Language Leader Upper Intermediate English-German-French ...

Language Leader Upper Intermediate English-German-French ... Language Leader Upper Intermediate English-German-French ...


Language Leader Upper Intermediate English-German-French Wordlist Unit Page English Pronunciation German French Example sentence Unit 1 1 6 appearance /əpiərəns/ Aussehen, Aufmachung apparence He was always criticising his wife's appearance. 1 6 body language /bɒdi lŋɡwidʒ/ Körpersprache langage du corps It was obvious from Luke's body language that he was nervous. 1 6 charisma /kərizmə/ Ausstrahlung, Charisma charisme He lacks charisma, and I find talking to him very boring. 1 6 cultures /kltʃəz/ Kulturen, Kulturkreise cultures She was a product of two cultures – English and French. 1 6 digressions /daiɡreʃənz/ Exkurs digressions She mentions her visit to Australia during one of her digressions in Chapter 5. 1 6 eye contact /ai kɒntkt/ Augenkontakt croisement des regards She was trying to avoid making direct eye contact with him. 1 6 listener /lisənə/ Zuhörer, Hörer auditeur "Can you hear me?" is a new programme for younger listeners. 1 6 nerves /nvz/ Nerven nerfs The baby's crying was getting on her nerves. 1 6 pace /peis/ Tempo, Geschwindigkeit vitesse The pace of change in our lives is becoming faster and faster. 1 6 rambler /rmblə/ Wanderer randonneur One of the ramblers fell and twisted his ankle. 1 6 sense of humour /sens əv hjumə/ Sinn für Humor sens de l'humour I couldn't marry a man who didn't have a sense of humour. 1 6 vocabulary /vəkbjələri, vəυ/ Wortschatz vocabulaire Reading is one of the best ways of improving your vocabulary. 1 8 actions speak louder than words /kʃənz spik laυdə ðən wdz/ 1 8 (can't) get a word in /kɑnt ɡet ə edgeways wd in edʒweiz/ 1 9 get straight to the point /ɡet streit tə ðə pɔint/ 1 9 have a quick word with /hv ə kwik wd wið, wiθ/ 1 9 hear it on the grapevine /hiər it ɒn ðə ɡreipvain/ 1 9 be on the same /bi ɒn ðə seim wavelength weivleŋθ/ Taten verraten mehr als Worte (nicht) zu Wort kommen ce ne sont pas les mots qui comptent mais les actions (ne pas ) pouvoir placer un mot Actions speak louder than words, and the way he kissed her tenderly showed how he felt. She's a lovely girl but she never stops chatting and you can't get a word in edgeways! direkt auf den Punkt kommen aller droit au but He never wastes time, but always gets straight to the point. kurz mit jdm. sprechen parler en vitesse à qn One of the mothers asked if she could have a quick word with me about the school trip. zu Ohren kommen, etw. durch die Buschtrommel erfahren auf der selben Wellenlinie sein entendre dire qc, apprendre qc par le téléphone arabe être sur la même longueur d'onde We heard it on the grapevine that Mr Davis is to be the new CEO. I just can't work with him; we're not on the same wavelength at all. 1 9 think before you speak /θiŋk bifɔ jυ spik/ denke bevor du sprichst penser avant de parler He never thinks before he speaks, and has upset many of his colleagues. – Seite 1 von 17 –

<strong>Language</strong> <strong>Leader</strong> <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Intermediate</strong><br />

<strong>English</strong>-<strong>German</strong>-<strong>French</strong> Wordlist<br />

Unit Page <strong>English</strong> Pronunciation <strong>German</strong> <strong>French</strong> Example sentence<br />

Unit 1<br />

1 6 appearance /əpiərəns/ Aussehen, Aufmachung apparence He was always criticising his wife's appearance.<br />

1 6 body language /bɒdi lŋɡwidʒ/ Körpersprache langage du corps It was obvious from Luke's body language that he was nervous.<br />

1 6 charisma /kərizmə/ Ausstrahlung, Charisma charisme He lacks charisma, and I find talking to him very boring.<br />

1 6 cultures /kltʃəz/ Kulturen, Kulturkreise cultures She was a product of two cultures – <strong>English</strong> and <strong>French</strong>.<br />

1 6 digressions /daiɡreʃənz/ Exkurs digressions She mentions her visit to Australia during one of her digressions in Chapter 5.<br />

1 6 eye contact /ai kɒntkt/ Augenkontakt croisement des regards She was trying to avoid making direct eye contact with him.<br />

1 6 listener /lisənə/ Zuhörer, Hörer auditeur "Can you hear me?" is a new programme for younger listeners.<br />

1 6 nerves /nvz/ Nerven nerfs The baby's crying was getting on her nerves.<br />

1 6 pace /peis/ Tempo, Geschwindigkeit vitesse The pace of change in our lives is becoming faster and faster.<br />

1 6 rambler /rmblə/ Wanderer randonneur One of the ramblers fell and twisted his ankle.<br />

1 6 sense of humour /sens əv hjumə/ Sinn für Humor sens de l'humour I couldn't marry a man who didn't have a sense of humour.<br />

1 6 vocabulary /vəkbjələri, vəυ/ Wortschatz vocabulaire Reading is one of the best ways of improving your vocabulary.<br />

1 8 actions speak louder<br />

than words<br />

/kʃənz spik<br />

laυdə ðən wdz/<br />

1 8 (can't) get a word in /kɑnt ɡet ə <br />

edgeways<br />

wd in edʒweiz/<br />

1 9 get straight to the point /ɡet streit tə ðə<br />

pɔint/<br />

1 9 have a quick word with /hv ə kwik wd<br />

wið, wiθ/<br />

1 9 hear it on the grapevine /hiər it ɒn ðə<br />

ɡreipvain/<br />

1 9 be on the same /bi ɒn ðə seim<br />

wavelength<br />

weivleŋθ/<br />

Taten verraten mehr als Worte<br />

(nicht) zu Wort kommen<br />

ce ne sont pas les mots qui<br />

comptent mais les actions<br />

(ne pas ) pouvoir placer<br />

un mot<br />

Actions speak louder than words, and the way he kissed her tenderly showed how<br />

he felt.<br />

She's a lovely girl but she never stops chatting and you can't get a word in<br />

edgeways!<br />

direkt auf den Punkt kommen aller droit au but He never wastes time, but always gets straight to the point.<br />

kurz mit jdm. sprechen parler en vitesse à qn One of the mothers asked if she could have a quick word with me about the<br />

school trip.<br />

zu Ohren kommen, etw. durch<br />

die Buschtrommel erfahren<br />

auf der selben Wellenlinie sein<br />

entendre dire qc, apprendre<br />

qc par le téléphone arabe<br />

être sur la même longueur<br />

d'onde<br />

We heard it on the grapevine that Mr Davis is to be the new CEO.<br />

I just can't work with him; we're not on the same wavelength at all.<br />

1 9 think before you speak /θiŋk bifɔ jυ spik/ denke bevor du sprichst penser avant de parler He never thinks before he speaks, and has upset many of his colleagues.<br />

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Unit Page <strong>English</strong> Pronunciation <strong>German</strong> <strong>French</strong> Example sentence<br />

1 11 burst into laughter /bst intə lɑftə/ in Gelächter ausbrechen éclater de rire As soon as the comedian walked on stage, the audience burst into laughter.<br />

