RIVM report xxxxxx xxx

RIVM report xxxxxx xxx

RIVM report xxxxxx xxx


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<strong>RIVM</strong> <strong>report</strong> 773301 001 / NRP <strong>report</strong> 410200 051 page 61 of 142<br />


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ú Fossil fuel: IEA (112) (sectoral) + UN (IEA split for 71 small countries)<br />

+ chemical industry: CHE/NEC split<br />

+ road gasoline: fraction catalyst equipped cars<br />

ú Biofuel: BUN + OLADE for non-OECD<br />

+ fuel/sector split for non-OLADE<br />

IEA for OECD countries, for Industry and Transformation only<br />

+ FAO Fuelwood/charcoal (in Other sector)<br />

%3URGXFWLRQ IEA + UN (+ charcoal ~ FAO + own estimates)<br />

+ coal 60-77: hard coal/brown coal split in CAN, CZE, MEX, ESP, TUR, BUL,<br />

NKO, SLV<br />

+ coal: split Underground/Surface<br />

FAO Charcoal<br />

,1'8675,$/352&(66(6<br />

ú Cement: UN + USGS } CO 2<br />

ú Soda ash: UN+ }<br />

ú Steel: UN+ + IISI: type split (OHF/BOF/EAF) }CH 4<br />

ú Chemicals: UN+ }<br />

ú Adipic Acid: SRI (+ rounding/avg.) } N 2 O<br />

ú Nitric Acid: cf. Bøckmann indicators }<br />

ú HCFC/HFC: AFEAS + UNEP + own estimates } HFC/<br />

ú Aluminium: UN+ + USGS + World Alu Directory: technology split } PFC<br />

ú Semi-conduct.: (DataQuest) } PFC/SF 6<br />

ú SF6 application: S&PA (CESP/RAND) }<br />

ú Magnesium: UN+ + USGS } SF 6<br />

ú GDP: Worldbank+ (+others) (OECD/CEPII) }<br />

ú Electricity cons.: IEA (+ UN; see 1) }<br />

62/9(176352'8&786(<br />

ú N 2 O consumption: population ~ UN/WB+; GDP/cap. ~WB/UN+ + kg/cap. estimate<br />

$*5,&8/785(<br />

ú Animals: FAO + cattly split dairy/non-dairy + manure management types cf. RIG<br />

+ /HUQHUHWDO for Caribous<br />

ú Rice: FAO + 40% correction for China + area harvested by type cf. FAO-database<br />

+ split intermitted/continuously flooded cf. RIG+<br />

ú N-fertilisers: FAO + IFIA + organic fertiliser use cf. RIG<br />

ú N-fixation: FAO + correction cf. Mosier/RIG<br />

ú Savanna burning: FAO (ha)+ +DRHWDO<br />

ú Agric. waste burn.: FAO + fraction burned by type cf. %RXZPDQHWDO + own estimate for fr. waste<br />

ú Deposition: NH 3 /NO x emission cf. GEIA/EDGAR<br />

ú Leaching/runoff: 1) N-fertiliser ~ FAO x factors cf. RIG<br />

2) N-manure ~ FAO x factors cf. RIG<br />

/8&)<br />

ú Deforestation: FAO (ha) + ton/ha cf. 5,*<br />

ú Sinks: (FAO) (ha) + ton/ha cf. 5,*<br />

ú Wildfires: UN/ECE + ton/ha cf. 5,*<br />

:$67(<br />

ú Landfills: population (urban/rural) ~ UN/WB+<br />

+ kg/cap generated + fraction landfilled + fraction BOD: cf. RIG+<br />

ú Waste incineration: 1) controlled: see landfills + fraction for energy: cf. IEA<br />

2) uncontrolled: population ~UN.WB+ + kg/cap cf. 712<br />

ú Waste water: 1) domestic: population ~ UN/WB+<br />

2) industrial: 5 commodities ~ UN+ x kg water/ton product cf. 'RRUQHWDO<br />

+ fraction treated cf 'RRUQHWDO<br />

ú Human sewage N 2 O: protein/cap ~FAO + fraction treated cf. RIG+

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