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RIVM report xxxxxx xxx


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page 4 of 142 <strong>RIVM</strong> <strong>report</strong> 773301 001 / NRP <strong>report</strong> 410200 051<br />


Table 1.1 Quantitative comparison of GEIA and EDGAR 2.0 emission inventory results for (a) NO x and (b) SO 2 .<br />

Table 1.2 Comparison of the global default emission factors for NO x between EDGAR and GEIA as used for<br />

China and India for stationary combustion (emission factors of minor importance are between brackets).<br />

Table 1.3 Summary of variables used in EDGAR 2.0 and GEIA CO 2 emissions datasets.<br />

Table 1.4 Comparison of ORNL and EDGAR estimates of national CO2 emissions for different fuel types and<br />

three country groups; data refer to the natural logarithm of (ORNL value/EDGAR value).<br />

Table 1.5 Link between the EDGAR 2.0 and CORINAIR SNAP1 source categories.<br />

Table 1.6 Comparison of 1990 CO 2 emissions for European countries of CORINAIR'90 (excl. 'nature') and<br />

EDGAR 2.0, by country (Mton/year).<br />

Table 1.7 Quantitative comparison of the CORINAIR90 results on SNAP1 with EDGAR inventories for (a) CO 2 ,<br />

CH 4 ,N 2 O; and (b) CO, NMVOC, NO x and SO 2 , by region and by sector (unit: kton, except CO 2 : Mton).<br />

Table 1.8 Global totals for carbon dioxide in Pg CO 2 /year.<br />

Table 1.9 Global totals for methane in Tg CH 4 per year.<br />

Table 1.10 Global totals for nitrous oxide in Tg N 2 O per year.<br />

Table 1.11 Spatial comparison EDGAR V2.0 (all anthropogenic emissions below 1 km) en GEIA V1 emissions<br />

of CO 2 : Map Cross Correlation (MCC) at global and regions level.<br />

Table 1.12 Spatial comparison EDGAR V2.0 (all anthropogenic emissions below 1 km) and GEIA V1 emissions<br />

of NO x and SO 2 : global and regional Map Cross Correlation (MCC) and comparison with CO 2 .<br />

Differences with CO 2 larger than 0.3 are printed in bold.<br />

Table 1.13 Indication of uncertainty estimate for greenhouse gases. Source: Olivier et al., 1999a.<br />

Table 1.14 Indication of uncertainty estimate for ozone and aerosol precursors. Source: Olivier et al., 1999b.<br />

Table 4.1 Data used for deforestation 1970-1995.<br />

Table 4.2 Historical trend in regional savannah burning (index; 1990=1).<br />

Table 4.3 Regional fractions of agriculture waste burning on-site in EDGAR 3, (excluding per LDC country the<br />

amount used as biofuel) (unit: % field burning of total agricultural residues).<br />

Table 4.4 Non-energy use: IPCC Tier 1 default fractions of carbon stored and resulting effective CO 2 emission<br />

factor as used in EDGAR 3.<br />

Table 4.5 Emission factors in EDGAR 3.0 for international shipping based on Corbett et al. (1997, 1999) and<br />

IPCC (1997) (kg/GJ).<br />

Table 4.5 Emission factors for biomass burning in EDGAR 3.0 (kg/kg C).<br />

Table 4.6 Emission factors in EDGAR 3.2 for biomass burning (vegetation fires) (g/kg C and g/kg dm).<br />

Table 4.7 Emission factors in for vegetation fires presented in Andreae and Merlet (2001) (g/kg dm).<br />

Table 4.9 Methane recovery from coal mining, landfills and wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) (in Gg).<br />

Table 4.10 Fraction of petrol cars with catalytic convertor. (Sources: NEW CRONOS, Eurostat (01/10/1997)).<br />

Table 4.11 Trend in emission factors for CH 4 from rice cultivation 1970-1990: assumed emission factor<br />

improvement in period 1970-1990 based on country trend data in Denier Van der Gon (1999, 2000) and<br />

emission factors for 1990 from Neue (1997) (in kg/ha harvested area).<br />

Table 4.12 Amount of waste annually stored in landfills per region 1970-1995 (in Tg).<br />

Table 4.13 Priorities for sectoral time profiles based on their contribution to emissions of various compounds.<br />

Table A.2.1. Priorities for sectoral time profiles based on their contribution to emissions of various compounds.<br />

Table A.2.2. LOTOS time profiles for estimating emissions with temporal resolution at monthly, week and daily<br />

level. Source: Veldt (1992).

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