1 10 hold centre stage /həυld sentə<br />

steidʒ/<br />

sich in den Mittelpunkt stellen,<br />

alle Aufmerksamkeit auf sich<br />

ziehen<br />

(ihm/ihr) geht der Gesprächsstoff<br />

aus<br />

1 10 run out of things to say /rn aυt əv θiŋz<br />

tə sei/<br />

1 10 the life of the party /ðə laif əv ðə pɑti/ das Herz (und die Seele)<br />

der Party<br />

Unit 2<br />

occuper le devant de la<br />

scène<br />

ne plus avoir rien à dire<br />

animateur (âme)<br />

Jess was only 16, but could hold centre stage like a seasoned actor.<br />

Shani never runs out of things to say, and hops from one subject to another.<br />

Everybody likes David – he's the life and soul of the party.<br />

2 16 abandoned cars /əbndənd kɑz/ Autowracks (wörtl.:<br />

voitures abandonnées The housing estate was full of abandoned cars and rubbish.<br />

verlassene Autos)<br />

2 16 apartment block /əpɑtmənt blɒk/ Wohnblock, Apartmentblock immeuble The apartment block looked dilapidated and in need of a coat of paint.<br />

2 16 cosmopolitan<br />

/kɒzməpɒlitən weltoffene/kosmopolitische ambiance cosmopolite The cosmopolitan atmosphere of the city gave her a buzz.<br />

atmosphere<br />

tməsfiə/<br />

Atmoshäre<br />

2 16 crime rate /kraim reit/ Kriminalitätsrate taux de criminalité The government claim that the crime rate in London is falling.<br />

2 16 detached house /dittʃt haυs/ Einfamilienhaus maison individuelle Gran lives in a detached house with a huge garden.<br />

2 16 mindless vandalism /maindləs<br />

sinnlose Zerstörungswut vandalisme irresponsable Someone had scratched the car's bodywork in an act of mindless vandalism.<br />

vndəlizəm/<br />

2 16 noise pollution /nɔiz pəluʃən/ Lärmbelästigung pollution sonore Defra is the UK government department that addresses the problem of noise<br />

pollution.<br />

2 16 open spaces /əυpən speisiz/ Grünflache, Freifläche espaces ouverts Many of the open spaces in the city have been built on to provide high-rise flats and<br />

office buildings.<br />

2 16 rush hour /rʃ aυə/ Hauptverkehrszeit, Stoßzeit heure de pointe I got caught in the morning rush hour and was late for work.<br />

2 16 stunning views /stniŋ vjuz/ überwältigende Aussicht vues renversantes The stunning views from the top of the hill took my breath away.<br />

2 16 traffic congestion /trfik kəndʒest Verkehrsstau<br />

congestion routière, The traffic congestion was so bad that we missed our plane.<br />

ʃən/<br />

bouchon<br />

2 16 transport connections /trnspɔt<br />

kənekʃənz/<br />

Verkehrsverbindung correspondance People will not stop using their cars unless transport connections are greatly<br />

improved.<br />

2 18 climate change /klaimət tʃeindʒ/ Klimaveränderung changement climatique Climate change is the greatest environmental challenge facing the world today.<br />

2 18 false impression /fɔls impreʃən/ falscher Eindruck mauvaise impression When I first met her I got a totally false impression about the kind of person<br />

she was.<br />

2 18 global warming /ɡləυbəl wɔmiŋ/ Erderwärmung réchauffement de la Glaciers melting is one of the early warning signs of global warming.<br />

planète<br />

2 18 satellite image /stəlait imidʒ/ Satellitenbild image satellite I used Google Earth to find a satellite image of my house.<br />

2 18 scientific journal /saiəntifik dʒnl/ wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift journal scientifique Her article on global warming was published in the scientific journal 'Nature'.<br />

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Unit Page <strong>English</strong> Pronunciation <strong>German</strong> <strong>French</strong> Example sentence<br />

2 19 significant effect /siɡnifikənt ifekt/ bedeutende Auswirkung répercussion importante Her warning had a significant effect on his behaviour.<br />

2 21 comparativelyrelatively<br />

/kəmprətivli,<br />

relətivli/<br />

2 21 generally-normally /dʒenərəli,<br />

nɔməli/<br />

2 21 intentionallydeliberately<br />

/intenʃənəli,<br />

dilibərətli/<br />

vergleichsweise/verhältnismäßig<br />

im Allgemeinen/normalerweise<br />

absichtlich/vorsätzlich<br />

comparativement/<br />

relativement<br />

généralement/<br />

normalement<br />

I was nervous, but John was comparatively/relatively relaxed about the interviews.<br />

Harry's generally/normally very shy of meeting people.<br />

intentionnellement/volontair I don't think he broke the window intentionally/deliberately – it was just an accident.<br />

ement-sciemment<br />

2 21 mostly-mainly /məυstli, meinli/ größtenteils/hauptsächlich surtout/principalement It's been mostly/mainly wet and cold all this week.<br />

2 21 possibly-perhaps /pɒsəbli, pəhps/ möglicherweise/vielleicht éventuellement/peut-être I think perhaps/possibly Susan would be a better choice for this job.<br />

2 21 thoughtfullyslowly/pensively<br />

Unit 3<br />

/θɔtfəli, sləυli,<br />

pensivli/<br />

gedankenvoll/nachdenklich<br />

d'une manière<br />

réfléchie/pensivement<br />

He stood looking thoughtfully/pensively out of the window at the far shore of<br />

the lake.<br />

3 27 a level playing field /ə levəl pleiiŋ fild/ (unter) gleichen Voraussetzungen être sur un pied d'égalité I have no problem competing with you as long as we start from a level playing field.<br />

3 27 score an own goal /skɔr ən əυn ɡəυl/ ein Eigentor schießen marqué contre son camp He scored an own goal when he put up his prices as a lot of his customers went<br />

elsewhere.<br />

3 27 a whole new ball game /ə həυl nju bɔl<br />

ɡeim/<br />

eine völlig neue Dimension, eine<br />

ganz andere Kategorie<br />

c'est une tout autre histoire I'd been surfing occasionally, but when I went to Hawaii it was a whole new ball<br />

game.<br />

3 27 start the ball rolling /stɑt ðə bɔl rəυliŋ/ den Stein ins Rollen bringen, hier: commencer<br />

We'll have to start the ball rolling on this new order or we'll miss the deadline.<br />

in die Gänge kommen<br />

3 27 be on the ball /bi ɒn ðə bɔl/ am Ball bleiben, auf Draht sein être à la hauteur, avoir<br />

l'esprit rapide<br />

You have to be on the ball when dealing with Josh, as he's very quick and misses<br />

nothing.<br />

3 27 take your eye off /teik jər ai ɒf ðə den Ball aus den Augen lassen, relâcher son attention It's a tough business and you can't afford to take your eye off the ball for an instant.<br />

the ball<br />

bɔl/<br />

sich eine Unaufmerksamkeit<br />

(leisten)<br />

3 27 move the goalposts /muv ðə<br />

die Spielregeln ändern changer les règles du jeu We're never going to reach an agreement if you keep moving the goalposts!<br />

ɡəυlpəυsts/<br />

3 27 professional /prəfeʃənəl/ fachlich, beruflich professionnel What professional and vocational qualifications does he have?<br />

3 28 self-confidence /self kɒnfidəns/ Selbstvertrauen confiance en soi He was full of self-confidence when he went in for his interview.<br />

3 28 self-control /self kəntrəυl/ Selbstbeherrschung sang-froid, maîtrise de soi Under the circumstances, her self-control was admirable.<br />

