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60 PHOENIX COLLEGE SUMMER AND FALL 2011 SCHEDULE EZINE Published on 03/11/2011 Can I find my favorite instructor? Find Out! Click Here Course Title Units (credits) Class No. Bldg/Rm Days Time Dates Instructor Course fee Course Title Units (credits) Class No. Bldg/Rm Days Time Dates Instructor Course fee FALL 2011 CLASSES ART268 Painting IV 3 Prerequisites: ART267 or permission of Instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13331 ART203 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 J Nelson $40 ART270 Intermediate Computer Photographic 3 Imaging Prerequisites: ADA/ART177 or (ADA/ART177AA and ADA/ART177AB). PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13337 ART204 MW 12:00- 2:45P 08/22-12/16 D Doubleday $50 13338 ART201 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 D Doubleday $50 ART273AC Special Topics: Multimedia Arts 3 Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor. Course Note: ART273AC is designed to offer special topics and/or specialized training for students in multimedia arts. Activities may also be appropriate for portfolio enhancement. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 25715 PC TBA RF 9:00-11:45A 08/25-12/16 J Smith $35 ART274 Advanced Computer Photographic 3 Imaging Prerequisites: ART270. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13339 ART204 MW 12:00- 2:45P 08/22-12/16 D Doubleday $50 ART275 Lost Wax Casting I 3 Prerequisites: None. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13347 ART104 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 W Jamieson $40 ART276 Lost Wax Casting II 3 Prerequisites: ART275. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13348 ART104 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 W Jamieson $40 ART283 Computer Aided Graphic Arts II 3 Prerequisites: ADA/ART183, or permission of Instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13342 ART201 TR 8:30-11:15A 08/23-12/16 A Mejia $40 ART284 Intermedia Animation 3 Prerequisites: ADA/ART/MMT184 or permission of Instructor. 13363 ART201 MW 12:00- 2:45P 08/22-12/16 P Hoppes $50 ART289 Computer Illustration 3 Prerequisites or Corequisites: ART100 or permission of instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13350 ART201 MW 9:00-11:45A 08/22-12/16 G Eroe $50 ART290AA Studio Art 1 Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor. Course Note: ART290AA may be repeated for credit. 13366 ART102 T 9:30-12:30P 10/18-12/06 J Yen $0 Class 13366Advanced Chinese Painting Studio ART290AC Studio Art 3 Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor. Course Note: ART290AC may be repeated for credit. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13320 ART111 M 1:00- 5:45P 08/22-12/16 T Hernandez $40 Class 13320 is Advanced Ceramics. 13290 ART101 M 6:00-10:00P 08/22-12/16 J Haddock $40 Class 13290 is Advanced Life Drawing. 13319 ART111 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 T Hernandez $40 Class 13319 is Advanced Ceramics. 13325 ART102 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 L Baker $40 ART102 S TBA Class 13325 is Watercolor Techniques. 13349 ART104 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 W Jamieson $40 Class 13349 is Advanced Lost Wax Techniques. 13332 ART203 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 J Nelson $40 Class 13332 is Advanced Painting Techniques. 13346 ART102 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 M Kubicek $40 ART102 S TBA Class 13346 is Advanced Printmaking. 13355 ART101 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 S Missal $40 13300 ART104 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16 D Young $40 Class 13300 is Welding. ART290HC Studio Art: Watercolor 3 Prerequisites: ART166 or permission of Instructor. Course Note: ART290HC may be repeated for credit. 13360 ART102 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 L Baker $30 ART102 S TBA Class 13360 Advanced Watercolor Studio ART291 Digital Prepress 3 Prerequisites: ART100 or permission of Instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13259 ART201 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 C Bourin $50 ART295AC Art Workshop/Seminar: Drawing 3 Prerequisites: Minimum of three (3) credits introductory and three (3) credits intermediate level courses in specific field or permission of Department or Division chair. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13276 ART102 M 6:00-10:00P 08/22-12/16 J Kula $25 ART102 S TBA 13277 ART101 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16 M Kubicek $25 ART297AA Computer Graphic Design Internship 1 Prerequisites: Permission of Department or Division. 13246 OFFSITE TBA 08/20-12/16 D Doubleday $0 ART297AB Computer Graphic Design Internship 2 Prerequisites: Permission of Department or Division. 13247 OFFSITE TBA 08/20-12/16 D Doubleday $0 ART297AC Computer Graphic Design Internship 3 Prerequisites: Permission of Department or Division. 13248 OFFSITE TBA 08/29-12/16 D Doubleday $0 [FYC] = First-Year Composition [L] = Literacy and Critical Inquiry [MA] = Mathematics [CS] = Computer/Statistics/Quantitative Applications [HU] = Humanities and Fine Arts [SB] = Social and Behavioral Sciences [SQ/SG] = Natural Sciences [C] = Cultural Diversity in the United States [G] = Global Awareness [H] = Historical Awareness

