powercoil.com.au wire thread insert system

powercoil.com.au wire thread insert system powercoil.com.au wire thread insert system

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® BSF / BSW / BSP A Minor Diameter B Major Diameter C Pitch Diameter of Tapped Hole (Close or Medium) D Pitch Diameter of Installed Insert (Close or Medium) E Installed Insert Internal Diameter - min. FC Free Coil Diamater of Un-installed Insert BSF / BSW / BSP S Drilling Length - minimum T Tapping Length - minimum Q Nominal Length NC Number of Coils in Un-installed Insert counted 90º from tang Ø FC NC IMPORTANT The success of any drill and tapping operation is dependant upon many factors –type of material being cut, cutting speed, coolant,equipment being used – and it is not possible to give specific drill sizes for each material. Drill sizes shown are recommendations only and PowerCoil would strongly suggest that independent testing be performed for specific and critical applications. When using wire thread inserts it is important that the drilling and tapping diameters and lengths listed below are adhered to. The figures outlined in these tables encompass effective free coil tolerances for most globally recognized standards and manufacturers, including those of reduced diameter wire thread inserts. PowerCoil wire thread inserts can be manufactured to different standards upon request. Technical data on these standards can be obtained from our website – www.powercoil.com.au. S (Drilling Length – min.) T (Tapping Length – min.) Q (Nominal Length) NC (Number of Coils) - Max / Min 1.0D 1.5D 2.0D 2.5D 3.0D 1.0D 1.5D 2.0D 2.5D 3.0D 1.0D 1.5D 2.0D 2.5D 3.0D 1.0D 1.5D 2.0D 2.5D 3.0D 0.328 0.422 0.515 0.609 0.703 0.297 0.390 0.484 0.578 0.672 0.187 0.281 0.375 0.469 0.562 4.30 / 3.90 7.20 / 6.50 10.20 / 9.20 13.10 / 11.90 16.00 / 14.50 0.423 0.548 0.673 0.798 0.923 0.385 0.510 0.635 0.760 0.885 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 4.80 / 4.30 7.90 / 7.10 11.20 / 9.90 14.40 / 12.70 17.50 / 15.60 0.517 0.673 0.829 0.986 1.142 0.472 0.628 0.784 0.940 1.096 0.312 0.469 0.625 0.781 0.937 5.20 / 4.70 8.50 / 7.70 11.90 / 10.70 15.30 / 13.80 18.70 / 16.80 0.600 0.787 0.975 1.162 1.350 0.550 0.737 0.925 1.112 1.300 0.375 0.562 0.750 0.937 1.125 5.80 / 5.30 9.40 / 8.60 13.20 / 12.00 16.90 / 15.30 20.50 / 18.70 0.687 0.906 1.124 1.343 1.562 0.632 0.851 1.069 1.288 1.507 0.437 0.656 0.875 1.094 1.312 6.20 / 5.60 10.00 / 9.10 13.90 / 12.60 17.80 / 16.10 21.60 / 19.60 0.781 1.031 1.281 1.531 1.781 0.719 0.969 1.219 1.469 1.719 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 6.30 / 5.70 10.20 / 9.30 14.20 / 12.90 18.10 / 16.50 22.00 / 20.00 0.844 1.125 1.406 1.687 1.969 0.781 1.062 1.344 1.625 1.906 0.562 0.844 1.125 1.406 1.687 7.30 / 6.60 11.70 / 10.60 16.10 / 14.70 20.60 / 18.70 25.00 / 22.70 0.946 1.259 1.571 1.884 2.196 0.875 1.187 1.500 1.812 2.125 