz) do 1,895 t/ha (JSG-1). Prosje~an prinos zrna u<br />

2000. godini kretao se od 1,840 t/ha (JP-5) do 2,885<br />

t/ha (Erbi), odnosno u prosjeku 2,472 t/ha. U 2001.<br />

godini ostvaren je prosje~an prinos zrna gra{ka 5,410<br />

t/ha, dok je variranje po sortama iznosilo od 3,572-<br />

6,353 t/ha (Törsz – Baccara). Prosje~an prinos svih<br />

sorti u 2002. godini iznosio je 3,098 t/ha, dok se po<br />

sortama kretao od 1,600 t/ha (JP-5) do 3,750 t/ha<br />

(Baccara). Razlike u prinosu po godinama istra`ivanja<br />

bile su zna~ajne na razini P=0,01, a zna~ajno najvi{i<br />

prosje~an prinos zrna ostvaren je 2001. godine.<br />

Zna~ajno najni`i prinos ostvaren je 1999. godine, dok je<br />

prosjek za pet godina istra`ivanja iznosio 3,030 t/ha.<br />

Dobivene razlike u prinosu zrna treba povezati s<br />

razli~itim klimatskim prilikama po godinama, a naro~ito<br />

pri usporednoj analizi 1999. i 2001. godine, koje su<br />

sli~ne po prosje~nim mjese~nim temperaturama i oborinama.<br />

Razlike u klimi izme|u navedenih godina mogu<br />

se uo~iti tek pri analizi srednjih dnevnih i ekstremnih<br />

temperatura.<br />

U prosjeku pet godina prinos gra{ka po sortama<br />

opravdano se razlikovao na razini P=0,01. Najvi{i prinos<br />

zrna ostvarila je sorta Erbi (3,493 t/ha), koji se nije<br />

zna~ajno razlikovao od prinosa sorti Baccara, JSG-1 i<br />

Eiffil na razini P=0,01(Tablica 3.). Opravdano najni`i<br />

prinos zrna na razini P=0,01 imao je Törsz (2,116 t/ha),<br />

osim u odnosu na sortu JP-5. Razlike izme|u sorata u<br />

prinosu zrna su o~ekivane, jer se radi o materijalu<br />

(sorta) razli~itog geografskog porijekla. Razlozi ovoj<br />

tvrdnji mogu se potkrijepiti i statisti~ki opravdanom interakcijom<br />

sorta x godina na razini zna~ajnosti P=0,01.<br />

Procjena stabilnosti sorti na prinos zrna gra{ka<br />

izvr{ena je metodom grupiranja testiranih materijala u<br />

razli~ite grupe stabilnosti, na osnovu prosje~ne vrijednosti<br />

i koeficijenta varijabilnosti sorata (Frances i<br />

Kannenberg, 1978.). Prema dobivenim procjenama stabilnosti<br />

testirane sorte razlikuju se u prosje~noj visini<br />

prinosa i stabilnosti te su na osnovu toga svrstane u<br />

~etiri grupe. Grupa I. karakterizira se kao najpo`eljnija,<br />

tj. grupa visokog i stabilnog prinosa, a prema dobivenim<br />

rezultatima u nju svrstavamo sorte: Erbi, Eiffil, JSG-1 i<br />

Baccara (Dijagram 1.). Jedino se sorta JP-5 mo`e uvrstiti<br />

u grupu IV., grupa vrlo velike varijabilnosti i niskog<br />

prinosa, tj. grupa niskog i nestabilnog prinosa. Grupa III.<br />

je postojana, ali prema navodima autora metode smatra<br />

se nestabilnom zbog toga {to je karakterizira nizak prinos<br />

u ve}ini okolina. U grupi III. prema dobivenim rezultatima<br />

nalazi se sorta Törsz. Ako promatramo individualne<br />

reakcije sorti gra{ka unutar grupe I., a posebno<br />

sorte JSG-1 i sorte Baccara, primje}ujemo male razlike<br />

izme|u prinosa zrna testiranih sorti bez obzira na<br />

Dijagram 1. Frances i Kannenberg dijagram stabilnosti<br />

za istra`ivane sorte gra{ka<br />

Diagram 1. Frances and Kannenberg stability diagram at<br />

investigated Field pea cultivars<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

40<br />

T. Èupiæ i sur.: PROCJENA STABILNOSTI PRINOSA ZRNA GRAŠKA (Pisum stivum L.) ...<br />

Tablica 4. Procijenjeni parametri stabilnosti i prosje~an prinos zrna za pet godina istra`ivanja<br />

Table 4. Estimated stability parameters and mean grain yield for five years investigations<br />

razli~itost okolina u kojima su testirane, {to je obilje`je<br />

sorti stabilnog prinosa i {iroke adaptabilnosti.<br />

Promatranjem individualnih reakcija sorata gra{ka<br />

na raznolike okoline, pomo}u koeficijenta regresije b i<br />

i<br />

odstupanja od regresije S 2 di<br />

, mo`e se zapaziti da neke<br />

sorte imaju ve}u a neke manju stabilnost prinosa zrna<br />

(Grafikon 1.). Prema dobivenim prosje~nim vrijednostima<br />

i parametrima stabilnosti, najstabilnija sorta po prinosu<br />

zrna bila je sorta JSG-1 (b i<br />

=1,06 i S 2 di =0,010).<br />

Vrijednosti koeficijenta regresije b i<br />

>1 ukazuju na specifi~no<br />

adaptabilan genotip u povoljnim uvjetima okoline,<br />

tj. ispod prosje~nu stabilnost i ve}u prilagodljivosti visokoprinosnim<br />

okolinama. Sorte Erbi (b i<br />

=1,12 i<br />

S 2 di =0,034 ), Eiffil (b i =1,13 i S2 di<br />

=0,025) i Baccara<br />

(b i<br />

=1,22 i S 2 di<br />

=0,034 ) mogu se opisati kao sorte koje<br />

daju izrazito visoke prinose u povoljnim uvjetima okolina,<br />

kao {to su bile 2001. i 2002. godina, ali ve} male<br />

Grafikon 1. Odnos prosje~nog prinosa (t/ha) i parametara<br />

stabilnosti<br />

Graph 1.The relation of average yield and stability<br />

parameters<br />

promjene uvjeta okoline utje~u na smanjenje prinosa<br />

(1998. i 1999. godina). U skupinu nestabilnih sorti, ili<br />

bolje re~eno specifi~no adaptabilnih na nepovoljne i<br />

niskoprinosne okoline, svrstane su sorte JP-5 (b i<br />

=0,80<br />

i S 2 di =0,257) i Törsz (b i =0,67 i S2 di<br />

=0,160). Iste ostvaruju<br />

iznadprosje~ne prinose u niskoprinosnim okolinama,<br />

ali ostaju neosjetljive na promjene uvjeta okoline,<br />

te se pokazuju kao nestabilne promatraju}i oba parametra<br />

stabilnosti (Tablica 4.).<br />

Izra~unata korelacija ranga bila je srednje jaka za<br />

prinos zrna i iznosila je r= 0,457 n.s. ,ali nije bila<br />

zna~ajna, {to zna~i da sorte vi{eg prinosa nisu ispoljile<br />

ve}u stabilnost za istra`ivano svojstvo.<br />


Na osnovu dobivenih rezultata prinosa zrna i analize<br />

stabilnosti {est sorata gra{ka na lokaciji Osijek u razdoblju<br />

od pet divergentnih godina (1998.-2002.), mogu<br />

se donijeti sljede}i zaklju~ci:<br />

Zna~ajnost varijabilnosti prinosa zrna gra{ka uvjetovana<br />

je varijabilno{}u sorte, varijabilno{}u godina<br />

istra`ivanja i varijabilno{}u interakcije sorte i godine.<br />

Najvi{i prosje~an prinos imala je sorta Erbi (3,493<br />

t/ha), a najni`i sorta Törsz (2,116 t/ha), dok je po godinama<br />

najvi{i prinos postignut u 2001. godini (5,401<br />

t/ha), a najni`i u 1999. godini (1,623 t/ha).<br />

Najstabilnije sorte za prinos zrna po biolo{kom<br />

konceptu (Fransis i Kannenberg metoda) bile su sorte<br />

Erbi, Eiffil, JSG-1 i Baccara iz grupe I., dok se sorta<br />

Törsz pokazala nestabilnom (grupa IV.). Prema agronomskom<br />

konceptu (Eberhart i Russel model) sorta<br />

JSG-1 ispoljila je najve}u stabilnost (b i<br />

=1,06 i<br />

S 2 di<br />

=0,010), a najve}u nestabilnost sorta Törsz<br />

(b i<br />

=0,67 i S 2 di =0,160).<br />

Korelacija ranga izme|u visine prinosa i stabilnosti<br />

svojstva nije bila zna~ajna (r= 0,457 n.s ), {to pokazuje<br />

da sorte visokog prinosa nisu i najstabilnije.<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

T. Èupiæ i sur.: PROCJENA STABILNOSTI PRINOSA ZRNA GRAŠKA (Pisum stivum L.) ...<br />

41<br />

Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na visok i stabilan prinos<br />

zrna doma}e “sorte” JSG-1 (u priznavanju), {to ovoj<br />

sorti otvara mogu}nost komercijalnog {irenja nakon<br />

priznavanja.<br />


1. Becker, H.C. (1981): Correlations Among Some<br />

Statistical Measures of Phenotypic Stability. Euphytica<br />

30: 835-840.<br />

2. Borojevi} , S. (1992.): Principi i metodi Oplemenjivanja<br />

bilja. Nau~na knjiga - Beograd.<br />

3. ^erny Tajana, ^erny, Z., Grbe{a, D., Homen Biserka,<br />

Pintar, A. (1994.): Hranidbena vrijednost gra{ka u tovu<br />

svinja. Krmiva 36(5 ): 211.-216.<br />

4. Eberhart, S.A., Russell, W.A. (1966): Stability<br />

Parameters for Coparing Varieties. Crop Science, 6:<br />

36–40.<br />

5. Francis, T.R., Kannenberg, L.W. (1978): Yield Stability<br />

Studies in Short – Season Maize. I. A Descriptive<br />

Method for Grouping Genotypes. Canadian Journal of<br />

Plant Science, Num. 58, 10291034.<br />

6. Gatel, F., Grosjean, F. (1990): Composition and Nutritive<br />

Value of Peas for Pigs: A Review of Europiean Results.<br />

Livestock Prod. Sci., 26:155-175.<br />

7. Kalivoda, M. (1990.): Krmiva. [kolska knjiga – Zagreb,<br />

40.<br />

8. Kolak, I. (1994.): Sjemenarstvo ratarskih i krmnih kultura.<br />

P.451, Zagreb.<br />

9. Linn, C.S., Binns, M.R., Lefkovitch, L.P. ( 1986.): Stability<br />

Analysis: Where Do We Stand? Crop Sci. 26:894–900.<br />

10. Oka, J.I. (1967): Adaptability for seasons and locations<br />

and yield stability in crop varieties. Recent Adv. In<br />

Breeding (Tokyo) 8: 42-47.<br />

11. Popovi}, S., Stjepanovi}, M., Bo{njak, D., Zori} J. (<br />

1985.): Bob, Slatka Lupina i Sto~ni Gra{ak u proizvodnji<br />

zrnenih proteinskih hranjiva. V. Jugoslavenski simpozijum<br />

o Krmnom Bilju, Banja Luka 5.- 8. juna. Sinopsisi<br />

Referata knjiga I; 120.-123.<br />

12. Popovi}, S., Stjepanovi}, M. (1992.): Genetski potencijal<br />

razli~itih sorti sto~nog gra{ka u proizvodnji zrna.<br />

Sjemenarstvo 9 (2-3):105.-110.<br />

13. Popovi}, S., Stjepanovi}, M., Grlju{i} S., ^upi}, T.,<br />

Tucak, M., Bukvi}, G. (2002.): Prinos i kakvo}a zrna<br />

jarog sto~nog gra{ka. Krmiva 44 (4):191.-197.<br />

14. Stjepanovi}, M., Popovi}, S., Grlju{i}, S., Bukvi}, G.<br />

(1996): Peas production and productions possibilities in<br />

Croatia. Szarvas 1996. Conference of the Production<br />

Field Pea in Hungary May, 20. – 22. 1996. Oral presentation.<br />

15. Sortna Lista za 2002. Godinu. Sto~ni gra{ak. Zavod za<br />

sjemenarstvo i rasadni~arstvo, str. 65, 2002.<br />



The paper aimed to determine yield and estimate pea grain yield stability of newly-created lines JSG-1 (cultivar in<br />

recognition process) as well as compare with foreign origin cultivars in agroecological area of east Slavonia. The<br />

trial was set up by a randomized block design on the experimental field of Agricultural Institute Osijek in four replicates<br />

in the five-year period (1998 – 2002). Six (five foreign and one inland) cultivars were included by the trial:<br />