3 28 self-defence /self difens/ Selbstverteidigung légitime défense He shot him in self-defence when he attacked her.<br />

3 28 self-development /self diveləpmənt/ Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, développement de soi She identified her self-development needs and asked her manager if she could go on<br />

Selbstentfaltung<br />

the some courses.<br />

3 28 self-discipline /self disəplin/ Selbstdisziplin autodiscipline A lot of the kids seemed to lack self-discipline, and just do whatever they want.<br />

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Unit Page <strong>English</strong> Pronunciation <strong>German</strong> <strong>French</strong> Example sentence<br />

3 28 self-respect /self rispekt/ Selbstachtung respect de soi It's difficult to keep your self-respect when you have been unemployed for a<br />

long time.<br />

3 28 agility /ədʒiləti/ Wendigkeit, Flinkheit agilité With surprising agility, Karl darted across the road.<br />

3 28 calm /kɑm/ ruhig calme Glen was surprisingly calm and composed at the funeral.<br />

3 28 coordination /kəυɔdineiʃən/ Koordinationsvermögen coordination Too much alcohol affects your coordination and makes it dangerous to drive.<br />

3 28 courtesy /ktəsi/ Höflichkeit courtoisie, politesse It's a matter of common courtesy to acknowledge letters that people send you.<br />

3 28 flexibility /fleksəbiləti/ Anpassungsfähigkeit, Flexibilität flexibilité Employers expect flexibility from today's workforce.<br />

3 28 tolerance /tɒlərəns/ Toleranz, Duldung tolérance All countries should practise tolerance towards religious minorities.<br />

3 30 disgusted /disɡstid/ empört écœuré, dégoûté Disgusted onlookers claimed the driver was more concerned about his car than<br />

about the victim.<br />

3 30 expert /ekspt/ erfahren expert Ruth was an expert sailor and had won many races.<br />

3 30 phenomenal /finɒmənəl/ überragend, sagenhaft phénoménal, immense The show was a phenomenal success, and all the tickets were sold out for weeks<br />

to come.<br />

3 31 aggressive /əɡresiv/ aggressiv, streitsüchtig agressif Jim's voice became aggressive, and he started shouting.<br />

3 31 dramatic /drəmtik/ tief greifend, drastisch drastique Computers have brought dramatic changes to the workplace.<br />

3 31 illegal /iliɡəl/ illegal, verboten illégal, défendu The sniffer dogs found a cache of illegal drugs in the warehouse.<br />

Unit 4<br />

4 38 Alzheimer's /ltshaiməz/ Alzheimer-Krankheit maladie d'Alzheimer Gran was diagnosed with Alzheimer's recently – she keeps forgetting who her<br />

family are.<br />

4 38 anaesthetist /ənisθətist/ Anästhesist, Narkosearzt anesthésiste The anaesthetist has prepared the patient for surgery.<br />

4 38 antibiotic /ntibaiɒtik/ Antibiotika antibiotique The doctor gave me some antibiotics for my flu.<br />

4 38 arthritis /ɑθraitis/ Arthritis arthrite She has arthritis, and finds it difficult to use a can opener because of her painful<br />

fingers.<br />

4 38 cancer /knsə/ Krebs cancer A lot of types of cancer can now be treated successfully.<br />

4 38 chest infection /tʃest infekʃən/ Brustentzündung infection des voies The little boy had a chest infection, and was coughing painfully.<br />

respiratoires<br />

4 38 diabetes /daiəbitiz, tis/ Diabetes, Zuckerkrankheit diabète Molly has diabetes and has to give herself insulin injections.<br />

4 38 heart disease /hɑt diziz/ Herzleiden, Herzerkrankung maladie cardiaque Heart disease has been the leading cause of death in the US for the past 80 years.<br />

4 38 injection /indʒekʃən/ Spritze injection The nurse gave me a tetanus injection to prevent infection after I cut my hand.<br />

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Unit Page <strong>English</strong> Pronunciation <strong>German</strong> <strong>French</strong> Example sentence<br />

4 38 midwife /midwaif/ Hebamme sage-femme The midwife delivered the baby and placed him next to his proud mother.<br />

4 38 morphine /mɔfin/ Morphium morphine The doctor gave her a shot of morphine to ease the pain.<br />

4 38 painkiller /peinkilə/ Schmerzmittel analgésique, calmant Jacky died from an overdose of painkillers.<br />

4 38 pharmacist /fɑməsist/ Apotheker, Apothekerin pharmacien I gave my prescription to the pharmacist, and she gave me the medicine the doctor<br />

had prescribed.<br />

4 38 physiotherapy /fiziəυθerəpi/ Krankengymnastik,<br />

kinésithérapie,<br />

Freya is considering physiotherapy as a career.<br />

Physiotherapie<br />

physiothérapie<br />

4 38 psychiatrist /saikaiətrist/ Psychiater, Psychiaterin psychiatre Jimmy has been seeing a psychiatrist because of his severe problems with<br />

depression.<br />

4 38 radiologist /reidiɒlədʒist/ Röntgenarzt, Radiologe radiologiste The radiologist took an X-ray of Frank's chest.<br />

4 38 surgeon /sdʒən/ Chirurg, Chirurgin chirurgien The surgeon performed the operation and then told us that Harry had been<br />

successfully cured.<br />

4 38 transplant /trnsplɑnt, Transplantation greffe Surgeons in France have carried out the first face transplant.<br />

trnsplɑnt/<br />

4 40 contract /kəntrkt/ sich zusammenziehen se contracter Metal contracts as it cools and expands as it heats up.<br />

4 40 fever /fivə/ Fieber fièvre Andy has a fever and won't be coming into work today.<br />

4 40 infection /infekʃən/ Entzündung infection My son has an ear infection and has to stay off school.<br />

4 40 parasite /prəsait/ Schmarotzer, Parasit parasite Mistletoe is a parasite, and lives on other plants and trees.<br />

4 40 symptom /simptəm/ Symptome, Anzeichen symptôme Common symptoms of diabetes are weight loss and fatigue.<br />

4 40 vaccine /vksin/ Impfung vaccin Polio vaccine was first developed many years ago.<br />

4 42 adjust to /ədʒst tə, tυ/ sich an etw. gewöhnen s'adapter à She soon adjusted to her new way of life.<br />

4 42 approve of /əpruv əv, ɒv/ jdn. gutheißen apprécier qn Jessica's father didn't approve of her latest boyfriend.<br />

4 42 consent to /kənsent tə, tυ/ zustimmen, mit etw.<br />

consentir à<br />

He consented to my plan, so we can go ahead and get started now.<br />

einverstanden sein<br />

4 42 participate in /pɑtisəpeit in/ teilnehmen an prendre part à, participer à She refused to participate in the discussion, and faced the other way.<br />

4 42 relate to /rileit tə, tυ/ etw. nachvollziehen, etw. saisir, comprendre She's my daughter, but I just can't relate to her choice in men.<br />

verstehen<br />

4 42 succeed in /səksid in/ es schaffen, etw. zu tun réussir à, parvenir à Nate succeeded in getting six A levels.<br />

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Unit Page <strong>English</strong> Pronunciation <strong>German</strong> <strong>French</strong> Example sentence<br />

Unit 5<br />

5 48 balloon /bəlun/ Ballon, Luftballon ballon Can you help me blow up these balloons?<br />

5 48 barge /bɑdʒ/ Kahn, Frachtkahn chaland, péniche Barges can be used for carrying goods on canals and rivers.<br />