0.625 0.937 1.250 1.562 1.875 7.10 / 6.50 11.30 / 10.40 15.70 / 14.30 20.00 / 18.30 24.30 / 22.20 1.125 1.500 1.875 2.250 2.625 1.042 1.417 1.792 2.167 2.542 0.750 1.125 1.500 1.875 2.250 7.30 / 6.70 11.70 / 10.80 16.20 / 14.90 20.70 / 19.00 25.10 / 23.00 1.284 1.722 2.159 2.596 3.034 1.193 1.631 2.068 2.506 2.943 0.875 1.312 1.750 2.187 2.625 7.90 / 7.20 12.60 / 11.60 17.40 / 15.90 22.10 / 20.30 26.90 / 24.60 1.450 1.950 2.450 2.950 3.450 1.350 1.850 2.350 2.850 3.350 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 8.30 / 7.60 13.20 / 12.10 18.10 / 16.60 23.10 / 21.20 28.00 / 25.70 1.625 2.187 2.750 3.312 3.875 1.514 2.076 2.639 3.201 3.764 1.125 1.687 2.250 2.812 3.375 8.40 / 7.80 13.30 / 12.30 18.40 / 17.00 23.40 / 21.50 28.40 / 26.10 1.750 2.375 3.000 3.625 4.250 1.639 2.264 2.889 3.514 4.139 1.250 1.875 2.500 3.125 3.750 9.50 / 8.80 15.00 / 13.90 20.60 / 19.00 26.20 / 24.20 31.70 / 29.30 1.937 2.625 3.312 4.000 4.687 1.812 2.500 3.187 3.875 4.562 1.375 2.062 2.750 3.437 4.125 9.30 / 8.50 14.60 / 13.50 20.10 / 18.50 25.50 / 23.50 31.00 / 28.50 2.062 2.812 3.562 4.312 5.062 1.937 2.687 3.437 4.187 4.937 1.500 2.250 3.000 3.750 4.500 10.30 / 9.40 16.10 / 14.80 22.10 / 20.10 28.00 / 25.50 33.90 / 30.90 0.237 0.300 0.362 0.425 0.487 0.212 0.275 0.337 0.400 0.462 0.125 0.187 0.250 0.312 0.375 3.40 / 3.00 5.80 / 5.10 8.40 / 7.30 10.90 / 9.40 13.40 / 11.60 0.375 0.469 0.562 0.656 0.750 0.333 0.427 0.521 0.614 0.708 0.187 0.281 0.375 0.469 0.562 2.90 / 2.60 5.10 / 4.60 7.40 / 6.60 9.70 / 8.70 11.90 / 10.70 0.475 0.600 0.725 0.850 0.975 0.425 0.550 0.675 0.800 0.925 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 3.40 / 3.10 5.90 / 5.40 8.50 / 7.70 11.00 / 9.90 13.50 / 12.20 0.562 0.718 0.875 1.031 1.187 0.507 0.663 0.819 0.975 1.132 0.312 0.469 0.625 0.781 0.937 4.10 / 3.80 6.90 / 6.40 9.80 / 9.00 12.60 / 11.60 15.50 / 14.20 0.656 0.844 1.031 1.219 1.406 0.594 0.781 0.969 1.156 1.344 0.375 0.562 0.750 0.937 1.125 4.40 / 4.10 7.40 / 6.90 10.50 / 9.70 13.50 / 12.50 16.50 / 15.30 0.758 0.977 1.196 1.415 1.633 0.687 0.906 1.125 1.344 1.562 0.437 0.656 0.875 1.094 1.312 4.60 / 4.20 7.60 / 7.10 10.70 / 9.90 13.80 / 12.80 16.90 / 15.60 0.875 1.125 1.375 1.625 1.875 0.792 1.042 1.292 1.542 1.792 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 4.50 / 4.10 7.40 / 7.00 10.50 / 9.80 13.60 / 12.60 16.60 / 15.40 0.937 1.219 1.500 1.781 2.062 0.854 1.135 1.417 1.698 1.979 0.562 0.844 1.125 1.406 1.687 5.20 / 4.90 8.60 / 8.00 12.00 / 11.20 15.40 / 14.40 18.80 / 17.60 1.034 1.347 1.659 1.972 2.284 0.943 1.256 1.568 1.881 2.193 0.625 0.937 1.250 1.562 1.875 5.30 / 5.00 8.70 / 8.20 12.20 / 11.50 15.70 / 14.70 19.20 / 17.90 1.200 1.575 1.950 2.325 2.700 1.100 1.475 1.850 2.225 2.600 0.750 1.125 1.500 1.875 2.250 6.00 / 5.60 9.70 / 9.20 13.50 / 12.70 17.30 / 16.30 21.10 / 19.80 1.375 1.812 2.250 2.687 3.125 1.264 1.701 2.139 2.576 3.014 0.875 1.312 