Eiffil, Erbi, JP-5, JSG-1 (in a recognition process), Torsz and Baccara. Stability parameters were calculated by the<br />

grouping method after Francis and Kannenberg (1978) and by the model of individual stability estimation after<br />

Eberhart and Russel method (1966). According to Francis and Kannenberg, cultivars Eiffil, Erbi, JSG-1 and Baccara<br />

belonged to group I known for high yield and low trait varying coefficient, thus, represent stabile yield cultivars.<br />

According to regression coefficient and regression deviation variance the most stabile cultivar appeared to be cultivar<br />

JSG-1 (b i<br />

=1.06 and S 2 di =0.010) and the lowest one was Torsz (b i =0.67 and S2 di<br />

=0.160). Cultivar Baccara<br />

(b i<br />

= 1.22 and S 2 di<br />

=0.034) was comprised by the group of unstabile and adaptible for high-yielding environments.<br />

Key- words: pea, grain yield, stability parameters<br />

(Primljeno 12. velja~e 2003.; prihva}eno 4. travnja 2003. - Received on 12 February 2003; accepted on 4 April 2003)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 634.55(560)<br />


CHARACTERISTICS OF ALMONDS (Prunus amygdalus Batsh)<br />


T. Karadeniz (1) , A. Kazankaya (2) , T. Yarilgaç (2) Preliminary communication<br />

Prethodno priopæenje<br />


About 500 types of Almond were taken under investigated with the view of fruit characteristics<br />

grown in Malatya. In these types, the nut shell weights between 2.73 and 10.74<br />

g, kernel weights were 0.71 and 1.40 g, the percentage of kernel 11.17 and 50.91 %, the<br />

shell thickness 3.5 and 8.1 mm, the nut width 12.0 and 28.6 mm, the nut length 18.2 and<br />

48.2 mm, the fruit hight 7.1 and 20.3 mm were determined.<br />

Key-words: Prunus amygdalus, almond, pomological, Malatya<br />


The commercial orchards have been planted in<br />

Anatolia for more than 4000 years. Almond is grown in<br />

almost every region of Anatolia, except the North-East<br />

and higher elevations of Eastern Anatolia (Dokuzoðuz<br />

and Gülcan, 1973; Özbek, 1978). Although there is a<br />

great diversity within these populations Turkey almond<br />

production is at present, 50000 tones of nuts from<br />

18000 ha area (Anonymous, 2002). Almond kernels<br />

concentrate energy sources due to their high oil content.<br />

The oil is primarily unsaturated, mostly oleic and linoleic,<br />

fatty acid. The kernels also contain considerable<br />

protein, minerals, and some vitamins (Kester and Asay,<br />

1975). The first attempt for the evaluation of seedling<br />

population of Turkey, a selection program was started in<br />

1966 covering the western part of the country. Similar<br />

selection studies were carried out in near last days by<br />

different resources (Kalyoncu and Þen, 1990; Bostan et<br />

al., 1995; Aslantaþ and Güleryüz, 1995; Karadeniz et.<br />

al., 1996).<br />

Aim of the study was to determine pomological<br />

characteristics of almonds grown in Malatya. Cultivation<br />

is usually extensive in this area most of trees are from<br />

seedlings. Vegetative propagation by budding or grafting<br />

on almond seedlings are insufficient in the area.<br />

Therefore, the present study was undertaken for the<br />

selection of superior types.<br />


This study was conducted in Malatya-Elazýð overland<br />

route. About 500 types were evaluated in the two<br />

years (1996-1997). Pomological characteristics of<br />

selected almond genotypes were examined for shell<br />

weight, kernel weight, kernel ratio, shell thickness, shell<br />

color, kernel color. After the investigations had been<br />

completed, 18 types were determined by some important<br />

quality characteristics as shown in Table 1 whereas<br />

fruit characteristics were evaluated based on the<br />

Weighted-Ranked Method (Karadeniz et al., 1996). The<br />

total point of each genotype was recorded with multiplication<br />

of these values. In addition, estimated age of<br />

trees and fruit maturity were determined. The measurements<br />

were realized on ten fruits randomly selected.<br />


At the end of the study, fruit characteristics were<br />

evaluated based on the Weighted–Ranked Method.<br />

Eighteen genotypes having a total of 360 points and<br />

were selected for general nut quality and higher.<br />

Important fruit traits of these promising genotypes were<br />

presented in Table 2, Weighted-Ranked Method scores<br />

were showed in Table 3.<br />

(1) Ph.D Turan Karadeniz, Assoc.Prof. - Karadeniz Technical University,<br />

Ordu Agricultural Faculty, Dept. Of Horticultural, Ordu-Turkey; (2) Ph.D<br />

Ahmet Kazankaya, Assist.Prof., Ph.D Tarýk Yarilgaç, Asist.Prof. - Yüzüncü<br />

Yýl University, Agricultural Faculty, Dept. Of Horticultural, Van-Turkey<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


43<br />

Table 1. The scores of the characteristics and their relative values<br />

Tablica 1. Rezultati znaèajki i njihove relativne vrijednosti<br />

Nutshell weight of these types ranged between<br />

2.73 g and 10.74 g. The weight of nut in similar studies<br />

were between 3.00-6.10 g (Cangi and en, 1991),<br />

3.37-5.24 g (Kalyoncu and en, 1990), 2.89-6.14 g<br />

(Aslanta and Güleryüz, 1995), 3.43-5.86 g (Bostan et<br />

al., 1995), 1.99-4.32 g (Martins et.al., 2000).<br />

Kernel weight changed between 0.71 g and 1.40 g.<br />

According to the reported in similar study, these values<br />

evaluated between 0.60-1.40 g (Dokuzouz and Gülcan,<br />

1973), 0.68-1.20 g (Cangi and en, 1991), 0.64-1.00<br />

(Kalyoncu and en, 1990), 0.65-1.15 g (Aslanta and<br />

Güleryüz, 1995), 1.01-1.80 g (Karadeniz and Erman,<br />

1995), 0.45-1.20 g (Karadeniz et.al., 1995).<br />

In the examined, kernel ratio was between 11.17 %<br />

and 50.91 %. It is understood that from kernel ratio<br />

standpoint, these values are comparable to domestic<br />

and foreign literatures. These values in similar studies<br />

were between 17.80-28.20% (Dokuzouz and Gülcan,<br />

1973), 14.29-20.04% (Kalyoncu and en, 1990),<br />

14.61-24.28% (Bostan et.al., 1995), 14.20-22.76 %<br />

(Karadeniz et.al., 1995), 26.7-64.5% (Assaf, 2000). The<br />

results related to nut weight, kernel weight and kernel<br />

ratio of the present study are in agreement with the findings<br />

of previous reports.<br />

Shell thickness ranged between 3.5 mm and 8.1<br />

mm in the selected types and shell colour was between<br />

extremely light and intermediate. Kernel colour intensity<br />

was between light and dark.<br />

Almond trees and nuts in this study were shown in<br />

Photos 1-4.<br />

Photo 1. The old almond tree<br />

Foto 1. Staro stablo badema<br />

Photo 2. Almond nuts<br />

Foto 2. Plodovi badema<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

44<br />


Photo 3. Almond trees in Malatya (Turkey)<br />

Foto 3. Stabla badema u Malatyai (Turska)<br />

Photo 4. Almond orchard growing in Malatya (Turkey)<br />

Foto 4. Voænjak badema u Malatyai (Turska)<br />

Table 2. Pomological characteristics of different almonds types grown in Malatya province (Turkey)<br />

Tablica 2. Pomološke znaèajke razlièitih tipova badema uzgojenih u provinciji Malatyai (Turska)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


45<br />

Table 3. Weighted-Ranked Method scores taken of<br />

almond types<br />

Tablica 3. Rezultati dobiveni metodom vaganja za tipove<br />

badema<br />


In the investigation the pomological characteristics<br />

of different types were determined and found very prospective<br />

from fruit characteristics standpoint. Almond<br />

selection studies in Malatya province was important<br />

since most of trees were grown from seedlings.<br />


1. Anonymous (2002): Faostat Agriculture Database<br />

Collections.htm.<br />

2. Aslanta, R., Güleryüz, M. (1995): Selection study on<br />

native Almonds (Amygdalus communis L.) in Kemaliye<br />

District of Erzincan. Second National Agricultural<br />

Congress. Vol. I, 375-379, Adana.<br />

3. Assaf, R. (2000): Increasing Yields and Profitability of<br />

Almond Culture in Israel. Information Bulletin of the<br />

Research Network on Nuts (FAO-CIHEAM): Number: 9,<br />

pp.13-15.<br />

4. Bostan, S.Z., Cangi, R., Ouz, H.Ý. (1995): Research On<br />

Breeding By Selection of Wild Almond Types (Amygdalus<br />

communis L.) In Akdamar Island (Van Lake). Second<br />

National Agricultural Congress. Vol. I, 370-374, Adana.<br />

5. Cangi, R., en, S.M. (1991): The studies on Breeding<br />

Almond (P. amygdalus L.) by The Selection in<br />

Vezirköprü. Yüzüncü Yýl J. of Agric. Fac., 1(3):131-152.<br />

6. Dokuzouz, M., Gülcan, R. (1973): Researches on<br />

Selection and Adaptation of Almond (Amygdalus communis<br />

L.) in Aegean Region. TOAG, No: 22.<br />

7. Kalyoncu, Ý.H., en, S.M. (1990): The Determination by<br />

Selection of Almond Types (Amygdalus communis L.) in<br />

Apa Dam Lake (Konya). Ondokuzmayýs Univ. of Agric.<br />

Fac., M.S.Thesis, (In Turkish).<br />

8. Karadeniz, T., Balta, F., Cangi, R., Yarýlgaç, T. (1996):<br />

Selection Study on Native Almonds (Amygdalus communis<br />

L.) in Adýr Island (Van Lake)-I. Symposium on<br />

Hazelnut and Other Nuts. Ondokuzmayýs Univ. of Agric.<br />

Fac,. Symposium Book:338-343 (In Turkish).<br />

9. Karadeniz, T., Erman, P. (1996): The selection of Almond<br />

(Amygdalus communis L.) Grown in Siirt. Symposium<br />

on Hazelnut and Other Nuts. Ondokuzmayýs Univ. Agric.<br />

Fac, Symposium Book:324-331 (In Turkish).<br />

10. Kester, D.E., Asay, R. (1975): Almonds. Advances in<br />

Fruit Breeding. Purdue Univ. Press, West Lafayette,<br />

Indiana,387-419 p.<br />

11. Martins, A.N., Gomes, C., Ferreira, L. (2000): Almond<br />

Production and Characteristics in Algarve, Portugal.<br />

Information Bulletin of the Research Network on Nuts<br />

(FAO-CIHEAM): Number:9, pp.6-9.<br />

12. Özbek, S. (1978): Specific Fruit Growing. Çukurova<br />

Univ., J. of Agric. Fac., No:128, (In Turkish).<br />


(Prunus amygdalus Batsh) U MALATYI (TURSKA)<br />

SA@ETAK<br />

Istra`ivanje je obavljeno na 500 vrsta badema uzgojenih u Malatyai. Utvrðena je debljina ljuske od 2,73-10,74 g,<br />

te`ina ljuske 0,71-1,40 g, postotak jezgre 11,17-50,91%, debljina ljuske 3,5-8,1 mm, širina badema 12,0-28,6 mm,<br />

du`ina badema 18,2-48,2 mm i opseg badema od 7,1 do 20,3 mm.<br />

Kljuène rijeèi: Prunus amygdalus, almond, pomological, Malatya<br />

(Received on 11 October 2002; accepted on 27 March 2003 – Primljeno 11. listopada 2002.; prihvaæeno 27. o`ujka 2003.)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 634.55.003(560)<br />



M.Yercan (1) , S. Engindeniz (2)<br />


Scientific review<br />

Pregledni znanstveni èlanak<br />

Dried fig production has a great important in the western part of Turkey in terms of<br />

foreign trade, farmers income and employment. In this paper, dried fig produced by farmers<br />

has been analyzed to determine production costs and profitability level. For this,<br />

selected farmers had been interviewed to find out return, structure of costs and profitability<br />

level. This is an opportunity to make comparison between products and countries.<br />

This is also information for decision makers for subsidizing policies. The production<br />

costs and the net profit of dried fig was found to be US $ 1,428/hectar and US $ 372/hectar,<br />

respectively. Dried fig production was found more profitable comparing with some<br />

other dried fruits. Dried fig producers spend a unit of money and earn 1.25 unit of money.<br />

