Poljoprivreda 2004.qxd

Poljoprivreda 2004.qxd Poljoprivreda 2004.qxd


UDK 63 ISSN 1330-7142 POLJOPRIVREDA znanstveno - stru~ni ~asopis Svezak 9; Broj 2; Prosinac, 2003. SADR@AJ Aleksandra Sudari}, Marija Vratari}, T. Duvnjak, J. Klari} FENOTIPSKA STABILNOST URODA ZRNA NEKOLIKO OS-KULTIVARA SOJE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Jošt M. UTJECAJ POLJOPRIVREDNE BIOTEHNOLOGIJE NA OKOLIŠ I SIGURNOST HRANE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 D. Šimi}, J. Gunja~a, Z. Zduni}, I. Brki}, J. Kova~evi} BIOMETRIJSKA KARAKTERIZACIJA LOKACIJA ZA TESTIRANJE HIBRIDA U OPLEMENJIVANJU KUKURUZA . . . .18 D. D`oi}, Marija Ivezi}, Emilija Raspudi}, Mirjana Brme` SUZBIJANJE KUKURUZNE ZLATICE (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) U PROIZVODNJI KUKURUZA U ISTO^NOJ HRVATSKOJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 A. Lali}, J. Kova~evi}, D. Novoselovi}, G. Drezner, D. Babi} USPOREDBA PEDIGRE METODE I METODE SJEMENKA PO BILJCI (SSD) U RANIM GENERACIJAMA JE^MA . . .33 A. Kristek, Suzana Kristek, Manda Antunovi} PROIZVODNE VRIJEDNOSTI LINIJA ŠE]ERNE REPE I NJIHOVIH KRI@ANACA OVISNO O PLODNOSTI . . . . . . . . .38 Ljiljanka Tomerlin BIOGORIVO IZ KUKURUZOVINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 T. Askin, N. Özdemir POVEZANOST VOLUMNE GUSTO]E TLA S DISTRIBUCIJOM VELI^INE ^ESTICA TLA I SADR@AJEM ORGANSKE TVARI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 T. Rastija, Z. Antunovi}, Mirjana Baban, I. Bogut, \. Sen~i} KORELACIJSKA POVEZANOST TJELESNIH MJERA LIPICANSKIH KOBILA I PASTUHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 Z. Antunovi}, Z. Steiner, Ð. Sen~i}, M. Doma}inovi}, Z. Steiner UTJECAJ SEZONE HRANIDBE NA REPRODUKCIJSKA I PROIZVODNA SVOJSTVA OVACA I PORAST SISAJU]E JANJADI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 T. Florijan~i}, D. Rimac, B. Antunovi}, A. Marinculi}, H. Gutzmirtl, I. Bo{kovi} ZNA^AJ MONITORINGA I MJERA ZA SUZBIJANJE TRIHINELOZE U SVINJOGOJSTVU ISTO^NE HRVATSKE . . . .69 Z. Puškadija, T. Florijan~i}, I. Boškovi}, P. Miji}, S. Ozimec U^INKOVITOST FORMIRANJA NUKLEUSA P^ELINJIH ZAJEDNICA S CILJEM KONTROLE POPULACIJE NAMETNIKA Varroa destructor (ANDRESON I TRUEMAN, 2000.) U KOŠNICI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 2 OSIJEK 2003. Sv. 9

UDK 63 ISSN 1330-7142<br />


znanstveno - stru~ni ~asopis<br />

Svezak 9; Broj 2; Prosinac, 2003.<br />

SADR@AJ<br />

Aleksandra Sudari}, Marija Vratari}, T. Duvnjak, J. Klari}<br />

FENOTIPSKA STABILNOST URODA ZRNA NEKOLIKO OS-KULTIVARA SOJE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5<br />

Jošt M.<br />

UTJECAJ POLJOPRIVREDNE BIOTEHNOLOGIJE NA OKOLIŠ I SIGURNOST HRANE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12<br />

D. Šimi}, J. Gunja~a, Z. Zduni}, I. Brki}, J. Kova~evi}<br />


D. D`oi}, Marija Ivezi}, Emilija Raspudi}, Mirjana Brme`<br />

SUZBIJANJE KUKURUZNE ZLATICE (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) U PROIZVODNJI KUKURUZA U<br />

ISTO^NOJ HRVATSKOJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25<br />

A. Lali}, J. Kova~evi}, D. Novoselovi}, G. Drezner, D. Babi}<br />


A. Kristek, Suzana Kristek, Manda Antunovi}<br />


Ljiljanka Tomerlin<br />

BIOGORIVO IZ KUKURUZOVINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45<br />

T. Askin, N. Özdemir<br />


ORGANSKE TVARI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52<br />

T. Rastija, Z. Antunovi}, Mirjana Baban, I. Bogut, \. Sen~i}<br />


Z. Antunovi}, Z. Steiner, Ð. Sen~i}, M. Doma}inovi}, Z. Steiner<br />


SISAJU]E JANJADI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62<br />

T. Florijan~i}, D. Rimac, B. Antunovi}, A. Marinculi}, H. Gutzmirtl, I. Bo{kovi}<br />


Z. Puškadija, T. Florijan~i}, I. Boškovi}, P. Miji}, S. Ozimec<br />


NAMETNIKA Varroa destructor (ANDRESON I TRUEMAN, 2000.) U KOŠNICI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74<br />

2 OSIJEK<br />

2003.<br />

Sv. 9

P O LJ O P R I V R E D A<br />

znanstveno - stru~ni ~asopis<br />

Glavni i odgovorni urednik<br />

Editor-in-Chief<br />

Dra`enka Jurkovi}<br />

Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Hrvatska<br />

University of J. J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Croatia<br />

Ure|iva~ki odbor<br />

Editorial Board<br />

Franc Habe, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical<br />

Faculty, Dom`ale, Slovenia<br />

Viktor Jej~i}, Agricultural Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

Geza Kuroli, University of West Hungary Faculty of<br />

Agricultural and Food Sciences, Mosonmagyarovar,<br />

Hungary<br />

Istvan Rajcan, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada<br />

Zdenko Rengel, University of Western Australia<br />

Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences,<br />

Crawley, Australia<br />

Jon Tollefson, Iowa State University, Ames, USA<br />

Ivan Brki}, Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Hrvatska<br />

Marija Ivezi}, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u<br />

Osijeku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Hrvatska<br />

Sonja Jovanovac, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja<br />

Strossmayera u Osijeku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u<br />

Osijeku, Hrvatska<br />

Zorica Jurkovi}, Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Hrvatska<br />

Goran Ku{ec, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera<br />

u Osijeku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Hrvatska<br />

Alojzije Lali}, Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Hrvatska<br />

Svetislav Popovi}, Poljoprivredni institut Osijek,<br />

Hrvatska<br />

Tihana Tekli}, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja<br />

Strossmayera u Osijeku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u<br />

Osijeku, Hrvatska<br />

Marija Vratari}, Poljoprivredni institut Osijek,<br />

Hrvatska<br />

Mate Vuj~i}, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera<br />

u Osijeku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Hrvatska<br />

Tehni~ki urednici<br />

Technical Editors<br />

Manda Antunovi}<br />

Danica Han`ek<br />

Lektura<br />

Language Editing<br />

Branka Horvat<br />

Anica Perkovi}<br />

Prijevodi<br />

Translation<br />

Anica Perkovi}<br />

Tisak<br />

Print<br />

Grafika d.o.o. Osijek

UDK 63 ISSN 1330-7142<br />


znanstveno - stru~ni ~asopis<br />

Svezak 9; Broj 2; Prosinac, 2003.<br />

Izdava~i<br />

Published by<br />

Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku<br />

The Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek<br />

31000 Osijek, Trg Sv. Trojstva 3<br />

Republika Hrvatska / The Republic of Croatia<br />

Tel. ++385 31 224 200<br />

Fax: ++385 31 207 017<br />

Poljoprivredni institut Osijek<br />

Agricultural Institute Osijek<br />

31000 Osijek, Ju`no predgra|e 17<br />

Republika Hrvatska / The Republic of Croatia<br />

Tel. ++385 31 515 501<br />

Fax: ++385 31 515 504<br />

Osijek, 2003.

"POLJOPRIVREDA znanstveno-stru~ni ~asopis" je sljedbenik ~asopisa «ZNANOST I PRAKSA U POLJOPRIVREDI<br />

I PREHRAMBENOJ TEHNOLOGIJI», koji je izlazio od 1982. do 1994. godine / The Journal of «AGRICULTURE<br />

Scientific and Professional Review» is continuator the Journal of «RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN AGRICULTURE AND<br />

FOOD TECHNOLOGY» that has been published from 1982 to 1994 year.<br />

^asopis izlazi dva puta godi{nje u nakladi od 300 primjeraka / The Review is published twice a year in 300 copies.<br />

"POLJOPRIVREDA znanstveno-stru~ni ~asopis" citira se u sljede}im bazama podataka / "AGRICULTURE Scientific<br />

and Professional Review" is cited by the database:<br />

1. CAB International<br />

2. Nacionalna i sveu~ili{na hrvatska biblioteka / National and University Croatian Library

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 631.524.02:633.34<br />



Aleksandra Sudari} (1) , Marija Vratari} (1) , T. Duvnjak (1) , J. Klari} (2)<br />

SA@ETAK<br />

Cilj istra`ivanja bio je procijeniti visinu i stabilnost uroda zrna te razinu adaptabilnosti<br />

nekoliko doma}ih kultivara soje. Pokusi su provedeni na tri lokacije na podru~ju isto~ne<br />

Hrvatske (Osijek, Brijest, Donji Miholjac) u razdoblju od 1998. do 2002. godine, a obuhva}ali<br />

su 14 kultivara soje. Ispitivani kultivari stvoreni su u okviru oplemenjiva~kog programa<br />

soje u Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek, a prema du`ini vegetacije pripadaju 0, 0-<br />

I i I. grupi zriobe. U analizi stabilnosti uroda zrna i adaptabilnosti kultivara kori{tena su<br />

dva parametra: udio varijance interakcije genotip x okolina u ukupnoj varijanci interakcije<br />

genotip x okolina (S 2 ) te koeficijent regresije (b GxE i<br />

). Dobiveni rezultati ukazali su na<br />

zna~ajne razlike u visini i stabilnosti uroda zrna te razini adaptabilnosti kultivara. Izme|u<br />

14 ispitivanih kultivara, {est kultivara: Ika, Podravka 95, Smiljana, Kuna, Anica i Tisa<br />

imalo je visok i stabilan urod zrna te {iroku adaptabilnost. Ostali ispitivani kultivari imali<br />

su nestabilni urod zrna te usku (specifi~nu) adaptabilnost.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill), kultivar, urod zrna, stabilnost, adaptabilnost<br />

UVOD<br />

Oplemenjiva~ki rad na soji (Glycine max (L.)<br />

Merrill) u Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek prvenstveno<br />

je usmjeren na stvaranje visokorodnih i kvalitetnih kultivara<br />

u okvirima 00 do II. grupe zriobe koje odlikuje<br />

postojanost (stabilnost) u svojstvu te prilagodljivost<br />

(adaptabilnost) na razli~ite okolinske uvjete u podru~jima<br />

uzgoja soje (Vratari} i Sudari}, 2000.). Stoga,<br />

za uspje{an efekt oplemenjivanja potrebno je poznavati<br />

osobine genotipa (genetski potencijal) i interakcije<br />

izme|u genotipa i okoline (GEI). Naime, genotipovi ne<br />

reagiraju jednako u svim okolinama, nego se nalaze u<br />

odre|enoj interakciji s okolinom u kojoj rastu i razvijaju<br />

se. S obzirom na to da je svaka okolina za sebe jedinstvena<br />

zbog specifi~nog sklopa predvidljivih i nepredvidljivih<br />

~initelja (Allard i Bradshaw, 1964.), va`no je poznavati<br />

reakciju genotipa na okolinske uvjete. Veli~ina te<br />

reakcije (interakcije), odre|ena je genetskom kompozicijom<br />

i intenzitetom djelovanja ~initelja okoline.<br />

Istra`ivanjem odnosa (interakcije) genotipa i okoline<br />

stvoreno je mnogo modela (statisti~kih metoda) koji<br />

omogu}uju analizu prilago|enosti genotipa uvjetima<br />

vanjske sredine, a zasnivaju se na biolo{kom i agronomskom<br />

konceptu. Pregled ve}ine metoda dali su:<br />

Freeman, 1973.; Lin i sur, 1986., Huehn, 1990., Sneller<br />

i sur., 1997., Becker i Leon, 1988., Hill i sur., 1998.).<br />

Prema biolo{kom konceptu, stabilan genotip odlikuje<br />

manja varijabilnost fenotipske ekspresije svojstva u<br />

svim istra`ivanim okolinama, odnosno genotip ne pokazuje<br />

odstupanje od o~ekivane visine svojstva promjenom<br />

okoline. Prema agronomskom konceptu, stabilan<br />

genotip odlikuje manje odstupanje u visini svojstva od<br />

prosjeka svojstva za okolinu, odnosno {to manja interakcija<br />

s okolinom (Becker, 1981.). Interakciju genotip x<br />

okolina mogu}e je ustanoviti iz poljskih pokusa. S obzirom<br />

na to, u okviru oplemenjiva~kih programa soje kontinuirano<br />

se provode testiranja odabranih genotipova<br />

(elitne oplemenjiva~ke linije i/ili novi kultivari) u usporedbi<br />

sa standardnim kultivarima po grupama zriobe u<br />

razli~itim okolinama (godina, lokacija), s ciljem procjene<br />

njihove stabilnosti i adaptabilnosti. Identifikacija<br />

superiornih genotipova, s obzirom na visinu i stabilnost<br />

svojstva te adaptabilnost, va`na je za daljnje unaprje|enje<br />

komercijalne proizvodnje soje, a s oplemenjiva~kog<br />

stajali{ta va`na je za daljnje ostvarivanje genetskog<br />

napretka kultivara soje (Vratari} i sur., 1998.;<br />

Desclaux, 1999.; Sudari} i sur., 2001.).<br />

U ovom radu dat je prikaz rezultata ispitivanja vrijednosti<br />

nekoliko OS-kultivara soje kroz analizu visine i<br />

stabilnosti uroda zrna te razine adaptabilnosti. Dobivene<br />

rezultate mogu}e je koristiti prilikom izbora OS-kultivara<br />

soje za odgovaraju}e uvjete uzgoja.<br />

(1) Dr.sc. Aleksandra Sudari}, prof.dr.sc. Marija Vratari} i mr.sc. Tomislav<br />

Duvnjak - Odjel za oplemenjivanje i genetiku industrijskog bilja,<br />

Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Ju`no predgra|e 17, 31000 Osijek; (2)<br />

Juraj Klari}, dipl.in`. – IPK Osijek, PZC d.o.o., Vinkova~ka 63, 31000<br />

Osijek<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

6<br />



Istra`ivanja su provedena na tri lokacije na<br />

podru~ju isto~ne Hrvatske (Osijek, Brijest, Donji<br />

Miholjac) u razdoblju od 1998. do 2002. godine.<br />

Pokusni materijal obuhva}ao je 14 kultivara (cv.) soje i<br />

to: 6 kultivara priznatih od 1983. do 1994. - Tisa, Drina,<br />

Kaja, Una, Lika i Nada, te 8 kultivara priznatih od 1995.<br />

do 2001. - Podravka 95, Kuna, Ika, Anica, Kruna, Darija,<br />

Smiljana i Nika. Svi ispitivani kultivari porijeklom su iz<br />

oplemenjiva~kog programa soje u Poljoprivrednom<br />

institutu Osijek, a prema du`ini vegetacije pripadaju 0.,<br />

0.-I. i I. grupi zriobe. Poljski pokusi postavljeni su po<br />

blok metodi sa slu~ajnim rasporedom varijanti u ~etiri<br />

ponavljanja, a veli~ina osnovne parcele bila je 10m 2 . U<br />

svakoj godini istra`ivanja primjenjena je optimalna agrotehnika<br />

za soju. Nakon `etve, izmjeren je urod zrna i<br />

vlaga u zrnu, a isti je prera~unat u t/ha s 13% vlage zrna.<br />

Dobivene vrijednosti za urod zrna sistematizirane<br />

su po kultivarima, godinama i lokacijama istra`ivanja te<br />

su statisti~ki obra|ene (SAS System 8.2, 2001.).<br />

Opravdanost razlika u prosje~nim vrijednostima uroda<br />

zrna izme|u kultivara, godina i lokacija testirana je LSD<br />

testom na razini P-0,05 i P-0,01. Analizom varijance<br />

utvr|eno je postojanje GEI, {to je dalje omogu}ilo statisti~ku<br />

analizu stabilnosti i adaptabilnosti. Analiza stabilnosti<br />

uroda zrna te adaptabilnosti testiranog materijala<br />

obavljena je kombinacijom dva parametra stabilnosti:<br />

S 2 GxE<br />

- udio varijance GEI svakog genotipa u ukupnoj varijanci<br />

GEI (Plasteid i Peterson, 1959.) te b i<br />

- koeficijentom<br />

regresije (Finlay i Wilkinson, 1963.). Prema<br />

metodi po Plasteidu i Petersonu, ako je udio GEI pojedinog<br />

genotipa u ukupnoj GEI (S 2 GxE<br />

) manji, to je ve}a stabilnost<br />

genotipa i obrnuto. Koeficijent regresije je mjera<br />

odnosa pojedinog genotipa prema razli~itim okolinama.<br />

Genotipovi karakterizirani s bi oko 1,0 ocjenjuju se kao<br />

prosje~no stabilni u svim okolinama. Ako uz to imaju i<br />

visok prosjek svojstva, smatraju se {irokoadaptabilnim,<br />

a ako je prosjek nizak onda su slabe adaptabilnosti.<br />

Vrijednosti b i<br />

>1,0 ukazuju na ispodprosje~nu stabilnost<br />

i ve}u prilagodljivost visokoprinosnim okolinama, dok<br />

su vrijednosti b i<br />


7<br />

Tablica 1. Prosje~ni urod zrna (t/ha) ispitivanih kultivara soje za 3 lokacije po godinama istra`ivanja<br />

Table 1 The average grain yield (t/ha) of tested cultivars for 3 locations per years of study<br />

visine uroda zrna. Odnosno, varijabilnost u ekspresiji<br />

uroda zrna rezultira iz genetske varijabilnosti, okolinske<br />

varijabilnosti te varijabilnosti interakcije izme|u genotipa<br />

i okolina, {to su potvrdili rezultati istra`ivanja mnogih<br />

doma}ih i stranih autora (Vratari} i sur., 1998.; Sudari}<br />

i sur., 2001., Yan i Rajcan, 2002., 2003.).<br />

Prikaz prosje~ne visine uroda zrna i procjene parametara<br />

stabilnosti S 2 i b GxE i<br />

za svaki kultivar u prosjeku<br />

svih okolina obuhva}enih istra`ivanjem dat je u Tablici<br />

3. Analiza stabilnosti uroda zrna pokazala je da izme|u<br />

ispitivanih kultivara postoje zna~ajne razlike u visini i<br />

stabilnosti toga svojstva te razini adaptabilnosti.<br />

Usporedbom pojedina~nih vrijednosti uroda zrna ispitivanih<br />

kultivara s prosjekom pokusa, analiza je pokazala<br />

da izme|u 14 testiranih kultivara, dva kultivara (Ika i<br />

Podravka 95) imala su statisti~ki zna~ajno vi{i (P-0,05)<br />

urod zrna u odnosu na prosjek pokusa (3,91 t/ha), pet<br />

kultivara (Nada, Smiljana, Kuna, Anica i Tisa) imalo je<br />

vi{i urod zrna, a pet kultivara (Nika, Darija, Lika, Kaja i<br />

Drina) ni`i urod zrna od prosjeka pokusa, ali bez statisti~ke<br />

opravdanosti. Kultivari Kruna i Una imali su ni`i<br />

urod zrna u odnosu na prosjek pokusa na razini<br />

zna~ajnosti P-0,05.<br />

Prema dobivenim procjenama parametra stabilnosti<br />

S 2 GxE<br />

, ispitivani kultivari grupirani su u dvije skupine.<br />

U prvoj skupini nalazi se 8 kultivara (Podravka 95, Ika,<br />

Smiljana, Drina, Kuna, Darija, Tisa i Anica) koji su imali<br />

ni`e vrijednosti parametra S 2 GxE<br />

od prosje~ne vrijednosti<br />

tog parametra za cijeli pokus, stoga su klasificirani kao<br />

kultivari stabilnog uroda zrna.<br />

Dobivene procjene stabilnosti pokazatelj su ni`e<br />

varijabilnosti ukupne fenotipske ekspresije uroda zrna<br />

navedenih kultivara pri okolinskoj varijabilnosti. S prakti~nog<br />

stajali{ta, to zna~i da }e navedeni kultivari<br />

zadr`avati svoj genetski potencijal rodnosti u razli~itim<br />

okolinama. Drugu skupinu kultivara (Kruna, Kaja, Nika,<br />

Nada, Una, Lika) karakteriziraju vrijednosti S 2 GxE<br />

vi{e od<br />

prosje~ne vrijednosti tog parametra u pokusu, prema<br />

~emu se mo`e zaklju~iti da je zna~ajno variranje visine<br />

uroda zrna navedenih kultivara pod utjecajem okoline te<br />

se isti ocjenjuju kao nestabilni u tom svojstvu.<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

8<br />


Tablica 2. Prosje~ni urod zrna (t/ha) ispitivanih kultivara soje po lokacijama istra`ivanja u razdoblju od 1998.<br />

do 2002. godine<br />

Table 2. The average grain yield (t/ha) of tested soybean cultivars per investigated locations in a period from 1998<br />

to 2002 years<br />

Prema razini adaptabilnosti, ispitivani kultivari grupirani<br />

su u tri skupine na osnovu dobivenih procjena<br />

parametra bi (Tab. 3.). U prvoj skupini nalazi se 8 kultivara<br />

(Kuna, Ika, Podravka 95, Smiljana, Tisa, Anica,<br />

Drina, Darija), ~ije su vrijednosti parametra bi oko 1,0.<br />

Prema tim procjenama, kultivari te skupine prilagodljivi<br />

(adaptabilni) su na razli~ite agroekolo{ke uvjete uzgoja<br />

soje, a da se pri tome visina fenotipske ekspresije uroda<br />

zrna zna~ajno ne mijenja. U drugoj skupini su tri kultivara<br />

(Kaja, Kruna, Una), koji su imali vrijednost b i<br />

1,0. Kultivari te skupine imat }e vi{i urod<br />

zrna od prosjeka pokusa u okolinama koje favoriziraju<br />

ekspresiju toga svojstva, dok u nepovoljnim uvjetima<br />

proizvodnje, imat }e ni`i urod zrna u odnosu na prosjek<br />

pokusa (podru~ja, godine). Stoga, za kultivare te skupine<br />

mo`e se re}i da su adaptabilni za visokoprinosne<br />

okoline s obzirom na urod zrna, odnosno mogu se preporu~iti<br />

za uzgoj u takvim okolinskim uvjetima.<br />

Grafi~ki prikaz odnosa prosje~nog uroda zrna i<br />

dobivenih procjena parametra bi za sve ispitivane kultivare<br />

dat je u Grafikonu 1. Analizom navedenih podataka<br />

u Grafikonu 1., vidljivo je da se izme|u 14 ispitivanih<br />

kultivara, po vrlo visokim proizvodnim (agronomskim)<br />

vrijednostima, izdvaja 6 kultivara, a to su: Ika, Podravka<br />

95, Smiljana, Kuna, Anica i Tisa. Navedeni kultivari imaju<br />

ne samo visoki genetski potencijal rodnosti ve} i sposobnost<br />

da tu superiornost zadr`e u {irokom rasponu<br />

razli~itih okolinskih uvjeta. Stoga, ti kultivari predstavljaju<br />

dobru osnovu za daljnje unaprje|enje proizvodnje<br />

soje u zemlji, a s oplemenjiva~kog stajali{ta, predstavljaju<br />

dobru osnovu za daljnje ostvarivanje genetskog<br />

napretka kultivara soje.<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


9<br />

Tablica 3. Prosje~na visina i procjene parametara stabilnosti uroda zrna ispitivanih kultivara soje za sve<br />

istra`ivane okoline<br />

Table 3. The average level and estimations of stability parameters for grain yield of tested soybean cultivars for all<br />

investigated environments<br />

Prosje~an urod zrna / Mean grain yield (t/ha)<br />

Grafikon 1. Prosje~ni urod zrna (t/ha) i koeficijent regresije (b i<br />

) ispitivanih kultivara soje na tri lokacije (Osijek,<br />

Brijest, D. Miholjac) u razdoblju od 1998. do 2002.<br />

Graph 1. The average grain yield (t/ha) and regression coefficient (b i<br />

) of tested soybean cultivars on three locations<br />

(Osijek, Brijest, D. Miholjac) in a period from 1998 to 2002<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

10<br />



Na temelju dobivenih rezultata ispitivanja visine i<br />

stabilnosti uroda zrna te adaptabilnosti 14 OS-kultivara<br />

soje 0., 0.-I. i I. grupe zriobe na tri lokacije na podru~ju<br />

isto~ne Hrvatske (Osijek, Donji Miholjac, Brijest), u razdoblju<br />

od 1998. do 2002. godine, mogu se donijeti sljede}i<br />

zaklju~ci:<br />

- Ispitivani kultivari zna~ajno se razlikuju u visini i<br />

stabilnosti uroda zrna te razini adaptabilnosti.<br />

- Varijabilnost ekspresije uroda zrna zna~ajno je<br />

uvjetovana genotipskom varijabilno{}u (kultivar), okolinskom<br />

varijabilno{}u (godina, lokacija) te varijabilno{}u<br />

interakcije genotip x okolina.<br />

- Najve}i prosje~ni urod zrna imao je cv. Ika ( 4,48<br />

t/ha), a najni`i cv. Una (3,49 t/ha).<br />

- Prema procijenjenoj stabilnosti, izme|u 14 ispitivanih<br />

kultivara, 6 kultivara: Ika, Podravka 95, Anica,<br />

Kuna, Smiljana i Tisa imalo je visok i stabilan urod zrna<br />

te {iroku op}u adaptabilnost.<br />

- Ostali testirani kultivari su nestabilnog uroda zrna<br />

i uske (specifi~ne) adaptabilnosti.<br />

- Op}enito, kultivari visokih proizvodnih vrijednosti<br />

mogu se sa sigurno{}u preporu~iti za {iroku proizvodnju<br />

jer predstavljaju dobru genetsku osnovu za daljnje<br />

unaprje|enje proizvodnje soje u zemlji. Isto tako, ti se<br />

kultivari mogu koristiti u oplemenjivanju za daljnje<br />

genetsko unaprje|enje kultivara soje.<br />


9. Lin, C.S., Binns, M.R., Lefkovitch, L.P. (1986): Stability<br />

Analysis:Where Do We Stand? Crop Science, 26, 893-<br />

900.<br />

10. Plaisted, R.L., Peterson, L.C. (1959): A technique for<br />

evaluation the ability of selections to yield consistently in<br />

different locations or seasons. Am. Potato J., 36, 381-<br />

385.<br />

11. Sneller, C.H., Kilgore-Norquest, L., Dombek, D. (1997):<br />

Repeatability of Yield Stability Statistics in Soybean.<br />

Crop Science 37, 383-390.<br />

12. Sudari}, A., Vratari}, M., Sudar, R. (2001.): Analiza stabilnosti<br />

uroda i kakvo}e zrna u oplemenjivanju soje.<br />

Sjemenarstvo, 18, 5.-6.<br />

13. Vratari}, M., Sudari}, A., Volenik, S., Duvnjak, T.<br />

(1998.): Oplemenjivanje u cilju stvaranja rodnih i stabilnih<br />

kultivara soje I. grupe zriobe za klimatsko podru~je<br />

isto~ne Hrvatske. Zbornik radova znanstvenog skupa s<br />

me|unarodnim sudjelovanjem «Prilagodba poljoprivrede<br />

i {umarstva klimi i njenim promjenama», Zagreb, 169.-<br />

175.<br />

14. Vratari}, M., Sudari}, A., Volenik, S., Duvnjak, T. (1998):<br />

Evaluation of yield stability of Croatia soybean lines (F4-<br />

F6 generation) and cultivars by analysis of the interaction<br />

genotype x environment. ESA, Short<br />

Communications, 2, Fifth Congress, Nitra, The Slovak<br />

Republic, 267-269.<br />

15. Vratari}, M., Sudari}, A. (2000.): Soja. Poljoprivredni<br />

institut Osijek, 1.-220., X.<br />

16. Yan, W., Rajcan, I. (2002): Biplot analysis of test sites<br />

and trait relations of soybean in Ontario. Crop Science,<br />

42, 11-20.<br />

17. an, W., Rajcan, I. (2003): Prediction of Cultivar<br />

Performance Based on Single-versus Multiple-Year<br />

Tests in Soybean.<br />

1. Allard, R.W., Bradshaw, A.D. (1964): Implications of<br />

genotype-environment interactions in applied plant breeding.<br />

Crop Science 4, 503-507.<br />

2. Becker, H.C. (1981): Correlations among some statistical<br />

measures of phenotypic stability. Euphytica, 30,<br />

835-845.<br />

3. Becker, H.C., Leon, J. (1988): Stability Analysis in Plant<br />

Breeding. Plant Breeding, 101, 1-23.<br />

4. Desclaux, D. (1999): Adaptability and stability of soybean<br />

genotypes interest of environmental diagnosis<br />

from soybean «black-box». In Kauffman, H.E. (Ed.),<br />

Proceedings of the World Soybean Research<br />

Conference VI, Chicago, USA, 450.<br />

5. Finlay, K. W., Wilkinson, G.N. (1963): The analysis of<br />

adaptation in plant breeding programme. Aust. J.Agric.<br />

Res. 14, 742-754.<br />

6. Freeman, G.H. (1973): Statistical methods for the analysis<br />

of genotype-environment interactions. Heredity 31,<br />

339-354.<br />

7. Huehn, M. (1990): Nonparametric measures of phenotypic<br />

stability. Part 1: Theory. Euphytica 47, 189-194.<br />

8. Hill, J., Becker, H.C., Tigerstedt, P.M.A. (1998):<br />

Quantitative and Ecological Aspects of Plant Breeding.<br />

Chapman&Hall, London, 155-211.<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


11<br />




Objective of this study was to evaluate the level and stability of grain yield as well as adaptability level of several<br />

domestic soybean cultivars. The trials were conducted on three locations in the region of the eastern Croatia (Osijek,<br />

Brijest, Donji Miholjac) in the period from 1998-2002 and involved 14 soybean cultivars. Tested cultivars were created<br />

in soybean breeding programme at the Agricultural Institute Osijek. They belong to maturity groups 0, 0-I and I<br />

according to vegetation period length. Two parameters are used in the analysis of yield stability and cultivar adaptability:<br />

portion of variance of genotype x environment interaction of each genotype to total variance of genotype x<br />

environment interaction (S 2 GxE<br />

) and regression coefficient (bi). Obtained results indicated significant differences in<br />

level and stability of grain yield as well as level of cultivar adaptability. Six of the 14 tested cultivars: Ika, Podravka<br />

95, Smiljana, Kuna, Anica and Tisa had high and stable grain yield and wide-general adaptability. Other tested cultivars<br />

had unstable grain yield and narrow (specific) adaptability.<br />

Key-words: soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill), cultivar, grain yield, stability, adaptability<br />

(Primljeno 22. listopada 2003.; prihva}eno 18. prosinca 2003. - Received on 22 October 2003; accepted on 18 December<br />