1.750 2.187 2.625 6.30 / 6.00 10.20 / 9.70 14.30 / 13.40 18.20 / 17.10 22.20 / 20.90 1.562 2.062 2.562 3.062 3.562 1.437 1.937 2.437 2.937 3.437 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 6.50 / 6.10 10.40 / 9.90 14.50 / 13.70 18.60 / 17.50 22.60 / 21.20 1.768 2.330 2.893 3.455 4.018 1.625 2.187 2.750 3.312 3.875 1.125 1.687 2.250 2.812 3.375 6.30 / 5.90 10.20 / 9.60 14.30 / 13.40 18.20 / 17.10 22.20 / 20.80 1.893 2.518 3.143 3.768 4.393 1.750 2.375 3.000 3.625 4.250 1.250 1.875 2.500 3.125 3.750 7.20 / 6.80 11.60 / 10.90 16.00 / 15.00 20.40 / 19.20 24.90 / 23.30 2.250 3.000 3.750 4.500 5.250 2.083 2.833 3.583 4.333 5.083 1.500 2.250 3.000 3.750 4.500 7.50 / 7.00 11.90 / 11.30 16.50 / 15.50 21.10 / 19.80 25.60 / 24.00 Optimum Thread performance with Wire Thread Inserts is achieved when the inserts are installed 1/2 to 1 pitch below the surface of the Tapped Hole. This means that the actual length of an installed insert is equal to dimension DL less 1/2 to 1 pitch. Dimensions AL and CL allow for tap end clearance of finishing Taps. When using Bottoming and Spiral Flute Taps these dimensions maybe reduced by an amount equal to 2 thread pitches. Any counterbore depths must be added to these dimensions. 0.286 0.348 0.411 0.437 0.536 0.250 0.312 0.375 0.437 0.500 0.125 0.187 0.250 0.312 0.375 1.90 / 1.70 3.60 / 3.20 5.30 / 4.80 7.00 / 6.40 8.80 / 7.90 0.487 0.612 0.737 0.862 0.987 0.434 0.559 0.684 0.809 0.934 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 3.10 / 2.80 5.40 / 5.00 7.80 / 7.10 10.10 / 9.20 12.50 / 11.40 0.612 0.799 0.987 1.174 1.362 0.559 0.747 0.934 1.122 1.309 0.375 0.562 0.750 0.937 1.125 5.50 / 5.00 8.90 / 8.20 12.50 / 11.40 16.00 / 14.60 19.50 / 17.90 0.821 1.071 1.321 1.571 1.821 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 5.30 / 4.90 8.80 / 8.10 12.20 / 11.20 15.70 / 14.40 19.10 / 17.60 0.946 1.258 1.571 1.883 2.196 0.875 1.187 1.500 1.812 2.125 0.625 0.937 1.250 1.562 1.875 7.10 / 6.50 11.30 / 10.40 15.70 / 14.40 20.00 / 18.40 24.30 / 22.30 1.071 1.446 1.821 2.196 2.571 1.000 1.375 1.750 2.125 2.500 0.750 1.125 1.500 1.875 2.250 8.80 / 8.10 13.90 / 12.90 19.20 / 17.60 24.30 / 22.40 29.50 / 27.20 1.196 1.634 2.071 2.509 2.946 1.125 1.562 2.000 2.437 2.875 0.875 1.312 1.750 2.187 2.625 10.50 / 9.70 16.50 / 15.30 22.60 / 20.80 28.70 / 26.40 34.70 / 32.00 1.409 1.909 2.409 2.909 3.409 1.318 1.818 2.318 2.818 3.318 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 9.30 / 8.60 14.70 / 13.60 20.10 / 18.60 25.60 / 23.60 31.00 / 28.60 1.660 2.284 2.909 3.534 4.159 1.568 2.193 2.818 3.443 4.068 1.250 1.875 2.500 3.125 3.750 12.00 / 11.10 18.70 / 17.40 25.60 / 23.70 32.40 / 30.00 39.20 / 36.20 1.909 2.659 3.409 4.159 4.909 1.818 2.568 3.318 4.068 4.818 1.500 2.250 3.000 3.750 4.500 14.70 / 13.60 22.80 / 21.20 31.00 / 28.70 39.20 / 36.30 47.30 / 43.80 powercoil.com.au ® wire thread insert system 85