5 48 cable car /keibəl kɑ/ Seilbahn, Gondelbahn téléphérique Skiers can take the cable car up the mountain.<br />

5 48 coach /kəυtʃ/ Bus, Reisebus autocar Everyone got back on the coach and we drove back home.<br />

5 48 ferry /feri/ Fähre transbordeur We went from Dover to Calais by ferry instead of using the tunnel.<br />

5 48 glider /ɡlaidə/ Segelflugzeug planeur The glider soared across the hills in the air currents.<br />

5 48 helicopter /helikɒptə/ Hubschrauber, Helikopter hélicoptère Three soldiers jumped into the helicopter and flew off to rescue their comrades.<br />

5 48 hovercraft /hɒvəkrɑft/ Luftkissenboot aéroglisseur The Channel crossing took about 30 minutes on the hovercraft.<br />

5 48 hydrofoil /haidrəfɔil/ Tragflächenboot hydrofoil They caught the hydrofoil along the river Danube from Budapest to Vienna.<br />

5 48 lorry/truck /lɒri, trk/ Lastwagen camion There was a collision between a truck and a car on the M25.<br />

5 48 Maglev train /mɡlev trein/ Magnetschwebebahn train à lévitation<br />

The Shanghai Maglev train goes from 0 to 300 kph in just two minutes.<br />

magnétique<br />

5 48 motorbike /məυtəbaik/ Motorrad motocyclette The motorbike zigzagged through the traffic to the front of the queue.<br />

5 48 quad bike /kwɒd baik/ Quad-Bike (vierrädriges motoquad, quatre-roues Mum and Dad took me on an off-road quad bike trip.<br />

Motorrad)<br />

5 48 scooter /skutə/ Roller, Motorroller scooter, vespa Suzi wanted a scooter for her birthday – but this time, one with a motor!<br />

5 48 submarine /sbmərin/ Unterseeboot, U-Boot sous-marin The Royal Navy's latest nuclear submarine was launched by the Duchess of<br />

Cornwall.<br />

5 48 tram /trm/ Straßenbahn, Tram tram, tramway NET is Nottingham's state-of-the art tram system.<br />

5 48 van /vn/ Kleintransporter, Lieferwagen camionnette, fourgonnette There was a delivery van outside the house, dropping off our new washing machine.<br />

5 48 fogbound runway /fɒɡbaυnd rnwei/ (wegen) Nebel über der (à cause du) brouillard Our plane couldn’t land because of the fogbound runway, so the flight was diverted.<br />

Landebahn<br />

sur la piste<br />

5 48 lane closure /lein kləυʒə/ Fahrbahnabsperrung fermeture des voies There were lane closures on the motorway due to the accident.<br />

5 48 low tide /ləυ taid/ Ebbe marée basse You can walk across to the island at low tide.<br />

5 48 platform alteration /pltfɔm<br />

ɔltəreiʃən/<br />

Gleisänderung changement de quai There's been a platform alteration – our train will now leave from Platform 5.<br />

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Unit Page <strong>English</strong> Pronunciation <strong>German</strong> <strong>French</strong> Example sentence<br />

5 48 puncture /pŋktʃə/ Reifenpanne (have a puncture = crevaison<br />

She was cycling home when she had a puncture.<br />

einen Platten haben)<br />

5 48 rough weather /rf weðə/ rauhes Wetter gros temps The ferry crossing was cancelled due to rough weather.<br />

5 48 signalling problems /siɡnəliŋ prɒbləmz/ Probleme mit der Signalanlage problème d'aiguillage Train services between Leeds and London were disrupted due to signalling<br />

problems.<br />

5 48 tailback /teilbk/ Rückstau, Stau bouchon (de circulation) There was a five-mile tailback of vehicles on the M25.<br />

5 48 turbulence /tbjυləns/ Turbulenzen turbulence The plane hit a few patches of turbulence, and we had to fasten our seat belts.<br />

5 49 airbag /eəbɡ/ Airbag, Luftkissen coussin gonflable Most new cars today have airbags in the steering wheel and both front doors.<br />

5 49 anti-lock brakes /nti lɒk breiks/ Anti-Blockier-System-Bremsen système de freinage Anti-lock brakes are designed to help drivers avoid crashes.<br />

antiblocage<br />

5 49 one-way street /wn wei strit/ Einbahnstraße rue à sens unique It was a one-way street, and I had to go all round the houses to get to the<br />

correct end.<br />

5 49 seat belt /sit belt/ Sicherheitsgurt ceinture de sécurité Mum took the car to the garage because one of the seat belts was broken.<br />

5 49 speed cameras /spid kmərəz/ Blitzgeräte, Radarkameras radar There seem to be more and more speed cameras around on the roads today.<br />

5 49 speed limit /spid limit/ Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung limitation de vitesse He was fined for driving at twice the speed limit.<br />

5 49 traffic signals /trfik siɡnəlz/ Verkehrsampeln feux de signalisation The traffic signals had broken down, and a policeman was directing the cars.<br />

5 50 fleet /flit/ Flotte flotte The US 7th Fleet is a naval military unit based in Yokosuka, Japan.<br />

5 50 tycoon /taikun/ Magnat, Großindustrieller magnat (de l'immobilier) She's marrying a multi-millionaire property tycoon.<br />

(property tycoon =<br />

Immobilienmagnat)<br />

5 51 feasible /fizəbəl/ machbar, realisierbar faisable, réalisable Can you think of a feasible solution to the problem?<br />

5 57 freight /freit/ Fracht, Frachtgut fret, marchandise Much of the freight on Britain's roads could go by rail.<br />

Unit 6<br />

6 58 autobiographies /ɔtəbaiɒɡrəfiz/ Autobiografien autobiographies Dad likes reading autobiographies of famous actors.<br />

6 58 biographies /baiɒɡrəfiz/ Biografien biographies Sally has written biographies of many well-known politicians.<br />

6 58 blogs /blɒɡz/ Blog, (Internet-Tagebuch,<br />

Internet-Journal)<br />

bloc-notes<br />

I've never understood why people write blogs – I'm not interested in what they had<br />

for breakfast!<br />

6 58 crime stories /kraim stɔriz/ Kriminalgeschichten, (ugs.) récits policiers<br />

Marie likes reading crime stories that are set in the USA.<br />

Krimis<br />

6 58 diaries /daiəriz/ Tagebücher journal intime The Home Secretary has been temporarily prevented from publishing his political<br />

diaries.<br />

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6 58 essays /eseiz/ Aufsätze, Abhandlungen composition We had to write two essays on Shakespeare's use of language.<br />

6 58 history /histəri/ Geschichte, hier:<br />

(tout au long de l') histoire Throughout history the achievements of women have been largely ignored.<br />

Geschichtsschreibung<br />

6 58 memoirs /memwɑz/ Memoiren, Lebenserinnerungen mémoires Gran is going to write her memoirs when she retires.<br />

6 58 novels /nɒvəlz/ Romane romans She has a contract to write three novels about the same Yorkshire family.<br />

6 58 plays /pleiz/ Stücke, Theaterstücke pièces (de théâtre) We sometimes go to see plays at the local theatre.<br />

6 58 poetry /pəυətri/ Dichtung (piece of poetry =<br />

Gedicht)<br />

poésie<br />

Some people think that every line in a piece of poetry has to rhyme, but that's<br />

not true.<br />

6 58 romances /rəυmnsiz, rəυ/ Liebesromane romans d'amour, romans She writes silly romances about handsome princes and pretty serving girls.<br />