Profitability of dried fig was found to be 125%. This is an indicator for the farmers willing<br />

to produce dried fig in their convenient conditions.<br />

Key-words: dried fruit, fig, profitability, economic analysis, cost, Turkey<br />


Agriculture is a primary sector in most developing<br />

countries. Although the importance of agriculture in<br />

these countries has relatively decreasing tendency. It is<br />

still important in the fredd labor market, national income,<br />

foreign trade and nutrition.<br />

Fig - a tropic and subtropic plant produced in all<br />

Mediterranean basin and countries has similar climate<br />

conditions like to USA, South America, Australia and<br />

South-west Asia. Annual average temperature must be<br />

within range of 18-20 C degree. And the temperature<br />

must not be less than -9 C degree. Fresh fruit must be<br />

dried under the sunshine up to 40 C degree. The artifical<br />

dried methods are not used.<br />

Turkey has a great share in the world dried fig production.<br />

Dried fig is an important export product for<br />

western part of Turkey. Turkey has 50% of total world<br />

production of dried fig. In 1998, 72% of total dried fig<br />

production (51 000 ton) was exported (ww.fao.org;<br />

www.tarim.gov.tr). Importing countries are Germany,<br />

France, Italy, Switzerland and England.The local consumption<br />

of this product is not so much common. The<br />

value of exports was US $ 77.2 million in 1998. Value<br />

of exported dried fig was 2.87 % in terms of total agricultural<br />

export in Turkey.<br />

Dried fig production is an essential production<br />

branch in some area of western part of Turkey. Izmir,<br />

being the selected province is the second largest area for<br />

producing fig in Turkey. Izmir has a great share of the fig<br />

production in Turkey. It has 15.67 % of total fig production<br />

in Turkey and 13.71% of total fig plantations as well.<br />

This paper argues how level of dried fig production<br />

is profitable in Turkey. This is important for the producers,<br />

exporters and policy makers whose product has a<br />

comparative advantages. Producers aim to get maximum<br />

profit. Economic factors effect producers in the<br />

decision making process as well as natural and politics<br />

factors in the area and the country. Relating with the<br />

many researches done for the subject of fig economics<br />

imply that decision making is regarding mostly the marketing<br />

conditions of product and the supply conditions<br />

of inputs (Aksoy and Anac, 1994; Ilgin and Küden,<br />

1997; Bülbül et al, 1998; Redonda, 2001).<br />

The purpose of this study was to provide a guide<br />

for dried fig growers to develop a budget identifies spe-<br />

(1) Ph.D Murat Yercan, Asist. Prof., University of Ege, Faculty of<br />

Agriculture, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, 35100 Bornova, Ýzmir,<br />

Turke,(2)Ph.D Sait Engindeniz - University of Ege, Faculty of Agriculture,<br />

Dept. of Agricultural Economics, 35100 Bornova, zmir, Turkey<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


47<br />

cific cost categories and estimating a net profit for the<br />

production and sale of dried figs in Turkey.<br />


Some economical aspects of dried fig production<br />

in Turkey and World were collected and compared from<br />

statistical reports in time periods. A case study consisted<br />

of surveyed data from fig producers in a selected<br />

area. This area was selected according to the production<br />

share in Izmir province. Three villages were selected<br />

from the province and data have been collected from<br />

52 producers by randomly sampling method. All the<br />

data surveyed from the producers were the data of<br />

2000. Selected producers were determined by the followed<br />

formula (Günes and Arikan, 1988):<br />

where<br />

n = The number of sample fig orchards =52<br />

S = Standard deviation= 16.297<br />

Z = 1.96<br />

N = Total number of fig orchards=312<br />

e = error term = 4,054<br />

The general cost items of dried fig production were<br />

classified as variable costs and fixed costs. The variable<br />

costs associated with crop production were all inputs<br />

that directly relate to the production and covered labor,<br />

machine costs, material costs (fertilizer, pesticide,<br />

wrapping, etc.) as well as transport costs. In this study,<br />

Variable costs were calculated by using current input<br />

and labor wages.<br />

Fixed costs are named as indirect costs, supplementary<br />

costs, i.e. The costs of production do not vary<br />

significantly with the volume of output. Fixed costs<br />

included interest of total variable costs, management<br />

costs, annual depreciation costs and land rent. Interest<br />

on total variable costs were calculated by charging a<br />

simple interest rate of 12 % (annual average nominal<br />

interest rate) on one-half of the total variable costs.<br />

Management costs were estimated to be 3 % of the total<br />

variable costs. Annual depreciation cost was estimated<br />

by using the straight-line method. Fig orchards are<br />

exempted from property tax and were not insured.<br />

In this study, total production costs were subtracted<br />

from gross income to calculate net profit.<br />


Some Features of Fig Production<br />

In this study, total and sample fig orchards were<br />

determined to be 843.3 ha and 133.9 ha, respectively.<br />

Maximum, minimum, and average fig orchards were 5.5<br />

ha, 0.3 ha, and 2.6 ha (Table 1).<br />

The most convenient planting space in fig orchards<br />

was 6 x 8 m (Kabasakal, 1990). It is preferred 6 x 6 m<br />

in the condition of ordinary soil quality and 8x8 m in the<br />

condition of extra-ordinary soil quality. This is also<br />

depends on the condition of climate and capacity of soil.<br />

The planting space is changeable by the orchards, too. In<br />

this research, the planting space was between 6 x 6 m<br />

and 9 x 9 m. The most common and preferable planting<br />

space is 7 x 7 m in the researched orchards (Table 2).<br />

Establishment Costs<br />

Establishment costs are spreading through eight<br />

years in this production. The items of them were given<br />

in Table 3. Establishment costs cover all the expenses<br />

relating to the period of the trees having productive<br />

capacity. These are generally related to the labor and<br />

machines costs (maintenance, energy, etc.).<br />

Production Costs<br />

Production costs consist of both operating (variable)<br />

and fixed cost. Productivity years of fig has been<br />

accepted 35-40 years. The labor costs rate on dried fig<br />

Table 1. Some Statistical Characteristics of Total and Sample Fig Orchards<br />

Tablica 1. Neke statisti~ke zna~ajke vo}njaka smokava (ukupno i uzorak)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

48<br />


Table 2. The distribution of orchards by planting space in researched land<br />

Tablica 2. Podjela voænjaka prema sklopu usjeva<br />

is extremely high (Table 4). Labor is used for harvestings,<br />

dreving and classification in this production<br />

branch (Altindisli and Ertem, 1998).<br />

Yields<br />

Yields of dried fig vary between 1,650 kg/hectar<br />

and 1,900 kg/hectar (Kabasakal, 1990). The average<br />

yield of dried fig was found 1,860 kg per hectar and 9<br />

kg per tree in researched area. Fig tree is fertile from 9 th<br />

to 35 th years (Graph 1). Yield of dried fig increases per<br />

year up to 15 th year. There is increase from 15 th to 30 th .<br />

After the 30 th year, yield decreases rapidly.<br />

Marketing and Pricing<br />

Dried fig is marketed by the Sales Cooperatives,<br />

Whole salers, Comissioners, Companies and retailers in<br />

Turkey (Olgun and Akgüngör, 1998). Sales cooperatives<br />

have 6-7% market share and 3-4% of total export in all<br />

Turkish economy. In the selected area, most of producers<br />

are members of sales cooperative (TARIS), thus<br />

generally, the most of products are marketed by this<br />

cooperative. TARIS is the first and biggest Union of<br />

Agricultural Cooperatives in Turkey. TARIS carries on its<br />

activities with Fig, Raisin, Cotton, Olive and olive-oil<br />

agricultural sales cooperatives in 65 locations in Aegean<br />

and Marmara Region and more than 127 900 producer<br />

members. Each product has separated agricultural sales<br />

cooperative union under the TARIS authority such as Fig<br />

Union, Sultana Raisins Union, Cotton Union, Olive and<br />

olive-oil Union. Thus, TARIS is so effective for pricing<br />

policy in the competitive market. Producer price of<br />

dried fig varied between US$ 0.6/kg and US$ 1.3/kg in<br />

research area.<br />

Gross Income and Net profit<br />

Gross income of fig orchards was shown in Table<br />

5. The gross income was US$ 1,860 per hectar and US<br />

$ 9 per tree. Gross income is expressed by the total product<br />

multiply the average price of dried fig.<br />

Gross income and costs were as shown in graph 2<br />

per year. Net profit was taken after 8 years. Maximum<br />

net profit has been realized between 15-30 year old<br />

trees.<br />

Net profit is calculated by deduction from the total<br />

gross income of all such costs within the production<br />

period. This value is the income of fix assets. Net profit<br />

was found US $ 372 /hectar and US $ 3/tree in examined<br />

fig orchards (Table 6).<br />

Table 3. Structure of costs of fig orchards (US $/hectar)<br />

Tablica 3. Struktura tro{kova vo}njaka smokava (US $ / ha)<br />

(*) Sapling, fertilizer, pesticide, etc. – Mladica, gnojivo, pesticid itd.<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


49<br />

Table 4. Production costs of fig orchards<br />

Tablica 4. Tro{kovi proizvodnje voænjaka smokava<br />

(*) The economic life of fig plantations was estimated as 35 years – Gospodarski vijek planta`a smokve je 35 godina<br />

Comparative Results of Dried Fig<br />

Graph 1. Relations between age and yield<br />

Grafikon 1. Odnosi izmeðu dobi i prinosa<br />

Comparative results for dried fig were given to be<br />

compared with other dried fruits. The results of dried<br />

sultana and apricot were derived from other research<br />

papers. Comparative results were expressed by the profitability<br />

criteria. This is the measure of profit between<br />

two or more profit making alternatives. Profitability is a<br />

relative measure and must not be confused with profit,<br />

being an absolute measure. Profitability was expressed<br />

by the ratio of return (price of product) on total cost per<br />

kg of product. Dried fig is more profitable among the<br />

dried sultana and apricot. It means while farmers invest<br />

1 unit of capital for dried fig, they earn 1.25 unit of capital.<br />

However, earnings are 0.66 and 0.55 unit of money<br />

in dried sultana (Akgüngör, 1996) and apricot (Olgun et<br />

al., 2002).<br />


In this paper, we presented explanatory information<br />

for the production economics of dried fig in Turkey. So,<br />

we presented the comparison opportunities for other<br />

countries. This is completely related to comparative<br />

advantages between the countries.<br />

Dried fig production seems more profitable among<br />

the some other dried fruits. Each product is strictly<br />

dependent on its own condition (soil, climate and<br />

others). Dried fig production is almost organic. Using of<br />

fertilizer and chemicals are extremely rare compared to<br />

sultanas and apricot. The variable costs are lower comparing<br />

with other dried fruits. So, this is positive effect<br />

for the dried fig. Also, fixed cost of sultanas and apricot<br />

is relatively higher than the fig, because of more valuable<br />

land comparing with fig orchard and land. Generally,<br />

fig is produced in the sloping land. This is the evaluation<br />

of one-year data analysis. Prices vary from year to<br />

year depending on some other variables. The total costs<br />

cover both direct and indirect costs. Farmer doesn’t<br />

care about the indirect costs such as depreciation, interest<br />

of total variable cost.<br />

According to this study, dried fig production may<br />

be more profitable. Farmers should gather all the eco-<br />

Table 5. Total gross income of fig orchards<br />

Tablica 5. Ukupan bruto prihod voænjaka smokava<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