® * S T Q nom. Ø A Ø C eff. Ø B min. Ø E min. Ø D eff. Optimum Thread performance with Wire Thread Inserts is achieved when the inserts are installed 1/2 to 1 pitch below the surface of the Tapped Hole. This means that the actual length of an installed insert is equal to dimension DL less 1/2 to 1 pitch. Dimensions AL and CL allow for tap end clearance of finishing Taps. When using Bottoming and Spiral Flute Taps these dimensions maybe reduced by an amount equal to 2 thread pitches. Any counterbore depths must be added to these dimensions. SIZE inch BA 6BA 5BA 4BA 3BA 2BA 1BA 0BA SIZE inch BSC 3/16 X 32 1/4 X 26 5/16 X 26 3/8 X 26 7/16 X 26 1/2 X 26 9/16 X 26 5/8 X 26 3/4 X 26 1 X 24 Drill mm inch A max/min inch B inch C (Normal) inch D (Normal) inch 2.90 #33 0.116 / 0.113 0.134 0.1252 / 0.1226 0.1014 / 0.0976 0.0850 0.14 / 0.15 3.40 #29 0.135 / 0.129 0.152 0.1426 / 0.1399 0.1159 / 0.1120 0.0980 0.15 / 0.17 3.80 #25 0.152 / 0.147 0.171 0.1605 / 0.1574 0.1305 / 0.1262 0.1106 0.17 / 0.19 4.30 11/64 0.171 / 0.166 0.194 0.1821 / 0.1786 0.1488 / 0.1441 0.1268 0.20 / 0.21 4.90 #10 0.196 / 0.191 0.221 0.2079 / 0.2042 0.1709/ 0.1659 0.1468 0.22 / 0.24 5.50 7/32 0.220 / 0.213 0.249 0.2342 / 0.2299 0.1929 / 0.1874 0.1661 0.25 / 0.27 6.20 C 0.246 / 0.241 0.281 0.2645 / 0.2598 0.2185 / 0.2126 0.1890 0.28 / 0.31 Drill mm inch A max/min inch B inch C (Normal) inch D (Medium) inch E inch FC min/max inch 5.10 13/64 0.205 / 0.195 0.232 0.2112 / 0.2136 0.1738 / 0.1709 0.1543 0.23 / 0.26 6.60 17/64 0.270 / 0.258 0.304 0.2790 / 0.2817 0.2328 / 0.2295 0.2090 0.31 / 0.34 8.00 5/16 0.332 / 0.320 0.367 0.3415 / 0.3444 0.2965 / 0.2920 0.2715 0.37 / 0.41 9.80 25/64 0.395 / 0.383 0.429 0.4040 / 0.4070 0.3583 / 0.3545 0.3340 0.43 / 0.48 11.10 7/16 0.457 / 0.446 0.492 0.4665 / 0.4697 0.4210 / 0.4170 0.3965 0.50 / 0.55 12.70 1/2 0.520 / 0.508 0.554 0.5290 / 0.5323 0.4837 / 0.4795 0.4590 0.56 / 0.61 14.75 37/64 0.582 / 0.571 0.617 0.5915 / 0.5945 0.5464 / 0.5420 0.5215 0.62 / 0.68 16.30 41/64 0.645 / 0.633 0.679 0.6540 / 0.6575 0.6090 / 0.6045 0.5840 0.69 / 0.75 19.50 49/64 0.769 / 0.758 0.804 0.7790 / 0.7827 0.7343 / 0.7295 0.7090 0.81 / 0.89 25.75 1.1/64 1.020 / 1.009 1.059 1.0314 / 1.0355 0.9828 / 0.9778 0.9556 1.07 / 1.17 E inch FC min/max inch SIZE inch UN-8 PITCH 1.1/8 X 8 1.1/4 X 8 1.3/8 X 8 1.1/2 X 8 1.5/8 X 8 1.3/4 X 8 1.7/8 X 8 2 X 8 Drill mm inch A max/min inch B inch C (3B) inch Tap (Std) 8 Pitch D (2B) min/max inch FC min/max inch 28.50 1.1/8 1.155 / 1.130 1.261 1.1757 / 1.1688 1.1/4 1.0528 / 1.0438 1.25 / 1.30 32.00 1.1/4 1.280 / 1.255 1.386 1.3008 / 1.2938 1.3/8 1.1780 / 1.1688 1.39 / 1.43 35.00 1.3/8 1.405 / 1.380 1.511 1.4259 / 1.4188 1.1/2 1.3031 / 1.2938 1.52 / 1.57 38.00 1.1/2 1.530 / 1.505 1.636 1.5510 / 1.5438 1.5/8 1.4283 / 1.4188 1.65 / 1.69 41.00 1.5/8 1.655 / 1.630 1.761 1.6762 / 1.6688 1.3/4 1.5535 / 1.5438 1.78 / 1.90 44.50 1.3/4 1.780 / 1.755 1.886 1.8013 / 1.7938 1.7/8 1.6786 / 1.6688 1.90 / 2.04 47.50 1.7/8 1.905 / 1.880 2.011 1.9264 / 1.9188 2 1.8038 / 1.7938 2.03 / 2.16 50.80 2 2.030 / 2.005 2.136 2.0515 / 2.0438 2.1/8 1.9289 / 1.9188 2.16 / 2.28 ® 86 wire thread insert system powercoil.com.au