2003)<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 631.147:504<br />



M. Jo{t<br />

Scientific review<br />

Pregledni znanstveni ~lanak<br />

Paper is presented at 2002 UWE Conference: ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION & HEALTH - WHAT CAN WE<br />

DO IN 21 st CENTURY, Dubrovnik, 11-13 October, 2002<br />

Rad je izlagan na 2002 UWE Conference: ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION & HEALTH - WHAT CAN WE DO<br />

IN 21 st CENTURY, Dubrovnik, 11.-13. listopada 2002.<br />


The application of modern biotechnology in agricultural production processes has generated<br />

new ethical, economic, social and environmental dilemmas confronting scientists<br />

all over the world. While current knowledge is insufficient for assessing the promised<br />

benefits and possible risks of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), the principle of<br />

“substantial equivalence” in comparing GM and conventional food is profoundly flawed<br />

and scientifically insupportable. The current generation of GMOs provide small benefits<br />

except corporate profit and marginally improved grower returns. The TRIPS agreement<br />

has allowed worldwide patenting of genes and microorganisms, as well as genetically<br />

engineered organisms. Granting patents on life encourages biopiracy and the theft of<br />

genetic resources belonging to the local community. At the same time, the patented<br />

products are sold at relatively high prices to developing countries – the same countries<br />

from which the product originated.<br />

Key-words: GMO, genetic engineering, claims and facts, legislation, public opinion<br />


US Government threatens Croatian’s GMO moratorium<br />

with WTO action<br />

In June 2001, four Croatian ministries agreed on<br />

the text of a draft law to ban genetically modified organisms<br />

(GMOs) and products, thus since September<br />

2001, Croatia has been under increasing US pressure to<br />

drop the draft law. The U.S. threatens: “…if such a ban<br />

is implemented, the U.S. Government must consider its<br />

rights under WTO.”<br />

After a meeting at the Ministry of Agriculture on<br />

September 19, 2001, Mr. Jill F. Byrnes, First Secretary<br />

in Political-Economic Section of U.S. Embassy Zagreb<br />

wrote a memo under the subject (title) “United States<br />

Views on Croatian Interim Legislation”, dated November<br />

28, and addressed to the Ministry of Environment. In the<br />

memo he insists:<br />

• ”… that there is no scientific evidence indicating<br />

that biotech products currently marketed pose any<br />

threat to human or animal health…<br />

• In conclusion, we formally request that the<br />

Government of Croatia don’t ban biotech food products<br />

that have been demonstrated to be as safe as conventional<br />

food products in the United States and elsewhere,<br />

unless Croatia can provide scientific evidence indicating<br />

otherwise. If such ban is implemented, the U.S.<br />

Government must consider its rights under WTO.”<br />

On December 10, 2001 the US NGOs reply to the<br />

US Government letter stating: “Croatia’s proposed ban<br />

or restriction on the importation, marketing, use and<br />

production of genetically modified organism and products<br />

has broad support within the United States. It is<br />

our opinion that the reference to the United States’ rights<br />

under the WTO in the letter is an inappropriate use of<br />

political power. The SPS agreement does allow members<br />

to “provisionally adopt sanitary or phytosanitary<br />

measures on the basis of available pertinent information”<br />

in cases “where relevant scientific evidence is<br />

insufficient.” (Article 5.7)”…<br />

“In the United States, farmers, consumers, processors,<br />

and many government officials are concerned<br />

about the lack of oversight and testing of genetically<br />

modified organisms and potential impacts on the environment<br />

and human health.<br />

Prof.Ph.D. Marijan Jo{t – Agricultural College Kri`evci, M. Demerca 1,<br />

48260 Kri`evci, Croatia<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


13<br />

We strongly encourage the Croatian Government to<br />

implement EU biotech directives as quickly as possible.<br />

The EU has taken a responsible approach to biotechnology<br />

that balances the interests of consumers, producers<br />

and industry. Their implementation will facilitate the<br />

development of food security and expedite the accession<br />

of Croatia into the EU.”<br />

Signed by:<br />

• Kristin Dawkins, Vice President for International<br />

Programs, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy,<br />

Minneapolis, Minnesota<br />

• Anuradha Mittal/Peter Rosset, Co Directors, Food<br />

First/Institute for Food and Development Policy,<br />

Oakland, California<br />

• Larry Bohlen, Friends of the Earth U.S., Director,<br />

Health and Environment Programs, Washington DC<br />

• Betty Kananen, President, Global Organic<br />

Alliance, Inc.<br />

• Beverly Thorpe and Doreen Stabinsky,<br />

Greenpeace USA, Washington, DC 20001<br />

• David Engel, Executive Director, Midwest Organic<br />

Services Association, Inc.<br />

• Douglas Hunt, Director, Religious Center on<br />

Biotechnology<br />

• Ellen Hickey, Pesticide Action Network North<br />

America<br />

• John O’Malley Burns, Goat Hill Organic Farm<br />

Inc., Washington, Virginia<br />

• L. Christina Cobb, Director, Free Agency, New<br />

York, New York<br />

• Laura Ticciati, Executive Director, Mothers for<br />

Natural Law<br />

• Clean Water Action, Boston, Massachusetts<br />

• Mark Huebner, North Carolina Citizens for Safe<br />

Food<br />

• Patricia O’Leary, CAFE (Consumers Against Food<br />

Engineering), College Park, Maryland<br />

• Professor Philip L. Bereano, Vice-President,<br />

Washington Biotechnology Action Council<br />

• Simon Harris, Organic Consumers Association<br />


Genetic engineering (GE) is a set of biotechnological<br />

methods used to transfer a foriegn DNA segment<br />

over biological barriers of different species (’horizontal<br />

gene transfer’), to form a new “improved” genetically<br />

modified organism (GMO). For instance: by introducing<br />

a gene from bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis) into a corn<br />

plant, the plant become capable to produce a protein<br />

with insecticidal effect and to protect itself from a cornborer<br />

(Pirausta nubilalis).<br />

To transfer a desired gene in such a way, in general<br />

a recombinant DNA (rDNA) complex should be constructed<br />

consisting from: (a) vector, (b) promoter, (c)<br />

desired gene and (c) marker gene.<br />

a) Vector is used to perform gene transfer. Usually<br />

it is modified virus or bacterium.<br />

b) Promoter gene is a gene, often from cauliflower<br />

mosaic virus (CaMV 35S – closely related to human hepatitis<br />

B virus and to other retroviruses such as HIV),<br />

which determine beginning and intensity of a new introduced<br />

gene action.<br />

c) Desired gene should improve a certain characteristic<br />

of a new GMO.<br />

d) Marker gene is used to prove successful transfer<br />

of a DNA construct into the tissue culture from which<br />

a new GMO will be developed.<br />


To promote genetic engineering and market of products<br />

from GMOs, biotechnology is trying to build<br />

visions of perfect health and miracle food. The main<br />

claims in support of GE are:<br />

1. Genetic engineering is precise and safe.<br />

2. Genetic engineering is necessary to feed the<br />

world and to help developing countries.<br />

3. Genetic engineering will protect environment by<br />

lower use of herbicides and pesticides.<br />

4. Genetically engineered food is like natural food<br />

5. Genetic engineering is an extension of traditional<br />

crossbreeding. (1,2)<br />

6. However, these claims are mainly completely<br />

unsubstantiated and wrong. The reality is entirely different.<br />


Ad 1<br />

Genetic engineering is far to be precise… GE<br />

determines and isolates the exact gene (segment of<br />

DNA) and builds the transgenic construct – the artificial<br />

combination of rDNA complex from different sources<br />

(vector, promoter, desired gene and marker gene), to be<br />

introduced into the host organism. However, transfer of<br />

such artificial gene complex is random and error-prone,<br />

it means, a scientist is not able to define a destination –<br />

the chromosome, the location on it, nor its neighbour<br />

gene in a new host cell. Depending on where the insert<br />

lands, it could have entirely different and unpredictable<br />

effects on the host genome (gene instability, gene silence<br />

inactivation, over-expression, genome destabilisation<br />

etc.). (3)<br />

Genetic engineering is unstable and unreliable. For<br />

instance, the cells transformed are kept in tissue culture,<br />

a procedure known to generate uncontrollable soma-<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

14<br />


clonal variation that frequently changes the plant genome.<br />

This can be one source of unpredictability, but<br />

instability can also arise in later generations of GM<br />

plants propagation. Up to now there are no molecular<br />

data supporting the genetic stability of any transgenic<br />

line of plants and animals that has been produced for<br />

commercial use. (3)<br />

…and genetic engineering is not safe – Safety<br />

comes from accumulated experience, and in fact, there<br />

has not been enough time essential for accumulating<br />

sufficient experience to justify any broad claim to<br />

safety.<br />

How wrong this statement is was shown by the<br />

experiment: two harmless substances, snowdrop lectin<br />

and potato, when genetically engineered together led to<br />

harmful effects on liver and kidney growth of young<br />

rats, while the unmodified potatoes and lectin, when fed<br />

to the control group, did not. The process of GE itself is<br />

prone to unintended effects in the end product. The<br />

damaging effects of GM potatoes found in young rats<br />

were probably due to the CaMV promoter. (4)<br />

Unknown allergen, even toxin could be introduced<br />

by adding new protein, which has never been a part of<br />

human food chain. Example is allergy of GM soybean<br />

with genes from the Brazil nut (5) , Bt-corn StarLink (6) etc.<br />

Around 30% of the European population are claimed to<br />

suffer from some form of food allergy. Food allergies,<br />

along with other types of allergy, appear to be on the<br />

increase. (7) There is not enough knowledge about participation<br />

of the modern biotechnology in these trends.<br />

Also, the arrival of GE foods has coincided in the US<br />

with a massive increase in reported food related illness,<br />

and in UK a huge increase in birth defects during last<br />

five years were observed. (8)<br />

Scientists at the Center for Biology of Natural<br />

Systems, Queens College, City University of New York<br />

state that biotech-industry is based on 40 years old,<br />

today unacceptable ’Central Dogma’ of neo-Darwinism,<br />

insisting that genes (DNA segments) completely control<br />

inheritance of all life forms. (9) According to the “Central<br />

Dogma” transfer of genes from one organism to another<br />

is specific, precise, predictable, and safe. The “Central<br />

Dogma” lends support to the most hard line genetic<br />

determinist assumption of neo-Darwinism. It was built<br />

on an idea of connection between the chemical composition<br />

of gene and respected protein which determine<br />

inherited character. Accordingly, genes determine characters<br />

in straightforward, additive way: one gene =<br />

one protein. They are stable, and are passed on<br />

unchanged to the next generation (exception could be<br />

rare and random mutations). Genetic information flow<br />

only in one direction, from DNA to RNA, then from RNA<br />

to protein. Environmental influence, if any, can be neatly<br />

separated from the genetic, and genomes cannot be<br />

changed directly in response to the environment. (3) A<br />

number of scientific papers and statements refer that<br />

three billions US$ worth “Project of Human Genome”<br />

showed that, based on the number of genes determined,<br />

it is impossible to explain the amount of inheritable<br />

differences between human being and lower forms of<br />

plants and animals. This points out that some other, so<br />

far unknown, factors should be involved. Under the<br />

influence of specific proteins which carry or dictate<br />

’alternative segregation’ certain gene is capable to code<br />

a number of different proteins, and as a result, to control<br />

a number of different inheritable characteristics. For<br />

instance: a single gene from cells of the inner ear of<br />

chicks (and of humans) gives rise to 576 variant proteins,<br />

(10) or a single gene from the fruit fly as much as<br />

38,016 variant protein molecules. (11) According to this,<br />

it is not so easy to predict the function of particular gene<br />

based on its chemical structure. All these are raising a<br />

question mark on the main purpose of ’The Humane<br />

Genome Project’ as well as biotechnology as such.<br />

Genetically modified organisms represent a huge<br />

uncontrolled experiment whose results can not be forecasted.<br />

Due to the huge complexity of living cell, each<br />

artificially changed genetically system should sooner or<br />

later yield in perilous effects. (9) The “Central Dogma”<br />

explains inheritance in an excessively simple manner,<br />

but it still stays immune to ever more demanding<br />

requests of opposing facts enabling biotechnology to<br />

continue its influence on agriculture in a scientifically<br />

unfounded manner. Today scientists show that complex,<br />

self-organising, dynamic living systems are not reducible<br />

only to constituent genes.<br />

Andrew Kimbell, director of Center of Food Safety<br />

explains: “For many years a multibillion biotech corporations<br />

have been selling to American people and<br />

Government assertions about the safety of their products.<br />

Now, we can see that their beliefs about the<br />

safety are based on wrong suppositions which can not<br />

resist serious scientific critics”.<br />

Ad 2<br />

Is genetic engineering necessary to feed the<br />

world? - According to the United Nations there are 815<br />

million chronically under-nourished people, earning less<br />

than one US$ a day. At least 13 million people in South<br />

Africa risk starvation, with millions more hungry in<br />

Afghanistan, North Korea, the West Bank and Gaza<br />

Strip. By 2030 the world’s population is expected to<br />

reach top eight billion. These facts complicate the huge<br />

task for the world leaders of more than 100 countries at<br />

the UN’s Johannesburg Earth Summit (24 August to 4<br />

September 2002). It was a bitter first-world debate on<br />

GM crops which, some say, is a solution to world hunger,<br />

and others regard as a threat.<br />

Can the world produce enough food to meet global<br />

demands? Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)<br />

report reveals GM crop are not needed to feed the<br />

world. (12) Using a baseline year of 1995/7, according to<br />

FAO the growth rate of world population indicates a drastic<br />

deceleration, while the annual rate of growth in global<br />

crop production, as well as global per capita food<br />

consumption will grow significantly. The world average<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


15<br />

will exceed 3000 kcal/person/day by 2030, and the<br />

number of countries having high incidence of undernourishment<br />

will be reduced by 84% - all this by ignoring<br />

the impact of any future developments in genetic<br />

engineering. According to World Health Organisation<br />

(WHO) the world already produces 50% more food than<br />

it needs. Today we have plenty of food, but it is not distributed<br />

equally. It means that hunger is not the result of<br />

food shortage. It results from social and economic inequalities<br />

between nations, and even between people of<br />

the same nation. The little research that has been conducted<br />

on the origins of famine reveals that the solution<br />

of ’more food’ may be no solution at all. (13) Besides,<br />

researchers have shown that in India, for instance, land<br />

reform and simple irrigation systems could boost food<br />

production by 50%.<br />

Contrary to what has been promised, GE crops do<br />

not yield more and often yield less than the best available<br />

conventionally bred cultivar or hybrid. For instance:<br />

the results of over 8200 university-based soybean<br />

variety trials in 1998 showed the yield drag of over 5<br />

percent. (14) Biotechnology was, and still is seen as a<br />

major area of expansion for the US business interests.<br />

The products of biotechnology have been highly attractive<br />

to multinational corporations. They were patentable<br />

and effectively promised control over the food chain to<br />

country/company, which could develop the technology<br />

first. Otherwise, if we want to use biotechnology to help<br />

feed the world’s starving poor we have two options: We<br />

can persuade government to do it, or we can mobilise<br />

public opinion to persuade biotechnology companies to<br />

donate technology to those who will never be able to<br />

buy it. (15)<br />

Ad 3<br />

Genetic engineering will protect environment by<br />

lower use of herbicides and pesticides -<br />

Not true. If a herbicide is used on a continuous<br />

basis, a weed population can build up resistance to that<br />

compound. For instance: today, farmers growing RR<br />

soybeans use 2 to 5 times more herbicides, thanks to<br />

the increased degree of tolerance to Roundup (glyphosate)<br />

in several weed species, or shift in weeds toward<br />

less Roundup herbicide sensitive. There is evidence of a<br />

’super weed’ creation by cross-pollination the wild relatives<br />

of cultivated GM crops, or even worse: the production<br />

of virtually undestructable weeds, such as multiple<br />

resistant canola collecting resistance genes to<br />

(16, 17)<br />

glyphosate and gluphosinate.<br />

It was shown that GI toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis<br />

could have deleterious effects on other beneficial<br />

insects: Green lacewings death rate increases when<br />

they are fed on army worms eating corn engineered to<br />

contain bacterial (Bacillus thuringiensis) toxin. (18)<br />

Ladybugs life-span and fertility suffer when eating<br />

aphids that have been fed genetically engineered potatoes.<br />

(19) Transgenic pollen harms monarch butterfly larvae<br />

(20) etc.<br />

European corn borer can develop resistance to Bttoxin<br />

in GE corn. To suppress this, at the beginning producers<br />

were advised to hold back a 5 percent refugee,<br />

planted with non-Bt hybrids. Later, the advice was to<br />

increase this refugee zones for 10 percent, and today<br />

the US EPA, and other biotech corporations’ advice the<br />

increase for 20, or even 40 percent. The purpose of<br />

refugee zone is to feed non resistant European corn<br />

borer insects, which could mate with resistant one, and<br />

produce susceptible offspring.<br />

Ad 4<br />

Is genetically engineered food like natural food<br />

(’substantial equivalence’)? - In 1989 the US National<br />

Research Council publicly concluded that crops derived<br />

from GE did not differ substantially from those derived<br />

using traditional techniques. This conclusion is based<br />

upon the principle of ’substantial equivalence’ which<br />

states that the introduction of a gene of known and safe<br />

function into a crop of known characteristics is technologically<br />

neutral, hence the resulting crop can be presumed<br />

to be safe and it is not subjected to mandatory<br />

testing prior to release. If so, why in 1999, the mainstream<br />

British Medical Association (representing<br />

115,000 doctors) published statement calling for moratorium<br />

on planting GM crops and ban on releasing<br />

GMOs into the environment.<br />

Ad 5<br />

Genetic engineering is not an extension of traditional<br />

crossbreeding. The philosophy of traditional crossbreeding<br />

is built on entirely different principles. It includes<br />

different branches of genetics like: population genetics<br />

and genetics of quantitative traits. Traditional crossbreeding<br />

respect interactions between genes and environment,<br />

it accepts that all agricultural important properties<br />

of crop result from quantitative interactions of not one<br />

but a number of genes and the environment. Traditional<br />

crossbreeding is relatively slow (8-10 years are needed<br />

to produce new improved organism), and during that<br />

selection period the mentioned interaction is stabilised in<br />

the best possible way, which can never be achieved by<br />

any faster method, including GE. Even as such, traditional<br />

crossbreeding can produce less valuable organism,<br />

but in such case this is the failure of a breeder and his<br />

incorrect breeding ideotype. For instance: by producing<br />

semidwarf cereals, new crop has got ability for higher<br />

yield in intensive (industrial) agriculture, but the quality<br />

and feeding value of the grain is usually lower (less<br />

micronutrients, less proteins etc). It is impossible to<br />

improve yield and quality at the same time – it is well<br />

known that they are in negative correlation.<br />

Legislation and public opinion on genetically engineered<br />

(GE) foods<br />

The integration of ’the precautionary principle’ into<br />

the Cartagena Protocol on biosafety (Montreal, 2000)<br />

was a significant step in protecting biological diversity<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

16<br />


from potential hazards related to living modified organism<br />

(LMO). The Cartagena Protocol belongs to the<br />

Convention of Biological Diversity, and according to the<br />

international law, its legal value is as strong as WTO<br />

rules. As a result, a country has the right to reject growing<br />

transgenic crops (LMO), but has to accept food<br />

products containing GMO ingredients. The question<br />

remains: Should GM food be labelled to give consumers<br />

the right on their own decision what to buy? A few<br />

examples:<br />

EC Rule 97/35 requires mandatory labelling of products<br />

containing over 0,9 percent GMO. European regulatory<br />

framework on GMOs is now in force with stricter<br />

legislation on deliberate release into the environment<br />

(Directive 2001/18/EC), GM food and feed (Regulation<br />

1829/2003) as well as traceability and lebelling<br />

(Regulation 1830/2003). According to Business Day<br />

(16 August 2002) Cape Town legislation to control the<br />

labelling of genetically modified food could be passed<br />

by the end of the year, once the South African Bureau of<br />

Standards (SABS) finalises its system to segregate GM<br />

from normal food. Also, many surveys of the US public<br />

opinion regarding GM food have been recently conducted.<br />

All of them very clearly and constantly indicate that<br />

American people would like to have GM food labelled.<br />

Just a few examples: (21)<br />

• 92% of 36 thousand polled say they want GE<br />

food labelled - 94% prolabelling responses are from<br />

women, and 84% from men (Vance Publishing in Food<br />

R&D, February 1995).<br />

• 93% of Americans who responded to a Novartis<br />

survey agree that GE foods should be labelled (Novartis,<br />

February 1997).<br />

• 93% of American women say they want all GE<br />

food clearly labelled (National Federation of Women’s<br />

Institutes, 1998).<br />

• 92% of Americans support legal requirement for<br />

labelling GM food. (BSMG World-wide for the Grocery<br />

Manufacturers of America, September 1999).<br />

• 93% of Americans say that the federal government<br />

should require labels (ABC News.com poll, June<br />

2001).<br />

• 90% of American farmers support labels (Farm<br />

Foundation/Kansas State University, September 2001).<br />

• 90% of Americans say that GM food should have<br />

special labels (Rutgers University’ Food Policy Institute<br />

study, November 2001).<br />

American people believe that the US government<br />

has a constitutional duty to respect the people’s desire<br />

to know what they eat. Instead, the US government<br />

does not only ignore the opposition to genetic engineering<br />

in the US, but also even threatens to use international<br />

courts to force GM foods upon other nations (for<br />

instance Croatia).<br />


Genetically modified organisms represent a huge<br />

uncontrolled experiment whose results can not be forecasted.<br />

There is no recovery plan in case of disaster,<br />

and it is not even clear who should be liable for negative<br />

consequences. The multinational corporations, willing<br />

to earn a profit by controlling the global food production,<br />

owns patents on life, and use the safety claim<br />

of GE as a marketing slogan. In this situation the only<br />

scientific solution is to foster public scientific debate<br />

and to delay application until all fundamental questions<br />

are resolved<br />


1. Weeks, D.P. (1999): Promises and problems associated<br />

with agricultural biotechnology. NABC Report 11 –<br />

World food security and sustainability: The impact of<br />

biotechnology and industrial consolidation. p. 16-20.<br />

2. Brown, P. (2000): The promise of plant biotechnology –<br />

The threat of genetically modified organisms.http://www.lifesciencenz.com/reposyitory/external_news_material/promise_opponent.htm<br />

3. Mae-Wan, Ho, Cummins, J. (2002): Genetically modified<br />

organisms 25 years on. The 1 st National Conference<br />

on Life Sciences, Selangor, Malasia, 21-22 May, 2002.<br />

ISIS Feature article: http://www.i-sis.org.uk<br />

4. Ewen, S.W.B., Pusztai, A. (1999): Effect of diets containing<br />

genetically modified potatoes expressing<br />

Galanthus nivalis lectin on rat small intestine. Lancet,<br />

354(9187).<br />

5. Nordlee, J.D., Taylor, S.L., Townsend, J.A., Thomas,<br />

L.A., Bush, R.K. (1996): Indentification of a Brazil nut<br />

allergen in transgenic soyabean. New England Journal of<br />

Medicine, 334(11):276.<br />

6. Dawkins Kristin (2000): StarLink affair – Who’s going to<br />

pay?Courrier de la Planete. 59:31-33.<br />

7. Mills, C. (2002): Food allergy and intolerance in Europe<br />

– Future directions within the ERA. Proc. EU/ICC<br />

Conference 2002 “Implementation of the European<br />

research area.” p.95-96.<br />

8. Laurance, J. (2002): Huge rise in babies born with<br />

defects. The Independent, London, March 18, 2002.<br />

9. Commoner, B., Athanasiou, A. (2002): The Critical<br />

Genetics Project. Harper’s Magazine, February, 2002.<br />

10. lack, D.L. (1998): Splicing in the iner ear: a familiar<br />

tune, but what are the instruments? Neuron, 20(2):165-<br />

168.<br />

11. Schmucker, D., Clemens, J.C., Shu, H., Worby, C.A.,<br />

Xiao, J., Muda, M., Dixon, J.E., Zipursky, S.L. (2000):<br />

Drosophila Dscam is an axon guidance receptor exhibiting<br />

extraordinary molecular diversity. Cell, 101(6):671-<br />

684.<br />

12. FAO Report: Agriculture: Towards 2015/30. Rome,<br />

2000. http://www.fao.org/es/ESD/at2015/toc-e.htm<br />

13. Horton, R. Genetically modified food : consternation,<br />

confusion, and crack-up. The Medical Journal of<br />

Australia. http://www.mja.com.au<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


17<br />

14. Benbrook, C. (1999): Evidence of the magnitude and<br />

consequences of the Roundup Ready soybean yield<br />

drag from University based varietal trials in 1998. Ag<br />

BioTech InfoNet Technical Paper No.1.<br />

15. Raeburn, P. (1999): Where do we go from here? The<br />

view from Times Square. NABC Report 11 – World food<br />

security and sustainability: The impact of biotechnology<br />

and industrial consolidation. p. 149-152.<br />

16. King, J. (1996): Could transgenic supercrops one day<br />

breed superweeds. Science, 274:180-181.<br />

17. MacArthur, M. (1998): Canola crossbreeds create tough<br />

weed problem. Western Producer, 15 October, 1998.<br />

18. Hilbeck, A., Baumgartner, M., Fried, P.M., Bigler, F.<br />

(1998): Effect of transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis corn<br />

fed prey on the mortality and development time of<br />

immature Chrisophera carnea (Neuroptera<br />

Chrysopidea) Environmental Entomology 27(2):480-<br />

487.<br />

19. Birch, A.N.E., Geoghegan, I.E., Majerus, M.E.N.,<br />

McNicol, J.W., Hackett, C.A., Gatehouse, A.M.R.,<br />

Gatehouse, J.A. (1999): Tri-trophic interactions involving<br />

pest aphids, predatory 2-spot ladybirds and transgenic<br />

potatoes expressing snowdroplectin for aphid<br />

resistance. Molecular Breeding, 5(1):75-83.<br />

20. Losey, J.E., Rayor, L.S., Carter, M.E. (1999): Transgenic<br />

pollen harms monarch larvae. Nature, 399:214. Center<br />

for Food Safety, Washington D.C., USA: www.centerforfoodsafety.org<br />



SA@ETAK<br />

Primjena moderne biotehnologije u procesima poljoprivredne proizvodnje stvorila je nova eti~ka, ekonomska, socijalna<br />

i okoli{na pitanja, suprotstavljaju}i znanstvenike {irom svijeta. Danas je postoje}e znanje nedovoljno za procjenu<br />

obe}avane koristi i mogu}e opasnosti od geneti~ki preoblikovanih organizama (GMO), a na~elo „bitne jednakosti“<br />

u poredbi GM i konvencionalne hrane je znanstveno neodr`ivo. Postoje}i GM usjevi, osim profita korporacijama,<br />

trenutno farmeru gotovo da ne osiguravaju korist. TRIPS sporazum je omogu}io patentiranje gena i mikroorganizama,<br />

kao i geneti~ki preoblikovanih organizama. To davanje patenta na `ivot potaklo je biopiratstvo i kra|u geneti~kog<br />

bogatstva lokalnih zajednica. Istovremeno takav patentirani proizvod se prodaje po visokoj cijeni zemljama u<br />

razvoju – onim istima iz kojih potje~e patentirani proizvod.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: GMO, geneti~ko in`enjerstvo, tvrdnje i ~injenice, zakonodavstvo, javno mi{ljenje<br />

(Received on 17 April 2003; accepted on 18 December 2003 - Primljeno 17. travnja 2003.; prihva}eno 18. prosinca 2003.)<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 57.087.1:633.15<br />



D. [imi} (1) , J. Gunja~a (2) , Z. Zduni} (1) , I. Brki} (1) , J. Kova~evi} (1) Original scientific paper<br />

Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak<br />


Yield stability of genotypes and analysis of genotype×environment interaction (GEI) as<br />

important objects in analyses of multienvironment trials are well documented in Croatia.<br />

However, little is known about suitability and biometrical characters of the sites where<br />

genotypes should be tested. Objectives of this study were in combined analysis of balanced<br />

maize trials i) to compare test sites in joint linear regression analysis and ii) to compare<br />

several stability models by clustering test sites in order to assess biometrical suitability<br />

of particular test sites. Partitioning of GEI sum of squares according to the<br />

symmetrical joint linear regression analysis revealed highly significant Tukey’s test,<br />

heterogeneity of environmental regressions and residual deviations. Mean grain yields,<br />

within-macroenvironment error mean squares, and stability parameters varied considerably<br />

among 16 macroenvironments. The highest grain yields were recorded in Osijek in<br />

both years and in Vara`din in 1996, with more than 11 t ha -1 . It seems that Feri~anci<br />

would be optimum test site with relatively high and consistent yield and high values of<br />

entry mean squares indicating satisfactory differentiation among cultivars. However,<br />

four clustering methods generally did not correspond. According to three out of four clustering<br />

methods, two macroenvironments of Feri~anci provide similar results. Employing<br />

other methods such as shifted multiplicative models, which effectively eliminate significant<br />

rank-change interaction, appears to be more reasonable.<br />

Key-words: genotype by environment interaction (GEI), maize, stability analysis, test site<br />


Assessing yield stability is an important object in<br />

analyses of multienvironment trials. Cultivar stability and<br />

adaptability analyses as well as inherent genotype by<br />

environment interaction analyses (GEI) are well documented<br />

in Croatia (e.g. Sikora, 1973, Vasilj and Milas,<br />

1981; 1984; Milas, 1989; Vujevi} and Brki}, 1992;<br />

[imi} et al., 1994; Rozman, 1994; Rozman et al., 1997;<br />

Gunja~a, 1997; Zduni}, 1998). However, the authors, at<br />

most instances, did not take into consideration biometrical<br />

characters of GEI. They supposed that the main<br />

reason for this interaction is changeable sensitivity of<br />

genotypes to environmental variables, i. e. significant<br />

heterogeneity of genotypic regressions assuming that<br />

all environments have equal environment regression<br />

coefficient according to classical models of Finlay and<br />

Wilkinson (1963) and Eberhart and Russel (1966).<br />

Although there are modifications of these models which<br />

take into account heterogeneity of environmental<br />

regressions (Freeman and Perkins, 1971), little is<br />

known about biometrical suitability of testing sites in<br />

Croatia.<br />

According to DeLacy et al. (1996), there is an<br />

extensive set of methods for analysis of multienvironment<br />

trials, including i) analysis of variance (ANOVA); ii)<br />

stability analysis comprising joint linear regression<br />

(Yates and Cochran, 1938; Finlay and Wilkinson, 1963)<br />

and its subsequent modifications; iii) ordination (e.g.<br />

principal components analysis; additive main effects,<br />

multiplicative interaction - AMMI), and iv) grouping. All<br />

these methods have some advantages, but joint linear<br />

regression technique is mostly used. It is particularly<br />

appropriate for complete and balanced data sets, which<br />

cover the environmental range without any major discontinuities<br />

(Hill et al., 1998).<br />

(1) Ph.D Domagoj [imi}, Ph.D Zvonimir Zduni}, Ph.D Ivan Brki} and<br />

Ph.D. Josip Kova~evi}, Prof., Agricultural Institute Osijek, Ju`no predgra|e<br />

17, 31000 Osijek; (2) Ph.D Jerko Gunja~a, Department of Plant<br />

Breeding, Genetics, Biometrics and Experimentation, Faculty of<br />

Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Sveto{imunska 25, 10000 Zagreb<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