50<br />


Table 6. Net profit of fig orchards<br />

Tablica 6. Neto dobit od vo}njaka smokava<br />

Resource: derived from the survey – Izvor: Anketa<br />

nomic data they can have about the production and<br />

market conditions of dried fig. Although cost and return<br />

estimates are believed to be typical and realistic.<br />

Individual farmers should adjust values to represent<br />

their specific situation and circumstances.<br />

Graph 2. The changing of gross ýncome and costs<br />

per age in fig orchards<br />

Grafikon 2. Promjene ukupnog prihoda i tro{kova<br />

prema starosti voænjaka smokava<br />

9. Olgun, A. K.Peker and H.Adanacýoglu, 2002, Policies<br />

Directed to Apricot Production In Turkey, Fifth Turkish<br />

Agricultural Economisc Congress, Erzurum, Turkey, pp:<br />

242-250.<br />

10. Redonda, M., 2001, Economics and Marketing of Dried<br />

Fig, Second International Symposium on Fig ( May 7-<br />

10, 2001), Caceres, Spain<br />

(http:// www.iamz.chiam.org/caceres2001.htm).<br />

11. …… FAO Statistics. www.fao.org<br />

12. …… Turkish Republic Ministry of Agriculture<br />

(www.tarim.gov.tr)<br />


1. Altindisli, A., Ertem, A. (1998): Organic Fig Production in<br />

Turkey, ISHS Acta Horticulturae 480:227-232.<br />

2. Akgüngör, S. (1996): Yield, Costs and Marketing of<br />

Organic Dried Sultanas In Turkey: A Case Study of salihli<br />

and Kemalpaºa, Izmir, Turkey, 54 p.<br />

3. Aksoy, U., Anac, D. (1994): Factors Affecting Quality of<br />

Fresh and Dried Fig Fruits, ISHS Acta Horticulturea 368:<br />

763-766.<br />

4. Bülbül, S., Atil, H., Hepaksoy, S. (1998): A General<br />

Study of Commercial Dried Fig Production in the Big<br />

Meander Valley of Turkey, ISHS Acta Horticulturae 480<br />

:317-320.<br />

5. Günes, T., Arikan, R. (1988): The Statistic of Agricultural<br />

Economics, The University of Ankara, The Publication of<br />

Faculty of Agriculture, No. 1049, Ankara, 293 p.<br />

6. Ilgin, M., Küden, A.B. (1997): Table Fig Selection Study<br />

in the Kahramanmaras Province in Turkey, ISHS Acta<br />

Horticulturae 441: 351-358<br />

7. Kabasakal, A. (1990): The Planting of Fig, The<br />

Foundation of Development And Support of Agricultural<br />

Research, No:20, Yalova, Turkey, 35 p.<br />

8. Olgun, A., Akgüngör, S. (1998): Fig Production and<br />

Marketing Policies in Turkey With Special Emphasis on<br />

Alternative Marketing Possibilities, ISHS Acta<br />

Horticulturae 480:321-323.<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


51<br />



SA@ETAK<br />

Proizvodnja suhih smokava zna~ajna je za zapadni dio Turske glede inozemne trgovine, prihoda farmera i zaposlenosti.<br />

U ovom radu govori se o suhim smokvama koje proizvode farmeri, a analizirane su kako bi se utvrdili tro{kovi<br />

proizvodnje i razina profitabilnosti. To je prilika za one koji donose odluke o politici poticaja. Tro{kovi proizvodnje i<br />

neto dobit od suhih smokava iznosi 1428/ha i 372/ha USD, slijedom. Utvr|eno je da je proizvodnja suhih smokava<br />

profitabilnija u usporedbi s nekim drugim suhim vo}em. Proizvo|a~i suhih smokava potro{e jedinicu novca, a zarade<br />

1,25 jedinica. Procijenjeno je da dobit od suhih smokava iznosi 125%. To je pokazatelj farmerima koji `ele proizvoditi<br />

suhe smokve u svojim uvjetima.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: su{eno vo}e, smokva, profitabilnost, ekonomska analiza, tro{kovi, Turska<br />

(Received on 19 December 2002; accepted on 21 March 2003 – Primljeno 19. prosinca 2002.; prihvaæeno 21. o`ujka<br />

2003.)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 637.12.04/.07(497.5)<br />



P. Miji}, I. Kne`evi}<br />

SA@ETAK<br />

Stru~ni ~lanak<br />

Professional paper<br />

Va`nost govedarske proizvodnje u ukupnoj vrijednosti sto~arske i poljoprivredne proizvodnje<br />

vrlo je velika. Mo`e se s pravom re}i da je govedarstvo “generator” sto~arstva,<br />

odnosno cjelokupne poljoprivrede. Stavljanjem naglaska na kvalitetu proizvoda, razvijene<br />

govedarske zemlje, kao i zemlje ~lanice EU uvele su nove pravilnike kontrole i vrednovanja<br />

mlijeka i mlije~nih proizvoda. Broj somatskih stanica, broj mikroorganizama i<br />

fizikalno-kemijski parametri postali su vrlo bitni elementi u valorizaciji i klasifikaciji mlijeka.<br />

Republika Hrvatska tako|er je usvojila novi “Pravilnik o kakvo}i svje`eg sirovog<br />

mlijeka” i “Uredbu o ciljnoj cijeni svje`eg sirovog mlijeka”. Zbog {irokog spektra parametara<br />

koji se kontroliraju i pla}aju prema Pravilniku i Uredbi, svaka pogre{ka i nepravovremena<br />

reakcija proizvo|a~a ili veterinara u zdravstvenoj za{titi tijekom laktacijskog<br />

ciklusa odrazit }e se i na krajnje financijsko poslovanje. Struka treba {to prije zapo~eti<br />

s kori{tenjem doma}ih i svjetskih znanstvenih spoznaja u sto~arstvu, pri ~emu }e zdravlje<br />

`ivotinje i kvaliteta mlijeka imati prioritetno mjesto.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: proizvodnja mlijeka, pravilnik, somatske stanice, fizikalno-kemijski parametri<br />

UVOD<br />

Va`nost govedarske proizvodnje je velika i u okviru<br />

sto~arske i u okviru ukupne poljoprivredne proizvodnje.<br />

Govedarska proizvodnja u RH temelj je razvoja ukupne<br />

sto~arske proizvodnje u kojoj sudjeluje s oko 40%. Na<br />

primjeru Njema~ke ta je va`nost jo{ izra`enija, jer govedarska<br />

proizvodnja participira s 45% u vrijednosti ukupne<br />

poljoprivredne proizvodnje (Uremovi} i sur., 2002.).<br />

Zato mo`emo s pravom re}i da je govedarstvo «generator»<br />

sto~arske, odnosno cjelokupne poljoprivredne<br />

proizvodnje.<br />

Proizvodnja mlijeka najzahtjevnija je proizvodnja u<br />

govedarstvu, za koju je potrebno ostvariti niz preduvjeta<br />

(kvalitetno stado, osmi{ljene i efikasne objekte, dovoljno<br />

obradive povr{ine i sl.). Proizvo|a~i mlijeka do sada<br />

nisu imali problema s plasmanom mlijeka. Razlog je u<br />

nedostatnosti proizvedenog mlijeka. Postavlja se pitanje<br />

kolike su godi{nje potrebe RH za svje`im mlijekom,<br />

odnosno koliki je biolo{ki prag zasi}enja? Prema navodima<br />

(Caput, 1998.), biolo{ki prag zasi}enja mlijekom u<br />

Hrvatskoj je oko 250 litara. Kada tu koli~inu mlijeka<br />

pomno`imo s ukupnim brojem stanovnika, proizlazi da<br />

su aktualne potrebe Hrvatske oko 1,2 milijarde litara mlijeka.<br />

U svjetskim razmjerima kravlje mlijeko predstavlja<br />

oko 91% ukupnog mlijeka, {to zna~i da su potrebe za<br />

sirovim kravljim mlijekom u RH oko 1 milijardu litara.<br />

Prema slu`benim podacima za 2001. godinu, u<br />

Hrvatskoj je proizvedeno oko 634 milijuna litara kravljeg<br />

mlijeka (Statisti~ki ljetopis RH, 2002.), {to na temelju<br />

prethodnog izra~una navodi na zaklju~ak da se u RH ne<br />

proizvodi dovoljna koli~ina mlijeka.<br />


Mlijeko i mlije~ni proizvodi svakodnevna su hrana<br />

ljudi i njihova kontinuirana proizvodnja predstavlja jedan<br />

od strate{kih zadataka za svaku zemlju. Zahtjevi kupaca<br />

i njihov pa`ljivi odabir, u prvi plan su stavili naglasak na<br />

kvalitetu mlijeka. Iz toga razloga, razvijene govedarske<br />

zemlje, kao i zemlje ~lanice EU, uvele su nove pravilnike<br />

kontrole i vrednovanja mlijeka i mlije~nih proizvoda.<br />

Kontrolira se cjelokupna proizvodnja mlijeka: od kontrole<br />

broja somatskih stanica i broja mikroorganizama u<br />

Mr.sc. Pero Miji}, asistent i dr.sc. Ivan Kne`evi}, red.prof. – Sveu~ili{te<br />

Josipa Jurja Strossmayera, <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u <strong>Osijeku</strong>, Zavod za<br />

zootehniku, Trg sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


53<br />

Tablica 1. Minimalni kriteriji za kakvo}u svje`eg kravljeg mlijeka u Republici Hrvatskoj prema Pravilniku (Izvor:<br />

Narodne novine, 102/2000.)<br />

Table 1. Minimal criterions for quality of fresh cow milk in Republic of Croatia by Book of regulations (Source:<br />

Narodne novine, 102/2000)<br />

mlijeku neposredno pri samoj mu`nji, zatim prerada u<br />

mljekari, pa do skladi{tenja i prodaje u trgovini.<br />

Me|unarodno priznati parametar za ocjenu<br />

zdravstvenog stanja vimena krava je broj somatskih stanica<br />

u mlijeku. Prema zakonskim propisima donesenim<br />

1995. godine, u zemljama EU sirovo mlijeko krava ne<br />

smije sadr`avati vi{e od 400.000 somatskih stanica/ml<br />

(Sarrazin i Scotti, 1995.). Sli~no pravilniku koji je va`e}i<br />

u zemljama EU i Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i {umarstva<br />

RH 2000. godine usvojilo je novi “Pravilnik o kakvo}i<br />

svje`eg sirovog mlijeka” (Narodne novine, 102/2000.).<br />

Pravilnikom su navedeni sljede}i parametri koji }e se<br />

pratiti: mlije~na mast, mlije~ne bjelan~evine, suha tvar<br />

bez masti, gusto}a, kiselost, to~ka ledi{ta, alkoholna<br />

proba sa 72% etil alkoholom te prisustvo inhibitornih<br />

tvari. Nakon uspostave rada Sredi{njeg dr`avnog laboratorija<br />

u Kri`evcima, koncem 2002. godine usvojena je<br />

“Uredba o ciljnoj cijeni svje`eg sirovog mlijeka”<br />

(Narodne novine, 156/2002.). Uredbom je utvr|eno mlijeko<br />

standardne kvalitete, kao i cijena pojedinih kemijskih<br />

parametara mlijeka. Pod mlijekom standardne kvalitete<br />

prema Uredbi smatra se ono koje ima najmanje<br />

3,7% mlije~ne masti, 3,2% bjelan~evina, do 100.000<br />

mikroorganizama/ml i do 400.000 somatskih stanica/ml.<br />

Obra~un pla}anja mlijeka proizvo|a~ima prema<br />

Pravilniku i Uredbi primjenjuje se od 1. sije~nja 2003.<br />

godine i prili~no je kompliciran. Temelji se na vrijednosti<br />

mlije~nih bjelan~evina i mlije~ne masti (omjer 55% :<br />

45%), a zatim na klasifikaciji mlijeka prema broju<br />

somatskih stanica i broju mikroorganizama u mlijeku. U<br />

Tablicama 1. i 2. prikazani su parametri koji su prihva}eni<br />

Pravilnikom te klasifikacija mlijeka prema Uredbi<br />

temeljena na broju mikroorganizama/ml i broju somatskih<br />

stanica/ml mlijeka.<br />

Prema prvim slu`benim izvje{}ima iz Sredi{njeg<br />

laboratorija u Kri`evcima (Kuterovac i sur., 2002.),<br />

najve}i problem za proizvo|a~e predstavlja veliki broj<br />

mikroorganizama i somatskih stanica u mlijeku. Ostali<br />

parametri (kemijsko-fizikalni pokazatelji) ve}im dijelom<br />

ispunjavaju minimalne uvjete.<br />

Po~etni rezultati analize mlijeka i nisu iznena|uju}i,<br />

jer su istra`ivanja koja su do sada bila provedena na<br />

mlije~nim govedarskim farmama i obiteljskim gospodarstvima<br />

u Hrvatskoj upu}ivala na pove}ani broj somatskih<br />

stanica u mlijeku (Kalit i Luka~-Havranek, 1998.;<br />

Miji} i sur., 2001.). Tako|er i zemlje EU u po~etku primjene<br />

sli~nog pravilnika imale su problema s pove}anim<br />

brojem somatskih stanica u mlijeku. Prema istra`ivanjima<br />

(Emanuelson i Funke, 1991.) u [vedskoj je utvr|eno<br />

26,7% mastiti~nog mlijeka, dok su u Njema~koj (Roth i<br />

sur., 1998.) ustanovili u 45% istra`ivanih krava patogene<br />

mikroorganizme u najmanje jednoj ~etvrti vimena. Ti<br />

rezultati pokazuju da je problem velikog broja somatskih<br />

stanica i mikroorganizama velik i zato je potreban dugotrajan<br />

rad te kori{tenje svih mogu}nosti u pobolj{anju<br />

zdravlja vimena: od selekcijskih do veterinarskih.<br />

Tablica 2. Klasifikacija svje`eg kravljeg mlijeka u RH prema broju mikroorganizama i broju somatskih stanica mlijeka<br />

(Izvor: Narodne novine, 156/2002.)<br />

Table 2. The fresh cow’s milk classification in the Republic of Croatia according to the number of microorganisms and<br />

somatic cells (Source: Narodne novine, 156/2002)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

