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page 56 of 142 <strong>RIVM</strong> <strong>report</strong> 773301 001 / NRP <strong>report</strong> 410200 051<br />

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The EDGAR inventories are used for providing realistic emission factors as well as activity data to<br />

the <strong>RIVM</strong>’s Global Change model ‘IMAGE 2’, in particular for fuel combustion, but also regional<br />

averaged emission factors for other sources.<br />

EDGAR inventories are also used by many modellers, either as EDGAR inventories or as<br />

specific GEIA inventories, which have been developed to support atmospheric modelling work, in<br />

particular under the umbrella of IGAC. EDGAR inventories developed as GEIA inventories are (A =<br />

Anthropogenic sources; N = Natural sources):<br />

ú N 2 O (A + N) (BouwmanHWDO1995)<br />

ú NH 3 (A + N) (Bouwman HWDO 1997)<br />

ú NMVOC (A) [total and for 23 compound groups] (Berdowski HWDO 2001; in prep.)<br />

ú CO (A) (Olivier HWDO., 1999b)<br />

ú PFCs (A) and SF 6 (A) (Olivier and Bakker, 1999c)<br />

as well as:<br />

ú CO 2 (A) – as alternative dataset, showing sectoral details<br />

ú parts of CH 4 (A) – as part of the GEIA CH 4 (A + N) inventory<br />

Other compound inventories are sometimes used as default for GEIA inventories (e.g. the SO x /NO x<br />

1990 inventories, for countries where no official data exists). The TNO expertise in PM x emissions in<br />

Europe is also used in the compilation of the GEIA primary particles inventory.<br />

The 6 th Scientific Conference of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project (IGAC)<br />

held in Bologna, Italy, in September 1999, was attended by about 370 scientists. IGAC, part of IGBP,<br />

is the forum for atmospheric chemistry modelling research. It was observed that of the 55 oral<br />

presentations about 20% referred to GEIA or EDGAR inventories. In addition to the 35 persons<br />

showing interest in GEIA products, GEIA members contacted about 30 other modelers at the<br />

conference on the subject of emissions. Thus, it can be concluded that at least about 20% of the<br />

modelers are using, or intending to use GEIA inventories (or may contribute to improving them).<br />

Most of the modelers not using GEIA inventories did not do so because there was not a GEIA<br />

inventory available for the species they were modeling. EDGAR inventories were often used when<br />

specific GEIA inventories were either unavailable or were considered out of date for the modeling<br />

purpose (i.e. not existing for a recent year). As a result of a poster presentation of GEIA and EDGAR<br />

inventories, about 35 modelers expressed their interest in receiving information on updates of GEIA<br />

and EDGAR. Some of them also offered to become member of a GEIA Study Group or to contribute<br />

specific inventories; eight of these 35 are working in developing countries.<br />

Other identified users include:<br />

ú<br />

Members of the Netherlands Centre for Climate Research (CKO), e.g. IMAU (e.g. Houweling et<br />

al., 2000; Roelofs and Lelieveld, 2000)<br />

ú NCAR/NOAA (Smith HWDO., 2001)<br />

ú Max Planck Institute Mainz (Lawrence HWDO 1999a; Lawrence and Crutzen, 1999b)<br />

ú Historical emission inventories of EDGAR/HYDE (Den Elzen HWDO., 1999)<br />

ú Integrated N assessments using NH 3 ,NO x and N 2 O inventories (Olivier HWDO 1998)<br />

ú MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, e.g. in the Emissions Prediction<br />

and Policy Analysis (EPPA) model (Mayer HWDO., 2000)<br />

ú Other NRP-MLK projects: e.g. emission reductions for non-CO 2 greenhouse gases by De Jager HW<br />

DO.; validation of CH 4 emissions in Northwest Europe by Berdowski HW DO and CH 4 from rice<br />

fields in Asia by Denier van der Gon HWDO.).<br />

These are just a selection of the applications of the gridded inventories.

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