19<br />

However, it is shown that non-additivity is frequently<br />

present at GEI analyses (van Eeuwijk, 1996),<br />

making regression analyses and univariate analyses of<br />

variance unsuitable for GEI Characterizing. When linear<br />

model is not fitted (non-additivity is significant), transformations<br />

should be employed or, more often multivariate<br />

procedures for the interpretations of the interaction.<br />

Cluster analysis (Hallauer et al., 1988), the primary multivariate<br />

technique used for grouping environments and<br />

genotypes to improve the efficiency of breeding programs<br />

has been used.<br />

Rosielle and Hamblin (1981) suggested that the<br />

most desirable approach in maize would be (Zea mays,<br />

L.) choosing test sites being representative of environment<br />

population for which the breeder wishes to improve<br />

mean yield. Hamblin et al. (1980) concluded that<br />

yields at the test site consistently correspond to their<br />

yield over the range of target environment. The optimum<br />

test site should maximize yield differences among cultivars<br />

and it should be consistently high yielding.<br />

Objectives of this study were in combined analysis<br />

of balanced maize trials i) to compare test sites in joint<br />

linear regression analysis and ii) to compare several<br />

stability models by clustering test sites in order to<br />

assess biometrical suitability of particular test sites.<br />


Maize hybrids used in the study were presented in<br />

detail by Zduni} (1998). The two-year experiment was<br />

conducted in a randomized complete block design<br />

with four replications at each of sixteen environments.<br />

There were nine locations in 1995: Bizovac - Bi,<br />

Bjelovar- Bj, \akovo - Dj, Feri~anci - Fe, Kutjevo - Ku,<br />

Osijek - Os, Pitoma~a - Pi, Rugvica - Ru and Vara`din<br />

- Va. The sites Bjelovar and Pitoma~a were not available<br />

in 1996, making total of seven locations in this<br />

year. Trials were planted in two-row plots. Each row<br />

consisted of 12 hills with two plants per hill resulting<br />

in 48 plants per plot. Fertilization, weed control, and<br />

cultural practices were performed as in practical farming.<br />

Grain yield data (t ha -1 ) were recorded in each<br />

environment by 14% of moisture. Each year-location<br />

combination was considered as a “macroenvironment”<br />

(see e.g. Eberhart and Russel, 1966). Sixteen<br />

macroenvironments were analyzed as a series of random<br />

locations with entry means and effective error<br />

variance (Cochran and Cox, 1957), which were used<br />

for the combined analysis. In the combined ANOVA,<br />

genotype by macroenvironment interaction sum of<br />

squares was partitioned according to “symmetrical<br />

joint linear regression analysis” (DeLacy et al, 1996)<br />

proposed by Wright, 1971 and Utz, 1972 according to<br />

the following model:<br />

y ij<br />

= m + g i<br />

+ e j<br />

+ag i<br />

e j<br />

+ c j<br />

g i<br />

+ b i<br />

e j<br />

+ ρ ij<br />

where m is the grand mean over all genotypes and<br />

environments, g i<br />

is genotype effect, e j<br />

environment<br />

effect, ag i<br />

e j<br />

joint regression effect with a concordance<br />

parameter a. Due to identical one degree of freedom<br />

for a, joint regression effect was replaced with the<br />

Tukey’s test for non-additivity (Tukey, 1949), as suggested<br />

by Utz (1972); b i<br />

is regression coefficient for<br />

genotype i; c j<br />

is regression coefficient for environment<br />

j and ρ ij<br />

is residual. Regression coefficients, deviation<br />

mean squares, entry mean squares and GEI mean<br />

squares were employed as yield stability parameters<br />

for each macroenvironment. The Bartlett’s test of<br />

homogeneity within macroenvironment error variances<br />

gave a nonsignificant chi-square, so the hypothesis of<br />

homogenous within macroenvironment error variances<br />

was accepted.<br />

Four methods of cluster analyses for evaluating<br />

two-way classification data were carried out for the further<br />

analysis of GEI since both Tukey’s test and the chisquare<br />

test were significant. Method 1 is based on the<br />

regression model, rows are grouped for similarity of<br />

both intercepts and slopes (i.e. means and regressions).<br />

Method 2 is based on the regression model as<br />

well, and rows are grouped for similarity of slopes<br />

alone. Method 3 is based on the ANOVA model: rows<br />

are grouped for similarity of average effect (G) and interaction<br />

(GE) combined. Method 4 is also based on the<br />

ANOVA model, but rows are grouped for similarity of<br />

interaction (GE) alone. PLABSTAT (Utz, 1995) and S116<br />

were program packages used for the analyses.<br />


Data from each macroenvironment were analyzed<br />

separately showing highly significant effects of genotypes<br />

in all environments (data not shown). In the combined<br />

ANOVA, genotypes, environments and their interaction<br />

were highly significant (Table 1). Differences between<br />

macroenvironments accounted for 64.8 % of the<br />

total sum of squares, while GE interaction accounted for<br />

19.8%, and genotypes 15.4% of the total sum of squares.<br />

Partitioning of GEI sum of squares according to the<br />

symmetrical joint linear regression analysis, revealed<br />

highly significant Tukey’s test, heterogeneity of environmental<br />

regressions and residual deviations. Significant<br />

Tukey’s test indicates that the GEI has more complex<br />

nature than linear. Nevertheless, the nonlinear character<br />

of the interaction is frequently reported stressing the<br />

limitations of the linear regression technique, as summarized<br />

by Hill et al., 1998. Moreover, since a significant<br />

amount of the GEI variance remained unaccounted<br />

for, the linear model is not completely satisfactory (Hill<br />

et al., 1998). However, since heterogeneity of environmental<br />

regression was significant as well, it justifies to<br />

some extent further examination of stability parameters<br />

for each macroenvironment separately.<br />

Mean grain yields in16 macroenvironments, their<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

20<br />


Table 1. ANOVA for grain yield of 24 maize hybrids grown in 16 environments combined over two years<br />

Tablica 1. Kombinirana analiza varijance kroz dvije godine za prinos zrna za 24 hibrida kukuruza posijanih na 16<br />

okolina<br />

** Significant at the 0.01 probability level; ns = nonsignificant – ** Signifikantno na razini 0.01; ns = nesignifikantno<br />

Table 2. Mean grain yield averaged across 24 maize hybrids, within-environment error, and stability parameters<br />

for 16 macroenvironments in Croatia<br />

Tablica 2. Srednje vrijednosti prinosa zrna uprosje~enih kroz 24 hibrida kukuruza, unutarokolinska gre{ka i parametri<br />

stabilnosti za 16 makrookolina u Hrvatskoj<br />

within-macroenvironment error mean squares, and stability<br />

parameters are shown in Table 2. The highest grain<br />

yields were recorded in Osijek in both years and in<br />

Vara`din in 1996, with more than 11 t ha -1 . The lowest<br />

yielding site was Kutjevo: average yield of 24 hybrids<br />

was just the same in both years with 7.16 t ha -1 .<br />

Macroenvironments differed greatly in their stability<br />

parameters and also in their individual contribution to<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


21<br />

Figure 1. Dendrogram for the classification of 16 macroenvironments in Croatia for grain yield evaluated across<br />

24 maize hybrids in 4 replicates based on the regression model. Rows are grouped for similarity of both intercepts<br />

and slopes (i.e. means and regressions)<br />

Slika 1.Dendrogram za klasifikaciju 16 makrookolina u Hrvatskoj za prinos zrna procijenjen za 24 hibrida kukuruza u<br />

4 ponavljanja na osnovi regresijskog modela. Redovi su grupirani prema sli~nosti srednjih vrijednosti i regresije<br />

Figure 2. Dendrogram for the classification of 16 macroenvironments in Croatia for grain yield evaluated across<br />

24 maize hybrids in 4 replicates based on the regression model. Rows are grouped for similarity of slopes (parallelism)<br />

alone<br />

Slika 2. Dendrogram za klasifikaciju 16 makrookolina u Hrvatskoj za prinos zrna procijenjen za 24 hibrida kukuruza u<br />

4 ponavljanja na osnovi regresijskog modela. Redovi su grupirani samo prema paralelizmu<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

22<br />


Figure 3. Dendrogram for the classification of 16 macroenvironments in Croatia for grain yield evaluated across<br />

24 maize hybrids in 4 replicates based on the ANOVA model. Rows are grouped for similarity of average effect<br />

(G) and interaction (GE) combined<br />

Slika 3. Dendrogram za klasifikaciju 16 makrookolina u Hrvatskoj za prinos zrna procijenjen za 24 hibrida kukuruza u<br />

4 ponavljanja na osnovi ANOVA modela. Redovi su grupirani zajedno prema sli~nosti efekta srednje vrijednosti (G) I<br />

interakcije (GE)<br />

Figure 4. Dendrogram for the classification of 16 macroenvironments in Croatia for grain yield evaluated across<br />

24 maize hybrids in 4 replicates based on the ANOVA model. Rows are grouped for similarity of interaction (GE)<br />

alone<br />

Slika 4. Dendrogram za klasifikaciju 16 makrookolina u Hrvatskoj za prinos zrna procijenjen za 24 hibrida kukuruza u<br />

4 ponavljanja na osnovi ANOVA modela. Redovi su grupirani samo prema sli~nosti GE interakcije<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


23<br />

the interaction mean square. Notable highest values for<br />

regression coefficients and deviations from regression<br />

occurred in Vara`din in 1996. Interestingly, the environmental<br />

regression coefficients for Feri~anci in both<br />

years were exactly the same.<br />

Classifications of the macroenvironments according<br />

to clustering criteria of four methods are presented<br />

in Figures 1-4. The same (low) yields and similar<br />

regressions in both years resulted in small distances of<br />

macroenvironments of Kutjevo 1995 and 1996 according<br />

to Models 1 and 3. Analogously, dissimilarity index<br />

due to identical regression coefficient was very low for<br />

two macroenvironments in Feri~anci (Figure 1 and 2).<br />

Vara`din 1996 and Rugvica 1996 made a separate<br />

group according to Model 2. Vara`din 1996 was clearly<br />

separated from the other seven locations according to<br />

Model 4 and left unclustered. Macroenvironments<br />

appeared most diverse in dendrogram for Model 4<br />

(Figure 4).<br />

Although environment rank changes (crossover<br />

interactions) were not statistically tested, it seems that<br />

they are considerable in magnitude. Thus, an appropriate<br />

test, identifying crossover interactions, should be<br />

employed. Furthermore, other methods such as shifted<br />

multiplicative models (Cornelius et al., 1996; Crossa et<br />

al., 1996) could effectively eliminate significant rankchange<br />

interaction.<br />

Generally, four clusterings did not correspond.<br />

Compared with each other, clusterings based on the<br />

same model, whether regression model or ANOVA, but<br />

different grouping criterion, substantially rearranged<br />

assignments of sites to clusters. It seems worthwhile to<br />

apply combined criteria (Models 1 and 3) due to partly<br />

analogous groupings. If these groupings emerge as<br />

consistent patterns over several years of testing, a breeder<br />

could identify a subset of “key” testing sites within<br />

and thus reduce the cost of testing without losing information<br />

on adaptation and performance of cultivars.<br />


Apart form Kutjevo, Feri~anci and Osijek,<br />

macroenvironments at the same sites did not yield<br />

highly repeatable results. The consistently highest yielding<br />

site was Osijek with relatively small errors and<br />

appropriate regression coefficient and deviation mean<br />

square. However, entry mean squares are not constantly<br />

high. According to criteria proposed by Hamblin<br />

et al., 1980, it seems that Feri~anci would be optimum<br />

test site with relatively high consistent yield and high<br />

values of mean squares indicating well differentiation<br />

among cultivars at this site. Moreover, according to<br />

three out of four clustering methods, two macroenvironments<br />

of this site provide similar results.<br />


This paper is dedicated to our dear mentor Prof.<br />

\ur|ica Vasilj.<br />


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Using the shifted multiplicative model cluster methods for<br />

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Agr.Res. 14:742-754.<br />

7. Freeman, G.H. and Perkins J.M. (1971): Environmental<br />

and genotype-environmental components of variability.<br />

VIII. Relation between genotypes grown in different environments<br />

and measures of these environments.<br />

Heredity 27:15-23.<br />

8. Gunja~a, J (1997.): Procjena stabilnosti prinosa iz nebalansiranih<br />

setova podataka. Master thesis. University of<br />

Zagreb.<br />

9. Hallauer, A.R., Russel, W.A., and Lamkey, K.R. (1988):<br />

Corn breeding. In: Corn and corn improvement. Third<br />

edition. (eds. G.F. Sprague and J.W. Dudley). p. 463-<br />

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10. Hamblin, J.H., Fisher M., and Ridings, H.I. (1980): The<br />

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high yield and general adaptation. Euphytica 29:161-<br />

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Quantitative and ecological aspects of plant breeding.<br />

Chapman & Hall. London.<br />

12. Milas, S. (1989.): Odnosi parametara stabilnosti i koeficijenata<br />

veze za prirod i komponente priroda kod nekih<br />

genotipova kukuruza i p{enice. Dissertation. University<br />

of Zagreb.<br />

13. Rosielle, A.A. and J. Hamblin (1981): Theoretical<br />

aspects of selection for yield in stress and non-stress<br />

environments. Crop Sci. 21:943-946.<br />

14. Rozman, L. (1994.): Doprinos oplemenjivanja pove}anju<br />

i stabilnosti prinosa hibrida kukuruza FAO grupe 100 i<br />

200. Dissertation. University of Zagreb.<br />

15. Rozman, L; \. Vasilj, V. Kozumplik, (1997): Yield stability<br />

in long- term released maize hybrids FAO 100 and<br />

200, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science.-<br />

179,(4):193-199.<br />

16. Sikora, I. (1973.): Procjena stabilnosti jednostrukih<br />

hibrida OSSK 295 i OSSK 619. Zbornik radova Polj. inst.<br />

Osijek 1:29.-36.<br />

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24<br />


17. [imi}, D., I. Brki}, and E. Pla{~ak (1994.): Analiza parametara<br />

stabilnosti prinosa novih OSSK hibrida razli~itih<br />

FAO grupa. Poljop. aktual. 30 Sv. 3-4:343.-349.<br />

18. Tukey, J.W. (1949): One degree of freedom for nonadditivity.<br />

Biometrics 5:232-242.<br />

19. Utz, H.F. (1972): Die Zerlegung der Genotyp×Umwelt –<br />

Interaktionen. EDV in Medizin und Biologie, Band 3, Heft<br />

2:52-59.<br />

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23. Vasilj, \ and Milas, S. (1984): Relationship between stability<br />

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25. Wright, A.J. (1971): The analysis and prediction of<br />

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26. Yates F. and Cochran, W.G. (1938). The analysis of<br />

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SA@ETAK<br />

Stabilnost prinosa genotipova i s tim povezana interakcija genotip × okolina (GEI) kao va`ni predmeti analize<br />

vi{eokolinskih pokusa dobro su dokumentirani u Hrvatskoj. Me|utim, malo se zna o prikladnosti i biometrijskim<br />

karakteristikama pojedinih lokacija gdje se genotipovi testiraju. Ciljevi ovoga rada su u kombiniranoj analizi varijance<br />

balansiranih pokusa kukuruza i) usporediti lokacije za testiranje prema zdru`enoj linearno-regresijskoj analizi<br />

i ii) usporediti nekoliko modela stabilnosti klasteriranjem lokacija za testiranje, kako bi se odredila biometrijska<br />

prikladnost pojedine lokacije. Dioba sume kvadrata GEI prema simetri~noj regresijskoj analizi otkrila je visoko signifikantan<br />

Tukeyev test, kao i heterogenost okolinskih regresija i devijacija ostatka. Srednje vrijednosti prinosa zrna,<br />

unutarokolinska gre{ka i parametri stabilnosti zna~ajno su varirali izme|u 16 makrookolina. Najvi{i prinos bio je u<br />

Osijeku u obje godine i u Vara`dinu 1996. godine, s vi{e od 11 t ha -1 . Me|utim, ~etiri metode klasteriranja op}enito<br />

se nisu podudarale. ^ini se da su Feri~anci optimalna lokacija za testiranje s relativno visokim prinosom i visokim<br />

vrijednostima varijanci hibrida, ukazuju}i na zadovoljavaju}u diferencijaciju izme|u kultivara. Nadalje, prema tri od<br />

~etiri metode klasteriranja, dvije makrookoline lokacije Feri~anci dale su sli~an rezultat. Uporaba nekih drugih metoda,<br />

kao {to su multiplikativni modeli koji bi eliminirali razlike u klasteriranju, ~ini se prihvatljivijom.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: interakcija genotip × okolina (GEI), kukuruz, analiza stabilnosti, lokacije za testiranje<br />

(Received on 19 September 2003; accepted on 3 November 2003 - Primljeno 19. rujna 2003.; prihva}eno 3. studenoga<br />

2003.)<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 632.768:633.15(497.5)<br />


virgifera virgifera LeConte) IN CORN PRODUCTION OF<br />


D. D`oi} (1) , Marija Ivezi} (2) , Emilija Raspudi} (2) , Mirjana Brme` (2) Original scientific paper<br />

Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak<br />


A new insect pest - the western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte)<br />

was identified in Croatia in 1995. The first objective of this research was to determine<br />

the population density of all stages, except eggs in commercial cor fields. The second<br />

objective was to investigate the efficacy of three organophosphate insecticides on larvae.<br />

The experiment was conducted in Gunja, Croatia in 1999 and 2000. Treatments<br />

were commercial corn hybrids (OSSK 444, OSSK 552, Florencia,) and three soil insecticides<br />

(terbuphos, chlorpyriphos-ethyl, chlormephos) applied at planting. Results showed<br />

the highest number of larvae per plant (0.70) in the untreated plot of OSSK 552. In<br />

1999, significant differences in larval numbers occurred among hybrids, but not among<br />

the insecticides. In 2000, larval numbers only differed statistically between the insecticide<br />

treatments. The highest beetles population counted per plant was 0.55 in 2000. This<br />

population level is very close to economic threshold of 0.70 beetles per plant.<br />

Significant differences in beetle numbers per plant between hybrids were only detected<br />

in 2000. Pheromone traps containing the lure, Csal m N, caught significantly more beetles<br />

than the Multigard ® yellow sticky-trap. Terbufos was the only soil insecticide providing<br />

a significant yield advantage to the hybrids. Based on the current value of corn and<br />

cost of insecticide, terbufos is the only soil insecticide cost-effective for growers. These<br />

studies should be conducted with other insecticides, and growers should avoid planting<br />

corn after corn in their fields.<br />

Key-words: Corn, Western Corn Rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, soil insecticides<br />


The first manifestation of Western Corn Rootworm<br />

(Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) (WCR) was noticed back<br />

far in 1909 in USA. Today, this pest is the most dangerous<br />

corn pest in USA, and the estimation of the damages<br />

reaches around 1 bill. US $ yearly (Metcalf, 1986).<br />

Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte probably<br />

occured in Europe in 1989 or 1990, but the pest was<br />

determined and confirmed as Diabrotica in 1992, near<br />

Belgrade Airport – Sur~in, Serbia (Ba~a, 1993). In 1995<br />

the pest was found in Croatia (Zlof, 1996) and Hungary<br />

(Ripka & Princzinger, 2001) , in 1996 in Bosnia and<br />

Herzegovina (Festic et al., 1997) and Romania (Vonica,<br />

1996). In 1998 Bulgaria (Ivanova, 2001) was also infested,<br />

and the pest was found in Italy, near Venezia<br />

Airport (Furlan et al., 2000). During 1999, WCR was<br />

found on Slovakia border (Sivicek, 2000), near Airport<br />

Lugano in Switzerland (Bertossa et al., 2001). In 2001,<br />

pest was recorded in Ukraine (Omelyuta & Filatova,<br />

2002), and in 2002, in Austria (Cate, 2002).<br />

WCR was found in Croatia in 1995 in village<br />

Bo{njaci, near @upanja. In the last five years the pest<br />

was spread on cca. 250 000 ha. The monitoring showed<br />

that pest was spreading 35-40 km yearly, and 25%<br />

of terrestrial land was infested (Igrc et al., 2000). Since<br />

the populations increase every year, the first aim of this<br />

study was to determine the population density of all stages,<br />

except eggs in commercial corn fields. The second<br />

objective was to investigate the efficacy of three organophosphate<br />

insecticides on larvae.<br />

(1) MSc. Dra`en D`oi} - Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ul. grada<br />

Vukovara 78, 10000 Zagreb; (2) Ph.D. Marija Ivezi}, Full Professor, Ph.D.<br />

Emilija Raspudi}, Professor Assistant and MSc Mirjana Brme`, Young<br />

Researcher - University of J.J. Strossmayer, Faculty of Agriculture in<br />

Osijek, Trg sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

26<br />

D. D`oi} et al.: CONTROL OF WESTERN CORN ROOTWORM (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) ...<br />


The experiment was conducted in Gunja, Croatia<br />

(44 o 87’N, 18 o 94’ E) in 1999 and 2000. In 1999 the<br />

experimental field was 1344 m 2 , while in 2000 it was<br />

3360 m 2 . Three corn hybrids were used in the experiment,<br />

OSSK 444, OSSK 552 and Florencia. It is important<br />

to reveal that on experimental field corn was sown<br />

after corn for four and five years respectively, which can<br />

also contribute to the spread of WCR. Three soil insecticides<br />

(terbufos, chlorpyriphos-ethyl, chlormephos)<br />

were applied at planting, on each hybrid dosed as follows:<br />

COUNTER G-5 (terbuphos)<br />

DURSBAN G-7, 5 (chlorpyriphos-ethyl)<br />

DOTAN 5-G (chlormephos)<br />

22.5 kg/ha<br />

17.5 kg/ha<br />

9.0 kg/ha<br />

So, each hybrid was sown in 16 row, and every<br />

four row were treated with one insecticide plus 4 untreated<br />

rows.<br />

Roots checking for larvae was done at the beginning<br />

of June, in order to determine the attack intensity<br />

and eventually damages on root. Population density of<br />

imagoes was determined by using pheromone traps<br />

(Csal?m?N) and Multigard yellow sticky traps. One pheromone<br />

and one Multigard trap were placed in every<br />

treatment and in untreated plots. Traps were set apart<br />

20–25 m, in zigzagging, and were replaced every 28<br />

days with the new ones. Traps checking was done every<br />

week during the monitoring period, from 26 th of June to<br />

09 th October in 1999, and from 20 th of June to 13 th of<br />

October in 2000 year. The monitoring in 2000 was finished<br />

almost a month earlier compared to 1999, due to<br />

extremely dry period during the vegetation in year 2000.<br />

Beetles attack intensity was determined on corn<br />

silk, by cutting the ear top with the silk at 2.5 cm length,<br />

samples collecting into the plastic bag and counting the<br />

number of imagoes (Luckman et al., 1975). It was done<br />

on 4x10 plants in every treatments and untreated plot, in<br />

both years of the investigation. Collected data were<br />

analyzed statistically by using ANOVA and LSD multiple<br />

range test.<br />


1. Larvae and pupae<br />

Roots checking for larvae and pupae was done in<br />

both years of investigation on all treatments (3 insecticide<br />

treatments and untreated plot) on three corn<br />

hybrids. Average numbers of larvae and pupae per corn<br />

plant in 1999 were shown in Fig. 1 and 2, and for 2000<br />

in Fig. 3 and 4.<br />

The analyses of variance and LSD test showed no<br />

differences between treatments in 1999 concerning<br />

number of larvae and pupae, while in 2000, very significant<br />

differences occurred in number of larvae between<br />

all treatments with insecticides and untreated control. In<br />

2000 there weren’t significant differences between<br />

treatments regarding the number of pupae. It appears<br />

that number of pupae was higher than number of larvae<br />

in several cases in the same treatment. The reason is<br />

because the larvae already transformed to pupae, and<br />

moreover, at the end of June 2000, 224 imagoes were<br />

caught by pheromone traps. Looking through hybrids,<br />

significant differences occurred just in 1999 between<br />

Florencia and both OSSK hybrids and very significant<br />

difference between OSSK 552 and OSSK 444. In year<br />

2000, statistically important differences weren’t<br />

observed between hybrids.<br />

The analyses of research results showed the<br />

highest number of harmful larvae per plant (0.70) in<br />

untreated plot of hybrid OSSK 552. This number did not<br />

reach the economical injury, being according to<br />

Edwards et al. (1994), two larvae per plant.<br />

Figure 1. Number of larvae per plant in 1999<br />

Grafikon 1. Broj li~inki po biljci u 1999. godini<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

D. D`oi} et al.: CONTROL OF WESTERN CORN ROOTWORM (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) ...<br />

27<br />

Figure 2. Number of pupae per plant in 1999<br />

Grafikon 2. Broj kukuljica po biljci u 1999. godini<br />

Figure 3. Number of larvae per plant in 2000<br />

Grafikon 3. Broj li~inki po biljci u 2000. godini<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

28<br />

D. D`oi} et al.: CONTROL OF WESTERN CORN ROOTWORM (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) ...<br />

Figure 4. Number of pupae per plant in 2000<br />

Grafikon 4. Broj kukuljica po biljci u 2000. godini<br />

Beetles on silk<br />

Number of beetles on corn silk was checked in<br />

both years of investigation and the obtained results are<br />

showed in Fig. 5 and 6.<br />

Figure 5. Number of silk caught beetles in 1999<br />

Grafikon 5. Broj imaga na svili u 1999. godini<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

D. D`oi} et al.: CONTROL OF WESTERN CORN ROOTWORM (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) ...<br />

29<br />

Figure 6. Number of silk caught beetles in 2000<br />

Grafikon 6. Broj imaga na svili u 2000. godini<br />

There weren’t any significant differences between<br />

treatments regarding the number of beetles on corn silk,<br />

for both years of investigations. Statistically significant<br />

differences occurred between hybrids in 2000. Hybrid<br />

Florencia had average of 0.369 beetles on silk/plant,<br />

while OSSK 552 and OSSK 444 had 0.519 and 0.488<br />

beetles on silk/plant respectively. Many authors considered<br />

the threshold and recommended chemical control<br />

for next year larval damage, when one beetle occurs per<br />

corn plant (Luckman et al., 1975; Higgins et al. 1988;<br />

Edwards et al. 1994), especially in continuously corn<br />

growing field (Ostlie & Noetzel, 1987).<br />

3. Beetles on traps<br />

The majority of trap caught beetles in both years of<br />

investigation belong to pheromone (Csal m N) traps,<br />

while lower number were caught on Multigard yellow<br />

sticky traps in all investigated treatments and hybrids<br />

(Fig. 7 and 8). Pheromone traps (Csal m N) caught<br />

approximately 10 times more beetles compared to<br />

Multigard traps. Igrc-Bar~i} & Maceljski (1998) and<br />

Ivezi} et al. (2000) have previously obtained similar<br />

results.<br />

Figure 7. Number of trap caught beetles in 1999<br />

Grafikon 7. Broj imaga po mamcu u 1999. godini<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

30<br />

D. D`oi} et al.: CONTROL OF WESTERN CORN ROOTWORM (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) ...<br />

Figure 8. Number of trap caught beetles in 2000<br />

Grafikon 8. Broj imaga po mamcu u 2000. godini<br />

4. The yield of corn<br />

The yield of corn was analyzed for both years of<br />

investigation, and statistically significant differences<br />

occurred between treatments and hybrids. The greatest<br />

yield was achieved in treatments with Counter, in<br />

all three hybrids in both years of investigation (Fig. 9<br />

and 10).<br />

Regarding the hybrids, in both years Florencia showed<br />

the best results. Lower grain yield in 2000, across<br />

all hybrids and treatments were caused by extremely<br />

dry period in 2000. Based on the current value of corn<br />

and cost of insecticide, as well as results of our<br />

research, terbuphos is the only soil insecticide which<br />

can be recommended as the most effective for growers.<br />

Figure 9. The average yield (t/ha) of corn in 1999 (14% of moisture)<br />

Grafikon 9. Prosje~an prinos (t/ha) kukuruza u 1999. godini (14% vlaga)<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

D. D`oi} et al.: CONTROL OF WESTERN CORN ROOTWORM (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) ...<br />

31<br />

Figure 10. The average yield (t/ha) of corn in 2000 (14% of moisture)<br />

Grafikon 10. Prosje~an prinos (t/ha) kukuruza u 2000. godini (14% vlaga)<br />


Insecticide Counter (terbuphos) showed the best<br />

results, and hybrid Florencia reached the best grain yield<br />

in this investigation. Also, all insecticide treatments<br />

were better compared the control plots without insecticides.<br />

These studies should be conducted with other<br />

insecticides, and growers should avoid planting corn in<br />

these fields it is preceded by corn.<br />


1. Ba~a, F. (1993): New member of the harmful entomofauna<br />

of Yugoslavia Diabrotica virgifera virgifera<br />

LeConte (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). IWGO Newsletter.<br />

Vol.XII, 1-2:21.<br />

2. Bertossa, M., Derron, J., Colombi, L., Brunetti, R.<br />

(2001): Update of monitoring data of Diabrotica virgifera<br />

virgifera LeConte in Switzerland in 2001. Abstract<br />

21 th IWGO Conference, VIII. Diabrotica subgroup meeting,<br />

Venice, Italy, 2001: 32.<br />

3. Cate, P.C. (2002): The Confirmation of WCR (Diabrotica<br />

virgifera virgifera LeConte) in Austria: Occurrence,<br />

expansion and future prospects. Book of abstract, 9 th<br />

IWGO Diabrotica Subgroup Meeting and 8 th EPPO ad<br />

hoc Panel, Belgrade, 2002: 16.<br />

4. Edwards, C.R., Larry, W.B., Turpin, F.T. (1994): Field<br />

crop insects managing corn rootworms 1994. Purdue<br />

University, Cooperative extension Service, West<br />

Lafayette, E-49: 1-6.<br />

5. Festi}, H., Faginovi}, M., Berberovi}, H., Seratli}-Turki},<br />

A. (1997): The result of monitoring Diabrotica virgifera<br />

virgifera LeConte in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1997.<br />

“Western Corn Rootworm 97” Abstract volume of 2 nd<br />

FAO WCR/TCP Meeting, Gödöllö, Hungary, 10.<br />

6. Furlan, L., Vettorazzo, M., Montagner, M., Donantoni, L.,<br />

Funes, V. (2000): Diabrotica eradiction attempt in the<br />

Veneto region of Italy. 7 th International IWGO –<br />

Workshop, 16-17. November 2000, Stuttgart, Germany:<br />

5-6.<br />

7. Higgins, R.A., Gibb, T.J., Wilde, G.E. (1988): Corn rootworm<br />

management in Kansas field corn. Cooperative<br />

extension Service, Kansas State University, Mangatan<br />

Entomology: 128.<br />

8. Igrc-Bar~i}, J., Maceljski, M. (1998.): Novi {tetnik –<br />

kukuruzna zlatica. Gospodarski list, prilog – mali gospodarski<br />

savjetnik: 8.<br />

9. Igrc-Bar~i}, J., Dobrin~i}, R., Maceljski, M. (2000): New<br />

development of WCR in Croatia. IWGO Newsletter.Vol.<br />

XIX, 1-2: 25-26.<br />

10. Ivezi}, M., Tollefson, J.J., Raspudi}, E., D`oi}, D.<br />

(2000): Effect of different traps on captures of adult corn<br />

rootworm beetles (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera<br />

LeConte) in East Slavonia. IWGO Newsletter. Vol. XXI, 1-<br />

2: 29.<br />

11. Ivanova, I. (2001): Monitoring of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera<br />

in Bulgaria in 2001. Abstract 21th IWGO<br />

Conference, VIII Diabrotica subgroup meeting, Venice,<br />

Italy 2001: 30.<br />

12. Luckman, W.N., Shaw, J.T., Kuhlman, D.E., Randell, R.,<br />

Lesar, C.D. (1975): Corn rootworm pest management in<br />

canning sweet corn. Illinois natural history survey,<br />

Urbana, Illinois. Circular 54.<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