®<br />

BSF / BSW / BSP<br />

A Minor Diameter<br />

B Major Diameter<br />

C Pitch Diameter of Tapped Hole (Close or Medium)<br />

D Pitch Diameter of Installed Insert (Close or Medium)<br />

E Installed Insert Internal Diameter - min.<br />

FC Free Coil Diamater of Un-installed Insert<br />

BSF / BSW / BSP<br />

S Drilling Length - minimum<br />

T Tapping Length - minimum<br />

Q Nominal Length<br />

NC<br />

Number of Coils in Un-installed Insert<br />

counted 90º from tang<br />

Ø FC<br />

NC<br />

IMPORTANT The success of any drill and tapping operation is dependant upon many factors –type of material being cut, cutting speed, coolant,equipment<br />

being used – and it is not possible to give specific drill sizes for each material. Drill sizes shown are re<strong>com</strong>mendations only and PowerCoil would strongly<br />

suggest that independent testing be performed for specific and critical applications.<br />

When using <strong>wire</strong> <strong>thread</strong> <strong>insert</strong>s it is important that the drilling and tapping diameters and lengths listed below are adhered to.<br />

The figures outlined in these tables en<strong>com</strong>pass effective free coil tolerances for most globally recognized standards and manufacturers, including those<br />

of reduced diameter <strong>wire</strong> <strong>thread</strong> <strong>insert</strong>s.<br />

PowerCoil <strong>wire</strong> <strong>thread</strong> <strong>insert</strong>s can be manufactured to different standards upon request. Technical data on these standards can be obtained from our<br />

website – www.<strong>powercoil</strong>.<strong>com</strong>.<strong>au</strong>.<br />

S (Drilling Length – min.) T (Tapping Length – min.) Q (Nominal Length) NC (Number of Coils) - Max / Min<br />