à l'eau de rose<br />

6 58 science fiction /saiəns fikʃən/ Science Fiction, hier: Science- science-fiction<br />

Science fiction is my favourite genre of writing.<br />

Fiction-Roman<br />

6 58 short stories /ʃɔt stɔriz/ Kurzgeschichten nouvelles Zak doesn't like reading short stories – he prefers a full-length novel.<br />

6 58 thriller /θriləz/ Thriller, Reißer roman à suspense Her bookshelves were crammed with crime thrillers by the best UK authors.<br />

6 58 travel writing /trvəl raitiŋ/ Reiseromane, Reiseberichte récit de voyage Bill Bryson's travel writing is some of the most amusing I've read.<br />

6 58 poetry /pəυətri/ Dichtung, Poesie, hier: Gedichte poésie, ici: poème He reads a lot of poetry, but I much prefer to read prose.<br />

6 59 author /ɔθə/ Verfasser, Autor auteur Who is the author of this essay on Milton's 'Paradise Lost'?<br />

6 59 biographer /baiɒɡrəfə/ Biograf biographe Because biographers are writing about someone else's life, you can't be sure that<br />

everything you read is true.<br />

6 59 critic /kritik/ Kritiker (theatre critic = critique<br />

The play was given a rave review by the newspaper's theatre critic.<br />

Theaterkritiker)<br />

6 59 dramatist /drmətist/ Dramatiker, Stückeschreiber auteur dramatique, Dennis Potter is a famous British dramatist whose plays were written for television.<br />

dramaturge<br />

6 59 judge /dʒdʒ/ Richter juge The trial judge determines the number of years the convicted person has to spend in<br />

prison.<br />

6 59 novelist /nɒvəlist/ Romanautor, Romanautorin romancier At the bookshop, the novelist Carol O'Connell was signing copies of her latest novel.<br />

6 60 candle /kndl/ Kerze bougie, chandelle As there's been a power cut, you'll need to use this candle to help you see where<br />

you're going.<br />

6 60 lamp /lmp/ Lampe lampe Rebecca held up the lamp as she ascended the stairs.<br />

6 60 darkness /dɑknəs/ Dunkelheit obscurité The long hours of darkness during winter depress many people.<br />

6 60 silent /sailənt/ still, schweigsam silencieux Alan was silent – he couldn't think of anything to say.<br />

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6 60 gleam /ɡlim/ Schimmer lueur There was a gleam in her eye, as if she knew something we didn't.<br />

6 60 lantern /lntən/ Laterne lanterne The passageway was lit by flickering lanterns.<br />

6 60 strike a match /straik ə mtʃ/ ein Streichholz anzünden frotter une allumette I struck a match to light the fire so that we could heat water for tea.<br />

6 60 glare /ɡleə/ (im) blendenden Licht, (im) (dans la) lumière The rabbit froze in the glare of the car's headlights.<br />

grellen Schein<br />

aveuglante<br />

6 60 flash /flʃ/ Blitzlicht, hier:<br />

éclair<br />

A flash of light from the torch dazzled her, and she blinked hard.<br />

das aufblitzende Licht<br />

6 60 straining ears /streiniŋ iəz/ (listen with straining ears = tendre l'oreille<br />

He listened with straining ears, trying to find the source of the sound.<br />

angestrengt lauschen,<br />

die Ohren spitzen)<br />

6 60 audible /ɔdəbəl/ hörbar audible, perceptible His voice was barely audible above the roar of the crowd.<br />

6 60 whistle /wisəl/ pfeifen siffler The boy whistled cheerfully as he walked along.<br />

6 60 silence /sailəns/ Stille silence Nothing disturbed the silence of the night.<br />

6 60 cry /krai/ Schrei, Ruf cri I was sure I'd heard a cry for help.<br />

6 60 yell /jel/ schreien, brüllen crier (à tue-tête) When he heard her yell 'Stop!', he did.<br />

6 60 shriek /ʃrik/ schreien hurler, crier Sally shrieked with pain when she fell off the horse.<br />

6 60 echoes /ekəυz/ Echo, Widerhall écho They shouted loudly in the cave, so that they could hear the echoes of their voices.<br />

6 64 ghostwriter /ɡəυstraitə/ Ghostwriter nègre, auteur à gages John worked as a ghostwriter for the footballer's 'autobiography'.<br />

Unit 7<br />

7 70 ancient /einʃənt/ alt, uralt très vieux, ancien She was wearing an ancient, worn-out sweater that was falling apart at the seams.<br />

7 70 classical /klsikəl/ klassisch classique Dad loves classical music, but he also likes a bit of pop.<br />

7 70 contemporary /kəntempərəri, zeitgenössisch contemporain The art gallery was showing an exhibition of contemporary Japanese prints<br />

pəri/<br />

7 70 derelict /derəlikt/ verlassen, aufgegeben abandonné, délaissé All the old cottages had been derelict since the 1950s.<br />

7 70 dilapidated /dəlpideitid/ baufällig, verfallen délabré The house looked pretty dilapidated but, I hoped, not beyond repair.<br />

7 70 elegant /eliɡənt/ elegant élégant When I opened the door, a tall, elegant young woman stood before me.<br />

7 70 graceful /ɡreisfəl/ anmutig, graziös gracieux Her movements were graceful and elegant.<br />

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7 70 imposing /impəυziŋ/ imposant, eindrucksvoll imposant The Sydney Opera House is an imposing building.<br />

7 70 impressive /impresiv/ beeindruckend impressionnant Among the guests was an impressive array of authors and critics.<br />

7 70 innovative /inəveitiv/ innovativ, neu innovateur, novateur It certainly is an innovative approach to language teaching.<br />

7 70 magnificent /mɡnifisənt/ großartig magnifique, splendide The leading lady gave a magnificent performance, and was cheered off the stage<br />

7 70 ornate /ɔneit/ verziert orné Ruby bought an ornate gold mirror at the auction.<br />

7 70 run-down /rn daυn/ heruntergekommen délabré The school was in a run-down inner-city area.<br />

7 70 stylish /stailiʃ/ modisch, stilvoll élégant, chic Carla is a stylish, fashionable woman in her forties.<br />

7 70 traditional /trədiʃənəl/ traditionell traditionnel I've always loved traditional Italian cooking, since I was a child in Perugia.<br />

7 70 ugly /ɡli/ häßlich laid, vilain He had a very ugly expression on his face.<br />

7 70 commission /kəmiʃən/ jdn. beauftragen charger qn, commisionner Ken was commissioned to write the report by the Welsh Office.<br />

qn<br />

7 70 construct /kənstrkt/ bauen construire, bâtir There are plans to construct a new road bridge across the river.<br />

7 70 damage /dmidʒ/ beschädigen endommager, abîmer The accident severely damaged my car, and it was towed to the garage.<br />

7 70 demolish /dimɒliʃ/ zerstören démolir The entire east wing of the building was demolished in the fire.<br />

7 70 design /dizain/ entwerfen concevoir, faire les plans de The tower was designed by George Gilbert Scott, the famous architect.<br />

7 70 maintain /meintein/ etw. aufrechterhalten conserver Careers Officers maintain contact with young people when they have left school.<br />

7 70 rebuild /ribild/ wiederaufbauen rebâtir, reconstruire The church was completely rebuilt in the previous century.<br />

