The key is manuscripts we have and they were written. how many The New Testament we read today is based on about early manuscripts or pieces of manuscripts all written in the orignal Greek. The Gallic Wars, written about the same time as the New Testament, is based on 9 or 10 manuscripts. (It’s interesting that no one questions the reliability of the Gallic Wars). 50 AD to 90 AD when 5,500 The New Testament was written from . The earliest fragment dates about 120 fragments dating within 150-200 years. Compare that again to the Gallic Wars, written about that time, where the earliest copy dates about 1,000 years after it was written! Another famous work of antiquity is The Iliad by Homer. The first complete copy is dated about 2,200 years after it was written! The 5,500 manuscripts were found throughout the known world of the New Testament. These manuscripts are surprisingly exact in comparison to one another. The minor discrepancies never alter the meaning of any text. The bulk of these manuscripts agree word for word with one another! Our Bible today is based on these first manuscripts. There has not been a lot of “passing down through the ages” because we have access to these early manuscripts. 1947 The famous Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in , proved that the Old Testament had been passed down correctly through the years by scribes whose job was to copy exactly from one text to another (most scholars date the Scrolls at about . The more you dig into the facts concerning the Bible the more reliable it becomes! The early church leaders quoted the New Testament in their writings. Almost every New Testament book is quoted by Clement, bishop of Rome, who wrote about 96 AD. 25,000 150 BC—50 BC More that sites showing some connection with the Old Testament period have been located in Bible lands (archaeologists have found the Bible to be accurate). The Bible is full of remarkable prophecies that have been fulfilled. Countless prophecies are fulfilled in Jesus – His birth, life and death. (Micah 5:2, Isaiah 52:13-53:12, Luke 24:25- 27)

Jesus Himself quoted Scripture as final authority (Matthew 26:54, 56). For Discussion and Application Let’s go back to Anselm of Canterbury (from Session Two) which is more true?: I must understand in order to believe. I must believe in order to understand. Don’t forget that the Bible is a spiritual book and the Holy Spirit speaks through Scripture to your heart. We cannot rely on reason alone. 1. Did you believe the Bible was inspired before you became a Christian? Did you think it was reliable? Explain: 2. Look at 2 Timothy 3:16 again. What does it mean to you that the Bible is “God-breathed”? 3. What would you expect from someone who is convinced that the Bible is truly the Word of God? Does your engagement with Scripture reveal your high regard of Scripture? Pray for God’s Word to be central in your life. Pray for those you’re seeking to reach for Christ. Be Ready / Men’s Bible Study-Spring 2012 18

The key is manuscripts we have and they were written.<br />

<br />

<br />

how many<br />

The New Testament we read today is based on about<br />

early manuscripts or pieces of manuscripts all written in the orignal<br />

Greek.<br />

The Gallic Wars, written about the same time as the New Testament,<br />

is based on 9 or 10 manuscripts. (It’s interesting that no one<br />

questions the reliability of the Gallic Wars).<br />

50 AD to 90 AD<br />

when<br />

5,500<br />

The New Testament was written from . The<br />

earliest fragment dates about 120 fragments dating within<br />

150-200 years. Compare that again to the Gallic<br />

Wars, written about that time, where the earliest copy dates about<br />

1,000 years after it was written!<br />

<br />

<br />

Another famous work of antiquity is The Iliad by Homer. The first complete copy is dated<br />

about 2,200 years after it was written!<br />

The 5,500 manuscripts were found throughout the known world of the New Testament.<br />

These manuscripts are surprisingly exact in comparison to one another. The minor discrepancies<br />

never alter the meaning of any text. The bulk of these manuscripts agree word<br />

for word with one another!<br />

<br />

Our Bible today is based on these first manuscripts. There has not been a lot of “passing<br />

down through the ages” because we have access to these early manuscripts.<br />

1947<br />

The famous Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in , proved that the Old Testament<br />

had been passed down correctly through the years by scribes whose job was to copy exactly<br />

from one text to another (most scholars date the Scrolls at about .<br />

The more you dig into the facts concerning the Bible<br />

the more reliable it becomes!<br />

The early church leaders quoted the New Testament<br />

in their writings. Almost every New Testament<br />

book is quoted by Clement, bishop of Rome, who wrote<br />

about 96 AD.<br />

25,000<br />

150 BC—50 BC<br />

More that sites showing some<br />

connection with the Old Testament period have been<br />

located in Bible lands (archaeologists have found the<br />

Bible to be accurate).<br />

<br />

The Bible is full of remarkable prophecies that have been fulfilled. Countless prophecies<br />

are fulfilled in Jesus – His birth, life and death. (Micah 5:2, Isaiah 52:13-53:12, Luke 24:25-<br />


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