1.0D 1.5D 2.0D 2.5D 3.0D 1.0D 1.5D 2.0D 2.5D 3.0D 1.0D 1.5D 2.0D 2.5D 3.0D 1.0D 1.5D 2.0D 2.5D 3.0D<br />

0.328 0.422 0.515 0.609 0.703 0.297 0.390 0.484 0.578 0.672 0.187 0.281 0.375 0.469 0.562 4.30 / 3.90 7.20 / 6.50 10.20 / 9.20 13.10 / 11.90 16.00 / 14.50<br />

0.423 0.548 0.673 0.798 0.923 0.385 0.510 0.635 0.760 0.885 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 4.80 / 4.30 7.90 / 7.10 11.20 / 9.90 14.40 / 12.70 17.50 / 15.60<br />

0.517 0.673 0.829 0.986 1.142 0.472 0.628 0.784 0.940 1.096 0.312 0.469 0.625 0.781 0.937 5.20 / 4.70 8.50 / 7.70 11.90 / 10.70 15.30 / 13.80 18.70 / 16.80<br />

0.600 0.787 0.975 1.162 1.350 0.550 0.737 0.925 1.112 1.300 0.375 0.562 0.750 0.937 1.125 5.80 / 5.30 9.40 / 8.60 13.20 / 12.00 16.90 / 15.30 20.50 / 18.70<br />

0.687 0.906 1.124 1.343 1.562 0.632 0.851 1.069 1.288 1.507 0.437 0.656 0.875 1.094 1.312 6.20 / 5.60 10.00 / 9.10 13.90 / 12.60 17.80 / 16.10 21.60 / 19.60<br />

0.781 1.031 1.281 1.531 1.781 0.719 0.969 1.219 1.469 1.719 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 6.30 / 5.70 10.20 / 9.30 14.20 / 12.90 18.10 / 16.50 22.00 / 20.00<br />

0.844 1.125 1.406 1.687 1.969 0.781 1.062 1.344 1.625 1.906 0.562 0.844 1.125 1.406 1.687 7.30 / 6.60 11.70 / 10.60 16.10 / 14.70 20.60 / 18.70 25.00 / 22.70<br />

0.946 1.259 1.571 1.884 2.196 0.875 1.187 1.500 1.812 2.125 0.625 0.937 1.250 1.562 1.875 7.10 / 6.50 11.30 / 10.40 15.70 / 14.30 20.00 / 18.30 24.30 / 22.20<br />

1.125 1.500 1.875 2.250 2.625 1.042 1.417 1.792 2.167 2.542 0.750 1.125 1.500 1.875 2.250 7.30 / 6.70 11.70 / 10.80 16.20 / 14.90 20.70 / 19.00 25.10 / 23.00<br />

1.284 1.722 2.159 2.596 3.034 1.193 1.631 2.068 2.506 2.943 0.875 1.312 1.750 2.187 2.625 7.90 / 7.20 12.60 / 11.60 17.40 / 15.90 22.10 / 20.30 26.90 / 24.60<br />

1.450 1.950 2.450 2.950 3.450 1.350 1.850 2.350 2.850 3.350 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 8.30 / 7.60 13.20 / 12.10 18.10 / 16.60 23.10 / 21.20 28.00 / 25.70<br />

1.625 2.187 2.750 3.312 3.875 1.514 2.076 2.639 3.201 3.764 1.125 1.687 2.250 2.812 3.375 8.40 / 7.80 13.30 / 12.30 18.40 / 17.00 23.40 / 21.50 28.40 / 26.10<br />

1.750 2.375 3.000 3.625 4.250 1.639 2.264 2.889 3.514 4.139 1.250 1.875 2.500 3.125 3.750 9.50 / 8.80 15.00 / 13.90 20.60 / 19.00 26.20 / 24.20 31.70 / 29.30<br />

1.937 2.625 3.312 4.000 4.687 1.812 2.500 3.187 3.875 4.562 1.375 2.062 2.750 3.437 4.125 9.30 / 8.50 14.60 / 13.50 20.10 / 18.50 25.50 / 23.50 31.00 / 28.50<br />