32<br />

D. D`oi} et al.: CONTROL OF WESTERN CORN ROOTWORM (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) ...<br />

13. Metcalf, R.L. (1986): Forward: In: “Methods for study of<br />

pest Diabrotica”. (Eds): Krysan, J.L., Miller, T.A.,<br />

Springler Verlag, p.p. 1-23.<br />

14. Omelyuta, V., Filatova, N. (2002): The Western Corn<br />

Rootworm in Ukraine in 2002. Book of abstract, 9 th<br />

IWGO Diabrotica Subgroup Meeting and (EPPO ad hoc<br />

Panel, Belgrade, 2002: 11.<br />

15. Ostlie, K., Noetzel, D. (1987): Managing Corn<br />

Rootworms, Minnesota Extension Service and<br />

University of Minnesota. AG-FO 3281: 1-4.<br />

16. Ripka, G., Princziger, G. (2001): Monitoring of Western<br />

korn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifea virgifera Le Conte)<br />

in Hungary in 2001. Abstract 21th IWGO Conference,<br />

VIII Diabrotica subgroup meeting, Venice, Italy 2001: 28.<br />

17. Sivicek, P. (2000): Report on Survey Western Corn<br />

Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) in the<br />

Slovak Republic 2000. IWGO Newsletter XXI 1-2:37-38.<br />

18. Vonica, I. (1996): Monitoring for Diabrotica virgifera in<br />

Romania. IWGO Newsletter, Vol. 16, No. 2: 15-16.<br />

19. Zlof, V. (1996): Monitoring of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera<br />

LeConte in Croatia in 1996. IWGO News letter, Vol.<br />

16, No. 2: 16-17.<br />



SA@ETAK<br />

U Hrvatskoj je 1995. utvr|en novi {tetnik, kukuruzna zlatica (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte). Cilj ovoga<br />

istra`ivanja je bio utvrditi gusto}u populacije razli~itih stadija kukuruzne zlatice na polju, osim jaja. Osim toga<br />

utvr|ena je efikasnost tri organofosforna insekticida na li~inke kukuruzne zlatice. Istra`ivanje je provedeno u Gunji,<br />

1999. i 2000 godine. Tretmani su obuhva}ali komercijalne hibride kukuruza (OSSK 444, OSSk 552, Florencia), te tri<br />

zemlji{na insekticida (trebufos, klorpirifos-etil, klormefos) koji su aplicirani pri sjetvi kukuruza. Najve}a brojnost<br />

li~inki kukuruzne zlatice po biljci (0,70), utvr|eno je netretiranoj parceli hibrida OSSK 552. U 1999. godini statisti~ki<br />

zna~ajne razlike pojavile su se izme|u hibrida, ali ne I izme|u insekticida. U 2000. godini, broj li~inki zna~ajno se<br />

razlikovao samo izme|u ispitivanih tretmana s insekticidima. Najve}i broj imaga po biljci utvr|en je u 2000. godini<br />

(0,55). To je vrlo blizu ekonomskog praga {tetnosti od 0,70 po biljci. Statisti~ki zna~ajne razlike s obzirom na broj<br />

imaga utvr|ene su samo izme|u ispitivanih hibrida u 2000. godini. Feromonski mamci, Csal m N, uhvatili su statisti~ki<br />

zna~ajno ve}i broj imaga od Multigard `utih ljepljivih plo~a. Utvr|eno je kako je trebufos jedini zemlji{ni insekticid<br />

koji je omogu}io statisti~ki zna~ajno pove}anje prinosa kod hibrida kukuruza. Na temelju sada{nje cijene kukuruza<br />

te cijene insekticida, terbufos se pokazao kao jedini insekticid ~ija je upotreba ekonomski opravdana.<br />

Istra`ivanja bi trebalo nastaviti sa {to ve}im brojem hibrida te preporu~iti uzgajiva~ima kukuruza va`nost izbjegavanja<br />

sjetve kukuruza u monokulturi.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: kukuruz, kukuruzna zlatica, Diabrotica virfigera virfigera, insekticid<br />

(Received on 29 November 2003; accepted on 28 October 2003 - Primljeno 29. rujna 2003.; prihva}eno 28. listopada<br />

2003.)<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK =631.523:633.16<br />



A. Lali}, J. Kova~evi}, D. Novoselovi} , G. Drezner, D. Babi}<br />

Original scientific paper<br />

Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak<br />


The objective of this study was to assess the effects of breeding methods on grain yield<br />

and grain yield components in winter barley cross Timura * Osk.4.208/2-84 by growing<br />

150 lines of F 4<br />

generation advanced by single seed descent method (SSD) and 26 lines<br />

of F 4<br />

generation advanced by pedigree method under two planting densities (400 kernels/m<br />

2 and 100 kernels/m 2 ). The mean value of the population for grain yield per plot<br />

at both planting densities found by the pedigree method (400 kernels/m 2 and 100 kernels/m<br />

2 ) was significantly increased compared to the SSD method. However, when five<br />

most yielding lines developed from both breeding methods were compared, it was found<br />

that SSD method was superior compared to the pedigree method at both planting densities<br />

(400 kernels/m 2 and 100 kernels/m 2 ). Five most yielding lines advanced by the<br />

SSD method were superior for the traits of lower heritability such as grain yield per plant<br />

and the number of fertile tillers at thin planting density (100 kernels/m 2 ) in comparison<br />

to the lines advanced by the pedigree method. Howerer, pedigree method was superior<br />

for these traits at thick planting density (400 kernels/m 2 ). Phenotypic variability for all<br />

analysed traits was reduced by pedigree method in comparison with SSD method. The<br />

SSD method was important in preserving the variability of traits with high heritability<br />

such as mass of one grain and the grain number per spike. It was found that even though<br />

the selection response is greater in populations with a higher genetic variance it is possible<br />

to grow the most yielding lines or lines with similar yields from the populations<br />

with a reduced phenotypic variance, but with high mean value for grain yield.<br />

Key-words: winter barley, single seed descent method, pedigree method, grain yield,<br />

grain yield components, planting density<br />


The pedigree method is widely spread method in<br />

the breeding of self-pollinating plants as it allows for<br />

visual selection of plants across various generations<br />

and control of a larger number of traits such as winter<br />

hardiness and resistance to diseases till the final tests of<br />

homozygous lines for grain yield. The procedure<br />

encompasses selection of superior progenies at each<br />

segregating generation and maintaining records of all<br />

parent-progeny relationships being limited by the<br />

amount of materials a plant breeder can handle (Allard,<br />

1960).<br />

The single seed descent method, proposed by<br />

Goulden (1939) and later modified by Grafius (1965),<br />

as a modification of the bulk breeding scheme, appears<br />

to have the characteristics to overcome the problem of<br />

natural selection and inadequate sampling in conventional<br />

pedigree and bulk-population breeding. According to<br />

Snape and Simpson (1984), selection among various<br />

homozygotes is better than selection from a segregating<br />

genetic material, being possible by the single seed<br />

descent method (SSD). Furthermore, according to the<br />

same authors, desired genes might disappear, if selection<br />

proves to be inefficient in early generations (genetic<br />

drift). Similar facts were suggested by Brumpton et<br />

al. (1977), Boughey and Jinks (1978), Jinks and Pooni<br />

(1981) and Kova~evi} (1986), who reported on poor<br />

breeding success in case of traits of low to medium<br />

heritability, based on selection of individual plants. The<br />

same was confirmed by Tee and Qualset (1975), who<br />

reported that, provided physiological factors affecting<br />

the survive ability are not present in a population, the<br />

Ph.D Alojzije Lali}, Ph.D Josip Kova~evi}, Ph.D Dario Novoselovi}, Ph.D<br />

Georg Drezner, Darko Babi}, BAgr - Agricultural Institute Osijek, Ju`no<br />

predgra|e 17, 31000 Osijek<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

34<br />


SSD method will show advantages as compared to bulk<br />

populations. It was more suitable for preserving high<br />

mean value and variability in a population.<br />

Besides the methods of breeding, successful<br />

selection depends on the expression of traits at different<br />

planting densities. In early generations, plants and progenies<br />

of individual plants are not homozygous and they<br />

grow near other genotypes, which might considerably<br />

affect the expected response to selection. According to<br />

Kulshrestha (1989), none of the present form breeding<br />

methods, which may considerably vary, has ascribed<br />

enough importance to the problem of competition. The<br />

author’s proposition is to apply modified pedigree<br />

method of selection at two planting densities with greater<br />

emphasis to the coefficient of productive tillering as<br />

a noticeable indicator of the plant response to competition.<br />

The objective of this study is to investigate the<br />

effects of breeding methods on grain yield and grain<br />

yield components by comparing 150 lines of F 4<br />

generation<br />

advanced by single seed descent method and 26<br />

lines of F 4<br />

generation advanced by the pedigree method<br />

in barley cross Timura * Osk.4.208/2-84 under two<br />

planting densities (400 kernels/m 2 and 100<br />

kernels/m 2 ).<br />


Plant material<br />

Material in this study includes parents, Timura and<br />

line Osk.4.208/2-84 winter barley, and their 150 lines of<br />

F 4<br />

generation developed by SSD method and 26 lines of<br />

F 4<br />

generation developed by pedigree method with selection<br />

intensity of 10 % after breeder’s criteria. This material<br />

was included in the final trial in 1992/93 year.<br />

Preparation of the material and selection from the crossing<br />

till the F 4<br />

generation were done in a thin stand (10<br />

x 10 cm) with 2 m plot length.<br />

Field experiment<br />

Final trial in 1992/93 year was set up as a randomized<br />

block design with three repetitions under two<br />

planting densities (400 kernels/m 2 and 100 kernels/m 2 )<br />

at the field of Agricultural Institute Osijek. The main thick<br />

planting plot was a square, 25 x 25 cm, on which 36<br />

kernels at 5 x 5 cm distance were planted corresponding<br />

to the planting of 400 kernels/m 2 . The main thin<br />

planting plot was a rectangle shape, 50 x 80 cm, on<br />

which 48 kernels at 10 x 10 cm distance were planted<br />

correspondsing to the planting of 100 kernels/m 2 .<br />

Mixture of parents seeds were used for the plot margins<br />

planting. Plants from plot margins were not taken for<br />

analysis. Five plants were analysed from each plot.<br />

Similar main plot was used by Hamblin and Donald<br />

(1974), when 36 kernels were planted at 8 x 8 cm distance,<br />

and by Kova~evi} (1986), who planted 36 kernels<br />

at 5 x 5 cm distance. Laboratory measurements<br />

were taken on a randomised sample of five plants per<br />

plot for the following traits: culm length (cm), grain<br />

weight per primary spike on the tallest tiller (g) the grain<br />

number per primary spike on the tallest tiller, the number<br />

of fertile tillers per plant, the grain yield per plant (g)<br />

and the total above ground biomass (g). The average<br />

mass of one grain per primary spike was derived from<br />

the ratio between the grain weight on primary spike and<br />

the grain number per primary spike. The harvest index<br />

was calculated for each plant and expressed as percentage.<br />

The grain yield per plot was calculated by using<br />

the sum of the grain yield per plants analysed and other<br />

plants on each plot.<br />

Data analysis<br />

An analysis of variance (ANOVA) and difference<br />

testing of the difference between two mean values by<br />

the t-test on samples of equal and different size were<br />

carried out by using SAS/STAT software.<br />

Estimates of phenotypic and environmental variances<br />

were performed for each repetition separately.<br />

Mean values were calculated across the repetitions.<br />

Based on these calculations, phenotypic (C VP<br />

%) and<br />

genotypic (C VG<br />

%) coefficients of variability were estimated.<br />


It was found that the culm length, the grain weight<br />

on primary spike, the grain number per spike, a grain<br />

mass per primary spike and the harvest index are traits<br />

showing less phenotypic (5.27-14.8%) and genotypic<br />

(4.40–11.77%) variability. The number of fertile tillers,<br />

the grain yield per plant and the grain yield per plot are<br />

traits showing higher phenotypic (26.85–40.53%) and<br />

genotypic (21.07–29.08%) variability (Table 1).<br />

Applying the pedigree method compared to the SSD<br />

method resulted in phenotypic variability being reduced<br />

in grain yield and other traits (Table 1).<br />

If we compare all tested lines for grain yield per<br />

plot, those selected by pedigree method had significantly<br />

(p=0.01) higher grain yields at both planting<br />

densities (400 kernels/m 2 and 100 kernels/m 2 ) than<br />

those grown by SSD method. However, five most yielding<br />

lines grown by the SSD method at thin planting<br />

(100 kernels/m 2 ) had a significantly (p=0.01) higher<br />

grain yield per plot (174.4 g) than those grown by the<br />

pedigree method (147.6 g). Likewise, at thick planting<br />

(400 kernels/m 2 ), five most yielding lines grown by the<br />

SSD method had a significantly higher (p= 0.05).<br />

At thick planting (400 kernels/m 2 ), all tested lines<br />

and five most yielding lines selected from a population<br />

grown by the pedigree method had a significantly<br />

(p=0.01 and p=0.05) higher culm length, compared to<br />

those all tested and five most yielding lines grown by the<br />

SSD method (Table 2).<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


35<br />

Table 1. Coefficients of phenotypic (C VP<br />

%) and genotypic (C VG<br />

%) variability for grain yield and grain yield components<br />

for pedigree and single seed descent methods (SSD)<br />

Tablica 1. Koeficijenti fenotipskog (C VP<br />

%) i genetskog (C VG<br />

%) varijabiliteta za urod zrna i komponente uroda zrna za<br />

pedigree metodu i metodu sjemenka po biljci (SSD)<br />

Thick - planting density 5 x 5 cm (400 kernels/m 2 ); Thin - planting density 10 x 10 cm (100 kernels/m 2 )<br />

Gusto - gusto}a sjetve 5 x 5cm (400 zrna/m 2 ); Rijetko - gusto}a sjetve 10 x 10cm (100 zrna/m 2 )<br />

Significant differences (p=0.01) were found for<br />

number of grains per spike (23.04 vs. 20.83) and grain<br />

weight per spike (1.361 vs. 1.231) for all tested lines<br />

grown by pedigree method at thin planting (100 kernels/m<br />

2 ) when compared to all tested lines grown by<br />

SSD method (Table 2).<br />

Significant differences between pedigree method<br />

and SSD method were not found (Table 2) for mass of<br />

one grain and harvest index.<br />

Significant differences (p=0.01) were found between<br />

pedigree method (4.7) and SSD method (4.04) at<br />

thick planting (400 kernels/m 2 ) wen we compared all<br />

tested lines for number of fertile tillers per plant. Five<br />

most yielding lines grown by the SSD method had a<br />

significantly higher (p= 0.01) number of fertile tillers<br />

(9.07 vs. 7.66) and grain yield per plant (9.494 vs.<br />

8.33) at thin planting (100 kernels/m 2 ) when compared<br />

to five most yielding lines grown by the pedigree method<br />

(Table 2). This implies that genotypes with a higher<br />

number of tillers per plant and higher grain yield per<br />

plant are preserved in the population grown by the SSD<br />

method at lower competition. Five most yielding lines<br />

grown by the pedigree method had a significantly (p=<br />

0.01) higher grain yield per plant ( 5.485 vs. 4.591) and<br />

a higher number of fertile tillers (5.36 vs. 4.32) at thick<br />

planting (400 kernels/m 2 ). This could be partially explained<br />

by the breeder’s choice, who selected plant phenotypes<br />

with a more upright leaf position and more uniform<br />

tillers. Selection by the pedigree method can contribute<br />

to the losing of genotypes from a population,<br />

being more suitable for certain growing conditions such<br />

as thinner stand and less favourable conditions.<br />


The pedigree method with continuous individual<br />

selection commonly used in breeding of self-pollinating<br />

plants, is an attractive breeding method for the improvement<br />

of grain yield. However, its value with regard to<br />

the accuracy in estimating grain yield by yield components<br />

could be disputable. Breeders can considerably<br />

influence the direction and results of breeding towards<br />

the desired goal. If physiological factors are not easily<br />

recognised and show lower heritability, larger losses of<br />

positive gene effects on grain yield are possible. As for<br />

the application of the pedigree breeding method,<br />

Kova~evi} (1986) reported the success in reducing the<br />

culm length and increasing grain yield in barley, but<br />

also, weakness of this method in increasing the 1000-<br />

grain weight, the grain number per spike and the grain<br />

weight per spike. The possible causes, according to the<br />

author, are undesirable correlation of these traits with<br />

the culm length and the number of fertile tillers.<br />

In the investigations conducted, the value of lines<br />

grown by the pedigree method was higher than for SSD<br />

lines for the grain yield per plot and number of fertile tillers<br />

per plant at thick planting (400 kernels/m 2 ).<br />

According to the literature, SSD method maintains more<br />

easily higher mean values and variability of the population<br />

as compared to bulk method (Tee and Qualset,<br />

1975; Srivastava, 1989), individual selection<br />

(Srivastava et al., 1989; Kova~evi}, 1986) and the dihaploid<br />

method (Riggs and Snape, 1977). According to<br />

Peters et al. (1991), lines with a very low potential for<br />

grain yield are easily discarded in the F 4<br />

generation and<br />

the risk of discarding high yielding lines is minimum.<br />

Genotypes being superior for growing at thin planting<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

36<br />


Table 2. Mean values of the analysed traits for the lines of F 4<br />

generation grown by pedigree method and single seed<br />

descent (SSD) method<br />

Tablica 2. Ostvarena dobit u linija F 4<br />

generacije uzgojenih primjenom pedigree metode i metode sjemenka po biljci (SSD)<br />

*, ** - significantly different at the level of probability of p = 0.05 and 0.01, ns - not significant<br />

*, ** - zna~ajna razlika uz P≥ 0.05 i P≥ 0.01, ns - razlika nije zna~ajna<br />

were preserved by the SSD method. Also, genotypes<br />

being superior for the traits showing less heritability<br />

such as the grain weight per plant and the number of<br />

fertile tillers were preserved in a population by this<br />

method. These traits are important elements for higher<br />

yields at thin planting as evident from intensive tillering<br />

and a better ability for compensation. This was confirmed<br />

by the most yielding lines which were grown by<br />

the SSD method at thin planting density of 100 kernels/m<br />

2 . The SSD method is important in preserving<br />

traits of high heritability such as the mass of one grain<br />

and the grain number per spike. Targeted selection for a<br />

specific trait was avoided with such selection.<br />

Results indicated a lower phenotypic variability of<br />

major traits in lines grown by the pedigree method, but<br />

also higher mean values in selected lines as compared<br />

to the lines grown by the SSD method (Tables 1 and 2).<br />

Based on the literature data (O’Brien et al., 1978) and<br />

the investigations conducted it was found that even<br />

though the selection response is great in populations<br />

with a higher genetic variance, it is possible to grow<br />

most yielding lines from the populations with a lower<br />

genetic variance, but with high mean value of the trait,<br />

accomplished in these investigations by the pedigree<br />

method.<br />


1. Allard, R.W. (1960): Principles of Plant Breeding. John<br />

Wiley and Sons, New York.<br />

2. Boughey, H., Jinks, J. L. (1978): Joint Selection for Both<br />

Extremes of Mean Performance and of Sensitivity to<br />

Macro-Environmental Variable. III The Determinants of<br />

Sensitivity. Heredity, 40, 363-369.<br />

3. Brumpton, R. J., Boughey, H. , Jinks, J. L. (1977): Joint<br />

Selection for Both Extremes of Mean Performance and<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


37<br />

of Sensitivity to a Macro-Environmental Variable. I<br />

Family Selection. Heredity, 30, 219-226.<br />

4. Donald, C.M., J. Hamblin (1976): The biological yield<br />

and harvest index of cereals as agronomic and plant<br />

breeding criteria. Advances in Agronomy, 28, 361-405.<br />

5. Goulden, C.H., (1939): Problems in plant selection.<br />

Proc. Seventh International Genetical Congress<br />

Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 132-133.<br />

6. Grafius, J.E. (1965): Short cuts in plant breeding. Crop<br />

Science 5:377.<br />

7. Hamblin, J., Donald, C.M. (1974): The relationships<br />

between plant form, competitive ability and grain yield in<br />

a barley cross. Euphytica, 23, 535-542.<br />

8. Jinks, J. L., Pooni, H. S. (1981): Properties of Pure -<br />

Breeding Lines Produced by Dihaploidy, Single Seed<br />

Descent and Pedigree Breeding. Heredity, 46, 391-395.<br />

9. Kova~evi}, J. (1981.): Procjena heritabilnosti nekih<br />

kvantitativnih svojstava dvorednog je~ma (Hordeum vulgare<br />

L., conv. distichon). Magistarski rad.- Zbornik radova<br />

Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek, 11, 151.-250.<br />

10. Kova~evi}, J. (1986.): Kvantitativna analiza prinosa i<br />

komponenata prinosa je~ma u odnosu na metode oplemenjivanja.<br />

Doktorska disertacija. - Zbornik Poljoprivrednog<br />

instituta Osijek, 1-111.<br />

11. Kulshrestha, V.P. (1989): A modified pedigree method of<br />

selection. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 78, 173-<br />

176.<br />

12. O’Brien, L., Baker, R.J., Evans, L.E. (1978): Response to<br />

selection for yield in F3 of four wheat crosses. Crop<br />

Science, 18., 1029-1033.<br />

13. Peters, B., Spanakakios, A. and Weber W. E. (1991):<br />

Efficiency of Early Selection for Yield Performance in<br />

Wheat, Plant Breeding, Vol 107.(2), 97-104.<br />

14. Riggs,T.J., Snape, J. W.(1977): Effects of Linkage and<br />

Interaction in a Comparison of Theoretical Populations<br />

Derived by Diploidised Haploid and Single Seed Descent<br />

Methods. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 49, 111-<br />

115.<br />

15. SAS/STAT software, Release 6.12 version, SAS Institute<br />

Inc., 1996.<br />

16. Snape, J.W., Simpson, E. (1984): Early Generation<br />

Selection and Rapid Generation Advancement Methods<br />

in Autogamous Crops. In: Lange, W., Zeven, A. C.,<br />

Hofenboom, N. G. eds. Efficiency in Plant Breeding.<br />

Proceeding of the 10 th Congress of the Eucarpia,<br />

Wageningen, the Netherlands, 82-86.<br />

17. Srivastava, R. B., Paroda., R. S., Sharma, S. C., Yunus<br />

Md. (1989): Genetic variability and advance under four<br />

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Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 77, 516-<br />

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Wheat Breeding: Comparison of Single- Seed Descent<br />

and Random Bulk Methods. Euphytica, 24, 393-405.<br />



SA@ETAK<br />

Istra`ivanjima su analizirani u gustoj (400 zrna/m 2 ) i rijetkoj sjetvi (100 zrna/m 2 ) potomstva F 4<br />

generacije kri`anja<br />

Timura x Osk.208/2-84, uzgojena pedigre metodom (26 linija) i metodom sjemenka po biljci (150 linija). Pedigre<br />

metodom u odnosu na metodu sjemenka po biljci zna~ajno (p≥0,01) smo pove}ali, u odnosu na SSD metodu, prosje~nu<br />

vrijednost uzgojene populacije za urod zrna, ali uz smanjenu fenotipsku i genetsku varijabilnost uroda zrna i<br />

ostalih istra`ivanih svojstava. Tom metodom ostvaren je ve}i uspjeh u oplemenjivanju na urod zrna u gustoj sjetvi,<br />

vjerovatno pod utjecajem oplemenjiva~a i odabir fenotipa biljaka uspravnijeg polo`aja lista i ujedna~enijih vlati.<br />

Metodom sjemenka po biljci o~uvani su u populaciji genotipovi superiorniji za uzgoj u rje|oj sjetvi, te su linije dobivene<br />

ovom metodom oplemenjivanja u odnosu na linije dobivene pedigre metodom zna~ajno vi{eg uroda zrna kod<br />

rijetke sjetve. Tom metodom u populaciji smo zadr`ali genotipove superiornije za svojstva ni`e nasljednosti, poput<br />

mase zrna po biljci i broja plodnih vlati. Metoda sjemenka po biljci zna~ajna je i za o~uvanje svojstava visoke nasljednosti,<br />

poput mase jednog zrna i broja zrna po klasu, a koja su opozitivnog odgovora na selekciju obzirom na izbor<br />

na kra}u vlat. Na temelju saznanja iz literature i provedenih istra`ivanja ustanovili smo da iako je reagiranje na selekciju<br />

veliko kod populacija s ve}om genetskom varijancom, najrodnije linije ili linije sli~ne razine uroda zrna mogu}e<br />

je uzgojiti iz populacija sa smanjenom genetskom varijancom, ali velikom prosje~nom vrijednosti za urod zrna. To je<br />

u provedenim istra`ivanjima ostvareno pedigre metodom.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: ozimi je~am, metoda sjemenka po biljci, pedigre metoda, urod zrna, komponente uroda zrna, gusto}a<br />

sjetve<br />

(Received on 9 September 2003; accepted on 7 December 2003 - Primljeno 9. rujna 2003.; prihva}eno 7. listopada 2003.)<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 631.111.2:633.63<br />



A. Kristek, Suzana Kristek, Manda Antunovi}<br />

SA@ETAK<br />

Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak<br />

Original scientific paper<br />

U poljskim pokusima ispitivane su proizvodne vrijednosti 5 diploidnih (2n=2x=18) cms<br />

linija, 2 tetraploidna (2n=4x=36) i 2 diploidna polinatora te 10 diploidnih i 10 triploidnih<br />

(2n=3x=27) hibrida {e}erne repe koji su dobiveni kri`anjem ispitivanih cms linija i<br />

polinatora. Kao standard posijana su 2 triploidna hibrida, ra{irena u proizvodnji – Os<br />

Sana i Iva. Istra`ivanja su provedena na dva lokaliteta (Osijek i \akovo) tijekom dvije<br />

godine (2002. i 2003.). Godine su se me|usobno razlikovale po vremenskim prilikama,<br />

a lokaliteti po osobinama tla. Prva godina istra`ivanja bila je vla`na i topla, a druga suha<br />

i vru}a. Na lokalitetu Osijek tlo pripada ~ernozemno-livadskom, a u \akovu lesiviranom<br />

pseudoglejnom tipu. Izme|u ispitivanih genotipova {e}erne repe, najve}i prosje~ni prinos<br />

korijena ostvario je triploidni hibrid 15 (58,09 t/ha) te hibridi 11, 13, kao i standard<br />

31. S obzirom na sadr`aj {e}era, najbolje rezultate je postigao standard 31 (15,15%) te<br />

hibridi 15, 18, 17 i 11. Najve}i prinos {e}era imao je hibrid 15 (7,08 t/ha), a zatim sljede<br />

hibridi 13, 11, 10 i 18.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: {e}erna repa, linije, hibridi, prinos, kvaliteta korijena<br />

UVOD<br />

U procesu oplemenjivanja {e}erne repe cilj je<br />

pove}ati genetski potencijal kultivara za najva`nija kvantitativna<br />

i kvalitativna svojstva, kao {to su prinos korijena<br />

i sadr`aj {e}era, a istovremeno smanjiti sadr`aj topivih<br />

ne{e}era (alfa amino du{ik, kalij, natrij) radi boljeg<br />

iskori{tenja {e}era. Tako|er se `eli u podru~jima kao<br />

{to je na{e, radi {to potpunijeg kori{tenja genetskog<br />

potencijala, pove}ati otpornost prema uzro~nicima<br />

najva`nijih bolesti lista (Cercospora beticola Sacc.),<br />

koji redovito napadaju {e}ernu repu. Oplemenjiva~i<br />

{e}erne repe zadane ciljeve nastoje ostvariti kori{tenjem<br />

heterozisa i ploidnosti.<br />

Kako je {e}erna repa biljka dvospolnih cvjetova, to<br />

je za proizvodnju hibrida bilo nu`no prona}i samo-sterilne<br />

biljke. Owen (1945.) je prona{ao mu{ki sterilitet, {to<br />

je otvorilo put ka stvaranju hibrida i kod {e}erne repe.<br />

Kri`anjem genetski razli~itih linija, populacija ili sorata u<br />

F1 generaciji manifestira se hibridna snaga ili heterozis,<br />

tj. pojava da su potomstva F1 generacije bujnija i rodnija<br />

od roditelja. U istra`ivanjima inbred linija {e}erne<br />

repe, Stewart i sur. (1946.) dobivene hibride analizirali<br />

su kroz prinos korijena, sadr`aj {e}era i prinos {e}era.<br />

Nekoliko hibrida zna~ajno je nadma{ilo prosjek roditelja<br />

ili standarda, {to je obja{njeno kao jasan pokazatelj da<br />

se heterozis doga|a i kod {e}erne repe. Heterozis je<br />

najve}im dijelom uvjetovan neaditivnim djelovanjem<br />

gena (dominacija i interalelna interakcija) te je za o~ekivati<br />

da linije koje imaju superiorne aditivne u~inke gena<br />

ne}e uvijek imati i superiorne kombinacijske sposobnosti<br />

(Hecker, 1967., Smith i sur., 1973.).<br />

Na prinos korijena vi{e djeluju neaditivni geni<br />

(Smith i sur., 1973., Hecker, 1978., Scaracis i Smith,<br />

1984.), dok je sadr`aj {e}era uvjetovan aditivnim genima,<br />

a dominacija i superdominacija nemaju zna~aj u<br />

naslje|ivanju te osobine. Hecker (1978.) je `elio dobiti<br />

superiorno potomstvo za prinos korijena, sadr`aj {e}era<br />

i prinos {e}era. Me|utim, u kri`anju nije prona|ena izuzetno<br />

dobra specifi~na kombinacijska sposobnost za<br />

prinos korijena i sadr`aj {e}era istovremeno niti u jednom<br />

od 40 hibrida.<br />

O geneti~koj kontroli i nasljednoj osnovi ne{e}era<br />

(alfa amino du{ika, kalija, natrija), koji utje~u na iskori{tavanje<br />

{e}era, ne zna se puno. Navodi Hra{ka i sur.<br />

(1989.) ukazuju da se sadr`aj ne{e}era naslje|uje<br />

uglavnom intermedijarno.<br />

Dr.sc. Andrija Kristek, red. prof., dr.sc. Suzana Kristek, doc., dr.sc. Manda<br />

Antunovi}, izv.prof. – Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku,<br />

Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Trg Sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


