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58 PHOENIX COLLEGE SUMMER AND FALL 2011 SCHEDULE EZINE Published on 03/11/2011 Can I find an evening class to fit my schedule? Find Out! Click Here Course Title Units (credits) Class No. Bldg/Rm Days Time Dates Instructor Course fee Course Title Units (credits) Class No. Bldg/Rm Days Time Dates Instructor Course fee FALL 2011 CLASSES ART140 Portrait Photography 2 Prerequisites: ART131 or permission of Instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13256 ART204 M 6:00-10:00P 08/22-12/16 M Garcia $35 ART142 Introduction to Digital Photography 3 Prerequisites: None. Course Note: Digital camera required. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13292 ART204 MW 9:00-11:45A 08/22-12/16 A Williams $40 13293 ART204 TR 11:30- 2:15P 08/23-12/16 A Williams $40 13244 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16 E Erspamer $40 Class 13244 conducted entirely online using Blackboard. 13265 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16 E Erspamer $40 Class 13265 conducted entirely online using Blackboard. 13294 ART204 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16 D Hipps $40 Class 13294 meets at downtown campus, 640 North First Ave. ART143 Intermediate Digital Photography 3 Prerequisites: ART142 or permission of Instructor. Course Note: Semi-adjustable, high-resolution digital camera is required. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13295 ART204 MW 9:00-11:45A 08/22-12/16 A Williams $40 13296 ART204 TR 11:30- 2:15P 08/23-12/16 A Williams $40 13297 ART204 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 D Hipps $40 Class 13297 meets at downtown campus, 640 North First Ave. ART151 Sculpture I 3 Prerequisites or Corequisites: ADA/ART115 or permission of Instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13284 ART104 TR 8:30-11:15A 08/23-12/16 D Young $50 13298 ART104 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16 D Young $50 ART152 Sculpture II 3 Prerequisites: ART151. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13285 ART104 TR 8:30-11:15A 08/23-12/16 D Young $50 13299 ART104 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16 D Young $50 ART155 Glass Fusing and Slumping I 3 Prerequisites: None. Course Note: ART155 may be repeated for a total of 12 credits. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.. 13367 ART104 M 6:00-10:00P 08/22-12/16 G Jamieson $40 ART162 Ceramics II 3 Prerequisites: ART161. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13305 ART111 MW 9:00-11:45A 08/22-12/16 Staff $40 13306 ART111 TR 11:30- 2:15P 08/23-12/16 T Hernandez $40 13262 ART111 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 T Hernandez $40 13307 ART111 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 P Sannit $40 13308 ART111 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16 P Sannit $40 ART165 Watercolor Painting I 3 Prerequisites: (ART111 and ADA/ART112), or permission of Instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13321 ART102 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 L Baker $30 ART102 S TBA ART166 Watercolor Painting II 3 Prerequisites: ART165. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13322 ART102 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 L Baker $30 ART102 S TBA ART167 Painting I 3 Prerequisites: (ART111 and ADA/ART112), or permission of Instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13326 ART203 TR 8:30-11:15A 08/23-12/16 S Yazzie $40 13327 ART203 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 J Nelson $40 ART168 Painting II 3 Prerequisites: ART167 or permission of Instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13328 ART203 TR 8:30-11:15A 08/23-12/16 S Yazzie $40 13329 ART203 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 J Nelson $40 ART169 Two-Dimensional Computer Design 3 Prerequisites or Corequisites: ART100 or permission of instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13333 ART201 TR 11:30- 2:15P 08/23-12/16 Staff $40 ART170 Three-Dimensional Computer Design 3 Prerequisites: ART100, ADA/ART169, or permission of Instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13334 ART201 TR 11:30- 2:15P 08/23-12/16 Staff $40 ART156 Glass Fusing and Slumping II 3 Prerequisites: ART155. Course Note: ART156 may be repeated for a total of 12 credits. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.. 13368 ART104 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 G Jamieson $40 ART161 Ceramics I 3 Prerequisites: None. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13301 ART111 MW 9:00-11:45A 08/22-12/16 Staff $40 13302 ART111 TR 11:30- 2:15P 08/23-12/16 T Hernandez $40 13261 ART111 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 T Hernandez $40 13303 ART111 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 P Sannit $40 13304 ART111 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16 P Sannit $40 ART171 Jewelry I 3 Prerequisites: None. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13340 ART104 MW 9:00-11:45A 08/22-12/16 J Tzelepis $40 ART172 Jewelry II 3 Prerequisites: ART171. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13359 ART104 MW 9:00-11:00A 08/22-12/16 J Tzelepis $40 ART175 Electronic Publishing Design I 3 Prerequisites or Corequisites: ART100 or permission of instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13257 ART201 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 C Bourin $40 [FYC] = First-Year Composition [L] = Literacy and Critical Inquiry [MA] = Mathematics [CS] = Computer/Statistics/Quantitative Applications [HU] = Humanities and Fine Arts [SB] = Social and Behavioral Sciences [SQ/SG] = Natural Sciences [C] = Cultural Diversity in the United States [G] = Global Awareness [H] = Historical Awareness