54<br />


Mastiti~no mlijeko, pored financijskih gubitaka koje<br />

nanosi proizvo|a~u mlijeka, tako|er uzrokuje zna~ajne<br />

gubitke i prera|iva~u mlijeka. Prema literaturnim navodima<br />

(Antunac i sur., 1997.), mlijeko s velikim brojem<br />

somatskih stanica najve}e gubitke nanosi industriji<br />

proizvodnje sira, a gubici se o~ituju u nepovoljnim<br />

odnosima kazeinskih frakcija, pove}anju pH vrijednosti,<br />

promjeni koagulacijskih osobina, smanjenju randmana i<br />

kvalitete gotovog proizvoda. Zato je za proizvodnju<br />

zdravstveno ispravnih mlije~nih proizvoda, od posebne<br />

va`nosti ~isto}a ruku muza~a, vimena krave, prostora<br />

za mu`nju i ostalog mljekarskog pribora, zatim tehni~ka<br />

ispravnost muzne opreme, obavezno lije~enje oboljelih<br />

`ivotinja, odnosno potrebna je dosljedna edukaciju<br />

proizvo|a~a (Pavi~i} i Ha|ina, 2001.).<br />

Zbog nepovoljnih gospodarskih prilika zadnjih<br />

desetak godina i neadekvatnih tehnolo{ko-tehni~kih<br />

postupaka na mnogim mlije~nim farmama u Hrvatskoj<br />

tijekom pretvorbe poljoprivrednih kombinata u poljoprivredna<br />

poduze}a, proizvodnja mlijeka nije se zna~ajnije<br />

pove}ala. Samim tim do{lo je i do odre|ene stagnacije<br />

u kvaliteti mlijeka. Me|utim, proizvodnja kvalitetnog mlijeka<br />

zbog nedostatnosti u Republici Hrvatskoj imat }e<br />

brzi razvoj, ali samo uz uvjet da se proizvo|a~i prilagode<br />

novim standardima kvalitete mlijeka.<br />


Proizvo|a~i }e trebati posvetiti vi{e vremena<br />

tehni~kim fazama proizvodnje mlijeka, pravilnoj hranidbi<br />

i zdravstvenoj za{titi. Zbog {irokog spektra parametara<br />

koji se mjere i kontroliraju po novom Pravilniku, svaka<br />

pogre{ka i nepravovremena reakcija proizvo|a~a ili<br />

veterinara u zdravstvenoj za{titi tijekom laktacijskog<br />

ciklusa, odrazit }e se i na krajnje financijsko poslovanje.<br />

Nu`no je da se u Hrvatskoj {to prije izradi programe<br />

razvoja govedarstva na temelju zahtjeva tr`i{ta i<br />

suvremenih marketin{kih ciljeva, koriste}i vlastita i<br />

svjetska znanstvena dostignu}a u sto~arstvu, pri ~emu<br />

}e zdravlje `ivotinje i kvaliteta mlijeka imati va`no mjesto.<br />

5. Kuterovac, K., Daki}, A., Dra`i}, M. (2002.): Prvi<br />

izvje{taj o kvaliteti mlijeka u RH kontroliranog u HSSC-<br />

Sredi{njem laboratoriju za kontrolu mlijeka. 35. Hrvatski<br />

simpozij mljekarskih stru~njaka s me|unarodnim sudjelovanjem,<br />

Lovran, 13.-15. studeni, Zbornik sa`etaka.,<br />

str. 24.-26.<br />

6. Miji}, P., Kne`evi}, I., Rimac, D., Doma}inovi}, M.,<br />

Kralik, D., Baban, Mirjana, Bagari}, D. (2001.):<br />

Usporedba parametara mlijeka s novim pravilnikom o<br />

kakavo}i svje`eg sirovog mlijeka. Poljoprivreda,<br />

77(2):33.-38.<br />

7. Pavi~i}, @., Ha|ina, S. (2001.): Zna~enje primijenjene<br />

dezinfekcije u higijenskoj kakvo}i mlijeka. Sto~arstvo,<br />

55(4):269.-280.<br />

8. Roth, S., Reinsch, N., Nieland, G., Schallenberger, E.<br />

(1998.): Untersuchungen über Zusammenhänge zwischen<br />

Eutergesundheit, Melkbarkeitsparametern und<br />

Milchflußkurven an einer Hochleistungsrinderherde.<br />

Züchtungskunde, 70(4):242.-260.<br />

9. Sarrazin, P., Scotti, O. (1995): Raw milk and Europe.<br />

Dairy Science Abstracts, 75(4):2091.<br />

10. Uremovi}, Z., Uremovi}, M., Pavi}, V., Mio~, B., Mu`ic,<br />

S., Janje~i}, Z. (2002.): Sto~arstvo. Ud`benik, 91.<br />

Agronomski <strong>fakultet</strong> u Zagrebu.<br />

11. ……… Pravilnik o kakvo}i svje`eg sirovog mlijeka.<br />

Narodne novine, 102/2000. od 17. listopada 2000.<br />

12. ……… Statisti~ki ljetopis Republike Hrvatske (2002).<br />

Dr`avni zavod za statistiku, 259. Zagreb.<br />

13. ……… Uredba o ciljnoj cijeni svje`eg sirovog mlijeka.<br />

Narodne novine, 156/2002. od 24. prosinca 2002.<br />


1. Antunac, N., Luka~-Havranek J., Samar`ija, D. (1998.):<br />

Somatske stanice i njihov utjecaj na kakvo}u i preradu<br />

mlijeka. Mljekarstvo, 47(3):183.-193.<br />

2. Caput, P. (1998.): Aktualnosti u proizvodnji i plasmanu<br />

svje`eg kravljeg mlijeka u Hrvatskoj. Sto~arstvo,<br />

52(5):379-385.<br />

3. Emanuelson, U., Funke, H. (1991): Effect of milk yield<br />

on relationship between bulk milk somatic cell count and<br />

prevalence of mastitis. Journal of Dairy Science,<br />

74:2479-2483.<br />

4. Kalit, S., Luka~-Havranek, Jasmina (1998): Current status<br />

of somatic cell count (SCC) in the milk from individual<br />

farms in Croatia. Milchwissenschaft, 53(4):183-<br />

184.<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


55<br />




It can be rightfally said that cow breeding is the «generator» of livestock and therefore of the hole agronomy.<br />

Stressing the quality of the product developed countries as well as the EU countries have introduced the new control<br />

regulations and evaluations of milk and dairy products. The number of somatic cells, microorganisms, protein<br />

and milk fat contents have become very important elements in valorisation and classification of milk. The Republic<br />

of Croatia also has the «New standard of the Quality of Fresh and Raw Milk» and the «Regulation of the Target Price<br />

of Fresh Raw Milk». Due to the wide spectre of the parameters controlled and paid by the new Standards and<br />

Regulations, every error and inadequate reaction of the manufacturer or the veterinarian during the health protection<br />

over the lactation cycle will have a reflection on a financial aspect of the business. The branch should start as<br />

earlier as possible using the domestic and international knowledge about livestock thereby animal health and better<br />

quality of milk will be in the priority.<br />

Key-words: milk production, standard, somatic cells, physical and chemical parameters<br />

(Primljeno 7. o`ujka 2003.; prihva}eno 10. travnja 2003. - Received on 7 March 2003; accepted on 10 April 2003)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)



ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 636.033:636.4<br />

\. Sen~i} (1) Marcela [peranda (1) , Z. Antunovi} (1) , T. [peranda (2) Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak<br />

Original scientific paper<br />

Sa`etak<br />

Istra`ivanje tovnih i klaoni~kih svojstava provedeno je na kri`ancima izme|u {vedskog<br />

landrasa i velikog jork{ira ([L x VJ), {vedskog landrasa i pietrena ([L x P) te velikog<br />

jork{ira i pietrena (VJ X P). Svinje su tovljene u istim uvjetima. Hranjene krmnom smjesom<br />

s 15,36% sirovih proteina i 13,22 MJ ME/kg. Vrijednost pH mesa odre|ena je pHmetrom<br />

Mettler Toledo, sposobnost vezanja vode mesa prema Grau-Hammu (1952.), a<br />

boja i mramoriranost mesa prema ameri~koj NPCC-metodi. Izme|u istra`ivanih genotipova<br />

svinja nije bilo statisti~ki zna~ajnih razlika (P>0,05) u veli~ini dnevnih prirasta<br />

(640 g, 680 g i 680 g), ali su utvr|ene razlike u konverziji hrane. Najmanji utro{ak hrane<br />

za kilogram prirasta imali su kri`anci VJ x P (2,04 kg), a zatim kri`anci [L x VJ (3,22 kg)<br />

i kri`anci [L x P (3,63). Najve}u mesnatost polovica (55,15%) i najbolju konformaciju<br />

polovica imali su kri`anci VJ x P, a zatim prema mesnatosti sljede kri`anci [L x VJ<br />

(54,71%) i kri`anci [L x P (54,08%). Kvaliteta mesa svinja istra`ivanih genotipova bila<br />

je zadovoljavaju}a. Kri`anci s pietrenom ([L x P i VJ x P) imali su ne{to slabiju sposobnost<br />

vezanja vode mesa (9,70 cm 2 i 9,80 cm 2 ) u odnosu na kri`ance VJ x [L (8,51 cm 2 ).<br />

Kri`anci s pietrenom tako|er su imali slabiji intenzitet boje mesa (2,50 i 2,33) i slabiju<br />

mramoriranost mesa (1,38 i 1,50) u odnosu na intenzitet boje i mramoriranost mesa<br />

kri`anaca VJ x [L (2,75 i 2,50).<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: svinje, kri`anci, tovna svojstva, klaoni~ka svojstva<br />

Uvod<br />

Genotip svinja, uz hranidbu, najvi{e utje~e na njihovu<br />

tovnost i mesnatost. Kri`anjem svinja nastoji se<br />

posti}i heterozis u~inak za va`na proizvodna svojstva.<br />

Iznala`enje najboljih kombinacija kri`anja je neprekidan<br />

proces, s obzirom na to da se selekcijom frekvencija<br />

pojedinih gena neprekidno mijenja.<br />

U ranijim istra`ivanjima (Pellois i Runavot, 1991.;<br />

Demo i sur., 1994.; Sen~i} i sur., 2000.a i b; Sen~i} i<br />

sur., 2002.), ukazano je na obilje`ja svinja tropasminskih<br />

kri`anaca s njema~kim landrasom ili pietrenom kao<br />

terminalnim pasminama. U ovom istra`ivanju ukazuje<br />

se na neka tovna i klaoni~ka svojstva svinja dvopasminskih<br />

kri`anaca.<br />

Materijal i metode<br />

Istra`ivanje je provedeno s kri`ancima {vedskog<br />

ladrasa i velikog jork{ira (n=21), s kri`ancima {vedskog<br />

landrasa i pietrena (n=16) te s kri`ancima velikog<br />

jork{ira i pietrena (n=27), na farmi «Caritas», kod<br />

Osijeka. Skupine svinja bile su ujedna~ene prema omjeru<br />

spolova.<br />

Svinje su tovljene istovremeno i u istim uvjetima,<br />

tijekom prolje}a i ljeta. Hranjene su ad libitum, krmnom<br />

smjesom s 15,36% sir. bjelan~evina i 13,22 MJ ME/kg<br />

tijekom cijelog tova.<br />

Na liniji klanja utvr|ena je masa toplih polovica i<br />

njihova mesnatost prema Pravilniku (1999.) uz pomo}<br />

metode «dvije to~ke». Nakon 24 sata hla|enja polovica<br />

na +4 0 C, odre|en je udjel (%) najvrijednijih dijelova<br />

(but, le|a i ple}ka) u desnim svinjskim polovicama,<br />

prema metodi Wenigera i sur. (1963.).<br />

(1) Prof.dr.sc. \uro Sen~i}, mr.sc. Marcela [peranda i doc.dr.sc. Zvonko<br />

Antunovi} – Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u <strong>Osijeku</strong>,<br />

<strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u <strong>Osijeku</strong>, Trg sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek, (2)<br />