39<br />

Prou~avaju}i genetsku osnovu otpornosti na cerkosporu,<br />

razni istra`iva~i su dobili vrlo nejednake podatke.<br />

Tako Smith i Gaskill (1970.) navode da otpornost<br />

prema cerkospori kontrolira ve}i broj gena (4-5), a<br />

Lewelen i Whithney (1976.) jedan gen kod rase C 2<br />

Cercospora beticola, uz napomenu da taj gen nije efikasan<br />

prema rasi C 1<br />

. Kako genetska osnova, tako i rezultati<br />

o na~inu naslje|ivanja, otpornosti prema cerkospori,<br />

nisu ujedna~eni. Lewelen i Whithney (1976.) opisuju<br />

da se otpornost u F 1<br />

generaciji naslje|uje dominantno,<br />

a Kohls (1950.) recesivno. Hasegawa i sur. (cit.<br />

Kova~ev, 1982.) po tipu nepotpune dominacije recesivnog<br />

roditelja, dok Smith i Gaskill (1970.) na~in<br />

naslje|ivanja opisuju kao intermedijarni.<br />

Osnovni broj kromosoma kod vrsta roda Beta je<br />

x=9, a naj~e{}e 2n=18 kromosoma. Poliploidija je<br />

uve}anje osnovnog broja kromosoma u genomu. Od<br />

poliploidnih formi kod {e}erne repe je najinteresantnija<br />

tetraploidna, odnosno triploidna, koja se dobije<br />

kri`anjem diploidne i tetraploidne forme. Razlog za<br />

komercijalno kori{tenje poliploida kod {e}erne repe dala<br />

su istra`ivanja koja su pokazala da je negativna korelacija<br />

izme|u prinosa korijena i sadr`aja {e}era kod tetraploida<br />

manje izra`ena nego kod diploida (Kristek i sur.,<br />

1993.).<br />

Provedena istra`ivanja imala su za cilj utvrditi<br />

proizvodne vrijednosti cms monogermnih diploidnih te<br />

diploidnih i tetraploidnih multigermnih linija {e}erne<br />

repe, kao i u~inak ploidnosti pri kri`anju cms linija s<br />

tetraploidnim, odnosno diploidnim parovima. @eljelo se<br />

utvrditi i proizvodnu vrijednost F1 hibrida u odnosu na<br />

danas u proizvodnji ra{irene kultivare.<br />


Proizvodne vrijednosti 5 cms (citoplazmatski<br />

mu{ko sterilnih) linija {e}erne repe, 2 diploidna i 2 tetraploidna<br />

polinatora te nastale kri`ance izme|u cms linija<br />

i polinatora istra`ivali smo u poljskim pokusima. Sjeme<br />

linija proizvedeno je 2000. godine u kasetama, uz prostornu<br />

izolaciju od konoplje, a sjeme kri`anaca u 2001.<br />

godini. Kri`anja cms linija (1-5) i tetraploidnih (6-7),<br />

odnosno diploidnih polinatora (8-9), izvr{ena su tako da<br />

je svaka linija kri`ana sa svakim polinatorom. Na taj<br />

na~in dobiveno je 10 triploidnih i 10 diploidnih hibrida<br />

{e}erne repe (Tablica 1.).<br />

Pokusi su postavljeni na dva lokaliteta (Osijek i<br />

\akovo), koji su se me|usobno razlikovali po tipu tla. U<br />

Osijeku pokus se nalazio na ~ernozemno-livadskom tlu,<br />

a u \akovu na lesiviranom pseudogleju. Istra`ivanja su<br />

obavljena u 2002. i 2003. godini. Poljski pokusi su posi-<br />

Tablica 1. Linije i proizvedeni kri`anci u poljskim pokusima<br />

Table 1. Lines and produced crosses in the field trials<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

40<br />


Tablica 2. Koli~ina oborina i srednje mjese~ne temperature zraka za vegetaciju {e}erne repe u Osijeku 2002. i<br />

2003.<br />

Table 2. The precipitation and mean monthly air temperatures for sugar beet vegetation in Osijek 2002 and 2003<br />

jani po shemi potpuno randomiziranog bloknog rasporeda<br />

u ~etiri ponavljanja. Razmak izme|u redova bio je 50<br />

cm, a u redu oko 20 cm. Du`ina reda iznosila je 10 m.<br />

Veli~ina osnovne parcele bila je 20 m 2 . Sjetva {e}erne<br />

repe obavljena je u drugoj dekadi o`ujka, a va|enje sredinom<br />

listopada. Nakon va|enja utvr|en je prinos korijena,<br />

sadr`aj {e}era, K, Na, amino-du{ika te izra~unat<br />

{e}er u melasi ([uM) i prinos ~istog {e}era.<br />

Vremenske prilike u godinama izvo|enja pokusa<br />

(Tablica 2.) razlikovale su se i utjecale na tok porasta<br />

{e}erne repe, prinos i kvalitetu korijena. Godinu 2002. u<br />

vegetaciji karakterizira povi{ena mjese~na temperatura<br />

zraka u odnosu na vi{egodi{nji prosjek za 1,2 0 C prosje~no.<br />

Osobito topli, s temperaturom 22,1 0 C, odnosno<br />

23,0 0 C bili su lipanj i srpanj. Koli~ina oborina u vegetaciji<br />

iznosila je 477 mm, {to je za 97 mm vi{e od dugogodi{njeg<br />

prosjeka za to podru~je. Druga godina istra`ivanja<br />

(2003.), suprotno od prve, bila je izrazito suha. U vegetaciji<br />

je palo svega 219 mm oborina. Malo oborina bilo je<br />

i u vrijeme sjetve (o`ujak), svega 2,9 mm, te u vrijeme<br />

nicanja (travanj), kada je palo 9,1 mm ki{e. Tako suho vrijeme<br />

dovelo je do ote`anog nicanja i slabog porasta<br />

{e}erne repe. Slabom porastu su doprinijele i visoke temperature.<br />

Prosje~na mjese~na temperatura zraka u vegetaciji<br />

iznosila je ~ak 20,2 0 C, odnosno, bila je za 2,6 0 C<br />

vi{a od vi{egodi{njeg prosjeka. Visoke temperature zraka<br />

bile su osobito u lipnju, srpnju i kolovozu (24,7; 22,9;<br />

24,6 0 C), {to je utjecalo na porast, a zatim i na akumulaciju<br />

{e}era. Vremenske prilike na drugom lokalitetu<br />

(\akovo) imale su ista obilje`ja.<br />


Prinos korijena zavisio je od godine, lokaliteta i<br />

genotipa. Prosje~ni prinos korijena za dvije godine i dva<br />

lokaliteta iznosio je 47,54 t/ha (Tablica 3.). Statisti~ki<br />

zna~ajno ve}i prinos korijena (P


41<br />

Tablica 3. Prinos korijena {e}erne repe i digestija po lokalitetima i godinama istra`ivanja<br />

Table 3. Sugar beet root yield and sugar content by the localities and years of investigation<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

42<br />


Tablica 4. Sadr`aj {e}era u melasi i prinos ~istog {e}era po lokalitetima i godinama istra`ivanja<br />

Table 4. Content of sugar in molasses and sugar yield by localities and years of investigation<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


43<br />


44<br />


- najve}i sadr`aj {e}era utvr|en je kod standarda<br />

31. Od kri`anaca, najbolju digestiju imao je triploidni<br />

hibrid 15, 18, 17 i 11, a od linija tetraploid 7 i cms linija<br />

1.<br />

- najve}i prinos {e}era postigli su triploidni kri`anci<br />

15, 13, 11, 10, i 18 te standard 31, a od linija tetraploid<br />

6 i 7 te cms linija 1.<br />


1. Culbertson, J.O. (1942): Inheritance of factors influencing<br />

sucrose percentage in Beta vulgaris. Journal of<br />

Agricultural Research, 64:153-172.<br />

2. Doki}, P. (1972.): Efekt heterozisa i triploidnosti kod<br />

me|usortnih hibrida u F1 generaciji {e}erne repe.<br />

Genetika, 20: 217.-228.<br />

3. Doki}, P. (1975.): Prou~avanje genetskog potencijala za<br />

prinos korijena i {e}era monogermnih hibrida {e}erne<br />

repe. Savremena poljoprivreda, 23:31.-42.<br />

4. Hecker, R.J. (1967): Evaluation of three sugar beet breeding<br />

methods. Journal of the American Society og Sugar<br />

Beet Technologists, 14:309-318.<br />

5. Hecker, R.J. (1978): Recurrent and reciprocal recurrent<br />

selection in sugarbeet. Crop Science, 18: 805-809.<br />

6. Hecker, R.J., Helmerick, R.H. (1985): Sugar beet breedint<br />

in the United States. In: G. E. Russell (ed.), Progress<br />

in plant bredding. Burrerworths, London. Pp. 37-61<br />

7. Hill, K.W. (1948): The relationship of yield and size of<br />

beets to sucrose percentage of beets grown in southern<br />

Alberta, Canada. Proceedings American Society of<br />

Sugar Beet Technologists, 5: 329-334.<br />

8. Hra{ka, S., Barto{, P., Mar{alek, L. (1989.): Specialna<br />

Genetika polnohospodarskych raslin. Priroda, Bratislava.<br />

9. Kohls, H.L. (1950): A genetic study of 17 f1 hybrids and<br />

their inbred patents. J. Amer. Soc. Sugar Beet Techn,<br />

165-170.<br />

10. Kova~ev, L. (1982.): Naslje|ivanje prema Cercospora<br />

beticola Sacc. kod F1 triploidnih hibrida {e}erne repe.<br />

Zbornik «Matica srpska», 62, 151.-155.<br />

11. Kova~ev, L., Mezei, S. (1986.): Produktivnost monogermnih<br />

triploidnih hibrida {e}erne repe iste genetske<br />

konstitucije kad se koriste razli~iti izvori mu{ke sterilnosti.<br />

Savremena poljoprivreda, 34: 327.-334.<br />

12. Kristek, A., Liovi}, I., Magud, Z. (1993.): Proizvodne<br />

osobine diploidnih i triploidnih hibrida {e}erne repe.<br />

Poljoprivredne aktualnosti, 29:365.-371.<br />

13. Lewellen, R.T., Whitney, E.D. (1976): Inheritance of<br />

resistance to rase C 2<br />

of Cercospora beticola Sacc. In<br />

Sugar beet. Crop Sci., 16(4):558-561.<br />

14. McFarlane, J.S., Skoyen, I.O., Lewellen, R.T. (1972):<br />

Performance of sugarbeet hybrids as diploids and triploids.<br />

Crop Science, 12:118-119.<br />

15. Owen, F.V. (1945): Cytoplasmatically inherited malesterility<br />

in sugar beets. Journal of Agricultural Research,<br />

71:423-440.<br />

16. Scaracis, G.N., Smith, G.A. (1984): Prediction of threeway<br />

top cross sugarbeet hybrid performance. Crop<br />

Science, 24:55-60.<br />

17. Smith, G.A., Gaskill, J.O. (1970): Inheritance of<br />

Resistance to Cercospora Leaf Spot in Sugarbeet. J.<br />

Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Technol., 16:172-180.<br />

18. Smith, G.A., Hecker, R.J., Maag, G.W., Rasmuson, D.M.<br />

(1973.): Combining ability and gene action estimates in<br />

an eight parent diallel cross og sugarbeet. Crop Science,<br />

13:312-316.<br />

19. Stewart, D., Gaskill, J.O., Coons, G.H. (1946.):<br />

Heterosis in sugar beet single crosses. Proceedings<br />

American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists, 4:210-<br />

222.<br />




Five diploid (2n=2x=18) cms lines, 2 tetraploid (2n=4x=36) and 2 diploid pollinators, as well as 10 diploid and 10<br />

triploid (2n=3x=27) sugar beet hybrids, given by the crossing of investigated cms lines and pollinators were investigated<br />

in the field trials. Two triploid hybrids, widespread in sugarbeet production, were sown as standards – Os<br />

Sana and Iva. The trials were conducted on two localities (Osijek and \akovo) during the two years (2002 and 2003).<br />

There was a difference between years in weather conditions and between localities in terms of type and features of<br />

soil. First year of the investigation was humid and warm and the second was dry and hot. Osijek locality was characterized<br />

by chernozem-meadow type soil and \akovo by loessial pseudoglei. The best average root yield was<br />

achieved between the investigated genotypes by the triploid hybrid 15 (58.09 t/ha) and the hybrids 11, 13 and standard<br />

31. As for the content and utilization of sugar, the standard 31 achieved best results (15.15%) followed by the<br />

standard hybrids 15, 18, 17 and 11. The best sugar yield was achieved by hybrid 15 (7.08 t/ha), followed by hybrids<br />

13, 11, 10 and 18.<br />

Key-words: sugar beet, lines, hybrids, yield, root quality<br />

(Primljeno 2. rujna 2003.; prihva}eno 20. studenoga 2003. - Received on 2 September 2003; accepted on 20 November<br />

2003)<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 620.91:631.572<br />


Ljiljanka Tomerlin<br />

Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak<br />

Original scientific paper<br />

SA@ETAK<br />

U ovom je redu prikazana proizvodnja etilnog alkohola (biogoriva) iz kiselinskih hidrolizata<br />

kukuruzovine, odnosno kukuruzovine, djelovanjem kvasaca Pichia stipitis y-7124 i<br />

Pachysolen tannophilus y-2460 i Candida shehatae y-12856. Vla`na kukuruzovina (hibrid<br />

OSSK 619) sklona je raspadanju djelovanjem filosferne ili epifitne mikroflore. Da bi se<br />

za{titila (konzervirala), poprskana je pojedina~no mikrobicidima: Busanom-90,<br />

Izosanom-G te formalinom i u obliku prizmati~nih bala dr`ana je na otvorenom prostoru<br />

tijekom 6 mjeseci (listopad-o`ujak). Na po~etku pokusa te nakon 6 mjeseci provedena<br />

je mikrobiolo{ka kontrola. Jedna nepoprskana (kontrola) i tri bale kukuruzovine, koje su<br />

bile poprskane mikrobicidima nakon 6 mjeseci, pojedina~no su usitnjene i kuhane s razrije|enom<br />

sumpornom kiselinom. Dobivena ~etiri kiselinska hidrolizata tih kukuruzovina<br />

su kompleksni supstrati, osim {e}era (oko 11 g dm -3 pentoza i oko 5,4 g dm -3 heksoza),<br />

sadr`e i te{ko razgradive sastojke kao lignin, karamelne {e}ere i uronske kiseline.<br />

Provjerom aktivnosti navedenih kvasaca, utvr|eno je da kvasac Pichia stipitis y-7124<br />

pokazuje najbolju sposobnost proizvodnje etilnog alkohola iz kiselinskih hidrolizata<br />

kukuruzovina od 0,23 vol. % do 0,49 vol. %.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: kvasac, kiselinski hidrolizat kukuruzovine, etilni alkohol<br />

UVOD<br />

Dana{nji se svijet sve vi{e suo~ava s energetskom<br />

krizom. Kako svake godine nastaju velike koli~ine poljodjelskih<br />

otpadaka, koji su zapravo izvor ugljikohidrata<br />

(Taherzadeh,1999.; Riley, 2002.) te se u svijetu nastoje<br />

iskori{tavati za proizvodnju biogoriva. Posljednjih godina<br />

porastao je interes da se iz kukuruzovine, ili slame,<br />

proizvede biogorivo (Domac, 1998.). Kukuruzovina je<br />

najva`niji, najobilniji i uz to obnovljivi poljodjelski proizvod<br />

(Gagro, 1997.; Gong, 1999.).<br />

Vla`na kukuruzovina sklona je brzom raspadanju,<br />

~emu je uzrok prisutna filosferna 1 ili epifitna mikroflora 2<br />

koja se nalazi na cijeloj njenoj povr{ini, tj. na stabljici,<br />

listu i metlici (Dubovska, 1982.; Tomerlin,1990.). Da bi<br />

se sprije~io raspad kukuruzovine, moraju se koristiti<br />

kemijska sredstva (dezinficijensi) koja uni{tavaju mikrobe<br />

u razli~itim medijima ili na povr{inama. Dezinficijensi<br />

se me|usobno razlikuju po kemijskom sastavu, na~inu i<br />

u~inku djelovanja, a ponekad i po na~inu upotrebe<br />

(Gershenfeld, 1957.; Todar, 2000.). Gotovo da i nema<br />

novijih informacija o kori{tenju mikrobicida, poput<br />

Busana-90, Izosana-G i formalina u cilju konzerviranja<br />

kukuruzovine, odnosno u cilju spre~avanja njenog propadanja<br />

(Tomerlin, 1990.).<br />

Osnovni kemijski sastav kukuruzovine je celuloza<br />

(50,3%), hemiceluloza (23,9%) lignin (18,6%), pektin<br />

(2,5%) i anorganska tvar (4,7%) (Gagro, 1997.;<br />

Aristidou, 2000.). Hemiceluloza (heksoze i pentoze) iz<br />

kukuruzovine relativno se lako hidrolizira razrije|enom<br />

sumpornom kiselinom (Ghosh, 1993.; Aristidou;<br />

2000.). Glavni produkt hidrolize je D−ksiloza, koje ima<br />

80-90% od ukupno nastalih {e}era u hidrolizatu, dok su<br />

ostali {e}eri arabinoza, galaktoza i glukoza.<br />

Dugo se smatralo da kvasci ne mogu razgraditi ksilozu<br />

kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine do etilnog<br />

alkohola (Bruinenberg, 1984.; Ligtheln,1988.; Slininger,<br />

1991.; Jeffries, 2000.). Me|utim, istra`ivanja su pokazala<br />

da kvasci i plijesni razgra|uju D-ksilozu u D-ksilitol,<br />

koji oksidacijom prevode u D-ksilulozu. D-ksilulozu-5-P<br />

mnogi kvasci lako prevode u etilni alkohol. Bakterije prevode<br />

D-ksilozu izomerizacijom u D-ksilulozu-5-P. Iz lite-<br />

(1) Dr.sc. Ljiljanka Tomerlin, znan. savjetnik, Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja<br />

Strossmayera u Osijeku, Prehrambeno tehnolo{ki fakultet Kuha~eva 18,<br />

31000 Osijek<br />

1 filosfera = okoliš vezan uz listove biljaka u kojem odre|ene vrste<br />

mikroorganizama nalaze svoje stanište (prema gr~koj rije~i phyllon=list)<br />

2 mikrobicid = naziv sastavljen od imenice “mikrob” i glagola “occidere”,<br />

što zna~i ubiti<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

46<br />


raturnih podataka uo~ava se da su naj~e{}e istra`ivani<br />

kvasci Pichia stipitis, Pachysolen tannophilus i Candida<br />

shehatae (Slininger, 1991.; Aristidou, 2000.; Govinden,<br />

2001.).<br />

Za dobar uzgoja kvasca ili bakterije u kiselinskom<br />

hidrolizatu kukuruzovine te proizvodnju etilnog alkohola<br />

potrebna je intenzivna aeracija, dobar izbor cjepiva te<br />

optimalna temperatura, kao i pH-vrijednost (Ligthelm,1988.).<br />

Cilj je ovog rada bio iz kukuruzovine (hibrid OSSK<br />

619), odnosno kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine,<br />

proizvesti etilni alkohol djelovanjem odabranog kvasca.<br />


Kukuruzovina<br />

Kukuruzovina (hibrid OSSK 619), uzgojena na seoskom<br />

gospodarstvu na podru~ju Tvr|avice Osijek,<br />

isje~ena je u pru}e duga~ko do 50 cm i slo`ena u obliku<br />

prizmati~nih bala. Svaka bala pojedina~no je te`ila<br />

oko 30 kg, a stranice su iznosile 56x88x26 cm, odnosno<br />

zapremale su u prosjeku po 0,128 m 3 Zbog za{tite<br />

od djelovanja nativne mikroflore vla`na je kukuruzovina<br />

prije oblikovanja bala pojedina~no poprskana mikrobicidima:<br />

Busanom-90 (2-bromo-4-hidroksiacetofenon,<br />

koncentracija 2 cm 3 dm -3 destilirane vode, koli~ina<br />

aktivnog sastojka 30%, pH-vrijednost 5), Izosanom-G<br />

(natrij-dikloro-izocijanurat, koncentracije 2 g dm -3 destilirane<br />

vode, koli~ina aktivnog sastojka 56%, pH-vrijednost<br />

6) i formalinom (koncentracije 2 cm 3 dm -3 destilirane<br />

vode, koli~ina aktivnog sastojka 37%, pH-vrijednost<br />

6,3). Jedna bala kukuruzovine kori{tena je kao<br />

kontrolna, odnosno nije bila poprskana mikrobicidom.<br />

Bale kukuruzovine dr`ane su 6 mjeseci na otvorenom<br />

prostoru (od listopada do o`ujka). Na po~etku i nakon<br />

pokusa provedena je mikrobiolo{ka analiza (Tomerlin,<br />

1991.).<br />

Kiselinski hidrolizat kukuruzovine<br />

Uzorci kukuruzovina i to kukuruzovina koja nije<br />

poprskana mikrobicidom (K) te kukuruzovine poprskane<br />

mikrobicidima: Busanom-90 (K+M1), ili Izosanom-G<br />

(K+M2), ili formalinom (K+M3), pojedina~no su usitnjeni<br />

i podvrgnuti kiselinskoj hidrolizi (Ghosh, 1993.) sa<br />

4,4 %-tnom sumpornom kiselinom u trajanju od 50<br />

minuta, pri 100 o C. pH-vrijednost kiselinskih hidrolizata<br />

pode{ena je pomo}u ~vrstog Ca(OH) 2<br />

na pH 4,5.<br />

Sastav kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine prikazan je<br />

Tablicom 1.<br />

Mikroorganizam<br />

Za razgradnju ksiloze u kiselinskom hidrolizatu kukuruzovine<br />

kori{tena su tri soja kvasca: Pichia stipitis y-<br />

7124, Pachysolen tannophilus y-2460 i Candida shehatae<br />

y-12856, koji potje~u iz Zbirke mikroorganizama<br />

Poljoprivrednog istra`iva~kog centra Peoria, Illinois, USA.<br />

Kvasci se ~uvaju na kosom sladnom agaru pri + 4 o C.<br />

Analiti~ke metode<br />

Sve promjene u kiselinskom hidrolizatu kukuruzovine<br />

tijekom fermentacije odre|ene su po APHA-standardu<br />

(APHA, 1992.).<br />

Supstrati za uzgoj mikroorganizama, ~vrsti i teku}i,<br />

koji su u ovom radu kori{teni, pripravljani su po uputama<br />

za mikrobiolo{ke metode (Collins, 1995.).<br />

Tablica 1. Kemijski sastav kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine*<br />

Table 1. The chemical components of acid hydrolysate of corn stover*<br />

* U kiselinski hidrolizat kukuruzovine dodane su sljede}e soli (g dm -3 ): 1,5 (NH 4<br />

) 2<br />

HPO 4<br />

; 1 (NH 4<br />

) 2<br />

SO 4<br />

i 0,2 Mg SO 4<br />

x7H 2<br />

O - In<br />

acid hydrolysat of corn stover are added the next salt (g dm -3 ): 1,5 (NH 4<br />

) 2<br />

HPO 4<br />

; 1 (NH 4<br />

) 2<br />

SO 4<br />

i 0,2 Mg SO 4<br />

x7H 2<br />

O;<br />

** pH-vrijednost je korigirana s 2 mol dm -3 NaOH i 20 %-tnom H 2<br />

SO 4<br />

- pH value was corrected with 2 mol dm -3 NaOH and 20<br />

% H 2<br />

SO 4<br />

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47<br />

Metode rada<br />

S kosog sladnog agara kvasci su precijepljeni na<br />

sladni agar u Petrijevim zdjelicama, a zatim u sterilnu<br />

teku}u podlogu koja je sadr`avala: glukozu (ili ksilozu)<br />

20 g dm -3 ; Bacto pepton 10 g dm -3 ; kva{~ev ekstrakt 5<br />

g dm -3 i agar 25 g dm -3 . Vrijednost pH prilago|ena je<br />

oko 4,5. Umno`ena biomasa kvasca kori{tena je kao<br />

po~etno cjepivo, a sposobnost odabranih kvasaca da<br />

razgra|uju reduktivne sastojke kiselinskog hidrolizata<br />

kukuruzovine u etilni alkohol provedena je u<br />

Erlenmeyerovoj tikvici od 0,5 dm -3 i volumena kiselinskog<br />

hidrolizata 0,2 dm -3 i pH-vrijednost 4,5.<br />

Pojedina~ne po~etne koli~ine biomase kvasaca, kao<br />

cjepiva, iznosile su 4,0 g dm -3 , odnosno 1,5 g dm -3 .<br />

Uzorci su treseni na rotacijskoj tresilici (180-200 okretaja<br />

min -1 ), pri temperaturi do 30 o C.<br />


Sastav filosferne mikroflore netom pobrane kukuruzovine<br />

(hibrid OSSK 619) podudara se s rezultatima<br />

sli~nih istra`ivanja doma}ih i stranih autora (Dubovska,<br />

1982.; Tomerlin, 1990.). Uo~eno je da se koli~ina vode<br />

u sve ~etiri bale kukuruzovine, dr`ane na otvorenom<br />

prostoru od mjeseca listopada do o`ujka, od po~etnih<br />

31% smanjila do 11% i pri tome je utjecaj imala promjena<br />

u temperaturi (Slika 1.), vla`nosti zraka (Slika 2.) i<br />

vjetar.<br />

Mikrobiolo{kom kontrolom uo~eno je smanjenje<br />

broja razli~itih vrsta mezofilnih fakultativnih mikroorganizama<br />

(bakterije, kvasci, plijesni), kojih je na po~etku<br />

bilo 36, i to samo na kukuruzovini koja je bila poprskana<br />

kemijskim mikrobicidima. Pre`ivjelo je svega pet<br />

Slika 1. Srednja dnevna temperatura mjerena 10. i 25.<br />

dana u mjesecu tijekom ~uvanja bala kukuruzovine na<br />

otvorenom prostoru od listopada do o`ujka<br />

Figure 1. The average daily temperature measured on 10 th<br />

and 25 th day of month during keeping bals corn stover on<br />

opened space from Octobar to March<br />

+<br />

Slika 2. Srednja dnevna vla`nost zraka mjerena 10. i 25.<br />

dana u mjesecu tijekom ~uvanja bala kukuruzovine na<br />

otvorenom prostoru od listopada do o`ujka<br />

Figure 2. The average daily air moisture measured on<br />

10 th and 25 th day in month during keeping bals corn stover<br />

on opened space from Octobar to March<br />

vrsta i to: 3 bakterije (Bacillus sp., Psudomonas sp. i<br />

Lactobacillus sp), 1 kvasac (Trichosporon sp) i 1 plijesan<br />

(Mucor sp.) (Tomerlin, 1990.). U uzorku kukuruzovine<br />

koja je kori{tena kao kontrola odre|en je isti broj<br />

morfolo{ki razli~itih vrsta bakterija (17), kvasaca (7) i<br />

plijesni (12), kao {to je odre|eno na po~etku pokusa<br />

(Tomerlin 1 , 1991.).<br />

Za proizvodnju etilnog alkohola iz kiselinskog hidrolizata<br />

kukuruzovine ispitana su tri soja kvasca: Pichia stipitis,<br />

Pachysolen tannophilus i Candida shehatae. Kao<br />

{to rezultati pokazuju (Slike 3. i 4.), fermentacijska sposobnost<br />

triju kvasaca razlikuje se ne samo po koli~ini, ve}<br />

i po vremenu proizvedenog etilnog alkohola.<br />

Kvasci Pichia stipitis i Candida shehatae proizvedu<br />

tijekom prvih 48 sati 0,39 vol. %, odnosno 0,30 vol. %<br />

etilnog alkohola, dok ga kvasac Pachysolen tannophilus<br />

istovremeno proizvede svega 0,08 vol. %. Nakon 72<br />

sata od postavljanja pokusa najve}u koli~inu etilnog<br />

alkohola proizveo je kvasac Candida shehatae, tj. 0,36<br />

vol. %, dok kod kvasaca Pichia stipitis i Pachysolen tannophilus<br />

to iznosi 0,09 vol. % i 0,01 vol. %. Koli~ina cjepiva<br />

u ovom pokusu (Slika 4.) iznosila je oko 4 g dm -3<br />

(cjepivo je potjecalo iz prethodnog pokusa), pretpostavljeno,<br />

a proizvedene koli~ine etilnog alkohola mogu<br />

biti najve}e. Da bismo provjerili dobivene rezultate (Slika<br />

3.) u sljede}em pokusu (Slika 4.), koli~ina cjepiva bila je<br />

smanjena na 1,5 g dm -3 . Vrijeme razgradnje reduktivnog<br />

sastojka smanjilo se na 48 sati. Uo~eno je da pri toj<br />

koli~ini cjepiva ta tri kvasca nakon 24 sata ne nastavljaju<br />

proizvoditi etilni alkohol, unato~ tome {to je jo{ preostalo<br />

reduktivnog sastojka u kiselinskom hidrolizatu<br />

kukuruzovine (Slika 4.). Mjerenjem je uo~eno smanjenje<br />

koncentracije etilnog alkohola. Prema literaturnim<br />

podacima, uzrok spre~avanja nastanka etilnog alkohola<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

48<br />


Slika 3. Usporedba razgradnje reduktivnog sastojka (A, B i C) kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine (kontrola 1) i proizvodnja<br />

etilnog alkohola (A 1, B 2 i C 3) djelovanjem 4 g biomase kvasca Pichia stipitis (A 1) ili Pachysolen tannophilus (B 2) ili<br />

Candida shehatae (C 3) pri po~etnoj pH-vrijednosti 4,5 tijekom 72 sata<br />

Figure 3. The comparison of degradation reductive components (A, B and C) acid hydrolysate corn stover (control) and production<br />

ethyl alcohol (A 1, B 2 and C 3) by 4 g biomass yeasts Pichia stipitis (A 1) or Pachysolen tannophilus (B 2) or Candida shehatae<br />

(C 3) at initial pH value 4,5 during 72 hours<br />

Slika 4. Usporedba razgradnje reduktivnog sastojka (A, B i C) kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine (kontrola 2) i proizvodnja<br />

etilnog alkohola (A 1, B 2 i C 3) djelovanjem 1,5 g biomase kvasca Pichia stipitis (A 1) ili Pachysolen tannophilus (B 2) ili<br />

Candida shehatae (C 3) pri po~etnoj pH-vrijednosti 4,5 tijekom 48 sati<br />

Figure 4. The comparison of reductive components degradation (A, B and C) of acid hydrolysate corn stover (control) and production<br />

of ethyl alcohol (A 1, B 1 and C 1) by 1,5 g of biomass Pichia stipitis (A 1) or Pachysolen tannophilus (B 2) or Candida<br />

shehatae (C 3) yeasts at initial pH value 4,5 during 48 hours<br />

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49<br />

mo`e biti u nakupljanju nekog produkta metabolizma tih<br />

kvasaca, kao ksilitola, odnosno inhibiciju mogu stvarati<br />

aromatski spojevi u podru~ju molekulskih masa 1500,<br />

100-200 (Glancer, 1989.). Tako|er se dalje navodi da<br />

uzrok tome mo`e biti pomanjkanje nekih faktora rasta,<br />

izbor cjepiva, pH-vrijednost, volumen supstrata, ili temperatura<br />

pri kojoj se provodi fermentacija (Gong,<br />

1983.).<br />

Najbolju proizvodnju etilnog alkohola iz kiselinskog<br />

hidrolizata pokazali su kvasci Pichia stipitis i<br />

Candida shehatae. Iako su sva tri kvasca pokazala<br />

dobru sposobnost proizvodnje etilnog alkohola, kvasac<br />

Pichia stipitis postigao je najbolje iskori{tenje<br />

reduktivnog sastojka kiselog hidrolizata kukuruzovine.<br />

Sljede}i korak u tim ispitivanjima bio je ispitati utjecaj<br />

po~etne koli~ine cjepiva kvasca Pichia stipitis (Slika<br />

5.), po~etne pH-vrijednosti (Slika 6.) i volumena kiselinskog<br />

hidrolizata na proizvodnju etilnog alkohola<br />

(Slika 7.). Cjepivo za te pokuse uzeto je na po~etku<br />

logaritamske faze, tijekom logaritamske faze i stacionarne<br />

faze rasta kvasca (Slike 5. –7.).<br />

ETOH 1 je etilni alkohol proizveden djelovanjem biomase<br />

kvasca, koja je uzeta iz zavr{ne faze prethodnog<br />

pokusa, a ETOH 2 je etilni alkohol proizveden djelovanjem<br />

biomase kvasca, uzete u logaritamskoj fazi rasta.<br />

ETOH-3 je etilni alkohol proizveden djelovanjem<br />

biomase kvasca, uzete iz stacionarne faze rasta.<br />

Uo~eno je da biomasa kvasca Pichia stipitis uzeta<br />

na po~etku logaritamske faze rasta proizvede ve}u<br />

koli~inu etilnog alkohola (ETOH 1) od onog uzetog tijekom<br />

logaritamske faze rasta (ETOH 2), ili iz stacionarne<br />

Slika 6. Usporedba proizvodnje etilnog alkohola (ETOH 1<br />

i ETOH 2) tijekom 24 sata pri razli~itim po~etnim pH-vrijednostima<br />

iz kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine (kontrolne)<br />

djelovanjem 1,5 g dm -3 biomase kvasca Pichia<br />

stipitis, uzete iz razli~itih faza uzgoja<br />

Figure 6. The comparison of ethyl alcohol production<br />

(ETOH 1 and ETOH 2) during 24 hours at different initial pH<br />

value from corn stover acid hydrolysate (control) by 1,5 g<br />

dm -3 of Pichia stipitis yeasts biomass taken from different<br />

growth stages<br />

Slika 5. Usporedba proizvodnje etilnog alkohola (ETOH 1<br />

i ETOH 2) tijekom 24 sata iz kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine<br />

