Calculating Phosphorescence Lifetimes

Calculating Phosphorescence Lifetimes

Calculating Phosphorescence Lifetimes


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<strong>Calculating</strong> <strong>Phosphorescence</strong> <strong>Lifetimes</strong> with the<br />

Perkin Elmer Model LS-50B<br />

<strong>Phosphorescence</strong> lifetimes (sometimes referred to as Timed Resolved Fluorescence, TRF)<br />

can be easily calculated with the Perkin Elmer LS-50B. In the procedure described below,<br />

Microsoft Excel® is recommended for calculation of the log of intensities, and the linear<br />

regression of the log values. The procedure described is valid for FLWinLab Rev. 3.00.<br />

Procedure<br />

1. After the LS-50B and FLWinLab have been started, and communication established, click on<br />

the Configuration option under the Utilities menu. Check the Expert Mode option and click<br />

on OK. Next, click on the LS-50B Status option under the Application menu.<br />

2. Click on the Source icon. In this window, select a Luminescence Mode of phos using the<br />

drop-down arrow selector. Click on OK. Options for Delay Time, Gate Time, Cycle Time, and<br />

Flash Count will now be displayed. All the default values and the entries expected will be in<br />

msec units. To start, enter the following values…<br />

Delay Time: 0.05 msec.<br />

Gate Time: 1.0 msec<br />

Cycle Time: 20 msec<br />

Flash Count: 1<br />

When completed, the window should appear as follows…

Click on Measure and Set Dark Current. Click on OK. The LS-50B Status window may be<br />

left open, or may be minimized.<br />

3. Place sample in holder.<br />

4. Click on the Read option under the Application Menu. Fill in appropriate excitation/emission<br />

wavelengths, and excitation/emission slits for the compound to be measured. Use 5/5 ex/em<br />

slits if correct slit settings are not known. Check the Save on Stop button, and enter a 1<br />

second integration time. Enter an appropriate Destination Filename (i.e., life1.txt). When<br />

completed the Read dialogue should appear similar to the figure below…

Click on the User Info tab and enter the set Delay time (i.e., 0.05) value into the Comments<br />

section. Important: only enter the Delay time value, not other text information, as shown<br />

below.<br />

5. When ready, click on the Green Stoplight button. The sample intensity value will be<br />

displayed. Click on Red Stoplight to stop the read and store the result.<br />

Important: if the intensity is at 999.99 (off-scale), minimize the Read window, and re-open<br />

(maximize) the LS-50B Status window. Click on the source icon and enter a higher value for<br />

the delay time (i.e., 0.1 msec). Re-read sample. If still off-scale, enter a higher delay value<br />

yet, and/or decrease the emission slit. Re-read the sample. If below 999.99 intensity then<br />

continue.<br />

6. Minimize the Read window. Again, maximize the LS-50B Status window. Click on the Source<br />

icon. Enter a Delay value higher than the prior delay value (i.e., 0.1). Click on the Measure<br />

and Set Dark Current button. Click on OK. Maximize the Read window. Again, in the<br />

Comments section, enter the value for the delay time. Click on the Green Stoplight to read<br />

the intensity. Click on the Red Stoplight to end the read. The intensity values should get lower<br />

with increasing delay times for a proper timed resolved experiment.<br />

7. Repeat the above procedure of entering higher and higher delay times, and reading the<br />

intensities under these delay times, recording the delay time numerical value in the<br />

Comments section. Read until the intensity values approach zero. Tailor the experiment to<br />

contain at least six delay time reads. If a misread occurs (i.e., if the proper delay time is not<br />

entered), the resulting file can be edited in Excel.<br />

8. When completed, open the data file in Excel. Note – this file will be stored in the default<br />

FLWinLab data directory C:\FLWINLAB\DATA. A typical file should look similar as below.<br />

The F and G columns contain the intensities and delay times, respectively.<br />

9. The first step in calculating the lifetime is to calculate the natural log of the intensity<br />

values. In the above example, the wells F3 to F9 (column Int.) are to be calculated. Place<br />

cursor in H3 (the column to the right of the Comment column), and type…<br />

=LN (F3)<br />

The natural log of 148.753 (in this example) should be calculated and placed in H3. Copy the<br />

formula in H3 through to H9. The natural log values should now be displayed to the right of<br />

the Comments column as shown in the example below…

10. Next, calculate the linear regression line to the delay time column and log intensity column.<br />

In Excel, this function is LINEST. The result (slope) should be placed below the log data<br />

column in Well H10.<br />

11. The lifetime is the negative reciprocal of the slope. In Well H11 type the following…<br />

= - (1/H10)<br />

12. The lifetime (in msec) will be calculated and placed in H11 as shown in the example<br />

below…In this example for Europium (III) thenoyltrifluoroacetonate (EuTTFA), a lifetime of<br />

0.33 msec was determined.<br />

13. If desired, the lifetime graph can be plotted using the Chart tools of Excel, as illustrated<br />

below…<br />

EuTTFA Lifetime<br />

Intensity<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

Delay time (ms)

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