2.062 2.812 3.562 4.312 5.062 1.937 2.687 3.437 4.187 4.937 1.500 2.250 3.000 3.750 4.500 10.30 / 9.40 16.10 / 14.80 22.10 / 20.10 28.00 / 25.50 33.90 / 30.90<br />

0.237 0.300 0.362 0.425 0.487 0.212 0.275 0.337 0.400 0.462 0.125 0.187 0.250 0.312 0.375 3.40 / 3.00 5.80 / 5.10 8.40 / 7.30 10.90 / 9.40 13.40 / 11.60<br />

0.375 0.469 0.562 0.656 0.750 0.333 0.427 0.521 0.614 0.708 0.187 0.281 0.375 0.469 0.562 2.90 / 2.60 5.10 / 4.60 7.40 / 6.60 9.70 / 8.70 11.90 / 10.70<br />

0.475 0.600 0.725 0.850 0.975 0.425 0.550 0.675 0.800 0.925 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 3.40 / 3.10 5.90 / 5.40 8.50 / 7.70 11.00 / 9.90 13.50 / 12.20<br />

0.562 0.718 0.875 1.031 1.187 0.507 0.663 0.819 0.975 1.132 0.312 0.469 0.625 0.781 0.937 4.10 / 3.80 6.90 / 6.40 9.80 / 9.00 12.60 / 11.60 15.50 / 14.20<br />

0.656 0.844 1.031 1.219 1.406 0.594 0.781 0.969 1.156 1.344 0.375 0.562 0.750 0.937 1.125 4.40 / 4.10 7.40 / 6.90 10.50 / 9.70 13.50 / 12.50 16.50 / 15.30<br />

0.758 0.977 1.196 1.415 1.633 0.687 0.906 1.125 1.344 1.562 0.437 0.656 0.875 1.094 1.312 4.60 / 4.20 7.60 / 7.10 10.70 / 9.90 13.80 / 12.80 16.90 / 15.60<br />

0.875 1.125 1.375 1.625 1.875 0.792 1.042 1.292 1.542 1.792 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 4.50 / 4.10 7.40 / 7.00 10.50 / 9.80 13.60 / 12.60 16.60 / 15.40<br />

0.937 1.219 1.500 1.781 2.062 0.854 1.135 1.417 1.698 1.979 0.562 0.844 1.125 1.406 1.687 5.20 / 4.90 8.60 / 8.00 12.00 / 11.20 15.40 / 14.40 18.80 / 17.60<br />

1.034 1.347 1.659 1.972 2.284 0.943 1.256 1.568 1.881 2.193 0.625 0.937 1.250 1.562 1.875 5.30 / 5.00 8.70 / 8.20 12.20 / 11.50 15.70 / 14.70 19.20 / 17.90<br />

1.200 1.575 1.950 2.325 2.700 1.100 1.475 1.850 2.225 2.600 0.750 1.125 1.500 1.875 2.250 6.00 / 5.60 9.70 / 9.20 13.50 / 12.70 17.30 / 16.30 21.10 / 19.80<br />

1.375 1.812 2.250 2.687 3.125 1.264 1.701 2.139 2.576 3.014 0.875 1.312 1.750 2.187 2.625 6.30 / 6.00 10.20 / 9.70 14.30 / 13.40 18.20 / 17.10 22.20 / 20.90<br />

1.562 2.062 2.562 3.062 3.562 1.437 1.937 2.437 2.937 3.437 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 6.50 / 6.10 10.40 / 9.90 14.50 / 13.70 18.60 / 17.50 22.60 / 21.20<br />

1.768 2.330 2.893 3.455 4.018 1.625 2.187 2.750 3.312 3.875 1.125 1.687 2.250 2.812 3.375 6.30 / 5.90 10.20 / 9.60 14.30 / 13.40 18.20 / 17.10 22.20 / 20.80<br />

1.893 2.518 3.143 3.768 4.393 1.750 2.375 3.000 3.625 4.250 1.250 1.875 2.500 3.125 3.750 7.20 / 6.80 11.60 / 10.90 16.00 / 15.00 20.40 / 19.20 24.90 / 23.30<br />

