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RIVM report xxxxxx xxx

RIVM report xxxxxx xxx


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<strong>RIVM</strong> <strong>report</strong> 773301 001 / NRP <strong>report</strong> 410200 051 page 35 of 142<br />

indicators are also applied to the population maps themselves. Obviously, one may not expect better<br />

comparison of emissions maps than the underlying population maps show.<br />

Summary results on GLIIHUHQFHVLQ LQGLYLGXDOFHOOYDOXHV are presented in Fig. 1.4 showing Simple<br />

Similarity Indices (SSI). Whereas for population 78% of the cells of the EDGAR map (from Logan)<br />

has a difference of less than 100% from the GEIA map (from NASA-GISS), for the CO 2 maps of<br />

EDGAR and GEIA this is 72% (Fig. 1.1.a). For NO x and SO 2 , the fraction of the map cells with less<br />

than 100% difference is 92% and 85%, respectively. Fig. 1.4.b and 1.4.c also shows the effect of<br />

including large-scale biomass burning and international shipping in the EDGAR maps of NO x and<br />

SO 2 (which is only partly included in the GEIA maps).<br />



Area Co-ordinates CO 2 Population Difference<br />

:RUOG <br />

of which:<br />

North America -170,23,-50,75 0.93 0.93 -0.01<br />

Europe -12,34,32,75 0.87 0.85 0.01<br />

o.w. Western -12,34,18,75 0.86 0.84 0.02<br />

o.w. Eastern 13,40,32,75 0.91 0.87 0.04<br />

Latin America -120,-60,-30,30 0.92 0.97 -0.05<br />

Africa -20,-40,55,38 0.82 0.88 -0.06<br />

Middle East 32,10,64,40 0.78 0.87 -0.09<br />

Former USSR 19,35,179,85 0.92 0.92 0.00<br />

India-China region 60,5,145,55 0.91 0.93 -0.02<br />

Oceania 90,-50,179,8 0.73 0.70 0.03<br />

Next, we looked into the VLPLODULW\RIWKHVKDSHRIWKHPDSV using the Map Cross-Correlation (MCC),<br />

both globally and per region. The Arc-Info Correlation Coefficient is 0.91 for the population maps<br />

and 0.89 for the CO 2 maps. From the results summarized in Table 1.11, it can be concluded that the<br />

shapes of CO 2 maps are pretty similar in North and Latin America, the former USSR and the India-<br />

China region; for these regions the MCC of the population maps is also above average. Population<br />

maps are rather different for Europe, in particular in Western Europe, and for Oceania, Middle East<br />

and Africa. This causes the MCC for CO 2 also to be below average for these regions (except for<br />

Eastern Europe). Further analysis showed that the regional figures are not influenced by large water<br />

areas.<br />

The same analysis was made for NO x and SO 2 (Table 1.12). The Arc-Info Correlation Coefficient<br />

is 0.77 and 0.49 for the NO x and SO 2 maps, respectively. To put these into perspective these figures<br />

can be compared to the figure of about 0.90 for the CO 2 maps, which lead to the conclusion that the<br />

maps of SO 2 show much more differences in spatial patterns than the other two compounds. For NO x ,<br />

the shapes are pretty similar in North and Latin America, Middle East, Europe and Oceania. For these<br />

regions the MCC of the SO 2 maps is also above average, although much lower for the latter three. For<br />

NO x , maps are rather different for Africa, Eastern Europe, and the former USSR (MCC < 0.6). For<br />

SO 2 , maps are rather different for the India-China region, former USSR, Africa and Oceania (MCC <<br />

0.5), which causes the overall MCC to be 0.5. Regional MCC for NO x are rather close to the CO2<br />

values, except for Eastern Europe, the former USSR and Africa. This suggests, that for these three<br />

regions differences are not so much caused by activity data for energy, but rather in emission factors<br />

for energy or in large differences for other sources (e.g. biomass burning and AWB). It appears that<br />

only NO x in Africa is substantially influenced by biomass burning and/or agricultural waste burning<br />

(the MCC increases from 0.43 to 0.64 when excluding these sources).

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