Annoucements of conducting procurement procedures

Annoucements of conducting procurement procedures Annoucements of conducting procurement procedures


Bulletin No.52(126) December 25, 2012 24101 Motor Road Service in Rivne Oblast of State Motor Road Service of Ukraine 19 Pushkina St., 33000 Rivne Procurement subject: current mid–life repair of local motor roads, 2 lots: lot 1 – motor road Dubrovytsia – Volodymyrets – Sukhovolia on section km 9+400 – km 11+100; lot 2 – motor road Hrytsky – Nyvetsk on section km 0+000 – km 3+100 Supply/execution: motor road Dubrovytsia – Volodymyrets – Sukhovolia on section km 9+400 – km 11+100, motor road Hrytsky – Nyvetsk on section km 0+000 – km 3+100, November – December 2012 Procurement procedure: open tender Website of the Authorized agency which contains information on procurement: Announcement: No. 300500, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 117/1 (719/1) dated 08.10.2012; Announcement: No. 23398, Announcer of the Public Purchasing, No. 50 (124) dated 11.12.2012 Acceptance: No. 318750, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 127 (729) dated 12.11.2012 Date of the best bid acceptance: lots 1–2 – 08.11.2012 Information about the winner/contract cost (adjusted for VAT)/date of the procurement contract conclusion: lot 1 – LLC “REGIONMETAL–ZAKHID” (Kyiv)/UAH 2836021/07.12.2012 lot 2 – LLC “REGIONMETAL–ZAKHID” (Kyiv)/UAH 4321290/07.12.2012 24103 State Enterprise “Odesa Commercial Sea Port” 1 Mytna Sq., 65026 Odesa, Odesa Oblast Procurement subject: code 23.20.1 – Code of SC 016–97 23.20.1 Liquid refinery products (diesel fuel, petrol): Lot 1: “Diesel fuel and petrol refueling” Lot 2: “Diesel fuel and petrol in coupons (form – permissions)”: lot 1 – “Diesel fuel and petrol refueling” – diesel fuel – 533 000,00 kg, petrol (total)– 23 500,00 kg; lot 2 – “Diesel fuel and petrol in coupons (form – permissions)” – diesel fuel – 5 000,00 l, petrol (total)– 8 600,00 l Supply/execution: on DDP terms Purchaser’s warehouse, Mytna Sq., 1, Odessa, Odessa region, 65026 Ukraine (Incoterms–2010) by separate consignments; lot 1– On DDP terms Purchaser’s warehouse, Mytna Sq., 1, Odessa, Odessa region, 65026 Ukraine (Incoterms–2010) by separate consignments., 2012– 2013 (during the term of the contract including the essential conditions), lot 2– On DDP terms Purchaser’s warehouse, Mytna Sq., 1, Odessa, Odessa region, 65026 Ukraine (Incoterms–2010) by separate consignments., 2012–2013 (during the term of the contract including the essential conditions); 2012–2013 (during the term of the contract including the essential conditions) Procurement procedure: open tender Website of the Authorized agency which contains information on procurement: Website which contains additional information on procurement: Announcement: No. 300276, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 119 (721) dated 15.10.2012; Announcement: No. 20608, Announcer of the Public Purchasing, No. 42 (116) dated 16.10.2012 Tenders were cancelled or declared invalid, date of this decision making, cause: tenders were cancelled for lots 1,2 by decision dated 14.12.2012 because less than two bids were admitted to tender evaluation. Additional information: Cancelled tender: paragraph 8 of Part 1 of Article 30 of the Law of Ukraine «The Public procurements» N 2289–VI of 01.06.2010, due to the fact that allowed less than two proposals to the evaluation of proposals. 