7 70 restore /ristɔ/ wiederherstellen, hier: (zu ihrer restaurer, rétablir The government promises to restore the economy to its former strength.<br />

früheren Stärke) verhelfen<br />

7 74 insensitive /insensətiv/ taktlos, unsensibel insensible, dur One insensitive official insisted on seeing her husband's death certificate.<br />

7 74 insoluble /insɒljəbəl/ unlösbar insoluble The manager was told to deal with the apparently insoluble conflicts within the<br />

department.<br />

7 74 misplaced /mispleist/ unangebracht mal placé I realised that my trust in him had been misplaced.<br />

7 74 misunderstand /misndəstnd/ missverstehen mal comprendre, Rachel, you must have misunderstood her! Ellie would never say something like<br />

comprendre de travers that.<br />

7 74 overcome /əυvəkm/ überwinden surmonter He struggled to overcome his shyness and speak without hesitating.<br />

7 74 overcrowded /əυvəkraυdid/ überfüllt (travailler) à l'étroit Staff had to work in overcrowded conditions, ten to a tiny room.<br />

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7 74 redefine /ridifain/ neu definieren redéfinir The new manager decided to redefine the duties of some of his staff.<br />

7 74 revitalise /rivaitəlaiz/ beleben, neu beleben revitaliser Phil's appointment as CEO seemed to revitalise the company.<br />

7 74 unimportant /nimpɔtənt/ unwichtig sans importance, The point was unimportant, and I let it pass with comment.<br />

insignifiant<br />

7 74 unusual /njuʒuəl, ʒəl/ ungewöhnlich peu commun, inhabituel It was quite an unusual house – one you would either love or hate!<br />

7 75 build bridges /bild bridʒiz/ Brücken schlagen jeter un pont She worked hard to build bridges between the opposing parties.<br />

7 75 burn one's bridges /bn wnz bridʒiz/ alle Brücken hinter sich brûler les ponts<br />

He burned his bridges when he insulted her – she'll never take him back again.<br />

abbrechen, hier: es sich endgültig<br />

mit jdm. verderben<br />

7 75 cross a/that bridge<br />

when it comes to it<br />

/krɒs ə, ðt bridʒ<br />

wen it kmz tυ it/<br />

eine/diese Hürde nehmen,<br />

wenn es soweit ist<br />

régler chaque chose en<br />

temps et lieu<br />

We don't know whether they will turn down our offer, so let's cross that bridge when<br />

we come to it.<br />

7 75 water under the /wɔtər ndə ðə Schnee von gestern<br />

(c'est) de l'histoire Don't apologise again – it's all water under the bridge, forgotten.<br />

bridge<br />

bridʒ/<br />

ancienne<br />

7 75 indisputable /indispjutəbəl/ unumstritten, unstrittig incontestable, indiscutable The evidence was indisputable, and the men were imprisoned for 20 years.<br />

Unit 8<br />

8 81 child labour /tʃaild leibə/ Kinderarbeit travail des enfants Child labour is forbidden in most countries.<br />

8 81 climate change /klaimət tʃeindʒ/ Klimaveränderung changement climatique Climate change is the greatest environmental challenge facing the world today.<br />

8 81 consumer choice /kənsjumə tʃɔis/ Verbraucherwahl choix du consommateur How will consumer choice impact on the NHS?' 'We'll be able to choose which<br />

hospital we go to.'<br />

8 81 corporate greed /kɔpərət ɡrid/ unternehmerische Habgier, cupidité des entreprises Corporate greed is on the increase, and the emphasis is all on profits.<br />

Habgier der Firmen<br />

8 81 fair trade /feə treid/ Fairer Handel (fair trade fruit = commerce équitable, Mum always buys fair trade fruit and vegetables.<br />

Obst aus Fairem Handel) (fair trade fruit = fruits issus<br />

du commerce équitable)<br />

8 81 free markets /fri mɑkits/ freie Märkte économie de marché The society is dedicated to building a free and peaceful world through the ideals of<br />

free markets.<br />

8 81 global warming /ɡləυbəl wɔmiŋ/ Erderwärmung réchauffement de la Glaciers melting is one of the early warning signs of global warming.<br />

planète<br />

8 81 human rights /hjumən raits/ Menschenrechte droits de l'homme The society works to raise awareness of human rights in the UK.<br />

8 81 multinational<br />

companies<br />

/mltinʃənəl<br />

kmpəniz/<br />

8 81 natural resources /ntʃərəl rizɔsiz,<br />

sɔ/<br />

multinationale Konzerne,<br />

internationale Unternehmen<br />

Rohstoffquellen, natürliche<br />

Ressourcen<br />

entreprises/firmes<br />

multinationales<br />

ressources naturelles<br />

Multinational companies do bring some benefits to developing countries.<br />

The rate at which some countries are using up their natural resources is<br />

unsustainable.<br />

8 81 programme /prəυɡrm/ Sendung émission The programme started at 7.30, so we've missed the beginning.<br />

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8 82 collaboration /kəlbəreiʃən/ Zusammenarbeit collaboration The company is building the centre in collaboration with the Institute of Offshore<br />

Engineering.<br />

8 82 creativity /krieitivəti/ Kreativität, Schaffenskraft créativité Her artistic creativity was obvious from an early age.<br />

8 82 hierarchy /hairɑki/ Rangordnung, Hierarchie hiérarchie The tribe had a rigid social hierarchy, with the headman at the top.<br />

8 82 influence /influəns/ Einfluss influence There is no doubt that Bohr's influence on physics was immense.<br />

8 82 networking /netwkiŋ/ das Kommunizieren im établissement d'un réseau Not everyone finds networking easy, especially if they're very shy.<br />

Netzwerk, Netzwerken de liens/de contacts<br />

8 84 broadcast /brɔdkɑst/ Ausstrahlung (TV und/ émission<br />

The broadcast went out live and simultaneously across all the countries involved.<br />

oder Radio)<br />

8 84 celebrity /səlebrəti/ (der) Star, (die) Berühmtheit vedette, célébrité After finishing their career many sportsmen and women become celebrities on TV.<br />

8 84 character /kriktə/ Wesen, Charakter caractère He has a cheerful but quiet and modest character.<br />

8 84 newspaper /njuspeipə/ Zeitung journal Sue had read about the disaster in the newspapers.<br />

8 84 televised /teləvaizd/ im Fernsehen übertragen téléviser The Russia-Poland football match was televised and broadcast live.<br />

8 85 coverage /kvəridʒ/ Berichterstattung couverture (médiatique) The allegations received widespread media coverage.<br />

8 85 paparazzi /ppərtsi/ Sensationsreporter, Paparazzi paparazzi The paparazzi pursued the princess wherever she went.<br />

8 85 press /pres/ Presse presse The freedom of the press is important to ensure a free society.<br />

Unit 9<br />

9 90 artist /ɑtist/ Künstler, Künstlerin artiste There was an exhibition of paintings by local artists at the gallery.<br />

9 90 painter /peintə/ Maler peintre Gerry's ambition was to become a portrait painter.<br />

9 91 abstract /bstrkt/ abstrakt abstrait Tom has the enviable ability to translate abstract ideas into words.<br />

9 91 art lover /ɑt lvə/ Kunstliebhaber amateur d'art Art lovers will be inspired by Charles Rennie Mackintosh's portfolio of drawings.<br />

9 91 collector /kəlektə/ Sammler collectionneur Justin was an avid stamp collector.<br />

9 91 contemporary /kəntempərəri, zeitgenössisch contemporain We went to see an exhibition of contemporary Japanese prints.<br />

pəri/<br />

9 91 controversial /kɒntrəvʃəl/ umstritten controversé There was to be a debate about the controversial issue of welfare reform.<br />