(kontrolna) djelovanjem 1,5 g biomase kvasca<br />

Pichia stipitis, uzete iz razli~itih faza uzgoja<br />

Figure 5. The comparison of ethyl alcohol production<br />

(ETOH 1 and ETOH 2) during 24 hours in corn stover acid<br />

hydrolysate (control) by 1,5 g of Pichia stipitis yeasts biomass<br />

taken from different growth stages<br />

Slika 7. Usporedba proizvodnje etilnog alkohola (ETOH<br />

1, ETOH 2 i ETOH 3) tijekom 36 sati u volumenu 0,22<br />

dm -3 kiselinskog hidrolizata kukuruzovine (kontrolne) pri<br />

po~etnoj pH-vrijednosti 4,5 djelovanjem 1,5 g dm -3 biomase*<br />

kvasca Pichia stipitis, uzete iz razli~itih faza<br />

uzgoja<br />

Figure 7. The comparison of ethyl alcohol production<br />

(ETOH 1, ETOH 2and ETOH 3) during 36 hours in volume<br />

of 0,22 dm -3 of corn stover acid hydrolisate (control) at<br />

initial pH value of 4,5 by 1,5 g dm -3 of Pichia stipitis yeasts<br />

biomass taken from different growth stages<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

50<br />


faze rasta (ETOH 3) (Slika 7.). Biomasa kvasca Pichia<br />

stipitis, uzeta iz logaritamske faze rasta pri po~etnoj pHvrijednosti<br />

4,5, i volumen hidrolizata od 0,22 dm -3 ,<br />

proizvedu do 0,35 vol. % etilnog alkohola, na {to<br />

upu}uju i drugi istra`iva~i (Slininger, 1991.; Jefffries,<br />

1994.). Optimalni parametri za razgradnju su po~etna<br />

pH-vrijednost 4,5, volumen kiselinskog hidrolizata 0,22<br />

dm 3 i izbor cjepiva.<br />

Istim postupkom ispitana je sposobnost kvasca<br />

Pichia stipitis da proizvodi etilni alkohol iz kiselinskih<br />

hidrolizata kukuruzovina poprskanih mikrobicidima<br />

(Slika 8.). Koli~ine proizvedenog etilnog alkohola iz tih<br />

supstrata (K+M1; K+M2 i K+M3), nakon 40 sati djelovanjem<br />

1,5 g dm -3 biomase kvasca Pichia stipitis,<br />

razli~ite su. Adaptirani kvasac Pichia stipitis iz kiselinskih<br />

hidrolizata (K+M1, K+M2 i K+M3) tijekom prvih<br />

24 sata proizvede razli~ite koli~ine etilnog alkohola od<br />

0,28 do 0,40 vol. %, me|utim, kao i u prethodnim pokusima,<br />

(Slika 3. i 4.), taj kvasac nakon 24 sata koristi<br />

proizvedeni etilni alkohol kao jednostavniji izvor ugljika.<br />

ETOH-0 je etilni alkohol proizveden iz kiselinskog<br />

hidrolizata kukuruzovine koja nije poprskana mikrobicidom<br />

(kontrola).<br />

Slika 8. Usporedba proizvodnje etilnog alkohola (ETOH<br />

0, ETOH 1, ETOH 2 i ETOH 3) * iz kiselinskog hidrolizata<br />

kukuruzovine (kontrola) i kiselinskih hidrolizata kukuruzovina<br />

koje su poprskane mikrobicidima, a djelovanjem<br />

1,5 g dm -3 biomase kvasca Pichia stipitis pri po~etnoj<br />

pH-vrijednosti 4,5 i volumenu kiselinskog hidrolizata od<br />

0,2 dm 3 tijekom 40 sati.<br />

Fig 8. The comparison of ethyl alcohol production (ETOH-0,<br />

ETOH-1, ETOH-2 and ETOH-3) from corn stover acid<br />

hydrolysate (control) and corn stover acid hydrolysate<br />

which are spasttered with microbicids by 1,5 g dm -3 of<br />

Pichia stipitis yeasts biomass at initial pH-value of 4.5 and<br />

acid hydrolysate volume of 0,2 dm -3 during at 40 hours<br />

U literaturi se navodi da kvasac Pichia stipitis<br />

nakon 24 sata naglo po~inje tro{iti etilni alkohol kao<br />

jedini izvor ugljika te da nakon 72 sata potro{i svu<br />

raspolo`ivu koli~inu (Malleszka i Schneider, 1982.). Kao<br />

mogu}e inhibitore tih procesa navode se lignin, uronske<br />

kiseline i karamelni {e}eri (Jeffries, 1985.;<br />

Gong,1999.). Ti spojevi, dodani pojedina~no u kiselinske<br />

hidrolizate kukuruzovine u koli~ini od 0,05 dm 3 /0,2<br />

dm 3 , nisu ometali metaboliti~ke aktivnosti kvasca Pichia<br />

stipitis u proizvodnji etilnog alkohola. Me|utim, nema<br />

literaturnih informacija o pona{anju tog kvasca kada su<br />

kori{teni mikrobicidi Busan-90, Izosan-G ili formalin.<br />


Mikrobicidi Busan-90, Izosan-G i formalin {tite<br />

vla`nu kukuruzovinu od propadanja tijekom {estomjese~nog<br />

stajanja u obliku prizmati~nih bala na otvorenom<br />

prostoru. Kiselinski hidrolizati kukuruzovina dobiveni iz<br />

njih prikladni su supstrati za proizvodnju etilnog alkohola<br />

s dobro prilago|enim kvascem Pichia stipitis y-7214.<br />

Postignuti rezultati ukazuju na mogu}nost iskori{tavanja<br />

kukuruzovine kao sekundarne sirovine, vrijednog<br />

obnovljivog lignoceluloznog materijala u proizvodnji etilnog<br />

alkohola, odnosno biogoriva.<br />


1. Aristidou, A., Penttila, M., (2000): Current Opinion in<br />

Biotechnology. 11: 187-198.<br />

2. Bruinenberg, Peter M., de Bot, Peter, H.M., van Dijken,<br />

Johannse, P., Scheffers, Alexander, W. (1984): NADHlinked<br />

aldolase reductase: the key to anaerobic alcoholic<br />

fermentation of xylose yeasts. Appl. Microbiol<br />

Biotechnol., 19:256-260.<br />

3. Collins, C.H., Lyyne, P.M., Grange, J.M. (1995):<br />

Microbiological Methods. 7. izdanje, Butterworth-<br />

Heinemann Ltd.<br />

4. Domac, J. (1998): Biofuels production possibilities in<br />

the Republic of Croatia. Nafta, 5 159-166.<br />

5. Dubovska, A., Barnet, J. Horska, E. (1982): The phyllospheric<br />

microflora of maize. Microbiology X , 31-38.<br />

6. Gagro, M. (1997.): Ratarstvo obiteljskog gospodarstva<br />

(`itarice i zrnate mahunarke). Hrvatsko Agronomsko<br />

dru{tvo Zagreb.<br />

7. Ghosh, P., Singh (1993): Physicochemical and<br />

Biological Treatment for Enzymatic/Microbial Conversion<br />

of Lignocellulosic Biomass, Advances in Applied<br />

Microbiology, 39:295-333.<br />

8. Gong, C.S., Cao, N.J., Du, J.N., Tsao, G.T. (1999):<br />

Ethanol Production from Renewable Resource.<br />

Advance Biochem. Eng./Biotechnol. 65 207-241.<br />

9. Gershenfeld, L., Iodine. In Reddish, G.F. (1957):<br />

Antiseptic, Desinfectants, Fungicides and Chemical and<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


51<br />

Physical Sterilization, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, PA,<br />

USA, 223-277.<br />

10. Jelavi}, V., Domac, J. (1999.): Biomasa-izvor energije za<br />

obuzdavanje emisije stakleni~kih plinova. Energija,<br />

1:35.-39.<br />

11. Govinden, R., Pillay, B., van Zyl, W.H., Pillay, D. (2001):<br />

Xylitol production by recombinat Saccharomyces cerevisiae<br />

expressing the Pichia stipitis and Candida shehatae<br />

XYL! genus. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 55:76-80.<br />

12. Jeffries, T.W. (2000): Ethanol and Thermotolerance in<br />

the Bioconversion of Xylose bay Yeasts. Advances in<br />

Applied Microbiology 47: 222-268.<br />

13. Ligthelm, M.E., Prior, B.A., du Preez, J.C. (1988): The<br />

oxygen requirements of yeasts for fermentation of D-<br />

xylose and D-glucose to ethanol. Appl. Microbiol<br />

Biotechnol, 63-68.<br />

14. Riley, C. (2002): AIChE Spring Conference.<br />

15. Slininger, P.J,. Branstrater, L.E., Bothast, R.J., Okos,<br />

M.R, Ladisch, M.R. (1991): Growth, Death and Oxygen<br />

Uptake Kinetics of Pichia stipitis of Xylose. Biotechnol.<br />

Bioeng. 37: 973-980.<br />

16. Taherzadah, M.J. (1999): Ethanol from lignocellulose:<br />

Physiological Effects of Inhibitors and Fermentation<br />

Strategies. Department of Chemical Reaction<br />

Engineering, Göteborg, Sweden, 1-56.<br />

17. Tomerlin, Lj., Glanser, M., Landeka, T. (1990.): Doprinos<br />

istra`ivanju fungalnih populacija kukuruzovine,<br />

Mikrobiologija, 27(2):129.-138.<br />

18. Tomerlin, Lj. (1991): The investigation of the utilization<br />

of cornstover conserved by means of diferent microbicides<br />

as a secundary raw material of the biological production<br />

of ethanol. II. Jugoslovensko savjetovanje<br />

Za{tita `ivotne sredine u procesnoj industriji, 39-47.<br />

19. Todar, K. (2000): The control of Microbial growth.<br />

University of Visconsin-Medison.<br />

20. Glancer, M., Ban, S.N. (1989): Biodegradation of lignin<br />

from the Acid Hydrolysate of Cornstover by Selected<br />

Mixed Culture of Yeasts, Process Biochemistry,109-<br />

113.<br />

21. APHA-standardi, American Public Health Association,<br />

Standard Methods for the Examination of Waste and<br />

Waste Water, APHA (1992).<br />



This paper deals with production of ethyl alcohol (biofuel) from corn stover acid hydrolysate by yeasts, respectively<br />

at Pichia stipitis y-7124 and Pachysolen tannophilus y-2460 and Candida shehatae y-12856. Since moist corn stover<br />

(Hybryds 619) is proving to decomposition by phyllospheric microflora. It was (conserved) spattered individually by<br />

microbicids: Busan-90, Izosan-G and formalin. In form of prismatic bales, it was left in the open air during 6 months<br />

(Octobar - March). At the beginning and after 6 months the microbiological control was carried out. The only one<br />

unspattered (control) and three stover corn bals being individually spattered by microbicids were fragmented and<br />

cooked with sulfur acid. The obtained four acid hydrolysates are complex substratums, containing, apart from the<br />

sugars (about 11 g dm -3 pentosa and about 5.4 g dm -3 hexose), decomposite components as lignin, caramel sugars<br />

and uronic acids. By controlling the activity of the mentioned yeasts it was confirmed that yeasts Pichia stipitis y-<br />

7124 obtained best capability of ethyl alcohol production from corn stover acid hydrolysate at 0.23 vol. % to 0.49<br />

vol. %.<br />

Key-words: yeasts, acid hydrolysate of corn stover, ethyl alcohol<br />

Zahvala<br />

Izradba ovoga rada potpomognuta je sredstvima odobrenim od Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije, SVIBOR - projekt<br />

pod brojem 4-07-108.<br />

(Primljeno 7. velja~e 2003.; prihva}eno 2. rujna 2003 - Received on 7 February 2003; accepted on 2 September 2003)<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 631.422<br />



T. Askin (1) , N. Özdemir (2) Original scientific paper<br />

Izvorni znanstveni èlanak<br />


Soil bulk density is a dynamic property that varies with the soil structural conditions. The<br />

relationships between some soil physical and chemical properties such as, clay content<br />

(C), silt content (Si), sand content (S), very fine sand content (Vfs) and organic matter<br />

content (OMC) with soil bulk density (ρ b<br />

) were studied using path analysis on 77 surface<br />

soil samples (0-20 cm). Soil bulk density showed positive relationships with S and<br />

Vfs and negative relationships with Si, C and OMC. It was determined that the direct<br />

effects of some soil properties on ρ b<br />

were in the following order; S>C>Si>OMC>Vfs. On<br />

the other hand, the indirect effects of soil particle size distribution varied among soil<br />

bulk densities. The indirect effects of the soil particle size distribution generally occured<br />

through sand content. Sand content was the most effective soil property that affected<br />

bulk density in soils.<br />

Key-words: soil bulk density, clay content, silt content, sand content, organic matter content<br />


Soil bulk density is defined as the ratio of ovendried<br />

mass weight to its bulk volume depends on the<br />

soil particles densities such as sand, silt, clay and<br />

organic matter and their packing arrangement. Bulk density<br />

values are required for converting gravimetric soil<br />

water content to volumetric and to calculate soil porosity<br />

which is the amount pore space in the soil (Blake<br />

and Hartge, 1986). Researchers often need a bulk density<br />

value to use in models, characterize field conditions,<br />

or convert to volumetric measurements (Reinsch<br />

and Grossman, 1995). Soil bulk density is a basic soil<br />

property influenced by some soil physical and chemical<br />

properties. Bulk density is a dynamic property that<br />

varies with the structural condition of the soil. This condition<br />

can be altered by cultivation, trampling by animals,<br />

agricultural machinery, weather, i.e. raindrop<br />

impact (Arshad et al., 1996). Knowledge of soil bulk<br />

density is essential for soil management, and information<br />

on the soil bulk density of soils is important in soil<br />

compaction and structure degradation as well as in the<br />

planning of modern farming techniques. If both, bulk<br />

density and particle density are known, the total porosity<br />

can be calculated by using these values (Hillel,<br />

1982). Soil bulk density should be used as an indicator<br />

of soil quality parameter. Akgül and Özdemir (1996) studies<br />

on relationships between soil bulk density and<br />

some soil properties explained that these constants can<br />

be estimated by means of developed regression<br />

models. A unit increases in organic matter and clay<br />

content caused a relatively larger decrease in soil bulk<br />

density. A soil system can be thought as a network of<br />

soil properties. Path analysis may be used to investigate<br />

the relationships among these soil properties. The<br />

path diagram gives a picture of network of relations<br />

among the characters, as quantitative evaluation is possible<br />

from the data (Wright, 1968).<br />

The objective of this study was to determine relationships<br />

between soil particle size distribution and<br />

organic matter content and soil bulk density by using<br />

path analysis.<br />


Samples of seventy-seven surface soils (0-20 cm<br />

depth) were taken from grassland in Samsun district in<br />

Turkey. This area has a brown forestry soil. Annual<br />

(1) Ph.D Tayfun Askin, Associate Professor - Karadeniz Technical<br />

University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science, 52200,<br />

Ordul, Turkey; (2) Ph.D. Natullah Özdemir, Full Professor – Faculty of<br />

Agriculture, Department of Soil Science, 55139, Samsun, Turkey<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


53<br />

mean of precipitation is 670.4 mm and mean temperature<br />

is 14.2 0 C (Anonymous, 2002). Bulk soil samples<br />

were air dried and then crushed to pass through a 2 mm<br />

sieve.<br />

Soil organic matter content was measured by a<br />

modified Walkley-Black method (Nelson and Sommers,<br />

1982); soil particle size distribution was determined by<br />

the hydrometer method (Gee and Bauder, 1979); lime<br />

content was measured by Scheibler Calcimeter (Soil<br />

Survey Staff, 1993); soil pH was measured by using a<br />

1:2.5 (w/v) soil-water ratio by pH-meter with glass electrode<br />

(Black, 1965). Bulk density was determined by<br />

means of the clod method (Blake and Hartge, 1986).<br />

The soil bulk density was selected as dependent<br />

variables to determine statistical relationships between<br />

soil particle size distribution and organic matter content<br />

(C, Si, S, Vfs, and OMC) and soil bulk density. Also,<br />

direct and indirect effects of the variables were determined<br />

with path analysis (Wright, 1968), using TARIST<br />

computer package program.<br />


Soil Properties<br />

Some descriptive statistical results for some soil<br />

physical and chemical properties are given in Table 1.<br />

The results can be summarized as; soil samples<br />

have mostly fine in texture, neutral in pH, high in organic<br />

matter (average of 4.65 %), low in lime content (average<br />

of 2.35 %), and alkaline problem free (ESP

54<br />


Table 2. Path analysis results on soil bulk density and relationships with some soil properties<br />

Tablica 2. Path analiza rezultata volumne gusto}e tla i odnos izme|u nekih svojstava tla<br />

** pVfs. It was suggested that the<br />

sand fraction of soils should also be assessed in soil<br />

management.<br />


1. Akgül, M., Özdemir, N. (1996): Regression models for<br />

predicting bulk density form measured soil properties.<br />

Tr. J. Of Agriculture and Forestry, 20:407-413.<br />

2. Anonymous (2002): Samsun Meteorology Bulletin<br />

Reports. Samsun, Turkey.<br />

3. Arshad, M.A., Lowery, B., Grossman, B. (1996):<br />

Physical tests for monitoring soil quality. In: J.W. Doran<br />

and A.J. Jones(eds.) Methods for assessing soil quality,<br />

Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Spec. Publ. 49:123-142, SSSA,<br />

Madison, WI, USA.<br />

4. Bauer, A., Black, A.L.(1992): Organic carbon effects on<br />

available water capacity of three soil textural groups. Soil<br />

Sci. Soc. Am. J., 56:248-254.<br />

5. Black, C.A. (1965): Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1,<br />

American Society of Agronomy, No 9.<br />

6. Blake, G.R., Hartge, K.H. (1986): Bulk Density. Methods<br />

of Soil Analysis, Part 1, Soil Sci. Soc. Am., 363-376,<br />

Madison, WI, USA.<br />

7. Gee, G.W., Bauder, J.W. (1979): Particle size analysis by<br />

hydrometer: A simplified method for routine textural<br />

analysis and a sensitivity test of measured parameters.<br />

Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 43:1004-1007.<br />

8. Gupta, S.C., Larson, W.E. (1979): A model for predicting<br />

packing density of soils using particle size distribution.<br />

Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 43:758-764.<br />

9. Hillel, D. (1982): Introduction to Soil Physics. Academic<br />

Press Limited, 24-28 Oval Road, London.<br />

10. Nelson, D.W., Sommers, L.E. (1982): Total Carbon,<br />

Organic Carbon and Organic Matter. In: A. L. Page(ed.)<br />

Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2, Chemical and<br />

Microbiological Properties, Agronomy Monograph No.<br />

9, p. 539-580, ASA Inc., SSSA Inc., Madison, WI, USA.<br />

11. Reinsch, T.G., Grossman, R.B. (1995): A method to predict<br />

bulk density of tilled Ap horizons. Soil & Tillage<br />

Research, 34:95-104.<br />

12. Wagner, L.E., Ambe, N.M., Ding, D. (1994): Estimating a<br />

Proctor density curve from intrinsic soil properties.<br />

Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng. 37:1121-1125.<br />

13. Wright, S. (1968): Path Analysis: Theory, Evolution and<br />

The Genetics of Populations, Volume:1, 299-324, The<br />

University of Chicago Press.<br />

14. ………. Soil Survey Staff , 1993. Soil Survey Manuel.<br />

USDA Handbook No:18, Washington, USA.<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


55<br />



SA@ETAK<br />

Volumna gustoæa tla je dinami~ko svojstvo koje varira sa stanjem strukture tla. U radu je istra`ena povezanost nekih<br />

fizikalnih i kemijskih svojstava tla, kao što su sadr`aji gline (C), mulja (Si), pijeska (S), vrlo finog pijeska (Vfs) i<br />

organske tvari (OMC), s volumnom gusto}om tla (ρ b<br />

) pomo}u path analize na 77 površinskih uzoraka tla (0-20 cm).<br />

Volumna gusto}a tla pokazala je da postoji pozitivna korelacija sa S i Vfs i negativna korelacija sa Si, C i OMC.<br />

Utvr|eno je da su direktni u~inci nekih svojstava tla na ρ b<br />

bili sljede}i: S>C>Si>OMC>Vfs. Nasuprot tome, indirektni<br />

u~inci distribucije veli~ine ~estica tla varirali su kod volumne gusto}e tla. Indirektni u~inci distribucije veli~ine<br />

~estica uglavnom su se javljali ovisno o sadr`aju pijeska. Sadr`aj pijeska bilo je naju~inkovitije svojstvo tla koje je<br />

utjecalo na volumnu gusto}u tala.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: gusto}a tla, sadr`aj gline, sadr`aj mulja, sadr`aj pijeska, sadr`aj organske tvari<br />

(Received on 10 April 2003; accepted on 1 September 2003 - Primljeno 10. travnja 2003.; prihva}eno 1. rujna 2003.)<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

56<br />


ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 636.061.4:636.1<br />



T. Rastija, Z. Antunovi}, Mirjana Baban, I. Bogut, \. Sen~i}<br />


Original scientific paper<br />

Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak<br />

Investigations of correlation between some body measurings refer to Lipizzaner mares<br />

and stallions raised in \akovo stud. Measures were carried out with 16 stallions and 34<br />

mares by Lydtin stick and cattle tape measure. Achieved correlation values indicate correlation<br />

among some body measures. The correlation ranged from slightly negative to<br />

highly positive with correlation coefficients from -0.242 to 0.894 ** . The poorest correlation<br />

was determined between forehead width and cannon bone circumference with other<br />

body measures whereas positive correlations were found out with other body measures.<br />

Key- words: Lipizzaner mares and stallions, correlation, body measures<br />


Correlation between some body measures plays<br />

an important role in successful performance of breeding-selection<br />

work in horse breeding. If the correlation<br />

is positive this improvement of one property will result<br />

in other interrelated properties improvement effecting<br />

selection success. Former investigations refered to<br />

basic body measures processing and colour inheriting<br />

(Romi}, 1975). Body measures correlation of Croatian<br />

draft horse were investigated by Rastija et al. (1994). In<br />

1988 and 1995 Rastija et al. investigated correlation<br />

between main developing Lipizzaner foals body measures.<br />

Saastamoinen (1990) found out interrelation between<br />

body measures of diverse foal age structures.<br />

Morphological description, resemblance and distinctness<br />

analysis of Lippizaner horses population were stated<br />

in the investigations conducted by Zechner et al.<br />

(1998 and 2001) and Sõlkner et al. (2001). These investigations<br />

aimed to determine correlation between some<br />

body measures of grown up Lipizzaner stallions and<br />

mares.<br />


The investigations comprised 34 mares and 16<br />

stallions of Lipizzaner breed raised in \akovo stud.<br />

Measurings of the above mentioned heads were conducted<br />

by cattle tape measure and Lydtin stick. Chest<br />

girth, cannon bone circumference, head length, forehead<br />

width and withers height were measured by a cattle<br />

tape measure whereas other measures were carried<br />

out by Lydtin stick. On finishing the experiment results<br />

of the body measures were exposed to basic statistical<br />

processing (a single variance analysis and correlation)<br />

and processed by a computer statistical program<br />

StatSoft, Inc. (2001).<br />


The investigation results from Table 1 indicate that<br />

stick measured stallion withers height was higher by<br />

3.59 cm and tape measured by 2.09 cm compared to<br />

mare withers height. Attained withers height differences<br />

were highly significant (P


57<br />

Table 1. Body measures of Lipizzaner stallions and mares (cm)<br />

Tablica 1. Korelacijski koeficijenti tjelesnih mjera lipicanskih pastuha<br />


58<br />


Also slight correlation was determined between<br />

cannon bone circumference and other body measures<br />

whose values ranged between -0.112 and<br />

0.451.Correlation between other body measures is<br />

mainly positive. From the Table 2 it could be seen that<br />

correlation between the above mentioned properties<br />

ranged from slightly negative to highly positive with correlation<br />

coefficients ranged from -0.242 to 0.894**.<br />

Correlation values between mares body measures<br />

of Lipizzaner breed in \akovo could be seen from the<br />

Table 3. The correlation ranged from slightly negative to<br />

highly positive with correlation coefficients from -0.304<br />

to 0.826**. Significant (P


59<br />

Table 2. Correlation coefficients among Lipizzaner stallions body measures<br />

Tablica 2. Korelacijski koeficijenti tjelesnih mjera lipicanskih pastuha<br />

1 Withers height (stick) –<br />

1 Visina grebena ({tapom);<br />

2 Withers height (tape measure) –<br />

2 Visina grebena (vrpcom)<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

60<br />


Table 3. Correlation coefficients among Lipizzaner mares body measures<br />

Tablica 3. Korelacijski koeficijenti tjelesnih mjera lipicanskih kobila<br />

1 Withers height (stick) –<br />

1 Visina grebena ({tapom);<br />

2 Withers height (tape measure) –<br />

2 Visina grebena (vrpcom)<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


61<br />


1. Baban, Mirjana, Rastija, T., Caput, P., Kne`evi}, I., Stipi},<br />

N. (1999.): Genetske i fenotipske korelacije nekih morfolo{kih<br />

svojstava populacije lipicanskih konja.<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 5, 1.-5.<br />

2. Butler, Ines, Kelnhofer, R., Pirchner, F. (1986):<br />

Phenotypic correlations between conformation and performance<br />

traits of trotters. 37th Annual Meeting of the<br />

European Association for Animal Production. 1986.<br />

3. Ljube{i}, J., Rastija, T., Kne`evi}, I., Mandi}, I. (1997.):<br />

Morfolo{ka i reprodukcijska svojstva lipicanaca po<br />

krvnim linijama. <strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 3, 53.-56.<br />

4. McCann, J.S., Heird, J.C., Ramsey, C.B., Long, R.A.<br />

(1988): Skeletal bone and muscle proportoniality in<br />

small-and large-farmed mature horses of different<br />

muscle thickness. Equine Vet. Sci., 8, 255-261.<br />

5. Rastija, T., Kne`evi}, I., Bari{i}, A. (1988.): Korelacijska<br />

povezanost razvoja tjelesnih mjera `drebadi lipicanske<br />

pasmine. Znanost i praksa u poljoprivredi i prehrambenoj<br />

tehnologiji, 2-3, 308.-314.<br />

6. Rastija, T., Baban Mirjana, Kne`evi}, I., Mandi}, I.,<br />

Antunovi}, T. (1991.): Komparacija tjelesnih mjera lipicanaca<br />

po linijama u ergelama \akova i Prnjavor.<br />

Poljoprivredne aktualnosti, 3-4, 679.-684.<br />

7. Rastija, T., Kne`evi}, I., Jovanovac Sonja, Ljube{i}, J.,<br />

Baban Mirjana (1994): Korelacija tjelesnih mjera kobila<br />

hrvatskog hladnokrvnjaka. Poljoprivredne aktualnosti,<br />

30, 6, 765-769.<br />

8. Rastija, T., Kne`evi}, I., Jovanovac Sonja, Mandi}, I.<br />

(1995): Heritability and phenotypic correlations among<br />

Body Measurments of Lipizzaner Horses. Sto~arstvo,<br />

49, 9-12, 299-302.<br />

9. Romi}, S. (1975): Kapacitet rasta i privredna svojstva<br />

hrvatskog hladnokrvnjaka. Praxis veterinaria, 2, 23, 75.<br />

10. Saastamoinen, M. (1990): Heritabilities for Body Size<br />

and Growth Rate and Phenotypic Correlations among<br />

Measurements in Young Horses. Acta. Agri. Scand., 40,<br />

377-386.<br />

11. Sölkner, J., Zechner, P., Zohmann, F., Achmann, R.,<br />

Bodo, I., Marti, E., Habe, F., Brem, G. (2001): Analysis<br />

of diversity and population structure in the Lipizzan<br />

horse breed based on pedigrees and morphometric<br />

traits. 52 nd Annual Meeting of the European<br />

Association for Animal Production (EAAP). Budapest.<br />

12. StatSoft, Inc. (2001): Statistica (data analysis software<br />

system), version 6. www.statsoft.com.<br />

13. Zechner, P., Zohmann, F., Sölkner, J., Brem, G., Bodo, I.,<br />

Habe, F. (1998): Analyse der morphologischen Ähnlichkeit<br />

von Lipizzanern aus Staatsgestüten Mittel-und<br />

Südosteuropas. Vortragstagung der DGfZ/Gft, Berlin.<br />

14. Zechner, P., Zohmann, F., Sölkner, J., Bodo, I., Habe, F.,<br />

Brem, G., (2001): Morphological description of the<br />

Lipizzan horse population. Livestock Production Science<br />

69, 2, 163-177.<br />



SA@ETAK<br />

Istra`ivanja korelacijske povezanosti pojedinih tjelesnih mjera odnose se na kobile i pastuhe lipicanske pasmine<br />

uzgojenih u ergeli \akovo. Mjerenja su provedena Lydtinovim {tapom i sto~nom vrpcom na 16 pastuha i 34 kobile.<br />

Dobivene vrijednosti korelacije ukazuju na povezanost izme|u pojedinih tjelesnih mjera. Ta se povezanost se kretala<br />

od slabo negativne do vrlo jake pozitivne, s korelacijskim koeficijentima od –0.242 do 0.894. Najslabija povezanost<br />

utvr|ena je izme|u {irine ~ela i opsega cjevanice s ostalim tjelesnim mjerama, dok su kod ostalih tjelesnih<br />

mjera utvr|ene pozitivne korelacije.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: lipicanske kobile i pastusi, koreacije, tjelesne mjere<br />

(Received on 16 September 2003; accepted on 17 November 2003 – Primljeno 16. rujna 2003.; prihva}eno 17. studenoga<br />

2003.)<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 636.084:636.32./38<br />