Mr.sc. Tomislav [peranda – Farmacija d.d., Vinkova~ka cesta b.b.,<br />

31000 Osijek<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


57<br />

Vrijednost pH 1<br />

mesa odre|ena je 45 minuta post<br />

mortem, kontaktnim pH-metrom Mettler Toledo, a vrijednost<br />

pH 2<br />

mesa, 24 sata post mortem, nakon<br />

hla|enja mesa na +4 0 C. Kvaliteta mesa odre|ivana je<br />

na uzorku dugog le|nog mi{i}a (MLD) uzetom u visini<br />

izme|u 13 i 14 rebra. Sposobnost vezanja vode mesa<br />

odre|ena je prema Grau-Hammu (1952.), a boja i mramoriranost<br />

prema ameri~koj NPPC-metodi. Statisti~ka<br />

obrada rezultata istra`ivanja bila je pomo}u kompjutorskog<br />

programa Stat Soft, Inc. (2001.).<br />

Rezultati i rasprava<br />

Tovna svojstva kri`anaca vidljiva su iz Tablice 1.<br />

Izme|u prosje~nih po~etnih, kao i zavr{nih tjelesnih<br />

masa svinja pojedinih kri`anaca, nisu utvr|ene statisti~ki<br />

zna~ajne razlike (P>0,05).<br />

S tim u vezi, nisu utvr|ene niti razlike u dnevnim<br />

prirastima izme|u pojedinih genotipova svinja, u pojedinim<br />

razdobljima tova.<br />

Utro{ak hrane za kilogram prirasta bio je najmanji<br />

(2,04 kg) kod kri`anaca s najve}om mesnato{}u, tj. kod<br />

onih izme|u velikog jork{ira i pietrena, a najve}i (3,63<br />

kg) kod kri`anca s najni`om mesnato{}u, tj. onih<br />

izme|u {vedskog landrasa i pietrena.<br />

Klaoni~ka svojstva svinja, vidljiva su iz Tablice 2.<br />

Ujedna~enost masa toplih polovica omogu}ila je<br />

pravilno uspore|ivanje klaoni~kih svojstava svinja<br />

izme|u genotipova. Najve}u mesnatost polovica<br />

(55,15%) imali su kri`anci izme|u velikog jork{ira i pietrena.<br />

Taj genotip svinja imao je i najve}i udjel buta<br />

(31,95%) u polovicama. Obje skupine kri`anaca s pietrenom<br />

imale su ve}i udjel butova, a manji udjel ple}ki u<br />

polovicama u odnosu na kri`ance izme|u {vedskog landrasa<br />

i velikog jork{ira. Kri`anje s pietrenom povoljno je<br />

djelovalo na konformaciju svinjskih polovica, tj. na<br />

zastupljenost komercijalno vrjednijih dijelova. Na navedenu<br />

pojavu ukazuju istra`ivanja i drugih autora (@ivkovi}<br />

i sur., 1992., Demo i sur., 1994.)<br />

Kvaliteta mesa svinja istra`ivanih kri`anaca<br />

(Tablica 2.), bila je u prosjeku zadovoljavaju}a.<br />

Vrijednosti pH 1<br />

i pH 2<br />

mesa kretale su se u prosjeku u<br />

optimalnim granicama, iako je po~etni pH mesa, kod<br />

svinja s najve}om mesnato{}u (VJ x P), bio najni`i<br />

(6,19), ali ne i statisti~ki zna~ajno (P>0,05). Kri`anci<br />

izme|u velikog jork{ira i {vedskog landrasa imali su<br />

meso s boljom sposobno{}u vezanja vode (8,51 cm 2 )<br />

u odnosu na kri`ance s pietrenom (9,70 cm 2 i 9,80<br />

cm 2 ).<br />

Najja~i intenzitet boje (2,75) imalo je meso<br />

kri`anaca izme|u velikog jork{ira i {vedskog landrasa, a<br />

njamanji intenzitet boje (2,33), meso kri`anaca izme|u<br />

velikog jork{ira i pietrena, tj. najmesnatijeg genotipa.<br />

Granica pH 1<br />

vrijednosti za utvr|ivanje blijedog, mekanog<br />

i vodnjikavog (BMV) mesa je prema Hoffmanu<br />

Tablica 1. Tovna svojstva svinja nekih dvopasminskih kri`anaca<br />

Table 1. Fattening traits in pigs of some two crossbreeds<br />

# VJ-veliki jork{ir (LW-Large White); [L-{vedski landras (SL- Swedish Landrace); P-pietren (P-Pietrain)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

58<br />



Table 2. Slaughter traits in pigs of some two crossbreeds<br />

# VJ-veliki jork{ir (LW-Large White); [L-{vedski landras (SL- Swedish Landrace); P-pietren (P- Pietrain)<br />

(1994.) 6,0, a prema Kallweitu (1980.) ispod 5,8. Ako<br />

se uzme pH 2<br />

vrijednost kao kriterij za odre|ivanje BMVmesa,<br />

tada je granica, prema Forrestu (1998.) 5,5, a<br />

prema Kallweitu (1980.) je 5,4.<br />

Kri`anci s pietrenom imali su i slabiju pro`etost<br />

mesa masno}om (mramoriranost) u odnosu na<br />

kri`ance izme|u velikog jork{ira i {vedskog landrasa.<br />

I drugi su autori (Pellois i Runavot, 1991.; @ivkovi}<br />

i sur., 1992.; Wasmuth i Glodek, 1992.; Sen~i} i sur.,<br />

2000.a i b; 2002.) utvrdili da pietren u kri`anju mo`e<br />

pogor{ati kvalitetu mesa svinja kri`anaca.<br />

Zaklju~ak<br />

Na temelju istra`ivanja tovnih i klaoni~kih svojstava<br />

dvopasminskih kri`anaca izme|u {vedskog landrasa i<br />

velikog jork{ira ([L x VJ), {vedskog landrasa i pietrena<br />

([L x P) te velikog jork{ira i pietrena (VJ X P) utvr|eno je:<br />

- izme|u istra`ivanih genotipova svinja nije bilo<br />

statisti~ki zna~ajnih razlika (P>0,05) u veli~ini dnevnih<br />

prirasta (640 g, 680 g i 680 g), ali su utvr|ene razlike u<br />

konverziji hrane. Najmanji utro{ak hrane za kilogram prirasta<br />

imali su kri`anci VJ x P (2,04 kg), a zatim kri`anci<br />

[L x VJ (3,22 kg) i kri`anci [L x P (3,63),<br />

- najve}u mesnatost polovica (55,15%) i najbolju<br />

konformaciju polovica imali su kri`anci VJ x P, a zatim<br />

prema mesnatosti sljede kri`anci [L x VJ (54,71%) i<br />

kri`anci [L x P (54,08%),<br />

- kvaliteta mesa svinja istra`ivanih genotipova bila<br />

je zadovoljavaju}a. Kri`anci s pietrenom ([L x P i VJ x<br />

P) imali su ne{to slabiju sposobnost vezanja vode mesa<br />

(9,70 cm 2 i 9,80 cm 2 ) u odnosu na kri`ance VJ x [L<br />

(8,51 cm 2 ). Kri`anci s pietrenom tako|er su imali slabiji<br />

intenzitet boje mesa (2,50 i 2,33) i slabiju mramoriranost<br />

mesa (1,38 i 1,50) u odnosu na intenzitet boje i<br />

mramoriranost mesa kri`anaca VJ x [L (2,75 i 2,50).<br />

Literatura<br />

1. Demo, P, Poltarsky, J., Rehak, A. (1994): Use of the<br />

Pietrain breed for production of terminal slaughter<br />

hybrid. Zivocisna Vyroba, 39: 865-879.<br />

2. Forrest, I.C. (1998): Line speed implementation of<br />

various pork quality measures. Record of Proceedings,<br />

NSIF Conference and Animal Meeting. December 4-5,<br />

1998, Vol. 23, East Lansing Marriot, Michigan.<br />

3. Grau, R., Hamm, R. (1952.): Eine einfache Methode zur<br />

Bestimmung der Wasser bildung in Fleisch. Die<br />

Fleischwirtschaft, 4:295.-297.<br />

4. Hoffman, K. (1994): What is quality? Definition, measurement<br />

and eculation of meat quality. Meat Focus<br />

International, 3, 2, February, 1994.<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


59<br />

5. Kallweit, E. (1980.): Fleischfülle und Fleischbeschaffenheit.<br />

Schweinezucht und Schweinemast, 28(5):148.-<br />

155.<br />

6. Pellois, H., Runavot, J.P. (1991): Comparaison des performances<br />

d’ engraissement de carcasse et de qualite<br />

de riande de 4 types de porcs ayant une proportion<br />

variable de sang Pietrain. In 23 mes Journees de la<br />

Recherche Porcine en France, Paris, 1991, pp. 23.<br />

7. Sen~i}, \., Fazeka{, J., Maltar Z., Antunovi}, Z., Knapi},<br />

A. (2000.a): Obilje`ja mesnatosti svinja kri`anaca s pietrenom.<br />

Sto~arstvo, 54:175.-182.<br />

8. Sen~i}, \. Kralik G., Ku{ec, G., Margeta, V. (2000 b):<br />

Slaughtering quality of crossed pigs with German<br />

Landrace and Pietrain as terminal breeds. Agriculture,<br />

6:157-159.<br />

9. Sen~i}, \., Antunovi}, Z., [peranda Marcela (2002):<br />

Meatiness and meat quality in pigs crossed with pietrain.<br />

Sto~arstvo, 56:191-196.<br />

10. Wassmuth, R., Glodek, P. (1992): Einfluß des<br />

«Hampshirefaktors» und der Standzeit auf das glykolitische<br />

Potential und die Fleischbeschaffenheit bei<br />

Schweinen. Fleichwirtschaft, 72: 1299.-1302.<br />

11. Weniger, H., I., Steinhauf, D. und Pahl, G. (1963):<br />

Topography of Carcasses. BLV Verlagsgesellschaft,<br />

München.<br />

12. @ivkovi}, J., Bukovi} B., Njari, B. (1992.): Utjecaj<br />

pasminskog sastava na prinos i kakvo}u svinjskog<br />

mesa. Sto~arstvo, 46: 25.-31.<br />

13. ... .. Pravilnik o utvr|ivanju kategorija i klasa svinjskih<br />

trupova i polovica (1999.), N.N. br. 119.<br />

14. ….. Stat Soft. Inc. Statistica for Windows (Computer<br />

program manual), Tulsa, OK, 2001.<br />



Investigation of fattening and slaughter traits was conducted with crossbreeds between Swedish Landrace and Large<br />

White (SL x LW), Swedish Landrace and Pietrain (SL x P) as well as between Large White and Pietrain (LW x P). The<br />

pigs were fed in the same conditions. They were fed mixture containing 15.36% crude proteins and 13.22 MU/kg.<br />

Values of meat pH were determined by pH –meter Mettler Toledo, ability of meat water fixation according to Grau-<br />

Hamm (1952) whereas colour and meat marbling by an American NPCC method. No statistically significant differences<br />

were found (P>0.05) in terms of daily gain (640 g, 680 g and 6880 g) among the investigated pig genotypes.<br />

However, feed conversion differences were determined. The lowest feed consumption per gain kg was characterized<br />

by crossbreeds LW x P (2.04 kg) followed by crossbreeds SL x LW (3.22 kg) and crossbreeds SL x P (3.63). The<br />

highest meatiness of pork sides (55.15%) and their conformation were known by crossbreeds LW x P followed by<br />

(by the meatiness) crossbreeds SL x LW (54.71%) and crossbreeds SL x P (54.08%). Pig meat quality of the investigated<br />

genotypes was satisfactory. Crossbreeds with Pietrain (SL x P and LW x P) had slightly lower meat water fixation<br />

ability (9.70 cm 2 and 9. 80 cm 2 ) compared to the crossbreeds LW x SL (8.51cm 2 ). Crossbreeds with Pietrain<br />

were also characterized by lower meat colour intensity (2.50 and 2.33) and meat marbling (1.38 and 1.50) compared<br />

to colour intensity and meat marbling in crossbreeds LW x SL (2.75 and 2.50).<br />

Key-words: pigs, crossbreeds, fattening traits, slaughtering traits<br />

(Primljeno 14. o`ujka 2003.; prihva}eno 3. travnja 2003. - Received on 14 March 2003; accepted on 3 April 2003)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 636.127:636.064<br />



T. Rastija (1) , Z. Antunovi} (1) , Mirjana Baban (1) , I. Mandi} (2) Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak<br />

Original scientific paper<br />

SA@ETAK<br />

Pra}enje razvoja `drebadi, naro~ito u prvim mjesecima njihovog `ivota, ukazuje na<br />

mogu}nost njihovog uspje{nog izbora. Pravilan postupak s podmlatkom te kvalitetna<br />

hranidba dojnih kobila osigurava uspje{an uzgoj `drebadi, koji ima pozitivan utjecaj i na<br />

njihov kasniji razvoj. Istra`ivanja su provedena na 82 {estomjese~ne `drebadi. Mjerenja<br />

visine grebena, opsega prsa i opsega cjevanice obavljena su sedmi dan nakon `drijebljenja<br />

i u dobi od {est mjeseci. Podaci o mjerenju obra|eni su prema statisti~kom programu<br />