PHOENIX COLLEGE SUMMER AND FALL 2011 SCHEDULE EZINE Register online and get schedule updates at… Textbook information is available online. See the online class schedule at 61 Course Title Units (credits) Class No. Bldg/Rm Days Time Dates Instructor Course fee Course Title Units (credits) Class No. Bldg/Rm Days Time Dates Instructor Course fee Art Humanities (ARH) Department Chair: Dale Doubleday 13749 E116 T 7:10-10:00P 08/23-12/16 B Gleim $0 AST102 Survey of Astronomy Laboratory [SG] 1 Prerequisites: None. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 39237 E105 M 1:00- 3:50P 08/22-12/16 D Speed $0 13750 E116 R 7:10-10:00P 08/25-12/16 B Gleim $3 ARH100 Introduction to Art [HU] 3 Prerequisites: None. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13232 PC TBA MWF 10:00-10:50A 08/22-12/16 J Landrum $10 13233 ART119 TR 11:30-12:45P 08/23-12/16 P Reed $10 13234 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16 S Chenoweth $10 Class 13234 conducted entirely online using Blackboard. 13252 DB224 W 7:10- 9:50P 08/24-12/16 H Bierly $10 ARH101 Prehistoric Through Gothic Art [H, HU] 3 Prerequisites: None. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13235 ART119 MWF 9:00- 9:50A 08/22-12/16 P Reed $10 13236 ART119 TR 10:00-11:15A 08/23-12/16 P Reed $10 13260 ART119 MW 5:40- 6:55P 08/22-12/16 H Bierly $10 ARH102 Renaissance Through Contemporary 3 Art [H, HU] Prerequisites: None. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13237 ART119 MWF 11:00-11:50A 08/22-12/16 P Reed $10 25713 ONLINE BB TBA 08/22-12/14 Staff $10 Class 25713 conducted entirely online using Blackboard. 39937 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16 P Reed $10 ARH112 History of Modern Art 3 Prerequisites: None. 13267 ART119 W 7:10- 9:50P 08/24-12/16 R Navarro $10 ARH115 History of Photography [HU] 3 Prerequisites: None. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13238 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16 T Coaker $10 Class 13238 conducted entirely online using Blackboard. 13358 ART119 T 7:10- 9:50P 08/23-12/16 K Wagner-Hemme $10 ARH203 Art of Ancient Egypt [H, HU] 3 Prerequisites: None. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13239 ART119 MWF 10:00-10:50A 08/22-12/16 P Reed $10 Astronomy (AST) Department Chair: James White AST101 Survey of Astronomy [SG] 3 Prerequisites: None. 39236 E105 MW 11:00-12:15P 08/22-12/16 D Speed $0 Biology (BIO) Department Chair: Notes: Students enrolling in a Biology class must enroll in both a lecture and a laboratory class. Students must attend the first week of class for both the lecture and the laboratory to ensure class position. Inquiries regarding a specific BIO class requires contact with the instructor. Mark Rosati BIO100 Biology Concepts [SQ] 4 Prerequisites: None. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. Enrollment in both a Lecture Class & a Laboratory Class required. Students enrolling in an online Lecture Class also must enroll in an online Laboratory Class. Hybrid Classes incorporate online lectures with in-class labs. 12059 DB201 MW 8:30- 9:45A 08/22-12/16 J Schampel $25 12060 C204 TR 10:00-11:15A 08/23-12/16 A Chapman $25 12061 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16 E Ortiz $25 Class 12061 visit for more information. Class 12061 conducted entirely online using Blackboard. 30098 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16 P Pepe $25 Class 30098 conducted entirely online using Blackboard. Class 30098 also must enroll in Class 30100. 12430 DB221 TR 5:30- 6:45P 08/23-12/16 M Haberkorn $25 BIO100 Laboratory for Biology Concepts [SQ] 0 Prerequisites: None. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. Enrollment in both a Lecture Class & a Laboratory Class required. Students enrolling in an online Lecture Class also must enroll in an online Laboratory Class. Hybrid Classes incorporate online lectures with in-class labs. 12642 DB106 M 10:00-12:50P 08/22-12/16 J Schampel $25 12643 DB106 T 1:30- 4:00P 08/23-12/16 A Chapman $25 12641 DB106 W 10:00-12:50P 08/24-12/16 J Schampel $25 12644 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16 E Ortiz $25 Class 12644 visit for more information. Class 12644 conducted entirely online using Blackboard. 12645 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16 E Ortiz $25 Class 12645 visit for more information. Class 12645 conducted entirely online using Blackboard. 30100 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16 P Pepe $25 Class 30100 conducted entirely online using Blackboard. Class 30100 also must enroll in Class 30098. 12431 DB106 T 7:00- 9:30P 08/23-12/16 M Haberkorn $25 FALL 2011 CLASSES M = Monday T = Tuesday W = Wednesday R = Thursday F = Friday S = Saturday U = Sunday Online BB = Online Blackboard OEE = Open Entry/Exit TBA = To Be Announced Del = Delivery P = in Person IN = Internet HY = Hybrid