24104 State Enterprise “South Railway” 7 Chervonoarmiiska St., 61052 Kharkiv Procurement subject: code 65.22.1 – other services in credit granting (financial services in short–term credit granting in a form of revolving credit line), 4 lots Supply/execution: at the customer’s address; November 2012 – November 2013 Procurement procedure: open tender Website of the Authorized agency which contains information on procurement: Announcement: No. 293330, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 115 (717) dated 01.10.2012; Announcement: No. 20905, Announcer of the Public Purchasing, No. 43 (117) dated 23.10.2012 Acceptance: No. 323769, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 128/5 (730/5) dated 16.11.2012 Date of the best bid acceptance: lots 1–4 – 16.11.2012 Information about the winner/contract cost (not adjusted for VAT)/date of the procurement contract conclusion: lots 1–4 – PJSC “Raiffeisen Bank Aval” (Kyiv)/ effective interest rate – 23.5 %/ 12.12.2012 24105 Administration of Capital Construction of Poltava City Executive Committee 36 Zhovtneva St., 36000 Poltava Procurement subject: construction of multi–family residential building of social purpose at 13–b B. Khmelnytskoho Blvd. (with development of project–cost estimate documentation) Supply/execution: 13–b B.Khmelnytskoho Blvd., Poltava; September 2013 Procurement procedure: open tender Website of the Authorized agency which contains information on procurement: Announcement: No. 305979, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 123 (725) dated 29.10.2012; Announcement: No. 21455, Announcer of the Public Purchasing, No. 45 (119) dated 06.11.2012 Acceptance: No. 332454, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 133 (735) dated 03.12.2012 Date of the best bid acceptance: 29.11.2012 Information about the winner/contract cost (adjusted for VAT)/date of the procurement contract conclusion: LLC “Poltavtransbud” (Poltava)/UAH 32550174/18.12.2012 24106 Motor Road Service in Rivne Oblast of State Motor Road Service of Ukraine 19 Pushkina St., 33000 Rivne Procurement subject: current mid–life repair of local motor roads: lot 4 – motor road Yarynivka – Tutovychi – Kostiantynivka on section km 0+000 – km 8+900; lot 5 – motor road Yarynivka – Tutovychi – Kostiantynivka on section km 8+900 – km 18+900 Supply/execution: local motor roads; October – December 2012 Procurement procedure: open tender Website of the Authorized agency which contains information on procurement: Announcement: No. 282072, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 105/1 (707/1) dated 31.08.2012; Announcement: No. 19010, Announcer of the Public Purchasing, No. 37 (111) dated 11.09.2012 Tenders were cancelled or declared invalid, date of this decision making, cause: tenders were cancelled for lots 4, 5 by decision dated 24.09.2012 because of no need for procurement of goods and works. Announcer of the public purchasing 69