9 91 critic /kritik/ Kritiker (theatre critic =<br />

Theaterkritiker)<br />

critique<br />

The play was given a rave review by the newspaper's theatre critic.<br />

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9 91 groundbreaking /ɡraυndbreikiŋ/ bahnbrechend, innovativ révolutionnaire Thanks to her groundbreaking research, the team were near to finding a cure.<br />

9 91 masterpiece /mɑstəpis/ Meisterwerk chef-d'œuvre Mary Shelley was just 18 when she wrote the horror masterpiece 'Frankenstein'.<br />

9 91 modern /mɒdn/ modern, heutig moderne Such companies must change if they are to compete in the modern world.<br />

9 91 preview /privju/ Vorschau, Probevorführung avant-première We were given a sneak preview of the new fashions for autumn.<br />

9 91 realism /riəlizəm/ Realismus (sense of realism = réalisme (sense of rea- He has hope, but also a scientist's sense of realism.<br />

Realitätssinn)<br />

lism = sens de la réalité)<br />

9 91 realist /riəlist/ Realist, Realistin réaliste She had always been a realist, not a dreamer.<br />

9 91 retrospective /retrəspektiv/ rückwirkend rétroactif The new tax laws were made retrospective.<br />

9 91 sculptor /sklptə/ Bildhauer sculpteur The sculptor Henry Moore attended Leeds School of Art.<br />

9 91 thought-provoking /θɔt prəvəυkiŋ/ zum Nachdenken anregend qui pousse à la réflexion, Science-fiction writers often come up with thought-provoking scenarios of the future.<br />

stimulant<br />

9 92 completely different /kəmplitli difərənt/ völlig unterschiedlich complètement différent They were identical twins, but had completely different personalities.<br />

9 92 entirely unexpected /intaiəli nik völlig unerwartet entièrement inattendu Emily's inviting us to dinner was entirely unexpected.<br />

spektid/<br />

9 92 heavily criticised /hevəli kritisaizd/ schwer getadelt, heftig gerügt fortement critiqué The pupils were heavily criticised for their selfish behaviour.<br />

9 92 highly praised /haili preizd/ hoch gelobt grandement félicité Corporal Smith was highly praised for his bravery.<br />

9 92 highly qualified /haili kwɒləfaid/ hoch qualifiziert hautement qualifié The applicant is highly qualified – we should invite her for interview.<br />

9 92 painfully shy /peinfəli ʃai/ schrecklich schüchtern timidité maladive She's painfully shy and doesn't speak unless spoken to.<br />

9 92 totally different /təυtli difərənt/ völlig anders totalement différent The experience was totally different to what I expected.<br />

9 92 totally unbelievable /təυtli<br />

vollkommen unglaubwürdig totalement incroyable The police found his story totally unbelievable, and locked him up.<br />

nbilivəbəl/<br />

9 92 totally unjustified /təυtli<br />

vollkommen ungerechtfertigt totalement injustifié The accusation of theft was totally unjustified – Jack is totally honest.<br />

ndʒstifaid/<br />

9 92 utterly impossible /təli impɒsəbəl/ schlichtweg unmöglich tout à fait impossible Kate found him utterly impossible to work with.<br />

9 92 utterly useless /təli jusləs/ völlig unbrauchbar tout à fait inutile The engineer said that my Sky box was utterly useless and I would need a new one..<br />

9 93 completely wrong /kəmplitli rɒŋ/ vollkommen falsch complètement faux The student had got the answer completely wrong, and failed the exam.<br />

9 93 deeply moving /dipli muviŋ/ herzergreifend profondément émouvant I found his concern for less fortunate people deeply moving.<br />

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Unit 10<br />

10 103 break up /breik p/ sich trennen rompre, se séparer Larry and Joan broke up at the weekend – just a fortnight before their wedding!<br />

10 103 fall out with /fɔl aυt wið, wiθ/ sich mit jdm. zerstreiten se disputer avec He is always falling out with his brother – they can never agree.<br />

10 103 get down to /ɡet daυn tə, tυ/ (get down to work = sich an (get down to work = It's time we stopped messing around and got down to work.<br />

die Arbeit machen)<br />

reprendre le travail)<br />

10 103 get on with /ɡet ɒn wið, wiθ/ etw. fortführen, (she got on with poursuivre qc<br />

She got on with the ironing whilst watching television.<br />

ironing = sie bügelte weiter)<br />

10 103 get used to /ɡet just tə, tυ/ sich an etw./jdn. gewöhnen s'habituer à qc It took him a while to get used to using the new software.<br />

10 103 put up with /pυt p wið, wiθ/ etw./jdn. ertragen supporter, tolérer She decided she couldn't put up with his violent temper any longer.<br />

10 104 be in two minds /bi in tu maindz/ sich unschlüssig sein hésiter sur qc She was in two minds about whether or not to buy a new laptop.<br />

10 104 be out of your mind /bi aυt əv jə maind/ nicht ganz bei Trost sein déraisonner, être fou You must be out of your mind, lending him such a huge sum of money!<br />

10 104 keep an open mind /kip ən əυpən unvoreingenommen bleiben avoir l'esprit ouvert I wasn't totally happy with the plan, but decided to keep an open mind.<br />

maind/<br />

10 104 make your mind up /meik jə maind p/ sich entscheiden se décider He couldn't make his mind up whether to have chicken or steak.<br />

10 104 peace of mind /pis əv maind/ Seelenfrieden paix de l'esprit The salesman persuaded us to take out the insurance for our own peace of mind.<br />

10 106 assessment /əsesmənt/ Einschätzung, Beurteilung estimation, évaluation What's Michael's assessment of the situation?<br />

10 106 case file /keis fail/ Fall-, Prozessakte (key case dossier<br />

The key case file detailing evidence against corrupt government officials is missing<br />

file = Hauptprozessakte)<br />

from the office.<br />

10 106 deduce /didjus/ folgern, rückschließen déduire From her son's age, I deduced that her husband must be at least 60.<br />

10 106 motive /məυtiv/ Beweggrund, Motiv motif, mobile What do you suppose the killer's motive was?<br />

10 106 profile /prəυfail/ Profil profil Dani has a lovely profile.<br />

10 106 psychiatrist /saikaiətrist/ Psychiater, Psychiaterin psychiatre Jimmy has been seeing a psychiatrist because of his severe problems with<br />

depression.<br />

Unit 11<br />

11 112 architecture /ɑkitektʃə/ Architektur architecture I don't particularly like modern architecture – I prefer the gothic style.<br />

11 112 climate /klaimət/ Klima climat Los Angeles' warm, dry climate is the reason I moved here.<br />

11 112 cuisine /kwizin/ Küche, Kochkunst cuisine The restaurant is famous for its innovative Californian cuisine.<br />

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11 112 customs /kstəmz/ Zoll, Zollabfertigung douane David was stopped at customs while the officials searched his case.<br />