Register online and get schedule updates at…<br />

Textbook information is available<br />

online. See the online class<br />

schedule at<br />

61<br />

Course Title Units (credits)<br />

Class No. Bldg/Rm Days Time Dates Instructor Course<br />

fee<br />

Course Title Units (credits)<br />

Class No. Bldg/Rm Days Time Dates Instructor Course<br />

fee<br />

Art Humanities (ARH)<br />

Department Chair:<br />

Dale Doubleday<br />

13749 E116 T 7:10-10:00P 08/23-12/16<br />

B Gleim $0<br />

AST102 Survey of Astronomy Laboratory [SG] 1<br />

Prerequisites: None.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

39237 E105 M 1:00- 3:50P 08/22-12/16<br />

D Speed $0<br />

13750 E116 R 7:10-10:00P 08/25-12/16<br />

B Gleim $3<br />

ARH100 Introduction to Art [HU]<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: None.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13232 PC TBA MWF 10:00-10:50A 08/22-12/16 J Landrum $10<br />

13233 ART119 TR 11:30-12:45P 08/23-12/16<br />

P Reed $10<br />

13234 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16 S Chenoweth $10<br />

Class 13234 conducted entirely online using Blackboard.<br />

13252 DB224 W 7:10- 9:50P 08/24-12/16<br />

H Bierly $10<br />

ARH101 Prehistoric Through Gothic Art [H, HU] 3<br />

Prerequisites: None.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13235 ART119 MWF 9:00- 9:50A 08/22-12/16<br />

P Reed $10<br />

13236 ART119 TR 10:00-11:15A 08/23-12/16<br />

P Reed $10<br />

13260 ART119 MW 5:40- 6:55P 08/22-12/16<br />

H Bierly $10<br />

ARH102 Renaissance Through Contemporary 3<br />

Art [H, HU]<br />

Prerequisites: None.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13237 ART119 MWF 11:00-11:50A 08/22-12/16<br />