PHOENIX COLLEGE SUMMER AND FALL 2011 SCHEDULE EZINE Register online and get schedule updates at… Textbook information is available online. See the online class schedule at 59 Course Title Units (credits) Class No. Bldg/Rm Days Time Dates Instructor Course fee Course Title Units (credits) Class No. Bldg/Rm Days Time Dates Instructor Course fee ART177 Computer-Photographic Imaging 3 Prerequisites or Corequisites: ART100 or permission of instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13335 ART204 MW 12:00- 2:45P 08/22-12/16 D Doubleday $50 13245 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16 D Doubleday $50 Class 13245 conducted entirely online using Blackboard. 13336 ART201 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 D Doubleday $50 ART183 Computer Aided Graphic Arts I 3 Prerequisites or Corequisites: ART100 or permission of instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13341 ART201 TR 8:30-11:15A 08/23-12/16 A Mejia $40 ART184 Computer Animation 3 Prerequisites: ART100, or ART111, or ART116, or permission of Instructor. 13362 ART201 MW 12:00- 2:45P 08/22-12/16 P Hoppes $50 ART190 Art of Web Site Design 3 Prerequisites: ART100, or permission of Instructor. CIS133DA recommended. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13343 ART201 M 6:00-10:00P 08/22-12/16 M Nandin $35 ART192 Advanced Web Presentation Design 3 Prerequisites: ART/MMT190 or permission of Instructor. ART180AM and ART180AN suggested but not required. 13352 ART201 M 6:00-10:00P 08/22-12/16 M Nandin $30 ART211 Drawing and Composition III 3 Prerequisites: ART122 or permission of Instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 25717 ART101 MW 9:00-11:45A 08/22-12/14 Staff $30 13356 ART101 MW 12:00- 2:45P 08/22-12/16 M Martinez $30 ART216 Life Drawing III 3 Prerequisites: ART117 or permission of Instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13369 ART101 M 6:00-10:00P 08/22-12/16 J Haddock $60 25721 ART203 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/15 Staff $60 ART217 Life Drawing IV 3 Prerequisites: ART216 or permission of Instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13370 ART101 M 6:00-10:00P 08/22-12/16 J Haddock $60 25722 ART203 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/15 Staff $60 ART219 Coloring, Toning and Lettering for 3 Comic and Sequential Art Prerequisites: None. 13365 ART201 MW 3:00- 4:30P 08/22-12/16 M Gil $30 ART222 Drawing and Composition IV 3 Prerequisites: ART211 or permission of Instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 25718 ART101 MW 9:00-11:45A 08/22-12/14 Staff $30 13357 ART101 MW 12:00- 2:45P 08/22-12/16 M Martinez $30 ART250 Introduction to Printmaking 3 Prerequisites: ART111 and ART113. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13345 ART102 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 M Kubicek $30 ART102 S TBA ART251 Sculpture III 3 Prerequisites: ART152. 13371 ART104 TR 8:30-11:15A 08/23-12/16 D Young $50 13372 ART104 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16 D Young $50 ART252 Sculpture IV 3 Prerequisites: ART251. 13373 ART104 TR 8:30-11:15A 08/23-12/16 D Young $50 13374 ART104 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16 D Young $50 ART255 Art Marketing 3 Prerequisites: None. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13258 ART201 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16 K Boege $10 ART261 Ceramics III 3 Prerequisites: ART162. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13309 ART111 MW 9:00-11:45A 08/22-12/16 Staff $40 13310 ART111 M 1:00- 5:45P 08/22-12/16 T Hernandez $40 13263 ART111 TR 11:30- 2:15P 08/23-12/16 T Hernandez $40 13311 ART111 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 T Hernandez $40 13312 ART111 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 P Sannit $40 13313 ART111 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16 P Sannit $40 ART262 Ceramics IV 3 Prerequisites: ART261. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13314 ART111 MW 9:00-11:45A 08/22-12/16 Staff $40 13315 ART111 M 1:00- 5:45P 08/22-12/16 T Hernandez $40 13264 ART111 TR 11:30- 2:15P 08/23-12/16 T Hernandez $40 13316 ART111 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 T Hernandez $40 13317 ART111 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 P Sannit $40 13318 ART111 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16 P Sannit $40 ART265 Watercolor Painting III 3 Prerequisites: ART166. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13323 ART102 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 L Baker $30 ART102 S TBA ART266 Watercolor Painting IV 3 Prerequisites: ART265. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13324 ART102 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 L Baker $30 ART102 S TBA ART267 Painting III 3 Prerequisites: ART168 or permission of Instructor. PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration. 13330 ART203 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 J Nelson $40 FALL 2011 CLASSES M = Monday T = Tuesday W = Wednesday R = Thursday F = Friday S = Saturday U = Sunday Online BB = Online Blackboard OEE = Open Entry/Exit TBA = To Be Announced Del = Delivery P = in Person IN = Internet HY = Hybrid