SPSS/PC (Nie i sur., 1975.). Izra~unata je i korelacijska povezanost izme|u tjelesnih<br />

mjera sedmodnevne i {estomjese~ne `drebadi. Visina grebena {estomjese~ne u<br />

odnosu na sedmodnevnu `drebad pove}ala se je za 35%, opseg prsa za 69%, a opseg<br />

cjevanice za 34%. Korelacijska povezanost izme|u navedenih svojstava bila je visoko<br />

signifikantna na razini P=0,01 s korelacijskim koeficijentima, a koji su se kretali izme|u<br />

r=0,363 i r=0,820. Cilj tih istra`ivanja bio je spoznaja o me|usobnoj povezanosti razvoja<br />

`drebadi u ranoj fazi, tj. u fazi sisanja.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: lipicanska pasmina, podmladak, rast i razvoj, korelacije<br />

UVOD<br />

Poznavanje rasta i razvoja podmlatka u konja,<br />

naro~ito u prvim mjesecima nakon `drijebljenja, i<br />

me|usobni utjecaj pojedinih tjelesnih dimenzija<br />

omogu}ava br`i i sigurniji uzgojno selekcijski rad.<br />

Prema podacima dostupne literature iz toga podru~ja,<br />

intenzivan rast i razvoj pojedinih tjelesnih mjera i njihova<br />

me|usobna povezanost u ranijoj `ivotnoj dobi ima<br />

pozitivan utjecaj i na kasniji razvoj.<br />

Istra`ivanjima o razvoju podmlatka lipicanske i<br />

ostalih pasmina konja bavili su se Romi} (1951.), Green<br />

(1961.), Stipi} (1980.), Rastija i sur. (1986., 1988.,<br />

1995., 1999., 2000., 2001., 2002.), Saastamoinen<br />

(1990.), Baban i sur. (1995.) i drugi.<br />

Ta istra`ivanja ukazuju na pozitivan me|usobni<br />

utjecaj tjelesnih mjera u `drebadi iste i razli~ite dobi.<br />


Istra`ivanja su provedena na 82 `drebadi lipicanske<br />

pasmine oba spola. Mjerenja visine grebena<br />

Lydtinovim {tapom, opsega prsa i opsega cjevanice<br />

obavljena su sto~nom vrpcom na sedmodnevnoj i<br />

{estomjese~noj `drebadi. Vrijednosti dobivene mjerenjem<br />

obra|ene su prema statisti~kom programu<br />

SPSS/PC (Nie i sur., 1975.). Na temelju dobivenih vrijednosti,<br />

izra~unali smo i korelacijsku povezanost<br />

izme|u obra|enih svojstava `drebadi iste i razli~ite dobi.<br />

Statisti~ku zna~ajnost koeficijenata korelacije testirali<br />

smo “t” testom na razini 5% i 1% signifikantnosti.<br />


Vrijednosti istra`ivanja tjelesnih mjera sedmodnevne<br />

i {estomjese~ne `drebadi prikazane su u Tablici 1.<br />

Vrijednosti istra`ivanja tjelesnih mjera sedmodnevne<br />

i {estomjese~ne `drebadi lipicanske pasmine prikazane su<br />

u Tablici 1. Visina grebena sedmodnevne `drebadi u granicama<br />

je karakteristi~nim za lipicansku pasminu. Prema<br />

podacima Rastije i sur. (2001.), `drebad na{ih istra`ivanja<br />

bila su ni`a za 2,64 cm. Podaci Romi}a (1951.) znatno<br />

su slabije vrijednosti od na{ih istra`ivanja (92,82 cm za<br />

mu{ku i 92,58 cm za `ensku `drebad). Istra`ivanja Stipi}a<br />

(1980.) podudaraju se s na{im vrijednostima, kao i vrijednosti<br />

Rastije i sur. (1995. a). Tako|er i vrijednosti drugih<br />

istra`ivanja kre}u se u okviru granica za lipicansku pasminu,<br />

{to potvr|uje konsolidiranost uzgoja. Opseg prsa od<br />

80,49 cm je manji od vrijednosti do kojih su u svojim<br />

(1) Dr.sc. Tomo Rastija, red. prof., dr.sc. Zvonko Antunovi}, docent i<br />

dr.sc. Mirjana Baban, asistent – Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u<br />

<strong>Osijeku</strong>, <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u <strong>Osijeku</strong>, Trg sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek,<br />

(2) Ivica Mandi}, dipl.ing. - direktor ergele \akovo.<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


61<br />

Tablica 1. Tjelesne mjere sedmodnevne i {estomjese~ne lipicanske `drebadi (n = 82)<br />

Table 1. The physical measures of the seven-day-old and six-month-old Lippizaner foals (n=82)<br />

istra`ivanjima do{li Rastija i sur. (1986., 1995.a, 2001.),<br />

Romi} (1951.) i Stipi} (1980.), dok se vrijednosti Mirjane<br />

Baban i sur. (1995.) podudaraju s na{im istra`ivanjima.<br />

Opseg cjevanice sedmodnevne `drebadi u Tablici<br />

1. bio je manji za 0,40 cm, odnosno 1,35 cm od vrijednosti<br />

Stipi}a (1980.), dok se vrijednosti Romi}evih<br />

(1951) istra`ivanja podudaraju s na{im podacima.<br />

Tako|er su i vrijednosti dobivene po Rastiji i sur. (1986,<br />

2001) neznatno ve}e od vrijednosti u Tablici 1.<br />

Navedena istra`ivanja ukazuju na konsolidirani<br />

uzgoj i uspje{no provo|enje uzgojno-selekcijskog rada,<br />

{to potvr|uju rezultati dosada{njih istra`ivanja.<br />

Korelacijska povezanost u Tablici 2. kretala se<br />

izme|u slabe do potpune, s korelacijskim koeficijentima<br />

od r = 0,363 do 0,824. Najslabija povezanost (r =<br />

0,363) utvr|ena je izme|u opsega prsa sedmodnevne i<br />

opsega cjevanice {estomjese~ne `drebadi, dok je<br />

najja~a povezanost (r = 0,824) izra~unata izme|u visine<br />

grebena i opsega prsa {estomjese~ne `drebadi.<br />

Testiranjem dobivenih korelacijskih koeficijenata<br />

Tablica 2. Korelacijska povezanost tjelesnih mjera<br />

sedmodnevne i {estomjese~ne lipicanske `drebadi<br />

Table 2. A correlation of physical measures of the sevenday-old<br />

and six-month-old Lippizaner foals<br />

1 = visina grebena sedmodnevne `drebadi – withers height of<br />

the seven-day-old foals<br />

2 = opseg prsa sedmodnevne `drebadi – chest girth of the<br />

seven-day-old foals<br />

3 = opseg cjevanice sedmodnevne `drebadi – cannon bone<br />

circumference of the seven-day-old foals<br />

4 = visina grebena {estomjese~ne `drebadi – withers height of<br />

the six-month old foals<br />

5 = opseg prsa {estomjese~ne `drebadi – withers height of the<br />

six- month old foals<br />

6 = opseg cjevanice {estomjese~ne `drebadi - cannon bone<br />

circumference of the six- month old foals<br />

utvr|ene su visoko signifikantne povezanosti.<br />

Navodi Rastije i sur. (1988.) ukazuju na pozitivan<br />

utjecaj visine grebena nakon poroda na visinu grebena u<br />

kasnijoj dobi, dok su vi{a `drebad imala ne{to slabije<br />

razvijen prsni ko{ u odnosu na ni`u `drebad.<br />

Saastamoinen (1990.) ukazuje na visoku korelacijsku<br />

povezanost tjelesnih mjera `drebadi u razvoju. Prema<br />

podacima Mc Canna i sur. (1988.), korelacijska povezanost<br />

tjelesnih mjera `drebadi u razvoju kretala se<br />

izme|u slabe i jake. Do sli~nih vrijednosti u svojim<br />

istra`ivanjima do{li su Hintz i sur. (1979.), Rastija i sur.<br />

(1995.b) utvrdili su pozitivnu povezanost visine grebena<br />

i opsega cjevanice podmlatka lipicanaca, koja je ja~e<br />

izra`ena kod iste nego razli~ite dobne strukture.<br />

Po istra`ivanjima Rastije i sur. (2001.), korelacijska<br />

povezanost mu{ke i `enske kao i oba spola lipicanske<br />

`drebadi kretala se izme|u slabe i vrlo jake.<br />

Rezultati dobivenih istra`ivanja, kao i vrijednosti u<br />

dostupnoj literaturi, ukazuju na mogu}nost uspje{nog<br />

provo|enja selekcije ve} kod podmlatka `drebadi, zbog<br />

pozitivne povezanosti tjelesnih mjera istodobne i `drebadi<br />

razli~ite dobi.<br />


Na temelju provedenih istra`ivanja razvoja podmlatka<br />

lipicanske pasmine, mo`e se zaklju~iti:<br />

- Visina grebena sedmodnevne lipicanske `drebadi<br />

iznosila je 100,988 cm, a {estomjese~ne 136,683 cm,<br />

odnosno 35,43% ve}a u odnosu na visinu sedmodnevne<br />

`drebadi.<br />

- Opseg prsa {estomjese~ne `drebadi u odnosu na<br />

sedmodnevnu `drebad pove}ao se za 69,20%, a opseg<br />

cjevanice za 33,67%.<br />

- Korelacijska povezanost izme|u navedenih svojstava<br />

sedmodnevne i {estomjese~ne lipicanske `drebadi<br />

kretala se izme|u slabe i vrlo jake, s korelacijskim<br />

koeficijentima od r = 0,363 do r = 0,824.<br />

- Povezanost je ja~e izra`ena izme|u tjelesnih<br />

mjera `drebadi iste dobi nego izme|u razli~ite dobi.<br />

- Testiranjem je utvr|ena visoko signifikantna<br />

povezanost izme|u tjelesnih mjera `drebadi.<br />

- Poznavanje povezanosti izme|u tjelesnih mjera<br />

iste i razli~ite dobi omogu}ava uspje{no provo|enje<br />

selekcije u uzgoju konja.<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

62<br />



1. Baban, M., Rastija, T., Kne`evi}, I., Ljube{i}, J. (1995.):<br />

Komparacija razvoja tjelesnih mjera lipicanske `drebadi<br />

po linijama. Poljoprivreda, 1(1):1.-7.<br />

2. Butler, I., Kelnhofer, R., Pirchner, F. (1986): Phenotypic<br />

correlations between conformation and performance<br />

traits of trotters. 37 th Ann. Meet. of Eur. Assoc. for<br />

Anim. Prod.<br />

3. Green, D.A. (1961): A review of studies on the growth<br />

rate of the horse. Br. Vet. J. 117, 181-191.<br />

4. Hintz, R.L., Hintz, H.F., Vleck, L.D. (1979): Growth rate<br />

of Thoroughbreds. Effect of age of dam, year and month<br />

of birth, and sex of foal. J. Anim. Sci. 48, 480-487.<br />

5. McCann, J.S., Heird, J.C., Ramsey, C.B., Long, R.A.<br />

(1988): Skeletal bone and muscle proportionality in<br />

small-and large-framed mature horses of different<br />

muscle thickness. Equine Vet. Sci. 8, 255-261.<br />

6. Nie, N., H., Hul, C.H., Jenkins, G. J., Steinbrenner, K.,<br />

Dole, H.B. (1975): Statistical Package for the Society<br />

Sciences 2 nd ed New York, Mc Grow-Hill.<br />

7. Rastija, T., Ljube{i}, J., Mandi}, I. (1986.): Komparativni<br />

prikaz razvoja `drebadi lipicanske pasmine. Sto~arstvo,<br />

40(7-8):249.-253.<br />

8. Rastija, T., Kne`evi}, I., Bari{i}, A. (1988.): Korelacijska<br />

povezanost razvoja tjelesnih mjera `drebadi lipicanske<br />

pasmine. Znan. prak. poljop. tehnol. 18(3-4):309.-315.<br />

9. Rastija, T., Baban, M., Kne`evi}, I. (1995.a): Usporedba<br />

nekih svojstava rasta mu{ke i `enske lipicanske `drebadi.<br />

Sto~arstvo, 49(3-4):89.-93.<br />

10. Rastija, T., Kne`evi}, I., Jovanovac, S., Mandi}, I., (1995<br />

b): Heritability and phenotypic correlations among<br />

measurements of lipizzaner horses. Sto~arstvo, 9-12,<br />

299-302.<br />

11. Rastija, T., Ljube{i}, J., Sukali}, M., Baban Mirjana,<br />

Kne`evi}, I. (1999.): Tjelesne mjere `drebadi holstein<br />

pasmine u razvoju. Poljoprivreda 5(1):27.-30.<br />

12. Rastija, T., Ljube{i}, J., Antunovi}, Z., Baban Mirjana,<br />

Sele{, J. (2000.): Utjecaj visine grebena, opsega prsa i<br />

opsega cjevanice nakon poroda na razvoj `drebadi holstein<br />

pasmine. Sto~arstvo, 54(6):419.-426.<br />

13. Rastija T., Kne`evi}, I., Antunovi}, Z., Bukvi}, @.,<br />

Gutzmirtl D., Mandi}, I. (2001.): Povezanost razvoja<br />

`drebadi lipicanske pasmine u fazi sisanja. Sto~arstvo,<br />

55(1):3.-12.<br />

14. Rastija, T. Antunovi}, Z., Bukvi}, @., Baban Mirjana,<br />

Bogut. I. (2001.): Povezanost tjelesnih mjera {estomjese~ne<br />

i dvogodi{nje `drebadi holstein pasmine.<br />

Sto~arstvo 55(2):83.-89.<br />

15. Rastija, T., Ljube{i}, J., Antunovi}, Z., Baban Mirjana,<br />

Bogut. I. (2002): Effect of some holstein foals birth body<br />

measurements on later development. Sto~arstvo<br />

56(1):3-13.<br />

16. Romi}, S. (1951.): Razvoj lipicanca do tri godine.<br />

Veterinarski arhiv, 7-8.<br />

17. Saastamoinen, M. (1990): Heritabilities for body size<br />

and growth rate and phenotypic correlations among<br />

measurements in young horses. ActaAgriculturae<br />

Scandinavica 40(4):377-386.<br />

18. Stipi}, L. (1980.): Ispitivanje populacije i uzgojnog procesa<br />

|akova~kog lipicanca. Sto~arstvo, 34: 291.-300.<br />




Observation at he foals development, especially in their first months of life, gives a possibility of their successful<br />