Z. Antunovi}, Z. Steiner, \. Sen~i}, M. Doma}inovi}, Z. Steiner<br />

Original scientific paper<br />

Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak<br />


This paper aims to investigate feeding season effect (winter and summer) on reproductive<br />

and productive traits of the ewes and suckling lambs. Biological investigations were<br />

conducted on 60 Merinolandschaf breed ewes aged 4 years on the average and their<br />

lambs (123) in the suckling-ablactation period. In the winter feeding season ewes were<br />

fed grain mixture (300 g daily) containing 60% oats, 30% maize and 10% soybean meal<br />

as well as hay (ad libitum). The lambs were suckling and they received forage mixture,<br />

quality hay and fresh water ad libitum. During the summer feeding season ewes grazed<br />

on the pastures. The lambs were suckling and received forage mixture, quality hay ad<br />

libitum and pasture green mass in smaller portions. While comparing winter to summer<br />

feeding season the ewes had longer gravidity period (150.76 and 150.40 days), more<br />

lambs at parturition (1.21 and 1.11) and ablactation (1.10 and 1.07), more twins (12 and<br />

8), higher body weight during gravidity (65.52 kg and 61.86 kg) and increased body<br />

weight losses after lambing (7.72 kg and 6.44 kg). As for the body weight losses after<br />

lactation (7.94 kg and 7.78 kg) no statistically significant differences were determined<br />

between the feeding seasons. Birth weight of lambs was higher by 26.91% (4.15 kg and<br />

3.27 kg) and at 60 days of age it was higher by 11.40% in winter compared to summer<br />

feeding season. Faster daily gains of lambs (by 7.21%) was determined during the winter<br />

feeding season. However, it was noticed that lambs aged from 40 th to 60 th and 20 th<br />

to 60 th day obtained higher daily gains (by 6.25% and 1.74%) in summer feeding season.<br />

Key-words: ewes, suckling lambs, feeding seasons, reproduction and production traits<br />


Sheep production success depends on a number<br />

of genetic and paragenetic factors. Of paragenetic factors<br />

feed has an important impact on ewe and lamb<br />

reproductive and productive traits. Feed quality considerably<br />

affects sexual activities, conception success,<br />

embryo survival and later foetus growth of the reproductive<br />

sheep. Some authors (Lopez and Robinson,<br />

1994; Gonzales et al. 1997; Robinson et al. 2001) found<br />

significant feed influence on ewe-breeding reproduction<br />

success. Insufficient feed and feed of bad quality in<br />

reproductive sheep, especially during the last third of<br />

pregnancy, brings about reproduction problems and<br />

reduces sheep fertility (Fekete and Huszenicza, 1996).<br />

Since there is no sufficient literature data on feeding<br />

season effect, the aim of this paper was to investigate<br />

its impact on the ewe and suckling lamb reproductive<br />

and productive traits.<br />


Biological investigations have been conducted on a<br />

sheep farm “Jasenje” comprising two feeding seasons<br />

(winter and summer).<br />

Winter feeding period lasted from October 1 when<br />

the ewes were in the third gravidity month till February<br />

1 when they were non lactating. Longtime average temperature<br />

of this area was to 4.3 0 C in the winter feeding<br />

season whereas the longtime average precipitations<br />

were 362.1 mm/m 2 .<br />

Summer feeding period started on May 1 when the<br />

ewes were in the third gravidity month and finished by<br />

Ph.D Zvonko Antunovi}, Associate Professor, Ph.D Zdenko Steiner, Full<br />

Professor; Ph.D \uro Sen~i}, Full Professor, Ph.D Matija Doma}inovi},<br />

Associate Professor and MSc. Zvonimir Steiner, Assistant – University of<br />

J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Department<br />

of Animal Science, Trg sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek, Croatia<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


63<br />

Table 1. Feed chemical composition (%)<br />

Tablica 1. Kemijski sastav hrane (%)<br />

their non-lactating period on 18 September. The experiment<br />

with lambs from winter and summer feeding season<br />

was running from birth to ablactation (60th day).<br />

Many years’ average temperature of this region has<br />

been 17.7 0 C during the summer feeding season whereas<br />

a long time average amount of the total precipitations<br />

was 466.7 mm/m 2 .<br />

Sixty Merinolandschaf breed ewes aged 4 years on<br />

the average, healthy, in good condition and their lambs<br />

(123) in the suckling-ablactation period were used as<br />

the experimental material.<br />

In the winter feeding season ewes were in stable<br />

boxes and fed 300 g grain mixture (60% oats + 30%<br />

maize + 10% soybean grits) per ewe and received quality<br />

hay, salt lick and fresh water ad libitum. The lambs<br />

were suckling and received forage mixture, quality hay<br />

and fresh water ad libitum.<br />

During the summer feeding season ewes were<br />

exposed to pasture (Lolium perenne, Lolium italicum,<br />

Phleum phleoides, Trifolium repens and Dactylis glomerata).<br />

On their return to the stable ewes consumed<br />

hay ad libitum. The ewes were given salt lick and fresh<br />

water (ad libitum). The lambs were suckling and they<br />

received forage mixture, quality hay (ad libitum) and<br />

pasture green mass in smaller portions.<br />

Chemical composition of the forage mixtures, hay,<br />

grains and green mass mixture was prepared according<br />

to A.O.A.C. (1984) as displayed in Table 1.<br />

Crude proteins share was determined by Kjehldahl<br />

method, whereas crude fiber by Henneberg and<br />

Stochman method. Ash share was investigated by samples<br />

burning in a Muffol oven at a temperature of 550 0<br />

C within two hours and crude fats by Soxhlet method.<br />

Dry matter content was determined by samples drying<br />

at a temperature of 105 0 C for 1 hour untill a constant<br />

weight was reached.<br />

During the feeding season the following reproductive<br />

indicators were observed: gravidity duration, number<br />

of parturited lambs, sex, male/female lambs ratio,<br />

number of twins and their sex ratio, number of lambs<br />

per ewe (at admission, lambing and ablactation) and<br />

post lambing fertilityof ewes.<br />

To investigate productive indicators the following<br />

traits were monitored: body weight of the pregnant ewes<br />

(15 days prior to lambing), body weight instantly after<br />

lambing and body weight after ablactation. Each ewe<br />

weighing was followed by the calculation and registration<br />

of the ewe body weight losses per lambing, as well<br />

as the ewe body weight losses during the suckling<br />

period.<br />

In winter and summer season the lambs body<br />

weights were observed immediately after parturition, as<br />

well as on 20 th , 40 th and 60 th suckling day (ablactation).<br />

Daily gains of lambs were registered instantly after parturition.<br />

Calculated of the suckling lambs daily gains<br />

was accomplished for the period to 20 th day, from 20 th<br />

to 40 th , from 20 th to 60 th , from 40 th to 60 th and on the<br />

average from the parturition to 60 th day.<br />

Statistical analysis of data was performed by computer<br />

program STATISTICA (StatSoft, Inc. 2001). The<br />

results were statistically evaluated using Student’s t-<br />

test.<br />


Reproductive traits of ewes<br />

The ewes gravidity period during the feeding season<br />

can be seen in Table 2.<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

64<br />


Table 2. The ewes gravidity period depending on the feeding season (days)<br />

Tablica 2. Trajanje gravidnosti ovaca u ovisnosti o sezoni hranidbe (dani)<br />

As for the feeding season, slightly longer average<br />

gravidity period was recorded with the ewes during the<br />

winter compared to the summer feeding season<br />

(150.76 and 150. 40 days), in the case of twins<br />

(148.09 and 147.50 days) and in the case of male offsprings<br />

(152.20 and 151.23 days). However, gravidity<br />

period in the case of female offsprings was uniform<br />

(150.35 and 150.37 days). Similar to these investigations<br />

Miti} (1984) claimed that gravidity period was longer<br />

(1-2 days) with male lambs, and reduced (by 3-5<br />

days) if the ewes were having twins. Kompan et al.<br />

(1996) reported shorter gravidity period with more<br />

lambs at parturition. The average gravidity period of<br />

150.9 days was recorded in the investigation conducted<br />

by Beri} et al. (1994) with Merinolandschaf breed<br />

ewes. Similar gravidity period was determined by<br />

Petrovi} et al. (1995) with Wûrtemberg breed ewes<br />

(149.81 days). The average ewes gravidity period of<br />

152.7 days, ewes gravidity with twins of 152.8 days as<br />

well as ewes gravidity with one lamb of 151.6 days was<br />

recorded by Ozturk and Aktas (1996) in Turkey.<br />

Feeding season had a significant effect on the total<br />

number of lambs (Table 3), while larger number of<br />

lambs (70 compared to 62 lambs), as well as larger<br />

Table 3. Number and sex of the lambs, ewes fertility depending on the feeding season<br />

Table 3. Broj i spol janjadi te plodnost ovaca u ovisnosti o sezoni hranidbe<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


65<br />

number of twins (12 compared to 8) was recorded<br />

during the winter feeding season compared to summer<br />

one. This can be in relation with nutrition (Table 1) and<br />

slightly higher summer environment temperatures.<br />

Namely, Alexander and Williams (1971) obtained less<br />

lambs in the summer compared to the winter pregnancy.<br />

The reason, according to them, are high summer<br />

temperatures. Guun et al. (1995) obtained that<br />

nutrition during late pregnancy can influence subsequent<br />

lifetime reproductive performance of the ewes<br />

and that this can influence the pre-natal losses.<br />

More female lambs (52.86% and 53.23%) compared<br />

to male lambs (47.14% and 46.77%) were obtained<br />

during both feeding seasons. Thus, there were no significant<br />

differences between the feeding seasons.<br />

In both winter and summer feeding season pregnant<br />

ewes lambed more twins with various sex ratios<br />

(41.66% and 50.00%), less male lambs (33.34 and<br />

37.50%) and least female lambs (25.00% and 12.50%).<br />

Similar number of the male lambs (49.86% and<br />

49.96%) was obtained by Kent (1995 and 1996) with<br />

Ireland ewes (crossed with Suffolk) during ten and nine<br />

year lambing season. The same investigation showed<br />

that there were more male lambs born as singles<br />

(52.88% and 53.04%) as well as more female lambs in<br />

numerous litters (45.46% and 45.54% male lambs).<br />

A number of lambs per admissed and lambed ewe<br />

and by ablactation was higher during the winter feeding<br />

season (1.17; 1.21 and 1.10) compared to the summer<br />

feeding season (1.03, 1.11 and 1.07). Similar number<br />

of lambs per lambed ewe (1.20) and per ablactation<br />

(1.02) was determined by Brash et al. (1994) where differences<br />

between lambing seasons and insemination<br />

(spring and autumn) were significant. Beri} et al. (1994)<br />

recorded similar number of lambs per admissed (1.10)<br />

and lambed ewe (1.20).<br />

Winter season period resulted in both. More lambs<br />

per ewe and higher percent of the pregnant ewes were<br />

observed in winter compared to the summer feeding<br />

season (116.67% and 103.33%). Somewhat higher fertility<br />

percent in Wûrtemberg breed ewes (120.05%) was<br />

obtained by Petrovi} et al. (1995). Lower fertility<br />

(84.4%) was recorded by Ploumi et al. (1997) of Florina<br />

breed ewes in Greece.<br />

Productive traits of ewes<br />

Body weight range of ewes and its losses during<br />

both feeding seasons can be seen in Table 4. The average<br />

body weights of pregnant ewes during the winter<br />

season were statistically significant (P

66<br />


Table 5. Body weights and daily gains of the suckling lambs depending on the feeding season<br />

Tablica 5. Tjelesne mase i dnevni prirasti sisaju}e janjadi u ovisnosti o sezoni hranidbe<br />

** (P


67<br />

(2.92, 3.17 kg and 12.70, 13.50 kg). Similar results<br />

were accomplished by Beri} et al. (1994) and Antunovi}<br />

et al. (1999). Statistically significant decrease of the<br />

birth weight by 0.4 – 0.6 kg compared to summer<br />

lambs was determined by Alshorepy and Notter (1998)<br />

with autumn lambs. The authors attributed this fact to<br />

the impact of summer gestation length impact, climatic<br />

conditions and individual sheep influence. Higher birth<br />

weight of the Charollais breed lambs and cross<br />

(Booroolo x Charollais and improved Wallachian x<br />

Bergshaf) was recorded by Kuchtik et al. (1997) during<br />

the summer season.<br />

During the winter feeding season very significantly<br />

higher (P

68<br />


16. Lopez S., Robinson J.J. (1994): Nutrition and pregnancy<br />

in sheep. Invest. Agraria, Prod. Sani dad Animals, 9:<br />

189-192.<br />

17. Masters, D.G., Yu, S.X., Purser, D.B., Yang, R.Z., Lu, D.X.<br />

(1991): Identifying mineral deficiencies in grazing sheep<br />

in northern China. Trace Elem.in Man and Anim., 7:5-8.<br />

18. Mitchell, L.M., King, M.E., Gebbie, F.E., Ranilla, M.J.,<br />

Robinson, J.J. (1998): Resumption of oestrous and ovarian<br />

cyclicity during the postpartum period in autumlambing<br />

ewes in not influenced by age or dietary protein<br />

content. Animal Sci., 67 (1): 65-72.<br />

19. Miti}, N. (1984.): Ov~arstvo. Zavod za ud`benike i<br />

nastavna sredstva, Beograd, p. 508.<br />

20. Odoherty, J.V., Crosby, T.F. (1998): Blood metabolite<br />

concentrations in late pregnant ewes as indicators of<br />

nutritional status. Animal Sci., 66, (3):675-683.<br />

21. Orr, R.J., Treacher, T.T. (1989): The effect of concentrate<br />

level on the intake of grass silages by ewes in late pregnancy.<br />

Animal Prod., 48:109-120.<br />

22. Ozturk, A., Aktas, A.H. (1996): Effect of environmental<br />

factors on gestation length in Konya Merino sheep.<br />

Small Ruminant Res., 22: 85-88.<br />

23. Petrovi}, P.M., @ujovi}, M., Stojkovi}, M. (1995):<br />

Reproduction characteristic of Wûrtemberg breed of<br />

sheep. 3 rd International conference of sheep and goat<br />

production & 1 st Symposium on the reproduction of<br />

domestic animals, Proceedings p. 18-23, 5.-9.<br />

September 1995. Ohrid, Macedonia.<br />

24. Ploumi, K., Christodoulou, V., Vainas, E., Giouzelyannis,<br />

A., Katanos, J. (1997): Performance analysis of the<br />

Florina (Pelagonia) sheep for lamb production and<br />

growth. Zivocisna Vyroba, 42: 391-397.<br />

25. Robinson, J.J., Mc Evoy, T.G., Ashworth, C.J. (2001):<br />

Nutrition in the expression of reproductive potential. J.<br />

Anim. Feed Sci., 10, (1):15-27.<br />

26. Snowder, G. D., Glimp, H.A. (1991): Influence of breed,<br />

number of suckling lambs, and stage of lactation on ewe<br />

milk production and lamb growth under range conditions.<br />

J. Anim. Sci., 69:923-930.<br />

27. Sormunen-Cristian, R., Suvela, M. (1995): Out-Of-<br />

Season Lambing Of Finnish Landrace Ewes. 46 th Annual<br />

Meeting of the Europen Association of Animal<br />

Production, Prague, 4-7 September 1995, (1):244-250.<br />

28. ……………STATISTICA StatSoft, Inc. (2001), data<br />

analysis software system, version 6, www.statsoft.com.<br />



SA@ETAK<br />

Cilj ovoga rada bio je istra`iti utjecaj sezone hranidbe (zima i ljeto) na reproduktivna i proizvodna svojstva ovaca i<br />

sisaju}e janjadi. Biolo{ka istra`ivanja provedena su sa 60 ovaca pasmine merinolandschaf, prosje~ne dobi 4 godine,<br />

i njihovoj janjadi (123) tijekom sisaju}eg razdoblja. Tijekom zimske sezone hranidbe gravidne ovce su dva mjeseca<br />

pred janjenje i tijekom laktacije hranjene s 300 g smjese `itarica (60% zobi + 30% kukuruza + 10% sojine<br />

sa~me) te su po volji jele kvalitetno livadno sijeno. Janjad je sisala i jela po volji krmnu smjesu i kvalitetno livadno<br />

sijeno te uzimala svje`u vodu. Tijekom ljetne sezone hranidbe, ovce su bile na pa{njaku, a janjad je sisala i uzimala<br />

krmnu smjesu i livadno sijeno po volji te zelenu masu. Tijekom zimske, u odnosu na ljetnu sezonu hranidbe, ovce su<br />

imale du`i graviditet (150,76, odnosno 150,40 dana), ve}i broj janjadi pri janjenju i odbi}u (1,21 i 1,10, odnosno 1,11<br />

i 1,07), ve}i broj blizanaca (12, odnosno 8), ve}e tjelesne mase tijekom graviditeta (65,52 kg, odnosno 61,86 kg) i<br />

ve}e gubitke tjelesne mase nakon janjenja (7,72 kg, odnosno 6,44 kg). U pogledu gubitaka tjelesne mase nakon laktacije<br />

(7,94 kg, odnosno 7,78 kg), nisu utvr|eni statisti~ki zna~ajne razlike izme|u sezona hranidbe. U zimskoj, u<br />

odnosu na ljetnu sezonu hranidbe, utvr|ena je vi{a porodna masa janjadi za 26,91% (4,15, odnosno 3,27 kg) i tjelesna<br />

masa janjadi, mjerene 60. dana za 11,40%. Tijekom zimske sezone hranidbe utvr|en je ukupno br`i porast janjadi<br />

(za 7,21%), no uo~eno je da je janjad tijekom ljetne sezone hranidbe u dobi od 40. do 60. i od 20. do 60. dana<br />

ostvarila ve}e dnevne priraste (za 6,25 i 1,74%). Na temelju rezultata istra`ivanja potrebno je uravnote`iti obroke<br />

ovaca i janjadi tijekom ljetne sezone hranidbe, ovisno o kvaliteti pa{e.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: ovce, sisaju}a janjad, sezona hranidbe, reproduktivna i proizvodna svojstva<br />

(Received on 3 September 2003; accepted on 17 November 2003 - Primljeno 3. rujna 2003.; prihva}eno 17. studenoga<br />

2003.)<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

ISSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 616.995.132:636.4(497.5)<br />



T. Florijan~i} (1) , D. Rimac (1) , B. Antunovi} (1) , A. Marinculi} (2) , H. Gutzmirtl (3) , I. Bo{kovi} (1)<br />

Pregledni znanstveni ~lanak<br />

Scientific review<br />

SA@ETAK<br />

Sto~arstvo isto~ne Hrvatske, posebice na obiteljskim gospodarstvima, poznato je po tradicionalnom<br />

na~inu uzgoja svinja te obradi mesa i mesnih prera|evina. Ve}a u~estalost<br />

pojave trihineloze u svinja u posljednjem desetlje}u rezultirala je pove}anjem broja<br />

oboljelih ljudi. Osim ljudskog zdravlja, ta bolest izravno ugro`ava i svinjogojsku proizvodnju.<br />

Ukoliko se bolest dijagnosticira u samo jedne `ivotinje, neophodno je ne{kodljivo<br />

ukloniti sve svinje iz doti~ne proizvodnje. Na taj na~in nastaju i veliki ekonomski gubici,<br />

kako za vlasnika, tako i za dr`avu. Sustavnim monitoringom i dosljednim<br />

provo|enjem zakonski propisanih mjera za suzbijanje i sprje~avanje trihineloze u posljednje<br />

~etiri godine zna~ajno je smanjen broj invadiranih svinja, ~ime je izravno smanjena<br />

i {teta u uzgoju i selekciji svinja.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: trihineloza, zoonoza, svinja, svinjogojstvo<br />

UVOD<br />

Trihineloza je parazitarna zoonoza uzrokovana<br />

nametni~kim obli}em iz roda Trichinella, u kojem je do<br />

danas identificirano deset genotipova (T1-T10) (Pozio i<br />

La Rosa, 2000.). Naj~e{}i genotip T1 nominiran je kao<br />

vrsta Trichinella spiralis, koja predstavlja tipi~ni etiolo{ki<br />

~imbenik trihineloze. U zemljama u kojima se trihineloza<br />

u uzgojima svinja javlja u enzootskom obliku, T. spiralis<br />

se obi~no javlja i u divljih `ivotinja, sinantropnih glodavaca,<br />

odnosno u ~ovjeka (Pozio, 1998.; Dupouy-Camet,<br />

1999.). U Republici Hrvatskoj, T. spiralis naj~e{}i je<br />

uzro~nik trihineloze u doma}ih svinja, a T. britovi u divlja~i<br />

(Marinculi} i sur., 2001.). Murrell i Pozio (2000.)<br />

navode da se u posljednjih desetak godina u svijetu<br />

zna~ajno pove}ao broj ljudi oboljelih od te bolesti.<br />

Uzroke tomu treba tra`iti u socijalnim, politi~kim i ekonomskim<br />

problemima zemalja u razvoju i tranziciji,<br />

demografskim promjenama (\or|evi} i sur., 2003.),<br />

rapidnim promjenama u distribuciji hrane i marketin{kog<br />

sustava (Murrell i Pozio, 2000.), kao i u ratovima te<br />

one~i{}enju okoli{a (Florijan~i} i sur., 2002.).<br />

U Republici Hrvatskoj broj oboljelih ljudi pove}ao<br />

se za vrijeme Domovinskog rata (1991.-1995. godine),<br />

a posebice u godinama nakon uspostavljanja teritorijalne<br />

cjelovitosti (1996.-1999. godine) (Ga{par i<br />

Marinculi}, 2000.). Pri tome se najve}i broj oboljelih<br />

invadirao mesom trihineloznih doma}ih svinja, dok se<br />

manji broj invadirao konzumiranjem termi~ki nedovoljno<br />

obra|enim mesom divlje svinje, jazavca ili medvjeda<br />

(Beus, 1999.). Najve}i broj oboljelih zabilje`en je u<br />

isto~noj Slavoniji, s naglaskom na Vukovarsko-srijemskoj<br />

`upaniji, ~ije je cijelo podru~je, kao i dijelovi `upanija<br />

Osje~ko-baranjske, Brodsko-posavske i Viroviti~kopodravske,<br />

ozna~eno kao endemi~no podru~je trihineloze<br />

u Republici Hrvatskoj. Zna~ajnu ulogu u epizootiologiji<br />

te bolesti ima divlja~ u kojoj je nametnik konstantno<br />

prisutan (Vu~emilo i sur., 1998.; 2001.; Tucak i sur.,<br />

2000.; Kova~ i sur., 2001.; Florijan~i} i Ozimec, 2003.),<br />

zbog ~ega se ona smatra prirodnim rezervoarima trihineloze.<br />

Navedena situacija imala je za posljedicu<br />

dono{enje zakonskih i podzakonskih akata, koji propisuju<br />

odre|ene mjere koje treba provoditi s ciljem suzbijan-<br />

(1) Mr.sc. Tihomir Florijan~i}, mr.sc. Damir Rimac, dr.sc. Boris Antunovi}<br />

i Ivica Bo{kovi}, dipl.in`. -Poljoprivredni fakultet Sveu~ili{ta Josipa Jurja<br />

Strossmayera u Osijeku, Trg Svetog Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek;<br />

(2) Prof.dr.sc. Albert Marinculi} - Veterinarski fakultet Sveu~ili{ta u<br />

Zagrebu, Heinzelova 55, 10000 Zagreb;<br />

(3) Hrvoje Gutzmirtl, dr.vet.med - Centar za unapre|enje sto~arstva d.d.,<br />

Vinkova~ka 63,31000 Osijek<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

70<br />


ja i sprje~avanja te bolesti (Narodne novine 143/98.;<br />

81/99.; 145/99.). To se prije svega odnosi na obvezni<br />

trihineloskopski pregled mesa svinja kod klanja za<br />

potrebe vlastitog doma}instva. U slu~aju pozitivnog<br />

nalaza pretrage, sve svinje iz «invadiranog dvori{ta» prisilno<br />

su zaklane, a njihove le{ine ne{kodljivo uklonjene.<br />

Budu}i su glodavci, posebice {takori, najzna~ajniji<br />

rezervoari i posrednici u {irenju te bolesti, propisana je<br />

obvezna sustavna deratizacija u endemi~nim<br />

podru~jima. Osim toga, neadekvatan veterinarsko-sanitarni<br />

nadzor, neprovo|enje sustavne deratizacije, sanitarni<br />

nered, nerije{eno pitanje deponija i odlagali{ta<br />

komunalnog otpada te nerije{eno zbrinjavanje le{ina,<br />

konfiskata i otpadne animalne tvari, zasigurno su pogodovale<br />

{irenju te bolesti te predstavljale ozbiljan socioekolo{ki<br />

problem i prijetnju svinjogojstvu, kao zna~ajnoj<br />

sto~arskoj grani u gospodarstvu isto~ne Hrvatske u<br />

ratno i poratno vrijeme. Stoga se pristupilo postupnom<br />

rje{avanju tih problema, ponajprije osnivanjem “Radne<br />

grupe za trihinelozu” u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj `upaniji,<br />

~iji su zadaci bili planiranje, organiziranje i dosljedno<br />

provo|enje pobrojanih mjera, kao i sustavni monitoring.<br />

S ciljem provjere uspje{nosti i svrsishodnosti<br />

provo|enja navedenih mjera, analizirali smo broj pretra`enih<br />

uzoraka mesa dostavljenih na pretragu u<br />

ovla{tene veterinarske organizacije i u klaonicama tijekom<br />

~etverogodi{njeg razdoblja primjene tih mjera<br />

(1999.-2002.) u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj `upaniji, ukupno,<br />

po sezonama, te pojedina~no po mjesecima.<br />

Dobivene rezultate usporedili smo s brojem pozitivnih<br />

nalaza, odredili trend kretanja broja invadiranih svinja te<br />

utvrdili najve}a enzootska `ari{ta.<br />


Podaci za analizu uzeti su iz sredi{nje baze podataka<br />

“Radne grupe za trihinelozu”, a odnose se na ukupan<br />

broj pregledanih i pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog mesa u<br />

Vukovarsko-srijemskoj `upaniji u razdoblju od 1999. do<br />

2002. godine. Pretrage su obavljene u ovla{tenim veterinarskim<br />

organizacijama, metodom klasi~ne trihineloskopije<br />

uzoraka mesa s obiteljskih gospodarstava,<br />

odnosno umjetnom probavom u klaonicama. U skladu s<br />

ciljem istra`ivanja, svaka je godina podijeljena na 12<br />

mjeseci, 4 sezone: 1 (XII., I. i II. mjesec); 2 (III., IV., V.);<br />

3 (VI., VII., VIII.) i 4 (IX., X., XI.) te 11 ovla{tenih veterinarskih<br />

organizacija.<br />

Za statisti~ku obradu podataka kori{tene su uobi-<br />

~ajene metode za opis varijabilnosti svojstava, dok je za<br />

utvr|ivanje razlika izme|u godina, sezona i veterinarskih<br />

organizacija kori{tena analiza varijance. Podaci su obra-<br />

|eni uz pomo} ra~unalnog programa STATISTICA 6.0.<br />


U promatranom razdoblju ukupno je pregledano<br />

734.699 uzoraka svinjskog mesa, od ~ega je 5.220<br />

uzoraka bilo pozitivno (0,71 %). Navedeni podaci detaljno<br />

su prikazani u Tablici 1. te u Grafikonu 1.<br />

Grafikon 1. Relativan broj pozitivnih uzoraka svinja s<br />

obiteljskih gospodarstava i iz klaonica u promatranom<br />

razdoblju od ~etiri godine<br />

Chart 1. Relative number of positive pork samples from<br />

family enterprises and slaughter-houses in the four- years<br />

monitoring period<br />

Iz Tablice 1. i Grafikona 1. vidljiv je opadaju}i trend<br />

pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog mesa na obiteljskim gospodarstvima<br />

kroz promatrano razdoblje, dok je u klaonicama<br />

tijekom promatranog razdoblja zabilje`en varijabilni<br />

trend broja pozitivnih uzoraka.<br />

Tablica 1. Ukupan broj pregledanih i pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog mesa s obiteljskih gospodarstava i klaonica u<br />

promatranom razdoblju<br />

Table 1. Total number of examined and positive pork samples from family enterprises and slaughter-houses in the<br />

monitoring period<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


71<br />

Tablica 2. Varijabilnost relativnog broja pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog mesa po godinama promatranja<br />

Table 2. Relative variability of positive pork samples by year of observation<br />

Koeficijent varijacije u Tablici 2. ukazuje da se varijabilnost<br />

pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog mesa iz godine u<br />

godinu pove}avala, dok je prosje~an broj pozitivnih uzoraka<br />

opadao, {to ukazuje na vrlo veliku varijabilnost<br />

pojavljivanja trihineloze na podru~ju Vukovarsko-srijemske<br />

`upanije. To govori da se zbog primijenjenih mjera<br />

za smanjivanje trihineloze u ukupnom svinjogojstvu<br />

Vukovarsko-srijemske `upanije broj pozitivnih uzoraka<br />

svinjskog mesa u pojedinim dijelovima smanjivao, dok<br />

je u drugim dijelovima bolest bila konstantno prisutna,<br />

odnosno da u @upaniji postoje stalna `ari{ta te bolesti.<br />

Analiziraju}i broj pregledanih i pozitivnih uzoraka svinja<br />

prema sezonama, utvrdili smo da je apsolutno najve}i<br />

broj pregledanih i pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog mesa bio<br />

u prvoj i ~etvrtoj sezoni, tj. zimi i u jesen (Tablica 3.),<br />

odnosno u studenome i prosincu (Tablica 4.), {to je u<br />

skladu s kalendarom tradicionalne slavonske svinjokolje<br />

na obiteljskim gospodarstvima.<br />

Ukoliko se podaci o broju pregledanih i pozitivnih<br />

uzoraka u veterinarskim organizacijama i klaonicama<br />

rasporede po mjesecima i godinama, uo~ljivo je<br />

zna~ajno smanjenje broja pozitivnih uzoraka svinjskog<br />

mesa u 2002. godini u usporedbi s 1999. godinom,<br />

kada su se mjere za suzbijanje trihineloze po~ele ozbiljno<br />

provoditi (Tablica 5.).<br />

Analiza varijance relativnih vrijednosti za utjecaj<br />

godine, sezone i veterinarske organizacije pokazala je da<br />

su razlike izme|u godina, sezona i veterinarskih organizacija<br />

postojale i da su bile visoko signifikantne<br />


72<br />


Tablica 5. Broj pregledanih i pozitivnih uzoraka po mjesecima i godinama<br />

Table 5. Number of examined and positive samples through months and years<br />

Tablica 6. F – vrijednosti analize varijance za relativan broj pozitivnih uzoraka svinja<br />

Table 6. F – values for ANOVA concerning relative number of positive pork samples<br />