Register online and get schedule updates at…<br />

Textbook information is available<br />

online. See the online class<br />

schedule at<br />

59<br />

Course Title Units (credits)<br />

Class No. Bldg/Rm Days Time Dates Instructor Course<br />

fee<br />

Course Title Units (credits)<br />

Class No. Bldg/Rm Days Time Dates Instructor Course<br />

fee<br />

ART177 Computer-Photographic Imaging<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites or Corequisites: ART100 or permission of instructor.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13335 ART204 MW 12:00- 2:45P 08/22-12/16 D Doubleday $50<br />

13245 ONLINE BB TBA 08/20-12/16 D Doubleday $50<br />

Class 13245 conducted entirely online using Blackboard.<br />

13336 ART201 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 D Doubleday $50<br />

ART183 Computer Aided Graphic Arts I<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites or Corequisites: ART100 or permission of instructor.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13341 ART201 TR 8:30-11:15A 08/23-12/16<br />

A Mejia $40<br />

ART184 Computer Animation<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: ART100, or ART111, or ART116, or permission of Instructor.<br />

13362 ART201 MW 12:00- 2:45P 08/22-12/16<br />

P Hoppes $50<br />

ART190 Art of Web Site Design<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: ART100, or permission of Instructor. CIS133DA recommended.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13343 ART201 M 6:00-10:00P 08/22-12/16<br />

M Nandin $35<br />

ART192 Advanced Web Presentation Design 3<br />

Prerequisites: ART/MMT190 or permission of Instructor. ART180AM and<br />

ART180AN suggested but not required.<br />

13352 ART201 M 6:00-10:00P 08/22-12/16<br />

M Nandin $30<br />

ART211 Drawing and Composition III<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: ART122 or permission of Instructor.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

