RIVM report xxxxxx xxx

RIVM report xxxxxx xxx

RIVM report xxxxxx xxx


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<strong>RIVM</strong> <strong>report</strong> 773301 001 / NRP <strong>report</strong> 410200 051 page 73 of 142<br />

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The methodology used for the calculation of CH 4 emissions from landfills in EDGAR 3.0 is aILUVW<br />

RUGHUGHFD\PRGHOresembling the description in the 5HYLVHG,3&&*XLGHOLQHV of the more complex<br />

Tier 2 method, taking into account that the generation of methane from landfills is not an<br />

instantaneous process. Thus, the methodology calculates emissions in a specific year as the sum of<br />

delayed emissions from all MSW deposited in past years. We use a 40-year integration period,<br />

assuming emissions from MSW deposited more than 40 years ago are negligible:<br />

Methane generated G(t) = S<br />

40<br />

x = 1<br />

-k (t-x)<br />

D(x) * k* L 0 *N* e<br />

where:<br />

G(t) = CH 4 generated in year W [Gg/yr]<br />

D(x) = MSW Tot (t) * MSW Fr (t) [Gg/yr]<br />

where:<br />

MSW Tot (t) = Total MSW generated [Gg/yr]<br />

MSW Fr (t) = Fraction of MSW disposed to landfills<br />

k = methane generation rate constant = ln 2 / HL [1/yr]<br />

where HL = Half Life value<br />

L 0 = methane generation potential = MCF*DOC(t)*DOC Fr *F*16/12 [Gg CH 4 /Gg waste]<br />

where:<br />

MCF = Methane Correction Factor [fraction]<br />

DOC(t) = Fraction of 'HJUDGDEOH2UJDQLF&DUERQ in MSW [Gg C/Gg waste]<br />

DOC Fr = Fraction of DOC ultimately dissimilated (excl. lignin C); GHIDXOW<br />

F = Fraction of CH 4 in landfill gas; GHIDXOW (IPCC default is 0.5)<br />

N = normalisation factor = ( 1 - e -k ) / k ; to ensure that the sum years the correct value of<br />

the methane generation potential L 0 .

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