selection. A correct offspring treatment from the early age and a quality feeding of lactating mares ensures a successful<br />

foals breeding, which has a positive influence on their further development. Eighty two six-month-old foals<br />

were included into the research. Measuring of the withers height, chest girth and cannon bone circumference were<br />

done seven days after foaling and at the age of six months. The measuring data were processed by the statistical<br />

program SPSS/PC (Nie et al., 1975). A correlation between physical measures of the seven-day-old and six-monthold<br />

foals was summed. Withers height of the six-month-old in relation to the seven-day-old foals increased by 35%,<br />

the chest girth by 69% and the cannon bone circumference by 34%. The correlation among attained values was<br />

highly significant at the level P=0.01 with correlation coefficients ranging between r=0,363 and r=0,820. The aim<br />

of this research was to get an insight of the mutual connection of foals development in the early phase, i.e. in the<br />

suckling phase.<br />

Key-words: the Lippizaner breed, offspring, growth and development, correlation<br />

(Primljeno 20. o`ujka 2003.; prihva}eno 7. travnja 2003. - Received on 20 March 2003; accepted on 7 April 2003)<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


"<strong>POLJOPRIVREDA</strong> znanstveno-stru~ni ~asopis" (ISSN 1330-7142), kojega publiciraju <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u <strong>Osijeku</strong> i<br />

<strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> institut Osijek, objavljuje znanstvene i stru~ne radove na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Objavljuju se radovi koji nisu<br />

tiskani u drugim ~asopisima, niti predani u tisak. Izvodi, sa`eci, sinopsisi, magistarski radovi, disertacije te izlaganja na znanstvenim<br />

i stru~nim skupovima ne smatraju se objavljenim radovima. U dodatku ~asopisa mogu se objaviti prikazi knjiga ili njihove recenzije,<br />

kra}i prijevodi, osvrti i vijesti iz podru~ja poljoprivrede.<br />

Radovi se {alju u Uredni{tvo ~asopisa u 2 primjerka, a moraju zadovoljiti sljede}e tehni~ke propozicije:<br />

• Maksimalni obujam rada (uklju~uju}i tablice, grafikone, slike i sheme) je 10 stranica A-4 formata (max. znakova 30000,<br />

uklju~uju}i razmake izme|u rije~i), sa`etka disertacije 2 stranice, a sa`etka magistarskog rada 1 stranica.<br />

• Tekst mora biti pisati u Microfoft Word for Windows, verzija 6.0 ili vi{a, Font Times New Roman, s duplim proredom. Sve<br />

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• Cijeli rad treba pisati veli~inom slova 11, osim naslova rada (12), naslova i sadr`aja tablica (10) te sa`etaka (10).<br />

Naslov rada i poglavlja treba pisati velikim podebljanim slovima.<br />

• Grafikoni, slike i sheme trebaju biti ~isti, pregledni i snimljeni u Winword obliku te editirani kao integralni dio rada tj. u tekstu<br />

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shema treba pisati podebljanim slovima, a engleske prijevode njihovih naslova, kao i sadr`aja, treba pisati u kurzivu neboldiranim<br />

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• Po~etak odlomka (pasusa) u tekstu ne smije se uvla~iti tabelator tipkom, a odlomke treba razdijeliti tipkom ENTER. Treba<br />

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pisanje fusnota, po`eljno je koristiti automatske fusnote.<br />

• Citirani autori u radu ne smiju biti podebljani, pisani u kurzivu niti velikim slovima.<br />

• Za pisanje decimalnih brojeva u tekstovima i tablicama na hrvatskom jeziku treba koristiti isklju~ivo zareze, odnosno u<br />

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godina obvezno dolazi to~ka.<br />

Radovi }e biti recenzirani od najmanje 2 recenzenta iz odgovaraju}eg podru~ja i lektorirani. Recenzenti obavljaju kategorizaciju<br />

radova: izvorni znanstveni ~lanak (original scientific paper), pregledni znanstveni ~lanak (scientific review), prethodno<br />

priop}enje (preliminary communication), izlaganje na znanstvenom skupu (conference paper), stru~ni ~lanak (professional<br />

paper). Svi radovi dobivaju UDK klasifikacijski broj (rad se kategorizira prema odre|enim podru~jima). Radovi tiskani na hrvatskom<br />

jeziku moraju imati kurzivom napisane engleske prijevode Naslova, Sa`etka, Klju~nih rije~i te tablica i grafikona, i obrnuto.<br />

U radu tiskanom na hrvatskom jeziku engleske verzije Sa`etka i Klju~nih rije~i dolaze na kraju rada, iza poglavlja Literatura, i obrnuto.<br />

Radovi u pravilu sadr`e:<br />

NASLOV: treba biti {to kra}i, informativan, pisan velikim tiskanim (podebljanim) slovima, font 12. Ispod naslova dolaze inicijali<br />

imena (`enski autori puno ime) i prezime autora bez akademske titule, a iza svakog prezimena ozna~iti eksponentom ukoliko<br />

autori nisu iz iste ustanove (podebljanim slovima u kurzivu font 11).<br />

SA@ETAK: jezgrovit prikaz rada koji ~itatelju omogu}ava procjenu zanimljivosti rada. Sa`etak treba biti napisan podebljanim<br />

slovima u kurzivu (font 10) i da se bez ve}e prerade mo`e tiskati u referalnim ~asopisima. Optimalna du`ina je oko 100 rije~i.<br />

Sa`etak mora sadr`avati klju~ne rije~i bitne zbog uklju~ivanja u informacijske sustave, a koje tako|er treba pisati podebljanim slovima<br />

u kurzivu (font 10).<br />

UVOD: izla`e se ideja i cilj provedenih istra`ivanja, a mo`e se dati vrlo selektivan osvrt na literaturu, ako nema posebnog<br />

poglavlja "Pregled literature".<br />

MATERIJAL I METODE: detaljno se opisuju samo nove ili modificirane metode. Za poznate metode i postupke daje se samo<br />

literaturni izvor.<br />

REZULTATI I RASPRAVA: opisuju se utvr|ene ~injenice i zakonitosti, obja{njavaju pojave te potvr|uje ili negira postavljena<br />

hipoteza. U raspravi treba usporedbom s radovima drugih autora potkrijepiti zna~aj vlastitih istra`ivanja. Treba voditi ra~una da se<br />

isti podaci ne ponavljaju u tablicama, grafikonima te ponovno u tekstu.<br />

ZAKLJU^AK: sadr`i sintezu istra`ivanja i rezultata. Pri njegovom pisanju va`na je postupnost u izlaganju.<br />

LITERATURA: pi{e se abecednim redom s rednim brojem ispred prvog autora, s punim podacima (autori, godina, naziv reference,<br />

izdava~, mjesto izdavanja, stranice). Autore ne pisati velikim slovima.<br />

Zadnju verziju rada, ispravljenu prema primjedbama recenzenata, treba poslati Uredni{tvu u jednom primjerku, kao<br />

i snimak rada na disketi. Rukopisi radova i diskete se ne vra}aju.<br />

Adresa: Uredni{tvo ~asopisa "Poljoprivreda", <strong>Poljoprivredni</strong> <strong>fakultet</strong> u <strong>Osijeku</strong>, Trg sv.Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek<br />

Kontakt osobe i tehni~ki urednici: Manda Antunovi}, tel. +385 31 224 255; Fax: +385 31 207 017; E-mail:<br />

Manda.Antunovic@pfos.hr i Danica Han`ek, tel. +385 31 224 240; E-mail: dhanzek@pfos.hr<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)


"AGRICULTURE Scientific and Professional Review" (ISSN 1330-7142) is published by The Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek and<br />

The Osijek Agricultural Institute. Scientific and professional papers are published in both Croatian and English language. Papers are accepted<br />

on the understanding that they have not been or will be published elsewhere. Inferences, summaries, synopses, master's theses, dissertations<br />

as well as presentations at symposia are not considered as published papers. Book surveys or their reviews, short translations<br />

and communications covering agriculture field will also be published in the journal supplement.<br />

The manuscripts submitted to Editorial Board in2 copies and should meet propositions as follows:<br />

• Maximum paper scope (including tables, graphs, figures and other supplements) is 10 printed pages of A-4 format (30 000 characters,<br />

including spaces between words), dissertation summary 2 pages and master's one 1 page.<br />

• Text should be written in Microsoft Word for Windows version 6.0 or higher, Font Times New Roman, with line spacing 2. All margins<br />

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• The whole text should be written in letters sized 11 except head title (size 12), authors' names and addresses, summaries and<br />

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REFERENCES: References should be listed alphabetically by putting ordinal number before the first author, full data is required<br />

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Final versions of papers, corrected regarding to reviewer's opinions, must be sent to Editorial Board printed in one copy and<br />

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Address: Editorial Board of the Journal "Agriculture", The Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Trg Sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek, Croatia<br />

Contact persons and technical editors: Manda Antunovi}, Tel.: +385 31 224 255; Fax: +385 31 207 017; E-mail:<br />

Manda.Antunovic@pfos.hr and Danica Han`ek, Tel. + 385 31 224 240; E-mail: dhanzek@pfos.hr<br />

Poljoprivreda 9 (2003)

UDK 63 ISSN 1330-7142<br />


Scientific and Professional Review<br />


Volume 9; Number 1; June, 2003<br />

Z. Zduni}, D. [imi}, I. Brki}, A. Jambrovi}, Renata Zduni}, Tatjana Leden~an<br />


INBRED LINES AND ITS SIX BASIC GENERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5<br />

Manda Antunovi}, V. Kova~evi}, Mirta Rastija, Z. Zduni}<br />


V. Kova~evi}, I. Brki}<br />


B. [imi}, V. Kova~evi}, Zorica Jurkovi}<br />


Mira Kne`evi}, Marija \urki}, I. Kne`evi}, K. Hajba<br />


AND SPRING BARLEY YIELD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25<br />

A. Kristek, Zvjezdana Magud, Manda Antunovi}, Suzana Kristek<br />


(Cercospora beticola Sacc.) SUSCEPTIBILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31<br />

T. ^upi}, S. Popovi}, Marijana Tucak, M. Stjepanovi}, Sonja Grlju{i}<br />

ESTIMATION OF PEA GRAIN YIELD STABILITY (Pisum sativum L.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37<br />

T. Karadeniz, A. Kazankaya, T. Yarilgaç<br />


(Prunus amygdalus Batsh) GROWN IN MALATYA (TURKEY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42<br />

M.Yercan, S. Engindeniz<br />

PROFITABILTY OF DRIED FIG PRODUCTION (A CASE STUDY OF TURKEY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46<br />

P. Miji}, I. Kne`evi}<br />

NEW WAY OF EVALUATING COW MILK IN THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52<br />

\. Sen~i}, Marcela [peranda, Z. Antunovi}, T. [peranda<br />

FATTENING AND MEATINESS OF SOME TWO CROSSBREEDS IN PIGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56<br />

T. Rastija, Z. Antunovi}, Mirjana Baban, I. Mandi}<br />


LIPPIZANER BREED FOALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60<br />

1<br />

OSIJEK<br />

2003.<br />

Vol. 9

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