2.250 3.000 3.750 4.500 5.250 2.083 2.833 3.583 4.333 5.083 1.500 2.250 3.000 3.750 4.500 7.50 / 7.00 11.90 / 11.30 16.50 / 15.50 21.10 / 19.80 25.60 / 24.00<br />

Optimum Thread<br />

performance with<br />

Wire Thread Inserts<br />

is achieved when<br />

the <strong>insert</strong>s are<br />

installed 1/2 to 1<br />

pitch below the<br />

surface of the<br />

Tapped Hole. This<br />

means that the<br />

actual length of an<br />

installed <strong>insert</strong> is<br />

equal to dimension<br />

DL less 1/2 to 1<br />

pitch. Dimensions<br />

AL and CL allow for<br />

tap end clearance<br />

of finishing Taps.<br />

When using<br />

Bottoming and<br />

Spiral Flute Taps<br />

these dimensions<br />

maybe reduced by<br />

an amount equal to<br />

2 <strong>thread</strong> pitches.<br />

Any counterbore<br />

depths must be<br />

added to these<br />

dimensions.<br />

0.286 0.348 0.411 0.437 0.536 0.250 0.312 0.375 0.437 0.500 0.125 0.187 0.250 0.312 0.375 1.90 / 1.70 3.60 / 3.20 5.30 / 4.80 7.00 / 6.40 8.80 / 7.90<br />

0.487 0.612 0.737 0.862 0.987 0.434 0.559 0.684 0.809 0.934 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 3.10 / 2.80 5.40 / 5.00 7.80 / 7.10 10.10 / 9.20 12.50 / 11.40<br />

0.612 0.799 0.987 1.174 1.362 0.559 0.747 0.934 1.122 1.309 0.375 0.562 0.750 0.937 1.125 5.50 / 5.00 8.90 / 8.20 12.50 / 11.40 16.00 / 14.60 19.50 / 17.90<br />

0.821 1.071 1.321 1.571 1.821 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 5.30 / 4.90 8.80 / 8.10 12.20 / 11.20 15.70 / 14.40 19.10 / 17.60<br />

0.946 1.258 1.571 1.883 2.196 0.875 1.187 1.500 1.812 2.125 0.625 0.937 1.250 1.562 1.875 7.10 / 6.50 11.30 / 10.40 15.70 / 14.40 20.00 / 18.40 24.30 / 22.30<br />

1.071 1.446 1.821 2.196 2.571 1.000 1.375 1.750 2.125 2.500 0.750 1.125 1.500 1.875 2.250 8.80 / 8.10 13.90 / 12.90 19.20 / 17.60 24.30 / 22.40 29.50 / 27.20<br />

1.196 1.634 2.071 2.509 2.946 1.125 1.562 2.000 2.437 2.875 0.875 1.312 1.750 2.187 2.625 10.50 / 9.70 16.50 / 15.30 22.60 / 20.80 28.70 / 26.40 34.70 / 32.00<br />

1.409 1.909 2.409 2.909 3.409 1.318 1.818 2.318 2.818 3.318 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 9.30 / 8.60 14.70 / 13.60 20.10 / 18.60 25.60 / 23.60 31.00 / 28.60<br />

1.660 2.284 2.909 3.534 4.159 1.568 2.193 2.818 3.443 4.068 1.250 1.875 2.500 3.125 3.750 12.00 / 11.10 18.70 / 17.40 25.60 / 23.70 32.40 / 30.00 39.20 / 36.20<br />

1.909 2.659 3.409 4.159 4.909 1.818 2.568 3.318 4.068 4.818 1.500 2.250 3.000 3.750 4.500 14.70 / 13.60 22.80 / 21.20 31.00 / 28.70 39.20 / 36.30 47.30 / 43.80<br />

<strong>powercoil</strong>.<strong>com</strong>.<strong>au</strong><br />

®<br />

<strong>wire</strong> <strong>thread</strong> <strong>insert</strong> <strong>system</strong><br />


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