25717 ART101 MW 9:00-11:45A 08/22-12/14<br />

Staff $30<br />

13356 ART101 MW 12:00- 2:45P 08/22-12/16 M Martinez $30<br />

ART216 Life Drawing III<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: ART117 or permission of Instructor.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13369 ART101 M 6:00-10:00P 08/22-12/16 J Haddock $60<br />

25721 ART203 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/15<br />

Staff $60<br />

ART217 Life Drawing IV<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: ART216 or permission of Instructor.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13370 ART101 M 6:00-10:00P 08/22-12/16 J Haddock $60<br />

25722 ART203 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/15<br />

Staff $60<br />

ART219 Coloring, Toning and Lettering for 3<br />

Comic and Sequential Art<br />

Prerequisites: None.<br />

13365 ART201 MW 3:00- 4:30P 08/22-12/16<br />

M Gil $30<br />

ART222 Drawing and Composition IV<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: ART211 or permission of Instructor.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

25718 ART101 MW 9:00-11:45A 08/22-12/14<br />

Staff $30<br />

13357 ART101 MW 12:00- 2:45P 08/22-12/16 M Martinez $30<br />

ART250 Introduction to Printmaking<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: ART111 and ART113.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13345 ART102 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16 M Kubicek $30<br />

ART102 S TBA<br />

ART251 Sculpture III<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: ART152.<br />

13371 ART104 TR 8:30-11:15A 08/23-12/16<br />

D Young $50<br />

13372 ART104 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16<br />

D Young $50<br />

ART252 Sculpture IV<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: ART251.<br />

13373 ART104 TR 8:30-11:15A 08/23-12/16<br />

D Young $50<br />

13374 ART104 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16<br />

D Young $50<br />

ART255 Art Marketing<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: None.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13258 ART201 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16<br />

K Boege $10<br />

ART261 Ceramics III<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: ART162.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13309 ART111 MW 9:00-11:45A 08/22-12/16<br />

Staff $40<br />

13310 ART111 M 1:00- 5:45P 08/22-12/16 T Hernandez $40<br />

13263 ART111 TR 11:30- 2:15P 08/23-12/16 T Hernandez $40<br />

13311 ART111 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 T Hernandez $40<br />

13312 ART111 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16<br />

P Sannit $40<br />

13313 ART111 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16<br />

P Sannit $40<br />

ART262 Ceramics IV<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: ART261.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13314 ART111 MW 9:00-11:45A 08/22-12/16<br />

Staff $40<br />

13315 ART111 M 1:00- 5:45P 08/22-12/16 T Hernandez $40<br />

13264 ART111 TR 11:30- 2:15P 08/23-12/16 T Hernandez $40<br />

13316 ART111 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16 T Hernandez $40<br />

13317 ART111 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16<br />

P Sannit $40<br />

13318 ART111 R 6:00-10:00P 08/25-12/16<br />

P Sannit $40<br />

ART265 Watercolor Painting III<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: ART166.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13323 ART102 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16<br />

L Baker $30<br />

ART102 S TBA<br />

ART266 Watercolor Painting IV<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: ART265.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13324 ART102 T 6:00-10:00P 08/23-12/16<br />

L Baker $30<br />

ART102 S TBA<br />

ART267 Painting III<br />

3<br />

Prerequisites: ART168 or permission of Instructor.<br />

PC Notes: Special Fee Payable at Time of Registration.<br />

13330 ART203 W 6:00-10:00P 08/24-12/16<br />

J Nelson $40<br />

FALL 2011 CLASSES<br />

M = Monday T = Tuesday W = Wednesday R = Thursday F = Friday S = Saturday U = Sunday<br />

Online BB = Online Blackboard OEE = Open Entry/Exit TBA = To Be Announced<br />

Del = Delivery P = in Person IN = Internet HY = Hybrid

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