Bulletin No.52(126) December 25, 2012 24107 Municipal Enterprise “Regional Sports Complex “Olimpiiskyi” 198–v Cheliuskintsiv St., 83048 Donetsk Procurement subject: reconstruction of Municipal Enterprise Regional Sports Complex “Olimpiiskyi” (stretching stadium) – plot area – 3,45 ha, building area (sports sectors) – 11600 m2, area of run tracks and sectors – 6230,44 m2 Supply/execution: 84 Baidukova St., Donetsk, December 2012 Procurement procedure: procurement from the sole participant Website of the Authorized agency which contains information on procurement: Announcement: No. 313396, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 123/9 (725/9) dated 31.10.2012; Announcement: No. 21701, Announcer of the Public Purchasing, No. 45 (119) dated 06.11.2012 Acceptance: No. 315814, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 125/2 (727/2) dated 05.11.2012 Date of acceptance: 02.11.2012 Grounding 313396/1 dated 31.10.2012. Date of participant’s invitation: 29.10.2012 – Private Enterprise “Auster–Don” (Donetsk) / UAH 6860158 (incl. VAT)/ 14.12.2012 24136 Motor Road Service in Rivne Oblast of State Motor Road Service of Ukraine 19 Pushkina St., 33000 Rivne Procurement subject: current mid–life repair of local motor roads: lot 1 – motor road Novomalyn – Mezhyrich on section km 0+000 – km 1+500; lot 2 – motor road (Shkariv – Buhryn – Miatyn) – M–06 on section km 4+500 – 5+500; lot 3 – motor road Vezhytsia – Rokytne – Borove on section km 89+200 – km 92+100; lot 4 – motor road Horynhrad – Bila Krynytsia on section km 8+000 – km 9+500; lot 5 – motor road Stavky – Obariv on section km 0+600 – km 3+000 Supply/execution: motor roads in general use of Rivne Oblast, November 2012 – May 2013 Procurement procedure: open tender Website of the Authorized agency which contains information on procurement: Announcement: No. 289727, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 113 (715) dated 24.09.2012; Announcement: No. 19677, Announcer of the Public Purchasing, No. 39 (113) dated 25.09.2012 Acceptance: No. 326684, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 131 (733) dated 26.11.2012 Date of the best bid acceptance: lots 1–5 – 21.11.2012 Information about the winner/contract cost (adjusted for VAT)/date of the procurement contract conclusion: lot 1 – PrJSC “Rivneavtoshliakhbud” (Rivne)/UAH 2300000/17.12.2012 lot 2 – PrJSC “Rivneavtoshliakhbud” (Rivne)/UAH 650821/17.12.2012 lot 3 – PJSC “Olevsk Road–Construction Administration No.42” (Olevsk, Zhytomyr Oblast)/UAH 3213151/17.12.2012 lot 4 – PrJSC “Rivneavtoshliakhbud” (Rivne)/UAH 1959388/17.12.2012 lot 5 – Private Enterprise “Podillia Shliakhbud” (Shepetivka, Khmelnytska Oblast)/UAH 3907832/17.12.2012 24109 SOE “Joint Directorate for Construction of Waterworks of Zakarpattia Oblast” 5 Slovianska Naberezhna St., 88018 Uzhhorod, Zakarpattia Oblast Procurement subject: construction works on the object “Reconstruction of dam of the Tysa River on section of Tekove Village, Vynohradivskyi Rayon, Zakarpattia Oblast”(remaining works) Supply/execution: Tekove Village, Vynohradivskyi Rayon, Zakarpattia Oblast; December 2013 Procurement procedure: open tender Website of the Authorized agency which contains information on procurement: Announcement: No. 303563, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 121 (723) dated 22.10.2012; Announcement: No. 20865, Announcer of the Public Purchasing, No. 43 (117) dated 23.10.2012 Acceptance: No. 330039, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 132 (734) dated 29.11.2012 Date of the best bid acceptance: 23.11.2012 Information about the winner/contract cost (adjusted for VAT)/date of the procurement contract conclusion: PrJSC “Vynohradiv mobile mechanical division No.78” (Vynohradiv, Zakarpattia Oblast)/UAH 14397875/13.12.2012 24121 State Territorial Branch Association “Lviv Railway” 1 Gogolia St., 79000 Lviv Procurement subject: code 65.22.1 – other services in credit granting (revolving credit lines in the total amount of UAH 41 000 000): lot 1 – revolving credit line in the total amount of UAH 10000000; lot 2 – revolving credit line in the total amount of UAH 10000000; lot 3 – revolving credit line in the total amount of UAH 5000000; lot 4 – revolving credit line in the total amount of UAH 5000000; lot 5 – revolving credit line in the total amount of UAH 3000000; lot 6 – revolving credit line in the total amount of UAH 3000000; lot 7 – revolving credit line in the total amount of UAH 2000000; lot 8 – revolving credit line in the total amount of UAH 1000000; lot 9 – revolving credit line in the total amount of UAH 1000000; lot 10 – revolving credit line in the total amount of UAH 1000000 Supply/execution: State Territorial Branch Association “Lviv Railway”; 2012 – 2013 (1 year) Procurement procedure: open tender Website of the Authorized agency which contains information on procurement: Announcement: No. 289972, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 113 (715) dated 24.09.2012; Announcement: No. 19700, Announcer of the Public Purchasing, No. 39 (113) dated 25.09.2012 Acceptance: No. 322361, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 129 (731) dated 19.11.2012 Date of the best bid acceptance: lots 1–10 – 15.11.2012 Information about the winner/contract cost (not adjusted for VAT)/date of the procurement contract conclusion: lots 1–10 – PJSC “Raiffeisen Bank Aval” (Kyiv)/ 22.8 % – effective interest rate /14.12.2012 70 Announcer of the public purchasing

