RIVM report xxxxxx xxx

RIVM report xxxxxx xxx

RIVM report xxxxxx xxx


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<strong>RIVM</strong> <strong>report</strong> 773301 001 / NRP <strong>report</strong> 410200 051 page 9 of 142<br />

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EDGAR 2.0 provided global annual emissions for 1990 of greenhouse gases CO 2 ,CH 4 and N 2 Oand<br />

precursor gases CO, NO x , NMVOC and SO 2 , both per region and on a 1 o x1 o grid. Similar inventories<br />

were compiled for a number of CFCs, halons and methyl bromide, methyl chloroform. This <strong>report</strong><br />

discusses the applications of EDGAR 2.0 over the last couple of years as well as the validation and<br />

uncertainty analysis carried out. In addition, the approach taken to compile EDGAR 3.0 is discussed.<br />

This work is linked into and part of the *OREDO (PLVVLRQV ,QYHQWRU\ $FWLYLW\ (GEIA) of the<br />



The number of downloads from the FTP site increased from 50 per quarter in 1997 to nearly 100 in<br />

mid-1999. Of the 700 quarterly registered users in the logged 2½ year period, most reside in OECD<br />

countries. Most of these are modellers, but EDGAR data are also extensively used for policy<br />

applications for which emissions data on country level were calculated with the EDGAR information<br />

system.<br />

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The overall aim for Version 3.0 was to update the inventories from 1990 to 1995, and for direct<br />

greenhouse gases also to 1970, to include new greenhouse gases. After consultation of the users, the<br />

objectives have been somewhat changed and extended. Thus, specific aims were:<br />

ú update/extension from 1990 to 1995;<br />

ú extend time series for direct greenhouse gases to 1970-1995;<br />

ú include new ‘Kyoto’ greenhouse gases HFCs, PFCs, SF 6 ;<br />

ú greenhouse gas emissions also on per country basis using IPCC source categories;<br />

ú include NH 3 ;<br />

ú improve/include uncertainty estimates and time profiles.<br />

For updating and extended time series different priorities were given for the following groups of<br />

gases:<br />

ú direct greenhouse gases CO 2 ,CH 4 ,N 2 O and new gases HFCs, PFCs, SF 6 : 1970-1995;<br />

ú ozone precursors CO, NO x , NMVOC as well as SO 2 and NH 3 : update 90 and 95;<br />

ú extend CFCs, halons, HCFCs to 1900-1995<br />

Special attention was given to the compilation of a reference dataset for new gases as none was<br />

available. For the update of the current Version 2.0, we followed the following principles:<br />

ú $FWLYLW\GDWD: update by including relevant statistics for the period 1970-1995, after checking<br />

for possible changes of source categories; this implies the inclusion of the ‘new’ countries, e.g.<br />

for the former USSR.<br />

ú (PLVVLRQIDFWRUV: only to be changed for 1990 if validation showed major discrepancies; only<br />

to be changed for 1995 compared to 1990 if there are concrete indications that there major<br />

changes have occurred that cannot be neglected; the same holds for factors for 1970, in<br />

particular for direct greenhouse gases.<br />

ú *ULGPDSV: only to be updated if maps available of better quality or better applicability.<br />

ú $GGLWLRQDOVRXUFHV: coal fires, oil fires, vegetation fires in temperate regions, domestic waste<br />

combustion and wastewater handling were added, based on the significance in some countries<br />

for specific emissions.<br />


In order to judge whether update of methods or emission factors for 1990 is needed, a validation of<br />

V2.0 data for 1990 was performed: for greenhouse gases with National Communications submitted

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