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RIVM report xxxxxx xxx


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page 90 of 142 <strong>RIVM</strong> <strong>report</strong> 773301 001 / NRP <strong>report</strong> 410200 051<br />

Janssen, L.H.J.M., J.G.J. Olivier, A.R. van Amstel (1997) A comparison of bottom-up and top-down methane<br />

emission inventories. Discussion paper for the IPCC Expert Meeting on Methods for Assessment of<br />

Inventory Data Quality, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, November 5-7 1997.<br />

Janssen, L.H.J.M., J.G.J. Olivier, A.R. van Amstel (1999) Comparison of CH 4 emission inventory data and<br />

emission estimates form atmospheric transport models and concentration measurements.<br />


Joshi, V., Venkataraman, C. and D.R. Ahuja (1989) Emissions from burning biofuels in metal cookstoves. Env.<br />

Management 13:6, 763-772.<br />

Kato, N. and H. Akimoto (1992) Anthropogenic Emissions of SO 2 and NO x in Asia: Emissions Inventories (plus<br />

errata), $WPRV(QYLURQ 2$, 2997-3017<br />

Kroeze, C. (1994) Nitrous oxide (N 2 O). Emission inventory and options for control in the Netherlands. <strong>RIVM</strong>,<br />

Bilthoven. Report no. 773001 004.<br />

Lawrence, M.G., Crutzen, P.J., Rasch, P.J., Eaton, B.E., and N.M. Mahowald (1999a) A model for studies of<br />

tropospheric photochemistry: description, global distributions, and evaluation. - *HRSK\V 5HV.,<br />

' 26245-26277.<br />

Lawrence, M.G. and P.J. Crutzen (1999b) Influence of NO x emissions from ships on tropospheric<br />

photochemistry and climate, 1DWXUH, , 167-170.<br />

Lee, D.S. and D.H.F. Atkins (1994) Atmospheric ammonia emissions from agricultural waste combustion.<br />

*HRSK\V5HV/HWW , 281-284.<br />

Lee D.S., Köhler I., Grobler, E., Rohrer F., Sausen, R., Gallardo-Klenner L., Olivier J.G.J., Dentener F. J. and<br />

Bouwman A. F. (1997) Estimations of global NOx emissions and their uncertainties. $WPRVSKHULF<br />

(QYLURQPHQW 1735-1749.<br />

Li, Y.-F. (1996) Global Population Distribution Database. A Report to UNEP. UNEP Sub-Project no. FP/1205-<br />

95-12, March 1996. Also described in: Li, Y. F., McMillan, A., and Scholtz, M. T. (1996) Global<br />

HCH usage with 1 degree x 1 degree longitude/latitude resolution. (QYLURQPHQWDO 6FLHQFH<br />

7HFKQRORJ\, , 3525-3533.<br />

Lim, B., Boileau, P., Bonduki, Y., Van Amstel, A.R., Janssen, L.H.J.M., Olivier, J.G.J. and C. Kroeze (1999)<br />

Improving the quality of national greenhouse gas inventories. (QYLURQPHQWDO 6FLHQFH 3ROLF\ <br />

335-346.<br />

Lloyd, S.M.. (1993) South African Department of Health and Population Development, personal<br />

communication.<br />

Marland, C., Boden, T.A., Brenkert, A., Andres, R.J. and J.G.J. Olivier (1998) CO 2 from Fossil Fuel Burning:<br />

Updates on the Magnitude, Distribution and Uncertainty of Emissions Estimates 3URFHHGLQJVRIWKH<br />

WK,QWHUQDWLRQDO&DUERQ'LR[LGH&RQIHUHQFH, Cairns (AUS), 8-12 September 1997. Forthcoming.<br />

Marland, G., A. Brenkert, J.G.J. Olivier (1999) CO 2 from fossil fuel burning: a comparison of ORNL and<br />

EDGAR estimates of national emissions (QYLURQPHQWDO6FLHQFH 3ROLF\ 265-274.<br />

Mayer, M., Hyman, R., Harnisch, J., and J. Reilly (2000) (PLVVLRQV ,QYHQWRULHV DQG 7LPH 7UHQGV IRU<br />

*UHHQKRXVH*DVHVDQGRWKHU3ROOXWDQWV Technical Note No. 1, July 2000. MIT Joint Program on the<br />

Science and Policy of Global Change, Cambridge MA, USA.<br />

Mitra, A.P., and S. Bhattacharya (1998) Greenhouse Gas Emissions in India for the base year 1990 using IPCC<br />

standard methodology. Scientific Report 11, Centre on Global Change, National Physical Laboratory,<br />

New Delhi.<br />

Neue, H.U. (1997) Fluxes of methane from rice fields and potential for mitigation. 6RLO8VHDQG0DQDJHPHQW,<br />

, 258-267.<br />

NGCIA (2000) *ULGGHG3RSXODWLRQRIWKH:RUOG*3:GDWDVHW. Initial data set, GPW version 1, was produced<br />

by W. Tobler, U. Deichmann, J. Gottsegen, and K. Maloy of the National Center for Geographic<br />

Information and Analysis (NCGIA). This data set has been superceded by version 2, available at<br />

http://sedac.ciesin.org/plue/gpw: *ULGGHG 3RSXODWLRQ RI WKH :RUOG *3: 9HUVLRQ . Center for<br />

International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University; International Food<br />

Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); and World Resources Institute (WRI). Palisades, NY: CIESIN,<br />

Columbia University.<br />

Nizich, S.V. and A. Pope (1998) National air pollutant emission trends update 1970-1997. USEPA, Washington.<br />

Report no. EPA-454/E-98-007.<br />

Olivier, J.G.J. (1995) Scenarios for global emissions from air traffic.The development of regional and gridded<br />

(5 o x5 o ) emissions scenarios for aircraft and for surface sources, based on CPB scenarios and existing<br />

emission inventories for aircraft and surface sources. <strong>RIVM</strong> <strong>report</strong> no. 773002 003. <strong>RIVM</strong>, Bilthoven.<br />

Olivier, J.G.J., Bouwman, A.F., Van der Maas, C.W.M., Berdowski, J.J.M., Veldt, C., Bloos, J.P.J.,<br />

Visschedijk, A.J.H., Zandveld, P.Y.J. and Haverlag, J.L. (1996) Description of EDGAR Version 2.0:<br />

A set of global emission inventories of greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances for all

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