Bulletin No.52(126) December 25, 2012<br />

24101<br />

Motor Road Service in Rivne Oblast<br />

<strong>of</strong> State Motor Road Service <strong>of</strong> Ukraine<br />

19 Pushkina St., 33000 Rivne<br />

Procurement subject: current mid–life repair <strong>of</strong> local motor roads, 2 lots:<br />

lot 1 – motor road Dubrovytsia – Volodymyrets – Sukhovolia on section<br />

km 9+400 – km 11+100; lot 2 – motor road Hrytsky – Nyvetsk on section<br />

km 0+000 – km 3+100<br />

Supply/execution: motor road Dubrovytsia – Volodymyrets – Sukhovolia on section<br />

km 9+400 – km 11+100, motor road Hrytsky – Nyvetsk on section km 0+000 –<br />

km 3+100, November – December 2012<br />

Procurement procedure: open tender<br />

Website <strong>of</strong> the Authorized agency which contains information on <strong>procurement</strong>:<br /><br />

Announcement: No. 300500, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 117/1 (719/1)<br />

dated 08.10.2012; Announcement: No. 23398, Announcer <strong>of</strong> the Public<br />

Purchasing, No. 50 (124) dated 11.12.2012<br />

Acceptance: No. 318750, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 127 (729) dated<br />

12.11.2012<br />

Date <strong>of</strong> the best bid acceptance: lots 1–2 – 08.11.2012<br />

Information about the winner/contract cost (adjusted for VAT)/date <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>procurement</strong> contract conclusion:<br />

lot 1 – LLC “REGIONMETAL–ZAKHID” (Kyiv)/UAH 2836021/07.12.2012<br />

lot 2 – LLC “REGIONMETAL–ZAKHID” (Kyiv)/UAH 4321290/07.12.2012<br />

24103<br />

State Enterprise “Odesa Commercial Sea Port”<br />

1 Mytna Sq., 65026 Odesa, Odesa Oblast<br />

Procurement subject: code 23.20.1 – Code <strong>of</strong> SC 016–97 23.20.1<br />

Liquid refinery products (diesel fuel, petrol): Lot 1: “Diesel fuel<br />

and petrol refueling” Lot 2: “Diesel fuel and petrol in coupons (form –<br />

permissions)”: lot 1 – “Diesel fuel and petrol refueling” – diesel<br />

fuel – 533 000,00 kg, petrol (total)– 23 500,00 kg; lot 2 – “Diesel fuel<br />

and petrol in coupons (form – permissions)” – diesel fuel – 5 000,00 l,<br />

petrol (total)– 8 600,00 l<br />

Supply/execution: on DDP terms Purchaser’s warehouse, Mytna Sq., 1, Odessa,<br />

Odessa region, 65026 Ukraine (Incoterms–2010) by separate consignments;<br />

lot 1– On DDP terms Purchaser’s warehouse, Mytna Sq., 1, Odessa, Odessa<br />

region, 65026 Ukraine (Incoterms–2010) by separate consignments., 2012–<br />

2013 (during the term <strong>of</strong> the contract including the essential conditions), lot 2–<br />

On DDP terms Purchaser’s warehouse, Mytna Sq., 1, Odessa, Odessa region,<br />

65026 Ukraine (Incoterms–2010) by separate consignments., 2012–2013<br />

(during the term <strong>of</strong> the contract including the essential conditions); 2012–2013<br />

(during the term <strong>of</strong> the contract including the essential conditions)<br />

Procurement procedure: open tender<br />

Website <strong>of</strong> the Authorized agency which contains information on <strong>procurement</strong>:<br /><br />

Website which contains additional information on <strong>procurement</strong>:<br /><br />

Announcement: No. 300276, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 119 (721) dated<br />

15.10.2012; Announcement: No. 20608, Announcer <strong>of</strong> the Public Purchasing,<br />

No. 42 (116) dated 16.10.2012<br />

Tenders were cancelled or declared invalid, date <strong>of</strong> this decision making, cause:<br />

tenders were cancelled for lots 1,2 by decision dated 14.12.2012 because<br />

less than two bids were admitted to tender evaluation.<br />

Additional information: Cancelled tender: paragraph 8 <strong>of</strong> Part 1 <strong>of</strong> Article 30 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Law <strong>of</strong> Ukraine «The Public <strong>procurement</strong>s» N 2289–VI <strong>of</strong> 01.06.2010, due to the<br />

fact that allowed less than two proposals to the evaluation <strong>of</strong> proposals.<br />