P Reed $10<br />

25713 ONLINE BB TBA 08/22-12/14<br />

Staff $10<br />

Class 25713 conducted entirely online using Blackboard.<br />

39937 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16<br />

P Reed $10<br />

ARH112 History of Modern Art<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: None.<br />

13267 ART119 W 7:10- 9:50P 08/24-12/16 R Navarro $10<br />

ARH115 History of Photography [HU]<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: None.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13238 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16<br />

T Coaker $10<br />

Class 13238 conducted entirely online using Blackboard.<br />

13358 ART119 T 7:10- 9:50P 08/23-12/16 K Wagner-Hemme $10<br />

ARH203 Art of Ancient Egypt [H, HU]<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: None.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13239 ART119 MWF 10:00-10:50A 08/22-12/16<br />

P Reed $10<br />

Astronomy (AST)<br />

Department Chair:<br />

James White<br />

AST101 Survey of Astronomy [SG]<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: None.<br />

39236 E105 MW 11:00-12:15P 08/22-12/16<br />

D Speed $0<br />

Biology (BIO)<br />

Department Chair:<br />

Notes: Students enrolling in a Biology class must enroll in both a<br />

lecture and a laboratory class.<br />

Students must attend the first week of class for both the lecture and<br />

the laboratory to ensure class position. Inquiries regarding a<br />

specific BIO class requires contact with the instructor.<br />

Mark Rosati<br />

BIO100 Biology Concepts [SQ]<br />

4<br />

Prerequisites: None.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

Enrollment in both a Lecture Class & a Laboratory Class required.<br />

Students enrolling in an online Lecture Class also must enroll in an<br />

online Laboratory Class.<br />

Hybrid Classes incorporate online lectures with in-class labs.<br />

12059 DB201 MW 8:30- 9:45A 08/22-12/16 J Schampel $25<br />

12060 C204 TR 10:00-11:15A 08/23-12/16 A Chapman $25<br />

12061 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16<br />

E Ortiz $25<br />

Class 12061 visit for more<br />

information.<br />

Class 12061 conducted entirely online using Blackboard.<br />

30098 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16<br />

P Pepe $25<br />

Class 30098 conducted entirely online using Blackboard.<br />

Class 30098 also must enroll in Class 30100.<br />

12430 DB221 TR 5:30- 6:45P 08/23-12/16 M Haberkorn $25<br />

BIO100 Laboratory for Biology Concepts [SQ] 0<br />

Prerequisites: None.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

Enrollment in both a Lecture Class & a Laboratory Class required.<br />

Students enrolling in an online Lecture Class also must enroll in an<br />

online Laboratory Class.<br />

Hybrid Classes incorporate online lectures with in-class labs.<br />

12642 DB106 M 10:00-12:50P 08/22-12/16 J Schampel $25<br />

12643 DB106 T 1:30- 4:00P 08/23-12/16 A Chapman $25<br />

12641 DB106 W 10:00-12:50P 08/24-12/16 J Schampel $25<br />

12644 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16<br />

E Ortiz $25<br />

Class 12644 visit for more<br />

information.<br />

Class 12644 conducted entirely online using Blackboard.<br />

12645 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16<br />

E Ortiz $25<br />

Class 12645 visit for more<br />

information.<br />

Class 12645 conducted entirely online using Blackboard.<br />

30100 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16<br />

P Pepe $25<br />

Class 30100 conducted entirely online using Blackboard.<br />

Class 30100 also must enroll in Class 30098.<br />

12431 DB106 T 7:00- 9:30P 08/23-12/16 M Haberkorn $25<br />

FALL 2011 CLASSES<br />

M = Monday T = Tuesday W = Wednesday R = Thursday F = Friday S = Saturday U = Sunday<br />

Online BB = Online Blackboard OEE = Open Entry/Exit TBA = To Be Announced<br />

Del = Delivery P = in Person IN = Internet HY = Hybrid

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