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DreSSinG – the baSicS dRessinG with stationaRy dResseRs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choosing the right dresser photo DreSSinG tooL GrinDinG wheeL profiLe GrinDinG proceSS / DetaiLeD DeScription proDuction type Single-grain dresser / LQHDU F\ OLQGULFDO F RQLFDO Single-profile FRQYH[ F RQFDYHUDGLL External cylindrical, surface, internal cylindrical and centreless grinding Single and small-lot production single-edge Profile diamond Multi-profile External cylindrical, surface and FRP SOH[ S URILOHVZ LWKQDUURZI ODQNV centreless grinding DQGUDGLL Single and small-lot production multi-edge Multi-grain dresser / LQHDU F\ OLQGULFDO F RQLFDO Surface and external cylindrical grinding Single and small-lot production 22

choosing the right dresser photo DreSSinG tooL GrinDinG wheeL profiLe GrinDinG proceSS / DetaiLeD DeScription proDuction type Multi-set diamond dresser / LQHDU F\ OLQGULFDO F RQLFDO Surface and external cylindrical grinding Single and small-lot production Diamond grain dressing plate / LQHDU F\ OLQGULFDO F RQLFDO External cylindrical, surface and 6LQJ OH SURILOH FRQYH[ FRQFDYH UDGL centreless grinding Single to large-scale production multi-edge Needle dressing plates / LQHDU F\ OLQGULFDO F RQLFDO External cylindrical, surface and 6LQJ OH SURILOH FRQYH[ FRQFDYH UDGL centreless grinding Single to large-scale production ' UHVVLQJ S ODWHVZ LWK0 . ' URGV / LQHDU F\ OLQGULFDO F RQLFDO External cylindrical, internal 6LQJ OH SURILOH FRQYH[ FRQFDYH UDGL cylindrical, surface and centreless grinding Single to large-scale production 23

choosing the right dresser<br />

photo<br />

DreSSinG tooL GrinDinG wheeL profiLe GrinDinG proceSS /<br />

DetaiLeD DeScription<br />

proDuction type<br />

Multi-set diamond dresser / LQHDU F\ OLQGULFDO F RQLFDO Surface and external cylindrical<br />

grinding<br />

Single and small-lot production<br />

Diamond grain dressing plate<br />

/ LQHDU F\ OLQGULFDO F RQLFDO External cylindrical, surface and<br />

6LQJ OH SURILOH FRQYH[ FRQFDYH UDGL centreless grinding<br />

Single to large-scale production<br />

multi-edge<br />

Needle dressing plates<br />

/ LQHDU F\ OLQGULFDO F RQLFDO External cylindrical, surface and<br />

6LQJ OH SURILOH FRQYH[ FRQFDYH UDGL centreless grinding<br />

Single to large-scale production<br />


/ LQHDU F\ OLQGULFDO F RQLFDO External cylindrical, internal<br />

6LQJ OH SURILOH FRQYH[ FRQFDYH UDGL cylindrical, surface and centreless<br />

grinding<br />

Single to large-scale production<br />


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