11 112 geography /dʒiɒɡrəfi, dʒɒɡ/ Erdkunde, Geografie géographie Linda always enjoyed geography lessons because she loved learning about new<br />

countries.<br />

11 112 historical events /histɒrikəl ivents/ historische Ereignisse événements historiques The moon landing was one of those historical events that everyone who's old enough<br />

remembers.<br />

11 112 institutions /institjuʃənz/ Einrichtungen, Institute<br />

(educational institutions =<br />

Bildungseinrichtungen)<br />

institutions (educational<br />

institutions = établissements<br />

d'enseignement)<br />

11 112 language /lŋɡwidʒ/ Sprache langue How many languages do you speak?<br />

In his will, millionaire property owner Matthews left money to various educational<br />

institutions.<br />

11 112 life rituals /laif ritʃuəlz/ Zeremonien, die das Leben cérémonies, rituels de Life rituals are generally associated with joyous occasions such as births and<br />

begleiten<br />

la vie<br />

weddings.<br />

11 112 religion /rilidʒən/ Religion religion The US Constitution promises freedom of religion to all American citizens.<br />

11 112 rules of behaviour /rulz əv biheivjə/ Verhaltensregeln règles de conduite The rules of proper behaviour must be strictly adhered to.<br />

11 112 the arts /ði ɑts/ die Kunst, die schönen Künste les arts The government provides funding for a range of activities in the arts.<br />

11 112 traditions /trədiʃənz/ Bräuche, Traditionen us, traditions It's one of our family traditions to name the first son after his father.<br />

11 112 values /vljuz/ Wert, Wertvorstellungen valeurs Kids today don't have the same set of values that their grandparents held dear.<br />

11 114 frustrated /frstreitid/ frustriert frustré, agacé He gets frustrated when people don't understand what he's trying to say.<br />

11 114 hostile /hɒstail/ feindselig hostile Southampton fans gave their former coach a hostile reception.<br />

11 114 inadequate /indikwət/ unzureichend, hier: nicht insuffisant<br />

The quantity of food was inadequate to feed a gathering of 100 people.<br />

ausreichend<br />

11 114 intriguing /intriɡiŋ/ faszinierend, fesselnd bizarre, curieux That magazine carries an intriguing mixture of high fashion, gossip and racing.<br />

11 114 isolated /aisəleitid/ abgelegen, abgeschieden isolé The closure of post offices affects small isolated communities the most.<br />

11 114 stimulate /stimjəleitid/ anregen, animieren stimuler The discussion stimulated George to begin thinking about the future.<br />

Unit 12<br />

12 112 apparatus /pəreitəs/ Gerät, Ausrüstung appareil, équipement Firemen have special breathing apparatus to protect them from the smoke.<br />

12 112 appliance /əplaiəns/ Haushaltsgerät (kitchen<br />

appliance = Küchengerät)<br />

appareil ménager<br />

(kitchen appliance =<br />

appareils de cuisine)<br />

There's plenty of space for all the usual kitchen appliances.<br />

12 112 device /divais/ Gerät, Apparat dispositif Labour-saving devices make life much easier for the modern cook.<br />

12 112 engine /endʒin/ Motor moteur The car's engine wouldn't start, so I had to get the bus.<br />

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Unit Page <strong>English</strong> Pronunciation <strong>German</strong> <strong>French</strong> Example sentence<br />

12 112 equipment /ikwipmənt/ Ausrüstung matériel We were looking for a shop selling camping equipment.<br />

12 112 gadget /ɡdʒit/ Apparat, Gerät (mit innovativ, gadget<br />

Mum bought a neat gadget for sharpening knives.<br />

spielerischem Charakter)<br />

12 112 machine /məʃin/ Maschine machine Is the washing machine working now?<br />

12 112 technological /teknəlɒdʒikəl/ technisch technologique The steam engine was the greatest technological advance of the 19th century.<br />

12 112 technology /teknɒlədʒi/ Technologie technologie Modern technology makes moving money around much easier than it used to be.<br />

12 112 technophobe /teknəfəυb/ Technikfeind, Technikhasser technophobe Leslie won't watch the TV or even use a mobile phone – he's a complete<br />

technophobe.<br />

12 112 cutting edge /ktiŋ edʒ/ Vorreiter, Spitzenposition avant-garde The company liked to think they were at the cutting edge of technology.<br />

12 112 durable /djυərəbəl/ haltbar, dauerhaft durable, résistant Wood is a durable material, and can withstand quite severe weather.<br />

12 112 easy to use /izi tə juz/ einfach zu bedienen facile à utiliser The salesman told me the computer was cheap and easy to use.<br />

12 112 environmentally<br />

friendly<br />

/invairənmentli<br />

frendli/<br />

umweltfreundlich<br />

12 112 green /ɡrin/ grün, im Sinne von:<br />

umweltfreundlich<br />

respectueux de<br />

l'environnement<br />

Asco claimed they only sold environmentally friendly cleaning products.<br />

vert, écologique<br />

The company's green credentials took a knock when they were sued for polluting<br />

the river.<br />

12 112 handy /hndi/ handlich, praktisch commode, pratique This knife has a handy little tool for getting stones out of horses' hooves.<br />

12 112 hard-wearing /hɑd weəriŋ/ strapazierfähig résistant These clothes are very hard-wearing, and should last for years.<br />

12 112 obsolete /ɒbsəlit/ veraltet, (technisch) überholt dépassé, désuet The government claim that the weapons are now obsolete.<br />

12 112 out-of-date /aυt əv deit/ veraltet, überholt périmé The out-of-date information she gave us was worse than useless.<br />

12 112 practical /prktikəl/ praktisch pratique, commode Candidates should have training and practical experience in basic electronics.<br />

12 112 state-of-the-art /steit əv ði ɑt/ modernster/-e/-es (technologie) de pointe We always use state-of-the-art technology in our products.<br />

12 112 user-friendly /juzə frendli/ benutzerfreundlich convivial, facile à utiliser Suzi bought a user-friendly guide to computing.<br />

12 123 dislike /dislaik/ nicht mögen, nicht leiden können ne pas aimer Why do you dislike her so much?<br />

12 124 inaccurate /inkjərət/ ungenau, falsch inexact A lot of what has been written about him is inaccurate.<br />

12 124 inappropriate /inəprəυpriət/ unangemessen, unangebracht peu approprié, mal His comments were wholly inappropriate on such a solemn occasion.<br />

à propos<br />

12 124 inconvenient /inkənviniənt/ ungünstig inopportun Monday's a bit inconvenient for me. How about Wednesday?<br />

12 124 ineffective /inifektiv/ wirkungslos sans effet The chemical was almost totally ineffective in killing the weeds.<br />

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Unit Page <strong>English</strong> Pronunciation <strong>German</strong> <strong>French</strong> Example sentence<br />

12 124 inefficient /inifiʃənt/ ineffizient, untüchtig inefficace The workmen were totally inefficient, and took three weeks to complete a<br />

four-day job.<br />

12 124 inequality /inikwɒləti/ Ungleichheit inégalité There are inequalities in wealth distribution, with a very few people being<br />

hugely rich.<br />

12 124 insensitive /insensətiv/ taktlos, unsensibel insensible, dur One insensitive official insisted on seeing her husband's death certificate.<br />

12 124 mismanagement /mismnidʒmənt/ Fehlmanagement mauvaise gestion The opposition party criticised the government's mismanagement of the crisis.<br />

12 124 mistrust /mistrst/ Misstrauen méfiance, défiance He had a deep mistrust of the legal profession.<br />

12 124 unable /neibəl/ unfähig, außer Stande incapable Lucy was unable to find out what had happened.<br />

12 124 unlikely /nlaikli/ unwahrscheinlich improbable Donna might be able to come tomorrow, but it's very unlikely.<br />

12 124 unnecessary /nnesəsəri/ unnötig inutile, superflu He thought it unnecessary to rebuke her for such a minor fault.<br />

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