1 - PEACE Institute Charitable Trust

1 - PEACE Institute Charitable Trust 1 - PEACE Institute Charitable Trust

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CITES UPDATE were in force if they were processing import applications. In order not to undermine the recommendations of the Standing Committee, the Secretariat encourages Parties: a) to take steps to ensure that they can effectively implement recommendations of the Standing Committee; and b) not to authorize the re-export of any specimens imported against such recommendations. Parties are requested to inform their enforcement and Customs authorities of the availability of the list of trade recommendations on the CITES website in order to avoid the inadvertent acceptance of specimens subject to a recommendation to suspend trade. Parties that require the issuance of import permits for trade in specimens of Appendix-II species are also encouraged to consult the list when processing applications. CITES Resolution (Here we carry operational parts of such current Resolutions made at various CoPs which are relevant to CITES implementation by parties in South Asia – Editor) Consultation with range States on proposals to amend Appendices I and II (Conf.8.21 as amended at CoP 13) NOTING that the provisions of the Convention do not require the prior support of range States for proposals to amend Appendices I and II; RECALLING that the format for proposals laid down in Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP13) adopted at the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (Fort Lauderdale, 1994) and revised at its 12th and 13th meetings (Santiago, 2002; Bangkok, 2004), provides for comments to be sought from the range States; OBSERVING that many proposals have been submitted without such comments being sought; RECOGNIZING, however, that for certain taxa with extensive distributions such consultation may be difficult; CONSCIOUS that amendments to Appendices I and II may affect the interests of range States; REMARKING that international treaties rely for their successful implementation upon cooperation and mutual respect; MINDFUL that an additional period of time may be required to consult with range States; THE CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE CONVENTION RECOMMENDS that for any submission of a proposal to amend Appendix I or II of the Convention one of the following two procedures be applied: a) where the proposing Party intends to consult the range States, it: i) advises the Management Authorities of the range States within which the species occurs of its intention to submit a proposal; ii) consults with the Management and Scientific Authorities of these States on the substance of the proposal; and iii) includes the opinions of these Authorities in section 6 of the proposal submitted in accordance with Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP13)1 except that, where no response has been received from a range State within a reasonable period of time, the proposing Party may instead simply Issue No. 1 of Vol. II 4

CITES UPDATE document its attempts to obtain these opinions; or b) where prior consultation with range States will not take place: i) the Party submits the proposal at least 330 days in advance of the next scheduled meeting of the Conference of the Parties; ii) the Secretariat circulates the proposal as soon as possible to all Parties; and iii) interested Parties send their comments to the proposing Party in order to allow it to submit a revised proposal at least 150 days prior to the meeting. The revised proposal should incorporate the comments received, in compliance with Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP13) separating them into two categories, reflecting the opinions of range States and non-range States. CITES Calendar (Here we carry information about such events in the CITES calendar which directly impact or relate to the CITES Parties in South Asia region - Editor) 19 - 20 December 2005: Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE), 3rd Steering Committee for South Asia Sub region. Chittagong, Bangladesh 31 December 2005: Deadline for communication to the Secretariat of information about export quotas for 2006 for raw ivory in compliance with Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP12) on Trade in elephant specimens. 31 December 2005: Parties requested to submit to the Secretariat, details of voluntary export quotas established under the provisions of paragraph a), under 'RECOMMENDS' in section VIII of Resolution Conf. 12.3 (Rev. CoP13) on Permits and certificates; (See Notification to the Parties No. 2005/008 for background information and instructions). 31 March 2006: Deadline for Asian big cat range States to submit to the Secretariat reports describing their implementation of Resolution Conf. 12.5 (Conservation of and trade in tigers and other Appendix-I Asian big cat species). (In South Asia India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Bhutan would require to submit the reports as above – editor) 8 July 2006: Deadline for Parties to submit to the Secretariat proposals to amend Appendices I and II at CoP14 (Proposals should not exceed 12 pages) 1) without the prior consultation of range States of the species concerned (see Resolution Conf. 8.21 on Consultation with range States on proposals to amend Appendices I and II) 2) pursuant to Resolution Conf. 11.16 on Ranching and trade in ranched specimens of species transferred from Appendix I to Appendix II. 2 – 6 October 2006: 54 th meeting of the CITES Standing Committee (SC), in Geneva, Switzerland 3 – 15 June 2007: 14 th meeting of the Conference of Parties (CoP), in the Netherlands. From CITES World (Here we carry notable features from the CITES World, the official newsletter of the CITES – Editor) (Source: Issue 16, December 2005) Handling confiscated specimens The handling of confiscated specimens can be made easier if one is well-prepared and well-equipped. A suitably-equipped location is of utmost importance, as in the Issue No. 1 of Vol. II 5


were in force if they were processing<br />

import applications.<br />

In order not to undermine the<br />

recommendations of the Standing<br />

Committee, the Secretariat encourages<br />

Parties:<br />

a) to take steps to ensure that they can<br />

effectively<br />

implement<br />

recommendations of the Standing<br />

Committee; and<br />

b) not to authorize the re-export of any<br />

specimens imported against such<br />

recommendations.<br />

Parties are requested to inform their<br />

enforcement and Customs authorities of<br />

the availability of the list of trade<br />

recommendations on the CITES website in<br />

order to avoid the inadvertent acceptance<br />

of specimens subject to a<br />

recommendation to suspend trade. Parties<br />

that require the issuance of import<br />

permits for trade in specimens of<br />

Appendix-II species are also encouraged<br />

to consult the list when processing<br />

applications.<br />

CITES Resolution<br />

(Here we carry operational parts of such current<br />

Resolutions made at various CoPs which are relevant<br />

to CITES implementation by parties in South Asia –<br />

Editor)<br />

Consultation with range States on<br />

proposals to amend Appendices I and<br />

II (Conf.8.21 as amended at CoP 13)<br />

NOTING that the provisions of the<br />

Convention do not require the prior<br />

support of range States for proposals to<br />

amend Appendices I and II;<br />

RECALLING that the format for proposals<br />

laid down in Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev.<br />

CoP13) adopted at the ninth meeting of<br />

the Conference of the Parties (Fort<br />

Lauderdale, 1994) and revised at its 12th<br />

and 13th meetings (Santiago, 2002;<br />

Bangkok, 2004), provides for comments<br />

to be sought from the range States;<br />

OBSERVING that many proposals have<br />

been submitted without such comments<br />

being sought;<br />

RECOGNIZING, however, that for certain<br />

taxa with extensive distributions such<br />

consultation may be difficult;<br />

CONSCIOUS that amendments to<br />

Appendices I and II may affect the<br />

interests of range States;<br />

REMARKING that international treaties<br />

rely for their successful implementation<br />

upon cooperation and mutual respect;<br />

MINDFUL that an additional period of time<br />

may be required to consult with range<br />

States;<br />



any submission of a proposal to amend<br />

Appendix I or II of the Convention one of<br />

the following two procedures be applied:<br />

a) where the proposing Party intends to<br />

consult the range States, it:<br />

i) advises the Management Authorities of<br />

the range States within which the<br />

species occurs of its intention to<br />

submit a proposal;<br />

ii) consults with the Management and<br />

Scientific Authorities of these States<br />

on the substance of the proposal; and<br />

iii) includes the opinions of these<br />

Authorities in section 6 of the proposal<br />

submitted in accordance with<br />

Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP13)1<br />

except that, where no response has<br />

been received from a range State<br />

within a reasonable period of time, the<br />

proposing Party may instead simply<br />

Issue No. 1 of Vol. II 4

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