*** P


73<br />


1. Beus, A. (1999.): Klini~ke osobitosti trihineloze u ~ovjeka.<br />

U: Knjiga sa`etaka 1. hrvatskog simpozija o trihinelozi<br />

s me|unarodnim sudjelovanjem, Kutjevo, 28.-29.<br />

svibnja 1999.<br />

2. \or|evi}, M., Ba~i}, M., Petri~evi}, M., ^uperlovi}, K.,<br />

Malakauskas, A., Kapel, C.M.O., Murrell, K.D. (2003):<br />

Social, political and economic factors responsible for<br />

the reemergence of trichinellosis in Serbia. A case<br />

study: J. Parasitol. 89(2):226-231.<br />

3. Dupouy-Camet, J. (1999): Is human trichinellosis an<br />

emerging zoonosis in the European community.<br />

Helmintologia 36:201-204.<br />

4. Florijan~i}, T., Ozimec, S. (2003): Occurence of<br />

Trichinellosis in Wild Game at forest habitats in the<br />

eastern Croatia. Proceedings of international scientific<br />

conference «50 Years University of Forestry», Sofia,<br />

110-112.<br />

5. Florijan~i}, T., Rimac, D., Antunovi}, B. (2002):<br />

Trichinellosis as an ecological problem in Republic of<br />

Croatia. Acta Agraria Kaposvariensis 6(2):301-305.<br />

6. Ga{par, A., Marinculi}, A. (2000.): Stanje trihineloze u<br />

Republici Hrvatskoj i mjere suzbijanja. Zbornik radova<br />

Drugog hrvatskog veterinarskog kongresa, Cavtat, 459.-<br />

467.<br />

7. Kova~, Z., Peri{ki}, M., Krznari}, M., Bali}, D.,<br />

Marinculi}, A. (2001.): U~estalost trihineloze u lisice<br />

(Vulpes vulpes) na podru~ju Slavonije. Zbornik sa`etaka<br />

2. hrvatskog simpozija o trihinelozi s me|unarodnim<br />

sudjelovanjem, Vinkovci, 26.-28. travnja 2001.<br />

8. Marinculi}, A., Ga{par, A., Durakovi}, E., Pozio, E., La<br />

Rosa, G. (2001): Epidemiology of swine trichinellosis in<br />

the Republic of Croatia. Parasite J. Soc. Fr. Parasitol. 8(2<br />

Suppl S):92-94.<br />

9. Murrell, K.D., Pozio, E. (2000): Trichinellosis: the zoonosis<br />

that won’t go quietly. Int. J. Parasiotol. 30 (12-<br />

13):1339-1349.<br />

10. Pozio, E., La Rosa, G. (2000): Trichinella murrelli n.<br />

spp.: etiological agent of sylvatic trichinellosis in temperate<br />

areas of North America. J. Parasitol. 86, 134-139.<br />

11. Pozio, E. (1998): Trichinelosis in the European Union:<br />

epidemiology, ecology and economic impact. Parasitol.<br />

Today 14, 35-38.<br />

12. Rimac, D., Florijan~i}, T., Antunovi}, B., Bari}, J.<br />

(2003.): Va`nost monitoringa i suzbijanja trihineloze za<br />

uzgoj svinja. Zbornik priop}enja 38. znanstvenog skupa<br />

hrvatskih agronoma, Opatija, 487.-490.<br />

13. Tucak, Z., Florijan~i}, T., Dragi~evi}, P., Tu{ek, T. (2000):<br />

Incidence of trichinellosis in Wild boar in hunting areas<br />

of Osijek-baranja county. Agriculture 6(1):152-153.<br />

14. Vu~emilo, M., Bodako{, D., Vinkovi}, B., Tofant, A.,<br />

Desnica, B. (2001): Prevalence of sylvatic trichinellosis<br />

in wild boars in game preserve in east Croatia and the<br />

present status of trichinellosis in swine and people in the<br />

region. Z. Jagdwiss. 47(4):259-267.<br />

15. Vu~emilo, M., Had`iosmanovi}, M., Tofant, A. (1998):<br />

The Role of Wild Boars in the spread of trichinellosis in<br />

east Croatia. Z. Jagdwiss. 44(2):98-101.<br />

16. …………… Narodne novine broj 143 (1998.): Naredba<br />

o obveznom trihineloskopskom pregledu mesa svinja<br />

kod klanja za potrebe vlastitog doma}instva, Zagreb.<br />

17. …………… Narodne novine broj 81 (1999.): Pravilnik<br />

o mjerama za suzbijanje i iskorjenjivanje trihineloze svinja,<br />

Zagreb.<br />

18. …………… Narodne novine broj 145 (1999.): Naredba<br />

o mjerama za{tite `ivotinja od zaraznih i nametni~kih<br />

bolesti i njihovom financiranju, Zagreb.<br />

19. ………… StatSoft, Inc. (2001): Statistica (data analysis<br />

software system), version 6. www.statsoft.com<br />




Animal husbandry in Eastern Croatia, especially concerning family husbandries, is well known for its traditional way<br />

of swine breeding and processing meat and its products. Higher frequent occurrence of trichinellosis in swine during<br />

last decade has resulted in increased number of people reported to be infected. Beside human health, this disease<br />

directly threatens swine breeding, as well. If only one animal is found to be trichinellotic, it is necessary to remove<br />

harmlessly all the other swine from the same production group. This makes huge economical losses, both for the<br />

owner and country itself. Systematic monitoring and persistent practicing of by low regulated trichinellosis eradication<br />

and preventive measures during the last three years has significantly reduced number of infected swine, which<br />

directly reduced harmful effects on swine breeding and selection.<br />

Key-words: trichinellosis, zoonosis, swine, swine breeding<br />

(Primljeno 16. rujna 2003.; prihva}eno 7. studenoga 2003. - Received on 16 September 2003; accepted on 7 November 2003)<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

SSN 1330-7142<br />

UDK = 638.141:638.15<br />



destructor (ANDRESON I TRUEMAN, 2000.) U KO[NICI<br />

Z. Pu{kadija (1) , T. Florijan~i} (1) , I. Bo{kovi} (1) , P. Miji} (1) S. Ozimec (2) Izvorni znanstveni ~lanak<br />

Original scientific paper<br />

SA@ETAK<br />

Formiranje nukleusa u~inkovita je metoda za usporavanje rasta populacije nametnika<br />

Varoa destructor, s ciljem smanjivanja njenog infestacijskog pritiska na p~elinju zajednicu.<br />

Prednost ove biotehni~ke mjere je u tome {to se mo`e primijeniti u vrijeme vegetacijske<br />

sezone, odga|aju}i uporabu kemijskih sredstava za kontrolu populacije Varroa<br />

destructor u ko{nici za razdoblje poslije glavnih p~elinjih pa{a. Nukleusi p~elinjih zajednica<br />

formirani su od oko polovice zatvorenog legla (35,5±5,8 dm 2 ) i od prosje~no 5<br />

915±912 p~ela. Rezultati prebrojavanja parazita pokazuju kako je formiranjem nukleusa<br />

iz mati~nih zajednica uklonjeno prosje~no 37,2±5,6% varoa, minimalno 30,8%, a<br />

maksimalno 45,5%. Zbog tako relativnog malog u~inka, tu se metodu ne mo`e preporu~iti<br />

kao jedinu, ali mo`e biti vrlo u~inkovita ako se primjeni nakon proljetne pa{e kao<br />

dio strategije koja ima za cilj sprje~avanje rasta populacije Varroa destructor u ko{nici.<br />

Klju~ne rije~i: p~ele, Varroa destructor, ekolo{ka proizvodnja, biotehnolo{ki postupci<br />

UVOD<br />

Formiranje nukleusa u~inkovita je metoda za usporavanje<br />

rasta populacije nametnika Varroa destructor, s<br />

ciljem smanjivanja njenog infestacijskog pritiska na<br />

p~elinju zajednicu. Prednost te biotehni~ke mjere je u<br />

tome {to se mo`e primijeniti u vrijeme vegetacijske<br />

sezone, odga|aju}i uporabu kemijskih sredstava za<br />

kontrolu populacije Varroa destructor u ko{nici za razdoblje<br />

poslije glavnih p~elinjih pa{a.<br />

Istra`ivanjima se `eljelo dokazati koliki se dio populacije<br />

nametnika Varroa destructor ukloni iz mati~ne<br />

zajednice formiranjem nukleusa p~elinje zajednice<br />

po~etkom lipnja na podru~ju kontinentalne Hrvatske.<br />

Istra`ivanje je provedeno 2002. godine na podru~ju<br />

Baranje, lokalitet Koha – Kozarac.<br />


Nukleusi su formirani po~etkom lipnja 2002. godine<br />

od jakih p~elinjih zajednica smje{tenih u LR ko{nice,<br />

koje te iste godine do tada nisu bile tretirane protiv<br />

Varroa destructor. U pokusu je bilo osam mati~nih<br />

p~elinjih zajednica, od kojih je formirano osam nukleusa.<br />

Nukleusi p~elinjih zajednica formirani su od oko<br />

polovice zatvorenog legla (35,5±5,8 dm 2 ) i od prosje~no<br />

5915±912 p~ela. Veli~ina mati~nih p~elinjih<br />

zajednica i formiranih nukleusa procijenjena je nakon<br />

podjele mati~nih zajednica metodom po Liebefeldu.<br />

Nakon formiranja, nukleusi su odvezeni na p~elinjak<br />

udaljen od mati~nog p~elinjaka oko 8 km. U mati~noj<br />

zajednici matica je tijekom tri tjedna bila blokirana.<br />

Nukleusima je dodana selekcionirana oplo|ena matica.<br />

Nakon tri tjedna, i mati~na zajednica i nukleus nisu imali<br />

poklopljenog legla te je izvr{eno tretiranje Perizinom (50<br />

ml). Sakupljene su mrtve varoe i prebrojene na `icom<br />

za{ti}enim podlo{cima umetnutim u podnicu ko{nice, i<br />

u mati~nim zajednicama i u nukleusu. Ukupno prebrojene<br />

mrtve Varroa destructor u mati~nim zajednicama i<br />

u nukleusima predstavljaju 100% populacije parazita<br />

prije diobe mati~ne zajednice.<br />

(1) Mr.sc. Zlatko Pu{kadija, asistent, mr.sc. Tihomir Florijan~i}, Ivica<br />

Bo{kovi}, dipl.in`. agr. i mr.sc. Pero Miji} - Poljoprivredni fakultet,<br />

Sveu~ili{te Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku,Trg Svetog Trojstva,<br />

31000 Osijek; (2) Mr.sc. Sini{a Ozimec - Pedago{ki fakultet Sveu~ili{ta<br />

Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Jegerova 9, 31000 Osijek<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


75<br />

Tablica 1. Veli~ina mati~nih zajednica i nukleusa procijenjeni po Liebefeldu<br />

Table 1. Size of parental and nucleus colonies estimated by Liebefeld method<br />


Mati~ne p~elinje zajednice podijeljene su 08. lipnja<br />

2002. godine, nakon ~ega je obavljena procjena veli~ine<br />

mati~nih zajednica i formiranih nukleusa (Tablica 1.) po<br />

Liebefeldu.<br />

Tri tjedna nakon diobe mati~nih zajednica i tretiranja<br />

Perizinom (50 ml), prebrojana je otpala mrtva Varroa<br />

destructor na `icom za{ti}enoj podlo{ci u podnici<br />

ko{nice mati~ne zajednice i nukleusa. Rezultati prebrojavanja<br />

parazita pokazuju kako je formiranjem nukleusa<br />

iz mati~nih zajednica uklonjeno prosje~no 37,2±5,6%<br />

varoa, minimalno 30,8% a maksimalno 45,5% (Grafikon<br />

1.). Charriere i sur. su provode}i sli~na istra`ivanja u<br />

[vicarskoj, na ko{nicama tipa Dadant, izmjerili kako se<br />

formiranjem nukleusa od oko polovice zatvorenog legla<br />

krajem svibnja mo`e iz mati~ne zajednice ukloniti minimalno<br />

17% i maksimalno 45% varoa, tj. prosje~no 35%<br />

varoa.<br />

Kao dodatni u~inak primjene metode formiranja<br />

nukleusa krajem prolje}a, u literaturi je navedeno<br />

sprje~avanje pojave rojidbenog nagona kod proizvodnih<br />

zajednica, dok nukleusima ostaje dovoljno vremena da<br />

se razviju kako bi sigurno prezimili i sljede}e godine bili<br />

jake proizvodne zajednice. Prodajom tako formiranih<br />

nukleusa mo`e se na p~elinjaku ostvariti i dodatna zarada.<br />

Zbog tako relativnog malog u~inka, tu se metodu<br />

ne mo`e preporu~iti kao jedinu, ali mo`e biti vrlo u~inkovita<br />

ako se primjeni nakon proljetne pa{e, kao dio strategije<br />

koja ima za cilj sprje~avanje rasta populacije<br />

Varroa destructor u ko{nici. Ritter (1999.) nagla{ava<br />

zna~aj primjene biotehni~kih metoda, naro~ito formiranja<br />

nukleusa u prolje}e, za dobrobit zimskih p~ela. Isti<br />

autor upozorava i na opasnost primjene kemijskih sredstava<br />

u vrijeme medonosne pa{e, zbog mogu}nosti<br />

pojave rezidua primjenjenih lijekova u borbi protiv varoe<br />

u medu. Upravo biotehni~ke metode imaju vrlo veliku<br />

primjenjivost u to doba godine. Zbog tih istih razloga,<br />

Kristiansen (1999.) isti~e kako se ekolo{ka proizvodnja<br />

meda mo`e bazirati samo na biotehni~kim metodama,<br />

kojima pripada i formiranje nukleusa te na primjeni<br />

organskih kiselina (mravlje, mlije~ne i oksalne).<br />


Formiranjem nukleusa od oko polovice zatvorenog<br />

legla u mati~noj (proizvodnoj) zajednici krajem svibnja<br />

mo`e se u pa{nim i klimatskim uvjetima kontinentalne<br />

Hrvatske iz mati~ne zajednice ukloniti prosje~no 37,2 %<br />

± 5,6 % od ukupne populacije parazita Varroa destructor.<br />

Ta biotehnolo{ka metoda mo`e se primijeniti samo<br />

kao dio godi{nje strategije za kontrolu parazita Varroa<br />

destructor. Kako se tijekom primjene te metode ne koriste<br />

kemijska sredstva, metoda formiranja nukleusa s<br />

ciljem smanjivanja infestacijske razine nametnika Varroe<br />

destructor, pogodna je za ekolo{ku p~elarsku proizvodnju.<br />


1. Berg, S., Bubalo, D. (2002.): Tehnologija p~elarenja i<br />

integrirana koncepcija u borbi protiv varoe. Savjetovanje<br />

p~elara – Rezidue u p~elinjim proizvodima kao posljedica<br />

lije~enja p~ela». November, Selce, Hrvatska. Zbornik<br />

radova 23.-39.<br />

2. Bharriere, J.D., Maquelin, C., Imdorf, A., Bachofen, B.<br />

(2001): What Part of Varoa population is removed by<br />

creating a nucleus?, http://www.apis.admin.ch, Swiss<br />

Bee Research Centre<br />

3. Charriere, J.D., Imdorf, A. (1999): Ecological Varoa<br />

Control – notes on control strategies for Central Europe.<br />

November 13.-14., Agricultural Research Centre-Ghent,<br />

Merelbeke, Belgium. Proceedings from the meeting, 65-<br />

70.<br />

4. Imdorf, A., Gerig, L., Kilchenmann, V., Wille, H. (1987.):<br />

Uberprufung der schatzmethode zur ermittlung der brutflache<br />

und der anzahl arbeiterinnen in freifliegenden bienenvolkern.<br />

Apidologie, 18(2): 137.-146.<br />

5. Imdorf, A., Gerig, L. (1999.): Lehrgang zur Enfasung der<br />

Volkstärke. ttp://www.apis.admin.ch/deutsch/pdf/Volksentwicklung/Lehrgang99_d.pdf.<br />

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<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

76<br />


Grafikon 1. Populacija Varroe destruktor u mati~nim zajednicama i u pripadaju}im nukleusima<br />

* broj p~elinje zajednice 9 predstavlja srednju vrijednost uzorka<br />

Figure 1.Population of Varroa destructor in parental and in belonging nucleus colonies<br />

*number of 9 th bee colony is average value of sample<br />

7. Kristijansen, P.(1999): Ekological varoa control.<br />

Coordination in Europe of research on integrated control<br />

of Varroa mites in honey bee colonies, Merelbeke,<br />

Belgium<br />

8. Nach Gerig, L. (1983.): Lehrgang zur erfassung der<br />

volksstarke. Schweiz, Bienen-Zeitung 106 (4) 1099.-<br />

204.<br />

9. Ritter, W. (1999): Building strategies for varoa control.<br />

Coordination in Europe of research on integrated control<br />

of Varoa mites in honey bee colonies. November 13-14.,<br />

Agricultural Research Centre-Ghent, Merelbeke,<br />

Belgium. Proceedings from the meeting, 4-9.<br />

10. …………. StatSoft, Inc. (2001). STATISTICA (data<br />

analysis software system), version 6.<br />

www.statsoft.com.<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)


77<br />


POPULATION OF Varroa destructor (ANDRESON AND TRUEMAN, 2000)<br />



Forming of nucleus colonies is efficient method in growth control of Varroa destructor population. Its goal is to<br />

decrease parasite’s pressure on bee colony. The advantage of this bio-technical measurement lays in its implement<br />

during vegetation season which delays use of the chemical resources for Varroa destructor control population in<br />

beehives for the post major honey harvest period. Nucleus colonies were formed from approx. half of sealed brood<br />

(35.5 ± 5.8 dm²) and average of 5915 ± 912 bees. Results showed that there were 37.2 ± 5.6% mites removed from<br />

parental colonies. Minimum was 30.8%, and maximum was 45.5%. Due to such relatively small efficiency, this<br />

method cannot be recommended as unique, but it can be effective if it is applied in the post spring’s honey harvest<br />

period as a part of growth reduction strategy of Varroa destructor population in beehive.<br />

Key-words: Varroa destructor, ecological product, bio-technical measurement<br />

(Primljeno 9. rujna 2003.; prihva}eno 22. listopada 2003. - Received on 9 September 2003; accepted on 22 October 2003)<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

79<br />


“POLJOPRIVREDA znanstveno-stru~ni ~asopis” (ISSN 1330-7142), kojega publiciraju Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku i<br />

Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, objavljuje znanstvene i stru~ne radove na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Objavljuju se radovi koji nisu<br />

tiskani u drugim ~asopisima, niti predani u tisak. Izvodi, sa`eci, sinopsisi, magistarski radovi, disertacije te izlaganja na znanstvenim<br />

i stru~nim skupovima ne smatraju se objavljenim radovima. U dodatku ~asopisa mogu se objaviti prikazi knjiga ili njihove recenzije,<br />

kra}i prijevodi, osvrti i vijesti iz podru~ja poljoprivrede.<br />

Radovi se {alju u Uredni{tvo ~asopisa u 2 primjerka, a moraju zadovoljiti sljede}e tehni~ke propozicije:<br />

• Maksimalni obujam rada (uklju~uju}i tablice, grafikone, slike i sheme) je 10 stranica A-4 formata (max. znakova 30000,<br />

uklju~uju}i razmake izme|u rije~i), sa`etka disertacije 2 stranice, a sa`etka magistarskog rada 1 stranica.<br />

• Tekst mora biti pisati u Microfoft Word for Windows, verzija 6.0 ili vi{a, Font Times New Roman, s duplim proredom. Sve<br />

margine su 2,5 cm.<br />

• Cijeli rad treba pisati veli~inom slova 11, osim naslova rada (12), naslova i sadr`aja tablica (10) te sa`etaka (10).<br />

Naslov rada i poglavlja treba pisati velikim podebljanim slovima.<br />

• Grafikoni, slike i sheme trebaju biti ~isti, pregledni i snimljeni u Winword obliku te editirani kao integralni dio rada tj. u tekstu<br />

gdje dolaze. Radi sigurnije izvedbe tiskanja rada potrebito ih je tako|er dostaviti i u jednom od grafi~kih ili slikovnih<br />

formata (*.xls, *.tiff ili *.jpg), isklju~ivo u crno-bijeloj tehnici. Naslovi i sadr`aji tablica, grafikona, slika i shema u radu<br />

moraju biti prevedeni i na engleski jezik, i obrnuto. Ako je rad na hrvatskom jeziku, naslove tablica, grafikona, slika i<br />

shema treba pisati podebljanim slovima, a engleske prijevode njihovih naslova, kao i sadr`aja, treba pisati u kurzivu<br />

neboldiranim slovima, i obrnuto.<br />

• Po~etak odlomka (pasusa) u tekstu ne smije se uvla~iti tabelator tipkom, a odlomke treba razdijeliti tipkom ENTER. Treba<br />

koristiti automatsku numeraciju stranica (pozicija dolje desno).<br />

• Puna imena i prezimena autora, sa zvanjima i adresama ustanova u kojima rade (veli~ina slova 10, kurziv) stavljaju se na<br />

kraju prve stranice ispod crte duge 3 cm i ne smiju se pisati u programu automatske fusnote. U slu~aju da rad zahtijeva<br />

pisanje fusnota, po`eljno je koristiti automatske fusnote.<br />

• Citirani autori u radu ne smiju biti podebljani, pisani u kurzivu niti velikim slovima.<br />

• Za pisanje decimalnih brojeva u tekstovima i tablicama na hrvatskom jeziku treba koristiti isklju~ivo zareze, odnosno u<br />

engleskoj verziji isklju~ivo to~ke. U hrvatskim tekstovima i tablicama, kao i u popisu literature, iza svih spomenutih godina<br />

obvezno dolazi to~ka.<br />

Radovi }e biti recenzirani od najmanje 2 recenzenta iz odgovaraju}eg podru~ja i lektorirani. Recenzenti obavljaju kategorizaciju<br />

radova: izvorni znanstveni ~lanak (original scientific paper), pregledni znanstveni ~lanak (scientific review), prethodno<br />

priop}enje (preliminary communication), izlaganje na znanstvenom skupu (conference paper), stru~ni ~lanak (professional<br />

paper). Svi radovi dobivaju UDK klasifikacijski broj (rad se kategorizira prema odre|enim podru~jima). Radovi tiskani na hrvatskom<br />

jeziku moraju imati kurzivom napisane engleske prijevode Naslova, Sa`etka, Klju~nih rije~i te tablica i grafikona, i obrnuto. U radu<br />

tiskanom na hrvatskom jeziku engleske verzije Sa`etka i Klju~nih rije~i dolaze na kraju rada, iza poglavlja Literatura, i obrnuto.<br />

Radovi u pravilu sadr`e:<br />

NASLOV: treba biti {to kra}i, informativan, pisan velikim tiskanim (podebljanim) slovima, font 12. Ispod naslova dolaze inicijali<br />

imena (`enski autori puno ime) i prezime autora bez akademske titule, a iza svakog prezimena ozna~iti eksponentom ukoliko<br />

autori nisu iz iste ustanove (podebljanim slovima u kurzivu font 11).<br />

SA@ETAK: jezgrovit prikaz rada koji ~itatelju omogu}ava procjenu zanimljivosti rada. Sa`etak treba biti napisan podebljanim<br />

slovima u kurzivu (font 10) i da se bez ve}e prerade mo`e tiskati u referalnim ~asopisima. Optimalna du`ina je oko 100 rije~i.<br />

Sa`etak mora sadr`avati klju~ne rije~i bitne zbog uklju~ivanja u informacijske sustave, a koje tako|er treba pisati podebljanim<br />

slovima u kurzivu (font 10).<br />

UVOD: izla`e se ideja i cilj provedenih istra`ivanja, a mo`e se dati vrlo selektivan osvrt na literaturu, ako nema posebnog<br />

poglavlja “Pregled literature”.<br />

MATERIJAL I METODE: detaljno se opisuju samo nove ili modificirane metode. Za poznate metode i postupke daje se samo<br />

literaturni izvor.<br />

REZULTATI I RASPRAVA: opisuju se utvr|ene ~injenice i zakonitosti, obja{njavaju pojave te potvr|uje ili negira postavljena<br />

hipoteza. U raspravi treba usporedbom s radovima drugih autora potkrijepiti zna~aj vlastitih istra`ivanja. Treba voditi ra~una da se<br />

isti podaci ne ponavljaju u tablicama, grafikonima te ponovno u tekstu.<br />

ZAKLJU^AK: sadr`i sintezu istra`ivanja i rezultata. Pri njegovom pisanju va`na je postupnost u izlaganju.<br />

LITERATURA: pi{e se abecednim redom s rednim brojem ispred prvog autora, s punim podacima (autori, godina, naziv reference,<br />

izdava~, mjesto izdavanja, stranice). Autore ne pisati velikim slovima.<br />

Zadnju verziju rada, ispravljenu prema primjedbama recenzenata, treba poslati Uredni{tvu u jednom primjerku, kao<br />

i snimak rada na disketi. Rukopisi radova i diskete se ne vra}aju.<br />

Adresa: Uredni{tvo časopisa “<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong>”, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Trg sv.Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek<br />

Kontakt osobe i tehni~ki urednici: Manda Antunovi}, tel. +385 31 224 255; Fax: +385 31 207 017; E-mail:<br />

Manda.Antunovic@pfos.hr i Danica Han`ek, tel. +385 31 224 240; E-mail: dhanzek@pfos.hr<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

80<br />


“AGRICULTURE Scientific and Professional Review” (ISSN 1330-7142) is published by The Faculty of Agriculture in<br />

Osijek and The Osijek Agricultural Institute. Scientific and professional papers are published in both Croatian and English language.<br />

Papers are accepted on the understanding that they have not been or will be published elsewhere. Inferences, summaries, synopses,<br />

master’s theses, dissertations as well as presentations at symposia are not considered as published papers. Book surveys<br />

or their reviews, short translations and communications covering agriculture field will also be published in the journal supplement.<br />

The manuscripts submitted to Editorial Board in2 copies and should meet propositions as follows:<br />

• Maximum paper scope (including tables, graphs, figures and other supplements) is 10 printed pages of A-4 format (30<br />

000 characters, including spaces between words), dissertation summary 2 pages and master’s one 1 page.<br />

• Text should be written in Microsoft Word for Windows version 6.0 or higher, Font Times New Roman, with line spacing<br />

2. All margins should be 2.5 cm<br />

• The whole text should be written in letters sized 11 except head title (size 12), authors’ names and addresses, summaries<br />

and graphs and tables description (size 10). Headtitle and subtitles of the sections should be written in bolded capital letters.<br />

• Initial paragraph must not be drawn in, neither key tabulator can be used, paragraphs should be divided by ENTER key.<br />

Automatic page numbering should be used (position bottom right)<br />

• Full authors’ names with titles, occupations and addresses of the institutions they work at (letter size 10, italic) should be<br />

placed at the bottom of the first page below 3 cm long line, they are not allowed to be written in the automatic footnote program.<br />

In case of footnote writing, automatic footnotes are advised.<br />

• Cited authors in the paper must not be bolded, written in italic or capitalized.<br />

• Graphs, figures and schemes should be as clear as possible and easy to survey. They must be saved in Winword and edited<br />

as an integral part of the paper (in the text). Titles of tables and graphs in the paper written in Croatian language should<br />

be bolded whereas English translations in italic are devised to be unbolded and vice versa (font 10). Colour graphs and figures<br />

are not welcome. Due to more sured paper printing, graphs and figures should also be submitted in one of graphic<br />

or figure formats (*.xls, *.tiff or *.jpg). They must not be submitted as drawings on parchment paper. Titles as well as<br />

contents of tables, graphs, figures and schemes of the paper must be also translated in English and vice versa. If the<br />

paper is written in Croatian language titles of tables, graphs, figures and schemes should be written in bolded letters whereas<br />

English translations of their titles as well as contents should be written in italic unbolded letters and vice versa.<br />

• Only commas should be written in Croatian texts while using decimal numbers in both text and tables whereas a point<br />

in an English version. In Croatian texts and tables as well as in a literature list a point should be placed after all mentioned<br />

years.<br />

Papers will be reviewed by at least 2 critics from corresponding field and language edited. Papers are classified by<br />

reviewers into: original scientific paper, scientific review, preliminary communication, conference paper and professional<br />

paper. All papers have UDK classification number (a paper is classified per certain fields). Titles, summaries, key-words, tables<br />

and graphs of the papers printed in Croatian language must be written in English (italic) and vice versa. English version of summary<br />

and key-words in the Croatian printed text is placed at the end of the paper after Literature chapter and vice versa.<br />

Generally, all papers should be divided into the following sections:<br />

TITLE: Should be as short as possible, informative, written in capital (bolded) letters, font 12. Initials of authors’ name (full<br />

name for females) and surname without academic titles should be placed below the title. Each surname should be followed by an<br />

exponent if authors do not work in the same institution (bolded letters in italic font 11).<br />

SUMMARY: A core display of the paper presenting readers clear idea of what it is about. Summary should be written in bolded<br />

letters in italic (font 10) enabling printing the paper in referable journals without a large-scale revision. Optimal length should be<br />

kept to approx. 100 words. Summary should contain key-words, vital for incorporating into information systems, that must also<br />

be written in bolded italic letters (font 10).<br />

INTRODUCTION: Displays an idea and aim of the conducted investigations. Very selective review of the literature may also<br />

be given here if there is no special section “Literature review”.<br />

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Only new or modified methods are described in details whereas literature source is given for<br />

recognized methods and procedures.<br />

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Determined facts and regularities are described, phenomena are explained whereas set up<br />

hypothesis is confirmed or denied. Significance of the own investigations should be substantiated by comparing them with other<br />

authors’ papers. Care should be taken in avoiding repeted data in tables, graphs and again in the text.<br />

CONCLUSION: Contains synthesis of the investigations and results. While writing take care of the presentation graduation.<br />

REFERENCES: References should be listed alphabetically by putting ordinal number before the first author, full data is<br />

required (authors, year, reference name, editor, editing place, pages). Authors should not be written in capital letters.<br />

Final versions of papers, corrected regarding to reviewer’s opinions, must be sent to Editorial Board printed in one<br />

copy and on a floppy disk. Manuscripts and disks will not be returned.<br />

Address: Editorial Board of the Journal “Agriculture”, The Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Trg Sv. Trojstva 3, 31000<br />

Osijek, Croatia<br />

Contact persons and technical editors: Manda Antunovi}, Tel.: +385 31 224 255; Fax: +385 31 207 017; E-mail:<br />

Manda.Antunovic@pfos.hr and Danica Han`ek, Tel. + 385 31 224 240; E-mail: dhanzek@pfos.hr<br />

<strong>Poljoprivreda</strong> 9 (2003)

UDK 63 ISSN 1330-7142<br />

A G R I C U L T U R E<br />

Scientific and Professional Review<br />

Volume 9; Number 2; December, 2003<br />


Aleksandra Sudari}, Marija Vratari}, T. Duvnjak, J. Klari}<br />

PHENOTYPIC GRAIN YIELD STABILITY OF SEVERAL SOYBEAN OS-CULTIVARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5<br />

Jošt M.<br />


D. Šimi}, J. Gunja~a, Z. Zduni}, I. Brki}, J. Kova~evi}<br />

BIOMETRICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF TEST SITES FOR MAIZE BREEDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18<br />

D. D`oi}, Marija Ivezi}, Emilija Raspudi}, Mirjana Brme`<br />

CONTROL OF WESTERN CORN ROOTWORM (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) IN CORN PRODUCTION OF<br />

EASTERN CROATIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25<br />

A. Lali}, J. Kova~evi}, D. Novoselovi}, G. Drezner, D. Babi}<br />


OF BARLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33<br />

A. Kristek, Suzana Kristek, Manda Antunovi}<br />


Ljiljanka Tomerlin<br />

BIOFUEL FROM CORN STOVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45<br />

T. Askin, N. Özdemir<br />


T. Rastija, Z. Antunovi}, Mirjana Baban, I. Bogut, \. Sen~i}<br />


Z. Antunovi}, Z. Steiner, Ð. Sen~i}, M. Doma}inovi}, Z. Steiner<br />


T. Florijan~i}, D. Rimac, B. Antunovi}, A. Marinculi}, H. Gutzmirtl, I. Bo{kovi}<br />


BREEDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69<br />

Z. Puškadija, T. Florijan~i}, I. Boškovi}, P. Miji}, S. Ozimec<br />


(ANDRESON AND TRUEMAN, 2000) IN BEEHIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74<br />

OSIJEK<br />

2003.<br />

2Vol. 9

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