24104<br />

State Enterprise “South Railway”<br />

7 Chervonoarmiiska St., 61052 Kharkiv<br />

Procurement subject: code 65.22.1 – other services in credit granting<br />

(financial services in short–term credit granting in a form <strong>of</strong> revolving<br />

credit line), 4 lots<br />

Supply/execution: at the customer’s address; November 2012 – November 2013<br />

Procurement procedure: open tender<br />

Website <strong>of</strong> the Authorized agency which contains information on <strong>procurement</strong>:<br /><br />

Announcement: No. 293330, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 115 (717) dated<br />

01.10.2012; Announcement: No. 20905, Announcer <strong>of</strong> the Public Purchasing,<br />

No. 43 (117) dated 23.10.2012<br />

Acceptance: No. 323769, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 128/5 (730/5) dated<br />

16.11.2012<br />

Date <strong>of</strong> the best bid acceptance: lots 1–4 – 16.11.2012<br />

Information about the winner/contract cost (not adjusted for VAT)/date <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>procurement</strong> contract conclusion: lots 1–4 – PJSC “Raiffeisen Bank Aval”<br />

(Kyiv)/ effective interest rate – 23.5 %/ 12.12.2012<br />

24105<br />

Administration <strong>of</strong> Capital Construction<br />

<strong>of</strong> Poltava City Executive Committee<br />

36 Zhovtneva St., 36000 Poltava<br />

Procurement subject: construction <strong>of</strong> multi–family residential building<br />

<strong>of</strong> social purpose at 13–b B. Khmelnytskoho Blvd. (with development<br />

<strong>of</strong> project–cost estimate documentation)<br />

Supply/execution: 13–b B.Khmelnytskoho Blvd., Poltava; September 2013<br />

Procurement procedure: open tender<br />

Website <strong>of</strong> the Authorized agency which contains information on <strong>procurement</strong>:<br /><br />

Announcement: No. 305979, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 123 (725) dated<br />

29.10.2012; Announcement: No. 21455, Announcer <strong>of</strong> the Public Purchasing,<br />

No. 45 (119) dated 06.11.2012<br />

Acceptance: No. 332454, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 133 (735) dated<br />

03.12.2012<br />

Date <strong>of</strong> the best bid acceptance: 29.11.2012<br />

Information about the winner/contract cost (adjusted for VAT)/date <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>procurement</strong> contract conclusion:<br />

LLC “Poltavtransbud” (Poltava)/UAH 32550174/18.12.2012<br />

24106<br />

Motor Road Service in Rivne Oblast<br />

<strong>of</strong> State Motor Road Service <strong>of</strong> Ukraine<br />

19 Pushkina St., 33000 Rivne<br />

Procurement subject: current mid–life repair <strong>of</strong> local motor roads: lot 4 –<br />

motor road Yarynivka – Tutovychi – Kostiantynivka on section km 0+000 –<br />

km 8+900; lot 5 – motor road Yarynivka – Tutovychi – Kostiantynivka on<br />

section km 8+900 – km 18+900<br />

Supply/execution: local motor roads; October – December 2012<br />

Procurement procedure: open tender<br />

Website <strong>of</strong> the Authorized agency which contains information on <strong>procurement</strong>:<br /><br />

Announcement: No. 282072, Public Procurement Bulletin, No. 105/1 (707/1)<br />

dated 31.08.2012; Announcement: No. 19010, Announcer <strong>of</strong> the Public<br />

Purchasing, No. 37 (111) dated 11.09.2012<br />

Tenders were cancelled or declared invalid, date <strong>of</strong> this decision making, cause:<br />

tenders were cancelled for lots 4, 5 by decision dated 24.09.2012 because<br />

<strong>of</strong> no need for <strong>procurement</strong> <strong>of</strong> goods and works.<br />

Announcer <strong>of</strong> the public purchasing<br />


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